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End of the series. Slave Cunt finds a friend and gets rescued.
Chapter Seventeen: To Decorate a Cunt

My eyes fluttered open to the brightness of day that filled my Master's bedroom. I felt like I was having a déjà vu moment as I sat up and the sheet fell away from my naked body. My head was pounding in pain and I felt like I had gotten into a fight with a city bus and lost. I gazed at my reflection in the mirror that sat across from the bed and I could see how severely my right eye was swollen shut. My face was inflamed and a colourful combination of red, black, purple and blue. I looked like a monster from a horror film and felt even worse.

I pulled myself out of bed and for the first time I could see the various decorations from the previous evening's festivities that still covered my body. On my face I saw the word "whore" written across my cheeks with my mouth serving as the O. My forehead bore the word "cocksucker" and I had small drawings of cocks on each cheek.

Looking further down my body, small red concentric circles surrounded my nipples, making them appear as targets. More degrading words covered nearly every inch of my skin along with crude drawings of various sex acts and bondage on my tummy, back and legs. It was then that I saw the words that must have put Master over the edge last night; the ones that required me to be punished so severely. In large letters above my pubic mound where a litany of words referring to my pussy were neatly written, was the sentence "My Master is a Loser."

I slumped back on to the bed holding my throbbing head in my hands as tears dripped freely down my abused cheeks. My own body served as an insult to my Master, no wonder I wasn't pleasing to him. He was my entire existence. In fact, I couldn't clearly remember much from before he took possession of me. It was evident that my purpose in life was to serve him and yet I was failing miserably.

I opened the door to the bedroom and crept out of the room, searching the house for my Master. He wasn't at his computer, nor was he in the kitchen or bathroom. It was then that I heard the basement steps creaking as he ascended the stairs. I quickly moved in front of the basement door and got into the greet position. My spine arched, ass raised and tits on the floor to show my continued devotion to my Master.

The door swung open and he moved to stand right in front of where my head was pressed to the carpet. I had to fight the desire to start licking and kissing his shoes immediately, but I knew I had to wait for the command. He leaned down and gently stroked my long dark hair, his thick fingers tracing down my spine to the small of my back.

"Follow," he said as he walked to the kitchen.

I got up on all fours and crawled behind him like the faithful pet I was. He pulled out a kitchen chair and took a seat, pointing at the stained linoleum floor between his legs. "Kneel."

I knelt down until my knees hit the hard floor, ensuring that my toned thighs were spread wide to properly display my cock sleeve, my tits thrust out and my hands cupping them in offering to my Master. I steeled myself for the bad news that I was inadequate as a slave, that I had disgraced my Master and that I would require significant punishment as a result.

"I'm so very sorry," he said as his chubby digits swiped the dark hairs from my face and tucked them behind my delicate ears. "I never should have hit you and I feel terrible about it. I lost control because of how that bitch Kara treated me and I took it out on you and I shouldn't have. I love you more than anything and I would never do anything to hurt you. I swear it will never happen again and this time I mean it. Do you think you can ever forgive me?"

He gently stroked my bruised cheek with his hand in a physical display of the affection that he clearly felt for me. My Master appeared truly contrite, his eyes watery with a sorrowful puppy dog look. Forgive him? I thought I was the one who needed to be forgiven, for it was surely my behavior that forced him to hit me in the first place. I didn't even need to think about how to answer. My Master was still pleased with me, he still wanted me and more importantly, he said he loved me.

"Of course Master," I said as a smile of joy and relief crept over my full ruby lips. "The Cunt loves its Master and is devoted to its Master completely. The Cunt is very sorry for its part in angering its Master and it will try to be a better slave for Master's pleasure."

He lifted my chin and moved forward, pressing his lips against mine in a passionate kiss that found his tongue exploring the insides of my mouth. The dread and worry that created such a pit of despair in my tummy had dissipated and the pain and anguish that my head was feeling only moments before gave way to the absolute love and devotion that filled my entire body in fluttering waves.

"It seems that every time Master takes the Cunt out, Master ends up feeling bad, "I observed. "Would it not be better to keep the Cunt here at home with its Master where it can be safe and Master can be happy?"

My Master stroked his chin and replied "you're probably right, but you know when I was a little kid, before my Daddy took off, he once told me that there's no point in buying a shiny new car if you can't drive it around the block to show it off. I was so proud of owning you that I just wanted to parade you around a little bit."

I nodded and smiled, moving forward to give my Master another deep passionate kiss as I reveled in his praise. "Is my pretty little toy hungry?"

"Yes Master, the Cunt is very hungry Master, for Master's cock of course," I said cheekily.

He grinned and stroked my hair lovingly. "There will be plenty of time for that, first let's get you some real food." He poured some cold chicken broth into my dog bowl and gave me the order to get into the eat position. I lowered my tits to the floor and raised my ass, knowing he had a close up view of how exposed the pleasures between my thighs were to his gaze. My face hovered over my shiny metal dog bowl, anxiously awaiting the command that would give me permission to eat. I was salivating heavily, the clear drool dripping past my lips as if I was a wild animal. Finally after enough teasing, Master gave me the command to eat, and I ravenously licked every drop of the delicious liquid with my soft pink tongue.

