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Rena gets up to some monkey business with her brother and it escalates from there.
My name is Philip. I'm 18 years old. I live with my parents and my 20 year old sister Rena. Rena and I both attend a local junior college. I'm majoring in computer science. Rena is majoring in dating and partying. I don't think she is interested in graduating. We commute to and from school by bus. Our schedules match up pretty well so we are often able to ride the bus together.

Anyway, it started on the bus ride home. It was pretty crowded so Rena and I had to stand, nothing unusual given the time of day. I usually zone out on the bus ride home. Rena usually digs out her phone and starts texting. I was standing right behind her. She took me by surprise when she backed up and wiggled her butt against my crotch. My dick leaped to attention.

"What the heck, Rena!" I exclaimed. "Why did you do that?"

"Why did I do what?" my sister responded.

"You know what I'm talking about."

"No, I don't," she said. "I'm just standing here texting my friends and minding my own business." Then she backed up again and rubbed her butt against me. Rena is plenty pretty with a body that tended to be overweight, but sexily so. I think zaftig would be the term used. She takes after our mom that way.

"I'm talking about that...with your butt."

"Incidental contact," she asserted still paying attention to her texting.

"Bullshit," I said.

"It's called chikan."


"C-H-I-K-A-N. It's big in Japan. It's where guys grope the girls on the bus or subway, but it can be anywhere else, too. The women and girls mostly just put up with it because they're usually too embarrassed to report it. I saw a couple of videos of it online." I could have pointed out that she was the one groping me, but I'm sure she already knew that. I made a mental note to look up chikan videos when we got home.

"It sounds like it could be dangerous."

"That's why I'm just trying it with my little brother. Don't you like it? You must," Rena continued. "I can feel your stiff dick prodding my butt." This time she moved back against me and stayed there. Shit! I did like it.

"That's not all I'd like to prod," I said and pushed back a little. I was as subtle as I could be. I didn't want us to be seen by other passengers.

"You wish," Rena answered with a giggle.

"If you keep teasing me I may not give you a choice, slut." Would I be willing to fuck my sister? I had to answer yes to that. Would I be willing to rape her? That was a definite no. I knew someone was going to rape her if this was her standard behavior around guys.

"You're talking rape and incest, little brother. That is just plain nasty," she declared. "Maybe you're not as safe as I thought." My statement didn't prompt Rena to move away, though, or even be subtle about it. I took a quick look around and no one seemed to take notice of us or knew we were siblings so I just enjoyed the rest of the bus ride prodding Rena's butt until we arrived at our stop and disembarked.

"I'm on the pill," Rena said as we made our way home.


"I said that I'm on the pill," she repeated. "I'm on birth control and you wouldn't have to worry about getting me pregnant. Also, I make my sex partners wear condoms. I mean I kind of like the idea of sleeping with you, but having your baby would be kind of weird, don't you think?"

"Are you serious, Rena?" I asked. "I mean a few minutes ago I thought we were just teasing each other. Now you're saying that having sex with me is a good idea?"

Rena nodded her head. "I understand what you're getting at. I guess that makes me a slut. Don't tell Mom or Dad."

"I won't," I promised.

"And I'm sorry about teasing you. Are you serious about wanting to sleep with me?"

"Uh, sure," I responded. "I've had fantasies about you for years. Also, if you hadn't been teasing me, I would never have realized the uh...interest we have in each other."

Rena smiled and took my hand. "I'm glad," she said. "I have a couple of friends who have been sleeping with their brothers for years. They said I should try it, but I was too afraid to ask if you wanted to have sex with me."

"I would have felt the same about me asking you," I said. "Uh, don't tell your friends what we're planning, okay?"

"Okay, if that's what you want," Rena said. We walked into the house and the first thing Rena did was plaster herself against my body and kiss me right on the lips with Mom standing right there watching us. I'm dead meat was my first thought. I think it would be safe to say my sister Rena can be rather unpredictable and impulsive.

"What do you think you're doing kissing your brother like that, Rena?" Mom asked. I couldn't detect any alarm in her voice yet, just curiosity.

"I'm just showing my new boyfriend how much I love him," my sister responded. "I've decided we don't show each other enough love around here."

"He's not your boyfriend," said Mom. "He's your brother."

Rena disengaged from me and then hugged and kissed Mom the same way. "My goodness," Mom exclaimed. "What has gotten into you?"

