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In 1969 Kenny Rogers sang the song, Ruby Don’t Take Your Love to Town, written by Mel Tillis, 1967. Lyrics included: It wasn't me that started that old crazy Asian war

But I was proud to go and do my patriotic chore.
In 1969 Kenny Rogers sang the song, Ruby Don’t Take Your Love to Town, written by Mel Tillis, 1967. Lyrics included: It wasn't me that started that old crazy Asian war

But I was proud to go and do my patriotic chore.

In 1969 Kenny Rogers sang the song, Ruby Don’t Take Your Love to Town, written by Mel Tillis, 1967. Lyrics included: It wasn't me that started that old crazy Asian war

But I was proud to go and do my patriotic chore.


My friends call me “Bud.” I am a disabled veteran, live on the outskirts of town on fifty acers, in an old saltbox type home, which I have completed remodeled over the years. The family farm was passed down to me when my parents passed. I am 6 ft., 198 lbs., with graying hair. I try to remain active in my 70s. My wife died two years ago. Really, after that, there is not much to tell – Until now!

Our friend, of over 40 years, called me and asked if their granddaughter could come stay with me for a while until she could find a place of her own to reside. Wen’s granddaughter was hired by our local Veterans Hospital, about twenty miles from our large, wooded, family farm. Immediately I agreed, I would do anything for our long-time friend and fellow veteran. I meet Wen and his wife Jeni in the service, and over the years stayed in contacted, visited them throughout the years, and watch their and son and daughter grow up to be respected members of their community, near L.A. California. Wen and Jeni’s granddaughter, Mei-Li was uncertain about moving out east, leaving family and city live. She was ready to start her life and be out on her own. Arrangements were made, and I would pick Mei-Li up at the airport in less than a month.

The sixty-mile drive to the airport was pretty. Leaves were out on the trees, grass was green, and flowers were in bloom, birds were singing. The air was fresh, not a cloud in the sky. Mei-Li’s mid-day flight should be right on time. Strolling into the arrival area, I heard the overhead announcement that her flight had arrived, taxing into Gate 69A. I pulled out my iPhone and looked at her picture, for the hundredth time, and waited. Her grandparents told Mei-Li, “I would be the old guy, with a cane”, HA HA. Into the lobby walked the most beautiful Asian girl I ever laid eyes on! Light blue blouse, dark blue mini skirt, approached a 5ft. 5inch, 98-pound, mid-back length jet black hair, and a smile that was out of this world. I was the only old fart there, and she walked straight towards me and said: “Pa-Pa-Bud”, dumbfounded, I nodded, and she gave me a big hug. I felt a slight jerking movement in my shorts, a feeling lost over ten years ago, or longer.

“Mei-Li” … in Chinese means – Beautiful.

Chatting on the drive home, we talked how I became friends with her grandparents, and how I watched her mother and uncle grow-up over the years. I never met her father, who had died when she was 14 years old. Without being told, I knew she grew up in a strong Asian culture, just like her mother.

Arriving home, I gave Mei-Li a tour of the house, and upstairs she could pick which of the two bedrooms she wanted and use the other as she felt fit. She told me I could call her Mei, in-turn I said she could call me Bud; she smiled and said OKAY Pa-Pa!

Iced tea in hand, I sat on the back porch overlooking the “low forty,” My six horses were grazing in the distance, my Border Collie was having fun trying to herd the chickens back into the barn, and the ducks swam in the pond off in the distance. I thought to myself how funny it was, I had lots of joints replaced, rods in my back, but my eyesight was still great!

Screen door slammed shut, and I jumped. Mei ran over to me, put her hand on my shoulder and said she was sorry. I was so used to living alone I was startled and stood to greet her. She had on a t-shirt, and short shorts. She was all legs, and looking closely, flat chested. I poured her a glass of iced tea, as I approached where she was sitting, I swore she looked like a teenager. Once again, my cock twitched, and my brain said, dirty old man. I was trying to do the math and think of how old she might be, late twenties, early thirties perhaps. I told Mei, tomorrow I would give her a tour of the town, and my property. She said she didn’t start work till the following Monday, giving the both of us six days to know each other, and the area. Mei couldn’t believe how peaceful it was and no other house in sight in any directions. She seemed so relaxed and as she made small talk I just stared at her long, olive-colored legs and her flat chest. With the evening breeze blowing, her nipples grew like tiny erasers under her t-shirt. She looked like a million-dollar China-doll sitting there! She was a perfect-10. I asked her if she had a boyfriend or husband, and she smiled and said no. Mei said she was to busy with school, collage, med-school to date. Med-School, I asked? There was that smile again, yes, she said; I am Doctor Mei-Li Wu, she said, confidently!

Mei stood behind me, bent over, hard nipples pressing the back of my head, two arms over my chest folded on my chest, whispering: it is time to go to bed. I don’t know where the light switches are she said. Rising from my catnap, I took her hand, and went into the house, turning on lights as we went from room to room. Outside her bedroom door she hugged me tightly, her rock-hard nipples pressing in my chest, kissed me on the cheek, and said good night, Pa-Pa, with her beautiful smile.

