See the link in my profile to find all my stories and more chapters to this story
In this series, I write from the perspective of the VILLAIN. That means I don't agree with his choices, and you're not supposed to either. We're all acknowledging he is evil and wrong. Obviously nothing he does should ever be done in real life! Please be mature adults and separate fantasy from reality. This SHOULD evoke visceral, icky feelings. That's the POINT. This is HORROR.
This is more PORN than PLOT.
All characters are 18+.This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to events, locales, or persons living or dead is purely coincidental.
-Gross and creepy sniffing / tasting (panties, sweat, asshole, everything)
-Non-con / sadism / violence
Chapter 1
This bitch sitting in front of me will not shut up. My wife's upset next to me in the window seat. I'm furious. Middle of the night. Everyone around trying to sleep. No one can. Bitch keeps coughing, on a packed train, in the middle of a pandemic.
We've all been stuck for hours here with her, an overnight train from Boston to Rochester. And she's sprawled out halfway into the aisle. Shoes off. And coughing. "At least bring a cough drop," I mutter to myself.
Old folks across the aisle from her shift uncomfortably, glancing over every so often, clearly nervous about catching something from her. Every time she talks, the bitch snaps at people, cussing at workers, an attitude like she's better than everyone else. She looks like a college kid, late teens maybe. Rich. Dark hair, expensive clothing. She flaunts her good looks. And she keeps fucking coughing with her mask off, clearly sick.
I sit here wishing, imagining what I would do. If only I could. And then it happens. Everything stops. A low hum. Then calm. Peace and silence. I smile. I breathe in deep, taking in the moment. Then my mind races in possibilities.
I look to my wife on my right, bundled up leaning on the window, trying to sleep. She looks miserable. Plenty of other days she's the first thing on my mind. Not tonight. I give her a kiss on the cheek, turn and stand.
I have only one thing in mind, but it can wait. Everything is perfect in the silence. I enjoy it for a bit, walking up and down the aisles, looking at all the people, messing around, touching women here and there. Not many women catch my attention, but there's a few. Another time maybe I'd indulge my curiosities, but my mind keeps returning to the Bitch. I have to take these feelings out on her, not these innocent chicks. On the way back to my seat, I stop in the cafe and grab a few things, why not, i'll probably make her pay for it all later anyway.
Back to my seat, toss the food down, look at the seat in front of mine. Let's have some fun.
"God you really are fucking hot aren't you?" I can talk openly to myself, no one hears. She's laying sprawled out sideways, clearly having terrorized the poor older lady next to her, who has shrunken as far as she can get toward the window, trying to sleep, trying not to get sick. Bitch's head lays on the aisle armrest, trying to make a bed out of a seat, at the expense of everyone around her. Her stupid pretty head, dark brown wavy hair pulled up in a bird's nest, so effortlessly sexy. I kept noticing her do up her hair, one of those girls, always raising up her arms, like look at me doing my hair, give me attention.
She lays sideways in a sort of fetal position, seat leaned way back and leg rest raised to make a sort of bed, but somehow also sprawling out her legs so the lady next to her has less room. Clearly on purpose. And her head is on her armrest so much that her stupid hair is halfway in the aisle, people keep having to scoot around it awkwardly. And she even watches them struggle. Her body hard to see at all, she's just a nest of blankets and shit. No shoes, only socks, against the rules. Bundled in too many blankets and pillows for a bed let alone a public place. But everything, her blankets, her appearance, her phone, her bags, she's got money. The kind of person that clearly has more than others, flaunts it, her life probably so easy, yet it's not enough. She complains constantly, looks down on everyone. My blood boils.
Her eyes closed, eyebrows dark and thick and done up nice. Makeup, kinda glistening. Her mask barely on her chin, blatantly ignoring all rules. But damn she's fuckable. A face ready for Instagram even when she's coughing, sick, trying to sleep on a fucking train.
I grab a handful of her nest of hair. She has so much thick, wavy, beautiful hair, bound up in a loose, lazy bun thing. Even with my blood pumping hot, I stop and admire the feel. Silky and soft, so much work goes into her hair, her whole appearance. I get close, kneeling down, and touch more, her soft blankets emitting so much nice warmth, her face smooth, her scent, god she smells good. I climb over her, practically lay down with her, really taking this girl in. I breathe in her hair, why do girls try to smell like desserts, what is that vanilla and fruit? Whatever it is, it's perfect. I breathe more, nuzzling into her, breathing in her neck, her blankets.
I feel around, my weight completely on her. In this calm moment, my heart is racing, not letting me sit still, I feel soft shoulders and back from under blankets, she looked skinny but she's squishy and fragile and womanly. I breathe in more of that hair and neck, feeling lower down the curve of her hips and ass. God damn.
