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A teenage girl is tricked into a life of slavery and is sold as a plaything to a rich old man.
She had lost all sense of time drifting in and out of consciousness. She could have been in that box for days for all she knew. She thought she had been on a plane at one point. She had never flown before so couldn't be sure. She didn't know how many times she had cummed but each one was more pain than pleasure at this point. She was sure she had wet herself at one point, she couldn't help it. But she guessed it didn't matter anymore, she was just a toy. She hoped she was on the final leg of her journey now. She knew she was in a car again.

When she finally felt her private little hell stop moving, she waited to feel the swaying of her box being carried to it's next stop but it didn't come. Maybe they had forgotten her, or maybe she wasn't that important. She was just a toy now. Eventually she did feel that now familiar sensation of being slid along and then lifted. When they put her down she heard a noise break through the noise in her head, it sounded distant. She felt the rush of new air against her naked and wet body as the lid was crowbarred off. If she wasn't so exhausted she would have started to shake. Then hands, first removing the magic wand from between her legs. She wanted to thank whoever it was that had removed it. Then she felt the hands undoing the straps holding her to the box, one set on either side. Once she was undone from the box they sat her up and the noise from the headphones stopped, but she could still hear it. It was echoing in her mind. Then she felt them pull off her hood and the blackness was replaced with blinding light. As she felt them removing the headphones and tape, her eyes started to adjust and she saw she was in a tiled room. It looked like an old hospital, something from a horror movie, but everything was clean and looked new. The two sets of hands that had freed her belonged to two girls who were busy undoing her straps. For a moment she thought they might be freeing her, but she pushed that idea from her mind. They were naked except for a harness and a collar like hers. No not like hers, they were more like a dog's collar made of red leather. One was an older girl, the other about her age. The older of the two continued supporting her back as the younger undid the rest of the straps. Once she was free they each took an arm and lifted her to her feet. Then frog marched her through an opening covered with plastic flaps, and into another room covered in the same pale green tiles. She could tell they were talking but she couldn't focus on the words, they sounded distant and muffled. Leading her over to the far wall next to two other girls, they handcuffed her to a rail running just under four show heads. As the soundtrack for her trip started to fade the voices in the room came into focus. The older girl was telling the younger what to do.

"Once you've got her in the cage, drain the meat and put them in the prep room."

"Do you want them on the sybians, Miss?"

"No they aren't going to be put on until the evening, let them sleep but only give them water from now."

And then she left. The younger girl walked over to Brooklyn, took her head in her hands, and looked into her eyes and asked, "Do you speak English?".

She managed a feeble nod and the girl smiled.

"Good. I'm going to wash you now, then I'll pop you in your cage and give you some food. Do you understand?"

She nodded again. She reached out and started to undo the ball gag that was still in Brooklyn's mouth.

"If you make too much noise I'll put it back in but you seem like a good girl."

Without the gag holding her jaw in place it started to ache as she moved it. The girl took her face again and started to move and rub her jaw.

"Just keep working it, it'll loosen up soon."

She turned on the water and it hit Brooklyn's skin like hail, stinging with every drop.

Getting to work the girl started with her hair giving it a good shampoo and scalp massage. It felt so good and relaxing. When she was done and started working her way down her body, scrubbing her hard with a brush. Brooklyn turned to look at the two girls chained up next to her, They were both naked and had the same red ball gags in their mouths but no collars. They looked to be about her age but they were both shorter than her, and had much smaller breasts. They were even skinnier than her, not malnourished, just a smaller frame, more athletic. Then it dawned on her, they were twins. They both had the same terrified look on the same face. Looking down from their faces she noticed a tube running from their bottoms to what looked like a hot water bottle hanging above them. Her inspection of the girls was interrupted by the girl cleaning her spreading her lips and pushing her hands inside to clean out her slit. She felt her jaw starting to loosen up as her bum crack was cleaned next. She thought to herself that whatever the story of those twins was she was glad she wasn't them.

As the girl finished cleaning Brooklyn's feet she stood up and dried her off with a towel, rubbing her down thoroughly. Then she combed out her hair and when finished she held herself against Brooklyn and turned her head.

"What do you say?"

She thought for a moment before replying, "Thank you."

The girl raised an eyebrow and continued to look into her eyes. Brooklyn didn't know what to say, she just stared back at the girl.