"Love has gotten into me, Mom," Rena declared. "Now share a kiss with Philip and he can be your boyfriend, too."

"I'm not going to kiss my own son like that," Mom protested. "He wouldn't want me to anyway." I didn't know what kind of game my sister was playing, but I figured I had better play along.

"Why wouldn't I want to kiss my beautiful mother who's also a sexy woman?"

"Did you hear that, Mom," Rena asked. "Philip thinks you're sexy and I happen to agree with him. In fact, if I look as good as you when I'm your age I will be very happy."

"But-" Rena gave Mom a little push into my arms and stepped up behind her sandwiching her between us. I was standing against the kitchen wall so I wasn't going anywhere. I couldn't help it. I popped a boner. There as no question that Mom could feel it, but she was the one looking apologetic. I kissed her gently on the lips. My mother was blushing, but she wasn't trying to pull away either.

"That was nice," Mom said. "Thank you."

"It was my pleasure," I responded.

"I have to get dinner started, okay?" I nodded and Rena got out of Mom's way.

"What was that all about?" I demanded of my sister when we went upstairs. "You scared the heck out of me."

Rena giggled. "I guess I acted on the spur of the moment. Mom is starved for affection because Dad seems to have lost interest in her."

"What does that have to do with us?" I wasn't privy to what went on in my parents' intimate lives and it still didn't make sense.

"If we're going to be together more than once or twice we need an ally in the house or we risk discovery." That made sense.

"But Mom will never approve of what we're planning," I said. "She'll tell Dad and I'll get my ass kicked out of the house."

"If you haven't noticed, Mom is a submissive and needs someone to dominate her," Rena responded. "She's starving for attention. Dad hasn't been doing his job and so you're going to take his place. I swear you could have done almost anything you wanted with her after you kissed her." I wasn't so sure about that. I could imagine things backfiring big time.

"I'm not so sure about this anymore, Rena."

My sister just smiled. "You're not sure you want to fuck my pussy?" She caressed the bulge I had going. "You're not sure you want to shove your dick down my throat or between my fat ass cheeks?" She unzipped my fly and freed my prick.

"I...I am sure about that part," I assured my sister. The thought of doing that to Rena had me ready to cream into her hand at that very moment.

"Mom and I come as a package deal, sweetie." She was still fondling my prick.

"You seem to know what you're doing, but Mom seems vulnerable and I don't want to wind up hurting her." I knew I was whining. I wanted to fuck Rena right where she stood, but she was in control.

"I do know what I'm doing, Philip," Rena responded. "And I'm very glad to know you don't want to hurt Mom because I don't either. When I said Mom was a submissive and needed to be dominated I didn't mean she needed to be humiliated...too much. I'll teach you how to do it right. You won't regret it. So, are you interested?"

"Ah!" I gasped and spurted a big wad of cum into my sister's hand.

Rena smiled. "I'll take that as a yes?" I nodded my head.

"Good," she responded. She licked my wad from her hand and swallowed. "I have to wash up and change my clothes."

I went to my room and sat down at my desk. I felt as if I was in a fantasy with Rena offering not only herself, but our mother also. Of course it would be a nightmare if anything went wrong. I had plenty of reading to do, but instead I fired up my laptop and started watching porn. On the search bar I typed in chikan videos and one of the titles caught my eye. It was called "Office Lady Groped on the Bus." It wasn't more than 20 minutes long so I clicked on the video and started watching. There was no dialog, but that didn't matter. The video was produced in Japan and I didn't understand Japanese anyway.

The plot involved this woman who boards a public bus basically standing in the aisle and minding her own business. Before long, a man moves up behind her and starts brushing her hips with his knuckles as if it was incidental contact. The woman ignores him and the man gets bolder caressing her hips. She brushes his hand away a couple of times, but he is not discouraged. The office lady doesn't resist after her first few rebuffs are ignored and the man doesn't waste any more time. Before long he has stripped her of her panties and pulled the woman's bra above her tits. Before the video is over the office lady has sucked the guy off and been thoroughly fucked. The other bus passengers conveniently face the other way and ignore the action as if they are unaware of what is going on or are simply giving the pair their privacy.

The video didn't do much for me. The actors' genitals were censored. What was the point to that? I started imagining Rena in place of the office lady and me in place of the guy fucking her. Yeah! Now I was getting into it. I couldn't imagine anything like that happening in the U.S. In this country women would be screaming for help, attacking the assailant with pepper spray and calling the police all in about a nanosecond.

