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This is my story of sexual exploration with my father. Although there is incest in it, it's more about my journey of discovery. If incest offends you then stop now. As per the rules of the forum all characters are assumed to be 18 years old or older.
From the earliest times I remember my parents would take the whole family to nudist resorts/beaches at least once a summer occasionally more. My family at the beginning of my awakening consisted of my father, who was in his mid 40’s, about 6 feet tall, muscular build from hard work. He had hazel eyes and blonde hair. I also had a crush on my dad. Yes, some girls crushed on teachers or friend's dads, for me it was my handsome father.

My mother was a couple years younger than my father and was 5’5’ tall with a nice figure and large breasts and round hips that attracted attention from guys. She has green eyes and long curly red hair.

My oldest brother 4 years older than me and is 5’11” tall with a husky build. He has green eyes and blonde hair like my father cut short. My other brother is 2 years older than me and is 6 foot tall with a slim build. He has hazel eyes and red hair to his shoulders like the members of the many bands he liked.

I was 5’2” with an athletic build as I ran and did dance as well as starting to learn Yoga. My eyes are hazel likes dads and my red hair long and curly half down my back like moms. My breasts were small A-cups. I was not a virgin when this all happens but I will get to that in a bit.

A few things about me. I loved the nudist visits and I adopted it fully even at home much to the annoyance of my mom, but dad didn’t mind and neither did my brothers or their friends as i would refuse to be as I didn’t want to be in my own home. I would wear as little as I could get away with at home and even outside of it with me often riding nude in the car to the resorts. I loved to stay up late and watch things like Star Trek and other classic 80’s and 70’s shows with my father, mother was a morning person who went to bed earlier so I would often cuddle with dad on the sofa and we would watch the TV together snuggled to the light of the screen when the rest of the house was asleep. I played the piano from a very young age with my aunt in Ireland even shipping me a grand piano to play on, encouraging me to carry on the tradition of people who could play in our family. My dad loved watching me play, I usually would play in the nude, my mom didn’t like it but I told her I could feel the music better. Yes, I know it was lame but I was an artist after all I would tell her when she questioned me about that. I would intentionally mess up pieces of music with my clothes on and play her favorite classical pieces flawless when naked, so she allowed it due to my stubbornness. Since when doing a recital or performance for their friends I played just fine with clothes on.

Now back to the bit or the sexual journey I said I would get back to. I was no virgin because in the summer previous I was staying with an uncle from my mom's side when my parents went to visit family in Ireland. My brothers stayed with friends as none of us wanted to go overseas at this point in our lives. My uncle would take advantage of me in this time. It was a very confusing thing, my mind rebelled and hated what he did, my body on the other hand after the brief pain of losing my virginity responded to it. The more he took me the more my body responded and reveled in the sensations and pleasure, my repeated moans and coming on his cock with a flood of juices giving him the impression I was loving it all. He came to me every night even if I had my period. I was glad I had it due to neither being on birth control and him not using a condom. I was lucky here.

I found myself coming quite easily by the end of the summer with my body reacting and responding and welcoming his cock invading it. I even came to enjoy sucking cock and the taste of cum. 2 months of nightly sex my body was used to it and longed for it. I was a different girl going home.

What held me together mentally I think was most of the men I knew in my life were good men, men like my dad and other uncles and my friend's dads. I knew even then most men were not like my uncle. I missed my dad and looked forward cuddling with him again watching our favorite shows together. Playing for him Mozart, Bach and Beethoven in the nude as he looked at me proud that his little girl could make such music that his eyes would mist up at times from it. He would hug me lovingly and kiss my forehead after telling me I will be a star if I wished it, i was amazing and other flattering things. All of which I thought was just a parent judging their child in a biased manner as I did not have that confidence in myself then to know, I really was very good.

Back to where we began. It was the beginning of spring, and I was happy I would have more late nights with dad with school almost out I was feeling my body’s need more and just before school was out for the year, I went into an adult sex store. The guy at cash and others there were watching me as I was only female in the place, and I was surprised no one asked me to leave as I clearly did not look the age notice posted on the door. I noticed there was a lingerie section with some wildly hot items for sale as well as booths to watch porn in and even a theatre in the back. I looked over the toys trying to decide which I liked. I think this interested the guys who were largely browsing the porn videos, they kept glancing at me in my short sundress that barely covered my ass. I picked up and looked at various dildos and vibrators. I settled on a sleek pink vibrator; it was all I really could afford. The guy rang it up no issues and said “thank you ma-am, please come again” to me. I tried it excited that very night and it was good and did the trick as I lay in my bed at night with naughty images in my mind as I came on it a couple times.

