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I'll never forget that summer when me and Mark connected. He taught me not just about sex but showed me the beauty of affection. Tall and athletic he was, and the gentle touch of his hands – oh, those beautiful strong hands – filled me with a kind of warmth I'd never experienced before.
Final term was heading towards an end when me and my two best friends were discussing our upcoming summer holiday during free period. Though it was only Gauge’s timetable which actually showed a blank space around this hour. Technically Siara and I were scheduled to be in health class, but why waste a perfectly good afternoon listening to why you shouldn’t use drugs, when you could also get high on them.

From the top of the bleachers, we looked down at the cheerleaders who were practicing stunts on the field. Dancing around in their skimpy blue with yellow skirts. ‘‘Hey Si, when you gonna pick up your pompoms again?’’ jested Gauge.

Siara used to be part of the team, until she got kicked off for not showing up during last year’s game of the year. Only because she was too busy giving a solo performance to her college friend on the backseat of his car. The cheerleaders had hated her ever since for ruining their routine. Especially their captain Priscilla, who had taken it upon her to become Siara’s biggest rival. Going against everything and everyone she associated with. Except for Gauge, on which she had an obvious crush.

‘‘At the day they top off the pyramid with Priscilla’s head on a pike,’’ she said. ‘‘I would happily hold up the stick.’’

Gauge took another hit of the joint before passing it on to me. ‘‘Now that’d be somethin’ to cheer about,’’ he laughed.

‘‘Why would you say that?’’ I asked. ‘‘She seems awfully nice to you.’’

‘‘That’s what’s drivin’ me nuts. Can’t the chick take a hint?’’

‘‘Perhaps you should take her along on one of your adventures,’’ Siara said. ‘‘I’m sure she’ll be a lot less charmed by your blue eyes once she sees what your mouth does for other men.’’

‘‘Did! – did for other men. John’s been watchin’ my every move. He’s sworn he’s gonna kick me on the street if he ever finds out I’m hustlin’ again. And then what I’m gonna do?’’

Just recently, his uncle had discovered a message on his unlocked computer, while Gauge was taking a quick shower right before a pay date. Apparently, committing incest together and standing watch at his nephew screwing around was okay. Getting paid for it however, was not.

The squad moved over from the center of the field and assembled at the bottom of the bleachers. ‘‘Look ladies, a tramp in her natural habitat,’’ said Priscilla. ‘‘Surrounded by guys while blowing on a stick.’’

The girls laughed in unison.

‘‘Oh hey Gauge,’’ she then said in her sweetest voice. But he completely ignored her.

‘‘Maybe if you tried blowing it instead of shoving it up your ass, you wouldn’t be so uptight,’’ Siara replied, whereafter she demonstratively flipped her red bob.

‘‘We all know you prefer loose, you despicable little slut.’’

Siara’s eyes turned vicious. ‘‘So does your boyfriend.’’ And she gave the girl a wink.

Priscilla looked unsure. Someone had overheard Jimmy talking to one of his friends in the locker room. Claiming that she was a bad lay, and that he was still thinking about Siara. Who I knew had dumped him because she wasn’t as impressed with his bed qualities as he was with hers. Afterwards, the boy had denied everything of course. But the rumor was already spreading around the school. Equally, he had only been Priscilla’s second choice as well, since Gauge wouldn’t give her the time of day.

The pompom queen decided to shut up now and sat her ass down. Awkwardly combing through her blond curls while trying to restore her poise.

Gauge got up and casually threw his backpack over his shoulder. ‘‘I gotta split guys. I’m meetin’ Michiru in the library. She’s offered to tutor me in math.’’

Siara who had been lying flat out on the bench, sat up on her elbows. ‘‘So before finally using them, you thought it’d be a wise idea to smoke your brains out?’’ She shook her head. ‘‘Well, good luck with that.’’

‘‘I think he’s aiming for higher education,’’ I said. After which the three of us burst out in laughter. Making Priscilla throw another foul look.

A couple of minutes after Gauge left, coach Sullivan appeared on the field, making his way over to our side.

‘‘Oh crap, get rid of the blunt Si,’’ I said, to which she leisurely lifted her head to see what was going on. When she got hold of the teacher, she swiftly took a last draw on what was left of the joint and threw it randomly down the bleachers. Just in time before the coach arrived.

‘‘I’ve missed you two in my class. Can you explain what you’re doing up there?’’

He’d only just finished his sentence when one of the girls began to scream. ‘‘Fire! – Her hair is on fire!’’

