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The summer is over; Time for some college chicks!
Saturday, September 3. The first faint rays of dawn are streaking the sky as J.J.’s penis spurts, scattering thin, watery droplets of his genetic slime into Judy’s thoroughly pounded pussy. “Oh my god!” she murmurs as a spent, gasping J.J. collapses into her arms. “Who do you think you are? Superman? You should have let me ride you!” she admonishes the stud; J.J. had turned down her offer of cowgirl, preferring to do all the work himself. “It was…an…awesome…workout…!” the stud gasps, but now after hours of brutal doggy and mattress thumping mish, he’s done. “I’m just glad this bed survived!” Judy exclaims, running her hands appreciatively all over the stud’s muscular, sweat soaked body. Even as J.J. is achieving climax, Irene is riding a loudly groaning Aaron to orgasm. Unlike his cousin, the younger stud is happy to let his gorgeous partner do some of the work, and Aaron moans as he ejaculates a watery spray of nut sludge into Irene. “My balls are empty! My balls are fucking empty!” the teen gasps as Irene giggles. Both studs have outdone themselves in a night of frenzied pussy pounding. Before midnight, J.J. had blasted 8 loads into Irene and Aaron ejaculated into Judy 7 times. After switching partners, J.J. spewed 6 loads into Judy and Aaron spurted 8 times into Irene. Fourteen orgasms for J.J., 15 for Aaron and an untold number for the two women. The exhausted quartet get a few hours of sleep as the sun rises higher in the sky that Saturday morning…

Megan giggles as she gazes in the mirror at the gigantic hickey on her neck. It’s now midmorning on Saturday and her 15 year old bed partner Ryan has just been picked up by his brother Troy. The sex was so amazing! Ten times…ten fucking times! she exults; he was almost as good as J.J. or Aaron! And they’d better not say anything about this hickey…I’m doing exactly what they want me to do! She takes a selfie, with the hickey glaringly displayed and sends it to both J.J. and Aaron; then, with a naughty little giggle, she also sends it to Steve. That’ll really get Steve thinking! she laughs to herself…

“Looks like Megan got laid last night…” Aaron informs J.J. in a bored sounding voice as they drive Irene home later that morning. “Yeah, that hickey…she sent it to me, too…who even knows who the dude was…” J.J. replies. “Who’s Megan?” a curious Irene asks from the backseat. “Our girlfriend…” Aaron replies in an uninterested tone. “Wait…you guys are sharing her…? And you’re letting her sleep with other guys…?” a puzzled Irene asks. “Yeah, we share her…” J.J. replies, glancing at Irene in the rearview mirror. “And, yeah, we let her mess around with other dudes…she really likes football players…” Aaron adds nonchalantly. “Wow! You guys are amazing!” Irene replies. “Wait! Stop! Drop me off here!” she suddenly calls out and J.J. obediently rolls his beat up compact car to a stop in front of a house at the end of the block. “This your house?” Aaron asks. “No, I live in that yellow house, right there in the middle of the block, but…I want to do a walk of shame!” Irene replies with an impish grin. J.J. and Aaron look at each other in disbelief as the MILF scrambles out of the backseat. “My neighbors are way too uptight…this’ll give them something to talk about!” she says by way of explanation. “Thanks for last night, guys!” she calls out, slamming the car door and starting the short, but very public, trek to her house. It’s now noon, the day is bright and sunny and many of Irene’s neighbors are out and about. The gorgeous MILF, with disheveled hair and in her creased, crumpled and cum stained blue dress, pads down the sidewalk in her bare feet, carrying her stiletto pumps in her hand. Her pace is deliberate and unhurried and she waves at the two bare chested teens as they drive past. They shout boisterously in response and J.J. honks his horn, drawing even more of the attention that Irene is seeking. “I said it before and I’ll say it again, dude…chicks are weird…” Aaron murmurs as the two studs drive on…

