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Theresa has difficulties with her home gym workout session. Those difficulties soon escalates to something unbelievable and Theresa is forced more than few shattering climaxes.
I was almost done. I mean with my workout. Ever since COVID19, I've been forced to exercise at home. That's almost the only concession I've had to make because of the virus. I had no problems to move to remote working, so I was never really hit as bad as some people.

I really like to work out. So, to avoid getting sick, I bought full set of gym equipment to home. Well, not full set since that would have been overkill. But more like bench, bar, dumbbells, and enough weights to manage. It's funny how much you can get done just by even having a simple lifting bar at home.

I wouldn't say that I am addicted to working out, but that is my standard method of staying in shape. I am quite athletic, and I like to show it off. What's the point of working out if you cannot flaunt your round and juicy ass, tight abs, and ample bosom? Alright, the last item was just god's gift for me. My outstanding and surprisingly perky C-cups which defy gravity are one of my more noticeable features. My breasts made boys crazy and I must admit that it felt good. The boobs were made even more noticeable my semi-long brown hair which was cut just above my bosom. At the age of 22 I had grown up quite nicely, my height being 165cm and I weigh around 55kgs.

Ah, oh yes, I almost forgot the most obvious, my name is Theresa. But everyone just calls me Tess.

I have been living the exciting single life for few years now. It has been a while since I've had any kind of boyfriend. I do have occasional flings because life is for living, right? However, I am not lonely. I share my apartment with Thor, Great Dane, my protector in black armor. I've had him since he was a small pup. But nowadays he is way bigger than even me. He usually behaves quite well but lately I've had to use firmer hand with him. And that is for his own good of course, I cannot have him running away at middle of city. Although, if this behavior continues, I might need to have him checked by the vet...

Ah, sorry! I have hard time to stay on topic. As I said, I was almost done with the workout. There was only bench-press left. I keep changing the order how I do my gym workouts. Quite often I do bench press first so I am confident that I have enough strength to do it. But I do not want to get locked to same ways. And I honestly feel that it is good for the body as well to switch things up.

I began to adjust the bench to correct position and added the safety bars. I am doing like 80% of my maximum so safety bars are must. I will not risk of getting pinned under the weight. If I was able to work at gym, I could always ask some cute boy to spot for me, but no such luck at home. I have been lifting for long time, so my record reflects it. I was able to lift 47,5kgs last month and I am quite proud about it. And before you laugh it off, try lifting your own weight before smirking! Since it was my last set, 35kgs worth of weights was most I could add.

Alright, break is over. Let's go for it.

I felt good while lifting the first two sets. Sure, I was quite sweaty, but I felt that it has been quite good work out so far. If you have been visiting gyms, you probably know what I mean. Every now and then you get that good day, where you can do just a little bit more without any logical reason. This was one of those days. For final two sets, I added 2x2,5kgs weights to the bar.

I was standing beside of the bench while being little bit out of breath. I was quite pumped up to be able to go further than I had planned. While I was waiting to catch my breath, I started to notice how hot it was. I could see the sweat trickling down to my cleavage and it tickled a bit. Including that, my thin panties were wet from the work out. And all that sweat gave me a marvelous idea. I could run myself a bath while doing the last two sets.

I paused the TV- teen drama show I was watching from streaming service and went to start up the bath. The series was just about to be steamy, so I did not want to miss that. While setting up the water, I kept pumping myself up, that the bath was my reward for nailing the workout. Little bit extra motivation to finish up strong. Maybe after taking Thor outside, I could even take a drink or two to relax. After all, it was Saturday evening.

I continued to watch the TV while catching my breath. It seemed that I must wait somewhat longer before things start to be naughty. "The steamy pair" got interrupted for now and they are having laugh about it. Oh well, might be more fun to watch it when I have a beverage on my hand. Now I should focus on the job in hand. I take my position on the bench. Since my apartment is not huge, only place where there is enough room to do bench pressing is right next to wall. Like always, I do this carefully. Let's just say that after hitting my head twice to the concrete wall, because I was being too excited, works as reminder to be careful. I place my hands at the correct spots, take a deep breath and push the bar up. "God damn. 5 kgs really makes a difference" I thought by myself. I lower the bar carefully close to my chest and then push it back up. "Ok, once more and that's it".

Another deep breath and I ready myself to the next lift. I held my breath in and lowered the bar down. At the same time, I can hear from the TV that one of the female characters is still joking about laughing "the steamy pair" almost on act. She said loudly: 'No daddy! Not in the butt!'. This was something so unexpected that I lost my focus and started to laugh. Yeah... If you don't already know it, you cannot laugh when you are bench-pressing close to your maximum. The bar fell loudly on the top of safety bars. This would have been dangerous if I had not set the safety bar as I always do. I was still laughing about the scene at TV, so I didn't understand the situation fully. But I was soon about to figure it out.