We both jumped up almost simultaneously. ‘‘Oh crap,’’ I said.

Coach Sullivan reacted immediately and took off his sport jacket. Then he threw it over the head of Priscilla, who now screeched in terror as she waved her hands all over the place.

Luckily the fire extinguished just as fast as it had ignited.

Priscilla burst out in tears while the girls tried to comfort her and looked around in disbelief as to what had happened. ‘‘Look, there’s something in her hair,’’ said one of them.

I looked sidewise to my friend, who seemed equally stressed. Shortly after that we witnessed how coach Sullivan brought his hand to the blond curls and took out a shriveled piece of blunt. Showing it to the cheerleaders with a questionable face.

That’s when Priscilla turned around in rage, viciously looked up the bleachers and threw her finger at us.

‘‘IT WAS THEM!’’ she hissed.


We both got suspended for the rest of the remaining year. Only being allowed to enter the school grounds to take our final exams. We were lucky enough we were able to return for senior year, since we didn’t have the finest track record to begin with. The school board had made it very clear that we couldn’t afford any more slipups, because next time we would get expelled.

My mom was furious about what I had done. Not only had I been involved in setting a girl on fire, but in her mind even worse: ‘‘I was doing drugs!’’.

Tragedy struck again in the week leading up to summer break, when she found the stash of money I had earned with my two-day career as a prostitute. Which I had hidden under the matrass when I decided it would be best to save the cash for something positive instead of spending it on superficial things. Giving in to the advice of the know-it-all doorman who had confronted me in the lobby after my gangbang with five juiceheads.

‘‘How on earth did you get over a two thousand dollars?!’’ she screamed. ‘‘Are you also dealing the drugs? – ANSWER ME!’’

At first I denied, but she obviously was going to demand some valid explanation. So in the end I saw no other option than to just confess to her accusations. What else was I going to do, tell my mom I had been selling my butt to a bunch of men? That truth was even worse than the lie portraying me as a drug dealer.

Being the Good Samaritan that she was, my mom decided the money had been tainted by immoral deeds, and the only way to make amens was by giving it back to good cause. So the World Wildlife Fund received a big donation for their Save The Panda program, and I never saw the money again. Teaching me two things. One; never be stupid enough to hide your precious belongings under a mattress, and two; never be gullible enough to base your choices on an old man’s sob story.

Screw wise decisions, next time I would definitely choose materialism. Though contributing to the preservation of some fuzzy bear wasn’t the worst thing in the world.

Being send to my godparents for the summer however, now that was a real blow.


I had always been found of Mark and Medea and usually I liked visiting their place. But it wasn’t precisely the way I had imagined spending my summer vacation.

During the day Medea worked at the hospital, while Mark recently had lost his steady job due to budget cuts and was now a self-employed freelancer. I didn’t know what his work field was about exactly, nor did I care. But what I did know was that it involved clients and a lot of working from home. Which made it easy for him to keep an eye on me, and difficult for me to do whatever the hell I wanted. He even had made me a list of chores around the house, to keep me occupied by ‘‘doing something meaningful’’.

The second week I was there, Medea left the house for the weekend. Her sister’s family had planned a stay at a summer cabin, and someone had to feed the cats. So by Friday afternoon, it was just Mark and me in the house.

He was my godfather whom I’d known my whole life. But since he and Medea lived far away from us, I only got to see him every once in a while. Which made it difficult to bond with him as such he ever could have become a substitute for the father figure I had been missing in my youth. We surely got along fine, but it hardly was anything more than that. But at the time I’d hit puberty, he had unknowingly contributed to my sexual awakening. That’s when I had also begun to notice how hairy his broad forearms were, and how the tendons strained in his firm wrists whenever he squeezed his large hands. Which had then quickly become my obsession.

Whenever when I would sit at the table with him, my eyes were secretly observing those hands and the vigor they seemed to possess. His fingers were exceptionally long, yet firm at the same time, and his palms were wide as if made to carry bricks. To think of it, his hands didn’t match his line of work at all. Those were not the palms of a man sitting mostly behind a desk. In all fairness he was very active in his spare time, where he would fix things around the house and tinker with his car. Such as he was doing now.

On my way to the toilet, I glanced through the open door to the garage. Mark was bending over the hood of his jeep while he was covered in grease. He was a tall man in his forties with an athletic physique. His short-sleeved flannel shirt stood open, and I saw the sweat streaming over his stomach. Making me forget where I was going and keeping me nailed to the floor, as I kept watching how he worked while the muscles flexed in his well-developed arms. How I longed for him to stop what he was doing and take me into their warm embrace.