My bedroom has two doors, one opens to the living room, the other to the bathroom, on through to the kitchen. The smell of freshly brewed coffee and bacon filled the air. Slowly my sheet was being pulled to the bottom of the bed, and I heard a gasp! Mei was standing in my bedroom, and like every morning my Border Collie – Mac, was pulling off my blankets. His way of telling me time to get up and take him outside. I was on my back, my four-inch soft cock, resting on my right thigh. I’m sorry I said trying to find something to cover up with, I always sleep nude I told Mei. She said, oh it’s not that, you have so many scars! I started to tell her, what each one was, when it dawned on me, here I am laying nude on my bed, talking to a beautiful young Asian woman. Rolling twice to the edge of my bed, I stood and put on my boxer shorts. Mac waiting to go outside. Walking back into the kitchen, was the beautiful young lady that greeted me, standing there in a muscleman t-shirt, and sexy lace tong underwear. My cock that had not been hard in almost seven years, twitched again in my boxers. I sat down, and she poured me a cup of coffee. Bending over, I could see those perky nipples, on her stunning flat chest. Her areola was dark and the size of a quarter. Her nipples were bright pink. I wanted to touch them so badly. My wife was 38-D cup, and those tits sagged to her belly.

I stood got the plates and silverware then dished up the eggs, bacon, toast and served Mei. I turned to fill my plate and she said Pa-Pa, I turned, and she motion me back to where she sat. I hadn’t noticed that my cock had peeked out of my boxers. Hands so soft, she took my old cock, and placed it back in my boxers, patted it a few times, and smiled. OMG what just happed, I thought. Less than twenty-four hours and my friend’s granddaughter had her cold smooth hand on my cock. Turning to the stove, my cock was twitching, yet never changed its size or shape. Sucks being old!!!

Midmorning we walked down to the barn. Mei kept saying how fresh smelling the air was, and peaceful and seclude we were. I grabbed her hand and pulled her to me with such force her tiny thin body bounced off my arm. Her eyes said it all, then I pointed to the big pile of dog shit she almost stepped in. Arching her body, she kissed me on the check and said, “Thanks Pa-Pa!” I pointed out the horses and their names, the chicken coop, my three tractors, their attachments, as well as other knick-knacks in the barn. As I reached to open the gate to the stable, I realized we were still holding hands. Releasing her hand, I asked Mei to open the gate. Once open, the horses walked calmly out to the pasture. Leaving the barn, we walked down to the pole-barn near the house. Mei took my hand and walk so close our arm touched as we walked. Her smooth skin against my arm had my brain thinking of lustful thing I would do to this young beauty, if I was only ten years younger. WOW, Mei said as I opened the side door. Inside were six antique vehicles ranging from a 1927 Ford Model A to a 1946 Dodge pickup truck. Running around like a child, Mei ran from one to another, sitting in the driver’s seat, calling out zoom-zoom. Hand-in- hand we walked back to the house, entering through the attached three-car garage. Come on, I will give you a tour of our small town and the area, I said. Driving around I couldn’t help but at her long smooth legs, jet black hair, and her adorable face. What an elegant beauty she was!

Backing the two-year old SUV in the garage, Mei and I entered the house. Inside I turned to Mei and handed her the keys. It is all yours, I said. She leaped into my arm, wrapped her arms around my neck, legs around my waist and kissed me on my lips. I was supporting her with her tight round ass held in both hands. Startled she dropped to the floor, turned, and ran upstairs, calling out from the third step, that she was So Sorry. Outside I climbed on my side-by-side driving to the trail that circled my entire property. I had to focus; Mei was my longtime friend’s granddaughter. Fuck I am a dirty old man!

Two hours passed as I walked up and sat on the back porch. I heard talking in the background, as her voice got louder, Mei handed me a glass of iced tea, while still talking on the telephone, she went back inside. She was talking in Taiwanese, and I didn’t understand one word she was saying. Forty-five minutes passed, then Mei walked outside and sat in a chair across from me. I could tell she had been crying. Pa-Pa, I am so sorry, I was just so excited, I do not know what made me do that again I am so sorry, she said. Darling, I am pleased to make you happy, I am so proud of you, I said. You don’t understand, you are the first man I have ever kissed! Old man you mean, I interjected. We both laughed. No need to be sorry, it has been a long time since I kissed such a beautiful woman, I enjoyed that kiss very much, I said. Tears flowed down Mei’s checks, as she said, you mean it. Trying to lighten our surroundings, I laughed and said: the kiss or being so beautiful? The Kiss!

My weather radio peeped… announcing severe thunderstorms, and high winds for our area later that evening with wind guests up to 85 MPH. Walking to the barn I called the horses and started closing the barn windows then the doors. Horses secured in their stalls, we gave them food and water. Walking back to the house Mei wrapped he arms around my, pulling herself close to me, she said she was scared. We are fine, let us lock the screen doors, go inside, and go to bed. Mac ran in the house and followed Mei upstairs. I could smell the rain in the air, and off in the distance hear rumbles of thunder. Drifting off to sleep, I thought about the kiss, Mei’s strong legs clamped around me, and her tight little ass in my hands. My hands were trying to bring back life to my aged old cock, I could feel my cock twitching, but nothing more. Damn! I wanted to jack-off so badly!

Three a.m. the wind was holing, lighting flashing turning night into day in a fraction of a second. Clasp of thunder was deafening to one’s ears. Total darkness, the power went out! Mac entered my bedroom, followed by Mei holding a small flashlight. Pa-Pa I am really scared, can I sleep with you, she asked in a soft voice. Of course, you can darling, holding up the sheet so she could climb into my double bed. Mei shown the light on my nude body before turning it off and laying down next to me. I could sense she was laying there stiff as a board. I rolled onto my side and tried to sleep. Bolt of lightning, huge bang of thunder which shook the house, scared her so badly she was hugging me very tightly. Mei’s right leg was over mine, her right arm tucked under mine, grasping my chest pulling me into her. I could feel her warm breath on my neck, and her rock-hard nipples pushing into my back. Relaxed I drifted off to sleep. I was awakened by a smooth tiny hand on my cock. Her fingers circled my soft flaccid penis, stroking it, at time playing with my balls. Fuck, that felt so good, to have such a young beautiful Asian girl playing with my cock. Deep within my balls, I could feel my cock twitching, yet it lay there just as soft as could be. Sucks getting old.