Since I've never actually needed safety bars before, I had not really tested them properly either. Sure, I had checked that the empty bar I lift would not touch me, but I had not checked what happens if I cannot move the bar. The bar I dropped is almost touching my neck. This meant that I could not get my head forced under the bar. Neither was I able to slide to safety at the other side of the bench since wall was blocking my way. I tried to squeeze myself to sitting position by using the wall to support my climb, but it was no go since I could not get my huge boobs to move under the bar. I hope that removing my sport bra would work but after some undressing, I found out that my breasts were simply too big. "Damn my big and perky boobs!".

I still tried to laugh about the situation but severity of it all started to dawn on me. I was quite literally stuck under the bar for time-being. But luckily, I was not in any life threatening situation, so I could take my time and think calmly. Even the bath would not run over if the water was left running, so I do not really need to worry about that either. I am fine, I am smart, and I can figure this out. TV series continued while I was once again catching my breath. 'Finally, alone' said the girl and then climbed on the guy's lap. It was on. They started to kiss passionately while clothes flew off. "This would be so hot if I was not so embarrassingly pinned under my own weights" I thought by myself. I could see my nipples hardening in front of me. 'Well, that's not going to help me' I said in loud while still being optimistic about the situation.

Thor knows to leave me alone when I am doing my workout. I have been training him so there will not be any accidents. That is why he usually rests by himself at the other room while I get sweaty. However, since I don't usually speak by myself, Thor got curious and came to see me. He was obviously not aware of my predicament, but he could sense that something was different than usually. I rarely do gym bare chested while watching basically soft porn from TV.

'I am sorry Thor. I cannot take you outside just yet. I seem to have found myself in a pickle.' I said to Thor. He could sense the stress from my voice and came closer to investigate. He suddenly started to lick my face. 'No Thor! Stop it!' I giggled while trying to cover myself. But if you do not firmly push him away, he will very likely resume until he is bored. Since I was in no position to do anything firmly, I gave up and just covered my ticklish face while laughing. And as I guessed, that did not stop Thor. He just moved little lower and found my boobs with erect nipples. 'God damnit Thor!' I yelled while still laughing. It was clear for me that I could not cover my face and boobs at the same time. When I moved to protect another, he simply attacked another place. As you can probably guess, I did not really have a chance to ponder how to remove myself from the bench. However, I did not need to worry about my ticklish upper body for long. Thor was able to sense something more curious at the other side of bench. I had not noticed how aroused the TV-show and Thor licking my breasts had gotten me. Especially since I was sweaty from the beginning. Even though I was oblivious to the signs of arousal, Thor was not. My moist underwear gave distinct smell which Thor picked up.

When Thor left my boobs and face, I tried to gather myself. I am ticklish and sensitive, so his rough tongue is like torture on my sweaty body. But the reprieve was short. I had not even removed my hands from my face when I felt his snout and tongue between my open legs. I rested my feet on the ground like always when someone is on the bench. That meant that my thinly covered pussy was like open buffet for the large dog which was now standing at the other side of the bench. I started to panic. This wasn't funny anymore. I tried to cover myself by pushing my hands at my pussy, but I couldn’t reach far enough. The bar on top of me was limiting my movement and I could not apply enough for to push Thor away. Then I tried to raise my hips and cross my legs, but Thor was too strong. Those few times that I was able to clamp shut my legs, he just pushed back to my nether regions.

'THOR! NO!' I yelled. But no help. It was like Thor did not hear me at all.

I could feel his strong tongue on top of my pussy. He was clearly aiming to the wettest part of my panties and it was having further effect on me. More he licked, wetter I got. I was still completely oblivious to my own arousal while I was struggling to find a way to make him stop his assault. I got alarmed when I felt my panties making room for invading tongue from one of the sides. Few licks on my bare labia felt several times more sensitive than the licks through the thin panties. I could easily reach to top of my panties so in panic I pulled to straighten them. Unfortunately, saliva and my own pussy juice had made the thin fabric very moist, and it gave in when I pulled. Around 5 centimeters of fabric got ripped from the waistband right on top of my shaven pussy mound. Lick after lick the ripped area was extended lower and lower. I tried to prevent the inevitable but very soon I felt Thor's rough tongue on top of my bare and sensitive clitoris. I tried to avoid the next lick by moving my hips but no avail. My ripped panties were no longer protecting me at all.

Thor had never acted this aggressively towards me. Sure, I've had some issues lately, but he still obeyed when I shouted. In our relationship, I was the master. But now he was completely unresponsive to all my commands. In his mind, he was satisfying his base needs. He was in the age that he wanted to mate and breed. And there was nothing tastier than bitch in heat.

