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I always had the fantasy then

We all see these guys hanging in the shadows of public places. Being afraid to make contact with a female, thinking the girl will not want talk to a guy like him. It is sad to watch this happen for no reason other than his opinion of himself.

My lovely wife has always felt sorry for them. She often will smile or say hello when opportunity presents itself, just trying to brighten his day. If she is wearing a sexy top all the better for my amusement.

If J wants to help a shy guy out of the shadows, and being a guy I offer my suggestions. Those usually gets me in "trouble" in a fun way.

As I was saying my wife J has always had a soft spot for guys that appear innocent and shy.

The wallflower.

The sad sack.

The Introvert.

My favorite is the computer geek.

I just never knew her soft spot had a soft spot.

J sees the shy, insecure guys as interesting.

She has made a couple of shy guys her personal projects. J can be a flirty as she tries to be open to her new shy project. Being a sweet MILf is more her natural style.  I see the horny wallflowers thoughts often go directly to her boobs. He doesn’t know how to get to them but he wants them. She usually will be dressed sexy to keep his attention, IT DOES! She sometimes is slow to see what a guy is thinking but she will figure him out and act accordingly.

I don’t ever get to be part of the class, but act as body guard from afar.



Trying to show he has worth she will accompany him to a public place.  I have seen her teach a guy to interact in public. J tells him how and what to say, be clean, dress nicely and smile. When she sees "improvement" the next class is to role play a female alone in a public setting. J wears a sexy dress this time(my idea?). The SG (shy guy) approaches her with a smile to try one of the opening lines she teaches, his opening line and her friendship is guaranteed, making the guy feel a little more at ease. J smiles at him and begins the social banter. She uses leading answers to keep him open to the encounter. Her body language is large and easy to read. The shy one usually opens up to her as time passes. At times I got the feeling her project was wanting to do more than talk, a shapely MILF body is exciting. J plays the interested lady and will take the interaction to a level she believes he can handle, to even a little touching? She teaches light touching of hands, arms,or lower back. Even upper leg touches are not unheard of if it seems appropriate for the area. The leg touching usually surprises him (and me) little at first, but smiles always follow.

I often wonder/fantasize how far the touching could go? J has always been good in the roll play game, whether playing shy or sexy she has great confidence and body language control.

I will vouch for her use of body language on me in private or semi-public places.




That leads me to my personal favourite. I was the audience/participant.



While waiting for J at our Cleveland Hotel bar. I was having a drink and talking to a young guy. I was thinking he would make a good project for her.

When she finally arrived in her little black dinner dress, short hem and low cut, he shut down for a good 20 minutes. Smiles and head nods but very little conversation from him. Yep shy guy! I did see him staring at her tits. We both tried to make him feel comfortable. I kept him in beer and her in wine as my part hoping she would decide to help him. I was on my own other than as the bartender.

He had started loosening up and talked to her after a few beers. He kept saying how shy he has been his whole life. Girls didn't like him hanging around, was his story. He would be a happy man to date a woman like J but that was not likely. J told him there was nothing to be shy about, any girl including her would be lucky to have him in her life. He stated being 23 he was too young to date her. J told him it was her decision who to date. She told him "If I was single I would date you". If we both wanted to be together then it would be fun and OK. I see you as a caring young man and a great lover. Boy did he turn red! This banter continued…..