After a few days the writing on my body had almost completely faded and the swelling around my right eye had subsided enough for me to see normally again. The purple and black bruises on my face were slowly fading reminders of the mistakes of the previous weekend, but soon those would be gone as well. I was back on my routine of serving my Master with my body, mind, heart and soul. Once again I was kept plugged most of the time and given a cleaning enema each morning. I slept soundly while suckling on my Master's cock and I rarely walked on my feet in the house anymore, my Master preferring for me to be on all fours as often as possible. Certainly my knees were getting a workout and were usually reddened and sore, but that was inconsequential, for I was being a good obedient toy for my owner.

Master was working on his computer with me happily suckling away at his cock one afternoon when he looked down at me and said "I was thinking that we should get your slave registry number and barcode tattooed on you. That way if you ever get lost or stolen, the authorities will know how to find me to return you. What do you think?"

I slipped the semi flaccid cock out of my mouth, taking care to suck all of my saliva off of it before answering. "The body that the Cunt lives in belongs to its Master. If its Master would like to mark this body as his property, it would be his right."

"Good girl, I thought you'd be pleased. You may go back to enjoying my cock now my toy," he said as his eyes continued to enjoy the view of my naked body between his legs. I happily opened my mouth to accept the gift of his cock once more as he continued to speak. "Despite the fact that I didn't like some of what was written on your little body after the party, I have to admit, I did enjoy seeing your skin covered in words that describe you, my devoted little cock sucking whore. I may have to think about a few other choice things to be permanently tattooed upon your skin."

Darkness began to fall as day gave way to night, as was my routine, I squatted obediently by the sofa in the living room with my lean legs spread wide to ensure that the rings in my labium were pulled taut by the slender silver chains that led to the bands of leather that wrapped around my silky thighs. I expected Master to turn on the television to enjoy some evening programming but instead he approached me with my shiny latex dress and platform stripper heels and instructed me to get dressed as we were going out.

I eagerly accepted the gift of the clothing and in no time I was teetering on my ridiculously high heels and wearing a tight little dress that coated my body like a second skin and accentuated my every curve, leaving almost nothing to the imagination. He clipped the leash to my collar and led me out to the garage where his corroded jalopy awaited.

We drove for a while in the darkness and I marveled at the lights, cars, buildings and activity. I noticed people walking down the sidewalks and the strangest thought lingered in my brain. "Why aren't any of these people on leashes?" I wondered. Finally we pulled into the parking lot of a small shopping strip and took a space right in front of a shop with a large neon sign with the words "Tattoos and Piercings" emblazed at the top.

My Master grasped the handle of my leash and led me through the front door with me carefully clacking along in my heels. The shop was empty save for a muscular blonde who resembled a young Brad Pitt and had numerous tattoos decorating his skin, including one of a beautiful topless mermaid on his arm.

"G'day mates, how can I help you today?" He asked cheerfully.

"We'd like to get a few tattoos for my lovely slave," Master replied.

"Too easy, my name is Will and I'll be assisting you today. Let's get this lovely lady in the chair and we can talk about what we'll be doing today," the tattoo artist said with a smile as he guided me to where I should sit. "I swear you look so familiar to me but I just can't place where I know you from. No worries. So my dear, what can I do for you today?"

"I have some papers here," Master piped up as he handed a copy of the slave registration barcode and a drawing of a person with various degrading words drawn on different spots. "We'd like the bar code and slave number on her pubic mound and the other tattoos as indicated on the second page."

"Ah right, I've done a few of these slave registry bar codes and numbers. They're very popular among people in the SM community around here. These other tattoos, well that's some pretty extreme stuff now isn't it? Are you sure you want me to do that to you?"

"She wants them," Master interjected.

"I'm not asking you, I'm asking her. Is this really what you want?"

"Yes Sir, it is what the Cunt wants," I replied in a whisper.

"The Cunt? Okay but what's your real name hon?"

"Her real name is the Cunt," Master interrupted.

Will looked into my blue eyes, staring at the black and purple bruises that covered half of my face. "I'm talking to the lady here mate, if I have to tell you again to pipe down I'll take you out back and we'll have a punch on, understand me?"

My Master nodded quietly and the muscular tattoo artist spoke more loudly in a tone that dripped with animosity. "I asked if you understood me mate, now do ya or are we having a problem?"

"I understand," he squeaked out meekly.

The beefy artist turned back to me and in a calm gentle voice asked "so what is your name?"

"Its legal name is the Cunt Sir."

He rolled his eyes and shook his head in disbelief. "And these tattoos are truly something you want for yourself?"

"Yes Sir, the Cunt desires to have those tattoos Sir."

"Are you okay?" He asked with a look of concern on his face.

"Yes Sir, the Cunt is fine."

"I just mean if you need any help you can let me know, we can make sure you're safe. You don't have to put up with anyone beating on you, you know."

My Master's mouth opened as if he was about to protest but Will shot him an angry glare that rendered him silent.

"The Cunt is fine Sir, thank you for asking. The Cunt tripped and fell into a door."

