Growing up it was always just me and my dad as my mom left us when I was only a toddler for what I was told was some wealthy guy that had rather payed child support than have any custody. She was a real whore and I grew up mostly a quite and self-conscious kid.
My name is Sophie and I have pale skin with black hair that I always kept at my shoulders, through middle school I always had a small and slender frame, and given my personality, no one paid attention to me. I only had a few friends and my single dad that always tried to be extra supportive of me to make up for it just being him.
Well a lot changed in highschool, particularly in the spring when the pandemic started, not just because I was stuck at home with my dad, but the genetics I got from my mom really started to kick in. I'm now 5ft 3in tall, may face had developed soft slender features and my breasts began to bud into soft B cups that really showed on my thin upper body. What really began to bloom though was my lower body. I had been doing dance and track since I was little, but in the past year my calves had become quite shapely and my thighs were particularly thick with muscles. This led up to my ass that had grown to be a round shapely set of globes that stuck out from my slim frame. I went from no one knowing my name to getting lots of attention, particularly from the juniors and seniors. I guess there was a reason why my mom was able to seduce my farther and some rich asshole after all.
Speaking of my dad, his name is Brian and he's a fairly handsome man according to my friends, he's about 6ft tall with light skin and short fair hair. I don't really know exactly how his job works but it has something to do with programming and cyber security, he started working from home when I started doing online classes. School wasn't hard for me, I could get all my homework done by the end of the afternoon, what really got to me was that I just started to become popular and was stuck back in isolation again.
Luckily, some of my new friends turned me onto some social media platforms and told me some outfits I should wear and some dances to do. My daddy gets paid well from his job, so what he gets in child support he uses to spoil me, so I have tons of cute clothes and bikini's and always looking to add more. It started with me recording myself doing try-on hauls mostly in tight shirts or blouses and skirts, booty shorts, or tight leggings that really showed my sleek legs and huge ass. I got lots of comments from my classmates, but my profile blew up so much that I got tons of comments from strangers all telling me how cute my face was when I smiled and how I had a such sweet girl personality. But I also got lots of messages from older men saying how much they loved my body, how perky my chest was and how blessed I was for my legs and butt. I should have been creeped out by them, but instead I loved it, I would thank them and started posting more revealing clothing.
Eventually I wanted to start posting pictures and videos of me in bikini's, so on the weekend I came out onto my back patio in a tiny hot pink bikini that showed tons of cleavage and white bottoms that blended with my light skin and had my butt cheeks spilling out the sides. It just happened Brian was out as well reading a book. "Oh hi daddy!" I greeted him as I propped my phone up and set it to record, "Hi sweety, what are you doing?" he asked me. "It's so nice out I wanted to get some sun and show my friends how I'm doing" I said as I began to turn and twist my body to pose for the camera. "I see well that's good to see" my daddy said to me as I began to pour sunscreen onto my palms and rub it all over my body, "Wow it's so sunny out, I really need to lather this on" I said casually as I rubbed my breasts, stomach, face, and thighs all into the camera. "Oh yes, you definitely don't want to get burned honey" Brian said to me just as I turned my back to the camera and bent over to try and get the backs of my legs and butt, I could feel my bottoms strain to stretch over my ass.
"Hmpf, hey daddy I'm having a really tough time getting my backside, would you mind helping me out?" I asked before turning to face him, when I did, he was facing me but looked like he was staring off into space, "Umm daddy?" I asked again.
'Uh.. Oh sorry dear, did you say something?"
"Um yeah, can you rub sunscreen on my back?"
It looked liked he gulped before responding, "yeah sure honey, I don't want you to get burned after all". I thanked him and laid down on my stomach and untied my top, "What are you doing Sophie?" Brian asked. "Just trying to avoid tan lines" I said as I reached back and pushed my bottoms further into my ass.
"do you mind doing my lower body too? I don't think I got it very well"
"Lower body? Like... your legs and... butt"?
"Lol yes daddy, do you mind"?
"Oh, no I guess not" he said before starting on my shoulders and slowly working his hands across my bare back. His hands felt really nice as they rubbed across my shoulder blades, down my spine, and then up and back on my ribs. Then he put his hands on my hips and seemed to pause for a second before rubbing lotion into my butt. He rubbed me in a big circular motion making sure to get every inch of my skin, he even got a little underneath my suit. His hands moved down to get the back and inner parts of my thighs, making sure to to work all the way up to my private area. It felt like he got everything but continued to move his hands over my thighs and glutes, which I didn't mind because it felt really good, the warmth of the sun on my back and his hands on my ass and legs made me feel tingly all over.