They were facing each other on bar stools now. Me? I was left to stand behind her. He is talking up a storm and J is making him feel good about himself and his chances with her.  She told him they would go out and find him a date one way or the other while in town. This went on long enough to get them both in the buzzed zone. He kept looking at her boobs! She knew...she leaned in. I heard him say he wanted a woman just like her. I told him "not many like her around" then got us more drinks. She drank enough to smile at me then place her hand on his inner thigh above his knee. His eyes got big and then smiled at her without saying stop. I got interested at this point.  J leaned forward to slowly slide her hand up his inseam then back a couple times right there in the bar. I think she did it to see how big his eyes would get. (Big eye?Yes! Masturbate in his room that night?Yes!) She watched his reaction to her touch before taking his hand to her upper leg. He smiled at her with a silly/happy grin with his hand resting on her upper thigh. J asked if he liked doing that and the head shake was a resounding yes. She moved his 5 finger feeler a little higher under her little black dress, he was inches from heaven. When he tried moving his hand away J held it close to heaven with a smile the devil should know. She devil smiled at me more than once! J moved his hand up to her side boob area. Not touching boob but really close! He had to know she had no bra that night when this was over. She never moved his hand away so I didn't see him move it. But he did, dummy. J held his hand in her lap, right over heaven, while smiling into his eyes. Shy guy smiled back as I watched J open her legs to let his hand slide into the gap. This guy was looking like a canon ready to go off. J asked him if that is what he wanted to happen the next night. Oh yes was the answer from him, though now he did not move his hand from her pussy. He looked at his hand with a virgin smile. J let him have fun while she leaned forward to cover the sight lines around us. J’s face showed the enjoyment she got too. They stayed like that while they planned in detail when and where to head out to find him a date. He wanted tonight. J said the next night would work better. She was not able tonight, she had a date with me. I thought this may turn into a double date with her being the female on both dates.

More drinks and joking about her sexy body. I did start her favorite back rub toI make sure her dress was showing more boob than at the beginning. He was liking the view, she was helping him with the view. Time to say goodnight about 1AM.

He was not excited about this night being over. What could he do? He had no choice but play with himself tonight. Tomorrow night was going to be his night! Out on the town with J to find a date and hopfully sex.

This will be fun for me too!

We said our good nights as he watched my hand all over her butt.


The next evening in our Cleveland Hotel.

  We talked about our friend from the bar. He told her his name was Stanley, I said Stan was a nice guy who was horny as hell. J liked the idea of helping a horny guy get some confidence. J talked about How had stared at her tits most of the night. But the highlight she thought for him was her touching his upper leg, how he smiled! I told her the main thing she did was give him a boner and a great masturbation evening in his hotel. She asked if that was bad, did she go too far with him? I had to tell the truth, she did go too far being in a bar but in our hotel I would be just fine with it. J you need to consider his boner walk of shame, it was all your fault. She had sent him home sporting a pole harder than a diamond!  I also let her know how horny she made me by touching and teasing him right there in front of me. I really liked seeing her devilish side, would she please do it again? She told me yes, with that devilish smile I love to see, if the situation happens again. My answer? I would be sporting a boner too.


J was feeling horny from all the talk of Stan last night and wanted to stay in to "cuddle" again.

Preping the room for tonight I had the blinds turned mostly open, put on my loose commando shorts  and an old t shirt, . She dressed bra less in her favorite flimsy wife beater shirt and night shorts (no panties). Her nips showed through nicely.

She flopped down on the couch with me. I started to rub her back under her shirt and reaching to feel her tits.  I began working her shirt up with the intention of showing her to anyone outside our hotel room. J liked my game of show and tell. I wanted to show the class what I brought to school that night. I was working it up to her neck in back and pretty far up in the front to the bottom of her tits. I slid her shirt up her back then over her head so it looks like a shirt bra. I have found the shirt bra position leaves her arm holes open for my hands to explore her tits, so I did. I kept massaging her back and shoulders too. I feel her reaching back for my play thing! Yes, happy me.

That is when there was a knock on the door (end back rub?NO!). We did not order food so who could be at our door? J got up to answer the door, I was excited she went to the door in that shirt! All I could think of was the pizza challenge videos! She looked through the peep hole and smiled. She looked at me and said You will like this! Opening the door J said Stan HI! The shy guy we met the night before was at the door. J jumped up hugging him around the neck. Her boobs pressed to his chest causing his smile. He was wanting us to take him out to find that date J promised him. Anyone could see we were not thinking of going out this night, plus every time J would move her tits were jiggling. When she finally turned to come back to into the room J had his hand while leading him into the room. Wow! J knew just how see through the shirt was for sure. He followed watching her tits and ass. J jiggled while leading him into our room. Our eyes met, she was at it again! After sliding the extra chair in facing our seat she sat him in the chair. He sat in the chair. J now behind him, hugged him with a tit on each side of his head. The wife  beater t-shirt sort of held her tits in but not really. She flopped (jiggled) next to me on the couch. Stan had a big red faced smile.