I nibble at her partially exposed ear, the taste is slightly salty, she hasn't showered in a bit since we've been on this train all day, but still kinda sweet. She just seems flawless. I nuzzle more, breathing it all in.
God I'm so hard I can't quite relax on her. I kiss, I lick, tasting around her ear, cheek, down into the warm crevasse of her neck. She's so sweet, a hint of saltiness. Her stupid mask, falling off, in the way, and then I notice her breath. It's not... bad, but it's not sweet like the rest of her, it snaps me back to reality a bit. A flaw, if slight. "So you're not perfect." I see her again for the bitch she is. The calm moment is over. Anger again.
"Come here." And I stand, grab a handful of bird's nest hair again, a grip that would hurt if she was awake, yanking her head up with no remorse with my right hand, slapping her in the face with the other. Maybe too hard. Nah nothing damaging. I slap again, again, her mask flies off. The rest of her face revealed, and god damn she's unfairly hot, like some wannabe Kardashian Instagram chick or something. Her lips plump and glossy, maybe some slight freckles on her stupid makeupped face, a perfect sort of Italian type girl, skin the right sort of fairness for my taste, but a bit of that rich olive, darker complexion.
I slap again harder, a girl that's never had hardship, never been hit, no one could dream of harming her. It's surreal, imagine doing this normally. She'd be screaming and bitching, everyone around running wild. It could never happen. I slap again harder. Her cheek red, a slight trickle of blood from her nose.
Still holding up her head with my right hand, I move out toward the aisle, casually pulling her entire body behind me with all my strength, only by her hair. I feel a bit rip in my hand, but she moves, limp, falling violently from her chair. Blankets uncovered a bit, I whip them the rest of the way off and leave them behind. I have to grab her chin with my left hand to get her to keep dragging, but by head and hair alone, I manage to drag her roughly out into the aisle, toward the open space for baggage. I throw some bags out of the way more and let her head clunk down on the floor. She's facedown, head cocked sideways awkwardly, laying on her cheek.
I stop to admire. She's wearing a thin but warm, expensive white knit sweater, covering her modestly, but tight to her form in a classy, sexy way. Tight fitting dark gray sweatpants, "joggers" I guess, not quite yoga pants, but still tight and thin and slightly up her asscrack, on purpose of course. Perfect clean cute little blue socks, toes awkwardly pointing at each other from being dragged. It's like what a rich person wears when they’re roughing it.
I glance back at those little socks, for some reason it makes me think hey this is someone's daughter. Some rich assholes that gave her everything. Maybe making her take this train for the holidays, like it'll be good for her to travel like normal people for once. A perfect little life at others expense, untouchable. Little do they know..
I kneel down. Where to begin, so many options. But I have time. No rush, I can go as many rounds as I want.
I go straight in like I own it, and feel her ass, no need to ask, no need to lead up to it. Goddamn it's too good. Soft, squishy, slightly bigger than a girl this thin should have. She's kinda tall, I notice. Maybe more my height, I'm used to shorter girls, hmm I like it. Sort of a volleyball figure. and her legs in these joggers, god damn so curvy and long, her thighs on the thicker side to go with that ass, I feel them up and down, the smoothness, the warmth, the meatiness, her pants rippling as I feel exactly what I want, roughly, with no thought to how she feels or what she thinks of me. I grip her inner thigh as hard as I can, because I can. then I slap her ass literally full force. it ripples and shakes for a full second. The feeling of not having to hold back is invigorating. I slap again, watching the effect, her whole body rolled a bit on that one. I punch, maybe not quite full force, I've never punched a girl before, in the ass no less, god this is great.
I can't take it, I dive face first, lying roughly on her legs, stuffing my nose right in her asscrack, right where her asshole is beneath that cloth, inhaling deeply, my head buzzing in lust, more of her sweet smell, slightly tinged, slightly dirty and musky, but still so sweet. an unmistakable hint of that tangy salty smell of woman, of panties, of sweat from a day of sitting, of pussy and ass. I rub my face around, gripping asscheeks with both hands and smushing them around, forcing my face in deeper, smothering myself, pushing her cheeks towards mine, breathing deeply again and again. I get a hint of that smell, then lose the scent because I'm getting light headed, then get it again as I breathe more and more of her.
I lift my head back up to look her up and down, I smack her ass with both hands, dig my face in again, smack and grip as hard as I possibly can while breathing her in again. I feel the rippling verberation on my face as I smother myself deeper. my mouth wide open, licking at the cloth. slap, inhale, punch, inhale.
All of this would never be allowed, with any girl, the pain she would feel, and how weird it would be, but no one knows, so I'm free, I can do anything.
I lift up and see her perfect rump right in front of my dazed eyes. I bite, hard, more than you'd ever get away with, probably leaving a mark. I slap and breathe and rub my face in for a few minutes, until it starts to get boring, I remember there's so much more to do.