"Must have been some door," he said with a skeptical tone. Without notice his eyes suddenly lit up with recollection. "Now I remember you, you're Dakota's friend!"

"Sir?" I replied in confusion.

"I met you at the Royal George a few months ago for her birthday. Say, you haven't seen her around lately have you? She's been dodging my calls and that isn't like her."

"The Cunt is sorry Sir, but the Cunt doesn't know anyone named Dakota."

"I could have sworn you guys were best friends or something, well maybe I've got it wrong and I'm thinking of someone else," he said unconvincingly as his gray eyes scrutinized my Master with suspicion. "Well, let me take these papers to the back to make copies, I'll get some more alcohol wipes and gloves from the back and we can get started, how does that sound?" He asked as he turned to me with a comforting smile.

"That sounds good Sir, thank you Sir."

He deftly moved out of sight to a back room and I looked over at Master for some reassurance. "You did just fine, my obedient cock toy and I'm very proud of you."

Flutters of pleasure flowed through my body at his praise and I savored that joyful sensation as those few words from the man who owned me seemed to activate every nerve ending in my body.

Master glanced around the room when something caught his eye. He stood and approached a side table where he picked up an unopened box of latex gloves that sat next to a nearly full box of wipes. Master poked his head out of the door frame and spied Will in the backroom speaking in a subdued voice on the telephone.

"Get up, we're leaving," he said in hushed tones with a sense of urgency in his voice.

"But Master, the Cunt hasn't gotten its tattoos yet," I protested.

"I gave you a fucking order. You get your fucking ass out of that seat and out to the car this instant!" He exclaimed in the loudest whisper he could muster.

Master was getting upset and I knew where that would lead, so I quickly stood back up, holding on to the back of the chair for support as I balanced on my heels. He grabbed my leash and yanked it hard, practically dragging me through the tattoo shop and out to the parking lot where he swiftly threw me into the passenger side of the car before running as fast as his fat body would carry him to the driver's side.

The bald tires of the rusted compact squealed out in the parking lot as Master hit the gas hard. Sweat began to form at his hairline and drip down his face in large beads, his skin was turning bright red and his breathing was becoming erratic. For the first ten minutes as we sped through the darkness he kept looking behind him nervously but as it became apparent that no one was following us, he started to calm down.

We drove out of the way by an hour before returning to his humble abode. I didn't understand what had happened but I figured he was under a great deal of stress and I did my best as his slave to help him relax. I couldn't tell if my mouth dutifully suckling on his cock while he slept brought him any pleasure that night, but it certainly comforted me as I did my best to demonstrate what a loyal and obedient pet I was for my Master.

Chapter Eighteen: A Pet for a Pet

I had been squatting in place in the pee pose while twisting and pulling on my nipple rings for a couple of hours as I recited my mantras out loud when I heard the familiar creak of the stairs that told me Master was coming up from the basement. When he entered the kitchen where I was positioned, he stood over me with a big grin on his face as I stayed motionless with my thighs spread and the pink treasures contained in between on full display for his pleasure.

"I have a present for you, my little toy," he said, barely able to contain his excitement.

"You got a gift for the Cunt Master?"

"Not just for you, for both of us really, but yes. Would you like to see it?"

I nodded enthusiastically. "Yes Master, the Cunt would love to see it Master."

"Good girl. Stand and follow," he commanded.

Although my legs were stiff from squatting for so long, I managed to get on to my bare feet right after he turned and left the room. I quickly scurried to catch up just as he reached the door to the basement and opened it. Before heading down he looked into my eyes and a serious expression formed on his face.

"I trust you, but if you get confused or you feel like you need to talk to me, you can just shake your udders and we can discuss the issue; Master to slave. Is that understood little toy?"

"Yes Master, the Cunt understands Master and the Cunt is grateful to its Master for trusting it."

"Good girl. Let's proceed."

I followed his large form down the creaky wooden stairs to the room that I spent months of my life in. I felt uneasy as I spotted the familiar worn lime green shag rug, but I trusted my Master, so I continued to follow him like the prized pet I knew myself to be. As we approached the rug I recognized the familiar sound of rattling chains and I could hear my heartbeat pounding away in my chest. I followed my Master into the space and my eyes went wide as I came face to face with the secret that Master had been hiding down here.

The heavy chain was attached to my old shock collar which now adorned the thin neck of an attractive blonde girl with firm ample tits that jiggled with the slightest of movements. She was positioned in a squat with her weight on the balls of her bare feet, lean thighs spread wide and arms together in front of her. I stared intently at her hands but they were balled up and coated in layers of what looked like shiny black duct tape, leaving her without the use of her fingers.

The room was the same as when I was stored here, except the heading on the whiteboard read "Rules for Bitch" and there were slight variations on the rules themselves from what had become ingrained in my very being.

"Cunt, I'd like for you to meet our new pet," Master said with pride. "Her name is Bitch. You are an object which is why you use the term 'it' but Bitch here is a female animal so using the word 'her' is appropriate."

I nodded in understanding, noticing how the girl's eyes went wide as I approached her view. "Yes Master, the Cunt is a thing and Bitch is an animal Master."