The demanding tongue slid from my taint to my clitoris, pleasuring me all the way. He tried to push his tongue deeper and deeper into me to find the source of the sweet heat my cunt was producing. In fact, he was pushing me so hard that I had to use my hands to push back the wall behind of me so I would not hit my head to it all the time. I also tried to protect my sore breasts that were being pushed against the bar. But this was not enough, I also had to push my legs on floor, so I could lock myself and not constantly crash the concrete wall behind of me. From this position, I was able to withstand the constant pushes, but I had no methods to protect my pussy anymore. And now that Thor was able to savor my taste directly from my bare cunt, I had involuntarily started to moan. The panic in corner of my head was gradually fading away. It was being replaced by pleasure. Tears in my eyes, I moaned louder and louder. I was not able to deny the growing pleasure building deep inside of me.

Once more I pleaded Thor to stop 'Please Thor. Please. Please stop.' But even I did not think that he would not stop before he was done.

The tip of his tongue found the lubricated pussy hole. And when he figures out way to push further, the stimulation boiled over and I cummed hard. I lost myself to the pleasure momentarily. I closed my eyes, and I was able to forget the situation. Wave after wave of pleasure washed over and me and I could not stop my hips moving and pushing against the oral invader. This of course excited Thor even further and he started pushing back harder and harder. Suddenly my arms gave in and I was pushed hard against the wall. I was seeing stars and not only because of the violent orgasm. It took me several moments to gather myself. I was breathing heavily and trying to figure out what happened. It seems that I had lost my balance when I was pushed against the wall. I still felt Thor's wet tongue trying to access my moist opening. Also, something wet was dripping above of me. It made no sense... To understand the situation better, I opened my eyes and saw Thor's head drooling above me. What the hell is going on?

When I had orgasmed, I was abruptly pushed to the wall by Thor. This made Thor, who was pushing his tongue deeper and deeper inside of me, to lose his balance and lunge forward. There is probably one or two things that you need to know about Great Danes, they are not only heavy, but they are also quite tall. So tall in fact that he could tower over the bench when on his feet. And Thor was able to reach even higher since he had jumped and placed his front paws on top of the lift bar. I was staring drooling mess of a head which right above of me. Saliva mixed with my vaginal discharge was dripping on my head and boobs while I tried to figure out the situation.

Then the realization of the situation hit me in full horror. Thor was trying to fuck me missionary style. 'NO!' I scream and started to panic when my head had cleared up. I tried to push the bar and squeeze under it but if I had not been able to move it before, I sure as hell was not able to move while Thor was laying on top of it. I was not able to see his cock which was hitting quick jabs to my buttocks. But I did not need to see it to know how screwed I would be if he was able to have his way. At past, I had seen him getting excited more than once and that dick was not meant to be inserted to humans. I never measured it because why would I. But it must've been at least 25cm long and as wide as child's arm. I did not want that monster anywhere near of my pussy.

"How the hell is this even possible?" I screamed in my head. "Is this normal way for dogs to have sex? I thought that it was called doggy style for a reason?!?" the questions kept hammering my head. For Thor, the normalcy mattered very little. He cared only about satisfying the need to unload his balls to warm and moist hole which he had been preparing for last ten minutes. I did not know what to do. I could not escape, but I could not really block him either. I could only wait and see, and this just added to the dread of the situation.

The situation was next to hopeless from the moment I had orgasmed and hit my head to the wall. The only reason why Thor had not been able to push inside of my cunt, was the reach. Thor knew that he was close, and it excited him further. The rest of his member was being unsheathed and he was able to jab further and further. He was jetting pre-cum all over my vulva and bench. This further lubricated the entrance and entrance way to my tight young hole which Thor tried to violate.

"Is there anything I can do? Maybe I could raise my hips so he would miss and slide under me? No... He would hit my ass then. That woul..." my thoughts was cut short when Thor was able to bury few centimeters of his still growing cock inside of my unprepared pussy. 'AH! NOOOOOOOO!' I yelled. Thor knew that he had hit the jackpot, so he adjusted his hindlegs closer my body and thrusted again. And cock was able to reach little deeper inside of my warm pussy. I clamped my vaginal muscles as hard I could. Due the obvious size difference between our genitals, I was sure that I could prevent him of thrusting deeper inside of me. And for a moment it seemed that I was able to prevent further violation. Thor kept battering against my muscles in shallow penetration, trying it's best to access further inside of womanhood. Fighting back this animal was taking toll on me. The pain I felt emanating from my pussy was making me whimper. All the while Thor seemed unaffected by my struggle and kept battering decisively against my vulva. I felt my resistance to falter. My pussy was soaking wet from the very beginning and all pre-cum that Thor had shot to my opening was making my efforts futile. In next few seconds, I lost the fight and Thor was able to shove his eager cock further inside of me.

By now I knew that I was going to be taken in ways that I could never be able to erase from my mind. Pleading to the animal would be pointless, I could only try to survive the situation. I closed my eyes and once again did what I could to protect my body for what to come.