I startled as Mark looked up. ‘‘Hey there, can you hand me a towel from the kitchen?’’ he asked. His blond hair stood messy, and the clear blue eyes behind his glasses looked hellish in contrast to the dark smears on his cheeks.

After I brought him his towel, he cleaned himself up. I attentively observed how he took the sweat and dirt out his beard and off his body. One of his nipples popped up as the fabric of his shirt swung to the side. I bit my lip at the sight of the juicy tip in the middle of the circle. Imagining how it would feel like to run my tongue over it.

‘‘I’ll start dinner after I grab a quick shower,’’ he said. ‘‘Perhaps you can already set the table?’’

When I got back to the kitchen to take out the plates and silver from the cabinets, I could only think about how he was undressing himself upstairs. Unbuttoning his jeans and taking off his briefs whereafter his naked body stepped under the streams. How then the water would be running over his wide back, trailing all the way down to his tight buttocks. In my fantasy I stepped in with him, putting my arms around him and kissing the back of his neck.

Holding that thought I finally went to the toilet and jerked myself off as I was thinking about it.


That evening when I went into my current bedroom, my eye fell on the low bookcase beside the window. Specifically on the red cover that read ‘‘Little Red Riding Hood’’. I took it off the shelf and viewed the cover. I remembered having seen it before as a kid and how the drawing had fascinated me then as well. But now it occurred to me how the wolf and the girl looked suspiciously a lot like lovers. In the way his paw was holding her hand and the seductive manner with which he gazed into her eyes. While she looked up to him as if in willing surrender. Almost as if she would be happy to be eaten by the beast.

It also occurred to me that this book had contained a different version of the tale than all the others I’ve heard. I wanted to refresh my memory but first I was going to prepare myself for bed. I placed the book on the nightstand and changed into my robe, whereafter I headed for the bathroom.

Walking into the hallway, for the second time that day my eye got caught by an open door. Although this time it was only standing ajar. Through the crack I saw a fantasy unfolding itself as Mark was just taking off his briefs. In an angle that gave me a clear view of his beautiful behind with a hint of other flesh, which showed me just enough to determine he was well developed in that department as well.

He turned around and stared right into my face.

I flinched and in a haste of confusion I flew back to my room whereafter I closed the door behind me way too loud. My heart raged as I asked myself what to do. He had obviously seen me standing there, if only for a flinch of a moment. I could play it off as if I had been wanting to ask him something. But what could that be? Think, come on, think.

I heard movement on the other side of the door. Still not sure what to do, I threw off my robe and jumped into bed.

Mark knocked on the other side of the door.

I pulled the covers up with tense fingers. ‘‘Come in,’’ I answered unsure.

He entered the room. Fully covered this time and dressed in a dark grey dressing gown. ‘‘I see you already got into bed. Don’t I get a wish good night anymore?’’ he asked lighthearted.

His voice had always been hoarse, making it sound like he was whispering all the time. I had never really paid any attention to it, but in this setting, it struck me as oddly seductive.

‘‘I’m just really tired,’’ I said, while I was totally relieved that he didn’t mention anything about me peeking through his bedroom door. Maybe he hadn’t noticed after all.

‘‘What’s this, are my eyes deceiving me or are you actually reading?’’ He picked up the book on my nightstand and frowned his brow.

‘‘Oh, I wasn’t reading that. It just fell out of the bookcase. I wanted to put it back but then I remembered I… had to brush my teeth.’’

‘‘Really?’’ he said with a sarcastic face. ‘‘So did you?’’

‘‘Did what?’’

‘‘Brush your teeth? Because I believe to have seen you never made it all the way to the bathroom.’’

Damned! So he had seen me staring.

I was dumbstruck and lost for words. But Mark didn’t wait for an actual answer and walked over to the side of the room. Where he picked up my clothes off the armchair I had dumped them on, and replaced them on the dress boy right next to it. ‘‘Switching up furniture purposes, are we?’’

He held on to my underwear. ‘‘This goes in the laundry basket,’’ he said. He tightly gripped my red briefs, turning his knuckles white. Whereupon he brought the fabric to his nose and sniffed it.

He placed the dirty laundry in the corner next to the door and moved the chair over to the bedside. ‘‘May I?’’ he asked. To which I gave an improving nod.