“I think it’s so far out, Steve, baby! I mean, like, you being celibate for a whole week! Celibacy, like, really focuses your energy and your mind!” the hippie enthuses as she takes a walk with Steve in Prospect Point Park that afternoon, the two holding hands like a teenage couple. “Yeah and that’s why I’m doing it…I need to be totally focused on the big game next week and all those guys can do is bust my balls…” the redheaded stud grumbles. “Don’t let their negativity pull you down, baby! Keep focused on all that positive energy!” the hippie reassures him, giving his hand an affectionate squeeze. They walk along quietly a little bit more and then the hippie giggles. “Just as long as you don’t stay celibate for more than a week…because that would start to suck, like, really bad!” she says with a laugh. “No worries there! I’m gonna fuck you so hard Friday night after the game!” Steve assures her. “I can’t wait, baby!” the hippie replies. “So…Steve, baby…I talked to Milo again…he’s. like, so excited about next summer! He’s, like, so happy for me that I’m in love and he said, like, Steve is so handsome and strong, it’ll be so far out when you make a baby with him!” “I know I’m excited…just knowing that I’m going to be a dad!” the teen stud replies. “You might already be a dad, baby, like, from everything you’ve been telling me! You’ve really been spreading your seed!” the hippie giggles; Steve has been very open with his lover about all of his sexual activity and her positive response has been gratifying. “Yeah, but the big difference is, I’m not in love with any of those other chicks…” the freckle faced stud replies, earning an ecstatic hug from the hippie. “The best part is our baby is going to have a big brother waiting for him! J.J.’s baby! Or, I dunno, it might, like, be Aaron’s…” she gushes, shrugging her shoulders as she delights in the uncertain paternity of the baby she’s carrying right now. They walk along quietly some more, the hippie lost in thought, until she speaks up again. “Like, I’ve just got some really heavy thinking to do…I mean, Milo is my soulmate…and I’m in love with you, but I can’t forget about J.J. and Aaron…I mean, like, I made a baby with one of them! I still love both of them…please don’t be mad at me, Steve baby!” the hippie exclaims as she tries to articulate her tangled emotions to her redheaded lover. “No worries! I’m not mad…I don’t want you to forget about those guys, either…they’re my best friends and we would never have met if it weren’t for them…” Steve assures her. “It’s just so complicated being a chick…” the hippie replies, heaving a deep sigh…

“Dude! Look at this! She left me a trophy!” J.J. exclaims, retrieving Irene’s pair of blue thong panties from the back seat of his car. “Yo, dude, how do you know she left them for you?” Aaron asks indignantly. “My car, dude…plus I banged her first!” J.J. replies. “Yeah, but who did she wake up next to, dude?” Aaron counters. “Well, I’m keeping them, dude…but I’ll let you sniff them!” J.J. declares triumphantly, dangling the cum stained undies in Aaron’s face…

“Yo, why do I always have to wait for you to go first?” Aaron asks later that afternoon, as the hippie grabs J.J. by the hand and pulls him towards her bedroom. “Dude, we’ve gone through this before…I’m 16, you’re 15…respect your elders…” the older stud replies as the hippie giggles. “’Maneaters’ Labor Day Weekend Marathon, Aaron baby…you can watch Miranda do her thing!” the hippie calls out encouragingly over her shoulder, as she pushes past the love beads screening her bedroom, a fully erect J.J. in tow. Stripped down to his underwear, a grumbling Aaron picks up the remote and is soon watching Miranda checking her 9mm pistol before boarding a boat at a marina, the hippie’s moans of pleasure and J.J.’s loud grunting serving as background for the onscreen action…

A bare ass naked J.J. reenters the living room after having dumped the first load of the day in the hippie’s love box. Sprawled out on the sofa watching TV, Aaron has his bare feet propped up on the coffee table. “Yo, dude, you stink!” the younger stud exclaims to his sweat drenched, foul-smelling cousin. “I stink? Dude, your feet are heinous! I told you not to wear those old, beat-up shoes anymore!” J.J. counters. “Yeah, Catie hates them, too…she says I should throw them away!” Aaron replies, flashing a grin with his braces as he takes adolescent pride in just how much his feet reek. “She’s right, dude!” J.J. agrees, reaching for his underwear lying on the sofa. Aaron gets up and peels off own his sweaty briefs. His pecker is already stiff with anticipation and he quickly pushes past the screen of love beads into the hippie’s bedroom. Today is another extra humid day and the hippie’s unairconditioned, poorly ventilated house is even more of a sweatbox than usual. J.J. reaches for his briefs, but they’re still damp and gross with sweat; he decides not to put them on after all and sits on the sofa naked, letting his ass sweat soak into the cushions. He looks at the TV; “Maneaters” is on. Shaking his head and giving a little snort of disgust, he reaches for the remote; even golf is better than this shit! he thinks. From the bedroom comes the sound of the hippie giggling, followed by low grunting from Aaron as he starts his thrusting. J.J. is just about to click the remote, but then stops in his tracks. “Whoa…” he murmurs, his attention grabbed by what he’s seeing on screen…