I asked him about his life again. He was shy and couldn't get dates to hear him tell it, same as in the bar the night before. He was here because J told him we would all go out while he was in town. She told him that was under the influence of wine but a promise is a promise. She would see about fullfilling the promise. Here he was wanting to go out but now looking at J's tits the chair was good too. I told him heading out was not in the cards tonight, but maybe he would like some of the wine and we could talk about going out tomorrow. I did this knowing he was watching her tits. Stan liked that idea a lot! This gets me going like nothing else! While talking J told him she promised him a date and she was determined to see it happened one way or the other. He nodded and answered "Thank You, I was worried it would not happen".  I asked her “ how will you make sure he gets a date one way or the other". She holding his hand lightly, answered that she will figure something out.

J offered to get wine us all wine. As she returned to us with the new bottle, he was stairing at her nipples through the shirt. Stan trying to be discrete about it but he was popping a tent....Idea. She again sat next to me on the couch. J opening the wine bottle was a jiggle fest. Stan's tent caught J's attention, she asked him if he needed help with that problem? poor guy turned red......

I draped my arm over her shoulder to ask her how she would get him a date "one way or the other" staying in our hotel room all evening? J answered us by saying the next night was the night to go out. He got a sad look before telling us he had to go home in the afternoon.

J told him she was so sorry but he gets a rain check, she leaned forward to write our number so we can stay in touch. J said "You will get your fun night I promise."  Stan had a not so happy smile but stared at her tits. 

We continued to drink wine! He had a few good jokes, then I told a couple of dirty ones about wives. After more drinks I decided to resume her back-rub with SG(Stan) sitting 3 feet in from us. Curiosity on my part wanted to see how far she would let this go.  My hand started moving around her back, waist, shoulders. More wine and more laughs (more jiggles). I began reaching around her more, I found I could make eye contact with him then glance at her tits just as I would jiggle her for him. He tried not to make it obvious but he smiled at me when she settled to a stop.

J kept telling him how sorry she felt about not getting him a date tonight. I whispered to loud enough for him to hear, his night is not over yet honey. Her head swung around with a sly smile, the movement made her jiggle. I did not get in trouble? Good for everyone in the room.

A little more back rubbing one handed while we enjoyed the wine. She is leaning more forward toward SG.  I now had access to all of her back. Slowly rubbing her back and toward her side boob while talking. Her arm pressed down on my hand, not enough to stop me but to slow me down. While this was going on he could see the jiggle while I continued. Getting in a feel every so often, J knows our friend saw it all. Stan was smiling looking at her jiggle. I now began to believe he really didn't get many dates or it has been awhile since he masturbated. This made me move to the tit area. Just a little on the side and under her breast. I knew if I went to fast she would stop me. She had her headlights full on, our friend watched, I don't know how much of this was evident or if she cared to at this point!

More wine dear? Sure!

Our friend had stopped trying to get us to go out. He was talking about the women he liked and the body types he liked. He said J had a perfect body type for him, to that I said we agree then. I told him J had the best boobs and with a wink to him I jiggled her again. J told me to stop that (in a VERY joking way) because our friend might feel uncomfortable seeing me wiggle her boobs. He smiled "I love this style of conversation". J loosed her arm squeeze on my hand movement. I nodded. talk; wine ;jiggle; talk; wine ; jiggle; talk. I think we have a situation.

Half hour into the "visit" we had enough wine to loosen him up too. SG told J he was happy we stayed in tonight, he was having a great time right here. My wife giggled. With that I started to work her like we had a window open and alone. J seemed just fine with my idea. I massaged her shirt up. I had it to her shoulders in back, this moved the front to her under boobs. Stan stairing at her tits became quiet. J learned forward to grasp his hands then leaned back still holding his hands. He had a great view of her headlights.  I poured more wine for us. She scooted her butt forward giving both hands room to roam her back, shoulders and side boobs, creating more jiggle. While we talked my hands slid to her side boobs but I didn't stop at the side. I lifted her tits higher to get her nipples clearly in sight. J laughed saying don't do that in front of my shy friend please. Stan said “oh please do that in front of me” I knew now I was not in trouble.   J continued to let my hands wander while "talking" to him. J has his hands placed on her upper thigh now and letting him wiggle his wild fingers. This is getting fun. Stan what big eyes you have!