I was sobbing and moaning during my interspecies mating session. I could not comprehend how something this disgusting was happening to me. First, I was orgasmed by Thor's oral assault and now I was about to be fucked with baseball bat. I was too focused on self-pity to notice how my body had started to prepare to betray me once more.

Moment after moment Thor was able to unsheathe more of his cock and bury it in me. Dog saliva, my pussy juices and pre-cum from Thor's cock was making sure that I was properly lubricated all the time. But I was quite sure that the cock could not be pushed any further soon. My vagina was already filled as far as it can possible be filled. However, ever growing pressure at my vaginal walls clearly indicated that his cock was still steadily growing in girth. Pain and pleasure went hand to hand. When I got accustomed to the pressure, he grew bigger and forced my pussy to stretch further. I was beginning to fear being ripped apart by the monster cock.

It was becoming more and more difficult for Thor to fill me due my small frame not being able to take his cock and deeper. Every now and then he readjusted his hindlegs forward to make sure it easier for him to push as far as he can. This movement forced my butt and hips to raise off from the bench. I could not stop this even if I tried. I had become too impaled by his cock to prevent him to do anything. I had to help Thor to raise my hips to avoid further pain. Do you have any idea how much does it hurt to be raised from your pussy? Well, I know now. So that is how I ended up having my spread legs hanging in air while being completely in mercy of the great animal, I used to call my protector.

Even though Thor's thrusts have so far been quite calm, I was starting to feel sore all over my body. Fortunately for me, it seemed like Thor had trouble to find proper pace. My hanging legs started to lose their feeling and it was quite uncomfortable. I hated the idea of wrap my legs around my unwanted lover, but I really wanted to steady myself while I was still able. I had to use all the strength from my core muscles to place the legs around Thor's back. It was not easy since only my back touching the bench while otherwise being impaled by huge cock. But I was able to do it. To avoid falling after I would relax my core muscles, I pushed my body forward to lock my legs behind Thor back

That final finetuning was severe mistake from my part. I basically pulled my lower body against the Thor's cock which he was trying to drill deeper inside my small body. The giant cock was now as hard as it gets, and my own readjustment had aligned the tip of the cock at the mouth of my cervix. The gigantic animal pushed his rod forward and my cervix gave in few millimeters. I screamed in despair when I understood my mistake. Thor took this as a chance and gave another firm thrust. Once again, the cock disappeared little further inside. Thor was about to shove his puppy maker to my uterus, and I had no way to fight against it.

Suddenly I was filled like never. The tip of the hot rod penetrated through my cervix and rest of the cock soon followed. Pain made my eyes tear up. Feeling of pure revulsion washed over me. I was filled as far as my tiny body can possibly be by damn animal. I could not take this any further, but I had no choice. Worse yet, since he was now firmly embedded inside of me, he picked up the pace and started animalistic pounding of my sore pussy. Loud and embarrassing noises from faster and stronger fucking of my soaking pussy filled the room. His big balls were slapping hard against my butt and this just upset me further. However, I could not hold to despair and rage much longer. Another orgasm was brewing from deep inside of me. Heat filled my face while my body prepared to climax for the second time today.

Before I had time to react to strong sensations what was replacing my pain, the orgasm exploded from my cunt. My eyes rolled at back of my head and I started to scream my lungs off. At the same time, I knew what was happening but illogically I was also scared of unknown. I tried to fight against the waves of pleasure by pushing and punching the animal above me but either I was too weak, or Thor simply did care. His incessant grinding did not slow down one bit. Orgasm hit me so hard that I felt like I had forgotten how to breath, so I was gasping for air. I believe I was trying to beg Thor to stop but nothing understandable escaped my lips.

I was no longer the at the driver's seat of my body. It felt like my convulsing limbs had the mind of their own. My locked legs held firmly and unbeknownst to myself I kept using my legs to match Thor's violent thrusts. I was being ravaged like a dirty slut and for anyone, who did not know the full context, I was willing participant in this bestial act. I climaxed again and I came quite close to lose my consciousness. Which probably would have been good thing since Thor was not yet finished with my pussy. Knot had formed at the base of his doggy cock. I felt sharp pain radiating from the entry of vagina. I had an idea what was happening. I had obviously done my research about dogs, but I had never witnessed the behavior in real life. But now I was experiencing this in practice, and it was fueling my panic. I had done my research, but I did not know if dog would stop his efforts if he wasn't able to push his knot to the bitch. "For fuck sake. I'm the bitch here..." I thought while cumming.

One thing which I was certain about was, that it would become more painful longer it took for Thor to push his knot in me. I was severely conflicted with these thoughts. 30 minutes ago, I wouldn't even have thought that soon I need to ponder if I need to let baseball sized shape to be stuffed inside of my vagina. Last vestiges of my self-respect were being demolished. Teary eyed I started to do my best to relax my already strained vaginal muscles. My vaginal walls were stretching to new limits and I was feeling every agonizing moment of it. The knot was bigger than I had imagined, and I started to have second thoughts about it. But at the very moment when I decided that it was too much, it squeezed inside of me. I let out loud grunt to protest the knot, while being fully aware that it was already in me.