“’How’s Maneaters baby…? Is Miranda doing her thing…?” Kerri asks Aaron, looking up at him as he plows her pussy with deep, steady strokes. “She shot…the dude…on the boat…” Aaron grunts out between thrusts. “Right on! That scene is, like, so far out! I love that look on his face when she shot him!” the hippie giggles. “Shot him…four times…dude fell…overboard…” Aaron grunts, still relishing the onscreen carnage. “He was dead before he hit the water, baby!” the hippie replies happily as Aaron thrusts even harder. “Is J.J. watching it now...?” she asks hopefully. “No way…dude hates…it…” Aaron grunts in reply as the sweat starts pouring off of him…

No doubt about it, J.J. is mesmerized by what he’s seeing on TV. Clad in a tight-fitting, low-cut dress and high heeled pumps, the gorgeous, dark haired Miranda is confronting yet another man, her pistol pointed in his face. Like all adolescent boys, the prospect of onscreen violence is enough to grab and hold J.J.’s attention and he can’t deny that Miranda herself is some serious eye candy. She is pretty hot, he concedes, admiring the gorgeous killer’s ample cleavage as she interrogates the hapless dude in his apartment. To his amazement, J.J. can feel his pecker starting to harden as he becomes aroused by the tension of the scene; he can almost smell the dude’s fear. She’s gonna kill you anyway, dude…stop staring at her tits and grab the gun! he thinks, but he quickly realizes that he doesn’t want the dude to get out of this alive. Like Aaron and Steve, he quickly finds himself rooting for the hot chick; C’mon! Waste him! he thinks, silently cheering her on. As the dude continues to pathetically bargain for his life, J.J. feels his pecker stiffen into a full erection. C’mon! Do it! Do it! he silently urges Miranda. Just then, the hippie lets out a long, lingering moan of pleasure as Aaron hits just the right spot; the sound of female ecstasy reinforces the sexual overtones of what J.J.’s seeing on TV; he can now feel the veins in his rigid shaft throb and pulse with anticipation. No longer questioning how or why he’s getting so aroused, he’s now longing for the ultimate release that only Miranda’s trigger finger can give him. Sure enough, once the dude tells the luscious brunette everything that she wants to know, she takes a step back, coolly and politely thanks him for his help and then drills a bullet through his forehead. “Holy shit!” J.J. exclaims out loud, dazzled by the sheer brutality of the kill as well as the red spray exploding into the air as Miranda’s slug pulverizes the dude’s skull into fragments. “Holy shit!” the teen murmurs again, breathlessly; the thrill he’s just experienced was almost orgasmic in its intensity and not something he can easily explain away. The camera lingers on Miranda as she searches the apartment, the body of her victim sprawled on the floor in the background, his splattered blood and brains decorating the wall. J.J. is hooked; all thoughts of finding something else to watch are soon forgotten and “Maneaters” stays on…

“Oh my god!” Megan screams as she’s hammered relentlessly by Lucas, the third stud that J.J. and Aaron have lined up for her this week. A tight end on the football team, 15 year old Lucas is a handsome blue eyed blond, 6 feet tall and weighing in at 180 pounds. Turned on by the massive hickey on Megan’s neck, he uses his 6 inch dick like a sledgehammer, smashing the redheaded vixen into one screaming orgasm after another and dumps 8 loads into her in a frenzied night of copulation...

