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Anndie is a teacher with needs
The Adventures of Anndie

Anndie Smyth came home from work as she usually does, horny. For being a middle-aged mother of 3 adults who teaches elementary school, you would think she was past her sexual peak. But, after a first marriage that was less than ideal, she has come into her own sexually. Her second husband has really opened her up to new experiences and she totally enjoying the new Anndie.

Today was no different. She got home at 4:30 knowing Owen would not be home for at least 45 minutes, so after dropping her purse and backpack in the kitchen, she made a beeline for the bedroom. All day she could not stop thinking about what happened earlier today. Being home with Owen drives her wild. He has known how to get her going from the time they reconnected. Yesterday was no different. In the middle of the afternoon while she was in the kitchen, he came up behind her and rubbed against her reaching around and grabbing her breasts. Anndie has overly sensitive nipples. It’s like there is a direct line from her nipples to her clit. It doesn’t take much to get her going if her nipples are pinched. She’ll let out a deep groan. Owen knew he hit the spot and she gasp as he continued to grind his hard cock into her backside while continuing to roll her instantly hard nipples between his fingers. Anndie’s panties were instantly wet as she ground back on Owen. Anndie reached back and grabbed Owen’s cock and walked him to the bedroom.

Their Bedroom has a Queen size bed, and one wall is all windows that were open to the warm Spring sun. Owen dropped his pants and underwear and jumped on the bed. Anndie did a striptease for Owen as he lay there naked with his raging hardon throbbing. Anndie’s mouth began to water as about the only thing she wanted other than his cock inside of her was his cock in her mouth. She loves to suck on a hard cock and having his hard cock in her mouth and feeling it against her tongue getting harder gets her off so quickly. As she began to suck and lick his cock Owen reached down and began to flick her clit with his finger. She was wet and his finger easily slid up and down her clit. She began to moan as he took his entire length down her throat. He rubbed faster and faster circling her clit until she came. Liquid poured from her. A long and loud moan escaped from her mouth, vibrating his cock. Anndie has 2 favorite sexual positions, cowgirl and doggy, and she wanted him deep so she was just about to climb on him when she looked out the window. Across the way something caught her eye. There was movement on the balcony across from hers. It was a woman sitting in a chair in her robe. She had binoculars in one hand and her other was inside her robe.

Anndie gasp and hesitated, a shiver ran through her, how dirty she thought, someone is watching us, a woman is watching her and getting off on Owen and her having sex. She was on her knees naked facing the window with her husband’s cock in one hand and while she looked out the window at the voyeuristic neighbor, she couldn’t help but start to rub her clit. She began to slowly pump up and down on Owens cock putting on a show. At the same time, she could see the neighbors hand begin to move faster and faster under the robe. Anndie was so turned on she could feel the orgasm building, this was going to be a big one and she tightened her grip on Owen and sped up the pumping to the point that he couldn’t hold back and shot his cum into the air. That triggered her orgasm which caused her to scream out in pleasure, and that triggered the neighbor to launch into her own orgasm, sending her to a crashing finish forcing her to moan loud enough for Anndie to hear.

Later that night as Anndie and Owen got ready for bed Anndie stared out the window, wondering who that was who saw her in all her sexiness. She laughed to herself, and another shiver ran down her spine and straight to her clit. As she climbed in bed, Owen was out on the couch watching the news. Anndie reached into her drawer by her bed and pulled out her trusty bullet. Images of her neighbor rubbing her clit morphed into images of her neighbor going down on her, which morphed into images of her licking her neighbors pussy sent Anndie into multiple orgasms forcing her to cover her mouth so Owen wouldn’t hear. She would sleep well after those cums.

Chapter 2 A Day at the Pool

Weekends were Anndie’s favorite. Why? Well it meant she could go to the pool and lay out in the sun. Her Mediterranean skin soaked up the sun and darkened her complexion. She loved the pool. Owen loved to bring up moving to a newer place closer to the downtown, but without a pool the new apartments are not acceptable. So, at 10 AM she was off to soak up the rays. Owen had other plans. A day on the golf course was in order and he had an early tee time so he was out the door at 6.

As usual, Anndie was by herself at the pool. The lifeguard checked her in and she headed to her usual chair at the end of the pool. It’s a good spot for sun and to see who comes in and out of the area. This early in the morning the sun is just starting to warm up the air and the water is too cold to jump in, so Anndie sets up her chair, lies down on her back and begins her sun worshiping. About a half hour later a mom, dad and two small children enter. The lifeguard checks them in and they head to the kiddy pool on the opposite end of the pool area. Anndie takes note and then nods off again. A little while after that she hears two women talking as they enter the pool. The lifeguard checks them in and Anndie gasps to herself, continuing to lay on her chair, glad she is wearing dark sunglasses. It was the woman from the balcony and another woman. Anndie didn’t move a muscle. She pretended to be asleep. The woman from the balcony looked over at her and quickly turned away only to find the woman she was with walking over towards Anndie and she sat in a chair just two over from Anndie. So that left the seat between the two which the voyeur took. Anndie knew she couldn’t pretend to be sleeping now and sat up and nodded hello to the women. The voyeur said hello and introduced herself as Cheryl and also introduced her roommate Helen. Anndie shook her hand and felt Cheryl grip her hand tightly. Both women appeared to Anndie to be in their mid to late 20’s, Anndie bet they were teachers. As a teacher herself they fit the mold of young teachers who needed to share living arrangements because of the high cost of living and the low teacher pay.

The conversation went on and Anndie almost forgot that Cheryl and she had such an intimate moment the day before. The sun had begun to do its job and the air temperature began to rise. Helen suggested they all get in the water, so the 2 20 somethings took their tops off to reveal very skimpy bikinis. Anndie admired the view as the ladies jumped into the pool. She sat up and watched as Cheryl and Helen both came up from under the water as they both shook their long hair out. As they walked to the shallow end of the pool more and more of their bodies came out of the water and Anndie was captivated with what she saw.

Anndie had always admired beautiful women and had enjoyed watching some lesbian porn, but had never thought she would actually have sex with a woman. Watching these 2 ladies in the water, all she can think about is Cheryl’s tongue on her pussy. A huge we spot was forming on her bathing suit and her nipples were hard as rocks. She started breathing deeper. Then the lifeguard got up out of his seat and walked over to the kiddy pool. Cheryl and Helen saw this too and made their way to the edge of the pool where Anndie was sitting. As they got to the pool edge they turned to each other and gave each other a deep kiss. Oh my god Anndie thought to herself, they are lovers, lesbian lovers. Right in front of her, kissing! She groaned and almost came right there just from watching.

The Ladies stop kissing and went back to swimming and Anndie looked down and could see how wet she was. Embarrassed, Anndie got up and climbed the ladder into the pool to cool off and get her bathing suit wet to hide the spot of wetness. She made her way to the built-in pool bench seat. While the ladies were on the other side of the pool, Anndie let her right hand go right to her pussy under water and pressed hard on her clit, she was so turned on that she slid he fingers under her bathing suit and slid them right in to her pussy. The orgasm hit her like a wave, and it took everything she had not to moan loudly. As Anndie opened her eyes both the roommates swam up to her and sat on either side of her. Helen sat on her left and Cheryl sat on her right. Anndie’s head was till cloudy coming out the orgasm. Helen leaned over Anndie with a hand on her back and kissed Cheryl and said she had to go run some errands. She turned to Anndie and kissed her saying how nice it was to meet her and put her hand on her shoulder to help her out of the pool. As she stood the crotch of her white, see through bikini bottoms were right at Anndie’s eye level and it was easy for Anndie to see the “v” of Helen’s pussy and the tuft of dark hair just above it. Anndie’s clit continued to throb, begging to be rubbed and Cheryl blew Helen a kiss as Helen left the pool area.

Cheryl turned to Anndie and smiled. Anndie smiled back and for the first time really began to study Cheryl’s body. The first thing Anndie noticed was how big her breasts were, they had to be D’s at least, and her skin was light brown. Cheryl giggled and said to Anndie “do you like what you see?”. Anndie blushed and apologized for staring. Embarrassed, she tried to look away and Cheryl reached over putting her left hand on Anndie’s thigh, squeezed it and said “don’t apologize, I like being looked at, especially by a beautiful woman.” Anndie turned back to her and gasped as she felt Cheryl’s hand move to her inner thigh and began to slide up higher. Anndie knew she wanted this, her clit throbbed, her nipples hardened, Cheryl leaned in and kissed her, Anndie felt Cheryl’s tongue against her lips, she likes how soft it felt, much softer than her husbands…. Her husband, oh my g-d she can’t do this….Cheryl felt the hesitation and Anndie shaking her head no….She looked at Cheryl and Cheryl smiled and said not to worry, she quickly kissed Anndie again and said, we can take this up again later, talk to your husband, no secrets…She grabbed her towel and headed home.

Anndie was crazed with lust, remorse, confusion, and worry. What would Owen say? How do I explain this? She walked home from the pool and seeing that Owens car was not there she took a deep breath of relief and went inside. What Anndie did not know was that Owen was fully aware of the voyeur on the deck. He saw her there before Anndie did. In fact, they made eye contact and smiled at each other as Cheryl began to rub herself. It was then that she had caught Anndie’s attention.

Anndie walked into the bedroom and began to take her suit off, she then looked at the window. She started to close the blinds to get undressed and then a wicked thought popped into her head. She was still so horny from the pool. Is Cheryl there? Is she watching? She looked at the blinds, looked out the window, was there movement across the way? She couldn’t tell. She liked being watched. The thought drove her wild. She loved when Owen would watch her masturbate. Her cums were always more intense when he watched. It also helped that he would jack himself off while he watched, and seeing that hand of his wrapped around his shaft with some coconut oil for lubricant, sliding up and down, she would explode. Now though Owen isn’t here and she needs to get off bad. The pool experience is making her head spin. She would normally just pull out her bullet and quickly bring herself off, but she wanted to put on a show for her new friend. She hoped she was watching. After reaching into her nightstand drawer and grabbing her second favorite phallus she made her way to the side of the bed in front of the windows with her glass dildo. It has a heart shaped handle so its easy to pump it in and out of her wet pussy and in the other hand she brought out her Hitachi. This device is so powerful that it makes her squirt. Anndie began by sliding her hands up and down her body, grabbing her nipples, pinching them, twisting them, rubbing them with both hands. The feeling flowed like electricity to her clit, which began to throb and quickly stood at attention. Her pussy began to drip, she was so wet and then she brought the dildo up to her mouth and began licking and sucking like a cock, man did she love a cock in her mouth. She got the dildo as wet as she could with she spit and brought it down to her pussy. She then looked out the window and gasp as Cheryl had made her way back to the chair on the balcony and was naked. Anndie stared at the naked woman across the way and watched as Cheryl held up a very similar dildo. Cheryl brought the dildo to her pussy and started to mimic the thrusts that Anndie was doing. It didn’t take more than five thrusts and Anndie was coming. Her orgasm hit like a gut punch, and she groaned loudly. Hearing and seeing Anndie cum sent Cheryl into a massive climax causing her to moan loudly. Anndie was still so horny. She grabbed her Hitachi and turned in on to the low setting, it buzzed to life and Anndie’s pussy began to drip heavily like it knew what was coming. Cheryl watched continuing to fuck herself with her dildo and as Anndie brought the powerful vibrator to her pussy Cheryl began pumping herself faster and faster, the orgasm was building quickly in Anndie, “its so good” Anndie kept saying faster and faster, and then it hit, she moaned as her hips thrust, fluid poured out of her and she dropped to the floor. There was a loud groan from across the way and Anndie barely had the energy to look up. What she saw however set her on fire all over again. Helen had come home and walked out onto the balcony as Anndie came. She looked down at Cheryl and saw what Cheryl was doing. Helen laughed, dropped to her knees and buried her face in Cheryl’s pussy. Anndie’s hand went right to her clit and began the circular motion so familiar to her that it happens without a thought. Cheryl moaned and groaned as the orgasm in her washed over and Anndie came again. Helen looked over smiled, blew Anndie a kiss then grabbed Cheryl by the hand and dragged her inside. Anndie moaned, “I guess the shows over for today” she thought to herself. How would she explain any of this to Owen?

Chapter 3 Well ya see, it started like this…..

Anndie pulled herself up off the floor, dropped her toys in their drawer and crawled into bed and fell asleep. Owen came home about an hour later and found Anndie sound asleep. He had an idea, and quickly stripped off his clothes. He slowly lifted to covers from the end of the bed and gently nudged Anndie’s legs apart. As he maneuvered himself between her spread legs he kept the covers over him so that she remained under them while he slowly crept up the bed until he was laying between her legs. He was now staring at her pussy under the covers, he could see she was wet. Was she dreaming? He could detect the slight smell of her excitement. When she is close to cumming she gives off a sent that trigger something in his brain and his cock becomes harder than ever. He wished he could bottle that sent. It’s worth a fortune. Anyway, he slowly continued up to the point that he was within inches of that wet pussy. He stuck his tongue out and gently licked up, softly flicking her clit. Anndie moaned in her sleep and slowly began move her hips up and down as Owen continued to lick and suck on her clit. Carefully and as softly as he could he began to drag his tongue from her opening up to her hard clit circling it slowly at first then faster. Anndie began moaning in her sleep, then started to grunt as her approaching orgasm cane closer. Owen heard something, what was Anndie saying, she was talking jibberish. He wondered if she was dreaming, or waking up. Then he heard it, and first it was quiet, then it got louder, “ oh, oh Cheryl” “oh Cheryl, Cheryl”. Then she came with a loud C…h…e…r…y…l!!!” Owen quickly removed himself from between her legs, his hard on was throbbing. Could it be? Was she fantasizing about another woman? And who is Cheryl. She had never mentioned a Cheryl before. He needed relief; he was turned on like never before. His wife, dreaming about another woman, a specific woman. He had to find out more. He was standing over her with his hard cock in his hand, stroking it as she came out of her sleep haze, his eyes were closed picturing a woman going down on Anndie. As he continued to bring himself closer to coming, he felt a warm breath on his cock and looked down to see his beautiful wives brown eyes staring up at him as se engulfed his cock. It didn’t take long, and she sucked the cum right out of him. She loved his taste as she held it in her mouth for a moment before swallowing it in one gulp. Owen groaned… and his knees buckled. “I need a nap” he said to his wife, she chuckled and motioned for him to lay down next to her. “take 20 minutes, I’m going to take a shower” she said. He climbed in next to her and was out like a light.