It was the first Saturday evening after school got out and mom was in bed and my brothers out at friend's houses. My dad told me he was looking forward to more time with me and it was with this in mind I changed into knee socks and a pair of panties and nothing else. I went and sat beside dad on sofa and snuggled against him. He slid his arm over my shoulder as normal as we settled in.

We made idle chat at times about what we watched and about an hour later I lay on my back with my head in his lap watching TV. Dad rested his hand on my midsection. It had a surprising effect on me feeling his strong hand on my soft skin. Maybe it shouldn’t have surprised me due to the crush I had on him. I felt myself warm and heat spread throughout me, I must have made a little sound or moan as dad said, “What’s wrong sweetie?”

I bit lower lip thinking how to say it before just saying it “your hand feels nice on me there”.

Dad moved his hand some caressing the skin on my flat stomach over my belly button and close to under my breasts saying, “Like this sweetie, you like that?”

I said in a soft almost moan of a voice “Mmmm yes dad that feels nice”.

“How does it feel to you nice in what way? You cold sweetie?” Said dad wondering while still caressing me.

“Mmm no dad, just makes me feel warm and safe and content being here with you” I said wondering immediately if I should have put it like that.

“It makes you happy when I caress you?” asked Dad.

“Yes, daddy. These nights make me happy to be with you and close, you know I always look forward to them. I don’t know but you are caressing my skin and us being close makes me happy” I said softly.

Dad picked up my hand kissing it before saying “It makes me happy to sweetie that we have these times together, they are one of the best parts of my week spending time with my beautiful daughter”.

I blushed a bit squeezing his hand before guiding it and putting it on my chest. Dad slides his hand back down between my breasts caressing my tummy lightly again and I moaned as he did it.

Dad looked me making the sound and smiling saying “You really do like it sweetie, don’t you?”

“No... I mean yes Daddy I love it, but I meant this, and I took his hand putting it between my breasts.

He caressed there up and down softly, and I said “Mmm yes right there, Daddy feels good”.

I flushed knowing it was very bold of me to do that, I hoped he didn’t get mad at me.

“They are getting more sensitive?” my dad asks, and I heard his tone a little deeper like when he talked to mom sometimes.

“Yes daddy. They are getting bigger” I said, I’m sure my face was blushing heavy.

“Yes sweetie, we need to have mom take you shopping for some bras and more adult underwear” he said, and I noticed he glanced down at my panties with corgi faces on them.

“Can’t you take me Daddy? Mom will just get me ones that a nun would wear or something” I said to him

My dad laughed and said “Yeah, alright sweetie if you want i will”.

“I do Daddy, you have good taste in these things with what you get mom as gifts” I said excitedly.

The rest of that evening was just us watching more TV with dad softly stroking between my breasts and above and below them and as usual me falling asleep and daddy carrying me to bed.

The next day as I was doing my chores Dad came to me as he had to go out anyways to the mall for other things asked if I wanted, we could get my bras and panties at the same time. My Mom said to him “she’s not going anywhere till the laundry is done”.

I told Dad when mom was out of ear shot “Daddy just pick some out for me you picked moms well and you judged her sizes good”.

“Ok sweetie, what do you want though,” said my dad.

“Adult ones like mom wears Daddy I’m not a little girl anymore. I want them sexy” I said confident in my wanting to be the sexy woman.

“Sweetie you know how your mom will react to you wearing ones like that. Tell you what though, I will get you some nice adult ones your mom won’t flip out over and I will also get you a couple sexy ones you can wear when mom is not up or under your clothing” Dad said with look hoping I understood this.

I kissed Daddy on the lips lightly. “Thank you, Daddy,” i told him smiling.

When he came back that night, he handed me a bag and i kissed and hugged him gratefully.

“Thank you, daddy, I can’t wait to see them” I told him excited to see what he got me.

“You are welcome sweetie. Now remember the sexy ones are for when mom is asleep or under your clothes,” said dad.