“Oh, shit! She’s out of ammo!” J.J. exclaims, his eyes glued to the screen as he, Aaron and the hippie take a break from sex to watch some more of the Maneaters marathon. “Chill, baby! She’s got this…!” the hippie replies reassuringly, munching on some cheese curls and passing the bag to Aaron. Sure enough, Miranda has just run out of ammunition for her Uzi; caught on the roof of a parking garage by four male adversaries, she’s already taken down two of them, pools of blood streaming from their bullet riddled bodies lying crumpled on the deck. Crouching behind a car, she pulls out her 9 mm from the thigh holster concealed under her dress. Just then, not 10 feet away from her, the elevator door opens and another man steps out onto the deck. “Holy fuck! Another one!” Aaron exclaims. “I don’t think this guy is with them…” the hippie replies calmly, popping another cheese curl in her mouth. Miranda doesn’t give the new arrival a chance to identify himself as friend or foe; she drops him with two slugs to the chest even as the elevator door closes behind him. “Groovy!” the hippie giggles, as J.J. and Aaron shout their approval. With Miranda temporarily distracted, her two surviving opponents come charging out from their concealed hiding places, barreling straight at her. Unhurriedly standing up, the gorgeous brunette calmly grips her pistol in both hands and drops the two attackers in their tracks, one with two slugs and the other with three. “Wow! That was too easy!” Aaron exclaims. “I mean, like, guys are just so dumb…” the hippie giggles. “Yeah, we’re idiots…” J.J. readily agrees, as they watch Miranda walk over to the bodies of her four adversaries and finish them off, one-by-one, with headshots. “Who’s that other dude, anyway?” Aaron now asks, referring to the hapless interloper who wandered off the elevator. “Just, like, some random guy…in the wrong place at the wrong time…” the hippie replies, as they watch Miranda walk over to the prone figure, her high heels clicking. “Sucks to be him…” Aaron murmurs with a shrug. “Really sucks to be him! I mean, like, she had to kill him, she had no choice…” the hippie agrees. Miranda crouches over the unlucky dude, checking for vital signs; standing up again, she drills another slug into his head. “Right on!” the hippie exclaims. “She wasted five dudes! So fucking cool!” J.J. enthuses as they watch gorgeous killer put the Uzi in the trunk of her red sports car, then get behind the wheel and drive away, leaving male corpses scattered all over the rooftop like trash. “Sounds like you’re starting to dig Miranda, too, J.J., baby!” the hippie purrs, running her hand up and down the stud’s bicep. “Yeah, dude, I can’t believe you’re getting into this now…” an amazed Aaron agrees. “Gotta admit, there is something hot about a chick wiping out a lotta dudes like that…” J.J. replies. “I just hope she doesn’t kill that Deidre chick…” Aaron now interjects. “No, worries, baby…she, like, doesn’t have to kill her! I watched the season finale last night and when Deidre wakes up from her coma, she has, like, total amnesia, so she can’t go to the cops! Like, so groovy!” the hippie replies. With Miranda’s body count standing at 39 dead guys, Maneaters won’t be spoiled by any uncool killing of chicks, to the relief of the hippie and both of her studs…

The fucking continues for the rest of the night; taking another break from sex, the trio record a video for Milo, who wants to hear directly from the two teens who have fathered his wife’s baby. The video shows Kerri, clad in a bra and a pair of skimpy jean short shorts, sitting on the sofa between her two studs as she lets her hands roam freely. Bare chested, with their hair curling out from under their backwards baseball caps and visibly perspiring, the two handsome teens flash their braces numerous times in cheesy grins during the course of the video.

J.J.: So, Milo, dude, we just want to say thank you for letting us fuck your wife…

A: Yeah but, dude, we woulda fucked her anyway…

J.J.: Yeah, we woulda, but it’s cool that you were cool with it, dude…

K: (giggles; runs her hand up and down J.J.’s arm)

A: Yeah, thanks, dude!

J.J.: We’ve fucked her right here on this sofa!

K: (squeezes J.J.’s bicep)

A: Matter of fact, we just got done fucking her…

J.J.: In bed…

A: Yeah, tonight we fucked her in bed…

J.J.: And we’re not done fucking her…

A: Yeah, dude, she’s gonna be walking funny tomorrow…

K: (giggles; kisses A on cheek)

A: Dude…she is SO fucking good!

J.J.: And the way she sucks cock, dude!