Our wine bottle is getting low and her shirt is getting high. I asked if she needed more wine, while looking at SG. Our friend said please don't stop I'll get the wine. J let his hands go.  I looked up from behind her the wine in me smiled at him. He smiled and got up to get us more wine, He was in the kitchen with a great big grin. While he was gone I asked J if she was having fun teasing poor Stan. She said YES don't stop.


    Stan returned with my hands as her bra.  She sat him facing her while my hands started massaging her tits. J put his hands on her upper legs, leaning into him asked "Are you still feeling shy"?. "OH Yes", was the quivering answer... What will make you feel better, should we stop? His head shook NO with big eyes and a nervous smile . She stared into his eyes saying OK, then guided his hands to the inside of her legs getting closer to heaven.  Stan said to J, what am I suppose I do?  Her answer, Stan do ever feels right. Do you want more wine to relax?  His eyes nodded yes. 

J told him she was happy the way he was handling tonight. Are you feeling excited she asked? Stan slid his hand closer to her pussy.   Looking back at me she asked if I was happy with our situation tonight? I am happy Stan is happy, I don't think my answer mattered at this point.

She knew what she was doing to SG.  I was rubbing her bare back with harder and longer strokes that kept her shirt moving up more. Her tits moved a lot and the headlights were really on now. I know how to massage her so she loves the feeling. (All she has to do is say "stop") Usually once I start rubbing her nipples, she gets so hot she will not stop me even with windows open. Tonight it is with Shy Stan in our room.


Starting to show Stan J's body

At this point.

J is stairing at Stan watching him enjoy the show.

I massage her shoulders, arms, under boobs then repeat.  She is still holding his hands near heaven.

I massaged over her shoulder and sliding her t-shirt higher giving him more to see. I believe this will give him under boob views of her C cup tits.

My hands are now holding her under boobs below her shirt! J asked him if he could see my hands, he smiled and nodded yes. Should we continue? The nod was yes! My hands moved to her nipples under her shirt. J let a little air escape her mouth. J moved his hands to her upper thighs. SG had the biggest nervous smile I have seen. My hands continued to expolre her tits with Stan watched from arm length and J's head lights smiling between my fingers! Stan is wiggling in his chair. His tent pole is most likely blue by now.


All talking has come to a halt! 

This has always been a fantasy of mine.

Am I about to live it today? I really want too!

Why is my heart is going a 100 MPH?


Letting one hand slide a little between her legs gets them spread, fingers down a little more toward her muff.  I begin to finger wiggle then finger circle . It is obvious what is happening. My hand fondling her pussy, J smiled letting Stan know it was OK. J slid his hands closer to her muff. I finger wiggled, she rolled her eyes lifting her mound to my fingers and jiggled more!

This is crazy! She has Stan's hands way up her open legs, mine are wiggling her clit.  J seems happy doing this to/with him. I decided to slide my fingers into the leg of J's shorts to wiggle her sex the way she likes it. While doing that I brushed one of Stan's hands! He is oh so close!

She looks over her shoulder with the glassy eyes I know so well. I wiggle my fingers, she smiles, more wiggles and more smiles. J turns her head over her shoulder, her eyes are closed. He watched her shirt move up as she turned to kiss me. J moved her left hand to my face to kiss me! Her shirt shows more under boob now without my help!  Stan is smiling and nodding. One of Stan's hands wander up her leg.

She continues to kiss me. I am using my left hand to massage her tits. She is letting me play with her nipple with Stan right there! How long can this continue with him a spectator? OH my.....

My other hand is working down low, I feel her hand with his captured hand in tow. (this is a first for either of us) J placed his hand on mine. She is teaching him by braille? After a moment she pushed my hand away leaving his.

I saw him looking lost, not knowing what to do. J has his hand on her shorts, not actually in full pussy contact but yes!

I now need to make a decision, how far will this go? Do I have any choice at this point? I believe J has made a decision already..........Dive Dive Dive!