Mumbling something, Mei stretched, grasped my cock tightly, relaxed, and rolled onto her side. She must have been asleep the whole time she was caressing my cock and playing with my balls. I rolled with her, and she ground her tiny ass into my cock. Spooning, her lace panties felt wonderful on my cock. I reach under her t-shirt, which had ridden up to her bellybutton, and touched her nipples. She was indeed flat chested, but those soft nipples felt wonderful under my fingertips. I rolled one between my thumb and forefinger feeling it turn rock hard. I moved to the other one, as it too stiffened in my hand, a faint moan except Mei’s lips. Alternating between each nipple, her moans came from deep within her throat, and her body trembled along my nude body. Mei’s body stiffened, and she twisted onto her back, my fingers never leaving a tit. My cock was now pressing against her hip. Like a young boy with blue balls, my cock was twitching to escape its old prison of softness. Slowly I lowered my left hand to her flat tight tummy, stopping at her waistband of her thong panties. My mind was racing, just how far should I go, and what could I get away with? Softly I ran my fingers over her lace panties, toward the intersection of her tightly held thighs. Stroking up and down ever so slowly I was rewarded with a deep low moan. Adding a slight dancing motion of my fingers, I moved from her waistband to the V between her legs. Another moan, and I was rewarded with her legs slowly moving apart. Slightly rubbing and tapping Mei’s mound her legs opened even wider. My dancing fingers paused at her waistband, and I thought, should I? Easing under the silky material I was met with some long soft hair. Adding more fingers, I soon had my entire hand inside her silky thong panties. They were so tight, I was afraid I would tear them, if I moved around to much. Spreading out my fingers, I discovered, the smooth hair, was formed into a landing strip pattern. My middle finger rested on a hard little button. Ever so slowly I moved my finger over the hood that covered her clit. Taking a deep breath, I slowly moved my middle finger, up and down and side to side, her clit was growing harder under my touch. Mei moaned, reached down, put her hand over mine, rolled onto her side, drawing my hand to her t-shirt clad tit.

The sound of the rain, and the wonderfulness of holding a body next to mine, brought sleep to me. Mac, like ever morning was pulling the sheet off was his way of saying wake up and let me out. Facing the ceiling Mei was cuddled tight against me, her head was on my right shoulder, her right leg was across my body, under her thigh, her hand had a death grip on my soft cock. She was waking up. I one swift motion, I pulled her on top of me, both hands grasping her firm tight ass. I started to gyrate under her, forcing her pelvis down on me. With a slight moan, Mei lifted her head, I said good morning darling and kissed her on her forehead. Mmmmmm good morning she said, then shirked, pulling her right hand off my twitch cock. Oh My god, I am so sorry, she said with a startled voice. I had moved my hand up to her shoulder blades, holding her tightly on my upward facing nude body. Her big brown eyes looked deep into mine, her pelvic was grinding on top of my cock also. Kissing me, she said, I can’t, and I am sorry Pa-Pa, and rolled off me. Her head remained cradled on my shoulder. Tear drops flowed onto my chest, shifting her body, she looked up at me, grasping my cock she asked doesn’t it get hard anymore? It has not been hard in over five years I whispered to her. Why? Darling you’re the doctor you tell me. A heavy mass of black and white hair pounced on us, causing us both to laugh… Mac wants out!

Following weeks were a normal routine of Mei leaving early and returning late as she settled into her new job. While running errands I stopped at our local VFW for lunch and was greeted by my buddies. I pulled up a chair, and all the war stories started rolling off their tongues. Our pal Ray walked in, joined us, saying he just left the VA hospital. Hans sitting at the far end of the table, shouted, hey Ray did you see that new Asian doctor? No, why he replied. What a beauty, Hans said. I’d FUCK the hell out of her if I could. Another old timer spoke up, yea I saw her walking down the hall last week, damn good looking “gook” I’d fuck that tiny ass any day. WOW, that got the table shouting, and beers were ordered. I knew the New Doctor was not of Philippine, Korean, or Vietnamese descent. Danm old vets, most were already ten sheets to the wind, and it was just two o-clock. I finished my burger, and Coke and headed home.

Riding my horses, were two high school girls who often stop by to ride and give the horses a workout. Nancy rode up to the fence yelling “HI”. I turned watch those perky 36B tits bouncing in her bikini top. Nancy and her friend must have been swimming, tight abbs, tan bodies were on full display. Knowingly teasing me, Nancy slowly open and closed her thighs against the saddle, allowing me to glance at her clean-shaven pussy. Nancy was always a big flirt and loved calling me gramps! My riding days were long over twenty-five years ago. She was welcome anytime, and I told her she could only bring one friend with her, without asking me first. Last summer, she rode off by herself. From the house I noticed she rode back and forth at the far end of the pasture. With binoculars in hand, she was nude. No one, but me, would have seen her, my nearest neighbor is a mile in any given directions. Of course, she knew I’d be watching.