Later that evening Owen and Anndie decided to go to one of their favorite El Salvadorian restaurants. As usual, the waitress Kate, who is the daughter of the owner, a 20 something Hispanic blonde bombshell, greeted them with a hug, and a “Hellllooooo Lovers”. She is a flirtatious beauty who acts and hostess, waitress, and bartender…..”Sit anywhere lovers, the usual?” she looked at Anndie and Anndie nodded, “and for you”, she rubbed up against Owen while blowing a kiss to Anndie, “your usual too?” which meant a king size margarita for her and a jack and coke for him….he nodded and they made their way to a table. They usually sit in the middle of the restaurant, but Owen had some questions he needed answering so he took the table in the far back tonight, away from everyone else. The table had a bench up against the back wall and Owen directed Anndie to sit on it next to him.

Dinner, as usual was excellent, and while they ate Owen kept a hand on Anndie’s thigh. Occasionally rubbing it up and down. This was not lost on Anndie as the effects of the whole day still had her sexed up. She couldn’t believe she was getting horny again. How many orgasms can she have in one day? She thought to herself as she felt Owens’s hand slide up higher and closer to her already wet panties under her sun dress. Kate could see Owens hand under the table from where she was at the bar. The there was a mirror on the wall that pointed the reflection in such a way and she was the only one who could see it. Watching her favorite couple was turning her on too. Normally older men don’t do much for her, she likes guys more her age, and even the occasional women has excited her, but there was something about this couple that excited her just a little. Noticing that Anndie’s drink was just about done Kate decided it would be a good time to go see if they needed anything else. Kate came up to the table and sat on the other side of Anndie. “Well lovers, you look like you are having a good time, how about another margarita? Anndie started to say no but Owen quickly responded for her with a yes. Kate, put her hand on Anndie’s other thigh causing her to gasp and jump. Kate blew the couple a kiss and got up to go make the drink.

In the meantime, Owen was dying to ask the question, so he did, “Hey babe, who’s Cheryl?” hearing that caused Anndie to cough. “Uh, what?” was her response, Owen, had her, he knew something was up as she was terrible when she tries to hide something. “Who is Cheryl? He leaned in to whisper in her ear as his hand went straight to her pussy, “you screamed her name out as you came this afternoon. Who is she and when do I get to meet her?” he whispered, and he rubbed her clit through the soaked panties. Her eyes closed and she groaned, just as Kate came back with her drink. She set the big drink down on the table and sat back down next to her, then to the couples surprise, putting her hand right over Owens. Anndie, grabbed the table and shook as a major orgasm took hold of her. As the involuntary hip thrusts slowed Kate took her index finger and dragged up the crotch of Anndie’s now soaked panties and brought it up to Anndie’s face. The finger was wet with clear sweet smelling fluid, she held it in front of Owen, then brought it to her lips and sucked it dry. Anndie groaned again, “Oh god” whispered from her mouth and she came again just from watching. It was everything she could do to not scream out in the restaurant. Kate dropped her hand to her own crotch and ground against it quickly, then got up leaned over and kissed Anndie on the lips, then kissed Owen as well and headed back to the bar.

Anndie leaned over to Owen and kissed him deeply. Owen, looked into Anndie’s eyes and asked “so who is Cheryl?” Anndie look at Owen and said “Well, ya see, it started like this;” and proceeded to tell Owen in detail what had happened to her today. She left out no detail. She started with the reason she came so hard last night and what drove her to jack him off so quickly. At that point, Owen whispered in her ear that he did see the woman across the way, and watched the woman, he now knows as Cheryl cum from watching her. Anndie moaned again, “Please take me home, I need your cock so bad” Please, I’ll come right here again if we don’t leave now.” Owen thought for a second, this is opening up a whole new dynamic to this relationship, and Kate was looking at them from the bar. Lets see where this goes he thought. “I say you need to finish this drink first.” He smiled at the thought of what could happen next. At that moment Kate came out from the bar, by this time the restaurant had pretty much cleared out. Owen and Anndie were the only ones seated in the restaurant, and Kate said something to the other waitress in Spanish and she disappeared.

Anndie was just finishing her drink when Kate came back over to the table. Owen said to her “I guess we’ll take the check now.” Kate looked at Anndie smiled and said “you haven’t had desert yet” she sat on the bench on her knees, leaned her body over Anndie’s and kissed Owen pressing her tongue into his mouth. Her breasts were right in Anndie’s face and Anndie reached up and with both hands grabbed Kates waist. Owen returned the kiss hard and Kate moaned. Anndie was staring at this beautiful pair of breasts. Never had she had a pair of breasts so close to her face. She brought her hands up Kates back and slid them under the t-shirt she was wearing. The skin was so soft and warm and smooth, she felt for the bra strap and quickly undid it. She pushed the shirt up over Kates 32 B breasts and gasp at the hard nipple that was right there. She opened her mouth jammed that breast in her mouth sucking and licking, causing Kate to moan loudly into Owen’s mouth. Kate adjusted herself so she was straddling Anndie’s thigh and began to grind herself on Anndie. Anndie began to moan, when she looked up she could see Owen kissing another woman, she thought to herself “I’m not jealous, I’m turned on. That is so hot”. She bit down on the hard nipple in her mouth and Kate ground harder on Anndie until Kate came. Anndie let go of the nipple and moaned, she looked into Owens eyes “she’s coming on me Owen, kiss her harder. I want you to fuck her, I want to watch!”

Kate grabbed Anndie and kissed her hard and slid a hand into Anndie’s panties. She found Anndie’s clit and rubbed it, then took 2 fingers and slid them as deep into he as she could. Anndie groaned looked at Owen and while panting she said O..w..e..n, she’s making me CUUUUUUUM…. And she thrust uncontrollably against Kates fingers….Kate looked at Owen, jumped down to the floor, put her face in Anndie’s crotch and began licking. This is the first woman ever to go down on Anndie and Anndie screamed out, she was so wet and Kate just kept licking and licking, “Owen, she’s licking my clit” Anndie groaned, Owen pulled out his cock and Anndie shoved it in her mouth. Kate saw Owens cock and her hand went right to her own pussy rubbing and rubbing while she licked Anndie. Anndie took Owen’s cock out of her mouth and looked at him as a another orgasm began to build, fuck her Owen! Get behind her and fuck her hard, she needs it…Owen looked at Anndie and asked “are you sure? FUCK her!!! You didn’t have to ask him again…Owen got behind Kate pulled her pants down, grabbed the crotch of Kates soaked g-string pulled it aside and slammed his hard cock into Kates dripping wet pussy. Kate moaned loudly into Anndie’s pussy and with a couple of strokes of his cock Kate came in a mammoth orgasm. Which sent Anndie into another orgasm and after a few more thrusts Owen sent his load deep into Kate, causing her to cum again. After a couple of minutes of gathering their breaths Anndie pushed Kate back onto her back and dived into her pussy. Licking and sucking her first pussy. She sucked Owens cum right out of Kates pussy and moved up Kates body to share a kiss with her, swapping the cum between each other until they both swallowed.

The ride home from the restaurant was quiet. Anndie was in a state of bliss. Her hand never left her pussy. She looked at Owen and said, “That was the most amazing experience, I can’t stop thinking about how your cock looked sliding in and out of her pussy. Oh my god I’m gonna make myself cum again, she took three fingers and jammed them in and out of her pussy and she came so hard she squirted pussy juice all the way to the glove box. Owen just shook his head and smiled. What a wild new world this will be….

The next morning Owen woke up and immediately begin remembering what took place the day before. It didn’t take long for his cock to grow rigid. He rolled over and rubbed up against Anndie. She smiled as she felt his throbbing hard on up against her backside. She got up on her knees and looked at Owen and said “Fuck me like you fucked Kate!” You didn’t have to tell him twice and he immediately jumped up behind Anndie and thrust into her in 1 stroke. His mind took him back to last night at the restaurant and Kates beautiful ass staring him in the face. He fucked Anndie quick and hard. Anndie didn’t take long to cum and her orgasm triggered his. He rolled back over and fell asleep. Anndie wanted to go back to the pool and after what happened yesterday, she couldn’t wait to see what a new day will bring. So, she got up, showered, the hard spray tingled as it hit her skin. She couldn’t believe how alive she felt. She always loved sex, for as long as she remembered, from the time she was 12 years old and first accidently bumped her clit against the base of her hand, she had to run to her bedroom. She practically ran her sister over as she slammed her door, jumped on the bed and ground her hand against her clit. This feeling of warmth began to wash over her, years later she is so in tune with her body that she could make herself cum in a matter of minutes if she wanted to. She could not believe how she cannot stop thinking about sex. She grabbed the shower handle turned it on pulse and held it against her pussy. She came in a matter of minutes and as the fog of the orgasm lifted, she just could not believe how much she wanted more sex. What has come over her? She shook her head and thought to herself “yes, this is fun I want more!” She got out the sexiest bathing suit she had, grabbed her stuff, wrote Owen a quick note letting him know where she was and that he should come to the pool when he woke up.

Chapter 4 Another tough day at the Pool

Anndie was the first one at the pool as usual, she checked in with the lifeguard. The lifeguards at the complex are mostly college kids, who are foreigners, who get a free apartment for the summer in exchange for working the pool in the area, and this one was new, a tall long legged blond with a lean swimmers body. Why am I noticing this suddenly? Anndie thought to herself. What has gotten into me? But she is gorgeous, and so sexy. God, I have become a sex fiend, she laughed at herself as she made her way to her favorite chair. With her dark sunglasses on, the lifeguard had no idea that Anndie was watching her every move, as the 20-year-old went about the business of checking out the pool. Of course, in Anndies state of mind, fantasies began to run through her head. What she would do to with those pert young breasts and those long legs. She closed her eyes and began to drift off and the sun began to warm her body. A little while later a familiar voice brought her out of her sleep. It was Owen and he sat in the chair to the right of Anndie. “Hey, ya” he said and kissed her on the lips, “good morning”, “back to the scene of the crime” he whispered in her ear and she laughed. “Did you check out the new lifeguard?” He whispered to her, “What new lifeguard? She laughed, “Oh, the one over there occupying my fantasy right now”, they both laughed quietly, and Owen could not believe the change in Anndie, this is going to be great, he thought as he settled in on the lounge chair next to his hot wife.

As the warmth from the sun began to heat up they decided it was time to cool off in the water, Owen did his usual, cannon ball into the deep end and Anndie slowly worked her way into the shallow end. They swam around a little then came together against the wall of the shallow end. Owen pulled Anndie to him and instantly she felt his hard cock rubbing against her, she moaned in his ear and he lightly thrusted as his hard-on throbbed against the crotch of her suit. The lifeguard got up and walked over to the couple in the water. She knew what was going on under water, she had seen it before and loved to watch couples being sexual. Coming from France she was used to a much more relaxed attitude about sex and never understood why Americans were so conservative when it came to public sex. Since no one else was at the pool she sat down on the edge of the pool right by where Owen was leaning as Anndie continued to rub against Owen. Anndie looked up at the lifeguard, and the lifeguard brought her hand to her crotch and blatantly pushed 2 fingers against her bathing suit covered clit. Anndie rubbed faster and harder and moaned as the lifeguard rubbed her pussy faster and said something in French and then moaned loudly as she came. She pushed on her clit again and then lifted her fingers away from her pussy, Anndie reached up grabber her hand and slid them in her mouth, moaning at the sweet taste on the lifeguards cum. The Lifeguard moaned and another wave of orgasm shook her. Anndie rubbed against Owen again and came hard again. The lifeguard stood up and blew Anndie a kiss then went back to her chair as a family of 4 walked in. Anndie saw the kids walking in and swam back to the other side of the pool giving Owen a couple of minutes to cool off and calm down, giving his hardon a chance to go down. He climbed out of the pool and made his way to his chair. He arranged his chair to sit up straight which allowed him to hide his hardon a bit. A few minutes later a familiar voice was heard by Anndie.

Cheryl and Helen came out of the locker room. After they were checked in, they made their way to the 2 chairs next to Owen and Anndie’s. Cheryl threw her towel on the chair, seeing Anndie in the water jumped in right next to her. And Helen walked over to Owen and sat right down on his lap. A surprised Helen felt the hardon that Owen had been struggling to hide. There was no getting it to go down now. Especially, as he saw Cheryl swim right up to Anndie and plant a huge kiss right on her lips, pushing her tongue right inside her mouth. Helen leaned her back against Owen placing her legs on either side of the chair, giving the 2 ladies and the lifeguard a straight view of her crotch. Her bathing suit pulled tight against her pussy. Owens hands made their way to Helen’s upper thighs. Helen whispered to Owen that she liked what she felt against her and wanted to feel more. Anndie wrapped her arms around Cheryl and moaned into her mouth. Owen’s hand slid all the way up her thigh resting up against her pussy. Just about this time multiple families made their way to the lifeguard to be checked in. Owen nodded to Anndie that we should head home as there to many people now to really enjoy themselves. Cheryl and Anndie got out of the water quickly dried off and grabbed each other’s hand along with Helen left the pool. Owen wrapped a towel around his waist, and as he was leaving the pool the lifeguard blew him a kiss and waved. Owen met up with the ladies on the other side of the locker room and it was Anndie who suggested that the girls come to their place to keep the party going. Helen and Cheryl both said yes at the same time and they all walked to Anndie and Owens place.