"Very good my fuckdoll!" He exclaimed with pride. I know for a fact that you and Bitch are going to get along perfectly. Bitch say hello to the Cunt," Master ordered.

The poor girl's eyes darted nervously back and forth between Master and me as hesitation gripped her naked frame.

"Speak girl, speak," Master commanded.

The girl's cheeks became flush as she parted her pouty crimson lips and in a shaky voice said "woof woof."

"Good girl! Look at what a good little pet you are for me," he said delightedly. "Come Bitch! Come greet your Master girl."

Bitch immediately moved on to all fours, her udders swayed back and forth as she slinked across the rug to the cement floor to where Master and I stood and for the first time I noticed the black rubber tail that extended from the anal plug that resided deep inside her rectum. "Greet your Master properly Bitch."

She planted her captive hands firmly on the floor, lowered her head to Master's shoes and extended her soft pink tongue from her mouth, licking his shoes and coating them with a generous amount of her saliva, not unlike what I continued to do on a daily basis and I wondered for a moment if she had been licking the saliva I left on Master's shoes and if I had been doing the same with hers.

"What a good Bitch you are for your Master, yes you are! Now greet the Cunt as well"

I stood perfectly still next to my Master as she crawled over to me and began to lick and suck at my bare feet, kissing them and wrapping her tongue around each of my delicate little toes until both of my feet glistened with her saliva.

"Why don't you squat down and show our pet some love? Don't worry; she's been trained not to bite."

I bent down and Bitch immediately crawled up onto my legs and started licking at my face and neck, sliding her tongue across my soft skin in long strokes.

"I've trained her to do that," Master said with satisfaction. "It's just like owning a real dog but a lot more fun. She loves it when you stroke her ears. Go ahead Cunt and try it."

I ran my slender fingers around the top of her ears, feeling the ridges and gently sliding the skin between my thumb and forefinger. The blonde pet responded with soft moans of delight from my touch. Even though she appeared to be a normal human girl, it was clear that she had undergone extensive training to behave in a way not unlike that of a domesticated canine.

There was something vaguely familiar about this girl, but I just couldn't place it. She looked a little bit like Fluffy but she definitely was not Fluffy. Master had reminded me many times that my tiny bimbo slave brain was far too small to contemplate such things, so instead I kept rubbing and stroking her silky yellow hair that was tied up in cute little pigtails. She moved her body back and forth against me, rubbing her large udders on my body as she straddled my thigh, rubbing her dripping wet pussy against it, desperate for release. Her breathing became heavier as her tongue moved to my mouth and she started licking around my lips.

"You can kiss her back Cunt. As a matter of fact, I want you to see just how well trained Bitch has become."

I pressed my lips to hers, we both parted our lips and our wet pink tongues danced together, exploring each other's mouths as we shared an electric kiss. Our saliva mixed in our passion and I felt her warm breath entering my mouth just as mine became a part of her. She climbed on top of me pushing me on to my back, my skin pressing against the cold hard concrete floor as I felt her weight push into my lithe body. She pulled her tongue out of my mouth and licked my cheeks and my chin, her tongue sliding back to my ears where it snaked inside and I could hear her tongue moving around. She licked back down my neck to my udders where she sucked the little silver bells that dangled from my nipple rings into her mouth.

I stared up at the ceiling as I had for so many days and nights, only this time I was overwhelmed with pleasure. My body was on autopilot and my thighs spread without any conscious thought. Bitch understood the signal and moved her head between my legs, her warm breath on my clit causing it to swell past my ringed hood and throb with need. She sucked my engorged bundle of nerves into her mouth sending me into an immediate state of ecstasy. I arched my back and squeezed hard on my udders to keep from going over the edge and stealing an orgasm from my Master.

I looked over at him, my eyes communicating the desperation with which I needed permission to cum, but he shook his head, enjoying my torment as well as the wanton display of lust between the two female creatures he owned.

I pushed Bitch's head hard to force her off my clit as my slender legs began to tremble and my willowy body started trembling with the ache of desire. She moved down to my dripping fuck tunnel and sucked my wet labium into her mouth as her tongue twisted inside me, my juices coating her mouth. Even that was proving to be too much so I grabbed her by her pigtails and pulled her hard back up to my mouth where we continued our fervent deep kiss.

Part of me was as horny and desperate as Bitch but there was another part of me that felt an immense need to please my Master. I could tell that my lustful lesbian interaction with Master's pet was a pleasing show for him so I made every effort to make it as passionate and intense as possible both for his pleasure and ours.

I wrapped my arms around Bitch's beautiful body and rolled as we kissed until she was on her back and I was on top of her. Just as she had done to me, I moved down to suck and nibble on the hard nubs of pink flesh that resided at the ends of her firm udders before sliding my tongue down her flat belly where I circled the inside of her belly button with the tip. She closed her eyes and let out a loud moan before I slid my tongue over her bald pubic mound to her sensitive pink flesh. I moved down to the entrance of her hole and inhaled the strong scent of her sex, the flavors of her aromatic juices melting on my eager tongue as I pushed it past the fleshy pink labium and into the cock sleeve that was her pussy.

