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After a reality check about her relationship with Trevor, Tegan finds herself in a new world of trouble
Welcome back to the main story thread. The spinoff story I was in the process of writing has been abandoned. Despite my best efforts to salvage it, it was not working and felt overly convoluted and unsatisfying to write. If you enjoyed the Bahamas stories I am sorry, but they’ve been removed and may be considered apocrypha.


Tegan walked up the steps to Trevor’s apartment, a bag of groceries in one hand as she juggled the keys with the other. While they’d never formally established a relationship, they had a number of standing date nights during the week and tonight was her turn to cook, while they hung out and watched Netflix until they inevitably gave into desire. Trevor was more than happy to fuck her senseless and she was more than happy to let him. It was a comfortable lifestyle for both of them.

She inserted the key into the lock of Trevor’s apartment and gently edged the door open. The constant rain of the last two weeks had caused everything to be constantly damp and the wood had swollen and the door had begun to stick, so she gave it a nudge with her shoulder and accidentally barrelled into the small studio. Discombobulated by the abruptness it took her a moment to process what she was seeing, but when her thoughts caught up with her as Trevor grunted with a final thrust against the upturned cheeks of a tanned blonde woman whose scream of pleasure was muffled by the pillow she had wrapped her face in as Trevor filled her quaking quim.

“Oh fuck!” Trevor exclaimed as Tegan watched in shock. His cock expelled another jet of semen against the strange woman’s thighs as he ungracefully dismounted her and the woman lifted her head in confusion, letting out a startled cry as she noticed Tegan in the open doorway, gathering up the pillow and hugging it to her body to hide her nakedness.

“What the hell – who the hell are you?” she demanded.

“No one important.” Tegan responded, dropping the groceries on the floor and pulling the door shut behind herself as Trevor surged towards her, before he could stop her leaving. She was halfway down a flight of stairs when she heard it pop open again and Trevor’s insistent voice follow her down the stairs.

“Tegan, wait!”

She didn’t answer, but hastened her steps to get back outside as quickly as possible. She hesitated in the doorway once she reached the ground floor, taking her umbrella out of her bag and shaking it out before deploying it. The door burst open behind her, Trevor having clad himself hastily in a pair of exercise shorts.

“Tegan!” he said insistently.

“What?” Tegan asked passively, surprising herself with her calmness.

“I’m sorry.” Trevor said after a moment’s pause. It didn’t seem like he really had a plan when he dashed after her. She wondered what the blonde was thinking, left alone upstairs. Tegan was tempted to ask ‘for what?’ but didn’t really feel like having a whole conversation, so instead she pivoted into monologue mode.

“Trevor, you’ve been clear from the start you aren’t interested in a relationship, nor did either of us claim exclusivity. That would be pretty hypocritical of me, all things considered.” She laughed a little at that. “I thought we were, but that was never a rule. I would have appreciated a heads up that you had plans tonight, but that’s more of an issue for you and her.” Tegan punctuated the last with a flick of her head towards Trevor’s apartment as she held out her hand and deposited something in his as he reflexively reached for it. “Here’s your key, so I don’t make this mistake again.”

“Tegan, don’t be mad.”

“Do I sound mad?”

“You’re acting mad.”

“I’m leaving, Trevor. Because you have to get back upstairs and explain to…” she waved her hand vaguely, inviting Trevor to fill the blank.


“…to Beth why a strange woman with a key to your place walked in on you banging.”

“Nah, I get it.” came a voice from above.

Both Trevor and Tegan looked up to see Beth standing on Trevor’s tiny balcony wearing one of Trevor’s t-shirts, which on her smaller frame served as a fairly respectable dress, leaning over the rail taking a drag from an e-cigarette, the corona of the blue LED partially obscuring her face.

“What?” Trevor asked incredulously.

“I’m not bothered if she’s not. This was a casual thing right?”

“Right…” Trevor admitted cautiously.

“So are you gonna come fuck me some more or do I put my knickers back on?”

“Go on. We’re good here.” Tegan deployed her umbrella and patted Trevor playfully on the arm and made her way down the street.