Once inside Anndie went to the kitchen to grab some drinks, and as Owen sat in his favorite recliner Helen followed him and sat right back in his lap. Cheryl followed Anndie into the kitchen. Came up behind her and wrapped her arms around Anndie from her back, pushing Anndie up against the counter, while grabbing her breasts and pinching the already hard nipples. Anndie Shuttered at the feeling. Meanwhile, in the family room, Helen continued to grind on Owen as he reached up with one hand to pinch her nipple while the other hand began to rub her pussy. She ground against his hand and turned and kissed him hard. Anndie and Cheryl in the kitchen were in a hot embrace grinding themselves against each other. They separated and brought the drinks into the family room and as they turned the corner they stopped and watched Owen’s fingers working their way into Helen’s soaking wet pussy. Helen began to thrust against the fingers, helping the 2 fingers to slide deeper. Owen started to move his fingers back and forth in a come here motion. He kept it up a little faster and harder, Helen felt the orgasm coming. She looked right at Cheryl, “Oh God he’s hitting my spot Cheryl, Ohhhhh Cheryl, it gonna happen”, Cheryl leaned over to Anndie and said “she’s gonna squirt.” Just as Cheryl said it, it happened, a gush of cum came flying out of Helen’s pussy as Helen screamed. Anndie knees buckled. She quickly moved to Owen and Helen and she reached under Helen and grabbed Owens cock and freed it from his swimsuit. Anndie slid her hand up and down his cock with one hand and her other joined Owen’s in Helen’s pussy. Cheryl couldn’t just watch this, and she moved over behind Anndie, positioning herself so that she was on her back and Anndie’s pussy was right over it. Anndie took Owens hard cock and pointed it at Helen’s pussy. Helen felt the head brush against her lips. Her juice dripped onto his cock. Anndie licked it off and put it back at the opening. It had been a few years since Helen had had a cock and she wanted it bad. Anndie would not let her sit down yet, she took Owen’s cock and dragged the head against Helen’s clit. Helen moaned loudly, looked in Anndie’s eyes and begged. “Please give it to me, I need it so bad.” Anndie smiled at Helen and said “if you ask nicely and cum when I say”, she laughed and Helen begged, “Please let me cum on his cock I will I am so close.” Anndie looked right in Helen’s eyes and thrust Owens cock into Helen as fast and as far as she could. “Cum for me NOW!” Anndie moaned. Helen’s mouth gaped open and her eyes rolled back in her head and she screamed out as the largest orgasm she ever had rocked through her body. He whole body shook and as she raised up she squirted fluids all over Anndie’s face and Owen’s cock.

Cheryl watched in amazement as her girlfriend came like she had never seen her cum before. She ran over to Anndie and licked the cum off her face, which turned into a hard-passionate kiss that had the two rolling on the floor. Hands and lips everywhere, both their pussy’s grinding against each other until they both came together. While all this was going on Helen had been rubbing her clit, she felt another orgasm wave rollover her and collapsed on Owen. The three women made their way to the bed and all three naked ladies fell asleep curled up against each other. Owen, had work to do, so he quickly showered and headed out. While in the shower he just had to shake his head and pinch himself, no this wasn’t a dream, he just became the luckiest guy in the world. Now, how long can he keep up?

By the time Owen got home the 2 ladies had left, Anndie was waiting for him in that recliner naked and rubbing her pussy. She looked at him as he entered the room, no hi or hello, just “Fuck ME!” Owen couldn’t get his pants off any faster than he did, Anndie got up out of the chair, pushed Owen down into the seat and she jumped on his lap. She was so wet he slid right in all the way she groaned and began to pump up and down, slowly at first, then faster, and fasted until she could feel Owen’s cock get that familiar hardness, the ring around his head gets so hard and his length puts it right on her G-spot. That’s all it takes and she’s off. Squirting cum all over Owen’s cock and that triggered his cum. Filling her up with his hot cum, which sent her off again. She stayed mounted until his cock softened, and she felt his cum start to slide out of her and down her leg. She caught it with her hand brought it to her lips and sucked into her mouth. Oh, how she loved the taste of cum, his and hers.

Chapter 5 There is No Going Back

Anndie walked through the school on her way to her classroom with thoughts of the weekend popping in and out of her head. Every time Cheryl, or Kate, or Helen popped into her head, her clit throbbed, and her nipples hardened. This was going to be a long day. As she walked by some of the teachers she worked with she would start to picture them sexually. This never happened before. Now it was happening every time she talked to her colleagues. She had a meeting with her grade level peers. 5 other teachers, all in their 20’s all beautiful. She, being the oldest and having more experience, is often looked upon to provide answers to questions. Today, she appeared out of it, when, in her mind 2 of the teachers, the blond, and the redhead were going down on her, Anndie was close to coming, just from the daydream. If only she could get to her classroom before the students came back, she would rub one out quickly. It would not take long. Terry Robin, the redhead in her dream, asked Anndie a question, when Anndie didn’t answer she said her name twice and that finally snapped her out of it and Anndie rejoined the conversation. Anndie excused herself from the meeting and headed back to her classroom to fulfill her needs. Terry, being a little curious, followed Anndie back to her room. Something was different about Anndie. She could not put a finger on what it was, but she was drawn in to find out. Terry waited until Anndie went into her classroom. Anndie’s desk is hidden from the door so sitting at the desk she can’t be seen. Anndie sat at her desk, quickly shoved her hand in her leggings and began to furiously rub her clit. She knew she had 20 minutes and as horny as she was that would be more than enough time. As she got into it, she closed her eyes and thought back to the restaurant. Terry stuck her head in the classroom and quietly peered around the corner. She gasped quietly as she watched her mentor masturbating at her desk. Terry, who is married, did have a short fling with a roommate in college and always liked the thought of lesbian sex. She has always been attracted to women, but she would never dream of cheating on her husband. She could not stop watching Anndie. She saw Anndie close her eyes and tilted her head back, enjoying the beginnings of an orgasm wash over her. Terry quietly moved towards Anndie; she couldn’t stop herself, she wanted to see her cum. She moved right up to Anndie, knelt behind her, she felt out of control, her body was moving and she didn’t know how. She reached around Anndie and slid her hand in over Anndie’s. Anndie Jumped, but Terry grabbed her, looked in her eyes and motioned for her to be quiet. Then rubbed Anndie’s hard clit sending the older teacher to a massive orgasm wetting her panties and the inside of her leggings. Anndie’s head was swooning. How could this happen? Terry lifted her wet hand from Anndie’s pussy. She brought it to her mouth and while Anndie watched she stuck her very long tongue out and licked it clean. Still behind Anndie she leaned in and whispered in her ear “you taste like heaven; I can’t wait to have some more!” She got up and walked out, just as the kids came back from their lunch. Anndie sat there stunned. It took her a minute to shake the cobwebs out and she got up to continue her teaching. It was a good thing the leggings were black, and she had a sweater on that hung down low because they were wet.

The rest of the day just droned. Although Anndie had a smile on her face. Why was she so happy? the kids wondered. She wouldn’t say, but she knew what she was doing the minute the bell rang, and when it did, she waited 15 minutes for all the kids and most of the teachers to clear out and she marched herself across the hall, right into Terry’s room. Terry was standing at the board with her back to the door. Ah, Anndie thought, turn abouts fair play, and she quietly walked up behind Terry. Normally, Terry would have been more aware of her surroundings and not be caught so off guard, but today was not a normal day, and all she could think about was the smell and taste of Anndie’s pussy. At just that moment Anndie reached around Terry. One hand covered her mouth so she couldn’t scream, and the other went right up her dress to feel a very wet G-string. Anndie’s fingers slid right in to Terry’s pussy and Terry’s knees buckled and she groaned. Please make me cum she whispered and that’s exactly what Anndie did. Terry came with a massive shudder and a long deep moan. Anndie helped Terry to her chair. She pulled her leggings down sat on the teacher’s desk opened her legs and pushed Terry’s face into her pussy. Terry knew what to do and quickly started licking and sucking on Anndie’s clit. Anndie grabbed the back of Terry’s head and guided her to the spot she wanted her to focus all her attention. Terry licked and sucked on the hard clit in front of her and scraped her teeth the length of it to the point that Anndie couldn’t take it anymore and came so hard she squirted in Terry’s mouth. Terry sucked up the sweet liquid and came as she played with her own clit. Anndie stood up, straightened herself up kissed Terry deeply and walked out of the room.

As she walked out the door, she bumped into the Mr. Steve, the tech support person for the school. Evidently, he was supposed to fix an issue with the white board in Terry’s classroom. As he began to enter the room he caught the end of the two teachers activities. As he watched he became hard and his sexual excitement grew. The longer he watched the harder he became. While he watched he grabbed his hard on and it throbbed. He looked down just for a moment, and at that time Anndie walked out of the room and right into Steve. Anndie saw Steve’s hand on his hardon. Anndie grabbed Steve’s hand pulled him into her classroom, closed the door, walked to her desk, pulled her leggings down, bent over the desk, and Steve knew what to do. He dropped his jeans and Anndie gasp. She had never seen a cock that big. Standing straight out was a 8 inch cock that had to be almost as thick as a fist. Steve positioned behind Anndie and in one quick thrust split her open. She quickly brought her hand to her mouth to stifle a scream of pleasure. She had never been so full; he began to thrust in and out and in no time she was convulsing in orgasm. Steve couldn’t hold back and longer and shot his load deep in Anndie. There was so much cum it poured out of her pussy. Anndie quickly pulled her leggings back up as she tried to keep as much of his cum inside her for the ride home. Steve pulled his pants back on and quickly walked out the door and into Terry’s room.

Anndie, grabbed her bag, made her way to the stairwell, where Terry was leaning against a wall rubbing her pussy under her dress. Anndie dropped to her knees dipped her head under Terry’s dress and she quickly licked her pussy until she stiffened and moaned in another orgasm. Anndie stood up, kissed Terry, who licked her own juice off Anndie’s lips, grabbed her bag and Anndie’s hand and they both made their way out of the building.

Anndie drove home with one hand on the wheel and one hand in her pants. The mixture of Steve’s cum and her juices allowed her fingers to slip right into her pussy, 3 fingers easily slid in. Steve had opened her up more than she ever had been. She was able to add her 4th finger. She pumped 4 fingers in her pussy while she drove. As she came to a red light, she pulled her hand out and it was covered in her cum. She licked it off her hand and a shiver went to her clit. She needed another cock. She didn’t know why, but she wanted more, needed more. All she could think about was “where and when can I cum again?”

Chapter 6 Back at School

After she got home from work Owen knew something good happened, he could tell by the look on Anndie’s face. As they ate the dinner he prepared for her, he demanded she explain in detail what happened and as she recanted the erotic tales from the day Owen jacked himself off and came before she even got to part where she was in the stairwell. Curling up in bed Anndie wrapped her arms around Owen and thanked him for allowing her to become the sexual being she always wanted to be. She leaned into his body and whispered in his ear that she couldn’t wait to see him fuck Terry. The thought of fucking her hot coworker got him hard. She reached around, grabbed his cock and then said “easy stud, let’s get some rest.” They both fell into a deep sleep.

Anndie walked into school at her usual time, about a hour before classes start. Terry, walked in right behind her. “Good Morning, lover” Anndie said to Terry. Terry almost tripped. “Shhhh” she said, and then blew Anndie a kiss. “I’m free 5th period” Anndie said. Terry said “You’re place or mine?” Anndie said to Terry “My face, my place!” They both laughed and headed to their rooms. As they both sat at their desks and turned their computers and they both saw a note from the Secretary. It read simply “My Office, now!” As they both walked to the office the smiled at each other but had no idea what this was about.

As they walked into the office, the secretary said “All of Admin is out today, we need to talk in the conference room, go on in.” The 3 ladies walked into the conference room, which is a small room with a round table that sits 6. On one wall is the schools security system and video control equipment for a projector and screen for the room. The secretary, June, closed the door and without Anndie and Terry knowing it, locked the door. This room also doubled as the “Safe Room” for Admin in case of emergencies. June sat down behind the projector and said “ladies, you know we have a security system in this building, and it is my job to review the security footage daily to make sure everything that goes on here is good. Well, imagine my surprise when I reviewed last night’s footage and saw this.” She hit the projector and a black and white image flickered on the screen. At first it was just the hallway and then it flipped to a stairwell with a woman leaning against the wall playing with herself, a few minutes later another teacher walked up, dropped to her knees, and provided oral pleasure to the teacher. Anndie and Terry gasp, hemmed and hawed, they both thought it was all over. They’d be fired for sure. Then they both heard it, a deep moan from June who had a hand under her dress. She watched intently at the 2 on the screen and rubbed her clit faster and faster until she writhed in orgasm. After she came down from that high she looked over at the 2 teachers, who were both watching in amazement at June’s performance. June stood up slid her panties down her legs, climbed up on the table slid over in front of Anndie and said “do me like you did her yesterday. I watched it three times last night and came so hard every time. I’ve never been with a woman before and I want it sooo bad.” Anndie looked at Terry, looked at the door, “its locked, now get up and eat my pussy, please!” Terry stood up and moved around to the table by Junes head, leaned down and kissed June tentatively at first, then harder and faster. Anndie stood, put a hand on each of June’s thighs and slowly slid them up to the top of her legs, her pussy was shaved but for a patch of hair above her clit. Anndie leaned in and began to lick. June gasp, groaned looked at Terry and said “she’s eating my pussy, its so good, ohhhhh I’m gonna cum, I’m gonna cum, I’m gonna cum, I’m coming, I’m coming,” she groaned and her hips bucked. Terry grabbed Junes breasts, pinched her nipples and climbed up on the table crouched over June, lifted her skirt up and yanked the crotch of her panties to one side and moaned “eat me, lick it!” June had never seen a pussy up close, even her own, she was always taught that its not something a lady does. Well all that’s out, she thought. She looked at Terry’s wet pussy. A drip of her love juice had formed at the bottom of her opening. She lowered herself to June’s face. June opened her mouth and licked out. The taste was so sweet, she wanted more. “So, this is what pussy tastes like” she thought as she lifted, her mouth to Terry’s pussy. She located Terry’s clit and started sucking. Terry ground her pussy into Junes face. Anndie pulled off her panties climbed up onto the table and slid her pussy up against June’s. Scissoring their pussies together brought the both of them to a earth shaking orgasm, and that triggered Terry to cum, squirting into Junes mouth. June drank it down. Anndie looked up at the clock and saw they had 5 minutes before class started. They quickly got dressed, and June kissed them both she grabbed the CD with the video on it and said she was taking it home for “future research.” Then she said to the 2 teachers, “I think you 2 need to come to the conference room for a working lunch!” The teachers said that they had more research that had to be done and would be looking forward to it. Anndie grabbed Terry by the hand and made their way down the hall to their classrooms, as they turned the corner they looked around and saw that the hallway was empty, kissed each other and went into their rooms to start their day.