Words can't describe how incredibly wet she was and before long her juices coated my mouth and chin in copious amounts. I moved upwards toward her clit, teasing the already swelling organ from its protected hiding place and into the open, wildly sucking on the nub of tissue just as she did to my own sensitive flesh.

Her spine arched and her body started to quiver as I brought her to the very edge of orgasm. "Now, now Cunt, the Bitch hasn't earned an orgasm and if you force her to have one I'll punish both of you."

I knew what that meant so I backed off, licking gently at her labium and moving my mouth down to her perineum where I lubricated the space between her soaking pussy and plugged anus with my sticky sweet saliva. I lost all track of time and was so consumed by my own raw sexuality that I almost didn't hear Master clap his hands and order us both on all fours at his feet.

I scampered quickly to my place with Bitch scurrying right behind me, our udders swaying in unison with our movements until she held her position right next to me, our shoulders touched and I could feel the heat coming off of her sweaty body as she and I both struggled to catch our breath.

"Do you like your surprise my little fucktoy?" Master asked as he combed the strands of my silky black hair through his chubby fingers.

"Yes Master, the Cunt likes Master's new pet very much Master."

"And you Bitch, do you like your new playmate?"

"Woof woof woof," Bitch answered as she wiggled her tanned ass back and forth causing her black rubber tail to swing as if she was wagging it.

"The two of you are going to be the best of friends," he said as his other hand stroked one of Bitch's pigtails. "There are a few changes though. First Cunt, You will no longer shower except to wash your hair. From now on Bitch will provide you with regular baths using her tongue and she's been well trained to clean every available inch of you. "

"Yes Master, the Cunt will only bathe from Bitch's tongue Master."

"Next, as you can see, Bitch is only permitted to make barking sounds. Since she is unable to speak to you, I will permit you to speak to her when the two of you are alone."

"Thank you Master, you are very generous to the Cunt Master."

"Woof woof," Bitch barked as she slid her pink tongue across her lips.

"I need to go do some work now but would you like to stay down here with Bitch and play with her for a little while longer Cunt?"

"Oh Yes Master!" I exclaimed with joy. "May the Cunt spend some time with its Master's new pet?"

"You may, my toy, but remember not to steal orgasms from your Master. Neither of you will cum, is that clear?"

"Yes Master, the Cunt would never steal an orgasm from its owner."

"I know you wouldn't, you're too well trained and you've made me very proud of you. I'm lucky to own both of you and I know that you are both dedicated and devoted to me. You are indeed my faithful obedient little pets."

His words filled me with joy and happiness. Flutters and tingles ignited every nerve ending in my body, flowing through me in waves from the praise that flowed from his mouth. I was his faithful pet and I would always be obedient to him. I wasn't just the Cunt, I was his Cunt.

"I'll come get you later when its time my loyal toy." He leaned down and gave each of us a kiss on the lips before turning and slowly making his way up the stairs.

Master was barely out of sight before my soft crimson lips were once again planted on Bitch's. Once again we lost track of time in our passionate embrace and ran our moist tongues over every inch of each other's delicious little bodies until we were both coated in saliva. Eventually we became tired and she crawled into my lap and curled up. I stroked her hair with one hand as I gently played with her left nipple with the fingers of the other.

I gazed at the bright purple butterfly tattoo that resided on Bitch's left shoulder. Something was gnawing at my soul and I couldn't place what it was. Almost like a feeling of déjà vu. I had seen that tattoo before. In fact, I had seen this girl before but where? Then I remembered what Will at the tattoo shop said. That I was friends with a girl named Dakota. Dakota! That's who I had in my arms. I didn't have any memories from the time before I became my Master's property, but now this one had managed to bore a hole into my tiny slave brain and find its way through. Dakota was my best friend before, and now she is again.

I gave her a gentle kiss on the lips and whispered "Dakota?"

"Woof woof," she barked sadly as a tear dripped from her eye and rolled down her cheek.

I wasn't sure how I felt about this development. I knew I cared deeply for Dakota, but I was also aware that the two issues weren't mutually exclusive. I could serve my Master and continue to be best friends with her, closer than we ever were before in fact. Master had seen to that. Dakota was now Bitch, and Bitch was a well trained pet for my Master and I to enjoy. We would be a happy family together and I realized that Master had brought me a great gift in returning my best friend to me in a form that suited our new lives. For this I knew I would be forever grateful.

I had no idea how long I held the beautiful Bitch against my firm pierced udders, but it seemed like Master should have been back already. Still, it wasn't my place to question him but simply to obey. Bitch drifted off to sleep in my arms and I followed soon after, content that my best friend and I had been reunited at long last.

Chapter Nineteen: The Rescue

My blue eyes flew open as the sounds of a loud bang from upstairs ripped through the basement. Heavy footsteps above and the muffled sound of voices burst out. Bitch gripped my exposed little body tightly and I held her close as we both trembled in fear. More thumping sounds and additional voices followed. The door to the basement opened with a loud creak and the sound of multiple sets of heavy boots descending the stairs echoed in the dim subterranean room. I stroked Bitch's blonde hair to try and comfort her but I was just as scared as she was.