"Oh I forgot", I felt Brian jolt at the sound of my voice, "my phone is still recording, daddy would you mind recording my back?" I asked him. "Yeah sure thing honey" Brian said with what sounded like a little shake in his voice. Brian scanned my back with my phone before handing it to me, "I'm just gonna head back inside Sophie, try not to have too much fun out here" he said to me. I giggled and said "no worries daddy, thanks" as he grabbed his book and went back inside. While I tanned I and looked through the video to see which poses I wanted to post, it caught when Brian went to pick up my phone, and I noticed something big in his pants.
"Huh that's an odd shape for a cell phone" I thought.
After posting my bikini pics from the other day and seeing the response, my confidence in myself had risen so high that without even thinking about it I was wearing my revealing outfits around the house. One afternoon I was wearing a short white frilly skirt and flowery blouse that only had the top five buttons fastened so I could show my stomach, it was thin so my nipples could almost poke through the sleek material. I came into the living room where I saw my dad sitting on the couch while working on his laptop, he looked over and greeted me by asking "Hi Sophie, how's my little princess doing?"
"I'm doing great daddy..." I responded while taking a seat and giving him a big hug " page has been growing a lot lately".
"Oh really? That's great to hear honey, anything I can do to help"?
"Hmmm... Actually I was hoping to film a dance in this outfit, would you like to be my cameraman"?
"Sure! I'd love to sweety, just let me know when to start".
I started an upbeat song on my phone and gave it to him, "Yay! okay you can start recording the first one... now" I said to him before dancing. I swayed my hips side to side while running my hands all over my stomach and chest, next I started to kick my legs out while ending my hip sways with a pop, then I spun around while parting my legs and shook my ass while slowly bending over. I put my hands on the floor and proceeded to squat down while spreading my knees out and then popped my legs straight and ass up a few times, this sent my skirt flying up and revealed my white panties. I stood up and looked at my daddy over my shoulder, sticking my tongue out and giving a wink as a final pose before walking over and asking "What did you think"?
Brian blinked at my phone a few times before facing me and saying "That was great Sophie, are all of your videos like that?" he asked me. "Yeah!" I said "I get a lot of compliments about my dancing" I replied back as I shook my chest and hips. "Oh I see.. that's great sweetie" Brian said back to me, although he was looking down at my legs instead of my face. "Thank you daddy, do you mind filming one more?" I asked him. "Of course honey, anything for you" he replied.
"Oh thanks daddy!" I said before playing a slower song on my phone and handing it to back to him again. I put my hair into a ponytail and stepped side-to-side while swaying my hips and body. I was lip singing with the music and during one of my sways at the camera I undid the top bottom of my blouse. Then I went to swinging my hips in a figure eight while only slightly turning my body and undid the second button... and then the third... which at this point gave a fair amount of cleavage. I grabbed the back of my head to poke my chest out and gave a shake while licking the lips of my smile.
Next I grabbed the inner lines of my blouse and pressed my boobs together while making a pursing my lips into a kiss, and undid the fourth button. With one button left I really started to gyrate my legs and ass while leaning over and grabbed the final one. I undid it and pulled the blouse ends over each other, I gave a big smile before jumping and kicking my feet up, upon landing I let the blouse separate enough to see a clear ravine of my bare skin run down the middle of my torso, you could see the the inner parts of my breasts but I left the blouse just barely covering my nipples.
"Well daddy, what'd you think of that one!?" I asked him excitedly as I started to refasten my blouse. I really tried my best to look good for him and feel like I gave my best dance yet. However, Brian didn't give me any compliments... or really, say anything at all. His face was all red and he looked like he was staring off into space while trying to form words with his mouth. "Oh no!" I exclaimed and rushed over to him, I put my hands on his leg to lean into him and asked "daddy, did you not like it? was it that bad?" as I started to panic at the idea of disappointing him.
Brian blinked a few more times before finally turning to face me, although his eyes were looking below mine. "Oh no honey... I thought it was great... yeah really... but are you really going to post that? with that ending?" he asked me. "Huh?" I said confusingly "Yeah there's a whole trend where you take off one thing and flash to wearing another. Do you think people won't like it?" I finished. "Well... doesn't your platform have guidelines? and that was pretty provocative don't you think?" he asked. I pouted, provocative? what was my daddy thinking? and why wasn't he looking at my eyes? Why was he looking do-
As I thought that I looked at his lap and saw a huge bulge in his pants a few inches from my hands, then I realized what he was looking. In my rush for his opinion I only fastened the bottom two buttons of my blouse and my elbows were almost pushing my breasts right out into my daddy's face. I hadn't thought much about it before, but it looks like my body had a higher power over men, even my own dad, than I had thought.