I went to my room and put them away, there was indeed some nice but plain ones and I put those in my top drawer at the front. True to his word dad got me a couple of sets of sexy silk lace ones that made me blush and I put those ones in the back of the drawer under others to hide them. There was a white silk lace bra that had a little clear plastic bag on it with a couple items in it that I wondered about but would check later.

My brothers were both gone again that evening and I heard mom and dad arguing about something before he left their room, and she went to bed.

I was sitting stroking the dog's neck as daddy came to me and said, “I need to do a bit of work on the car sweetie, but I will be back soon if your still on for hanging out with your old dad tonight”.

I got up and hugged him saying “of course dad I been looking forward to it all day”.

Dad smiled at me and gave me a kiss on the lips as we usually did “thank you sweetie, I have been as well.

“You going to wear some of your new things?” Dad gave me a playful smile with this.

I smiled with a naughty grin and said, “Yes daddy the sexy ones just for you”.

Dad got a funny surprised look on his face looking down at me. His arms slid around me, and he bent down and gave me a kiss like we never had before. I felt its heat ignite me as our lips pressed tight and our lips parted. I felt my body feel like it would melt into his. He finally broke the kiss and kissed my forehead looking down at me and saying, “thank you sweetie, that makes me feel better”. I knew then he meant from the fight with mom as I watched him go outside to the garage to work on the car.

I went to my room to get ready for the night with dad watching the TV. I stripped completely nude before my closet mirror and stood looking at myself. Deciding in a moment, I walked nude to the bathroom and got a razor from the cabinet and put some foam on the light pubes I did have. Carefully I shaved them off and wiped away the remaining foam to look at my smooth bare pussy in the mirror. I caressed it and felt it was smooth as silk, but the skin was a bit irritated from the razor, so I rubbed some skin cream on the area.

I returned to my room and got out the curious white bra and the matching white items in its set. I sat nude on my bed and slipped on the thigh high white stockings, they had an elegant pattern and made my legs feel sexy. I looked at the tiny panties and a garter belt laying on me bed. I thought to myself seeing them “Wow, Dad when I asked for sexy you didn’t disappoint”. I smiled to myself and put on the garter belt first and clipped it to the top of the stockings. I slid the thong on next and was surprised how small it was. The bit over my pussy as hardly more than a string. I looked in the mirror thinking wow, to seeing myself. I looked like one of those porn stars in the videos dad thinks he has hidden well in his room.

Next i removed the little plastic bag from the bra strap and set it aside. I soon realized it was not an ordinary bra as I went to put it on. I clasped it around me and adjusted it into position. I looked at myself in the mirror taking it all in. It was a half cup bra that was pushing my breasts up, the cups were only for support as my nipples were on full display as were my breasts. I wondered if dad looked closely at it before picking it out, or just grabbed it in a hurry seeing it looked nice.

I picked up the little bag and opened it taking out the metal things with some white plastic rubber on them, clearly meant to go with the bra. Looking at them and trying to figure out what they were. It soon dawned on me and I am certain I was blushing bright then. I looked at them and played with the spring thing and figured it out. I looked in the mirror attaching it to my left nipple, which was already a little hard with my current arousal. I moaned as it clamped down, gripping my nipple tight between the bars. A pulse seemed to go right down to my clit, and I flushed with heat looking at my clamped nipple. I added the second one, again feeling it more intense as now both nipples were in their clamps.

I looked at myself in the mirror seeing my skin a bit flushed and feeling hot as I felt my nipples and was very aware of them like never before. I rubbed my pussy through the panties and bit my lip. I felt amazing and sexy. I turned to look at my ass loving how the tiny thong and the garter straps made my ass look. I thought to myself “there is no way dad would have picked this out himself, mom does not even have anything so racy in her closet from him”. I smiled thinking he was in for quite a surprise, or I was if he had indeed picked them. I almost laughed out loud when I thought of myself going to mom in it and saying, “Hey Mom, look what daddy got me!” It would be even a huge risk to wear it out tonight in case mom got up and came out, but I wanted to wear it anyway. I told dad I would wear sexy, well here it is!

I looked out the window and saw dad still working on the car. I was feeling very hot in this and my pussy feeling a want for me to attend to it. I went and got my vibrator from its hiding spot in my closest. I moved on to my bed and got on my hands and knees. I wanted to see my ass and pussy in the mirror and watch it. With my head looking back at the mirror on my closest door, I could clearly see my ass aimed at the mirror on my big dresser.