He sat back in the chair, moving his legs slightly apart. Making the fabric of his robe move sideways and creating a gap that revealed a small piece of the inside of his right upper leg. Offering a sneak peek to a realm of desires, just like the door that had been standing ajar. I wanted to lay my hand there. Follow the road of his flesh to the forbidden place. The centerpiece of his manliness. But all I could do was swallow my drool.

‘‘I know you’ve been going through a rough time lately,’’ he said. ‘‘These changes you’re going through can cause a lot of chaos in your head. You probably question both yourself and the people around you. We’ve all been there, but once we get older, our memory tends to distort what life was like at your age. We idolize youth and its possibilities but forget about its hardships. But I haven’t forgotten.

‘‘Your father left you at an early stage, but you must know that wasn’t your fault. And maybe I haven’t been there for you either, at least not in the way you needed me to be. But just know that I’m here now.’’

He made another look at the book on my nightstand. ‘‘So for the future, if you ever want me to read you a bedtime story, all you have to do is ask.’’

I wasn’t sure if he was serious or just mocking me with that last sentence and I sat up straight in a state of defense. ‘‘Like I said, it fell out of the –’’

‘‘– Psst, let’s not waste our breath on it. Come, let me tuck you in. For old times’ sake.’’

A little astonished I watched as he came up to me and pulled the blankets over my body. Unlike what he just said, he never had done this when I was little. That had always been Medea. I definitely would have remembered otherwise, seeing how my entire youth I had longed for a loving gesture like that from a grown man. Longed for those very words he had just spoken. And now, being seventeen going on eighteen, for the first time in my life it happened.

Mark bent over me, and he gave me a small kiss on my forehead.

Warmth filled my entire body as if I got struck with hot flashes, and my heart beat faster yet slower at the same time.

He gazed into my eyes with his clear blues and gave me a gentle smile. ‘‘Good night little one,’’ he said.

He walked over to the door. ‘‘Wait!’’ I said. I didn’t dare to speak the words out loud, so I just grabbed the book and held it up in a gesture.

Mark smiled and came back to the chair, whereafter he took the book off my hands.

‘‘Once upon a time there was a little girl who went to take some bread and milk to her grandmother,’’ he read.

‘‘In the woods she met a wolf, broad and dark, with eyes that showed ones every desire. He asked her what she was carrying, and she showed him what was in her basket. To which he licked his lips and said:

‘Can I taste your bread to still the hunger?’

‘I’ve been told to say no to an unknown hand.’

‘Can I taste your milk to still the thirst?’

‘Daddy says I can, but mommy says I can’t.’

He asked her where she was going, and she told him about her grandmother’s house in the forest.

He asked her which path she would take, the path of needles or the path of pins?

She had always taken the path of pins but today she would follow the path of needles instead. Thus, the wolf hurried off down the path of pins, and before she arrived, he had already devoured her grandmother.’’

As Mark was reading in his whispery voice, I observed him and the way his fingers, strong yet graceful, turned the pages of the little book. The back of his hands were covered with blond hairs that followed a path which disappeared under cotton sleeves. His robe stood open in the shape of a reverse pyramid and revealed the contours of his upper chest. Broad and solid.

He scratched his short beard as he perused the pages from under his glasses.

‘‘Then the girl walked into the house, and said: ‘Dear grandmother, I brought you a loaf of bread and a bottle of milk.’

‘Thank you my love,’ said the wolf. ‘Why don’t you help yourself to some of the meat and wine on the table.’

When she took the meat, a cat jumped up onto the cupboard and said: ‘A slut is she who eats the flesh of her grandmother.’

‘Grandmother,’ said the girl, ‘there’s a cat telling me I’m eating your flesh.’

‘The cat lies,’ said the wolf. ‘Throw your shoe at it, you won’t need it anymore.’’’

Mark threw off his slippers and I looked at his big feet. He curled his toes and rubbed his soles against one another.

‘‘When she took the wine, a bird flew down onto the windowsill and said: ‘A whore is she who drinks the blood of her own’.

‘Grandmother,’ said the girl, ‘there’s a bird telling me I’m drinking my own blood.’

‘The bird lies, said the wolf. ‘Throw your cloak at it, you won’t need it anymore.’’’

Now Mark sat just a little wider and from under the robe I could see the tip of his flesh peeking out.

I caught my breath. My eyes pinned on the big schlong dangling between his legs. He was built hung and uncut. My heart raged while under the sheets I put my hands over my crotch. My sudden erection was so hard that I was almost afraid it would make the blankets stand out like a tent.

As if he was completely unaware of his dick hanging out from under his robe, he continued the story.