My free hand made its way to her tits. Started to move her shirt as I touch her nipples under her shirt.  She is leaning back on me and kissing me. I am rubbing her tits with him now touching her pussy. As I was rubbing her tits the shirt moved higher. I am watching her hold his last free hand. I decided to go for it and let the shirt go on up. Rub rub jiggle jiggle, kiss kiss. J is gone on her own adventure. I have both hands on her tits, but the shirt won't move any higher.  Hey SG I need help here, please. Still holding J's hand but letting her lady parts go. He lifts her shirt up more. At this point I put my hands under her tits and point her nipples at the guy and wiggle them slightly. My hand returns to her pussy and the wiggle begins again down at the muff area. J’s heavy breathing continues. I look at him smile and then look at her unattended tit, is she counting the number of hands or will she care at this point? He is moving like this is new to him too. He is now sort of touching her tit shyly. Stan gets both hands on the the single tit under control.

She is looking at me, smiling and kissing. Her hands start to move around and I am hoping! Yes she just started rubbing my dick on the outside of my shorts. He is watching and smiling a lot, then he moves his head in close and puts his mouth on her nipple, tongue first. Is this all because of the wine or what? I don't care I just don't want her to stop him. She is glassy eyed and I have a finger in her now, she is working my dick . I decide the shirt is now in the way and I use both hands to move her shirt over her head and off completely with no attempt from her to stop me. I put the t-shirt on Stans head and smile. J only has the sleeping shorts on now. and I am back to fingering her through the leg hole, and she is rubbing my dick. It is like he is not there,but he is sucking my wife's tit! Right there in front of me sucking on her nipple like no tomorrow.

Does she care there is another active dick in the here tonight, I'm sure she knows he needs or wants something but am I ready for that? Is she ready for that? Just then my shorts get a  tug. I lift my ass to let her get at my dick. J is smiling at SG as she watches him suck her tit. Her hand is caressing his head. Still feeling nervous she asked, not letting her tit go he nodded yes! Sucking her tit and still nervous? WOW. This goes for awhile till she rolls over onto her knees in front of the couch. The guy followed her tit to her upright on knees position. J waited for him to latch on again then she began jacking me! She is acting like he is not there but making sure he is having a good date!

Damn, I have a wife jacking me with the SG latched to her tit! He has a hand on her butt too!

OK so here we are: Me on the couch with my dick out and hard. J glassy eyed on her knees in front of me with only sleeping shorts on, a new nervous friend sucking on her gorgeous tit. OH and the window blinds have been open with the lights on this whole 90 minutes or so.

J begins to suck on me nice and sexy like I like it. I am grabbing her tit showing ownership. The guy is lightly touching her all over and sucking her other tit. I think he saw how that when I moved slow, she would go along. I am thinking he is the only one with cloths on, maybe he just doesn't know what to do, is this really his first time or first shared wife experience? He has tit in one hand and the other hand reaching her pussy.

Stan fondles her ass as he looks at me and mouths the words "should I put my hands in there" I smiled and said out loud "go ahead and see what happens" Can't believe I said that.



Anyway J pulled off my dick and looked at me with a puzzled look, I smiled(wondering what I just did). then she sort of smiled when she felt what"go ahead and see what happens" meant. I could feel her pushing back at him, then rocking around. SG is having the time of his life tonight.

J went back to sucking, I went back to kneading her tits and he went on fingering her from behind and grabbing her tits. I had a funny thought here, why do I have to work for the use of my wife's tits? Shouldn't he just let me have them? I guess he does not know how long he'll be in this position to have and to hold as they say.

J seems to be liking what he has to offer. I watched his mouth kiss its way down her back all the way to her butt then back up and around to her boob. J giggles looking back at her invited guest. All I can see are his happy eyes! Her eyes glaze over again, must be a win. SG is working hard to please her.

Guess what happened next?

J pulled off of my cock. Turned toward him and began rubbing his cock, unzipping his pants! Hey whats going on here, she is undoing his trousers! I shouldn't be surprised. She came back to me while he finished removing his pants.

While his hands were busy taking clothes off  she looked up at me then back over her shoulder smiling at him. He still has his underware on but there is a cock sticking it's little head out to see what is going on here. I'm thinking fast about what I should do or just let her have complete say in this. I remember thinking "thank god he is not bigger than me.

Now I get a really horny puzzled look from my almost naked wife with an almost naked guy behind her. (sounds funny?) Anyway while she is looking at me as he puts his fingers back in and she gets that glassy eyed look again. We are back on track and I am happily getting sucked with a "shy" participant finger fucking my wife.