Animalistic thrusts became slower and shorter now that Thor had knotted his bitch. My vaginal walls tighten around the cock and sealed the knot securely inside of my pussy. The pain from sudden stretching faded away almost immediately. In fact, the big knot was scraping my G-spot quite pleasurable, and I knew that I had to still endure few more earth-shattering climaxes before Thor was done with my pussy. My broken mind could not decide if I should be glad or disgusted about it.

The movement of Great Dane came to the halt. I felt only small twitches coming from the huge cock which was embedded in my cunt. It became surprisingly quiet as well. I could hear my voice while I moaned and whimpered from being so stuffed. Then I felt the cock twitching little harder and my pussy stretching to accommodate the growing girth of Thor's tool. Thor panted significantly harder, but he did not move at all. Copious amount of hot doggy cum dashing into my uterus made me orgasm along with the great animal. Feeling of being filled more than before brought me over the edge. My tight cervix was keeping most of the sperm inside of my uterus and I could feel my belly to start swelling. This felt surreal. "How much could one dog unload to its bitch?" I wondered.

But I wasn't in position to ponder those questions. I was drowning in my orgasm. Wave after wave of pleasure crashed through me. My body moved on its own. My hips kept grinding against the rock-hard cock hoping to get more out of knot scraping my sensitive G-spot. I was so wonderfully full that I had forgotten all the shame that I had felt before. I was just riding the waves without any intelligent thoughts. The pleasure was overwhelming, and it did not seem to cease. I was screaming almost in complete silence. My eyes were wide open, and I could only see the face of my violator who calmly tried to inseminate me with flood of his seed. Tears of pleasure ran down my face and those got mixed to saliva still dripping from the watery mouth of Thor.

Seconds changed to minutes and I was slobbering mess. I had never been taken as violently as I had been today, and it was beginning to show. There was visible bulk on my tummy which had been swelling while been filled to brink by sperm from Thor's balls. Adrenaline high from lust started to wear down and I could now feel how sore I was. Especially my lower back had started to ache due being lifted for quite some time. I was quite sure that Thor was done pumping his cum inside of me, but it was difficult to say since I felt quite swollen as I was. I believe even Thor was anxious to be untied from me as well. He had been whining loudly and trying to back out few times, but his knot had not reduced enough. Every time he tried to pull it little back, it sent shivers through my body. "God, I hope this humiliation ends soon" I thought.

Feelings of disgust and revulsion had returned when I came down from the clouds. I had hard time to come in acceptance how slutty I had behaved while I was taken. I have occasionally fantasized of being taken by force but those were just naughty fantasies and none of them included animals. I had been forced to cum so often and so hard that I wasn't sure how I could ever want to have something inside of me again. While I was torturing myself in self-pity, Thor had finally deflated enough. The knot stretched my vaginal muscles one more time before popping out from my used pussy. In an instant, the whole cock ejected from me. My legs which I had locked around Thor came undone and my lower body came crashing down. Removal of the big cock meant also that the tight seal blocking my cervix was removed as well. The hot dog cum which had extended my tummy had now a way out. Ridiculous amount of semen was suddenly released from me. Sperm was gushing from my pussy all over the bench and floor below it. Almost immediately, Thor was all over of my pussy again, lapping the excess seed with his tongue. Sudden events forced one more vaginal orgasm out of my tired body. After being humiliated and tortured for quite some time, I finally lost my consciousness and fell sleep.

I woke up about 30 minutes later. Satisfied Thor had left my body alone and returned to back to his favorite place. While I had been out, a lot more cum had exited from me. The mixture of different discharges caused intoxicating smell which made my head spin. I touched my belly and I found that bulk was mostly gone. Carefully I applied some pressure with my hand and more sperm was flowing out from me. I couldn’t see the mess under me and neither did I care. I moved a little and felt how dried cum had harden on my skin. I was wondering how much there was still inside of me. I reached with my right hand as far I could under the bar. I was able to find my tender pussy lips covered with sperm. The cum which was still inside of me was still quite watery. I gently pushed my tummy with my left hand and once again more sperm gushed from my twat. My right hand was soiled in the slick sperm. "Has Thor ever cummed before? Did he just unload life-time of supply of seed inside of me? How else would there be so much of it?" I pondered in bewilderment. I moved my body once more and I knew I was hurting all over. But I also knew that I had to figure a way out before Thor would decide to go for another round. The idea of being fucked again scared living crap out of me.