‘‘After she ate the meat and drank the blood, the girl yawned and said she was sleepy.

To which the wolf said: ‘Undress yourself my love and come lie down beside me.’

‘Where should I leave my dress?’ she asked.

‘Put it into the fire,’ he said. ‘You won’t need it anymore.’’’

That’s when Mark paused and looked up to me. I swiftly took my eyes away from his hairy crotch and forced a smile. But he was already following my previous gaze.

Seeing how his own cock was out on display, he lay the open book down on the nightstand and got to his feet.

I was expecting him to tie up his tunic, but instead he completely took it off.

My eyes went wide as they took in the view of his magnificent body. Tall and athletic with a long juicy prick in between firm legs.

‘‘Move over will you,’’ he said. Whereafter he crawled next to me under the sheets. Making his skin touch mine while we huddled close together. He didn’t stop there. After picking up the book he put his left arm around me, forcing my head on his chest. Was this really happening?

‘‘After she had undressed, the girl approached the bed. There her grandmother lay in strange position, covered with a hood over her face.

When she crawled into bed she said: ‘Grandmother, what hairy arms you have.’

‘The better to stay warm with, my love.’’’

While he read it, I stroked my hand over Mark’s left arm. Tentatively feeling each and every hair with the tips of my fingers.

‘‘‘Grandmother, what big shoulders you have.’

‘The better to carry the firewood with, my love.’

‘Oh grandmother, what a big mouth you have…’’’

Mark turned his head towards me and gazed into my eyes. And in his face, I saw the reflection of my own desire. The unmistakable longing for the warmth and embrace of that other person with whom you wanted to leave the whole world behind. If only for a swift moment of infinite passion.

He came closer, to the point where his breath blew in my face. My lips trembled as I could almost feel his touch.

Then he whispered: ‘‘‘The better to eat you with, my love.’’’

But he did not kiss me. He straightened up and continued once more. ‘‘‘Oh grandmother, I’ve got to go make pee pee.’

‘Make pee pee here.’

‘But I have a terrible itch too.’

‘Lie down and I will scratch it for you.’’’

Mark let his big hand slide under the blankets, when suddenly, I felt his thick finger caressing my hole. After that, he put the book shut, and simply continued the massage. Then he licked his tips before bringing them back to my crevice. I closed my eyes and exhaled, enjoying his gentle strokes. Whereafter he let the whole of his middle finger disappear deeply inside of me.

I brought out a soft moan, to which he responded by twirling the finger around, while rubbing my outer skin with the others. My dick was growing again as he stimulated me in precisely the right spot. How I had longed all these years for those hands to touch me, and now finally…

He caressed my neck with his greedy lips. Sending chills all down my spine and making my toes curl in arousal. I turned my head and we got locked in a lustful glance. His spectacles glistened in one of the night lights and I tentatively took them off his nose. He took his hand out of me and tasted my fluids. Then he brought his index finger to the bridge of my nose and ran over its outlining, until he reached my lips and put it into my mouth.

He stroked my cheek with his big thumb and brought himself up to me. Going in for a long and passionate kiss.

I threw my arms around his big shoulders as our tongues collided. Taking in each other’s saliva – rubbing and mixing it till it was one substance. Made up out of the both of us. Warm fluids flushed through my body and my heart felt enlightened.

From my lips he went down to my neck, kissing me all over my skin until he reached my erection. He took it in and pressed his lips around my cockhead. His tongue twirled around the tip and the tension of his molding mouth made my muscles twitch. I looked down into his eager gaze – his penetrating blue eyes that were filled with longing. Watching me while his cheeks were stuffed with cock.

His technique was on point, squeezing his lips with a trembling motion while his tongue ran up and down the shaft, smearing saliva all over until it dripped down to my balls.

As an addition he inserted his middle finger again, going right for my sensitive place and turning my arousal up another notch. Causing my body to convulse. Pleasuring my hole as well as my dick. He was clearly enjoying himself too, seeing how he closed his eyes while eagerly sucking on my flesh. Working his tongue around my hard-on with pure dedication.

He came back up to me and put his full weight on top. Kissing me some more while running his hands through my hair, firmly pushing his fingers into my scalp. Our dicks rubbed along one another, and I could feel he was just as hard as I.

All the tension of that night had set in motion a constant circulation of fluids through my body. Causing my bladder to fill up. When he accidentally put some pressure right above my pelvis it felt as if I was about to burst.