I slipped the little thong to the side. My pussy was shiny with my juices and my lips were swollen with arousal. I bit my lip before turning the toy on and rubbing it along my pussy. Its pink form soon glistened with my juices and I slide it into my wet pussy moaning softly as I slid it deep.

I was sliding the vibrator slow in and out of my pussy watching it in the mirror. It felt so good, looking hot and sexy as I fucked myself with my toy eager to cum now. I could feel my orgasm building and sped up some, my moans coming out as “Yess yess fuck yes”.

This was when daddy came in the room to my initial horror and taking it all in saying “Oh sorry sweetie....I... I will wait for you in living room”. Dad looked for a few seconds at my reflection with my toy half in my soaking pussy then left. I was blushing hard, and I got up setting the toy aside and put my panties back in place.

“Might was well go out now and get it over” I thought as I wondered if dad would be upset with me.

I walked out and dad watched me approach his eyes and face were lite in surprise. He stared at my breasts and the clamps, I guess he was too focused on the toy in my wet pussy to notice the bra and clamps before. His mouth was open as he looked me up and down, I could see no anger at all in him just some lust and the surprise.

“Did you pick this Daddy” I said teasingly caressing my breasts.

Dad wet his lips and then answered “I asked the woman in there for something sexy for a young woman and she led me to this and the other set, the lace looked stunning, so I went with it. I’m sorry sweetie!”

I smiled and said “Why Daddy? I love it, don’t you?”.

“I love it sweetie to be honest, it's so sexy, you look beautiful” Dad said as I am turning around showing him the ass as well.

“Did those come with it?” asked dad pointing to the nipple clamps.

“Yes Daddy, they were in little plastic bag with the bra” I said smiling tweaking the clamps with my fingers as he looked on. I saw lust and love in his eyes as he met my stare.

“How do they feel sweetie?” dad asked looking at my breasts again.

“Amazing Daddy, when i put them on the feeling went right down here” I said patting my thong covered pussy.

I went on saying “that is why you saw me like you saw me Daddy, it's how this outfit and these clamps made me feel”.

“Wow sweetie, it made you feel like that?” Said dad looking up and down at my body again.

“Yes Daddy, I feel amazing in this” I said noticing the bulge in his shorts.

“You look so sexy and stunning sweetie; I am glad you love it. I love it to, just don’t let mom see it if you can help it” said dad smiling at me.

“I won’t Daddy” I said smiling and leaning down kissing him.

The kiss turned into like the one earlier with mouths parted and even longer. I felt my nipples pulsing and my clit begging for attention.

When we finally broke the kiss dad blushed some but smiled “Where did you get the... toy sweetie?” He asked me.

“I got it at that little sex shop nearby Daddy. I was surprised they let me buy it and didn’t tell me to leave” I said.

Daddy smiled caressing my hip and leg and said “I’m not I know the owner; he might have stopped you if you tried to go in the theatre and porn booths. You didn’t, did you?”

“No Daddy just looked over the clothes and toys” I said soft sitting beside him on the sofa.

We snuggled as we usually do on the sofa, the TV was already on.

“You are not mad about... me using the toy Daddy?” I said looking up at him.

Dad quickly replied “No not at all. It's a natural thing sweetie, it just surprised me is all. No need to feel bad about natural urges everyone has”.

I swallowed and asked, “what did you think of seeing me like that Daddy?”

“Well... to me sweetie there is nothing as beautiful as a woman at the peak of sexual pleasure. I couldn’t help but feel aroused at seeing the pleasure on your face as you used that toy” said dad in the low tone he used with mom when they got along the best.

“Are you ashamed I saw you like that sweetie?” asked dad quietly.

“No Daddy not at all, I was just worried you would be mad at me.” I answered quickly.

“You came out here pretty quick sweetie, I thought you were upset with me” said dad caressing my chest above breasts.

“No Daddy not at all” I said in though against him. He kissed my head softly.

After a couple minutes I asked, “did you like seeing it Daddy?”

Dad paused in thought, I think trying to decide if he should be honest and said “Yes, I thought you looked so beautiful the look on your face.”

I licked my lips and nervous and excited asked “did you want to see it again Daddy?”

Dad not wanting to be direct said “did you want me to see it again?”

I swallowed and blushed “Yes Daddy, I liked you seeing me, it... excited me.”

Dad in a low tone said “Yes I want to see you cum for me sweetie. Get your toy.”

