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A teenage girl is tricked into a life of slavery and is sold as a plaything to a rich old man.
Leaning back in his chair.

"Undo my belt."

She held her arms as far out as she could and turned her head as she fumbled with the belt, not only was this the first time she was doing this but his belly was in the way making it harder. Finally she worked it free and sat back with a childish humph.

"Now open my trousers"

She shuddered and wrinkled her face at those words. Slowly she reached out again and searched for the button of his pants, feeling the warmth emanating from his crotch, she could feel it moving under her hands. She had never seen one in real life, only pictures, well once she had seen her Dads after he got covered in mud and had to change on the back porch before coming into the house. With a pop she worked the button free and paused for a moment trying to get her mind around what to do next.

"Undo the zip"

Almost before she had understood the words her body had started to move. She was now just focused on the task and trying not to think about what was coming next. Once the zipper was down he said.

"Now take it out"

Looking at the top of his pants she reached out and pulled them down, almost hoping it would jump out on it's own, but no such luck. She gingerly slid one hand in while the other held back his pants. She could feel it, hard and warm, straining against its bounds. With a quick breath she took it in her hands and started to pull it free. She had to pull his pants even further back to get it out but she managed it and again sat back, this time her eyes fixed on this obelisk of flesh before her. Lifting himself in his seat the man ran his thumbs around his trousers and pants lowering them more before sitting back down and picking up his drink and cigar.

"Now take it in both hands"

Reaching out with both hands it felt like an eternity passed as her hands crossed that small space.

Shaking, her hands grasped it from either side, her thumbs meeting almost like she was holding a microphone. It wasn't as long as the ones she had seen in pictures but it was really fat, her fingers were only just meeting behind it. She looked up at him for both approval and instructions on what to do next. With the smile on his face as he sucked in his cigar she realised that she was no different to that cigar, she was an object this man had purchased to use up and throw away when done.

"Softly squeeze it and move your hands up and down."

With an intent focus she slowly started to stroke him, moving her hands over its length. Putting down his drink and reaching out he softly ran his hand down the side of her head stroking her face. She leaned her head into his hand, she was so alone and scared she would take any comfort, even if it was from the man who had made her scared and alone. Running his hand down her jaw line and placing his thumb on her chin he again said "Open".

Opening her mouth again, she looked at him as he sat back.

"You'll have to open wider to fit it in and I don't want to feel any teeth or I'll have to have them all removed. Do you understand?"

She nodded.

"I asked you a question and I expect you to answer. Do you understand?"


"Yes what?"

She paused, not understanding, before realising what he wanted.

"Yes Sir"

"Good girl, now lean forward and take my cock into your mouth."

Lifting herself on her knees she leant forward, edging closer and closer to it. Open her mouth as wide as she could she took him into her mouth and held it as wide open as she could trying not to touch it.

"Now run your tongue around the head."

She wanted to cry again but thought about his threat of pulling out her teeth and knew she could have it far worse, better to just do as she is told. She lifted her tongue to meet its fate. It was warm and soft with a slightly metallic taste with the hint of salt. Precum was already starting to ooze from the tip and as her tongue reached it she could taste the salt clearly and felt it string around her tongue as she completed the lap of his head.

Giving a soft moan he looked down at her and said "Now close your mouth around it and suck like you are drinking a milkshake, while moving your tongue. And remember what happens if I feel teeth".

Quivering her lips closed around his shaft, and she started to suck her cheeks bowing in.

"keep moving your tongue"

She was so focused on coordinating the movements in her mouth that she almost forgot what she was doing and what it was in her mouth, only the task was in her mind. With a deep groan the man stretched out his arms crossing them over her head and sighing brought them down placing one on the back of her head. Gently he started to rub the back of her head.

"Good girl. Now put your hands on your knees to help hold yourself up and keep the tongue moving."

Looking down at her she was such a sight leaning forward with her mouth wrapped around his cock her arms now pushing out her breasts. He brought his other hand to the back of her head.

"Put your tongue at the bottom of my cock and push it as far forward as you can. And don't forget your teeth."

She did as she was told and then he started to to slowly move her head backwards and forth over his shaft. She could feel the head pushing at the back of her throat cutting off her air and starting to choke, she brought her hands up to push him away.

Stopping in the back of her throat he held her head there and bellowed, raising his voice for the first time.

"PUT your hands where I told you or I will cut them off!"

Tears streaming down her face making snorting noises as she fought to breath through her nose she put her shaking hands back on her knees and looked at him with pleading eyes.

"That's a good little fuck toy, you'll learn your place yet."

Pulling her head back and holding it there for a moment to let her catch her breath for a moment, but only a moment. Looking down on her tearful face he pushed her back down on to his cock watching her arms twitch as she fought the urge to move them and try to fight him off. As he continued to force his way into her getting faster with each stroke she had lost all sense of time and was solely focused on trying to control her body so she didn't make her situation worse. After a time he held her head back allowing her to breath but still keeping his cock in her mouth.

"Go back to moving your tongue over it and bring your hands back up."

Her hands flew back up to their place on his shaft as she much preferred this to what he had been doing to her.

"Also move your hands up and down as fast as you can and look up at me."

As she looked up at him he let go of her head with one hand and began stroking her again. Looking deep into her eyes he said, "I want you to listen carefully to me while you keep doing your job down there. I want you to really understand what has happened to you and what you are now. If you ever went around to a boy's house and saw an old t-shirt screwed up and dirt on his floor covered in stains. That is what you are to me. A cum rag. A thing I use to put my cum in so I don't have to deal with the mess. You are a rich man's cum rag."