Mei came dragging into the house, back and feet hurting, and she was on her feet most of the day. She smiled, said this is a three-day weekend Monday is a holiday yea know. I am going to take a long hot bath, she said, pulling herself up the stairs. I the middle of cooking dinner, I heard Mei calling for me. Yes darling, I said through the door. I need a clean towel she called back. Lightly tapping on the door, I said cover-up I’ll set it on the counter. Don’t be silly, come in her, she said softly. I entered; there she was in all her gorgeousness relaxed laying in the tub. Thanking me, I turned to leave, she said, sit down I want to talk to you. I am so pleased to be her, Mei said. I don’t want to leave, if it is okay, I’d rather not look for my own place to live, can I stay with you? Of course, darling, you are my adopted granddaughter, and I would love to have you around. I get lonely in this big house alone, I said. Mei went on to tell me, that in L.A. her mother, and her lived with her grandparents, in a small apartment, packed tightly in a city of thousands of people. You know our culture, don’t you she asked. My upbringing was very strict, I would be disowned if anyone knew you and I were talking, while I lie nude in front of you, smiling! I love these open spaces, and freedom to do what you want. Pa-Pa you sleep nude, and walk around nude and no can see you, or I bet wouldn’t even care. This is so new to me. Darling, if I offend you, please tell me, I said. Oh my gosh, never ever she said with a beautiful smile. Dinner is almost ready, turning to leave. Wait, Mei almost yelled, standing, she handed me the washcloth, please wash my back. I knelt at the side of the tub. Bar of soap in hand I washed her back. Mei’s skin was so soft, moving lower on her back, I started to wash her tight tiny little ass, just inches from my face. My cock was twitching, I wanted to lean forward and kiss her ass. Dipping the washcloth in the warm water, I used my other hand to rinse off the soap. I washed one leg, leg and the other, then rinsed them as well. I kissed each ass check, causing Mei to giggle, the lightly smacked her ass, there darling all done. Hand me the towel, she said, turning around. Thick black pussy hair was inches from my face. I stared at her pussy, I could smell the freshness of the soap, and her body combined. I started leaning in, my tongue was in position to lick her cunt, when Mei, cleared her throat, towel please, softly she said. Looking up into her smile, and bright brown eyes as she towered above me. Um, excuse me, I would like to get out now. I was kneeling (bad idea) in front of the toilet and wall. Fuck, I almost screamed, there is no way I can get up. You must be kidding, Mei said. I twisted on the throw rug, then laid on my side. Darling, step over me, and open the bathroom door. As she did, I looked up to see her pink pussy twice, as Mei got out of the tub, stepped over me and open the bathroom door. NO WHAT, she said. I knew she was frightened. I crawled out into the hallway towards the steps. Twisting on my back, I moved feet first down the steps. I was able to grab the handrail, sit up, pulling myself to my feet. Smiling, I turned to Mei as she ran to, hugging and kissing me. On the second step, were now the same height. Both hands were on her ass pulling her close to me. A finger of each hand was touching her pussy lips, as her tiny tight ass check rested it the palms of my hands. Arms tight around my neck, she pulled away from our kiss. I smiled then said: that is why I never get on the floor. She started laughing. Mei’s body jiggled as she laughed, and one figure, slipped between her short pussy lips, resting on the gateway to her cunt. Damp, warm, and ever so tight, I raised me finger, as the first digit entered her pussy. Little pecks on my lips, as we laughed, allowing me to insert to the second digit. With a come-her movement in Mei’s cunt, I was moving inwards and upwards of her hot moist cunt. The expression on her face, that of startlement, cause her to break the hug, spin and swiftly run to the bathroom. I am so very sorry, I yelled as the door slammed shut!

Fuck, I did it again… you dirty old man.

Crap the soup on the stove must be boiling, and I walked into the kitchen. Stirring the soup, I removed the homemade bread from the oven, and set the table. Unknowingly I was sucking on my middle figure, as Mei walked into the kitchen. Mei, I am…She shouted back to me, I DO NOT WANT TO TALK ABOUT IT! We ate in dead silence.

I retired to the porch, iced tea in hand, petting Mac on the head. Fuck, I did it again. What a dirty old man she must think of me, as I was telling my best friend. On and on I went, loading on my best friend, how I am a jerk, and an ass hole. Mac sat there with his head on my lap, listening to me rant and rave, how I am such a dirty old man!

Soft, genital arms, wrapped around my neck, then a warm kiss on my check. The whisper in my ear, said: No, you are not! Mei moved around me, and sat on my lap, Mac backing away. How long have you been standing behind me, I asked softly? Long enough, Mei said, leaning in and resting her head on my chest. I grabbed the soft fuzzy faux fur throw blanket off the chair beside me, wrapped Mei in it and held her in my arms. I am so sorry Mei, I guess I am just a dirty old man! You felt so magnificent, warm, soft, as your nude lay in my arms. This old man is………. Mei was breathing so content in my arms. I wonder how long she had been asleep; did she hear anything I was rambling on about, I thought.

The next morning, Mei and I went for a walk, around the pond, in the back forty. Far from the house, there in the back pasture, was Nancy riding my horse, and of course nude. Who is your friend, Nancy asked? I told Nancy, she was my adopted granddaughter, and both girls smiled. As she rode on, Mei asked, does she always ride nude? Just way back here, and I pointed to Nancy’s clothes hand on a branch one hundred yards or so away from where she was riding. I told Mei, I spend a good deal of time nude, as I am a naturist. There is no one around for miles, I told Mei, that is why Nancy rides back her, kind of like nude sunbathing I said, with a little laugh.