When the bell rang for lunch Anndie felt her panties wetted. As she walked out of her room and looked across the hall Terry just was walking out her door. Terry whispered to Anndie, “I can’t believe we are doing this, I had to sit behind my desk all morning. My clit was so hard I couldn’t stop touching it. I gave the kids a reading assignment and while I was sitting there, I brought myself off.” Anndie stopped right where she was, leaned against the wall, and whispered to Terry, please stop, my pussy’s so wet right now its dripping down my leg. If you keep talking im gonna cum right here.” Terry giggled, grabbed Anndie by the arm and pulled her into the office. The assistant secretary pointed to the conference room, and that’s where the 2 out of control teachers headed. As soon as they closed the door and locked it, June jumped from her seat and pulled her skirt up around her waist. “One of you need to eat this pussy, I need another cum!” June leaned back against the table and Anndie dropped to her knees jammed her face into Junes pussy and licked and sucked. Seeing this, Terry jammed her hand into her wet pussy, and fingered herself to orgasm. June watched Terry and as Anndie scraped her teeth on June’s clit until June came writhing against Anndie’s face. Anndie stood up, her face wet with June’s cum. Terry moved over to Anndie and kissed her hard, licking the cum from her face. The three continued to make each other cum until they heard the bell. “Oh well, late for class” Terry said as she picked her panties up off the floor. Anndie grabbed hers and kissed June goodbye. She grabbed Terry’s panties from her hand. “I’ll keep these a souvenir.” As the got to their classrooms Terry turned to Anndie and Lifted the front of her skirt and said, “think about this all afternoon.” Anndie gasp and smiled, before opening her classroom door, she said “You and your husband need to come over this weekend”, and she walked into her room.

For Dinner, Anndie and Owen prepared salads, steaks with potatoes, and Anndie baked an apple pie for dessert. They were putting the finishing touches on the table when the bell rang, it was Cheryl and Helen. Cheryl kissed Anndie at the door pushing Anndie back against the wall, and Helen stepped in, walked into the kitchen where Owen was, turned him around and kissed him while rubbing her pussy against his hardening penis. As they broke their kisses, Anndie said to the two women, “go sit in the family room, Terry and her husband Chuck will be there in a few minutes.” Owen handed the ladies each a drink. And the ladies moved to the love seat in the family room. The doorbell rang, and Anndie went to the door to answer it, while she was doing that, Owen went back to the kitchen to prepare a couple more drinks. Anndie greeted Terry at the door with a kiss. Terry sheepishly looked at Anndie and introduced her husband Chuck to Anndie first, and then to Owen. Own shook his hand, handed both a drink and said “dinner will be ready in about 20 minutes.” He escorted the couple into the family room and there he introduced the couple to the two ladies who were in the middle of a passionate kiss. They broke their kiss and shook the couples’ hand. Terry and Chuck sat down on the couch opposite the ladies. Helen smiled at Chuck and turned back to Cheryl. She began to aggressively kiss Cheryl while putting her hand between Cheryl’s legs. Chuck grabbed Terry’s knee, and Terry saw what Chuck saw, Cheryl’s wet pussy wide open for the young couple to see. Helens fingers slid into it and Cheryl let out a moan. Terry looked at Helen, her hand began moving in and out of Cheryl faster and faster like she knows what Cheryl likes. Meanwhile, Owen came up behind Anndie in the Kitchen, reached around her and pulled her ass into his crotch. He rubbed up against her, grabbed her breasts, she put both hands on the counter and continued to rub against Owen until she shuddered in a small orgasm, that made her smile.

Terry continued to watch what was happening in front of her while her husband was sitting right there, grabbed Chucks hand and jabbed it into her crotch. Chuck looked at his wife, he had never felt he pussy so wet, her panties had completely soaked through. “Oh, Chuck they are watching us!” she moaned and came from his hand movements. Chuck was hard as a rock and Terry reached over and began to rub his cock openly in front of the 2 women who both sat back spread their legs and rubbed their own pussys. From the kitchen, they heard “Dinners Ready!” from Anndie, and with a groan from Chuck they all got up and headed to the Dining Room. “Where do you want us?” a flushed Cheryl asked. “How about spread eagle on the table?” Owen said…They all laughed and “Anndie pointed out where she wanted everyone to sit.

Dinner was great, everyone laughed and ate, the conversation ran the gamut. How each other met, where each other worked, a little bit of politics, which turned out to be something they could all agree on. Then after a little lull in the conversation, Anndie asked “Helen, what’s the wildest place you had sex?” The table got quiet. Everyone focused on Helen. She laughed. She said when she was in college her roommate ate her out under a blanket at a football game, with 50,000 people in the stands. She said the 2 people next to her held her arms while she came. Terry, groaned. “Shit that’s hot. People watching you come, right next to you while you come,” then the others could see what was happening. They all turned their focus to Terry who was rubbing herself under the table. Helen then said “So, you like watching? How about being watched? ”Terry groaned “We are all watching you Terry.” Helen said, then “Yeah, baby, the whole room is watching you”, her husband said. “Show us Terry” Anndie moaned, Terry pushed back her chair, spread her legs and began to rub herself faster and faster. Terry looked at her husband and then said, “look they are all watching me, ohhh god, I’m gonna cum, they are all watching.” Cheryl got up from her seat across the table, walked around to Terry, got right behind her then leaned down and whispered in her ear “I’m watching you, cum for me.” Then she licked Terrys ear lobe and that sent Terry off in convulsions that lasted almost 2 minutes. Cum poured from Terry’s pussy and ran down her leg. Terry slumped over in her chair, just repeating “cumin, cumming, cumming!” Cheryl reached around and pinched Terry’s nipples and Terry just groaned, “No more, I need a rest”…They all just laughed. Anndie thought “Oh man what a night this is going to be!” Up until this point Chuck had not seen his wife with anyone else sexually. Terry wondered what he was thinking. At that moment Chucks chair got pulled away from the table and Helen moved in front of him. In no time she was on her knees in front of Chuck, pulling down his zipper, unbuttoning his jeans and freeing his hard cock. Helen gasp when she saw it for the first time. While Owens was impressive, Chucks was on a another level entirely. Helen couldn’t close her hand around it. It was so wide. She turned to look at Terry. “I know, right.” Terry said, “you should feel it when he hits your back wall” Helen, moaned “I have to have this!” Helen tore her panties open half crazed and tried to sit down on it. Terry gasped, slid off her chair crawled under the table and grabbed her husband’s cock. She began to lick it up and down, getting the cock slick with spit. Helens pussy was right in front of her and she moved in to lick it. Helen moaned when she felt the newly expert tongue on her clit. Terry looked up at Helen from her pussy and said “You have to be so wet to take it.” With that Terry shoved 2 fingers in Hellen till she found her G-Spot. She pressed and pressed unto Helen groaned and fluid flowed from her. Terry looked at Helen and said “you may be ready now.” She grabbed Chucks throbbing cock and aimed it at Helens opening. Helen felt the head push at her, until she opened. Terry guided the head into her slowly. Helen began to moan, Anndie moved behind her and began kissing her neck and whispering encouragement to her. Then the head pushed in. “OHHHHHH stop stop” she pleaded, Terry began to rub Helen’s clit, which was standing at attention, causing Helen to buck on the little bit of cock already in her. She opened up even more and more of the massive cock slid into her, all of a sudden she came, and came. 4 convulsions and she was down as far as she could go. She started to moan, and it happened. Terry said to Anndie and Cheryl, “Watch what happens now” Helen began to shake, convulse, moan and just cum, and cum, and cum till she passed out shaking. There was a puddle of cum on the floor. Chuck started to moan and groan he exploded in Helen. As Chucks cock shrank down to the size of a normal hardon, Owen came over and helped lift Helen off of it. Cheryl ran over and grabbed her other arm and the two guided her to the couch. Cheryl looked at Terry and questioned, “You fuck that thing?” Terry said ‘at lease once a week’, and it takes me 2 days just to recover.” Helen Woke up, looked at Cheryl, and said, “oh my god I can still feel it in me….” Terry said “yep that’s how I usually feel, in about 5 minutes she’s gonna cum again. Just watch”. They sat Helen down on the couch and she looked up at Terry, Anndie and Cheryl, “ Oh god its happening” just what Cheryl said. And she began to grind and hump. Nothing touching her. And She screamed out in orgasm her wetness pouring out of her pussy. “I can’t stop cumming” Helen said to Cheryl, “oh god here it goes again. And the convulsing started again. Terry looked at the group, “It usually takes about an hour for the cums to stop. She’s gonna need a hand getting home. Anndie said “oh my god I have to try that”, Terry said, “ Unfortunately my Chuck is only good for one round a night. “Next week. The hell with that Anndie said, you guys are staying tonight. He’s not going anywhere till I feel that in me” Owen laughed, looked at Terry and said, “you aren’t going to change her mind, when she is focused on that!” They all laughed, and Helen moaned out in another orgasm. Owen then grabbed Terry bent her over the coffee table and slid into her from behind, she gasp and groaned at the feeling of her coworkers husbands hard cock inside her. “Oh A…n…n…D he’s fucking me.” Anndie straddled the coffee table with her pussy just in front of Terry. “I know, I am watching you fuck my husband” she hissed in Terry’s ear. The thought of her being fucked by another man and his wife watching, along with the hard cock sawing in and out of her sent her into orgasm, while Cheryl watched and played with her pussy. Chuck came into the room, still spent from Helen, but he dropped to his knees and planted his face in Cheryl’s pussy licking and licking, right in front of Terry. That set her off again, watching her husband please another woman. She came so hard it set Owen off and he unloaded deep into Terry. Again, Helen spontaneously came again convulsing on the couch.

The rest of the night was a blur of bodies rubbing against bodies. The next morning Terry woke up to familiar sounds. It took her a minute to realize that the cock that was rubbing against her mound was not her husbands. She looked over Owens body to the source of the sounds that brought her out of the deep sleep she was in and it was Anndie, face down, ass up getting ready to take Chuck’s baseball bat of a cock. Anndie screamed as the head pushed in to her, “slowly Baby, you don’t want to rip her in two.”Terry said to her husband, causing him to stop and just wait till Anndie started to rock on her own. As if she was devouring the hard cock inch by inch until it wouldn’t go any further. Anndie looked at Owen and Terry, her eyes rolled in the back of her head and she let out the deepest moan she ever had, her body started to shake and the orgasm hit and would not stop for minutes. Drool was pouring from her mouth; she was completely out of control. Terry was so turned on by the site she climbed on Owen’s hard on and fucked him till they both came. She got off Owen, crawled over to her husband, pulled his dick out of Anndie and sucked it till he filled her mouth with his cum. Anndie jumped up to Terry and before she could swallow her favorite meal, kissed her deeply so that she got some of the cream to swallow as well. They all collapsed in bed again and fell back to sleep.

Chapter 7 Back to Work

They basically slept Sunday away. Helen and Cheryl had left a little after midnight. Cheryl having to hold up Helen as her legs were still like rubber after what Chuck had done to her. When they got home, Helen turned to Cheryl, kissed her, said “I Love You!” and passed out in bed. Cheryl laughed, as her clit throbbed, so she rubbed herself to another orgasm and then fell asleep. Terry and Chuck woke up about 3 in the afternoon, managed to find most of their clothes, Terry couldn’t find her panties, got dressed, passionately kissed Anndie and Owen and headed home. Anndie, feeling stiff from all that had transpired the day before thought it might be nice to get a massage. Owen had given her a gift package of massages from a small massage studio around the corner from their home. Anndie called them up and was told that they had an opening in an hour. She booked the appointment and quickly jumped in a shower to rinse off the sex from the night before. She got dressed in a pair of leggings and a tank top. And yelled to Owen that she was heading to a massage.