As more tears started to roll down her face he started to shake.

"Hands on your knees and tongue forward again."

Doing as she was told his other hand came back to her head and he pushed her head back down on his cock harder and deeper than before. As she choked on him spit and snot worked it's way down her face mixing with her tears and running down her neck. After a few moments of this he arched his back and held her head in place with the head of his cock at the back of her throat. She was completely surprised by the sheer volume of cum that flooded her throat, as she felt her oesophagus working to swallow it reflexively. In her panic she couldn't help but try to pull away and bring her arms up to push him off of her.

Finished he let go of her head and she almost flew backwards, coughing and choking landing on her arse tears streaming down her face. Sitting back in his chair he let out a great sigh and picked up his drink downing it with a single flick of his wrist. Putting the glass down he reached into the draw beside him again and pulled out a small packet of wet wipes and threw it onto her lap.

"Clean yourself up for me"

Then picked up his cigar and nursed it back to life, before refilling his glass from the decanter on the table. Pulling a wipe from the packet Brooklyn cleaned her face and neck wiping away the spittle and tears. Still sitting where she had fallen back she looked so small and defeated. Looking up at him as he took a sip of his whisky, he looked so pleased with himself like he had just completed some great task. His penis sat curving out from his trousers, staring at it she thought to herself, this is my life now.

"Don't forget your chest"

He was gesturing with his glass toward her and looking down she could see her breasts were covered in spittle, likely as much his from the start as hers from the blowjob. She took another wipe from the pack and cleaned her breasts.

"I like my toys to be clean, and keeping yourself ready for me at all times will be one of your main responsibilities."

He threw a small hand towel to her and she dried herself off.

He put his drink down and beckoned with his hand.

"Now come here"

Pulling herself to her knees she shuffled over to him, again kneeling between his legs. Sitting up her master towered over her,wrapping his hand around her and pulling her into him, he kissed her on her head.

"You were a good little fuck toy and did as you were told, so it's time for your treat."

Still holding her with his other arm he reached again into the drawer and this time pulled out a small brown bottle with some sort of liquid in it. Opening the bottle he dropped the lid on the table and lightly sniffed the bottle. He let out a small sigh and then holding his thumb over the bottle shook it.

"Deep breath out"

She was starting to panic again as she had no idea what this was or what he was going to do to her, but like before her body was following his instructions almost before she could understand them. Using his thumb to close one nostril he held the bottle under the other.

"Deep breath in"

Almost instantly her mind began to swim, her whole body suddenly felt warm and floppy. If he hadn't been holding her she would have fallen flat on her arse.

Letting her go and sitting back he said "now sit back and spread your legs".

She couldn't think straight enough to even think about what might be coming and just followed his instructions, sitting on her feet and spreading her legs.

"Now reach under your skirt and start rubbing yourself"

She reached out with her hand and lifting her skirt she found her slit and started to rub. Her mind starting to clear a little she thought to herself at least he wasn't touching her right now. IT started as a mechanical process with her not really thinking about what she was doing. She was surprised that she was completely dry. With the way her body had felt when he was playing with her nipples she thought that she would have been at least a little wet down there. She gave a little smile, at least she hadn't let him do that to her. As her mind cleared more from that first hit her body started to ease into it more and with her eyes closed she could almost pretend she was back home in her room. With her lips starting to part and her body opening itself up she felt the moisture starting to flow as her breathing became more ragged. The man leaned forward and held out his arm, breaking her from her thoughts of home.

"Deep breath out"

She complied and again he held the bottle under her nose.

"Keep rubbing."

"And deep breath in"

It hit harder this time but she knew what was coming and held herself in place. As she swooned he watched as her hand started to move faster and deeper with her whole body arching to the waves of pleasure running through her and he leaned back in his chair to watch her ready herself for him.

As her mind was swimming from the second hit she lost all track of what her body was doing, it was moving without her and she was just a passenger feeling what it was doing. As her mind began to clear she realised how deep and hard her fingers were going and just how wet she had become. Suddenly embarrassed as she looked up at him watching her smoking and drinking with his cock again thrusting from his trousers. Her rhythm slowed and she looked away.

"No need to be shy little toy, I'm going to make you do far more than that. Now keep rubbing and look at me."

Steeling herself she took a deep breath and looked him in the eye keeping up the slower rhythm.

"Are you nice and wet?"

With a quiver of the lip she nodded her head.

"I asked you a question. Are you nice and wet?"

She replied in a small voice "Yes, sir".

"Good! Now take your hand out and show me."

She stopped rubbing with those words and slowly started to pull her hand from under her skirt, feeling a strand of that warm goo pull from her finger and slap the side of her now moist slit. Holding her hand out to her owner she hung her head in shame.

"Keep looking at me"

Lifting her head to look at his smiling face again he said "Now lick it clean".

She had never been a big masturbator and she had never tasted herself before and the thought of it in this moment made her feel sick. But she could only do as she was told and put her fingers in her mouth while looking him in the eyes. It didn't really taste of much, a little sweet, but nothing bad.

He let out a long sigh at the sight of this teenage girl topless collared wearing long socks and a plaid skirt with her wet fingers in her mouth, his new toy.

Reaching into the drawer he pulled out one last thing, a chain dog lead and leaning forward attached it to a ring at the front of her collar. Standing he stepped out of his shoes and dropped his trousers and pants to the floor. Pulling the lead he said "follow me", and she started to stand.

"Noo. On all fours."

Confused for a moment it dawned on her what he wanted and she leant forward on all fours and followed him as he led her to the bedroom and her next ordeal.


2022-03-02 09:32:31
ch04 - A New World

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