As we walked, Mei told me about her culture, her sheltered life, and never touching her twenty-eight-year-old body. You never masturbate, I asked? NO! I shared a bedroom with my mother, at my grandparents’ house, and we slept with our clothes on. Reaching out to hold my hand, she looked in my eyes, and told me how much she really liked the way I have touched her. My grandmother told me, sex was for making babies, period – Mei told me! Turning at trails end, Mei started removing her clothes. Can we walk back halfway naked she asked? Removing my T-shirt, and shorts also, we turned and walked back slowly. Mei, I told her, when I am outside, I always keep a pair of shorts or something nearby, just in-case. The sun feels so lovely and warm on my body Mei said. IT SURE Does, I said, honestly telling her just how lovely she looked. Approaching the corral, Nancy turned the horse back over to us leaping off. Mr. Bud, that is more like it, she said giggling! I introduced Mei to Nancy and they each said, HI. Whatever goes on, on this picturesque property, stays right here, Nancy said. Mr. Bud and I swore on that secret many years ago. I walked over to the teenager, and whispered in her ear, turning red, Nancy took a step back. What the fuck, tell me you are joking. As I leaned forward Nacy took a step closer, and I whispered some more. That is a lot to ask, Nancy said. Kissing me on the cheek, she said, I will see. Mounting the horse, the both of us got a clear view of her pink, shaved pussy. As if in slow motion, Nancy slowly arched her leg up and over the saddle, ridding off.

OH-MY, looked as she did that on purpose Mei said. Reaching for her hand, we walked back home. House and barn insight, we stopped, dressed, then walked on. Have you and Nancy ever, HELL NO I almost shouted. Nancy is my friend’s daughter, a year out of high school, nineteen years old. . The thought has never crossed my mind, I said, almost pissed at Mei’s forethought. Nancy was sitting on the porch with two additional iced teas, in a white tube bra, and short shorts, both of which left little to my imagination. Sun had approached late afternoon, when Nancy said she had a wonderful time, and was heading home. OH, there you are, Mei said. We lost you. I was doing some minor tractor maintenance I told them. Durning dinner Mei told me again how shy she was due to her upbringing, and cultural difference between our two countries. CRSH came thunder and a bolt of lightning. Damn that was close, we lost power too! Mei was hugging me tightly. I lite some candles, Mei followed me to my bedroom. I stripped and got into bed; my guest did the same. BOOM and Mei jumped onto my chest. Hard nipple pressed into my chest, and soft pussy hair tickled my cockhead. Her body was trembling, I wrapped my arms around her back and pulled her body close to mine. I’m scared she whispered. I lifted her body under her shoulders and pulled her naked body upwards. Hard eraser size nipples, my tongue started a dance around one, then the other. Easing Mei down onto lips, I sucked on a nipple. Equal play I would life her body, shifting the other nipple into my month. Sucking, slight biting, tongue dancing soon I had Mei moaning. Mmmmmm Ooooo—Hhhhh, Mmmmmm, don’t stop, that feels so good. Mei’s hairy pussy was now gyrating on my belly bottom. Lifting herself, those big beautiful brown eyes look deep into me, as she said, I never knew my tiny titties could feel so good. I rolled her onto her back, while suckling a nipple. I brought my hand up to her other tit rubbing her nipple between my thumb and index finger, even at times rubbing her flat tiny tit, with the palm of my hand. Ohhhh mmmmmm myyyyyyy Goddddd, that feels wonderful, please don’t stop, Mei moaned. I moved my hand and brought her hand back up to her tiny tit, and whispered in her ear, you try it. I sucked, nibbled, and danced my tongue over her nipple, while watching Mei play with her other tit. My cock was twitching pressed against her leg, but that soft fucker would not get hard, holly fuck. I lowered my hand over her pussy, applying some slight pressure, I moved the palm of my hand up and down and in circles. I whisper again in her ear, tell me when to stop. Radiating heat under my hand Mei had a deep moan, and she was totally relaxed. Ever so slowly, I kissed her neck, her nose, eyelids, sucked on her earlobe, Mmmmmmmmmm, Oooooooooooo, and slowly she spread her legs. Kissing her lips gently, I repeated the kissing pattern. My middle finger, parted her tight warm pussy, resting in-between her quivering pussy lips. Like an inchworm, my finger slowly dipped into her moist pussy. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Myyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy, Mei moaned. I increased my speed, and she drew her feet towards her tiny tight ass, allowing her legs to part even wider. Moaning deep within her chest, Mei started slowly raising and lowers her hips off the bed. Her eyes closed, laying almost weightless, her moaning lasted longer, my middle finger was damp the palm of my hand rotating with slight pressure on her pelvic area. With slight upward movement I found her clit, bringing my finger to Mei’s lips, I pressed then lightly against them, and she opened her mouth and sucked, returning my moist fingers to her clit, her hood pulled back, her clit grew harder with my playful movement. My tongue entered her parted lips, and our tongues started a slow dance. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm don’t stop, Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeee don’t stop Mei moaned. Dampened by her own pussy juice, I was now rubbing her clit hard and faster. Yelling something in Taiwanese, her ass shot up into the air, her entire trembling, Mei yelled really loud. I lowered my fingers into her wet pussy, as her legs slammed shut on my hand. Soon her breathing slowed, as her legs mowed outward, releasing the death-grip on my fingers. Mmmmmmmmmm that was wonderful! Was that an orgasm, Mei asked? I am sure it was. Then it was my FIRST!