He pulled his finger out and is tugging on her shorts. J moves her legs to let him remove the last obstacle to her fun tunnel. He is back to fingering my wife as soon as the tunnel is clear! We are again trying to get the best position on her tits. He wants nipple I have figured out, while I am trying for whole tits. He finally pulls his hands away. I see him lay down to the side of her tits. He is getting under her and is now sucking on her tits from below. I think he is getting a good look at the on going blow job too. He seems to be getting comfy down there. I hear him suck hard on her nipples while he is fingering her fun tunnel.


Is J is having fun teaching this class?

So now There are lights on in the other hotel 60 yards across from our hotel, I just noticed that!


I have J on her knees giving me a wife blowjob, she is nude. I'm Happy.

J's project is under her sucking on her tits, and has fingers in her.  Stan's Happy.

J has two males all over her body. J's Happy.

He is moving around still trying to line up under her. She lifted a leg slightly to give him a better position on her fun tunnel,  he took advantage of the leg lift to slide his body under her. I can feel her being moved around by her mouth pressure on my dick. I believe she has straddled him, a leg on either side of his waist. He is in position to do any number of things now. He is sucking her tits and she is humping his leg. This is getting real so I better get OK with it. Who am I kidding I am more than OK with J fucking Stan.

J looked up then started kissing me. The smile told me she was OK but looked a little puzzled. So I held her  and kissed her some more, this I believe put her pussy directly over his face. I did not do it on purpose, but her eyes got suddenly big, she didn't move. She did look surprised.  Her eyes stayed big staring right into me! So I continued kissing her. All the while J positioned her clit over his tongue. At this point she again reached for my dick and stroked it while we kissed. I reach for her tits, finding his hands already using them, he moved his hands away. I guess her tunnel on his face was enough for the moment. The big O can't be far off, I thought. After a few wonderful minutes Stan got up.


I found myself wondering if he was still nervous? I bet he was!

J opened her eyes. Stan moved to sit next to me on the couch watching J jacking me.  SG still looked nervous. J asked if he was OK? She told him to relax. J smiled moving one hand from me to him. Watching her jack two dicks was really hot. He was rubbing on her head and ears and then back to her tits over and over.  She finally leaned toward his crotch, with a grin on that face I saw him slide his cock across her forehead, cheeks and nose then tap her on the chin with that thing saying I saw that in a movie. She laughed as she continued to jack him. She moved to Stan’s glands, Balls in hand she worked on him.That got me to wonder if we both will fit in her mouth. I was told by a voice in my head to Drop that idea.

The party is on


OMG now what should I do, I am thinking hard. I decided to fill her love tunnel from behind before he tries. When I begin  she watched me move all the way around. I was smiling as entered her fun tunnel.. J's legs open for me and pushed back!

At this point He started to kiss her, but she wound not kiss him, she did grab his dick with the one hand she was not leaning on and started stroking him again. She did it very softly as far as I could tell. I thought his dick was only about 2 lengths from her mouth and wondered what she was going to do. He kept getting IT closer to her mouth. She wasn't shy about where he was putting it, and smiled back at me. Boy is he smiling now! J asked Stan if he wanted a blowjob. Stan pointed his cock at her and nodded. J again asked if he wanted a blowjob, you need to answer me. Stan smiled big and said I need a blowjob from you J!

I am rubbing my dick on her muff. Stan again went for a kiss, J moved her head again his dick was right there! J looked around to me and then turned back to him and kissed him a lot while holding his cock in her hand. I saw her eyes and the look was there. She was in the that zone, and knew I needed to fuck her now, so I pushed in.  She went back and forth on me many times. Each time her head went up and then down, up and down. He finally put his hand on her head guiding her to his dick head. (I thought there she is head to head with this guy, Weird mind I guess) she did not pull away like I thought she would after the kiss thing. Maybe because she is being pushed and pulled and fucked from behind by me.

On one of my pushes His head went back and his hands where holding her head down by his dick! She was not trying to move from his dick, I could see movement. J was licking the head! She did that for awhile and smiled real big. "See what you started CJ" she said then the blowjob began. I am rocking my wife’s mouth on another guys dick. J is great at BJ’s and about 2 minutes pass till he holds deep in her mouth to drop his seed.