I have to pace myself, I'll come back. I roll her over on her back, her arms, legs, head all flopping roughly, that bit of blood from her nose, her mouth slightly open, eyes now relaxed open staring blankly, it's a good look for her. but she's got resting bitch face even now.
her sweater is thin and a bit tight, slightly showing the shape of her breasts, pretty small, subtle. her figure, tall, lean, and her legs in these joggers, god damn those thick thighs, I feel them up and down, so soft and squishy. I look higher up her legs, now fixated on her crotch, her pants don't reveal much, but I slide my hand along her thighs all the way up, feeling that insane warmth, almost heat, radiated from the pussy underneath. everything is soft, everything is right about this bitch
I glance back to her face and all I can remember is the stupid coughing, the bitchy voice when she talked down to people. snapped out of the trance her crotch had on me, I can't hold back. she needs a cock shoved in her mouth so badly
I strip myself completely naked. my cock, rock solid this whole time, drips precum like crazy. I have to smile at the freedom of whipping my dick out in a crowded public train.
I kneel down straddling her shoulders, my back to her body so I mostly only see her head underneath me. I grab the bitch by the hair and ears, whip her head to face up at me, smile at her blank stare, stick my fingers in her mouth to pull open her limp jaw. Pulling her head towards me by the hair with one hand, and with the other leading my cock straight into her mouth as hard as I can, full length, full force. As deep as I can go, I slide past her tongue, and immediately feel her uvula and tight throat hole. I keep pushing until I bottom out part way down her throat. A deep gurgle of spit and bubbles are forced out, making a noise somewhat like puking yet somehow extremely sexy. My cock flexes over and over from the amazing feeling.
I hold her there, enjoying the tightness of her throat, a feeling I've very rarely convinced girls to let me feel. Frozen in time, she doesn't gag, but her body slightly reacts and shifts from the violent penetration. More little bubbles of spit come out onto her lips. The slight trickle of blood that was in her nose leaks out a little more. My right hand free, I play around with her face a bit, smearing the blood then wiping off my finger, opening up her eyes a little more. They're slightly watery. Beautiful brown eyes. I touch her eyeball, just to do it, I get a shiver, my dick swells again. I don't hear you coughing now, huh
I pull out slowly, admiring the effect this has on this beautiful face that would never allow this. Thick slimy spit coats my cock as I pull it out halfway. Bubbles of drool drip down in a gross string.
I slam all the way down again as hard as I can, now holding her head with both hands, digging my nails into scalp. I pull out immediately, thrust deep again, out. Over and over, faster and faster, pulling her head into me as fast as I can. I slap her in the cheek for good measure, then hold the back of her head to allow better thrusting.
My knees are grinding into the hard floor too much, so I relax a bit, now sitting full weight on her chest. I pull out of her only to slap my cock up and down on her face, a thick layer of slimy spit and precum messing up her makeup and smearing all over. I pull her head toward me to enter again, but from the new sitting position it really cranks her neck as far down as I'll go. I don't want to do too much damage, so I hold her hair steady and slide in and out in an easier motion, grinding front to back, the feeling of her tits through her sweater is a funny yet weirdly sexy thing to feel under my butt. I'm sitting full weight on her, which normally is too painful, I'd never do that to a girl. She gurgles again, and the bloody nose leaks out a few big bubbles.
The feeling of the roof of her mouth is so interesting and different, hard and textured so differently from the soft wet tongue that slides along my cock from underneath. I move like this for a bit.
I get bored of the slowness, so I stand and let her head thunk down hard. I admire the mess I'm making. Her hair is messed up and almost completely loose of its stupid hot-girl-bun-thing. Some strands of wavy dark brown hair are plastered to her face with slime, drool flowing profusely down her cheek, chin, and pooling in the crease of her neck. Still not coughing though, I smile evilly.
I go back to her seat and grab all her blankets and pillows, wow I notice a nice smell and stop to admire this girl's scent on everything again, they're still warm too. Then I violently roll her out of the way and lay everything out on the floor. This is way better than the hard, cold floor.
She still lays face up, sprawled out awkwardly. Messed up but still annoyingly beautiful. I need to destroy this little thing some more. My cock throbs. I could cum anytime. Wait, why hold back? I've got all the time in the world.
I go to straddle her again in the same position since it felt so good, but I could go with not see her stupid little face for a bit. So I straddle the other way, 69-like, plopping my balls down on her eyes and forehead, looking at a perfect view of her cute body ahead of me. I sit for a moment like that, enjoying rubbing my sack around her helpless face. Then I lift up, leverage myself over her head, open her mouth, touch the tip of my cock at the entrance, put both my hands onto tits in front of me, then plunge down deep into that slimy throat again, hands-free like you would a pussy.