I lightly kissed; her closed eye lids, her ear, neck, each nipple, working my way to her navel. Then I got off the bed, kneeling on the floor. I pulled, Mei towards, until her ass was at the edge of the bed. I lift her legs, up and over my back. Kissing her inner thigh, around and below her love hole, onto her other thigh. Across my shoulders her legs began to tremble. Her womanhood smelled wonderful and so inviting. I licked the outside of her tiny pussy lips. Reaching over her thighs, I opened her pussy, and my tongue darted into her cunt. Tongue-fucking her pussy, rubbed my nose on her clit. Low deep moans came from her, as her legs tighten against my head, like a vice. Each of my fingers, pushed back her hood, and exposed her tiny clit. My entire mouth replaced my hand, as I devoured her clit. The tiny button grew, and I sucked hard, and darted my tongue up and down her clit. I inserted first on finger, then two, slowly finger fucking Mei. Mmmmm Please don’t stop, Ohhhhh mmmyyyy that feels so good, more I want mmmmmoooorrrrrreeee, she was moaning deep within her throat. Twisting my wrist, I started the “come-here” movement. OooooHhhhhh, F U C K, I am going to cuuuummmmmm again she yelled, clamping either side of my head with her legs, Mei lift her ass off the bed, I could feel her clit quivering on my tongue, my fingers were wet, and so warm as her pussy began the fuck my hand. OoooooHhhhhhh her it comes again, I moved back slightly as I wanted to witness her cum drippling out of her pussy onto her light brown asshole. Mei’s heals dug into my back, as she arched her body off the bed. I ammmmmm c u m i ngggggggggg as she showered my entire face with warm, sweet-smelling shower of cum. She placed both soles of her feet on my shoulders, pushing herself back onto the bed. Sitting up, as her breathing slowed, Mei said with a hand clasping her mouth, Oh I am soooooo sorry. For what, I asked, her cum dripping from my chin. I, I, I, just peed all over your face. No darling, that is we call squirting! This isn’t pee, I said, whipping my face with two fingers, and placing them in my mouth. You just had on hell of a mind-blowing ORGASM; did you enjoy it? Mmmmmmmmmmmm, I have never, and I cut her off, walking towards the shower, join me, I asked?

We slept peaceful all night long, hard nipples pressed into my back, soft pussy hair brushed my ass, and a hand help my twitching cock throughout the warm summer night. For an old fart, I was in heaven.

I dished up the eggs, bacon, hashbrowns on to two plates, sitting the table. Mei walked in with just her silk tong panties on. On her tiptoes, wrapping her arms around my neck, she kissed me, and said Thank You! I the warm morning sun was shining through the kitchen window, as if I was standing in a spotlight. Mei stepped back tracing a figure, across my scars, circling me, her soft hand ran across, four indentations on my back and my upper left leg. I have never…. Its okay I said. Three of the four bullets were removed, I said. Smiling I said, and yes over the years, both shoulder, hips and knees have been replaced. The other scar on my back is where the rods were put in, fifty some years ago when the bullets and other metal was taken out of my back. I am here today, with a smile, let’s eat I said. Mei started asking me about Viet Nam as we ate, I changed the subject telling her I had many errands to run in town today, and she should just enjoy the peace and quiet before she returns to work tomorrow. Waving goodbye, I said: I should be home by dinner!

Accomplishing everything I need to do, I drove up the driveway noting the time, it was 4 pm. Hummmmm earlier than I thought. Stepping out of my truck, I saw Nancy’s vehicle parked near the barn. That’s odd, I thought, as all the horses were standing close to the corral near to the barn. Nancy, are you heading home, I asked walking into the barn. Not a sole around. I walked back to the house. I saw no one, oh well maybe the girls went for a walk. I went out and brought in six shopping bags. Items needed were put in the refrigerator. I walked into the living room and sat down. Thinking about the orders I placed today, and when the grange would deliver, my thoughts were interrupted by a faint noise coming from upstairs. Again, it was like a soft moan. In my stocking feet, I slowly climbed the stairs. Stopping just outside Mei’s room the moaning was a little louder. The bedroom door was ajar, I could see nothing from where I was standing. I slowly eased the heavy oak door open. I’ll be, Nacy and Mei were sitting nude opposite each other. Dildos of different size and shape were laid out on the bed between them. Nancy was whispering softly to Mei. I could see Nancy’s “C” tight perky boobs standing straight from her chest, they looked so different up closely. With a nod of Mei’s head, the mutual masturbation started. Dildos slid smoothly in and out of each pussy, with a knob to vibrate their clits. Silently I stood, opening the door, watching the show before my eyes. Nacy pussy was shaved, and Mei’s cunt showed a runway strip of trimmed hair above her pussy. Toes curled, as moans got louder, as the woman came at the same time. Slowly drifting down from their organic high, when their eyes opened, I was standing beside the bed. Oh, Hi Bud, Nancy said, you are home early. Is this what you whispered in Nancy’s ear yesterday, Mei said. I couldn’t believe this old fart asked me to teach you how the get off Nancy said! How long have you been here, I asked Nancy? L o n g enough for each of us to cum four times……. together, she said with a beautiful smile. Gathering her toys, placing them in a bag, Nancy stood up gather her clothes, and said I am going riding while the summer sun is still warm. But wait, Mei said, what about this one? It has been in your wet slipper cunt …. You keep it Nancy said. You have gone from a shy young woman to a slut in less than a month, said Nancy! Giggling walking by me she flicked my soft cock into the air. Sad so sad, you dirty old fucker, you can’t even get a hard on. Oh well, two bad she said once again, running down the steps, two at a time. Depressed, I turned, I will go start dinner, but wait Mei said softly….. its okay. She is right you know; I am just a dirty old man!!!