They began to kiss and she held his dick up and stroked the kind of soft cock. Stan pulled her up a by the butt, they kept kissing each other. He again took her tits in hand.

Watching her kiss the guy with the blinds open forced me to hold deep and cum in her! She knew and push against me till I finished in her. I put my head on her butt and just looked at them. They were kissing and her tits in his hands. J was not slowing down, but I was. I went to the window and looked out but saw no one near us. I went to the light by them and turned it on before getting close to them again. I was just watching in amazement. She was horny, He was horny, I was soft!

She looked for me and pulled me in for some kisses. She had his dick in one hand and kissing me. J told me she loved me more than I could know, but she was going to help him too. Stan had a stupid teen smile as he listened. My mind is spinning. I could not believe this was happening.

I wasn't sure this was right. Stan was sure it was right! J liked the ride so far.

J is kissing me but Stan had her tits.  J kept frenching me as her head moved toward his cock! Slow and deep she kept kissing. Then she slows down and opened her eyes to look in my eyes for what seemed like a minute or two. I thought she wanted to say something, " what is it I said". She answered" I want to sex him"

I did not get what she meant. He got a blow job, what else did she want to do? Stupid me.. I just smiled. She smiled and put her arms all the way around me and began to kiss me again, she also reach down and began to stroke my dick. We are on our knees kissing.  I felt him reach between us for tit, that  was not cool but she leaned back a little to let his hands in there. She pulled away from me turning to him. She started kissing him and fondling his dick, and boy was he hard again. She stood up and pulled him up to her. She now had to kiss up to him. The taller guy had his cock against her belly as he fondled her butt.  She moved him near the window and the chair he had been in at the start.  J sat in the chair while leading him to her and began licking the head of his dick. After a while she started bobbing her head on his dick. He was having trouble standing still or standing as I saw it. I began rubbing her back watching my wife give a "shy" bar friend a blow job!

I didn't know what else to do so I continued the back rub, while watching him make blowjob faces.  She leaned back to tit fuck him with licks on the end each time the dick near her.  J sucked on him as she slid her pussy to the edge of her chair. The BJ slowed down as she moved little Stan toward her fun tunnel.

J's hand placed his cock at her entrance. He he push his cock towards heaven. A wiggle, push, wiggle, push, wiggle and his eyes closed. J started kissing ME while he was sliding into her. She  went back to him and they kissed and held on to each other for the ride he was giving her. Bam bam bam bam is the only thing I remember thinking. He and J did the bam Bam a long time as I watched.

So I am hard again but no where to put it, I start working on it myself.

I also noticed movement at the window.

Stan stopped fucking long enough to get her over the chair and put his dick in from behind! Again Bam Bam Bam, her body was bouncing pretty good now. I went over to her mouth cock in hand, it worked! He pushed her forward and back the right amount to get a great blowjob from my wife.   He was going at her pretty fast now. J had her eyes rolled back in her head as I came in her mouth!  Stan finally shoved in and held it then again one last time and held it in her while he unloaded in her. He just leaned forward and laid on her. Holding her tits and smiling at me.

J gave him all the time he wanted in her before she turned to face her shy "friend’s” cock. J smiled as she began to suck him clean!


I thought that was for me only an hour ago.

Then in a voice for him and J to hear "I thought J's body was only for me an hour ago, guess I was wrong about that." That statement brought a laugh from Stan and a smile from J  while sucking Not my cock.


Stan became our best friend. He thanked us over and over.

Stan, J and I were relaxed and naked! J stroked him as he began to rise for another!

She was ready to do him again! I asked Stan if he had enough? J said nothing as she took his joy stick in hand. CJ, I need more wine how about you Stan?

So the waiter began to supply the drinks for them as she fucked him again! I was sent out to get more wine just before 1:30AM. That made me the only one in clothes.

Returning to the room I got to see her blowing him through the window blinds I had opened earlier. J’s mouth full of cock. Her tits and ass in beautiful view! The other guy watching was drooling.

Ok I'll finish this little bit of the story later.


2022-03-08 11:00:52
Love the fact that you took a shy guy to your room and taught him how not to be so shy any more. Loved the story

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