‘‘Something wrong?’’ he asked, when apparently, he’d caught on to my cringe.

I hesitated at first, but then I said, ‘‘I haven’t been to the toilet for quite a few hours and now I kinda have to pee.’’

Mark grinned. ‘‘Well, you heard what the wolf said. If you have to take a piss, you can do it right here.’’

His words filled me with excitement. I don’t know why, but the idea of letting it all run seemed oddly arousing. Problem was, my dick was so hard that I couldn’t possibly.

‘‘I can’t,’’ I said.

‘‘Sure you can. You just have to relax. Here, let me show you.’’

He got to his knees and beckoned me to come over with his finger, while he gave me a seductive glance.

His dick was still in an erect state and seeing his hard knock, I immediately wanted to suck. But when I tried to go for it, he wouldn’t let me and pushed my head back. ‘‘Wait for it,’’ he said.

As I looked at the little slit in the pink head, my heart began to pound. Knowing that something was coming, yet not knowing when. The tension was building as I was waiting for him to release his fluids. The longer I was eyeballing the glans the more I craved for the spurt of its fountain.

His dick sacked a bit as it was now only half erect. When suddenly, a little stream gushed out of its thick head.

I opened my mouth wide, catching the stream with a grasping tongue. Warm fluid spilled into my mouth, and I drank with thirst. Swallowing as much of his life sources as I could. But the force of the stream got heavier, and I couldn’t keep up anymore. Piss overflowed the corners of my mouth and I shut my eyes as the jet sprayed all over my face. Wetting even my hair and also my chest, as his fall of pee ran down my neck.

When the flow stopped, I cautiously opened my mouth. Mark grabbed on to the back of my head and without warning, shoved his dick down my throat. I blew the shaft and sucked on the pumped-up head. Stuffing my cheeks with his meat rod and grabbing on to his balls, which I juggled between my fingers. They were heavy and full, and I craved for the milk that was in them. I pressed my lips around his cock and gulped him in with force. Meanwhile working my tongue as a propeller. He pulled me by my hair and slid me up and down his prick. Making me blow as if it was my only duty.

After a while he turned me around and forced me down by pressing my shoulders. Then he buried his face into my crevice. ‘‘Hmmm – what a delicious bun of bread,’’ he groaned.

He spread my cheeks and maneuvered his tongue inside. Twirling it around my inner canal and wetting my pucker. I pushed back, grinding my hole onto his sucking mouth. ‘‘Eat me daddy,’’ I hissed, and I gasped for breath as my legs trembled of pleasure. He sucked in the flesh of my sphincter with the force of a vacuum, whereupon he spit into the open gap. He pushed in his finger again to work the drool further up my ass. Making me wet and slippery. Preparing me to serve as a slide for his dick.

Then he rolled me on to my side and lay himself behind me. ‘‘Hold up your leg,’’ he said. After which he got a hold of his dick and pushed it inside. I clenched my teeth as the thick long rod teared me apart. But I did not resist for I wanted him badly.

Mark took over my leg and I grasped on to his delt from under his arm. He put his other arm around my body and stroked his hand over my lower stomach. ‘‘How’s your bladder?’’ he whispered in my ear.

‘‘Still growing fuller,’’ I gasped.

‘‘Feel free to empty it whenever you feel the need,’’ he said, and he grabbed a hold of my dick. Which was now hard as a rock.

‘‘Please stroke me daddy,’’ I said, while I pushed myself onto his stiff meat. And he clasped his strong fingers around mine whereafter he gently pulled the skin. All the while his hard pecker dug its way further up my butt.

I squeezed on it, molding it with my sphincter as he worked up the pace. Feeling his hard sweaty torso sticking to my back, as our bodies were deeply entwined. He gasped in my neck and kissed the back of my head. Holding me in loving embrace while fucking me hard. I was moaning from the friction in my canal and the firm hand with which he was jerking my dick. ‘‘Oh, how I needed you – I needed you always,’’ I screamed.

‘‘Psst, it’s okay boy,’’ he said, and he tightened his broad arms around me. ‘‘Daddy is here. And from now on, I’m gonna take care of you.’’

After having pounded his way up until the entire length of his shaft had disappeared into my hole, he pulled it back out and turned me onto my back. Spreading my legs wide and taking me in missionary position.

I stroked his abdomens while I took in the view of his grinding hips, and took his nipples between finger and thumb, rubbing them between my tips. He had his eyes closed, losing himself in the action, and the sweat dripped off his forehead. Shoving himself further up my body and hitting my prostate over and over again, causing me to exhale in sensation. Each time pounding me deeper and loosening me up widely, until I became completely tranquil. It felt like he was washing all my troubles away, for now all that mattered was him and me.