Fucking hell the feeling is unreal. She gurgles again as air is forced out. I squeeze tits, a nice small bra in there is soft and warm to the touch, no padding though, I feel little nipples through her sweater. I hold on tight and begin slamming up and down into her throat, lifting up onto my toes for full impact over and over. Literally no girl could endure this even if they wanted, but I can do it as long as I want. No breathing means no breaks. She cant complain, she cant struggle away, she cant fucking cough.
I hear splatting sounds from all the slimy spit and precum. Slapping sounds from my balls hitting her face. Gurgling bubbles and drool fly out on all sides from the intense churning motion. A slight tickle on my balls tells me mucus and probably a bit of blood is leaking out from that nose under there.
I squeeze and dig my fingers into her tits as hard as I can, perfect little handles hold her steady under me as I slam down. Past soft tongue, through tight throat opening, slightly curving upward as I penetrate partway down her esophagus. Deeper down, her throat is super tight, a struggle to fuck. But a damn fun struggle. I look down and see the shape of my cock expanding her throat and neck muscles. I pause for a breather, admiring this insane phenomenon, slowly moving in and out to see her neck change shape in a gruesome display. I reach down and feel with my hands, in and out, my cock inside there. Expand, contract, sticky spit sounds. I squeeze harder to see if I can feel the pressure on my cock. I can, so I choke harder and harder. I pick up pace, masterbating myself in a living sex toy, like some gruesome real fleshlight with a pretty girl sticking out of it.
I'm getting close. I look up to see the gorgeous body ahead of me. I let go of her poor throat and lean forward, laying down on her in full 69 position, still balls deep in her face. Her clothes smell so nice, her body so warm. Her crotch eye level with me now. I lay flat out, my whole body relaxed, letting her take my weight. My hands on either side of her, I start caressing her thighs again. My balls lay on her nose, my cock as far as it can go, throbbing, waiting for me to move again. My face buried in her warm crotch. I inhale that incredible smell again. I lay like this in total bliss for a moment, my cock throbbing with my heartbeat.
I reach my hands under her thighs and ass, and hug everything closer, her legs lifting up a bit, creating more of an indented crotch area for me to bury my face, totally shutting out the rest of the world as I rub and sway my face back and forth into that sweet smell. A hint of sweat. A salty musk underneath the perfect perfumed female scents she wears. I lick, I bite, I inhale more, forcing any breath I take to come filtered through her clothing and pussy underneath.
I finally start to move my muscles again, slowly lifting my hips up. Then down. Then up. Most of the rest of my body comfortably relaxed laying on her. The nasty sounds of spit sturring again. I couldn't be harder, so ready to explode.
I pick up the pace more and more, bottoming out every time into her helpless head, balls splatting down into spit covered forehead. I make out with her clothed pussy as if its a face, fucking harder and harder into her delicate face as if its a sturdy pussy.
I pick up the pace more and more, inhaling her crotch the whole time. I want one more thing before I cum. Still fucking hard up and down, I bite into cloth, pull with my head, rip with my fingers until it starts to give at the seam. Still thrusting, I rip more to reveal light green fabric beneath. Cute expensive little panties. The scent is so much stronger. The feminine musk wafting out immediately. I dive in, rubbing my mouth and nose in a frenzy, sucking and biting and inhaling. I have to hold her stupid head steady between my thighs as my thrusting is so hard her head keeps rolling. Slapping and squelching sounds from her face as I slam down and down and down, inhaling that pussy the whole time.
I bite into her puffy mound underneath her panties as I feel the end approaching. I don't want to damage it, so I quickly switch to biting a bit of inner thigh to my right, left exposed after ripping her crotch open. I let myself do exactly what I want in the moment, biting into sweet delicate inner thigh harder than anyone should ever do to a lover, breaking a bit of skin, no one to stop me, taking exactly what I want without a thought or feeling toward this little girl under me. I thrust a few more times with almost enough force to really damage her, her jaw as wide as it can go, sloppy drool, mucus, and spit flying out and soaking her face, her hair, the pillows and blankets below. I start cumming, more intense than I ever remember doing. I don't stop thrusting into her throat. I'm biting her thigh, inhaling deeply with a sweet musk of pussy right next to me. I thrust, shoot a spurt straight down into her, thrust, spurt again, thrust, spurt again. No remorse, no thought, just feeling what I want to feel from this perfect helpless body. I thrust a few more times, growling like a fucking animal into her crotch, then finally slow, and collapse all my weight, limp on top of her, nose in her pussy again, balls deep in her head.
My breathing slows, still smelling her sweet scent under me. I turn my head and use her pubic mound as a pillow, living in this pure animal moment, my cock starting to soften inside her face, slowly removing itself little by little up her throat, finally resting perfectly on her tongue like a pillow, just as I lay on her pussy as mine. I lay like this for minutes as my boiling blood finally starts to calm. I fall asleep...
Thanks for reading! See the link in my profile to find all my stories and more chapters to this story
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