When she arrived at the studio, she noticed that there was no one else in the waiting area. There were two girls up at the counter and they had to be identical twins. Everything about them was identical. Their mannerisms, their outfits, their hair, and the way they talked all pointed to twins. One was on the phone talking to a customer and one was standing at the desk. The one at the desk pointed to Anndie and asked her to come up. Anndie approached the desk and admired the dark skinned, athletic figure of the girl. “Hi, I’m Jackie, what is your name gorgeous?” “Oh, thanks, um, I’m Anndie I have an appointment for a massage.” Anndie blushed at the complement. Jackie handed a set of forms to Anndie to fill out. “Ok gorgeous, just fill this out and let me know what kind of service we can provide for you. My sister Jodi and I are here to give you what you need.” Just then Jodi hung up the phone and said to Jackie, “that was our 2:00, she just had to cancel so we are free for the rest of the day. Let’s give the hottie here the full treatment today.” Anndie smiled at the two girls and handed to form back to Jackie. Jackie took them, set them down on the desk, gave her sister a smile and grabbed Anndie by the hand and led her through a door. They were in a long hallway with rooms on both sides, each room had a name on the door, Jackie opened a door on the right that said Ocean Heaven over the door. The room was dimly lit with the sounds of waves crashing and sea birds coming from some speakers hidden somewhere. You could smell the sea and feel a breeze. Anndie didn’t know how they did it, but it was just like being transported to her favorite beach. Jackie handed Anndie a towel and pointed to a changing screen in the corner. “if you like you can get undressed here or over there behind the screen. If you like you can get fully naked, or just leave your panties on.” Anndie wanted to just strip right in front of this beautiful woman, but her shyness won out and she walked behind the screen and began to disrobe. As she got down to her panties, she was not sure what to do. Finally she just decided “what the hell” and stripped off her panties. “Thank god I shaved this morning” she said to herself. Not figuring she’d be showing off her pussy to anyone else today. As she stepped out from around the screen she gasped as both Jackie and Jodi were standing on opposite sides of the table, topless in only G-strings. Anndie’s clit twitched, and her nipples hardened at the sight of these beautiful sisters.

“Climb up on the table” Jackie said. “You are in for a real treat. Very few of our customers ever get the full treatment. We reserve that for only the hottest of our clients.” Anndie walked over to the table and thought to herself “ This is my lucky day!” Jackie and Jodi began to massage Anndie. What ever Jackie did on Anndies right side Jodi did on her left. The oil smelled of coconut and the Caribbean, and the feeling of 4 hands kneading her muscles was soon relaxing Anndie to the point where she almost fell asleep. The twins started at the shoulders, their fingers pinching and kneading in a choreographed rhythm that convinced Anndie that they have done this before. The sisters moved from the shoulders down through the back to the lower back. Then they both went to her feet, Anndie raised her head real quick “don’t touch my feet!!!” she yelped. “I am extremely ticklish and I hate my feet being touched.” The Twins both sighed disappointedly in unison, they loved feet, and it always turned them on to have their feet rubbed and to rub someone else’s. Together they started at Anndie’s ankles, up to her calves, the back of he knees. The slowed down when they got to the back of her knees. Anndie didn’t know what they were doing but it sure felt good. Again the girls hands began to move up, they both grabbed Anndie’s legs and gently spread them further apart as their hands moved up to the middle of her thighs. They took their time as the massage began to push deeper and deeper into her muscle. Anndie could feel the fingertips getting closer and closer to the top of her thighs. She felt herself starting to get wet the closer the hands got to her pussy. Then, as if on cue the hands stopped and getting more oil resumed at the top of her round ass cheeks. This time the sisters alternated; one would knead a cheek, then the other would. The hands were slowly working their way down at the same time they slowly moved towards her center. Her breathing started to get deeper. Both Jackie and Jodi then leaned over and nestled their lips next to Anndie’s ears and at the same time whispered deeply “relax” then both at the same time licked Anndie’s earlobe. Anndie groaned…..

The sisters stood up and smiled at each other, this was going to be fun they thought and they helped Anndie turn over on her back. Anndie laid there naked in front of two almost naked 20 something nymphs and her nipples hardened like bullets. She could feel the pre-orgasmic flush begin on the back of her neck. She knew where this was heading. Would she let it get there? The old Anndie would have cowered out and left the room. But the new Anndie wants this to happen and is willing to see how this all plays out.

At this point the girls decided its was time to step this up. They moved to Anndie’s breasts and began to massage each one deeply. Pouring warm oil all over her body and rubbing it in. Starting at her shoulders the two sexy sisters rubbed and kneaded Anndie’s collar, taking each arm in their strong and skillful hands, they worked their way down to her fingers, massaging her hands. Moving back up her arms the twins moved to Anndie’s 34 C natural breasts. What the twins quickly learned was how sensitive Anndie’s nipples are. As the masseuses squeezed, cupped, and kneaded the sensitive orbs, Anndie began to moan. The massage was getting to her. She couldn’t hold back her orgasm for long. The twins saw what they were doing to their guest, looked at each other and winked at each other and began to focus all of their attention on Anndie’s breasts. They started at the base of each breast and slowly rubbed, squeezed, pulled, and pushed on the sensitive orbs. They synched their movements and slowly they reached the sensitive nipples. Anndie was trying with all her might to hold back the impending orgasm. It had been building from the moment she walked into the room. Four hands touching her most sensitive spots kept the momentum up. Anndie put any thought in her head she could to try and stop the feelings that she normally encouraged. At this very moment the twins leaned their faces right in front of Anndie’s face. She couldn’t help but feel the warm breath of the sisters on her cheeks. Anndie opened her eyes, big mistake, the massage specialists each put a nipple between their fingertips and twisted and pulled hard, while leaning in and kissing the teacher square on the mouth. The feeling of her over stimulated, super sensitive nipples and the two hot tongues swirling in her mouth sent her over the edge. Her body began to convulse. Her hips began to gyrate. Anndie heard a scream and soon realized it was coming from her. The orgasm, which started and small waves deep in her gut, took complete control of her body. Jodi and Jackie took a step back and just watch the naked, beautiful, thirty something writhe on the table for close to five minutes as wave after continuous wave rolled through her body. When Anndie finally opened her eyes, the twins had dropped their G stings hopped up on the table with Anndie and all pretenses of a massage flew out the window. Jodi began kissing her way down Anndie’s body as Jackie planted a long sensual kiss on Anndie’s mouth. Anndie felt a tongue start at her belly button and wetly drag down to the top of her flooded pussy. Jodi began slurping up the sweet liquid and dragged her teeth over the hard-throbbing clit that nearly stood out two inches. This with the deep kiss took Anndie’s breath away and another powerful orgasm wracked her body. Jodi jumped up on the table and slid her knees on either side of Anndie’s head, dropping her pussy right on her mouth facing her sister who also jumped up on the table sliding her pussy right against Anndie’s. Anndie felt the wet pussy and hard clit of her masseuse. Jackie started grinding her clit on Anndie. At same time Anndie grabbed Jodi’s clit in between her lips and started sucking. Jodi began to moan. Jackie continued to grind and she felt the unmistakable waves in her core that signaled the start of a massive orgasm. Jodi watched her sister and along with the oral magic being performed by Anndie brought her to a earth shattering cum. She came so hard she squirted in Anndie’s mouth and soaking her face and hair. Both sisters collapsed in exhaustion curled up in Anndie’s arms and the three shared a long and deep kiss.

Chapter 8 Getting Deep

Owen was working on a special project over the weekend. He was struggling to get the paper finished. Writing was never his strong suit and after 15 pages of research he was almost done. He asked his wife, the teacher, to review his work for grammar and structure. While Anndie studied his work he continued with his presentation deck. Anndie was totally impressed with his work and couldn’t find any errors. She was so proud of him, and she wanted to reward him somehow. She had seen a advertisement on a porn site for local girls. In the last few weeks, she realized that she really got turned on watching her husband pleasure another woman. She thought that she would be jealous. What she also started to realize is that giving up control also turned her on. In fact, just thinking about this was causing her clit to throb and her pussy to flood. “Shit, I got to do this.” A few clicks on the keyboard and a IM thread began.

Owen was still working past 7:00 when he heard the doorbell. He was so wrapped up in his work that he really didn’t pay much attention and continued to work. Anndie had been upstairs setting up the bedroom for Owen’s surprise. She made her way downstairs dressed in a red see thru nighty and a lace G-string. She got to the door, took a deep breath and said to herself “you got this; this is your fantasy come true. Just open the door and the fun will begin.” She opened the door, and she was staring and a 6-foot-tall blond goddess in leather and lace. “You must be the wife” the Amazon said to Anndie. The teacher knees began to shake, and a moan escaped her lips. “Well, are you going to let me in or am I just going to turn you around and smack your ass right here in the doorway?” “Oh my god, I am so sorry, I’m Anndie and I am the one that messaged you.” “Where is your husband?” “He’s in his office, he has no idea this is happening.” Anndie whispered “Are you sure you want to do this?” the double D breasted woman asked. “yes” Anndie said. “What do you call me?” the blond raised her voice. “mistress, yes mistress Stacey.” Anndie meekly stated. “That’s better”, the internet escort brushed passed the shaken wife. “Here, while I am here you are to wear this collar.” She handed the wife a leather dog collar with a ring and a silver leash. Anndie, moaned and as she locked the collar in place she could feel the first waves of a orgasm begin to make its way through her body. She handed her new mistress the leash. Mistress Stacey turned to her new plaything and said “you keep your head down, you do not speak until I tell you, and most importantly, you do not cum until I say its ok. If you do not obey, you will be thoroughly punished.” The mistress led the sex charged wife down the hall to the office door. She knocked and Owen looked up from the desk and said “come in”. His jaw dropped when he saw what walked through the door. Mistress Stacey introduced herself to Owen and explained to him why she was there. Owen began to laugh a dark and sinister laugh. “Is that so?” he said, “well then let’s bring the bitch upstairs and see if you can please me like she hopes you can.” The tall blond then asked, “what should we do with her?” Owen said, “bring her along, maybe she’ll actually get something out of watching us.” Being dragged up the stairs and hearing the conversation between Owen and Mistress Stacey had her on the edge of orgasm. She knew it wouldn’t take much to send her over the edge. She only hoped she could hold it off until she had permission.

Once in the bedroom Owen moved a chair to the side of the bed and Anndie was forced to sit. Her ankles were tied to the legs and her left hand was tied to the arm. Mistress Stacey purposely left her right arm free. “Now my little worthless pet, you keep your hand off your pussy.” The humiliation was turning her on, she did not know why, but the way they laughed at her, talked down to her, and ignored her only served to increase her desire. Owen could see it in his wife’s eyes. This was as turned on as she’d ever been. Her deepest darkest fantasy coming to life. She was about to watch her husband make love to a beautiful young woman. This woman she gave total control to. Anndie felt her life was now in the hands of stranger. The deep pangs of jealousy started to enter her thoughts. “What if Mistress Stacey pleased Owen better than she could? What if he liked the feel of her mouth on his hard cock better than hers? What if her pussy felt better than hers? As these questions started to rattle around her head her pussy began to throb. Why is she so horny? In front of her Owen and Stacey were locked on a sensuous kiss, both grinding on each other. Stacey couldn’t believe her luck. She had just about given up on the add she put online. Nothing but creeps and wierdos. Finally, someone answered the add that could stimulate her. A couple she could be a part of. This was hot. Owens cock felt so good, she couldn’t wait to see it, his kisses were melting her from the inside. She loved to dominate a woman and be subservient to a man. All throughout her life she searched for the ultimate couple and so far, this is adding up to paydirt. Owen broke from the kiss and looked Anndie in the eye and winked, then he turned to Stacey and in a deep powerful voice said “STRIP!” Stacey groaned, “yes” she thought, “he gets it.” “Yes master” she said. Quickly Stacey pulled off her leather vest, revealing a black bra with holes for her nipples. Anndie, gasp, “look at those nipples, they have to be an inch long.” She thought. “so red, so hard!” “Please let me suck on them” she moaned. Stacey looked at Anndie reached into her bag and pulled out a little wand with a glass ball on top. She walked to the chair that Anndie was tied to, grabbed Anndie’s right nipple, pinched it and brought the wand to it. Zap, a electric shock went through her nipple and Anndie screamed. The pain coursed through her body right to her clit, she groaned. “I’m so sorry Mistress Stacey” Anndie whimpered. “If you don’t keep your mouth closed I will do it again” the Mistress whispered in Anndie’s ear, then leaned in and licked her ear sending a shiver down the submissive wife’s spine. Owen moved behind Stacey while she was bent over with her hands on the arms of the chair and slid his hard cock right into Stacey soaking wet pussy. Stacey, eyes grew big and she looked right into Anndie’s eyes. The pleasure she was getting was doubling every second, she could hold it off she looked at the helpless wife and smiled as the orgasm began. Stacey moaned, “ccccumming….ugh ugh ohhhhh, your…husband….fee….fee…feelllllls so good…….hes going to shoot in me” Anndie looked at Owen who was jackhammering his pole into his new plaything. “I’m not sure you are worthy of my cum Anndie. Maybe I should only give it to Stacey!” Anndie couldn’t stand it any longer. “Please Mistress Stacey let me cum. I am so close. I can’t stop it….OHHHH God…Please.. P..l..e…a..s…e…..”Stacey moved her face closer to Anndie, Anndie could feel the hot breath of the beautiful play thing as Stacey groaned and moaned. As her orgasm took over she whispered to the bound wife in a hushed tone, “YES” and both women fell into a deep kiss as their orgasms rocked their bodies. The site in front of Owen was too much to take and he unloaded his baby making juice into the blond.