‘‘That’s right, relax and let it all go,’’ he said. Which he repeated a couple of times, until I felt an urge coming up. Almost as if I was about to cum. But what came out of me was not cum.

Piss streamed over my stomach while my body bounced under the friction of his big dick.

‘‘Yes – yes!’’ he screamed with a horny smile on his face. ‘‘Make it rain baby!’’

Urine sprayed out of my dick like a fountain, splashing on my belly and streaming over my chest. All while Mark kept fucking me deep in my hole. It felt liberating how the wetness gushed down my skin. Dripping off my abs and onto the matrass. And I spread my legs wide to take in my godfather’s dick, which was poking against the back of my bladder, pushing out every last drop of pee – stroking my prostate at the same time. The feeling was heavenly, and I touched my wet chest, spreading the pool of urine all over my torso.

Mark squeezed my inner ties with his vast hands as he drilled himself through my body. He panted loudly and his eyes rolled back in his skull. I could see he was close to reaching an orgasmic state.

He dropped his full weight on top of me, where he buried his face in my neck. Kissing me while his hands fondled my body. His heaving breath blew into my ear, and I bit my lip as the warm damp touched my skin. ‘‘Breed me, oh please!’’ I hissed, and I held on to his broad shoulders while his hips pushed his dick as far inside of me as he could possibly reach. Yet I grabbed on to his buttocks, trying to pull him even deeper, but he was already as deep as he could be.

His panting got heavier, his moans got loader, until he screamed out in extasy.


His warm sperm gushed through my body, and he bred me with his semen.

For a moment he just laid there, exhausted and content. Then he pulled himself together and bent himself over my stomach. He put his lips on my belly and slurped from the deluge of urine. Whereupon he came up to me and grabbed my mouth, pushing it open with a solid grip. He released the pee from his mouth into mine and gave me a wet kiss that caused more slurping sounds.

Then he crawled down to my crotch and sucked on my dick. It didn’t take him long to bring my erection to a full state, and I gasped in surrender as he was blowing me. He put his fingers inside of me once more, and so he finished me off in just the way he had started. Stimulating my dick and my prostate at the same time.

My breath was heaving, revealing to him that I was close. ‘‘Let go of it boy,’’ he said. ‘‘Spill your milk!’’

I felt my muscles contract whereupon I dumped all of my load in the back of his wet mouth.

Greedy he licked off every drop of my sperm and cleaned my shaft all the way down my balls. Then he dropped next to me and took me into his warm embrace. He kissed my forehead and entwined in each other’s arms we fell fast asleep.


When I woke up the next morning, Mark was nowhere to be found. The bed was empty and cold now that the pee had lost its warmth. Leaving only its wetness in the sheets. I crawled up from the mattress and felt my sticky body, when down the hallway I heard streaming waters. I stepped out of the room and followed the sound leading to the bathroom. And there he was.

The water streamed down his broad back as he was soaping his hair. Trailing all the way down to his perky round ass. Just like I had been imagining the previous day. In the same way I slid open the glass doors and got behind him, whereupon I enclosed my arms around him tightly. But this time it wasn’t make-believe.

‘‘There you are,’’ he said, while he put his head back against my shoulder. ‘‘I was wondering how long it would take for you to miss me.’’

For some reason those words got to me. Hit me hard in an old wound I had believed to have buried. ‘‘I thought you’d left,’’ I said.

Mark turned around and looked me in the eyes. ‘‘You were afraid I would abandon you.’’ He stroked my face with his large hand. ‘‘I meant it when I said that I’m here for you now. So don’t you worry kid.’’

He grabbed a piece of soap from the shower caddy and handed it to me. ‘‘Help me with my backside will you.’’

Then he bent over against the glass cabin, slightly parting his legs. Seeing the water drip between his cheeks made the blood run through my veins. Causing me to get an instant boner. It had been incredible to feel him inside me, but now the thought of entering him seemed very inviting as well.

I began to work his back with the soap, following the contours between his shoulders blades and running over his defined muscles. I’ve seen broader men, bodybuilders who had been pumped up with roids and were built to the extreme. But his physique was made up of natural gifted strength. Just pure and all his, without any unnecessary enhancements.