A little online research told me chikan was a groping fetish in Japan and it was quite a problem for women and schoolgirls on the subways and buses there. So much so that the Japanese public transit authorities started adding women-only cars to commuter subways and trains during rush hour. In a crowded space where there's not much chance in getting caught, I guess even the normally polite Japanese male can be tempted to let his hands roam if he thinks he can get away with it.

I was half hoping Rena would come knocking on my door so we could get something started, but she didn't. I went to her bedroom door and knocked. There was no answer so I decided to go down to the kitchen for a snack. That's where I found Rena helping Mom fix dinner. She was wearing a short skirt and knit top.

"Hey Philip," Rena called. "Like what you see?" My sister pulled up her top with one hand and her skirt with the other. I found myself gawking at her bare tits and pussy. I wasn't the only one staring.

"Rena!" Mom yelled. "Cover yourself this instant!"

"I was just teasing him, Mom," said Rena. "I won't let him do anything...right now. We'll wait until tonight."

"What? You two are planning to have sex together?" Mom started to look kind of nervous as if she wanted to make her escape. "I think I need to sit down."

"I can finish up," Rena said. She whispered in my ear. "Go sit with Mom. Flirt with her." I nodded although I wasn't sure what I was going to do.

"Let's go sit in the den, Mom." I grabbed her hand and she let me lead her. We had a reasonable amount of privacy there. We sat down on a love seat. I placed my hand around her shoulders. I let my free hand drape on her thigh. We were seated together like lovers, but Mom seemed oblivious.

"Please tell me this is some kind of a joke you two have cooked up," Mom whispered.

"I don't know if it's a joke or not," I said. "Rena hasn't let me know yet."

"And if it isn't?"

"That would make me very happy."

"You can't be serious."

"Mom, haven't you ever fantasized about making love to someone in particular?"

"Of course I have," Mom replied, "many times with many men, but the fantasies were never realized."

"It's the same with me; thousands of times with thousands of girls and women."

That made Mom smile. "Oh my," Mom responded. "Thousands?"

"Thousands," I affirmed. "One of them is Rena. Another one is you." I caressed her thigh and Mom gasped. She covered my wandering hand with her own, but didn't push mine away.

"That's not possible. Rena is your sister."

"And you are my mother," I responded. Our faces were so close together I could feel the puffs of breath on my face as she spoke.

"But what if your father finds out?" I wasn't sure if Mom was talking about Rena and me or her and me.

"We'll have to be careful so he doesn't find out, Mom." I kissed her then gently like the first time and Mom practically melted. I felt like I could get more assertive with my mother, but then I heard Rena yell that Dad had just pulled into the driveway. Mom gasped and stood up.

"Don't ever try that with me again, young man," Mom said. "I belong to your father. And...and no more of this monkey business with your sister either, if you know what's good for you." She left without waiting for a response from me. Well, I didn't have anything to say anyway. That did not go well at all. I walked back to the kitchen and gave Rena a thumb down gesture when she saw me. She smiled and shrugged her shoulders in response.

"Please set the table, Rena," Mom said.

"Yes, Mother," Rena responded quite formally which was quite out of character for her. I guessed Mom was feeling kind of guilty because she doted over Dad getting him this and that which was stuff he usually got for himself. Dad didn't mind the extra attention, but he didn't seem to appreciate it either. Not too much later we sat down to dinner.

Dinner conversation was the usual for a Friday, plans for that evening or weekend. Rena said she was going to call a girlfriend and ask her if she wanted to go to a party since her prior plans had been unexpectedly changed. I said I didn't have any plans so I was just going to hang out around the house and surf the web on my PC.

"What about you two?" Rena asked.

"We're going to the movies," said Mom.

Dad got a sour look on his face. "I dunno," he said. "I've had a rough week at work. I'd rather stay home and relax."

"I wanted to see a movie tonight," Mom whined.

"So see a movie," Dad responded. "That's what we have Netflix for." Mom just shrugged her shoulders.

"We never go anywhere anymore," Mom whined again.

"I'll take you, Mom," I said surprising myself.

Both Mom's and Dad's faces lit up. "You will?" they chorused.

"Sure I will."

"You're going on a date, Mom," Rena exclaimed. "That's great!"