Stacey and Owen spent the rest of the weekend fulfilling Anndies cuck queen fantasy. Owen and Stacey made love over and over while Anndie watched. Some of the time she was tied to the chair, some of the time she was on the bed. The instance that Anndie thought was the highlight of the weekend, Stacey had Owen lie on his back and she rode him reverse cowgirl style. Stacey pulled Anndie to her with the leash and made her get down with her face inches from Stacey’s dripping pussy and Owens hard cock sliding in and out of her. Anndie could see the dripping pussy cream on Owen as Stacey rode up and down on it. Anndie couldn’t help but rub her clit while this was happening. She tried to remember how many times she had come this weekend, but it was all blurring together. Stacey reminded Anndie not to come until she had permission. Anndie moaned and stuck her tongue out licking Owen as portions of his staff appeared from Stacey’s cave. Stacey watched Anndie as she felt Owen harden and expand as his orgasm was beginning, triggering her own massive cum. Owen pumped everything he had into Stacey, again with a loud groan. The exhausted blond dismounted quickly and issued a one word command to Anndie. “Clean!” Anndie shoved her face in Staceys pussy and licked and slurped and drank every bit of Owens cum, bringing Stacey to another orgasm. Stacey brought Anndie up to her face and the two women kissed passionately for what seemed like 20 minutes. Stacey reached down to Anndie’s soaking wet, dripping pussy and finger fucked her to the most powerful orgasm of the weekend.

As Stacey was ready to leave she and Anndie were at the front door while Owen was passed out in the bedroom. In a symbolic gesture of release, Stacey unlocked the dog collar from around Anndie’s neck. The two women kissed a true lovers kiss and Anndie breathed the words “Thank you” into Stacey’s ear. Stacey groaned and Anndie pushed her against the door, dropped to her knees, shoved her face under Staceys skirt and licked her to another orgasm. Stacey then walked out the door and headed to her car. Anndie licked the clear liquid from her lips and headed to bed. She had school in the morning and couldn’t wait to tell Terry about her latest adventure.

Chapter 9 The Aid

Anndie walked into the school an hour before the students arrival time. She headed to her room and as she turned the corner to her hallway, out of her Terry’s room strode her friend. “Oh man Terry, I need to tell you what happened to me this weekend.” Terry could tell from Anndie’s tone that what ever the story is it would be a good one. “Before you start in on all the juicy details, we are being requested in the office. The email just came in.” Terry said. Anndie, shrugged her shoulders, dropped her bad in her classroom, then headed to the office with her sexy friend.

The teachers were greeted by June with a smile. “Good morning ladies” June said, Principle Stone will see you both now. The two teachers walked into the office straight ahead. “Hello and how are my two favorite teachers this morning? ladies, I wanted to talk to you both about a special project I need you to help with. My daughter Sky wants to follow in her mother footsteps and become a teacher. So, I thought it would be a good idea to have her intern here with one of my best teachers. So, which one of you will be my daughters coach?” Anndie looked at the stunning red head principle and said “I’ll take her.” She looked at Terry, “you got a handful with you class, I have more time to assist, plus I could use a hand with my ESL kids.” Anndie looked back to her principle and asked, “didn’t you say Sky is fluent in Spanish?” The red head smiled at Anndie and said “why yes, I surprised you remembered. Thank you, ladies, Sky will be in at 9 and I will send her right down to your class.”

“Great” Anndie thought. “Well, Terry we have 45 minutes still” Anndie whispered, “Terry quietly gasped, winked at Anndie turned and walked out of the office with Anndie right behind her. As the 2 got to June’s desk they both blew her a kiss causing the secretary to jump and groan. Her hands dropped right to her pussy and began to rub under desk. The she heard Principal Stone over the speakerphone. “June, can you come here for a minute? I have a itch that needs scratching and I can’t seem to reach it.” The secretary came. She knew what that request was for and got out of her chair only to see a big wet spot on her seat cushion. She smiled at herself and thought “what a great job I have!” as she headed into her principle’s office unbuttoning her blouse….

Anndie and Terry walked to Terry’s room as Anndie broke down in detail how her weekend unfolded. Listening to Anndie as she whispered as they walked down her hall, Terry’s panties were soaked by the time she got to her desk. She sat down and immediately pulled up her skirt and jammed her right hand into her pussy. Terry moaned “Oh shit Anndie I’m drenched, gonna cumm…Oh…Oh…Ahhhhhhh!” she slumped in her chair. Anndie sat on the edge of Terry’s desk with her legs spread on either side of the heavy breathing moaning young beauty. Anndie slid her hand in her leggings and started moaning. Terry, slid down to her knees and slid her face into the soaking wet crotch in front of her. Anndie moaned, “Oh my god Terry, I’m coming!” She tried to stifle her moaning as Terry’s tongue found her clit through her leggings and G-string. Anndie could hold it off and gushed a huge cum, soaking her leggings and giving Terry a face full of cum. “Shit Anndie, the kids will be here in 5 minutes and you have me so firkin horny.” Anndie laughed, thinking to herself, “at least I got my cum.” As she turned and left for her room. Terry looked down at her desk and saw a puddle of girl juice right on the corner. She couldn’t help herself and leaned over and lapped it up.

Anndie made her way to her room, sat at her desk and felt the cold wetness of her last cum. “Damn. I wish I had a change of clothes” she thought. “Damn-it Terry, what did you do to me?” Anndie was just thankful her top was long enough to hide the wet stain on her leggings as her class marched into the room.

The morning proceeded as usual. The kids went through their typical Monday morning routine, but Anndie chose to stay seated. At about 9:15 there was a knock at the door. Anndie got up from her seat gingerly, making sure her back was to the wall and slowly made her way to the door. She opened the door and her jaw dropped to the floor. There before her was a 20-year-old version of Principle Stone. Anndie thought this is just about the sexiest young lady she had ever seen. “Ms. Masters?” “Yes, you must be Sky” the awe-struck teacher managed to stammer out. “Yes, my mom told me that you volunteered to mentor me through my internship.” The young red head smiled. “Come on in, class this is Miss Stone, and she is going to join us in class. Everyone, say hello to our new helper.” The classroom erupted in a “Hello, Miss Stone!” Anndie directed her new assistant to a chair right next to hers at her desk and preceded to review the schedule, the lesson plans, and each of the students. The two sat at the desk for most of the rest of the day as the teacher reviewed how she had her class set up and how she went about planning her day. Throughout the day Anndie would catch a hand on her leg or shoulder, or a glance and start to wonder about the gorgeous long-legged young lady sitting with her. At the end of the day, Sky left while Anndie continued to work on her plans. After she finished for the day, she headed out to her car. As she was sitting in her car getting ready to leave, she looked over and saw Sky climb into the passenger seat of her mom’s car. Principle Stone was in the Driver’s seat and the 2 met with a kiss that was anything but familial. Anndie gasped and her jaw dropped, and her pussy began to flood. “Wow, this is too wild” she thought to herself. As she drove home, she called Terry. “you will never believe what I just saw!

The drive home was consumed with speculation by the two teachers, laughing and oohing and aahing about Principle Stone and her daughter. Anndie was totally turned on though, “is it bad,” she said to Terry “how can you be turned on? That so bad, that’s incest!” Terry’s response hit Anndie like a ton of bricks…”there is nothing wrong with it, they are two consenting adults, they aren’t hurting anyone. If Mom and daughter want to make themselves feel good, what could be bad?” Then she heard a moan come out of Terry. “Are you playing with yourself? Anndie whispered. “Uhhh huuuh, Terry groaned, “the thought of those two 69ing, oh my god, I’m gonna cum Anndie, uh uh uh ohhhhhhhhhh” “Shit!” Anndie explained, “listening to you made me miss my turn. I’m so wet right now, between the vision of those two and hearing you cum.” Anndie could not help it now, she was in full internal argument, was it ok or was it not? Is this another taboo she could overcome? Her left hand reached up under her skirt and rubbed her clit. She was soaked, could she see herself having sex with one of her daughters? What would they think of her depravity? How bad a mom is she? She pulled into a parking space just as a massive orgasm washed over her. Terry heard the whole thing. “wow, nice cum!!” Terry said, shaking Anndie from her afterglow. “Oh man, I totally forgot you were still on the phone.” Anndie moaned and Terry laughed, “so much for your high morals, which daughter were you fantasizing about?” “Never you mind I have to go, talk to you in the morning.” and she hung up the phone.

As she walked in the door Anndie was greeted with a sight she was not prepared for.

Chapter 10 A Daughters Love

“Hi mom, surprise…” came a from whisper from the couch. It was Anndie’s youngest daughter Carrie. She was sitting in the dark nursing her daughter Chane. “Hi baby, what are you doing here in the dark?” “I’ve left him for good, that ass will never touch me again.” Anndie turned a light on and saw the black eye on her daughter and let out a gasp. “Don’t tell Owen. He’ll do something rash, and I just want it to be over. I called a attorney today and I started the divorce process.” It had been a rocky 2-year marriage a marriage Owen advised against from the very beginning. The “Prick”, what Owen called him, could barely hold a job, and drank his paycheck away, leaving Anndie and Owen to basically subsidize their place. “I grabbed as much as I could after he went to work and came right over. I hope its ok. I put everything in the second bedroom, with the crib.” Anndie ran over to Carrie and wrapped her in a hug. “Anything you need, you let me know. You will be living here now until you can get back on your feet and away from him.” As Anndie released the hug she looked down and saw little Chane unlatching from Carrie’s left nipple, still trying to suckle. Carrie moaned and Chane latched on to her right breast. Carrie squirmed, her hips starting to hump up and down. Anndie let out a barely audible gasp as she saw the big, brown nipple with milk squirting and landed on Anndie’s leg. Anndie was mesmerized. The earlier conversation running through her head, the sight of her daughter’s breast, the memories of breastfeeding her daughters herself. Anndie remembered the feelings she had in the middle of the night as her daughter Carrie sucked on her nipple, the electricity that ran from her nipple right to her clit. The orgasms that started in the middle of her gut and would slowly build as she rocked back and forth while Carrie fed on first her left nipple then her right. The memory of taking her left hand while she held her child in her right and slid it between her legs to slowly coax the orgasm out of her. Stifling her moans so she wouldn’t wake Carrie, the orgasms would roll through her night after night. Now, with all of these memories coming back to her she looked at her daughter right in the eyes, she could see the desperation in her daughters’ eyes, the want, the need. “Baby, let me help you, I know what’s happening, I know what you need.” The sexually charged teacher, couldn’t stop if she wanted to. As Chane’s mouth let go of her mom’s nipple she bent down and latched her mouth right on the milk filled breast, sucking down the warm, sweet milk pouring into her mouth. Carrie gasp, and moaned “ooohhhhh mama, what are you…ohhhhhhhhh” and as Anndie reached down with her right hand she brought up under Carrie’s skirt and found her daughters soaked panties. She slid her finger under the leg band and found the large, hard throbbing clit. She began to circle it putting more pressure each time on it as she continued to suck and drink until Carries biggest orgasm she ever had took hold of her and she moaned and groaned “MAAAAAAMMMMMAAAAAA….CUUUMMMING!!!!!” Anndie had to grab Chane as Carrie nearly passed out from the powerful orgasm. “Let me put the baby down” Anndie whispered. “nnnnnnawww yesssss” was all Carrie could barely mouth as her muscles were still convulsing. Anndie came back to the couch, noticing out of the corner of her eye, Owen came out of his study to investigate the commotion. He basically watched the whole thing, and his hand was wrapped around his throbbing cock. Anndie nodded to him to just stay there for now as she went back to her daughter. She put her arm around her daughter, kissed her on the cheek and as she did that Carrie turned her face, met her mother and pulled her head in for a deep kiss. She wrapped he arms around he mother and whispered, “oh mama, thank you, thank you, I love you so much, please love me mom. I can’t believe I’m saying this but please take me, make me yours’s mom. I am soo horny mom I need it so bad.” “shhhhh baby, I got you, I’m here for you, mommy’s here to take care of her baby” whispered Anndie. “We will make sure you have everything you need. All of your needs…..” as she slid off the couch in front of her daughter Anndie slid her arms up the legs of the mother of her granddaughter. Slide them all the way up to her sodden lace panties, she flipped the skirt all the way up and grabbing the crotch of the panties and pulling them down her legs, throwing them at the feet of Owen. Owen’s eyes met Anndie’s and she motioned for him to be quiet and stay there while Carrie still not seeing her horned up step-father, began to accept her mother’s sexual advances. Anndie moved her face to the dripping wet lips of her daughter and licked up the right side and down the left then sticking her tongue into the hole as deeply as it would go. Her nose pressing against the rock hard throbbing 2 inch long clit. “OOOHHH MMMAAAAMMMAAA, I’m goonna,…….gonna, ohhhh I’m cuuuuummmmming!!!!” The orgasm was so intense that she passed out on the couch. Anndie stood up and grabbed the baby who managed to sleep through the whole thing, and quickly took her down the hall and put her in her crib. Quietly closed the door, came back to the family room, walked over to own and gave him a hot kiss and whispered to him “I bet you want some of this action. Be patient, you’ll know when the time is right.” She reached down and stroked his throbbing cock.

Anndie went back to the couch and gently lifted her daughters head, scootched under her and sat back on the couch, unbuttoning her blouse. Whispering to her little girl “come on baby, there ya go, suck on mommy” As Carrie felt the soft nipple brush her lips, she instinctively began to lick and then suck. Still half out of it she wasn’t even aware of her surroundings. Now, when Anndie was much much younger her siblings and her were all pregnant with their kids around the same time. Anndie became somewhat of a wet nurse for all of the children. Once her milk came in for her oldest daughter Stacey, it never stopped flowing. It took her sisters by surprise, but she became the feeder for all of the kids when there was a family get together. The babies would just line right up, one after another all evening. The other sisters never had to pack a bottle.