A disgusting idea crossed my mind when I saw my slippery right hand. I had a decent supply of lubricant stored inside of me. I only had to get my big boobs under the bar, and I would be able to escape this hell. I started to apply the slippery substance all over my breasts and bar. I had to work fast so that it would not dry. After half a minute I was basically completely soaked in doggy cum. But my efforts paid off. By applying enough force with my arms, I was able to roll the bar over my boobs. I felt some shivers when the bar touched my sensitive and erect nipples, a reminder of my previous arousal.

Now that I could finally sit straight, I was able to witness the mess we had made. Maybe due of being in shock, I did not really care about it. For some reason I cared more about TV which was still running and spoiling the plot of the show for me. I moved quickly to stop the show with my dirty hands. After realizing it, I felt stupid, and I moved to direction of bathroom. I understood very quickly that I just had to clean myself properly. I felt river of cum flowing down my legs and I just did my best to avoid walking on carpet. Once again stupid thing to worry about but I could not help myself.

Even few steps did miracles to my sore muscles. It had only been closer to an hour, but it felt like forever when I walked last time. When I was nearing to the bathroom, the noise of running water hit my ears. "Oh crap, I've had the water running all this time" I remembered. I hurried, kneeled by the bathtub, and turned faucet to off position. Obviously, the tub had been filled fully. Luckily it has inbuilt system to handle excess water. Otherwise, the whole bathroom would have been flooded. I took my time at the side of the bathtub. I pushed my arms to the water and enjoyed the warm feeling. I washed my hands from the still slippery doggy cum and looked into the water. I spoke by myself, 'I wonder how many baths it will take before I feel clean again?'. I had been screaming quite a lot when I was being orgasmed, so my throat felt sore while speaking by myself. I finished the thought in my head, "Well, at least two I suppose. First bath to get rid of this coating of sperm. And second one to drown myself.". It might've been funny had I not been forced through something so horrible.

My bathtub was located at the corner of the bathroom. I kept my soap, shampoos, and other shower related stuff at the far corner, on the side of the tub. I wanted to wash my hands properly before I examine my body thoroughly. So, while still on my knees I reached over the water to grab the colorful soap canister. At the midway of the process, I heard some noise behind of me. Before I had time to turn around, I felt weight on my back, and I found myself of being submerged. I tried to yell from surprise, but I had not yet realized that it is quite pointless under the water. I realized very quickly that Thor had surprised me and was now laying at the top of my body. With my hands, I was able to reach at the other side of the tub and with great effort I pulled my head above the water. And when I mean with great effort, I do mean with great effort. The weight of Thor had me completely pinned down.

While I was passed out, Thor used the time to rest and recover as well. He had went to his room when he had tasted his fill of my gushing pussy. He was quite satisfied after forcing himself on me. But he was virile young dog. He did not mind having another go if situation presents itself. And there I was at bathroom, on my knees and butt high, ready to be mounted. This time the bitch was presenting herself in the manner more familiar for the Great Dane. So, his base instincts took the control and I found myself being once again taken by my pet.

I lost my grip and found myself under the water again. I felt his hardening penis at my backside, but I was too busy to figure out a way to not drown into my bathtub. I clawed my way back above water and I could feel Thor humping against me. I had to use both of my hands to not fall back to the water, so my nether regions were once again completely unprotected against Thor. I felt even more stupid now. By closing the door, I could have prevented this, but I was too preoccupied because of still running water that I had forgotten Thor. It was a mistake that I was now paying.

There was no foreplay this time, no rough tongue which would prepare myself for being mated. However, I did feel something warm and wet being sprayed all over my pussy and ass. "That son of a bitch has still enough cum to jet out?" I thought. I felt strong stabs at the mound of my pussy. The bastard was touching my sensitive clitoris but luckily missing the actual mark. Adrenaline was being once again shot into me when my body started to react to the attempt of interspecies mating. Or I was feeling the high from trying to stay above water. I would have not been as scared as I was if I had not been ravaged less than an hour ago. But now I knew that he would take me if given the chance, so I had no illusions what was in stake here. One well aligned shove to my gaping pussy would make me his bitch again.

Thor sensed the situation as well. He felt that the hole was close but fortunately for me he kept jabbing right off the mark. A minute passed and he kept seesawing my clit. I started to wonder if I was able to tire him out like this. It would just be matter of time before he gave up. Suddenly I once again lost my grip and weight on my back pushed me under the water. I started to panic but gathered myself quickly. I had already decided that if I find myself under the water again, I will aim to remove the plug at the bottom of the bath to drain the water. It would not drain the water immediately but if the situation prolonged, I might be glad that I do not need to worry about this one thing. I reached as far as I could, and it was just enough for me to touch the plug with two fingers. I struggled some more and pried the plug out from the bottom. And that is when I felt pressure at my virginal butthole.

