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This is chapter two of a two part (maybe more) story. Comment if you would like to see Emma and Noah's story continue. Thanks.
To Sensitive Men - Chapter 2

by Fenris420

One year later.

The house was dark and quiet as we lay in bed, Noah’s arm draped over me, his body pressed against my back with his soft cock nestled against my ass. We had just finished making love and we were both resting, recovering, before our passions stirred us into another session.

We were in a different house, in a state halfway across the country. After the night I seduced my son and changed our lives forever, I began looking for places to relocate to. If we were to have a relationship as lovers, we needed to make a fresh start. Although we had lived in a big city, too many people knew me as Noah’s mother and almost all of Noah’s friends had met me as well.

First, I changed my name to Kramer, my maiden name. Then, fortunately, I found a job quickly and with my savings, we moved to a small, suburban community with a small college in the nearby city. Noah began attending college and we settled into our new life as the young college student and his hot older girlfriend.

In that time Noah and I had slowly begun to figure out our new dynamic. It took a few weeks for Noah to get comfortable with calling me Emma and to see me as, first and foremost, his woman. But he was stepping up to the challenge quite well and it made me wonder sometimes if I would have adapted so quickly were our roles reversed.

I will admit to some loneliness from a social standpoint. Keeping our secret meant we couldn’t get too close to any of the friends we had made. Our neighbors were decent enough with only one middle-aged, bible-thumping couple, Mr. and Mrs. Jensen, who seemed to generate 90% of the drama on our block. Yet, we needed to keep things at arms length because the stakes were too high. In the end, all I really needed was Noah so I was happy.

Noah nuzzled my neck. He had taken to calling me ‘Em’ much of the time and I found it irresistibly cute. “Em” he began. “Yes, babe?” I answered with closed eyes, savoring the warmth of his body and tender touch.

“Can I get your thoughts on something.” It really was amazing how fast my son had grown into my co-partner and not just a submissive extension of the boy he had been. I encouraged his assertiveness when it came to our relationship, nurturing the belief that he was my equal and to communicate his desires freely.

I rolled over to look at my beautiful man and studied his face. God, I love him so. He gathered his thoughts for a moment and then explained what was on his mind.

“With spring break coming up, I know you were planning on taking some time off so we can have a real vacation together. You know, just us but…” Noah paused and I sensed a big ask coming. “I’m listening.” I encouraged.

“They’re doing some maintenance on the dorms at school, fumigating or something, I don’t know. Anyway, do you remember Nichole? I think you met her once.”

“Which one was she?” I asked. I remembered the name but couldn’t picture her.

“Asian-American… Japanese ancestry I think, really cute, smart, blue hair, kind of extra but really funny. She’s a good person. Good heart.” Noah offered. I shook my head as I still couldn’t recall meeting her.

“Well, anyway, I was talking to her yesterday and it turns out she doesn’t have anywhere to go… she can’t afford to go home and doesn’t have the money for a rental. I was thinking of offering the spare bedroom, if that’s okay. It would only be for the Break.” Noah said hopefully.

I couldn’t resist teasing him a little “This better not be some attempt at getting me into a threesome.” giving Noah a mock suspicious look before breaking out in a big smile at Noah’s mock look of shock.

“No chance of that. Nicole’s lesbian. The only one in danger would be you.” he said with a wink and kissed my cheek as a cute bribe. I laid a gentle hand on Noah’s face. “You are so sweet, babe. Of course, she can stay with us. It’ll be interesting to have another teenager around the house.” Without needing to I added “No wild parties, though.”

“Emma!” Noah protested. He knew I didn’t really mean it and started tickling me, both of us laughing until the tickling turned to caressing and then groping and soon followed by a vigorous hour (I may be exaggerating) of pleasuring each other with multiple orgasms (that part’s true).

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Day one - Monday - Meeting Nichole

With my time off starting the next day, I had arrived home from work about 30 minutes prior when Noah, with Nichole in tow, walked through the front door. I walked up to Noah and gave him a hug and a kiss “Hi, babe.” before turning to Nichole and giving her a hug. “Hi, Nichole. Welcome. Su casa and all that.”