"It's okay Bitch, the Cunt is right here," I whispered reassuringly to her.

"Woof woof," she whispered back as she buried her face between my pierced udders.

The footsteps came closer. I heard them clopping loudly on the cold cement floor, then they softened as they stepped on to the worn lime green shag rug that Bitch and I were all too familiar with. I closed my eyes and braced for the worst.

"Clear!" A male voice shouted out as the sound of boots approached where Bitch and I were huddled together with our naked bodies pressing close to each other. I opened my eyes to see a man in dark tactical gear with the word "Police" emblazoned across the front in large white letters kneeling down in front of me as two others swept through the room. "Are you okay Miss?"

I blinked and tried to focus on the face in front of me. I couldn't speak or move at all, it was like I was paralyzed. "It's okay Miss, you're safe now. You're both safe." He pulled the radio off his shoulder and called into it "we have two female victims in the basement, send down the EMTs."

He continued to talk to us in a calm, reassuring manner, asking a litany of questions none of which I could understand much less respond to. He tried to alternate between speaking to me and addressing Bitch. The stunning blonde in my lap looked up at him as he asked "Miss, are you okay? Do you know how long you've been down here?"

"Woof woof," was the only thing Bitch could say in response to any of his questions. "Woof woof woof," she barked as she tried pushing her imprisoned hands against the shock collar that was secured around her slender neck.

After a few minutes more people showed up. They covered Bitch and I in scratchy rough wool blankets and prodded us with their latex gloved fingers; shining flashlights brightly in my eyes temporarily blinded me and asked even more questions that I couldn't grasp.

I sat silently, staring at them without any comprehension of what was going on. One of the medics guided my body forward while another moved my silky dark hair away from my neck and used a pair of bolt cutters to snip the lock from my shiny steel collar. The heavy metal accessory that had graced my slim neck fell away, and I felt the cool basement air on my delicate smooth skin once again. It was only now that I truly felt naked in the presence of a growing crowd of emergency service workers of various types. They pulled Bitch off of my lap and sliced the lock that held her shock collar in place, causing the entire mechanism including the heavy silver chain that secured it to the nearby support post to fall to the floor.

"It's okay," a female medic said to me as she helped me to my feet. "You're free now." I wondered what she meant. Wasn't I already free?

Hands grabbed at my slender arms and lifted me up to my bare feet, leading me up the creaking basement stairs and out of the house. I felt the cool night air on my body as my eyes adjusted to the darkness of the outside and I was escorted to the back of a waiting ambulance. The red and blue glow of police lights ricocheted off the trees and houses as the front yard of Master's house was abuzz with activity. Neighbors stood at their doorways and windows watching intently as others clad in bathrobes and pajamas gave statements to police officers.

I watched as a similar pair of paramedics assisted Bitch to a different ambulance, and in the distance I could see news vans pulling up. The whole scene was making me dizzy. The flashing lights, the noise and chatter, the commotion and worst of all, I didn't know why it was all happening. Where was my Master? Why wasn't he here to protect and save me?

I felt nauseous and anxious. The stress was making my heart beat until I couldn't hear anything else. I thought for certain I was having a heart attack and I couldn't breathe. I felt myself taking deep panicked breaths and the world began to spin and blur. My head became foggy and light and then everything went black.

My eyes lazily opened to a blurry white light with dark shapes. The light poured in and as my focus became sharper, I gazed around the hospital room. Needles connected to tubes were inserted in my arm and taped to my skin and a little machine next to the bed made a beeping sound in time to the beating of my heart.

"She's malnourished and has some signs of anal scarring, but otherwise physically she's in fairly good shape. We'll hold her for observation of course. I can't imagine what she has been through, or the other girl for that matter at the hands of that monster," I heard a female voice say.

"I think she's awake," a male voice observed.

I heard footsteps as the nurse approached me. "Can you hear me? My name is Regina; you're at Northwest Medical Center. You're safe. You've been rescued," the older woman with graying hair said as she came into my field of view. I stared blankly, my mind still overwhelmed with what was happening. "This is Detective Gantry with the police department; he needs to ask you some questions. Would that be okay?" I understood her words, they were familiar yet it seemed like she was speaking another language, not unlike the responders who took me from my Master's home.

The detective approached as two uniformed colleagues stood by the door. He was a middle aged man with male pattern baldness and a paunchy mid section. In a way he reminded me of my Master. "Can you tell me your name?" He asked in a calm, reassuring tone of voice.

"It is the Cunt," I muttered through half closed lips.

"Who is the Cunt?" He inquired.

"It is the Cunt," I repeated.

"Are you Kristin Kailey?" He asked.

"It is the Cunt," I recited again.

"You went missing six months ago. You were abducted by Arnold Pierce. Do you have any ideas about where he might be?"

"It is the Cunt," I kept saying over and over again until he let out an exasperated sigh and turned to the nurse. "The other one only makes barking sounds. We'll never learn anything from them at this rate."

"Don't worry Detective; they've been through a lot. It's going to take time for them to find any kind of normalcy after what they've endured."