"You don't have to do that," said Mom. "I'll just stay home with your father." I think she was being a bit apprehensive after what happened in the den.

"What do you mean he doesn't have to," Dad said. "You just said you wanted to go see a movie. Now's your chance. You know how I hate going to those overpriced multiplex cinemas when we have a perfectly good TV set at home. Philip would be doing us both a favor."

"I would rather go out with you," Mom told her husband. "It doesn't have to be the movies."

"Don't worry, Mom. I'll be a complete gentleman." Dad and Rena laughed along with me. Mom just frowned.

"Heh! Now don't go disappointing your mother," Dad said. "Take her out for a drink after the show. After one glass of wine she'll be putty in your hands."

Mom glared at Dad for a moment and then said, "I will be very happy to go out with you tonight, Philip."

After dinner Dad handed me a wad of cash. "I really appreciate this, son. I can't stand the movies your mother likes."

"Thanks, Dad."

"She doesn't have a curfew," he said and winked.

I had a chance to talk to Rena while Mom was getting ready. I told her what happened in the den and what Mom said to me.

"She told me just about the same thing in the kitchen," Rena said and giggled. "Gosh! Dad is practically driving Mom into your arms."

"I don't think that will happen anytime soon if ever," I responded. "Mom made it very clear she isn't interested."

"It won't happen if you let her make all the decisions. You've got to learn to assert yourself." I just shrugged my shoulders. I think I'm too easygoing to get into this domination bullshit, especially with my own mother. Maybe I should get a girlfriend was my next thought and forget this incest fantasy with my mother and sister. My last girlfriend and I broke up just before school started. It was an amicable breakup. She was on her way to an out of state school and I was staying here. We both realized a long distance relationship wasn't going to work. We gave up our virginity to each other so at least I had some fond memories. Oh well.

Mom dressed casually in a blouse and slacks. I drove her car and we arrived in plenty of time. Now sitting in an auditorium waiting for a movie to start these days just forces one to watch nonstop commercials with the volume so loud you can't talk to the person next to you. I didn't want to go through that. I spotted a wine bar nearby which reminded me of what Dad said about Mom not being able to hold her liquor. Anyway, I steered her through the door before she realized where we were. I ordered a half carafe (two glasses) of white wine for her and a bottle of mineral water for myself.

"I don't want any wine," Mom said after I ordered.

"You need something to relax you," I said. "You seem too tense."

"I think I have a reason to be tense."

"I told you I'd be a complete gentleman. Why did you accept if you don't think you can trust me?"

"I think it was more out of irritation with your father than anything else."

"I can always take you home now. Would you prefer that?"

"N-no, I don't want to go home."

I handed her some cash. "Pay the lady and let's sit down." Mom blushed and did just that. Hey, this domination thing might just work out I thought.

"I don't think I should drink this much wine," Mom said after she took her first sip.

"Don't forget that I'm driving so you don't have to worry about getting behind the wheel. Now drink up. We don't want to miss the preview of coming attractions."

Mom finished the wine in time for us to see the previews. She was a little unsteady when she got to her feet and she had to hang onto my arm when we walked. "He he he he!" Mom giggled and leaned into me. "I don't want to see the movie anymore. Let's go someplace else."

"Uh, sure Mom. Where did you want to go?" I wasn't interested in the movie Mom wanted to see anyway.

"He he he he! I want to go someplace private so we can fuck."


"That's what you got me drunk for, isn't it?"

"No...uh...yeah." I was sure it was the wine talking, but I wasn't going to pass up the opportunity Mom presented me with. I escorted her back to the car and we drove out of town. I knew of a make out spot that my ex-girlfriend and I used that was near property her parents owned. Nobody went there this time of year so we'd have some privacy.

Except for an occasional giggle Mom was silent during the short drive to our destination. I was silent too. I was afraid of saying the wrong thing which might cause my mother to have second thoughts. On the other hand I was having second thoughts of my own.

I was about to commit incest with my mother taking advantage of her intoxicated condition. Should I wait until she sobered up? Will she still be willing without alcohol clouding her judgment? I wasn't going to physically force her so I'd stop if she put up any type of resistance. Even saying no once will be enough for me to stop, but I wasn't going to be the first to chicken out.

I pulled off the main road onto a narrow lane for about a quarter mile and then parked under some trees. If any driver did happen to pass this way he would not be able to see us. It was dead quiet except for the sounds of chirping crickets and our own breathing. Holy shit! I didn't have any condoms. Now what was I going to do?