“Thanks, Emma. Call me Nicky.” Nicole said as she took a quick look around the small home. “Nice place. Hey, thanks for doing this, by the way. You guys have really saved my ass.” she added.

“Not at all, our pleasure.” I replied. Noah started walking to the spare bedroom carrying Nicole’s duffel bag for her. “Your room’s this way.”

Nichole nodded to me and followed Noah. I went to the kitchen to grab some drinks; orange juice for Noah and iced tea for me. A minute later Nichole and Noah came back and I asked Nichole “Can I get you anything to drink? We have orange juice, iced tea, Pepsi, iced tea, um… 2% (milk), and water. I can make some coffee, if you’d like.”

“Pepsi’s good, thanks.” as she sat at the small counter. Noah joined me, slipping his arm around my waist and giving me a quick kiss, saying “I love you.” I immediately responded “I love you.” and returned his kiss.

Nichole was looking at us with a bemused face. Giggling she stated “You guys are adorable! Gotta say, Noah. When you said you had a hot girlfriend I thought that was all rose-colored glasses, but damn, dude.”

After I got home, and just before I had ordered the take-out pizza, I had changed into my skin-tight yoga pants and a cutoff, short-sleeve sweatshirt that gave just a hint of under-boob. My long dark hair was tied in a perky pony tail.

I looked over my shoulder to Noah who leaned back saying “I never said ‘hot’. I’m pretty sure the exact word I used was ‘gorgeous’.” before leaning in to give me a lingering kiss. I could hear Nichole stifle another giggle.

Turning back to Nichole I asked ”Pizza?” to which she replied enthusiastically “Food of the Gods? Absolutely!”

As if he read my mind, Noah grabbed the car keys asking me “Fillipo’s?” I nodded and said “Should be ready by the time you get there. Drive safe.” “I will.” he said as we kissed and said our ‘love you’s’.

After Noah had left, Nichole turned to me and leaned on the counter. “So, Emma. How’d you guys meet?”

Noah and I had decided to keep our backstory simple and based partially on reality. “Noah was working at a coffee shop that I liked. He was there most days and was just so sweet and charming when we talked. There was just something so different about him.” I smiled.

“How’d you ask him out?” Nichole asked.

“What makes you think I asked him out? Maybe he asked me out.” I said, impressed that Nichole had sussed out that detail so quickly. “Emma. Have you met Noah?” she said with a ‘you kidding me?’ look. I chuckled.

“Fair enough. It was kind of a spur of the moment thing. I was sitting there one day, thinking about all the assholes I’ve dated and thought, ‘Why not try a nice guy for once.’ And then I told myself ‘The next nice guy I meet, I’m asking out.’ That’s when Noah walked up to take my order and so I asked him out right there. We hit it off and that was it.”

“So, how old are you?” she boldly asked. I raised my eyebrows. “Oh, come on. It’s just a number.” she said smiling.

“I’ll be 34 in June.” I said truthfully, taking a sip of my iced tea. Now Nichole’s eyebrows shot up before she broke into a Cheshire cat smile. “Damn, girl. You fine for 33. I would’ve guessed 26, 28 tops.” She appeared to be thinking and said “You’re almost old enough to be his mom.” and then laughed at the idea.

Nichole took a gulp from her Pepsi before she asked “So, how long have you been together?” I was thinking how much about us that Noah had apparently refused to share with her. Again I answered with the truth; lies being notoriously hard to keep track of. “About a year.” I answered vaguely.

Disbelieving, Nichole exclaimed “A year? One. Year. You two act like an old married couple. Daay-yumm. Never would have guessed that.” I felt I needed to explain why. “Well, I don’t know what to tell you. It’s like we were made for each other.” Which, again, was the truth. Nichole only repeated to herself. “One year.”

It wasn’t long before Noah returned with the pizza and between the three of us we made short work of it. By this time the sun had set so we were all gathered in the living room to watch TV, Noah and I on the sofa and Nichole in one of the side chairs. We weren’t really watching TV but were casually talking. We were all well past our second beer.