Her own apartment was only a few minutes walk away – part of the reason she chose it – and she used those minutes rolling things over in her mind. As a self-confessed and even proud slut, she had no business telling Trevor who he could and couldn’t bang, but she did feel a little betrayed nonetheless. Mostly she felt annoyed at herself, as she’d spent weeks, approaching months, exclusively hooking up with Trevor and letting it become a routine. The sex had over time become more vanilla, though that didn’t make it any less mindblowing. But she realised that ever since moving out of the share house she didn’t really feel the same anymore, like there was something missing. She became aware of an itch that the more she thought about it she really needed to scratch.

Once safely inside and out of the rain she shed her damp coat and dress and flopped on her bed with her phone, musing over her options. She was sure Angus and Sam would be up for some depravity unless they’d found themselves girlfriends, Brandon and Yeong were also an option. Plus there was Zoe, or Candy and James. She thought about Jackson but quickly dismissed it – too much history, now that she’d ‘defeated’ him. But then she remembered why she’d gone back to Jackson in the first place, and felt idiotic that she hadn’t thought of it sooner.

As she opened her email app to begin to compose some thoughts a new message arrived, diverting her attention, and she began to read. As she lay on her bed, her free hand unconsciously began to stroke her lower belly and move downwards, creeping into her panties, as she gradually eased her frustrations and faded off to sleep.


She awoke abruptly to the door to her studio being thrown open. She barely had time to let out a startled cry of alarm in her dazed half-asleep state when multiple people pinned her down and stuffed a cloth gag in her mouth, followed by a blindfold being pulled over her eyes and knotted tightly behind her head. She let out a muffled yelp as several strands of hair were caught in the knot and torn from her scalp. Her hands were cuffed behind her back, and only then was she dragged out of bed, strong hands under her armpits. She had no idea what time it was, how many hours had passed since getting home from her truncated visit with Trevor. She’d gone to sleep only in her panties after coaxing herself to a soothing orgasm and she was embarrassingly aware of her almost complete nudity and the feminine musk that likely wafted from her as she was dragged helplessly. Her directional sense was confused by the blindfold but there was no question that she was being taken from her apartment. She grunted into her gag in protest but there was no response from her kidnappers as someone took her by the knees and she was bodily carried down the stairs and out of the building. She was laid down on something firm but soft and she heard what seemed to be heavy doors slamming shut before an engine rumbled into life and she sensed motion. So, in the back of a van of some kind? She took slow, deep breaths as best she could, her ability to breathe limited by the multiple cloth barriers between her and the outside world. Her captors had said nothing so far, her abduction carried out with practically military precision. She again reflected on the fact she was clad only in a pair of moist underpants, her nipples hardened from a combination of the cold night air and fear. As she slowly came to her senses she tried to open negotiations.

“Mmm mmph?” She began.

“Do we need to knock her out?” a rough voice asked from near her feet.

“Not in the spec.” Another voice answered from somewhere toward the front of the van. Probably the driver. “Take the panties though.”

“Nice.” The first voice responded. She felt fingers hook into the sides of her underwear and tug them down. Instinctively she squeezed her thighs together but all this did was pinch the gusset briefly, forcing the material to stretch before eventually sliding off her slim legs anyway. She felt a finger probe gently between her lower lips and grunted in protest again.

“She’s got a cute little pussy.” The voice quipped, ignoring her.

“No sampling the goods before we get there.” The driver interjected.

“Ah, come on.”

“What are ya, a fuckin’ teenager? Jerk off if you can’t wait.”

“Fuck you.” The first voice said dejectedly, but he did stop taking advantage of her restrained, naked body.

A little more time passed in silence, each time the van stopped she waited for the sound of the engine stopping and doors opening but apparently they were only stopped at lights again. She felt lightheaded and sleepy but adrenaline kept jolting her awake. Finally when the van did reach it’s destination she was bodily carried out again. She thought she could hear gravel crunching under the feet of her captors as they apparently passed through an outdoor area to an indoor one. When they set her down on her knees it was on another firm just yielding surface, maybe a yoga mat, or something? She went limp as she was uncuffed and manhandled, puzzling in silence as she felt clothing being pulled onto her unresisting body. When she was apparently fully dressed in what felt like tight-fitting lycra panties and shirt with a skirt wrapped around her waist and zipped closed, she was laid down on a hard surface with her hands cuffed under her somewhere. She imagined herself lying on a bench of some kind.