That was the thing about Mark, he was not particularly handsome like Flo, or ugly like Ronald. Not particularly shredded like the Blond Stallion, or fat like uncle John. He was decent looking and vigorously built. Being just enough of everything. But most of all he was there – truly there in this moment with me. Giving me what I had really longed for all this time. Affection.

I went through my knees and reached his buttocks, letting the piece of soap slide over his crevice. To which he reacted by bringing out a soft moan. I continued to work his hole a little. Drawing circles with the little bar in my hand. The water kept streaming over it, washing the foam away. Mark bend over further and made a wide stand. Spreading his cheeks so that his hole stood open just a little. Thus, I dropped the bar and accepted the invite.

I let my tongue slither inside his tight pucker and took a taste of his soft flesh. It cramped under my touch, and he squeezed his sphincter firmly around the tip of my tongue. But now I was in I would not let myself be pushed out so easily. I opened my mouth wide and sticked my licker further up his canal. Twirling it around and letting my taste buds take in the juicy inner walls. Amazed over how this man could be built solid as steel yet soft like velvet at the same time. He reached back and grasped my hair, clenching it in his thick fingers and pushing my face deeply in between his cheeks. I licked with eager and sucked hard on his hole. Making the sphincter relax until it stood open wide.

‘‘Get up,’’ he hissed. ‘‘Get to your feet and put it in.’’

I picked up the bar of soap and rubbed my cock with it, and with only a small amount of friction I glid inside Mark’s tight little hole.

He spread his fingers on the glass wall while he groaned, as my dick stretched him up and cleaved a path through his body. I placed my hands on his traps and held on to the bulging muscles, while I pressed my pelvis forward in an easy motion. Trying to compose myself from ramming it in too anxiously. Feeling him contract around my shaft gave me goosebumps, even though there was hot water splashing on our skins. I looked down at my dick disappearing into his round muscular ass and got urged even more to work myself further up.

‘‘Yes boy, you’re doing good,’’ he said. ‘‘Don’t be afraid to let daddy have it.’’

I grabbed him by his hips and accelerated the pace. Shoving my cock eagerly inside of him. Working his crevice with long heavy strokes while he massaged my rod by molding it with his muscles. He knew precisely how to work his sphincter and I could almost feel the seeds boiling in my balls. I wanted to breed him in the same way he had done to me. And now I was fucking him real hard, hitting my cock against his prostate while I was panting down his neck. My chest collapsed against his back and our skins rubbed the hot water dry until our bodies stuck together as one.

Mark sighed when he got up straight and my prick slid out of him.

He turned around and took me in his arms, kissing me fervently. ‘‘Time to get out,’’ he said, whereupon he turned off the tap and stepped out of the shower.

We helped each other dry off while we both got wrapped up in happiness. Cuddling and poking each other with laughter.

Then he took my hands and pulled me over to the outstretched wash cabinet, where he put down his towel and heaved himself up. Hanging backwards against the mirror and holding his legs up while spreading them wide.

I couldn’t resist giving his pink hole a last kiss with my tongue before inserting myself back in.

Seeing the delight on his face while I was inside of him made me even hornier. His clear blue eyes gazed into mine with an ensuring warmth, causing me to connect with him in a way I had never done with anyone before. He stretched his arm out and stroked my cheek, and I closed my eyes, enjoying the touch of his warm hand while my dick was sliding through his body. Then Mark took a hold of his own cock, rubbing it while exhaling in extasy. ‘‘Ooh yes, that’s the spot right there!’’ he screamed.

We had only just left the shower, and already our bodies were damping again. Sweat dripped off my forehead and onto his balls. ‘‘I wanna breed you daddy, oh please, can I?!’’

‘‘Yes, breed me boy, fill up your daddy!’’ he shouted while he jerked his dick hard.

Amazingly we shot our loads in unison, and his spunk splattered on his belly while I deposited my seeds deeply inside his body.

We collapsed in embrace while I was still inside of him. Whereafter we crawled up and wiped off the sweat and sperm from our bodies. ‘‘How about I fill up a nice warm bath for us?’’ he said. And so, we got ourselves wet once more. With me lying between his legs while he caressed my hair.

I had done a lot of crazy stuff lately. Seeking ways to fill a long existing void through excitement and depravity. But for the first time in years, I felt truly at piece. I knew this could never last. He was my godfather for Christ’s sake. Married to my godmother, who would be coming back by the end of the weekend. But that was a problem for later. Right now, all that mattered was this moment, when it was still just him and me. Together in a bubble where there was no room for sorrow or despair. Because in this moment, all I felt was truly and utterly


***THE END***
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