K: Tell him about the baby…

J.J.: Yeah, dude, glad we could help out with the baby…

A: Yeah, it was hard work…REAL hard work…

K: (giggles; rubs A’s thigh and whispers in his ear)

J.J.: Hopefully, I’m the dad…if dude here is the dad, he’s gonna be scrawny…

A: Hopefully, I’m the dad…that way, he’ll be a good looking little dude…

K: (starts making out with A)

J.J.: I guess we don’t know if it’s going to be a dude or a girl, though…

K: It’s going to be a boy…

K: (laughs as J.J. pulls her away from A and onto his lap)

J.J.: Oh, yeah, she says it’s going to be a dude because of the way we made her cum…

A: When we fucked her!

K: Right on, baby! (raises fist)

J.J.: So, thanks again, dude! Peace out!

K: (giggles; starts making out with J.J.)

A: Yeah, later, dude…


The video over, J.J. throws the giggling hippie onto her back, drapes her legs over his shoulders and mercilessly pounds her pussy until his balls explode and he spews yet another load into her. The hippie then gives Aaron his turn on the sofa and the younger stud relentlessly hammers her until his nuts convulse; he gasps loudly as his spurting tool flings more ball sludge into the hippie’s already overflowing love box. The action then moves back to the bedroom; by the time the night is over, the two studs will each have blasted a dozen loads into their loudly shrieking partner…

“I mean, I hope you guys, like, understand…I mean, about me and Steve…” Kerri murmurs, lying sandwiched between J.J. and Aaron in bed. The sheets are soaked with sweat and cum and the air in the tiny, unventilated bedroom is thick and almost unbreathable with the stench of the two teenage studs; it’s now 4 A.M., the trio are exhausted from almost non-stop fucking and it’s time to get some sleep. “Yeah, we think it’s awesome that you’re in love with the dude…we’re happy for both of you!” J.J. reassures her. “I just wish I could stay here, but I’ve got to go to Nicaragua to be with Milo…he, like, really wants me to get settled in down there and be with him when I have your baby…” the hippie replies, heaving a deep sigh. “You guys, like, don’t realize how complicated it is being a chick…Milo is my soulmate…and I’m in love with Steve…and I love you guys, too, both of you…but I’m not IN love with either of you…like, you know what I mean…?” she asks. “Yeah, we do…kinda…I guess…” J.J. replies, in a groggy voice. “I mean, like, it’s just different when I’m with Steve…I am, like, SO in love with him! And it, like, happened before I even realized it…my feet aren’t even, like, on the ground when I’m around him!” the hippie gushes. “Yeah, your feet usually aren’t on the ground anyway…” J.J. murmurs in a drowsy voice, just managing a smirk as his sleep heavy eyelids start to close. “Yeah, they’re usually up in the air!” Aaron adds, with a chuckle, heaving a deep yawn. “Oh, you guys are, like, so bad!” the hippie exclaims, giving J.J. a playful little shove and immediately launching into one of her helpless giggling fits. Even before the giggling subsides, J.J. has already dropped off to sleep and Aaron is soon snoring as well. The hippie stays awake just a little bit longer, pondering the complexities of juggling four men in her life; she quickly reminds herself how, just a few years ago, seven guys were sharing her. It’s so much fun being a chick! she thinks with a contented smile and soon drifts off to join her two studs in dreamland…

Week’s Results:

J.J. cums 63 times

Aaron cums 54 times

Steve cums 19 times

Team Total: 136 loads


Monday, September 5. “Dude, I don’t know how you did it…this is amazing!” Aaron marvels to J.J. as they watch Steve and a giggling Megan standing together by the pool, flirting shamelessly with each other. Clad in a skimpy thong bikini and still sporting her hickey from Ryan, Megan flashes her braces in a wide, ear-to-ear grin; for his part, the freckle faced football stud is nursing an obvious erection in his swim trunks. “We got them right where they need to be, dude…” J.J. replies to his cousin. The day had started with a Labor Day cookout at Aaron’s house and the two cousins couldn’t help but notice how much attention Megan paid to Steve; after dinner, J.J. got his parents’ permission for the four teens to use the pool at their house without supervision. Now, Megan shrieks with laughter and gives the football stud a playful shove, testing his solid, muscular chest with her hand. “Steve! You brat!” she calls out happily. J.J. and Aaron nod at each other; “brat” is Megan’s pet name for any dude that she takes to bed with her…