Once she was re-secured someone removed the gag from her mouth.

“Wha-” she began, but was answered with a sharp slap that stunned her into silence. A strong hand gripped her jaw and forced something else into her mouth, another gag that sat between her teeth forced her jaw open wide. It was buckled securely behind her head though thankfully didn’t snare any of her hairs this time. She tested the object with her tongue and found it had an opening in the centre, which would accommodate a fairly sizeable object. She had no trouble guessing what.

Finally, the blindfold was removed and the bearded face on an older man glowered down at her.

“Listen cunt, I promised my boys a reward for winning tonight’s game. Play along and I’ll ensure you get home safe again.” She recognised his voice as the van’s driver.

Tegan blinked incomprehensibly in the bright lights, casting a quick glance around. She was clearly in a locker room, and given the context of what the man had just said, presumably one attached to some kind of sporting arena. And a team of young athletic men were on their way to violate her. The man slapped her again to get her attention back.

“You got it?” he shook his head “Ah, who fuckin’ cares if you understand.” The man dropped his sweatpants and straddled the bench from above her, presenting her with an underside view of his thick veiny cock and heavy balls before he pushed his semi-hard cock through the gag into her helpless mouth. She let out a muffled grunt of protest but nothing stopped the egress of the shaft past her well-trained gag reflex, his balls smothering her nose as he started to fuck her throat, growing to full hardness as he took advantage of her vulnerability. He groped her small tits through her shirt for awhile before bunching the material up to expose them and tug roughly on her nipples.

Just as she was on the verge of passing out for want of air, tears pricking her eyes, the man buried himself deep and she felt him flexing and pulsing, the familiar aroma of semen filling her senses as he shot a hot load directly down her throat into her belly, her muscles automatically milking him.

“Ahhhh, good girl.” The man said condescendingly as he pulled out of her, leaving her coughing and spluttering as he pulled up his pants and left the room.

Left to herself for the moment Tegan assessed her situation. She lifted her head as best she could and saw she was dressed in what appeared to be a cheerleader uniform. Her, a cheerleader! The very thought was hysterical. She didn’t recognise the team the uniform was supposed to be for, but that was the least of her concerns. It didn’t match the colours strewn about the locker room. Ah. She was the taken property of the soon to be defeated opposition. The scenario suddenly made sense, if nothing else.

Her thought process was interrupted as she heard the sounds of cheering men making their way towards her, and heard them filing into the room.

“This is it boys.” The coach’s voice announced as they entered the room. “I told you I’d make good!”

“That’s one of their cheerleaders?” one person asked dubiously. Tegan couldn’t help but concur.

“Yeah, I think I recognise her. That’s Becky isn’t it? Morris’ girl?” Countered another. There was a general murmur of agreement, and apparent malice towards ‘Morris’, whoever that was.

“Well she’s all yours, just try and get done before midnight so she ain’t missed.” The coach said guardedly. Tegan swivelled her head around and found a clock on the wall, getting a sense of the time for the first time since she’d gotten back from her aborted dinner with Trevor. Apparently it was only nine-thirty, which meant they expected to keep her here for at least the next two hours. And there was nothing she could do about it.

“Well no time to waste then! I’ve been abstaining for a fucking month.” One voice said as one of the players approached her, stripping out of his uniform and straddling the bench below her. She could smell sweat and grass and mud. Some of the other players had left the room and she could hear showers going. How considerate.

“Unnngh. Unngh.” Tegan said pleadingly, looking up at the man above her as he looked down at her with a mocking smile.

“I can’t wait to see the look on Morris’ face when he finds out we all had his girl.” The man grinned wickedly as he reached under her skirt and grabbed the side of her lyrica panties in both hands, tearing them viciously along the seam and pulling them down her other leg, throwing them away. His eyes drifted hungrily down to her vulnerable cunt and slipped his thumb into her slit, massaging her clit as his other hand fondled her little exposed tits.

“Nnnnnngh!” Tegan protested again, trying to pull away from him, but there was nowhere to go. The man pushed a finger inside her, and then another. Tegan knew what he was going to say before he said it.

“Damn, you’re already soaked. You fucking slut.”