"I understand," he said. "But time isn't a luxury we have. Every minute we waste trying to find out what happened is a minute he has to get further away."

My eyelids started to feel heavy, the world returned to a blur and once again blackness filled my universe.

I was in and out of consciousness for days. Eventually I became fully alert and once again I was questioned by the police and yet again I was unable to understand much less answer their questions. The only thing I could get past my lips was "it is the Cunt."

The medical staff became concerned that I supposedly refused to eat, but they didn't understand at all. The issue wasn't that I didn't want to eat or even that I wasn't hungry. As a matter of fact I was starving. But no one had given me the command to eat. No one had brought in a shiny dog bowl for me and no one had ordered me into the proper position. How could I possibly eat in the absence of those directives? Eventually they snaked a feeding tube through my nose and down my throat. It was just as well, all I could do was to stare blankly at the walls muttering "it is the Cunt" over and over again.

I felt lost without my Master. I was acutely aware that I was slipping into a deep depression and there was nothing I could do about it. I was falling into a chasm from which I feared I might never escape. After some time the police gave up on me. The hospital declared that as my issues were not physical but mental I should be transferred to an institution that was better equipped to help me. I was already half catatonic when they wheeled me into the ambulance that brought me to the facility. I was given a plain room with nothing more than a bed that was bolted to the floor and a blanket. There was a part of me that knew that even my Master's basement provided greater comfort and freedom than the sterile dungeon that now contained my physical being.

The only time I really moved was when they would attempt to put clothing on me. They would dress me in their stiff institutional patient attire and as soon as they would disappear through the heavy metal door that secured me in this veritable prison cell I would quickly shed it. Having materials touching my soft skin was like a thousand needles digging deep into my body. It was a torture that I refused to endure, so day after day I would sit on the bed unmoving and completely naked. The end of the feeding tube remained taped to my face and I had a catheter inserted deep in my urethra that allowed the staff to drain my bladder.

I lost count of the sunrises and sunsets that elapsed since I was incarcerated in this facility. They removed all of the rings that had so beautifully decorated the delicate crimson tissue between my legs and the sensitive pink nubs at the ends of my udders. Even my wispy silver bells were taken away, denying me my ability to communicate. Sometimes late at night a male staff member would enter my room and take advantage of me.

"Oh yeah, you're a cute little bitch aren't you?" They would say as they squeezed my exposed tits and thrust their hard cocks into my wet fuck hole. "Look at how wet you are, yeah you want this don't you whore?" They would breathe into my ears as they licked at my flesh.

I couldn't bring myself to speak or move, rather I simply endured it. Occasionally teardrops would flow from my eyes and slowly drip down my soft cheeks as the only indication that there was still a life that resided inside this body. I was miserable. My life had no meaning and if I drew breath solely for the pleasure of my Master, I had no reason to exist now.

One night as I sat up on the bed, my naked body bathed in the soft blue glow of moonlight that drifted through the barred window of the room, I heard the familiar jingle of keys in my door. I steeled my insides for another visit from a male staff member of the institution and another rape of my lithe little form.

The door creaked open and an obese male shape in a white orderly uniform entered. I knew what was coming, so I sat still as a statue. The attendant knelt down in front of me and stroked my hair, gently running his hand across my cheek.

"Is the Cunt still its Master's devoted toy?" The voice asked. A voice I recognized instantly. My blue eyes lit up and I looked down to see my Master's face right in front of me. My heart leapt from my chest for I knew I was finally to be rescued. I moved quickly on the floor, not even waiting for my Master to give me the order and started licking his shoes, running my tongue over them in broad strokes, my bare ass high in the air, my spine curved and my tits down just as I had been taught.

"Oh yes Master, yes!" I cried in a whisper. "The Cunt is your faithful pet now and forever Master."

He ordered me to kneel and leaned in to press his lips to mine, kissing gently. He looked over my body and the way my muscles had atrophied in this place and in one fluid motion picked my frail physique up and held me close in his arms. "We don't have much time, my toy, the guards will be coming around any minute."

I buried my head against his chest feeling the comforting warmth of my Master's body as he held my slender frame tight and carried me to safety. He quickly navigated the long white hallways of the facility, utilizing a back door to exit the building. We crossed a field of tall green grass that swayed gently in the breeze of the night air until we reached the small blue economy car that my Master had waiting for us in a parking lot on the other side. He gently arranged me in the passenger seat and upon squeezing himself into the driver's side, we were off.

I looked at him with nothing but adoration in my blue eyes. He had come back for me. My Master had risked everything and saved me and now I was truly free. He turned to me and a smile formed on his lips. "Do you want to know where we're going, my toy?"

"It's not important, Master, as long as the Cunt is with its owner, that's all that matters."

He reached over and tenderly combed his fingers through my long black hair. "I love you my pet and I always will. No matter where we end up, we'll always be together." As the car sped out into the darkness, I knew everything would be just fine. I would live out the rest of my life as a faithful pet for my Master and we would be happy and free together. Every moment was an opportunity to show my obedience and earn his praise. Every day was a new chance to prove my worth to the man who owned me entirely, mind, body, heart and soul. The remainder of my life was blissful and perfect, and I was a very lucky Cunt indeed.