Eating our dinner, Mei asked: how long has it been? Hum …what…. Since I fucked anyone, I said rudely? I meant since you got a hard-on, she said. Thinking for a long time, I drew some invisible numbers on the old wooden table with my finger. I would say 30 years, …. yep 30 years easily. We spoke ever little that night, even Mei slept in her own room.


I week latter things were the same; Mei working, and me putzing around my property. Returning from town, then running the hedgehog, feeding the horses, I was exhausted. I wanted nothing more than a long hot shower, a bite to eat and sleep. Mei was cooking dinner, ginger fried rice, with three eggs on top became one of my favorite meals. With her beautiful smile, she said: please eat first and shower latter. I washed up, sat down and we enjoyed our dinner, chatting about her new job, and my schedule for the week. Mei asked me if I could do her a favor. Well of course, darling, anything – just ask. Mei looked at the floor for a moment, then those bright loving brown eyes bore into my own eyes. Tomorrow can you come home at sunset, doing something during the early afternoon, less stressful… like fishing, she said! Sure, can I ask why? “NO,” she said with emphases on that word, ‘no!’ Okay, but if I catch any fish you got to clean then, I said smiling as I walked out of the kitchen. After a long hot shower, I sat out on my screen-in-porch, pondering what tomorrow would bring. “Bud”, again softly I hear those words “Bud,” wake up. I opened my eyes, and it was pitch black outside. Mei’s dark silhouette stood in front of me. Slowing lifting my arm, she told me it was one o’clock. Arm-in-arm we walked to my bedroom, then it was 9am, sun shining in my bedroom window. Fully clothed, I walked in the kitchen. Then note next to the coffee maker read; see you at 7pm with a huge smiley face drawn on the paper.

I arrived home at 6:50 pm, so I drove into the garage and sat in my truck until seven. I walked through the screened-in porch, then the kitchen. Standing in the archway of my dining room was Mei. Oh My God! She was even prettier than I could ever imagine. Mei wore two pigtails on either side of her head, a light brown sleeveless T-shirt, and matching pair of short-short gym shorts. My cock was twitching in my blue-jeans, I swear she looked twelve. Without speaking, she took my hand and lead me into my bedroom. Blinds down, curtains closed, thirty scented candles illuminated my bedroom. She unbuttoned my shirt and dropped to the floor. Those big bright loving brown eyes starred into mine. Unbuckling my belt, down came my zipper, Mei dropped to her knees and pulled down my paints. Sitting me on the edge of the bed, she took off my socks, then my boxers. Gently patting the center of the bed, she motioned for me to lie in the center. As if I was her pet, her hand singled me to roll over onto my stomach. Soft genital air blew from her mouth as she blew out every three candles, leaving ten lite, systematically placed around the bedroom. I turned my head and watched my perfection of a China Doll undress. As if in slow motion, Mei climb on the bed and straddled my legs, resting her soft lightweight hips just below my ass. Warm concentrated oil dripped down my spine. Mei leaned into me and started massaging my back. A deep moan slowly escaped from deep within my body. Her hands were so soft yet very strong, as she kneed my muscles. She shifted her position lower, resting on her haunches above my knees. Pulling a towel closer, Mei unwrapped four round large black stones placing them down the center of spine. Mmmmmmmmmm I moaned, as the hot rocks were put in place. More warm oil dripped on my ass checks. Mei massaged my ass checks, running her finger deep into the valley, my ass hole was not forgotten either. Ooooooo, Mmmmmmmm, OH MmmmmmYyyyyyyyyy excaped deep in my throat, as those soft hands, kneed my ass. My cock was twitching. F U C K it sucks being old, my mind was telling me. Turning, Mei sat on my shoulder blades, removed the heated rocks and applied the heated oil to my thighs and calves. Reaching for my feet, Mei’s body flatten on my back I could feel her hard nipples, press into my ass checks. As she massaged my feet, caves, thighs, Mei’s nude body slid up and down my back and ass. Mmmmmm the weight of her body sliding across my back and ass, felt so wonderful. She added more oil into the crack of my ass, as it ran down and over my balls. Two soft tiny hands gently rolled my balls around, and my soft cock’s underside was pressed into the sheet with the palm of her hand. Oooooooo Mmmmmmmm, Oh F U C K that feel so good, I whispered. Light pressure was added to my mushroom head, as Mei softly said, not another word, or I will stop! Turning again. Her right knee went between my thighs, forcing my legs apart. Stretching, her slim smooth body rubbed against my back, as she massaged my neck, her pussy slid up and down my left, oil covered leg. More warm oil was poured on my back. Mei flipped over, with her feet on either side of my knees, Mei push and relaxed her legs as her nude back slid up and down my own. When Mei’s ass checks meet mine, she’d my small gyrating motions, pushing her nude back up over mine. Lifting herself, I felt a tap on my shoulder, knowing it meant roll over. I flipped and faced upwards, instantly a blindfold was placed over my eyes. My oiled cock was twitching in the excitement that I knew would soon follow. Each arm was lifted, oiled, massaged, and placed outwards from my body. Delicately tiny fingers, moved softly over my ears, face and neck. A L O N G deep moan came deep within me. I have never felt so refaxed in my entire life. Mei was well trained in the art of body massage. The heated oil again was poured all over my chest, a small amount puddled in my navel. Her tiny hands began to rube all over my chest, slightly twisting my nipples with her finger until each one pointed straight upwards. Rocking forward and backwards, the palm of her hands, move in harmony from my pubic hair up to my neck, circled my breast, even small pressure was added to my navel as each one passed over. Mei got up and I felt her leave the bed. Sounds like a lid being lifted from a pan, came from somewhere beside me. My entire body jerked, as the first HOT stone was placed just about my cock resting on my pubic mound of thin graying hair. I soon relaxed and my ass and back rested softly on the bed. Placing the next stone on my navel, middle of my chest, then under my chin. Oh F U C K, that felt so good. If I was only thirty years younger. Soft tiny hands lifted my right leg, bending my knee as the bottom of my foot rested on the bed. That warm oil was drizzled on my kneecap, running to my ankle, as well as my thighs. Sitting near my foot, Mei massaged my entire leg. Both small, yet strong silky hands rose up and down the outside of my leg. Her thumbs found my trigger points and pressed deep into my muscles. As the old saying goes; it hurt so bad it felt good! The next leg got the same smooth massaging care. Slight pressure pushed each leg outward. The heated stones were lifted gently off my chest and placed somewhere on the edge of the bed. A generous amount of heated oil was poured onto my pelvic bone, and I felt it flow on either side of my cock, and into the crack of my ass. Mmmmmmmmmm that felt so F U C K I N G GOOD! Palms of each hand pressed on either side on my cock, fingers met and danced around my pubic hair area. Each thumb, apply slight press my taint. Both Mei’s hand pushed inward, the area surrounding my cock. Both thumbs moved in unison from the base of my cock to my anus. I have never in my lifetime ever felt anything so wonderful. I could fell my limp cock twitching, as if to say; fuck you old man! Mei wrapped one hand around the base of my ball sack, where the sack meets his taint. She stroked from the base of my testicles up to the head of his cock. Once Mei’s hand got to the mushroom head, she would repeat the motion with your other hand. OH MY FUCK, it was best thing I have ever felt in my entire life. Her thumb stayed moving up and down as I felt a finger applying pressure to my ass hole. Saturated with the heated massage oil, my ass opened willingly as her finger slowly slid into my ass, first one knuckle, then another, then her entire finger was up my ass. Mei’s left hand was moving up and down cock, as if jacking me off in slow motion, as her right hand fucked my ass. Leaning forward, Mei’s shoulders spread my legs further apart. Her finger stopped resting on my prostate gland. I felt a warm breath on my cock. Her warm digit was moving in circles on my prostate. Blindfolded, and fully relaxed, I was at the mercy of this beautiful slim China Doll. I have never had anything up my ass, Mmmmmmmmmmm this felt sooooooooooo goooooood. I was moaning. Mei’s tongue was making small kitten lapping motions over my pee hole. HOLLY FUCK, I have never….. Straighten legs, more warm oil was poured on my chest. Laying on my chest, her arms under my shoulder, Mei started sliding up and down. Her nude body felt so wonderful, her hard nipples glided freely over my nude chest. Turning she eased back, positioning her pussy over my face. The warm oil had a rich vanilla aroma as did the scented candles burning around my room. I open my mouth and extend my tongue. Mei moved her cunt over my mouth, pushing upwards till her clit hit my nose. It was then I knew she have shaved her pussy. Tiny as she was, she had to reach with her hand to tease my cock and balls, while she fucked my tongue with her sweat, wet, warm pussy. Pulling her body towards my feet, she took my mushroom cock head in her mouth. Lightly sucking, her tongue danced circles around my limp cock. She pushed upwards again, with her hands pressed against my chest, she had sat up onto my waiting hard tongue. I moved my arms around to grab her waist, but she batted them away. I was tongue-F U C K I N G her pussy. Her nails dug into my chested and my mouth was filled with her hot cum, almost causing me to choke.