The next thing she knew he was on her, pushing her legs back against her chest and pinning her to the bench as his rock hard prick parted her soft folds and slid into her tight tunnel.

“Aaaahn!” Tegan cried, fresh tears of shame welling in her eyes as the strange man sank into her and began to thrust. He was right that she was well lubricated, ready for him. Her body was willing regardless of how the rest of her felt. He took a few slow strokes to find his rhythm but it wasn’t long before he was fucking her with merciless abandon, his hips slamming against her skinny thighs.

“Damn captain, you still going?” One of the other players had emerged fresh front the shower, cradling an erection on one hand as he dried his hair with a towel in the other.

“You think I’m some two pump chump?” the man fucking her retorted breathlessly. Despite his attitude he was clearly on the verge of finishing.

“Hey, dump your load down her throat!” bellowed the coach from across the room. “Don’t make your team play their postgame in the muck as well!”

“Unh, fine!” the captain grunted as he reluctantly withdrew from Tegan’s pussy and grabbed her hair to bring her ring-gagged mouth in line with his cock, his spurting against her tonsils before he could make it all the way down her throat. The second guy was already fucking Tegan’s freshly flowered snatch, spreading her lips open with his thumbs as he sank into her warm depths. Tegan panted as her throat was clear of dick again and the captain went off to hit the showers, the man started clumsily thumbing her clit as he fucked her, thankfully more gently than his captain had, but this only gave Tegan the presence to remember than there were at least a dozen more waiting their turn.

The process repeated with mechanical, well trained efficiency. Each time the man was about to finish he’d shove himself in her open mouth and pump another thick load down her throat. Several times she came, guttural moans issuing from deep within her, and each involuntary orgasm was punctuated with a round of cheers and congratulations for the team member that forced it out of her.

She lost track of how many men fucked her, she didn’t know how many there were or if any of them took seconds. It all blurred together. She was reasonably confident she’d been forced to swallow at least fifteen loads. She snapped out of her daze when the last man lifted her bodily from the bench so she was balanced on her shoulders, fucking her wheelbarrow style with his fleshy tip bottoming out inside her, his thick shaft somehow still managing to stretch out her well-used hole.

“That’s why he’s the MVP, lads!” the coach urged and another cheer went up. Apparently the ‘MVP’ had had to wait until last so that he would have the singular privilege of cumming inside her without having to switch to her mouth, and she felt him explode against her battered cervix, his thick cream boiling against the deepest reaches of her fucktunnel. Once he was done twitching inside her he laid her back down on the bench and slowly withdrew, dismounting the bench and throwing up his arms with another triumphant yell.

Fucked into submission Tegan could only lie panting, a small comfort that at least it was now over, though her jizz-filled stomach twisted in knots wondering what would happen to her next as the coach knelt by her to unlock her cuffs.

“Ok boys… now the second half.”

Tegan let out an incoherent panicked yell as she was hauled off the bench and thrown back onto it face down, the coach quickly locking her cuffs again. There was only one reason why that could be happening, and her prediction came true without delay. Someone – there was no telling who – straddled the bench behind her and took her forcefully by the hips, lifting her into a half standing position though with her hands cuffed under the bench she was forced to remain pitched forward, scanning the crowd of leering faces desperately, her head spinning as she felt something push up against her anus.

Before she knew it, his lubed-up cock was inside her. She tried to clench the muscles to resist the invasion but it was hopeless, and if anything only made her assailant more determined to worm his way in.

“Fuck yeah!” he growled, gripping her hips as he sodomised her, his dick plunging deep into the velvety recesses of her back passage. Tears trickled down her cheeks as her body quivered with fear and shame as his forceful and sudden penetration made her come again. As much as she usually enjoyed it, part of the appeal for her was the vulnerability she felt when letting someone inside her ass. Having that vulnerability impressed upon her after already this group of strangers had already run a train on her opened up an emotional chasm inside. They were all going to take her again, defiling her most secret place.

Thanks to the refractory period they all lasted longer in her ass than they had her pussy, and this time they didn’t pull out, content to fill her ass with their seed one after the other. They took turns helping to hold up her trembling, exhausted body so she could be taken more easily, sometimes the men waiting would use her gaping mouth to keep themselves primed, buried deep in her gasping throat, their large hands wrapped around her small chest, toying with her swollen nipples as they patiently waited for their turn to violate her.