"He he he he! How do you want me," Mom asked. She sounded excited now.

"Whichever way is comfortable for you." We were in a compact car and it wasn't very roomy. I placed a tentative hand on her thigh. She spread her legs in response and looked at me expectantly.

"I think I'll stick my butt out the door and you can fuck me from behind. That's how I got pregnant with your sister. He he he he!" I had to laugh too, but then I tried to get serious.

"Speaking of that, uh...I don't have any condoms."

"You don't have to worry about that. Now come on and make me your bitch. He he he he! Do you need any help?" She reached for my crotch. "It doesn't feel like you do. Are you going to show it to me?"

My prick was plenty hard already and my mother's caress seemed to make it harder. Without Rena's hand job earlier I surely would have come in my pants by now. I pulled down my zipper and my stiff cock flopped out.

"It looks lovely," Mom said and gave it a gentle caress. "Can I have it now? He he he he!"

"You sure can," I responded. I made sure the dome light wouldn't go on when I opened the door before getting out. In the seconds it took for me to walk to the other side, my mother was in position, her slacks and panties down. I could smell her arousal. That spurred my own arousal. A little voice was telling me not to go through with this, that I would regret it. All rational thought left me as I positioned my prick. I heard Mom gasp as she felt my prick pushing its way into the wet and warm softness of her pussy. It was my first bareback experience. It felt heavenly. I never wanted to go back to using a condom again. I wondered if my mother was having any sober thoughts now. I didn't care at this point. Too late, bitch! I grabbed the woman around the waist and pulled her against my invading flesh. Another gasp, but no protests. I felt her hips shudder. Did she already have a cum?

I felt a bit more confident and and started working toward my own cum. Neither of us had exchanged a word since we started fucking. The only sounds were our own grunts and heavy breathing, flesh smacking against flesh and, of course, the crickets. I wasn't in any particular hurry. I was enjoying myself and I wasn't hearing any complaints from Mom, but then she shouted, "Yeah!" Her vaginal muscles clamped down on my prick forcing out my own cum. I counted three healthy squirts of my sperm-laden semen. I was sure glad I didn't have to worry about knocking up my mother.

I pulled out and waited for a response. I wasn't sure what to expect. Tears? Guilt? Regret? Accusations? Those are all negative reactions, but that's what I was thinking when my prick deflated and blood was once again allowed to flow back to my brain. How did I get into this mess? It was my own damned fault of course. I got my very own mother drunk and took advantage of her. Damn! I was guilty of rape and incest. I would be spending the rest of my life in prison if Dad didn't kill me first. Justifiable homicide. The prospect of prison or certain death at the hands of my father didn't appeal to me. As soon as I returned Mom home, I would pack a bag and slip out of the house never to return.

I was so preoccupied with my gloomy thoughts I didn't notice what Mom was doing until she started sucking on my prick. That got my attention!

"What are you doing," I asked unnecessarily. Dumb question, I know.

"I'm taking care of my man," Mom said. I had to smile at her response despite the stress I was feeling.

"Am I really your man?" I asked. "Perhaps I should ask that question when you're thinking straight and not so tipsy. Also, your husband might have something to say about that."

"I'm not so tipsy that I don't know what I'm saying or doing," Mom said. "The wine only gave me enough courage to do what I wanted to do anyway and that was to be your bitch or woman or whatever you want me to be. As far as my husband is concerned I'm no longer sure what he wants, but I do know it's not me."

"Still, he can be pretty possessive."

"Men are like that," Mom agreed. "Like you said, we'll have to be careful so he doesn't find out."

"That sounds good to me."

"I'm sorry about what happened earlier," Mom said, "with me getting angry with you and Rena."

"That's all right. I guess we kind of took you by surprise."

"I was taken by surprise, but it was more because I wanted you so much there in the den. It was scary."

"I was kind of scared, too," I said, "but it worked out." I started to relax and my prick was coming back to life. The thought of running away and joining the French Foreign Legion no longer had any appeal to me.

Mom smiled. "Are you ready to go again or do you want to save some for your sister?"

"You don't mind sharing?"

"No, I don't. You don't have to worry about anything like jealousy or possessiveness with me. I'll be yours for as long as you want me, even if it's just for tonight. You can do whatever you want with Rena or with any other woman for that matter."