I had reached too far and extended my body while doing so. Sudden movement from my part forced Thor to readjust as well and he had found accidentally even tighter hole where to bury his bone. The cum that had leaked out from my pussy had pre-lubricated the tight sphincter. If that was not enough, hot pre-cum directly inserted to the butthole made sure that I was nice and slippery. Thor was in semi-erection, so his girth was just enough to penetrate few centimeters into my previously untouched ass. And that is all he needed. I had not paid any thought about being taken anally so I was completely unprepared for the sudden invasion of my butthole. I had also been little busy with being under the water, so my focus had not been at my backside for few seconds. So, combination of several things had created possibility for perfect storm. Now that he was in, he could start applying more pressure to be able push deeper through my anus to my rectum. I was about to experience my first ever anal sex.

I fought my way back to the surface. It took me longer than last time since I felt some panic from being stabbed to ass. I gasped for air when I was able to resurface. By then the hardening pointy cock had already been shoved roughly 5 centimeters inside of me. It did not really matter if I had been able to resurface any earlier, it is not like I could have fought him off from my back. I felt the pain and pressure to grow when Thor's hammer was plunged further and wider to my ass. The hot jets of pre-cum were being shot inside of me, applying lubrication to the walls of my tight anal canal. I was too out of breath to scream but my painful grunts were clearly audible.

Thor was excited. The doggy style was much easier for him to handle than whatever it was before. And for my dismay, he could push harder and faster. Deflowering of my sweet asshole was just a matter of time. I had never allowed anyone to touch my ass before. I had thought about it but in the end, it never came up. So, I had no way of knowing what to expect. The one thing which I had already realized that trying to relax my anal muscles greatly reduced the pain of penetration. Of course, this meant that more and more of throbbing cock was drilled inside to my rectum. When Thor had reached to certain depth, I started to feel his balls slapping my pussy. Little by little the slaps became harder and more frequent. And soon I found that the ball sack had found its way to my clitoris. By focusing on my pussy and building pleasure, I had been able to cheat my mind from anal assault. The giant cock was now fully embedded to my ass. If it wasn't so terrifying, I would have been amazed how much cock can I take up to my butt. I knew it was odd thing of being proud about.

The veiny dick was now freely moving in and out from my ass with unbelievable pace. Thor had all the power to rearrange my guts with his cock. At some point during my ordeal, my grunts of pain had changed to moans of arousal. My clit was teased by most unnatural and most wonderful way. My cunt had once again become moist from all the stimulation. The constant pressure at my ass forced a load of doggy cum to seep from my pussy and trickle down my thighs. I was being forced to next level of degradation. My anal virginity had been taken and my broken mind could not decide if I even cared. After figuring out of way to relax my sphincter to rid of the pain, my body had started to accept the assault. And now I was moaning in heat while giant dog was raping my ass.

My body was building its way to my first anal climax when I started feeling excruciating pain from anus. I had forgotten the knot. And that woke me up from my bliss. "Something so big would not be able to fit me. There was just no way. He will seriously now tear me up" I was thinking in panic. I was hoping that Thor would hear my pleas and not try to force the knot in, "Please Thor... please no... no... please don't..." But it was futile. He was adamant of taking his bitch once again and there was no stopping him. I remembered what had happened last time. I had submitted myself to the dog and relaxed my vagina to allow easier access. I knew that I had to help me out soon before he was any bigger. If he became any bigger, it would hurt even more. But relaxing would not be enough, I simply could not relax indefinitely.

I could only figure one way of this situation. It was so humiliating that I started to sob again. I had to spread my butt cheeks so Thor could push his still manageable knot through my asshole. I had demeaned myself so many times today that it was overwhelming. I looked down and water was still too high. But I could not wait knot to grow to a size which would cause permanent damage. I took a deep breath and released my grip from the other side of bathtub. I knew that I had limited number of seconds to hold my breath. So, I did my best relax myself and then I presented my ass willingly to the beast behind of me. And the beast took advantage of my submission. He shoved his tool as hard as he possibly could. I felt my lubricated sphincter stretch to ridiculous size. I did not want to think how disgustingly wide I had been spread. It felt like hours of torture, but the knot finally popped inside.

The pressure and pain at my asshole eased immediately. Insertion of the knot pushed another gush of doggy cum out of my vagina. It flowed pleasurably by my clitoris. Thor was once again balls deep in me and I could once again feel his puppy-making sack touch my pussy. My ass felt so full that I was sure that I could not take much more. Thor continued his hammering even after my sphincter sealed the knot into my ass. But he was clearly slowing his thrust, preparing to his second attempt of impregnation at this afternoon. He was not the only one who was readying for the Ragnarök. Pleasure was once again building inside of me due lack of pain. Once again, my first-ever anal climax was immediate.

By reaching at the side of the tub, I once again resurfaced and got my essential oxygen supply. However, it was short lived. I was exhausted from the knotting and generally just being fucked so long and hard, that I could not hold Thor's weight on my back, and I got pushed back under the shallow water. I knew that I was in trouble, but impending orgasm made it difficult to focus on anything. I pushed the bottom of the tub and was able to get one more lungful of air before I lost last tiny fragment of my upper body strength. I crashed face first back to the water.