“So, are you dating anyone Nicky?” I asked. “Anyone special?”

“Not right now. I had a girlfriend back in high school, but they’re hard to come by in this podunk town. Not one goddamn gay bar for 100 miles.” she sighed. “No one at school?” I asked. “Nah. Bunch a uptight locals. A few of them are lezi’s but they haven’t admitted it yet.” Nichole sighed again and then chuckled.

Trying to be helpful I offered “Well, school won’t last forever. Once you’re out in the big wide world I’m sure you’ll find someone.” I was propped against Noah with his arms wrapped around me as I stroked his hands and arms.

After a while there was a lull in the conversation when Nichole suggested a game of Truth or Dare. We all were feeling pretty loose after a few beers so we all agreed, much to Nichole’s delight. We had a couple of rounds of rock-paper-scissors to determine who went first, second, and third.

Noah went first. “Um, Nicky! Truth or Dare.” Nichole picked “Truth.” Noah thought for a bit and said “What’s your favorite class?”

Nichole burst out laughing. “Aha ha ha ha! Oh my god! You are so bad at this, Noah! Aha ha ha ha ha! Oh my god!” I was stifling my own laugh as well. I looked over my shoulder to Noah who was blushing. “What? I couldn’t think of anything.” he said trying to defend himself. I half turned to him and gave him a reassuring kiss saying “You’re so cute.”

Nichole’s favorite class remains a mystery to this day.

It was my turn next so I thought for a minute and hoped I would get an answer to a question I had on my mind since about a year ago. I felt I pretty much knew the answer but it never hurts to be sure. “Noah.” I began. “Truth or Dare?”

“Truth.” he said. I was 99.9% sure he would pick truth. I sent a private wish into the cosmos and asked Noah. “Will we be married…” I paused. Noah was hanging on every word. “…within the next two years?”

“Ooooo, snap, buddy! She’s got ya there. You gotta answer, dude. Tell the truth, ya gotta tell the truth!” Nichole said egging him on. Noah glanced at Nichole and then looked at me. I knew what he was going to say because it was written all over his face. He answered simply “Yes.” And kissed me softly.

“Boom! Done deal! You heard him, Emma! Start sending out the invitations!” Nichole laughed. She was really enjoying herself and we were having fun too. Perhaps Noah and I should have more people over. Nichole was next and I was smiling, anticipating what crazy question Nichole would come up with. I was only slightly terrified what Nichole might consider for ‘Dare’ so I had already decided to pick ‘truth’.

“Um, okay. Ummmm. Emma!” Nichole said with a devilish twinkle in her eye. “Truth or Dare.” I said “Truth.”

Gleefully, Nichole asked, her eyes wide with anticipation. “Emma. How long have you been fucking your son, Noah here?”

My heart froze and my face dropped. I sat up and looked at Noah with bewildered horror. “Mom, I nev…” Noah started to say followed by a load smack as he clamped his hand over his mouth and his eyes wide with shock.

Looking between me and Noah, Nichole’s eyebrows raised high with surprise and then she smiled joyfully.

“I knew it! I fucking knew it!” Nichole shouted with laughter. “Dude! You’re fucking your m…”

I panicked and shot off the sofa and ran to my room. “Emma, wait! Noah, I’m sorry!” I heard Nichole say, the humor having left her voice. I slammed the bedroom door and burst into tears. “No, no, no, no.” I kept repeating to myself. Noah opened the door and quickly embraced me, wrapping me in a cocoon of his young, strong arms, holding me upright while my whole body trembled with fear.

“Noah, what are we going to do? What are we going to do?” I pleaded in a desperate whisper. Noah went into full-on protector mode. “Shh, shh, shh, Emma. It’s gonna be alright. It’ll be fine.” I don’t know how he was staying so calm. This was a disaster. I didn’t blame him for his slip up, or even Nichole for asking the question. Why had I panicked like that? I should have brushed it off, laughed it off, or just lied. I should have denied, denied, denied.