I figured Rena wouldn't be back until late which was her usual habit on weekend nights or she might not even be home until late the next morning.

"Turn around," I ordered. Mom obeyed immediately and we had a much more leisurely fuck. I was still conscious of the risks we were taking, but I was much more confident that if we were careful, my dad would never find out his wife was cheating on him. We groped and fondled each other a lot more and got home around midnight. Rena met us at the door.

"What are you doing here?" It was unheard of for my sister to stay home on a weekend night.

Rena shrugged her shoulders. "My friend flaked out at the last minute," she said. Then my sister gasped and grinned. "You two really did it!"

"Did what," I responded automatically.

"You two fucked each other."

Mom and I both gasped. "Rena!" I growled. I was going to strangle the bitch for giving us away to Dad. Rena must have seen murder in my eyes and finally realized what she had done. She raised her hands in surrender.

"Don't worry. Dad isn't here."

"My goodness, Rena! You could have at least shared that information with us first," Mom responded and then giggled. "What gave us away?"

"That just-fucked look on your face, of course," Rena said and grinned.

"I didn't realize I was that obvious. Where's your father?"

"He said he might as well go someplace as long as everyone else was gone. I believe he mentioned the bar at the bowling alley."

"Too tired to go out with me, but not too tired to go out drinking. That's not surprising. What does surprise me is I find that I don't mind at all."

"Good for you," Rena responded. "Don't even mention it to Dad when he gets home." She gestured toward me. "So, how is he?" My mother and sister were talking about me like I wasn't even there, but I was used to that. I didn't care. I was finally calming down from my panic attack and just glad Dad wasn't around to overhear us.

"He's terrible," Mom responded. "Better leave him to me."

"Hey," I protested and swatted her butt. The woman just grinned and giggled.

"Hmm, I think I had better form my own opinion," Rena said. "What about right now? Unless Mom has worn you out?"

"We won't know that until we go for it. You're on."

"I have the bigger bed," my sister said.

"It sounds like you two are planning a big night tonight," our mother said. "I'd better say good night now."

"You're not going to join us? Oh c'mon, Mom," said Rena. "A threesome would be awesome."

"I think so too, but I'll have to take a rain check on that. I want to be in bed or at least ready for bed when your father gets home and we don't know when that will be. I don't want him searching the house and walking in on our lovemaking. Of course, whatever Philip wants is what I want."

"If you change your mind you know where to find us, " I said. Mom embraced and kissed me then did the same with Rena. She even giggled when Rena groped her.

"I'll knock on your door when I hear your father come in," Mom added.

"Good idea," Rena said. She then grabbed my hand and led me into her bedroom. We started stripping as soon as the door closed. We were both naked in no time at all.

"Told ya so, motherfucker."

"Hey, calling someone a motherfucker is fighting words even if it's true." I made a grab for her and Rena jumped backwards on her bed squealing and giggling. I jumped on the bed too and pinned my sister to the mattress and making sure I groped every place I could reach on that woman's body. We continued laughing, giggling and groping each other until a couple of sharp raps on the bedroom door silenced us. Well, at least we turned down the volume.

"Make me your whore," Rena whispered. "You made Mom your whore and now it's my turn."

"Well, I have some pretty exacting standards for girls who want to become my whores," I said. "You wouldn't mind answering some questions to make sure you qualify, would you?" I was just making this up. I was going to fuck her no matter what she said.

"Heh! You may fire when ready, Gridley."

"Well, first I must tell you that I'm glad you're on birth control because I've discovered that I prefer bareback sex over condoms and I don't like to pull out. So, will you be okay with bareback sex?" My sister responded by straddling me and maneuvering my dick into her pussy. She began to fuck me cowgirl style.

"Does that answer your question?"

"Yeah, I guess it does."

"Any other questions?"

"Yeah, well...just one more." Hmm, how do I put this delicately. Rena was making it hard to think with all the blood draining from my brain and into my dick. "Uh...I know from high school and now college you sort of have a reputation for being very popular with the guys and-"

"Are you calling me a slut?"

"I wouldn't exactly call you a slut, but-"

"I'll have you know that I've only been with probably no more than a hundred guys since I lost my cherry."

"A hundred guys? Gosh! You're still practically a virgin." Jeez! If I had slept with a hundred women by now I'd consider myself legendary. At least I wasn't a virgin before tonight.