The next half hour, Mei slid her silky body over mine, head-to-head, head-to-toe. I ate her warm gratifying, sweet smelling, cum soaked pussy. Mei, played with my cock and balls, time to time taking each in her mouth. My whole body and mind felt as though I was in my forties again. EVERY sensors throughout my body were alive, and alert to her sensual touches. Repositioning herself, my gorgeous young China Doll was now sitting on my flaccid cock, facing me. Leaning forward she removed the blindfold. With her finger to her lips, Mei gestured for me to remain quiet and look into her eye. By now, only the largest candle was burning. The entire room smelled of vanilla and Mei’s womanhood streams that had and were oozing from her cunt! Leaning slightly to her left, Mei took my cock and began stuffing it into to her relaxed, wet, hot pussy. Those big, beautiful eyes looked deep into my sole to say she had a pretty smile on her face would have been an understatement! Her pussy accepted about three inches of my seven-inch soft cock, as Mei sat straight up, with both hands on my shoulders, she bent forward and kissed me. She braced herself a few inches above my face, and I felt her interior muscles tighten and looses on my cock. Mei’s body never moved, yet it felt as her wet cunt was gently jacking me off. Leaning forward rest her weight on her forearms beside my ears. We started passionately kissing and moaning. My body became ridged, and my toes curled. I wrapped my arm over her back, pulling her deep into my soul and mind. OH F U C K I moaned, and my cocked jerked inside the “Fucking – Cunt” I had one hell of an O R G A S M !!!!!!!!!!!

Stirring I could smell the fresh brewing. The note next to my coffee cup read:

I will see you tonight.


Love Mei.

Oh, and sorry… please wash the sheets.

***** TO BE CONTINUED *****

Please tell me what you think.


2022-04-02 00:24:45
Oh yes yes ,part two soon I hope xx


2022-04-01 08:39:40
Very good story I would like to read the rest of the story .


2022-03-16 06:51:39
Spelling would help, more paragraphs, too.


2022-03-10 18:35:07
The use of quotation marks denoting conversations would greatly enhance your story.

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