Tuesday, September 6. The week goes rapidly for our teenage studs. On Tuesday, J.J. and Aaron go for haircuts; the long locks of dark hair streaked with blond lying on the barber shop floor represent the end of a carefree, pleasure filled summer and the start of another year of classes and homework. That same night. J.J. gets a text from the hippie abruptly announcing that she’s leaving for Nicaragua on Thursday; even though her baby isn’t due for another eight months, Milo is anxious for her to get settled in at the commune…

Wednesday, September 7. Classes resume at Valley Vista High after summer vacation. Our three studs return to school, but they’ve scattered their seed far and wide, wreaking genetic havoc with the married women of their quiet little town. Beautiful blonde Melissa’s belly will swell with Aaron’s baby and the gorgeous brunette Jen tosses and turns in her bed at night, increasingly troubled by the question of whether her illicit baby was fathered by Aaron or J.J. In several weeks, when her period fails to arrive, dizzy blonde Donna will at first exult that J.J. has knocked her up, but then start to fret that she might end up with a redheaded baby; what if one of Steve’s sperm cells got through and did the job? Just days later, when Nancy misses her period, she will already start to savor the triumph of presenting her pathetic husband with a redheaded, freckle faced baby in 9 months and dare the spineless wimp to divorce her…

As their due dates approach, Christine and Tracey look forward to giving birth. With more than 50 teenage boys involved in the New Year’s Eve gangbang, neither one of them can really be sure who knocked them up, but a lot of the mystery is dispelled when the big day arrives. Like clockwork, they will both go into labor within hours of each other on October 1, exactly nine months after their wild night with J.J., Aaron and the whole Valley Vista football team. Both will give birth to boys, Tracey’s son arriving just 20 minutes after Christine’s. The two friends will marvel at how their babies look so much alike…and how much they both resemble J.J. and Aaron…

Thursday, September 8. “Saturday night…it’s on! Me and Megan!” Steve exclaims after checking his phone. “Groovy, baby! Far out!” the hippie replies as she cuddles with her redheaded stud in the back seat of J.J.’s car on the late afternoon drive to the bus terminal. “You sure you’re cool with it, babe?” Steve murmurs in a soft, intimate tone, looking deep into his lover’s eyes. “You know I am, baby! I don’t want you being lonely while I’m gone!” the hippie assures him, giving him a sweet, loving kiss on the cheek. “Megan sure won’t be lonely!” Aaron chimes in. looking over his shoulder at them and flashing a grin with his braces. “Yeah, she’ll have the three of us and half the football team!” J.J. adds with a grin. “It’ll be a good experience for her…she sounds like a super groovy chick, but she just needs to stop being so jealous…jealousy is just, like, such negative energy…” the hippie replies with a giggle.

Reaching the terminal, they pile out of J.J.’s jalopy and walk stop a little distance from the buses to say goodbye. “I’ve got it right here, my ticket to Mexico City! And I’ve got clean underwear and socks in my bag! That’s all a girl really needs!” the hippie announces happily, holding up her boarding pass and indicating the contents of the oversized carryall slung over her shoulder. “Are you sure you don’t need some money? My mom gave me some cash for you…” J.J. reminds her. “No, it’s okay, baby! That’s really super groovy of your mom and tell her I said thanks, but I have plenty of bread… I sold my sofa for 50 bucks!” the hippie replies, grinning broadly. “If they only knew all the stuff that happened on that sofa!” Aaron replies, flashing his braces. “They kinda, like, looked at all the stains on there, but they didn’t say anything…stains from all three of you guys!” the hippie replies with a naughty giggle. Just then an announcement blares out calling on all passengers to board the bus to Mexico City. “Well, guys, I guess this is it!” the hippie announces, throwing herself first into J.J.’s arms and then Aaron’s for brief but intense hugs. Steve receives a long, lingering embrace as he and the hippie lock lips in a searing kiss; J.J. and Aaron look away and shuffle their feet awkwardly as the lovers say goodbye. Finally, the hippie pulls herself away from her redheaded stud. “Here, guys! I’ve got these for you!” she exclaims, pulling out three strings of love beads from her carryall and festooning each of her studs with them. Just then, the last call for boarding the Mexico City bus echoes through the terminal; the hippie now turns and runs towards the bus. The three studs watch as she hands her ticket to the driver, then turns and blows them a kiss before getting on the bus, the last passenger to board. In less than two minutes, the driver climbs aboard, the door swings shut and the bus pulls out of the terminal, carrying the hippie on the first leg of her long journey south…