Burning sensation radiated from my ass. Thor exploded deep into my rectum. Once again flood of Thor's seed coated my insides. The hotness of his semen surprised and excited me. In few seconds it was clear that Thor still had unbelievable supply of semen left and he was now pumping it all to my warm and welcoming ass. And more he pumped cum to my ass, more of his previous load was being seeping out from my pussy.

The water level had gone down enough so my ears were uncovered. I was able to hear Thor's frantic panting and howling. He was celebrating of being able to assert his dominance over his bitch once again by releasing his balls to me. I felt my consciousness fading away. "Fucked all the way to the end...". When I was about to pass out, mind-blowing climax ravaged through me. It felt deeper like anything I had ever felt before. I had no idea if it was from being fucked to the ass or from the lack of oxygen or maybe both. Whatever the reason was, I was experiencing my first anal orgasm in my life.

Sudden surge of oxygen filled my lungs when water conveniently drained enough for me to breath again. I was gasping for air while my body was convulsing in climax. I had no control of my movements while I was cumming. Only the weight of Thor was keeping me in my place, and of course the cock in my ass which had been inseminating my rectum. Once again, my voice was stolen from me. My lips were forming capital O-letter in silent scream while drool was dripping at the sides of mouth. My drool got mixed with Thor's own saliva which trickling from his lolling tongue at the to my face. I could still smell the licked sperm and pussy juices from his nimble tongue, and the sensations it brought just heightened my waves of orgasms.

Multiple orgasms just kept rolling through my body. It was like never-ending waves of pleasure. My asshole made involuntary gripping motions and tried to milk every drop of semen inside of it. I felt cramps all over my ravaged body due constant spasms causing strain to my muscles. I had no idea how long could I take it anymore. It was impossible to tell what pleasure was and what was pain. Everything just got mixed. I was experiencing my lowest low and highest high at the same time. It was indescribable.

In few minutes, I found myself in incoherent state. After-quakes of my climaxes still rushed through, but I seem to have survived. "Maybe I am just a dirty bitch by nature", it was depressing thought. I was no longer being pinned down by Thor. He had unmounted me and we were now butt to butt. We were still tied by knot behind my previously virginal sphincter. Based on our last fuck, it would not take long for him to pull his prick out. I felt his semen slosh inside of my bowels. I knew that soon I would have the displeasure to empty it all over my bathroom floor. The floor was already sticky with last patch which had been pushed out of my used vagina.

I obediently started to relax my asshole when Thor started to pull out. My asshole stretched once more to allow the cock to exit my butt. Wet pop echoed from the tiles of my small bathroom. And as I expected, my gaping asshole could not seal in the large quantity of dog semen which had been pumped in me. Copious amounts of sperm flowed down on my legs. If I had not been so tired physically and mentally, I would have found the situation extremely disgusting. But I was beyond caring.

Like dutiful little bitch I stayed put and allowed Thor to explore my bottom with his tongue. Like before, he wanted to have taste of his work and he did not need to be disappointed. There was more than enough for him to lap. Rough tongue forced last minor orgasm out of me.

After few minutes, Thor left the bathroom. Tears in my eye, I forced my body up. I had to lean to sink and my washing machine to not fall. I closed the door, locked it, and got back to tub. With great effort I removed my shred panties that were still hanging from my waist. It was highly unlikely that I was going to wear those anymore. I did not dare to fill the tub in case I would pass out again so just I turned the warm shower on.

Absent-mindedly I did my best to wash my sore body. I was pondering my relationship with my pet. He had dominated me at the base level. He took me without mercy and rearranged my insides as he saw fit. He had messed me up inside and outside. My mind had great difficulties to assume the position of master after being so thoroughly fucked to the submission. "Did I allow him to take me at the bathroom? Could I have prevented at least some of it?" These questions would not give me peace for a while.

I got up, dried myself and decided to wear my dirty clothes from laundry basket. For now, it mattered very little what I wore as long as I was not going to be taken by force again. Thor was resting at his room, cleaning his +20cm long cock. Without even thinking about it, I brough him water and food, and then locked him in. Only after that I decided to take care of myself. And when I would wake up, I figure out way forward.

I crashed into my soft bed and almost immediately fell asleep. I dreamed of being fucked like bitch without own free will. I was fucked in different positions, fucked in different rooms, and fucked to different holes. Scenarios changed rapidly but two things were same every time. Firstly, I willingly submit myself for whoever or whatever was fucking me. And secondly, I was content with that. It's odd how much can one or two events change the perspective.


2023-04-09 16:10:22
I had a similar experience with a great Dane only I wanted him to mount me


2022-02-18 18:14:01
it started so slow, i couldnt follow it.

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