Well it had been years since she had fed anyone and she was sure there wasn’t any milk, but as her daughter realized what she was doing, and the comfort she was feeling she began to suck harder. Of course this was having an impact on Anndie. Her clit started to throb. The old feeling, she used to get literally came flooding back and her pussy filled up with lubricant. She moaned, and Carrie looked up at her and reached her hand down to her pussy and began to masturbate as she sucked. As she rubbed her clit harder, she sucked harder and the beginnings of another orgasm started to form in her gut. Building and building as she sucked harder and harder. Anndie rolled Carrie over slightly so she was on her side facing into Anndie. Carries eyes got big as she felt a trickle of colostrum shot across her tongue. She began to rub her clit faster. Meanwhile, Owen moved quietly to the couch and locked eyes with Anndie. Anndie nodded her head and Owen moved in behind Carrie. He grabbed his cock and knelt down. Then with one thrust he slid into his stepdaughter wet, tight hole. Carrie moaned, “OHHHH Mama he’s fucking me……OHHHHHHH uuuhhhhhh” she screamed as she came. Owen pumped and pumped and with a growl he unloaded into his stepdaughter. Seeing this caused Anndie to cum squirting her cum all over her daughter. Carrie turned and kissed Owen deeply, then turned to her mom and kissed her deeply, and said “Oh mama thank you so much for loving me. I’m all yours guys. Whatever you want me to do I will do. Please love me and fuck me and eat me and feed me!” “Shhhhhh my baby, we are here for you. You are safe here with us. Now come to bed with us, our bed is your bed.” Anndie whispered in her ear, “you are about to be thoroughly fucked.”

Owen climbed into bed with Carrie in between him and his wife and he was getting hard again. Carrie looked at her mother and they kissed. Her moms tongue made the kiss anything but motherly. Both women running their hands through each other hair as the kisses became more passionate. Carrie’s eyes popped open and she gasped. “He’s….he’s licking me momma, oh his tongue is on my clit, it feels so good. Please keep licking..don’t stop…momma he’s gonna make me cum.” Owen continued his onslaught and start to suck hard on the extra long clitoris. It stood straight out and was sticking out of the hood nearly a whole inch. Anndie stared in amazement and she watched her husband suck on her daughters clit. Anndie whispered in Carrie’s ear, “that is the longest clit I’ve ever seen. Look and him, he’s sucking..He’s sucking your clit baby girl!” Anndie moaned and Carrie looked up at her mother, looked at the breast in her mouth, looked at her stepdads mouth on her clit and screamed “OHHHHHH FUUUUUCK…..Cuuummm Cummmm Cummmmming…..AHHHHH!!!”Her body convulsed, tremmors like an earthquake rocked the young mom. Her eyes closed, and off to sleep she went…..Anndie rolled her daughter over to the other side of the bed, pulled Owen up on his back and climbed onto Owens hard cock. “just lay there and let me cum” was all Anndie could say before her climax caused her to soak Owen with her cum. They both looked at the clock, laughed and snuggled up to their daughter and fell asleep.

Chapter 11 It’s The Principle

Jules Stone has been Principal of the elementary school for 3 years. She is 5’10, straight blond hair she keeps in a bun, deep blue eyes. A typical Nordic goddess with 36 C breasts. Her daughter Sky is a spitting image of her mother just a few inches shorter and a little thinner. Two years ago, her father and Jules husband of 10 years died in a terrible car crash. It traumatized Sky so much that she refuses to drive a car. Over the last two years Jules and Sky began to comfort each other. It started with them just sitting on the couch together crying for hours. Days of sadness turned into weeks and into months of just sitting together every evening, in the dark, under a blanket, sobbing. Then, Jules would tell Sky to go to sleep, and she would take herself down the hall to her empty King sized bed and cry herself to sleep. One night Sky just followed her mom to her room and crawled into bed with her and they cried each other to sleep. This became routine, and one morning Sky woke up with her mom spooning with her. She could feel her mom’s breasts against her back and realized that her mom no longer had her top on. She could hear the steady slow breathing of her sleeping mom. As Sky tried to roll over she felt her moms left leg wrap around her thigh. Then she felt it, her mom began to slowly grind against her hip. Jules was dreaming. The fact was that before her husband died they were an extremely highly sexual couple experimenting with others and regularly having sex in public. Sky was growing into a very sexual young lady herself. She had routinely played with her college roommate, especially when a hard cock wasn’t available. Unfortunately this period of mourning had put a major damper on both of their libidos. Sky could feel her mom getting wet through her panties and it excited her. She had always been curious about her mom, trying to catch glimpses of her naked or in the shower or a changing room. When Sky was twelve she was with her mom bra shopping and Jules took her into a Victoria Secrets for the first time. As her mom began to shop Sky started to look at all the sexy lingerie and something began to feel different. She felt a tingle in vagina. She didn’t know why, but it began to turn into an ache. Then her mom called to her, “Skylar come with me I’m going to try on these and I want your opinion.” So Sky followed her mom to the fitting rooms. She started to sit in the chair outside the room but her mom said “no baby girl come in here with me.” Her mom closed and locked the door and began to get naked. Sky sat on the bench in the corner and watched as her mom revealed to her daughter what a beautiful woman looked like. The view took Sky’s breath away. She didn’t know why at the time but she gan to feel a growing wetness between her legs. As her mom took her bra off Sky gasped. Jules looked at her daughter and realized what was happening. They hadn’t really had “the talk” yet and now as she stood in front of her daughter she was curious what effect seeing her like this would have on the beautiful Nordic princess. So, snickering to herself, she took her hands and began to slowly massage her breasts. Slowly squeezing them and then pinching her nipples, all while pretending to be oblivious to the fascinated witness. She then began to drag her hands slowly down to her panties, which were beginning to get very wet. Oh, how she loved to be watched. Even by her own daughter? How taboo. Is this really happening, both ladies thought at the same time. As she reached into her panties to start to roll them down, her shaved vagina came into view. Sky gasped. She had never seen one before and as the panties slowly revealed to the impressionable teen her moms now very wet slit began to open, begging to be touched. Jules knees almost buckled as she saw the reaction of her daughter to what just happened. Her clit was throbbing now, she couldn’t believe how turned on she was, she had to cum. There was no stopping what was going to happen. “Sky, baby, your mom has this…this itch that she needs to scratch” she whispered to her daughter, “its between my legs, and its getting very hard not to touch it, do you ever have that feeling?” her breath becoming more shallow. “ya know, between your legs, kinda deep inside you?” Sky couldn’t take her eyes off her moms, very wet now, pussy. “momma me too, it wants to be touched momma” “I know baby, watch me and do what I do…Shhhh be quiet.” Sky watched in fascination as mother began to show daughter the art of masturbation. Jules began to slowly rub her clit in a circular motion. Sky looked at her mom and Jules nodded to her to do the same. Sky lifted her sundress up revealing a very wet patch on her light blue cotton panties. Jules moaned as she saw what her daughter was doing. Sky rolled her panties down and a peach fuzz covered slit that was wet and she could see the little clit pushing its way out throbbing up and down. Jules knew immediately that as soon as Sky touched that clit she would be off. “Sky honey listen to me” she whispered. Grabbing the young girls sodden panties Jules said to her daughter “open your mouth” not knowing why Sky hesitated, “Open your mouth” Jules desperately whispered. Sky sensed the urgency and opend her mouth. Jules took the panties and shoved them in. “Now, rub it fast” and seeing what her mom was doing to herself, Sky began to do the same. She touched her clit and moaned, and did it again, the feeling was indescribable, all she could see were colors. She rubbed it, and rubbed it and that’s all it took, she exploded and screamed into her panties which muffled to sound of her very first orgasm, which triggered her mom to explode in orgasm causing her to squirt all over her daughter. Remembering that day has fed many masturbatory fantasies that have entertained Sky, but up until that point there has never been anything physical between the two. Now her mom was grinding against her and shen wanted so bad to reach back and finger her mom. She wanted to giver mom pleasure, she missed that happy, smiling beautiful woman. So she thought now its time…Slowly manuvering herself without waking her mom, Sky managed to roll herself over and turn so she was face to face with her dreaming mom. Sliding her arm between her moms legs allowed her mom to continues in the same position and it gace her something to keep grinding on. Sky could feel her moms wet pussy rubbing back and forth on her upper arm now and as she continued to rub, Sky saw those wonderful breasts right in front of her. “it’s now or never” she thought to herself, so she opened her mouth and began to lightly suck on the hardening nipple. Her mom ground harder and moaned in her sleep, Sky continued to suck and began to bring her arm up to the point that her hand was now pressing against her moms pussy. Jules’s dream was moving in rhythm now bringing her closer to an orgasm. Sky could tell her mom was close, the only question was, “would she wake up before she came?” Sky could feel her moms wentness on her hand, “should she slide a finger in? or should she rub her clit?” Jules answered the questions for as she opened her eys and saw what her daughter was doing to her. “OH Skylar”, she moaned, “suck it, suuuck it please fuck me!” that’s all it took as Skylar took two fingers and slid them into her mothers burning hot, wet opening, causing Jules to explode in the most powerful orgasm she ever had. Since that morning the two have enjoyed each other physically when they have needed it and emotionally.

Anndie pulled into her usual space at school a little earlier than normal. She hd grades to work on and other projects for her class, but more importantly she needed to talk to Terry about last night and wanted to do it before her new assistant got in. As she was listening to the song playing on the radio she saw Principle Stones car pull up and park behind her. She could clearly see Sky with her and as they both took their seatbelts off they leaned into each other and kissed and it wasn’t a typical mother daughter kiss. This was a deep passionate kiss. She could see Sky’s hand reach up and cup her moms breast. Anndie ducked down so she couldn’t be seen. And her panties began to flood just watching what’s going on in the car behind her. At that very moment Terry walked up to Anndies car and started to knock on the window but before she did she saw her friend duck down and looked to see what was going on. She looked back to where Anndie was looking and nearly dropped her bag. She quickly ran around to the passanger door of Anndies car and jumped inside scaring Anndie. They looked at each other then turned to watch out the back window as they could clearly see Sky bringing her mom closer and closer to an orgasm. Jules was now rocking on Skys hand as they kissed. He head rocking back and forth as she came. Moaning loud enough that both Anndie and Terry could hear it. “Oh my god that was so hot” Anndie whispered, “I need to cum…Terry please finger me?” “Thought you’d never ask baby” and Terry reached her hand up under Anndies skirt. “Oh you little slut, no panties!” Terry moaned and began fingering her friend. “Terry not my G-spot…Terry OHHHH God not my G-spot…I’m goona,,, I’m gonna…ughhhhh Terry are……making me….sq sq ohhhhhhhhhh” Anndie creamed all over the front seat……Terry lifter her soaking wet arm from under Anndies dress and reached for the box of Kleenex on the floor. It took 4 to wipe up her arm and she looked at her fellow teach who was dripping a huge puddle on the floor mat of her car. Terry bent over and licked up Anndies right leg and then down her left. Terry looked out the window at Principal Stones car, “You are driving me mad girl, all I can think about, is your pussy. Do realize how wet I am right now? Shit we have to go in and I’m soaked. What do I do now? My clit is throbbing and I have to take attendance.” Anndie laughed and they both waited until Jules and Sky left before they got out of the car. “Man you car smells like cum.” Terry chuckled. Anndie replied with a laugh.

Chapter 12 The Sky’s The limit

The first half of the day went as planned for Anndie. Once she was able to calm down, of course though, every time she caught a glimpse of her new Teachers Aid thoughts immediately returned to the parking lot this morning. Once that thought hit her brain, her clit began to throb. Sky on the other hand really was enjoying working with Anndie. Anndie has been explaining in detail what they are doing, how they go through the process of teaching, all the steps involved, and Sky was soaking it up. There was something though, she couldn’t put her finger on it, but every time she sat down next to Anndie her mind started to wander. Then it hit her, that scent, she could smell it, it smelled like…like pussy. She purposely came up behind Anndie and took a deep breath. The smell was her. It made her weak kneed. She had to sit down. Thoughts were flying through Sky’s brain. “What’s up with Mrs. Smyth, she is horny for something today. She smells like sex.” Sky slid her chair under desk as far as she could so no one could see and pressed the palm of her left hand in between her slightly spread legs. That feels so good she thought, god I need to cum. Not here though. Just then the Lunch bell rang and she nearly jumped out of her seat. Scaring Sky out of her daydream she helped the class get in line and then, as discussed earlier with Anndie, she marched the class to the Lunchroom and returned to the classroom. Anndie was at her desk when Sky walked in. Anndie was looking out the window sitting at her desk with both her hands in her lap and totally oblivious to Sky walking in. Or so Sky thought. Anndie then turned to the young aid and said in a husky voice, “lock the door” Sky turned and locked the door, that voice sent a shiver down her spine, and her clit throbbed. What was that? She thought. Anndie turned and stood up. “Get over here” the teacher barked and pointed to the floor in front of her. Sky involuntarily moaned and ran to the spot. “I thought so” Anndie said. “Get on your knees!” Anndie whispered. Skys pussy gushed at the words, she was so confused. What was happening? Why is Mrs Smyth doing this? Why was this turning her on? “I noticed what you did earlier Sky. I also saw how it affected you and what you did in MY classroom!” The teacher spoke in a dominating tone. “Did something turn you on?” Sky’s head dropped, being caught she thought she was in big trouble. “Please don’t tell my mom!” the girl pleaded. “Please don’t tell my mom….What?” Anndie liked where this was going, her pussy began to drip with anticipation. “Please don’t tell my mom….m m mistress” she whispered. Anndie moaned. “Yes, when we are alone that is how you address me, do you understand? Because if you don’t you will be dealt with.” “Yes mistress.” “Good, now do you know why I am so horny right now?” Anndie questioned. “ Seems I saw something this morning that I can’t get out of my mind. It was so sexual. Do you have any idea what that could be?” Sky, keeping her head down shook it. “Well, I am surprised you don’t know as it happened,” Anndie then took the toe of her boot, looking down at the bowed young girl, and brought it to her chin to lift her head to face her new mistress, and said “I saw something so hot in our parking lot this morning!” Sky gasp. “Yes, Sky I saw this beautiful young girl, pleasing an older woman, why they looked almost like mother and daughter.” Anndie he two looked very familiar” she said mockingly to her aid. “Why could swear that they were very close and this wasn’t the first time she made her mom cum.” “Pppppplease mistress…” Sky began to try to beg. “Oh now now, your secrets safe with me, well and one other, but not to worry, I believe this is the start of a new friendship, DON’T YOU?” Anndie softly growled. “Now slave, I like the sound of that, lick my pussy” Anndie lifted her skirt as she looked up at the clock to see how much time she had left before the kids came back. Sky went right to work, after all she loved the taste of pussy, and making another woman come’s her favorite thing to do. Especially her new mistress. Sky latched onto Anndies clit and slid two fingers right into the hot wet warm pussy of her mentor. Anndie, moaned and began to shake “Take out you fingers, if I squirt you will be a mess and we cant ha..v…e th th tha…t “ she tried to hold off as long as she could but the slave before her knew what she was doing and the orgasm rolled over her like a freight train. Fortunately for Sky she didn’t hit her Mistresses G-spot so there was only a small rivulet of fluid dripping out of her now spent pussy. Sky quickly saw it and licked it up. Seeing that there was 10 minutes before the kids came back Anndie pointed to her desk, “Get up here and spread those beautiful legs, I imagine you are in need of a big cum S L U T!” she emphasized slut and Sky moaned loudly and began to shake. “Oh please please mistress I haven’t cum all morning and my mom”, she hesitated realizing to what she just admitted, “and now you….I need it soooo bad!” Anndie, not wanting to torcher the young girl and further, and wanting so very badly to taste that pussy dove face first into her aids dripping wet gash. In just a matter of minutes Sky was moaning and cumming squirting her own juices down her leg and onto Anndie’s face. “OH Thank you Mistress thank you thank you, as she leaned in to kiss Anndie deeply and lick off her own juices. Anndie just looked at her “This is going to be the death of me” she laughed, “Sky looked at her and said “I can’t wait till you take my mom too” Anndie groaned as the kids started to march into the room. Sky looked at her and laughed motioning that there was a little something on her cheek. Anndie quickly wiped it off and slid her wet finger into her mouth. “OK kids back to work…” The rest of the day was uneventful. But as the day wound to a close, Sky began to wonder what was going to happen when the school day ended.