Friday, September 9. It’s J.J.’s 17th birthday and along with Aaron, he attends Valley Vista’s home football game that evening. Accompanying them are 3 stunningly beautiful blonde chicks. The girls are college sorority bimbos, Steve’s girlfriend Olivia and her suitemates Ellen and Marilyn. They watch as the Valley Vista Warriors defeat their fiercest rivals, the North Central Raiders, 21-20, in a bitterly contested game. Fueled by pent up testosterone and sexual denial, Steve proves to be a star, carrying the ball deep into enemy territory in the third quarter; it takes 5 of North Central’s beefiest players to take the short but powerfully built redhead down and they take him down hard. After the game the three high school studs and the three blonde sorority sluts go for late night pizza to celebrate Valley Vista’s victory and J.J.’s birthday. Ellen and Marilyn had been reluctant to go on a group date with a trio of high school boys, but they were quickly won over by pictures of the handsome studs, as well as Olivia’s tales of Steve’s bedroom skills. As they eat their pizza, the blondes quickly and easily succumb to the randy charms of their three horny adolescent studs; as the birthday boy, J.J. finds himself the center of attention, provoking an open competition between the girls to see which one will bed the handsome teen…

After dinner, the studs and their blonde dates all return to the girls’ sorority suite, with J.J. and Aaron making the trip with Marilyn and Ellen in J.J.’s car. Ellen sits with J.J. up front; in the back seat, Aaron wastes no time and soon, he and Marilyn are making out. Meanwhile Olivia takes Steve in her car; with very little effort, the redheaded stud convinces his girlfriend to treat J.J. to some birthday sex. Back at the sorority suite, the stunning, airheaded, 21 year old Olivia gives up her pussy to J.J. for a long night of fucking, the 17 year old stud pounding her relentlessly until daybreak, draining his balls into the luscious blonde with the D-cup boobs. Steve, 16, hooks up with the tall, gorgeous, dimwitted 20 year old Ellen, who is blessed with a pair of DD knockers. Ending his week-long celibacy, the redheaded football stud unleashes all of his pent up carnal fury on his blonde partner. He hammers Ellen’s pussy all night long, emptying his sperm swollen balls with one ejaculation after another; Ellen has fucked more than her fair share of college football players, but the redheaded high school football stud gives her some of the best sex that she’s ever experienced, leaving her barely able to walk the following day. Aaron, 15, couples with the luscious, scatterbrained, 21 year old Marilyn. Marilyn only has a pair of C-cup titties, but makes up for it with a perfectly rounded, delectable ass. She spends the rest of the night down on all fours, absorbing a ruthless, merciless doggy style pounding from Aaron, the stud smacking her ass raw during their fevered copulation; she also spreads her legs wide and points her feet at the ceiling to take her stud in mish and in both positions, Aaron blasts load after load of his teenage nut sludge deep into her pussy…

Far to the south, Kerri loses herself in the shadows in the back seat of the bus; there’s a chill in the night air now and she huddles into her jean jacket, pulling it close about her. It’s already been a long trip; she’s not even halfway to Mexico City and she’s drowsy and hungry. The guy she’s sharing the seat with is snoring lightly. From her earlier conversations with him, she guesses that he’s somewhere in his twenties; he’s heavily bearded and good looking. Smiling to herself, she pops a breath mint in her mouth; his load tasted kind of funky. She had picked up such groovy vibes from him while they were talking that once it was dark enough and most of the other people around them were snoring, she just couldn’t resist giving him a mouth hug, holding her hand over his mouth to stifle his groans of pleasure. Just part of being a chick, she reflects; not every load you swallow is going to taste good! But she made him happy, and that’s the important thing. She rests her hand on her belly and thinks again about how she’s carrying J.J.’s baby…or is it Aaron’s …? and she’s already looking forward to next year when she’ll have Steve’s baby in her belly. Soon, just like her seatmate, she has drifted off to sleep, her dreams filled with memories of her three teenage studs and their summer of love…
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