I sprung up and went to get it and returned quickly, dads skin flushed as he looked at me. I could see he was excited about what was happening.

I stood in front of him and turned around a bit shy now all of a sudden. My skin and face felt on fire. I swallow and took the sides of my panties slipping them down. Remembering a porn uncle showed me I bent over as I slid my panties over my ass. I was so wet they peeled off my pussy lips like there was a glue trying to keep them there.

“Oh, fuck sweetie” I heard dad say in a hot whisper.

His hands caressed my ass as I wiggle and slide the panties down my leg. He kissed my ass cheeks softly.

“You're so beautiful” he told me in a tone that sent shivers down me.

“You really think so Daddy?” I asked in a soft tone.

“Yes, amazingly so” he replied kissing and stroking my ass.

I felt as if I would be in flames any moment.

I swallowed moving to sit on the sofa beside dad. I laid my head on his lap and felt his hard cock, I moistened my lips as he looked down on me with loving eyes. I left my left foot on and floor and pressed my other leg into the back of the sofa, my legs spread as I took the toy turning it on and rubbed it against my pussy. I moaned softly and watched daddy looking from my face to my pussy and back.

I slid it inside and heard him “Fuck sweetie...that is so hot”.

I slid the toy slowly as he watched it letting out little moans as I really was not far from coming with how worked up, I was.

“Mmm see how wet I am getting it Daddy. It feels so good sliding in me” I said in lust filled tone.

“Yes, your pussy is soaking sweetie, beautiful and wet” said dad in a tone low.

Dad was rubbing my tummy, alternating looking at my face and pussy with me fucking it with my toy.

“Touch my breasts Daddy” I said in a moan as I slid the toy.

Dad moved both hands massaging my breasts and I let out a moan “yes daddy yes”.

“You like me rubbing and playing with your breasts” dad asked hotly.

“Yes Daddy, don’t stop please” I said in aroused voice.

I fucked my pussy fast now moaning and arching back as much I could and reveling in the pleasure dad was giving to my nipples and breasts.

I moaned “Cumming Daddy Ohhh” as I exploded in orgasm my body quivering in it.

Dad moaned “Oh fuck sweetie” as he saw a gush of juices from my Cumming pussy.

I took the toy licking and sucking it making dad say, “fuck sweetie you're so hot, you're killing me here”.

I smiled and sat up kissing him, our kiss turned open mouth then our tongues were entangling. Dad might have been surprised I knew how to do this, but he didn’t show it. Practice with my best friend as well as time at uncles taught me.

We kissed for several minutes until Dad broke it saying, “Slide more over me sweetie and put your head here.”

Dad placed a sofa pillow beside his left leg. I lay my head on it, so my back was across his lap.

“Why do you want me here Daddy?” I asked curious.

Dads left hand went to massaging my breasts making me moan softly, his right hand slid down to my pussy. When his fingers slid across it, I squirmed moaning “Yess Daddy Mmm”.

I had thought my body had responded to my uncle but that was nothing compared to this. As Dad caressed my pussy and slid his fingers inside me and rubbed my clit my body not only responded to him, but i was his completely. I ground my hips into his hand as his fingers worked on my pussy, my nipples and breasts sending more pleasure to my brain as his hand slide over them.

Dad watched my face and my pleasure, and his cock hard pressed under me. I moaned my pleasure repeatedly “Yess yess Daddy”. Thankfully my parent's room was far enough from the living room you could not hear the TV and mom usually slept with ear plugs and an eye mask.

“Daddy, I’m Cumming” I moaned bucking my hips. I was doing more than that, I had an urgent feeling i needed to pee strongly. I had this before in sex but only small followed by a little gush of juices.

Dad didn’t stop his fingers in my pussy, and I moaned out my orgasm as juices squirted from my pussy soaking his hand and spraying around us. I was a bit stunned by this but buzzed by the powerful cum dad had given me.

Dad showed me his soaked fingers and I watched as he sucked my juices off. It made me think of sucking something to.

He picked me up easily and lay me on the sofa, I felt my squirted wetness under me on the leather. He spread my legs looking at my pussy and caressing my thighs, I looked at him knowing I would do anything for him.

“You're so beautiful sweetie and your pussy, I need to taste you” Dad said making me bite my lip and feel my heat surge.