"Oh I hadn't thought of that daddy, I'll go ask my friends, thanks for your help" I said as I leaned in to give him a kiss on the cheek like I normally do, but this time it felt different as I let my lips linger on his skin longer than usual. Brian looked pretty tense as I ran back to my room, and I began to message some of my internet friends what happened. After talking to the they had me convinced that my dad's totally into me. While that should have creeped me out, I could feel my pussy getting wet from the idea of my loving handsome dad wanting me in another way, and my friends helped me to come up with a plan to test if he really was into me.
The next morning I decided to test Brian, as he was fixing his breakfast I stepped into the kitchen having just got out of the shower, my hair was still wet and I only had a towel wrapped around me. "Good morning daddy!" I said loudly, Brain turned to face me and was clearly shocked by my sudden appearance, and what I had on. "Oh my god Sophie, you scared me, and what are you doing without any clothes on?" he asked me while his face was getting flushed. "Oh I forgot to bring clean clothes with me to the shower" I replied as I walked by him, I couldn't help but have a smirk on my face. I leaned up against the counter as I poured a cup of coffee and hiked a foot back behind me, I looked over my shoulder at my dad, and with my best girly voice, asked "what are you up to today"?
"Uhh... well I'll start working pretty soon, I've got some reports and..." he began telling me what all's he had to do while I gathered myself a bowl of oats with some fruit, but to top it off I pulled some whipped cream out of the fridge. While my daddy was speaking I sprayed some cream onto my finger and slowly licked it off, Brian talked slower and slower as each of my licks became more sensual as I ran my tongue from my palm all the way up to my finger tip. I talked back to him in a seductive tone "Hmmm daddy... sounds like you have a really haaarrd day ahead of you", I tilted my head back and squirted the cream straight into my mouth, then I looked him dead in the eyes and licked my lips as his quivered at the sight. "Hhmmmmm... this whip cream is sooooo good daddy, would you like some" I asked him while cocking my head to the side and pulling my shoulders back to look as innocent, yet confident, as I could. "Ye-yeah sure, thanks honey" he replied. Feeling bold I walked up and took his wrist, holding his finger up to my face I sprayed a glob onto his finger... but then swallowed it... and sucked as I slowly pulled back my mouth while staring at him, "Hehe oopsie" I giggled with a goofy smile.
"Sophie..." he tried to say but was clearly having a hard time with his voice, I sprayed some more on my cheek. "Here you go daddy, really you can have this one" I told him, he paused for a second, he seemed like he was trying to resist but the temptation of putting his lips on my delicious skin overcame him, he opened his mouth and slowly brought himself to me...
But at the last second I turned my head and locked our lips together, my tongue slipped right inside mouth and danced with his tongue, my body pressed into him and up against the counter giving him no chance to pull back. After I made out with him for a couple of seconds, I released his lips. "Sophie what the he-" he started to say, but I swiped the cream off my cheek and snuck it into his mouth. "Sorry daddy, I'm just playing around" I said back with a big grin, during that kiss I could feel his dick was rock solid. "I've got to get ready for class, so I'll talk to you later" I said while grabbing my coffee and bowl, Brain had turned to face the counter to hide his apparent erection.
My poor daddy thought it was over, but just as I was about to leave the kitchen, I undid my towel and gave a loud yelp to get his attention. With my bowl hand I pinned the towel against my hip, but turned my bare side to my dad, covered my nipples with my other arm and stuck out my leg. Brain got a full view of my bare thigh, ass cheek, toned stomach, and almost completely exposed breasts. I tried to look shocked but couldn't help but smile a little as I said "Omg dad I'm so sorry... Uh mind looking the other way for a sec?", Brain's jaw was practically on the floor, and after staring for a couple of seconds he finally caught his wits and said "Uhh oh yes of course honey, sorry about that" and he turned to look the other way. "Thanks daddy" I said as I began to walk away, leaving my ass totally exposed to him, but after a few steps I paused and looked over my shoulder and saw his head quickly jolt back to looking at the cabinets. I had a big smile on my face as I headed back to my room and re-laid all this information to my new friends. All of them agreed that my dear daddy wanted to fuck me hard, as I wanted the same, and they also gave me an idea of where I can post my more risky videos as well.