Giving up, the girl said "Miss".

A look of relief washed over Brooklyn's face and she said, "Thank you Miss".

The girl gave her a huge smile and kissed her while slipping a finger into her aching slit. Pulling it out she brought it to her lips and shushed before slipping it in her mouth and sucking Brooklyn's juices from it.

"You're a good girl. You'll have fun here Sir treats you right if you're good and you're very pretty. I hope we get to play together."

Brooklyn managed a weak smile back at the girl. If it wasn't for the surreal setting she could have been talking to one of her friends. The girl uncuffed her from the rail and led her through another door leaving the twins where they were.

The next room was much the same but it had a small kitchenette on one side and the other was filled with cages. Most of them had naked girls in them. Opening A door on the second level she gestured for Brooklyn to get in.

"This is yours. We're quite full up as there's a party tomorrow."

As she crawled into her new home, there was enough room to kneel and turn around but not much more. The girl in the next cage kicked the door to her own and made Brooklyn jump.

"Don't mind her, she's a wild one and just some entertainment for tomorrow. Not like you"

Bending over to the cage door, she cooed "Aren't you little missy" and the girl kicked the door again.

She was bound with her arms behind her back and at her ankles with a ball gag in her mouth but it was secured with a full head harness. She had a look of pure anger and hatred on her face and was staring at the girl, as she laughed.

Turning back to Brooklyn, she pointed to a black dildo hanging from the front corner of the cage.

"This is your water. Just suck on it and it'll come out. It's the same as Sir's so it's a good idea to practice on it lots. The toilet is at the far end, if you make a mess on the blankets we'll take them away so make sure it all gets in the trough. Now settle down and I'll get you your food."

With a smile she closed the door and turned around to the kitchenette and started to prepare food. Brooklyn looked around at her new home. There wasn't much to it, but at least the blanket was soft. The girl in the next cage was giving her the dirtiest look she had ever seen. It made her feel very self conscious. Brooklyn shuffled up to the dildo and took it in her mouth. Her mouth was so dry that the water felt amazing. She was so absorbed by the feeling of the water she didn't notice the girl turn around and start to rub herself watching as Brooklyn was knelt there guzzling down from a clone of Sir's member. When she did notice she stopped and turned her head in shame.

"No, no, don't feel bad. You were doing good. You want to practice going deep as well, it's the best way to get rid of your gag reflex."

Walking over with a metal bowl she opened the door and leaning in offered her the finger that had just been in her pussy. Looking her in the eye Brooklyn took it into her mouth and sucked it clean. Smiling, the girl put the bowl down and then stroked Brooklyn's face asn whispered, "So pretty'. Then closed the door. looking at the bound girl in the next cage still glaring at her, she made a kissy face.

"Tomorrow sweetie."

And with that she left the room and turned out the lights. There was still enough light for Brooklyn to be able to see by but it was much more subdued than the overhead strip lights. She picked up her bowl of porridge and pushed her face into it gulping the plain food down like it was some great treat, and licked the bowl clean. Looking over at the girl next to her she was still glaring at her as if Brooklyn had done something to her. She turned away and back to the water dildo, she was so thirsty. She suddenly remembered the big woman hadn't given her anything to drink. Sir had said to water her. She crawled over to it and started to drink. When she had had enough she sat back and looked at it hanging there. She thought to herself about how she had gagged on his cock when he had woken her up and how it made it harder to please him. Leaning forward she took it in her mouth again. She forced herself forward on it and felt the beginning of a gag and pulled back. The girl next to her huffed and gave her a look of disgust. Brooklyn pushed down the feeling of shame at the judgement from the girl. She didn't need to do this, she was only entertainment for the party. Not a toy like her. She needed to be able to serve Sir well. Pushing back onto it she continued to push herself working deeper and deeper.

When she was satisfied she had done her best she pulled back and curled up on her blanket and turned her back on the next cage she settled down to try and sleep. She could hear noise coming from the next room. She could hear running water and voices. It sounded like the older girl was back and the two of them were doing something with the twins. It didn't matter to Brooklyn she was exhausted and just wanted to sleep. Just as she was starting to drift off she heard them enter the room and lifted her head to see the two of them pulling the twins through the room and out another door without even looking at her. It wasn't her business so she lowered her head and let sleep take her.


2022-03-02 09:36:08
ch08 - A New Normal

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