Anndie’s mind has been spinning all afternoon. She had an idea, but needed to see if Terry was wanting to be apart of it, so after the last bell rang Anndie ran across the hall to Terry’s room closed the door and laid out her plan. It was agreed that Terry would wait a half an hour then go to the office to speak with Principal Stone. Meanwhile Anndie headed back to her classroom. “Sky, get up on the desk!” “Yes mistress” Sky said as she ran to the desk and jumped up on it. Anndie sat down in her chair reached under Sky’s skirt and rolled her wet panties down her legs and off. She brought them up to her nose and took a deep sniff. “Come with me Sky we have some Administrative work to do!” and Anndie and Sky walked down to the office. When they arrived they could only see one light on, and it was Sky’s moms office. Sitting across from her mom was Mrs. Robins. “I wonder why she’s here” Sky thought, “that will put a damper on our plans.” She whispered to her mistress. Anndie just laughed to herself.

Chapter 13 A Late Meeting with the Principal

Sky’s mom Jules waved Anndie and Sky into the office. “Hi Mrs. Robin” Sky said as she moved to the small 2-seater couch across the room from Principal Stone’s desk. Terry smiled and said “Hi Sky, how was your day today? Anything exciting happen today?” Sky gasped, realizing that Terry probably knew what was going on. Terry had situated herself in a chair in front of Principal Stone’s desk and had rested each of her legs over the arms of the chair, this had caused her skirt to slide all the way up, giving the schools leader a view of Terry’s wet shaved pussy. In fact, the whole time Terry had been in the office Jules couldn’t stop looking at her teachers pussy. Jules was getting hornier and hornier the longer the young teacher had continued to talk about her plans for the class. The Principal couldn’t even concentrate on what the young teacher was saying, her right had had dropped below the desk and was starting to slide up her dress to try and relieve the itch that was growing. Meanwhile Anndie had walked behind Jules and leaned over her right shoulder. She whispered into the principals ear “You have a sweet daughter.” As she was speaking, she pulled the two pairs of panties out of her pocket, Terry’s and Sky’s, and laid them out on Julia’s desk.“Look what we have here, two very wet panties, where do you suppose these came from?” Anndie moaned into the principals ear. Julia looked at the two women infront of her both without panties and now both were fingering their pussies. Anndie picked up the yellow G-string that up until a few minutes ago was wedged in the very wet slit of her teaching assistant. Still so wet that it had darken from the bright yellow it was when Julia first saw them this morning, as her daughter sat next to her int the front seat, with her legs spread, giving her mom something to look at while on the ride to work. “Here Mommie, take a deep whiff of what I did to your daughter today!” A deep groan came from Julia. She was now franticly rubbing her pantied covered clit, staring at her daughter who was rubbing her own clit, and then her eyes moved to the young teacher sitting right in front of her doing the same thing. She then turned her head and found herself lip to lip with Anndie and before she knew what was happening Anndie grabbed her face and thrust her tongue deep in the principals mouth triggering a massive orgasm that almost knocked the principal out of her seat.

Terry jumped out of the chair she was in ran around the desk and dove to the floor in front of the long legged, blond, head of the school and tore a hole in her lace panties allowing her tongue to make its way into the soaking wet pussy of Julia. Julia then screamed into Anndie’s mouth and came hard a second time. Terry became relentless and continued to lick and suck and lick and suck the writhing Julia. “Please stop, please stop….OHH God I’m coming again…no no no OHHHHHHHHHHHHH AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!” as orgasm after orgasm shakes Julia to within moments of passing out. Terry stopped her onslaught of the principals pussy and then turned her attention to her colleague. Sliding her head under Anndie’s skirt and up to her naked pussy Anndie said “that’s it my pet, lick me…L I c k…..mmmmeeee as Terry attached herself to Anndie’s long, hard, throbbing clit. “Yes, make me cum….don’t stop, don’t stop….I’m commmming….Ahhhhhhhhh, uhhhhhh..Yessssssss…..”Anndie leaned on the desk with one hand and while still kissing Julia, pulled Terry up from between her legs, after a deep breath, “Ok, that was fun” Anndie said as she tried to catch her breath. She turned to see Sky on the couch rubbing her clit as fast as she could with her legs completely spread, “Oh shhhhiiittttt, MMMMMoooMMMM cum, cum uhhhhhhhhh coming!” almost hyperventilating, “that was so hot!” while laying back down on the couch.

Anndie motioned to Terry, and the two teachers walked out of the office. “Our job here is done” Terry smiled to Anndie, “I can’t believe we just did that” Anndie just smiled and said “Neither can I!” The teachers got back to their classrooms and Terry looked at Anndie “I am so firkin horny right now.” She moaned lifting her skirt and pointing at her dripping slit. “Anndie dropped to her knees and shoved her face into Terry’s very wet pussy. Anndie brought Terry off in a matter of minutes, her orgasm was so strong she collapsed in a heap and it took her a few minutes to wipe the drool from her face, pick herself up, grab her book bag and head to her car. When she got to the parking lot there were only 2 other cars, Anndies and Julias and Anndie was in the back seat of Julias car frigging herself while watching Julia going down on Sky. Terry gasp, shook her head got in her car and drove home. Anndie left the mother/daughter pair and headed home herself, trying to figure out how she was going to tell Owen what happened. Not that she wanted to hide this from him, far from it. She wanted to tell him, but she wasn’t sure she could take the pounding she was going to get after telling the story. As she drove off, her pussy was already beginning to drip.

Chapter 14 Carrie

When Carrie, Anndie and Owens daughter, turned 18 she made an appointment to see her gynecologist. See Carrie had a problem, and she was at her whit’s end over what to do. As she sat on the Dr.’s table with her legs in the stirrups she her the familiar knock on the door and in walked Dr Stevens. Dr Stevens was a 6ft tall redhead with the perfect hourglass figure that even a lab coat could not hide. “So, Ms. Symthe what is it that is bringing you in to see me today?” Carrie, put her head in her hands and barely mumbled. Dr. Stevens looked at the obviously embarrassed teen and put her hand on the teens shoulder to comfort her and then told her that everything was going to be all right, she had nothing to worry about and that anything they talked about would just be between her and the Dr. Dr Stevens had had plenty of practice dealing with shy teens who came into her office because of pregnancy, or sex related questions. She knew the signs. Carrie was still to embarrassed to speak, so Dr Stevens said “Well, lets try and figure out why you are here, how about I start off with and exam. Sh began with the typical medical workup then began to work her way down the teens body . Shen had Carrie lower the gown off her shoulders revealing the teens 36 C breasts. Carrie, still embarrassed and not very comfortable with her body, like most teens, turned her head and closed her eyes. As the young Dr began to check her patients breasts for lumps and other abnormalities, she tried to talk to Carrie in a gentle and soothing way, making the teen feel more comfortable. Until her hand grazed the teens nipple of her right breast. Carrie, let out a deep loud groan and her hips jumped. This caught the Dr by surprise as she thought to herself, wow what do we have here? The Dr trying to remain professional said “ So Carrie, I see you nipples are extremely sensitive. How long have you noticed that?” Carrie, then mumble, barely audible “ for the last year or so.” The Dr. then reached over to the other breast and proceeded to perfom the same exam. This time however, smiling to herself, she pinched the already hardening nipple between her finger nails and watched as the teen nearly levitated off the table with another loud moan. “Oh god, its happening again, I’m sorry Dr. I can’t help it, If I don’t do this, I will make a huge mess.” “Do what?” the Dr asked as Carrie reached her hand under her gown and began to rub vigorously until she came. I’m so sorry Dr. but this is why I’m here. Everytime I get touched it triggers this and I can’t help it. I can’t control it. I can’t wear a bra, anytime the lace touched my nipples I would just start cumming.” Dr. Stevens took a deep breath. Watch this beautiful teen cum just from her touch turned her on. She had never had that kind of reaction before. Her husband would tease her about how she must be walking around all day with wet panties, staring at pussies all day. Truth was that except for a drunken night in medical school, she never enjoyed batting for the other team, so to speak. That was, up until now. She shook her head, cleared her throat, and said “well Ms. Smythe, let me continue with your exam and we will see if I can’t help you out.” As she sat on the stool and rolled to the end of the table, she had her patient slide down to the end of the table as she rolled between her spread legs. Dr. Stevens gasped when she saw standing straight up and the top of this soaking wet vagina infront of her, what had to be a two-inch clitoris standing straight up and throbbing. Oh my god, Joan Stevens thought to herself, that is the hottest thing I have ever seen. Look at it its standing straight up. “Carrie, I see you have an enlarged clitoris,” how long ago did you notice this happening?” Carrie can feel the breath of the Dr between her legs, “uh uh Dr. ppplease don’t bbloow on ittttt!” “Why Carrie, what happens if I blow air on it?” As she did just that sending Carrie off into a convulsive orgasm. “OOOHHHHHHHH AHHHHHH!” was all that came out of her mouth. “Please stop. I’m going to cum again.” This time the Dr reached up and with the tip of her finger started to gently slide her finger from the base of the clit all the way to the head and back. That did it, sending the teen into another physically convulsive climax. Carrie screamedDr Stevens couldn’t help herself, she moved to the clit and lowered her mouth on it and began to suck it like she was sucking a small cock. “Ohhhhh shhhiiiitttt I can’t hold it back….auh ahhhhhh ohhhhh Her it comes…….Ahhhhhh” Carrie screamed as liquid began to pour out of her pussy soaking the Dr and the floor. Leaving Carrie passed out on the table and the Dr dripping in girl cum. After a minute Carrie stirred and wiping the drool from her mouth began to apologize to the Dr. “Carrie, shhhh, don’t apologize you have nothing to be sorry for. In fact, you are a very lucky girl. You have abilities very few women do. Let me help you learn to control this. I want you to come to my office after school everyday next week and I can help you control these feelings.” “You really can help me?” Carrie huffed trying to get her breath back after the most intense orgasm of her life. “Yes my dear, we will work on your control and I will show you how to live with that beautiful clit of yours and those gorgeous nipples.” “Ohhhh thank you, I thought I was going to go insane, I was practically cumming every time I walked. How do you know how to help me?” The Dr smiled at her patient and lifted her skirt revealing a pair of tight silk panties with a hole cut in them and a very long clit sticking straight out of the hole, looking very similar to hers. “You see, I have a unique perspective on your issue. It took me a couple of years to figure out the best way to adjust, so to speak.” Carrie, jumped off the table and came face to face with her Dr. she dropped to her knees and lunged for the Dr.’s clit, licking and sucking pushing the Dr to the table and the Dr. began to moan, and groan. “ Oh Carrie, please, noooooo” Carrie would not stop, causing the Dr to writhe and her breathing got deep. “Carrie, Ca Ca Ca arrie I’m gonna goona cuuuummmmm……AHHHHHH!” As the Dr squirted all over Carries face and Carrie drank up as much as she could. Dr. Stevens continued her twitching and she finally began to calm down and her clit throbbing began to slow. Oh my god how am I going to explain this to my husband she thought as she pulled Carrie to her feet and kissed her deeply.

It took about a month but the Dr. and Carrie were able to bring Carrie’s sexual urges under control. Now, Carrie has learned how to let the needs and desires go or reign them in so that she can make it through the day at school without having to run to the rest room to rub on out. She also no longer need to bring extra panties to change in as she is no longer flooding them. She is now enjoying her senior year and it is all thanks to a certain Dr. and certain strategically place cuts in her panties.
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