"Heh! I wouldn't go so far as to say that," Rena responded. "But I'm a piker compared with my friend Becky She lost her cherry about the same time as me, but she's been with at least twice as many guys."

"It's good to know you're so discriminating."

"Whadya mean by that? I don't discriminate with anyone regardless of race, creed, color or natural origin as long as the guy makes me horny."

"That's not exactly what I meant."

"Well, what exactly did you mean?"

"I mean I don't like to share."

"Oh, so you would like me to be your one and only, huh? Is that it?"

"That's it in a nutshell. I know that's a lot to ask, but that's how I feel."

My sister shook her head. "You disappointment me, Philip. I ask you to make me your whore and here you are wanting to make me your girlfriend instead."


"Idiot," Rena exclaimed. "You're not supposed to ask my permission on how you would like things to be. You're supposed to tell me how things are going to be." Oh, I finally got it after my dear sister literally handed it to me on a silver platter.

"Listen bitch," I hissed with as much menace as I could muster. "You're now my woman. If I ever find out you cheated on me, I will beat your butt black and blue. That's a promise. Do you understand?"

"Oh! Much better. Now shut up so I can concentrate on fucking you."

"I'll shut up when I'm good and ready." I was good and ready anyway so I shut up and just enjoyed Rena riding my dick. Gosh, it felt great. It wasn't so dark in her bedroom that I couldn't see her breasts wiggling and jiggling much to my delight. It took me a long time to cum this time, but my sister didn't complain and I felt her shudder through three cums of her own before it was my turn.

"Gah!" It felt like individual fingers were massaging the cum right out of me.

"You like that, huh?"

"What did you do?"

"It's my secret weapon," Rena explained. "I have a magic pussy."

"That must be it." I certainly didn't doubt it. We kissed and I went to my own bed alone just as a precaution. I would like to have stayed with Rena all night.

The next morning we all acted as if nothing extraordinary had happened at all the previous night. Mom and Rena were chatting about nothing in particular and barely looked my way. That was the common sense thing to do with Dad in the house. Dad was getting ready go meet with his bowling league team mates. I enjoyed bowling, but I was never interested in league play. Besides, I had something a lot better I wanted to do. Still, I didn't want to make the first move just in case they were having second thoughts about continuing to have sex with me. I needn't have worried. Within seconds of my dad pulling out of the driveway Mom and Rena were hugging me and showering me with kisses. The three of us spent the next two hours fooling around and fucking on Rena's bed. It couldn't get any better than this.

"I'm pregnant and the baby is yours," Mom told me a couple of months after our affair started.

After I got over my shock, I said, "Uh, I thought you said you couldn't get pregnant."

"I never said that," she replied with a smirk. "I told you not to worry about me getting pregnant when you asked about using condoms."

"Does Dad know?"

"Of course he knows. He thinks he's the father," she added with a smirk.

Dad wasn't happy thinking he had knocked up his wife at his age. That is until his friends and workmates started calling him a middle aged stud. Then he started strutting around like a prize rooster. I was sure glad Dad didn't have any reason to suspect his wife was cheating on him. And I was doubly glad Rena was conscientious about taking her birth control pills. I didn't need another shock like that.

"I'm pregnant and the baby is yours," Rena told me a couple of months later.


"I'm pregnant and –"

"I guess your birth control failed?"

"Actually, I stopped my birth control."




"I wanted to give you a baby just like Mom is doing. That's why. Mom thinks it's a great idea. Now the children will grow up together and be playmates. Isn't that cool?"

"You and Mom think it's a great idea," I muttered shaking my head in disbelief. "Don't you remember Dad promising to kick you out of the house if you ever turned up pregnant without being married?"

"I'm not worried about that. He thinks he's the father."


"He thinks--"

"You've been cheating on me? With Dad?"

Rena shrugged her shoulders. "Mom's the one who suggested it. It was really kind of easy seducing him."

"I don't want to hear about it," I responded. "Do you remember what I promised to do if I ever found out you cheated on me?"

"Um, beat my butt black and blue? You wouldn't beat an expectant mother, would you?" Rena pouted a little. It looked so cute I couldn't help but laugh. My sister's pout turned into a smile and she moved into my arms. She knew she had won.

"You're going to make a great daddy."

I sure hoped so.


2022-01-19 22:58:31
Damn, how I LOVE incest stories!

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