Once again the ‘MVP’ took his turn last, opening up her already aching butthole. She let out a plaintitive wail as his girth stretched her tired sphincter, his huge phallus pushing into the gooey mess left behind by his teammates. She could feel something running down her thighs and assumed it was a mixture of cum and pussy juices, but her pelvic region was such a blur of pleasure and main, movement and contracting muscles, that for all she knew she’d pissed herself. If she had no one mentioned it. The savage assault went on for what seemed like a long time until finally the man pulled out of her. She hadn’t felt him cum and realised his plans trying again to pull away as he moved in front of her – but as had been the case all night there was nothing she could do as he gripped her head and shoved his cock through the gag. She mentally recoiled as he shoved himself down her throat, tasting the combined spunk of all the men along with her own ass as she choked on him, her muscles convulsing around the intruder which probably only served to help him along as his shaft flexed and pulsed, delivering another fresh load of cum direct to her stomach.

If Tegan had hoped that was the final indignity she was mistaken. After he had finished cumming he kept himself inside her, and just as she began to wonder why, she felt his cock contract again and let out a muffled noise and tried to pull away as she realised his next move. Her realisation notwithstanding, his grip was too firm and nothing she could do would stop the torrent as he released a bladder full of piss down her throat. The acrid stench of urine filled her nostrils as the hot liquid coursed its way into her stomach, adding to the respectable reservoir of semen. When he was done pissing he released her and she fell against the bench, retching, coughing, gasping for air as the team again cheered in triumph. Whoever ‘Becky’ and ‘Morris’ were, these guys must really fucking hate them.

She barely noticed as she was uncuffed and ungagged, her dry heaving gradually settling as her stomach came to terms with its contents. She blinked blearily as she was led to the showers and placed gently in the corner of the communal shower area. She expected to be rinsed off under the showers as if to remove the evidence of what had taken place over the last few hours, but once again her realisation was lagging a few seconds behind reality. As she looked up to try and understand her new whereabouts she realised she was surrounded by the team, all of them dicks in hand and aimed squarely at her.

She threw up her hands to shield herself but encircled by them as if by a firing squad it was useless. They all unleashed their hot streams of piss, hosing her down. Most of them directed their golden beams at her face, her eyes and mouth screwed tight as the fluid soaked her hair and cascaded off her pale freckled skin, but she also felt it splashing off her little tits with the lycra top still bunched above them, as well as between her legs. When it finally subsided there was no part of her that was not thoroughly saturated.

Apparently now finally done with her, the men filed out of the shower area back to the locker room, presumably to dress and leave.

As she huddled in the corner mostly naked in a pool of urine, gathering her thoughts she looked up to see the coach standing over her. He wordlessly held out a clear toiletry bag with a few essentials, which she took from him, and he left.

Tegan gingerly got to her feet and went to the nearest showerhead, adjusting the water and just stood under it for a long time, letting the warm water cleanse her passively before she peeled off the ‘cheerleader’ top or made any effort to wash herself with the items provided to her. Once she was done she left the shower area where the coach offered her a towel and directed her to the bench where she had so recently been restrained. An old grocery bag was sitting there, where she found a change of clothes – from her own wardrobe – as well as her house keys and phone, which had been fully charged.

She dried herself and dressed while the coach stood by. He was watching her, but didn’t seem to be doing so in any kind of perverse way. He was simply present and observing. Once she had finished dressing the coach wordlessly gestured towards a door which he preceded her through and held open for her, as if her were some kind of gentleman.

Expressionless, she walked outside and found herself in a parking lot. She jumped slightly startled when she saw the van that had presumably brought her here, but the coach directed her to another car, a large sedan, opening the back door. She slid into the back seat as the coach circled around the car and entered the driver seat. Neither of them spoke as he drove. Once she recognised the area they were in and was confident they were headed back toward her home she took out her phone and went to her email to find a new message waiting for her, asking a single question.

After a moment’s thought she tapped her phone a few times, submitting a rating of 4.5 stars out of 5, then put her phone down and turned back toward the window.
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