Chapter 20: Epilogue.

The two figures hovered next to the heavy metal door of the meager institution containment room. It was time for them to do checks on the patients to ensure that everyone was in their proper place. "What was the story with the girl in this room?" The male attendant asked the nurse who stood at his side.

She was one of two girls who were rescued about five years ago. Some crazy named Arnold Pierce kidnapped and tortured them. Tried to make them into his sex slaves or something and ended up turning their brains into mayonnaise. It was pretty sad actually, such beauty and so young too."

"So what happened to the other girl?"

The nurse shrugged her shoulders. "I wouldn't know, that was before my time here."

The attendant peered into the sparse room at the female figure that sat in the dark. "How did they know it was him?"

The nurse gave a crooked smile and replied "well, he wasn't exactly a genius. I'm a little surprised it took as long as it did for the police to find him. They knew both girls were missing for months. Turns out he was even parading one of them around town at secret parties that only a bunch of perverts knew about. The real break came because he took one of the girls to a tattoo place to have her marked up with a bunch of degrading stuff including some kind of bar code. The guy who worked there knew the girl and called it in to the police. Pierce was an Einstein who had his real name on the paper that had the tattoo designs on it," she stated with a hint of sarcasm.

"What an idiot," the male interjected.

"Good for the police though, all they had to do was match the name with the license plate of his car that they got off the store's security cameras and they knew just where to look. Even his neighbors figured he was up to no good. They said he was always a loser whose overbearing mother made his pathetic life a living hell until the day of her passing," she continued.

The attendant's eyes stared back through the slot at the catatonic girl and he observed how her wildly unkempt hair flowed from her head and the way her full ruby lips moved ever so slightly. "Did they ever catch the guy?"

"He ran. There was a manhunt that went on for a couple of months actually," she replied.

"So he got away?"

"At first he did, yes," she answered.

The attendant perceived how the moonlight streamed through the barred window on the wall bathing the girl's naked form in a soft blue glow. "But he got caught, right?"

"Not exactly," the nurse continued. "He was hiding out in a cheap motel up north. Police got a tip off about his whereabouts and were closing in. The coward hung himself from a ceiling fan."

"So he's dead now?"

"As dead as he's going to get. Dead for five years."

The attendant took one last look at the gorgeous lithe girl with disheveled dark hair that flowed to the middle of her back and for a brief moment he thought for certain he saw her soft crimson lips turn upward in a slight smile. "Just a trick of the light", he told himself shaking his head.

The two moved on to the next door, passing the paper in the door slot that read "Kristin Kailey." Yet Kristin Kailey was long dead. Only the Cunt remained. While those who peered at her lifeless form night after night pitied her and felt sadness for what they considered to be a life wasted, in the Cunt's own mind, she was living a life of blissful happiness with a perfect version of her Master worthy of her absolute devotion who had none of the flaws and shortcomings that defined the real Arnie Pierce. She was Beauty, she was the Cunt and she was happy. And in the end, happiness is the best anyone can hope for.

The End.

(So now its the end. Woo woo! Probably not exactly the ending most of you were expecting but that's fine. Whether or not this is a happy ending depends entirely on your perspective. Is her current state better or worse than a lifetime of trauma, therapy and pain? I don't have the answer by the way, I'm just pointing out that we always knew things weren't going to end well for our Cunt and any attempt at a "normal life" would have been futile given the damage done. The only way to make a typical Hollywood happy ending would have been to throw all logic and rational thinking out the window and oh the comments I would have received had I done that!

I also wanted to thank all of you for reading the story. There were times when I would read your comments and think that a lot of you were being trolls and while some of you definitely were (you know who you are), I came to realize that a lot of you were just really getting into it. You were becoming passionate about the story and the characters and you were expressing that passion in your way by offering up your opinions about who the characters were or what you felt should happen going forward. The fact that I had such a strong impact on you is a great compliment to the hard work I put into this story so I thank you for all of your amazing passion.

Normally in my writing I tend toward either true experiences from my own adventures as a real submissive or really creative over the top bdsm fiction as opposed to something like this which was kind of a slow burn, gritty and more realistic fiction. It was something I wanted to try though so hopefully it was a story that most people enjoyed despite some of the negative comments from anonymous trolls.

Please give me a good rating because this makes me feel good and be sure to leave respectful comments because I seriously adore hearing from you and seeing your thoughts and getting into good discussions, especially if there was something you didn't understand. Also be sure to follow me because I've written a good number of stories that you may enjoy so be sure to check them all out.


Kristin K.).



2022-02-08 02:05:21
Hey. So the answer is he didn't break her out of a secure facility. He never came back for her. He ran. She never left the facility once she was there and the "rescue" from the facility was how her brain dealt with her situation. Her already broken mind retreated into a state in which she was living in her own little fantasy world. Hope that helps to explain it.


2022-01-09 01:57:56
I did enjoy the story, I couldn’t put it down. Nice work! I’m not a fan of the ending. I’m wondering how a man that let other Dom’s use his slave without permission and push him around in general, could break someone out of a secure facility and then have the guts to take their own life.

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