His lips and tongue made contact with my pussy, and I arched my back moaning out “Oh Daddy yes lick me, taste me!”

I stroked his hair as he licked me as he looked up at me and I down at him. I bucked my hips to the pleasure grinding into his face and he held them as he feasted on my pussy. Yes, that word feasted is correct for that is what it felt like. I came soon and Dad eagerly lapped up my juices. He let me calm down a bit and as he did, he licked juices from my thighs before going back to my pussy.

I was soon bucking and Cumming again on his face to which he devoured and cleaned my pussy, my moans constant.

He slid on top me and kissed me hotly, our tongues entangling. I wrapped my legs around him and he picked me up sitting on the sofa with me in his lap straddling him. We never stopped kissing in this movement, it was all so hot as I tasted my juices on his lips melting into him.

My wet pussy was on top of his cock which was in his shorts, it was not possible to ignore it and I ground my pussy against it while slowly kissing him.

“Fuck sweetie” dad moaned breaking the kiss finally.

I could see the struggle on his face and in his eyes. It was the struggle of wanting to throw me down and fuck me senseless which was clearly there and the struggle of he shouldn’t do it for many reasons. Even then I knew those reasons. But after what he had just given me, I needed to do something for him, and I wanted to.

I slid over beside him and told him to slide down his shorts as I stroked his cock through the fabric. Looking in my eyes and seeing my lust and me seeing his, he didn’t protest and just did it.

I was surprised as his cock sprung free; it was bigger than my uncles by quite a bit. It had leaking precum as he had been hard this entire time been driven crazy by me. I made myself comfortable and looked into his eyes while taking his cock in my fingers.

He moaned “Janet...” breathlessly as I caressed his cock.

I leaned down using my tongue to lick and taste the precum, this brought another moan from him, I kissed his cock lovingly and licked it. After short time I slid my lips over the tip suckling on it drawing more of the precum out.

“You don’t have to sweetie” dad said breathless and hot.

“I want to Daddy” I said as I took him back in my mouth.

I sucked his cock slowly taking more and more in my mouth as my saliva soaked it, he was large so I stroked his base while sucking as much of it as I could. Dad moaned caressing my cheek then hair. He never rushed or pushed at my head, letting me do as I wanted to his cock.

I kept sucking and tasting his leaking fluid. In a while he moaned “I’m going to cum sweetie”.

I knew what was coming and didn’t want him to think i have done this a lot before so at the first blast of cum in my mouth I acted surprised and let his cock drop from my mouth and continued stroking it. It shot his cum on his stomach and chest, I swallowed the cum already in my mouth.

Dad moaned and I stroked him as he emptied his cock. When it slowed, I took him in my mouth again sucking and cleaning cum off his cock. He caressed my face as I did this, and our eyes were locked.

“Wow sweetie, that was incredible” dad say in awe.

Letting his now clean and deflating cock go I said, “I love you Daddy”.

“I love you to Janet” said dad as he caressed my face.

I smiled at him, and he watched as I begin to lick and slurp up the cum on his tummy and chest.

“Fuck sweetie, that’s so hot” said dad in lust tone.

He watched me as I licked it up and ate all the cum that his cock sprayed on him.

We got up after and we laughed at the mess on the sofa that I had mostly made, we went and cleaned it up before getting a drink and sitting down and cuddling again.

“Do you regret it sweetie?” dad asked me.

“None of it at all Daddy, it was amazing and wonderful. It was the best i have ever felt” I said looking into his eyes.

He kissed me in a lingering kiss.

“Do you regret it Daddy?” I asked after the kiss.

“No sweetie, I supposed I’m supposed to, but I don’t regret it” said dad squeezing me some in his arm.

“I don’t want it to end Daddy” I said concerned it would end.

“Are you sure sweetie, really sure?” said dad looking into my eyes.

“Yes Daddy, I have never been surer about anything” I said to him.

Dad smiled and replied “good then sweetie, we will have to be careful though”


Stay tuned for more.


2022-02-25 12:28:16
Ah, the experimentation. The curiosity. Your story reminds me of an earlier day with my adopted sis and later a younger step sis. Bravo. Eager to read your next submission..


2022-02-05 19:59:33
Great writing. Can we hear more about the tryst with the uncle?


2022-02-05 07:51:40
sensitive writing. I could feel the connection,


2022-02-02 03:45:43
Very intimate story. Great job! Looking forward to the following chapters.

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