“Noah, I could go to jail! We both could!” I said which set me off sobbing, my face buried in Noah’s chest as he held me, rocking me gently. “No one’s going to jail, Em. Calm down, sweetheart. I’m not going anywhere. You’re not going anywhere. It’ll be alright.” He reassured me.

It was a minute before I heard Nichole’s voice at our bedroom entrance. She was stuttering and clearly upset. “E… Emma, I’m sorry. I don’t know why I said that… I… sometimes say things without thinking. I… I… I’ve got no filter… I think it and it comes out. I’m so, so, so sorry.”

I was hiding in Noah’s cocoon but I turned my head and looked at her over Noah’s embracing arms. “I would never… I’ll never tell anyone, I promise. I’m so stupid!” Nichole pleaded. I could only look at her with deep hurt and humiliation on my face. “I’ll get my stuff and go. I’m so, so sorry.” Nichole said as she turned to leave.

It was Noah who spoke up. “Nicky.” he said sympathetically. “Where are you going to go, huh? Just stay the night. We can sort the rest out tomorrow. It’s been a long day so, let’s all get some rest and talk in the morning. Okay?” Just hearing his voice, so calm and soothing while he held me tight made it seem not quite the disaster that it appeared to be.

Nichole looked at me. I stared for a moment, then put my head on Noah’s chest and nodded my approval. Nichole didn’t say another word and left. A few moments later I heard her bedroom door close.

I looked up into Noah’s eyes, my sadness reflected in his worried eyes. “Noah…” I started to say but he cut me off. “Some night, huh?” I sighed and softly said “Some night.” Then my son, my dearest treasure, the love of my life, guided me to the bed. I just wanted to be taken care of at that moment and Noah was there to protect me. Tenderly, lovingly he undressed me. He lifted the sheets and tucked me in. A few moments later he slide his naked body next to mine and again wrapped his arms around me and told me it was going to be alright. I drifted off to sleep feeling protected. Worried, but safe.

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Day two - Tuesday - Nichole’s Nightmare

We were both awakened suddenly by screaming coming from Nichole’s bedroom. I looked at the clock. It was a little after 3 in the morning. Not even bothering to put on our robes, both of us rushed to see what was wrong and burst through the door. I flicked on the lights and saw Nichole thrashing in her bed, arms flailing at some imaginary monster. I reached for Nichole’s flailing arms. “Nichole! Nichole, wake up! It’s okay, you’re okay.” I tried to reassure her.

Nichole’s eyes were darting around the room and she let out another blood-curdling shriek when she saw Noah, naked, in the door way. She was trying to back away and pushed herself against the wall. “No, no, nonono.” she kept repeating. I waved for Noah to leave. “I’ve got this, honey. Go back to bed.” With a worried look, Noah nodded and left.

It was a few moments before Nichole blinked and seemed to realize where she was. She abruptly threw her arms around me, trembling. “I got you, hon.” I said reassuringly. “Nightmares?” I asked. Nichole nodded her head on my shoulder. After a minute she released me but still had her hands on my arms. “You okay now?” I asked. She gave a tentative nod but when I stood to leave she pulled at me and said in the voice of a frightened little girl “Don’t leave me. I… I… don’t… I don’t want to be alone.”

“Well, do you want to sleep with us?” I asked but she quickly shook her head. She was looking at the doorway where Noah had been standing. Then, it dawned on me. “Oh. Do you want to stay with just me?” I ventured. She nodded her head. “Alright, give me a minute, hon. Okay? Just stay here for a sec.” She nodded timidly.

I walked back to our bedroom and found Noah wearing his robe. He handed me mine. As I put it on quickly I explained what had happened and what Nichole wanted. Noah was puzzled though. “She’s afraid of me?” he asked. “Well, not you personally, baby. I think it’s any man right now. Whatever trauma she’s had in her past has messed her up.” I said.

“I’m sorry, baby. Would you mind taking her room tonight? Nicky will sleep with me.” I sighed. “Of course. It’s the least I can do.” he said, understanding. Then he added “I’m sorry about all this. I didn’t think it would…” I cut his apology short. “No, don’t blame yourself. It’s no one’s fault. Like you said, we’ll sort it out in the morning.”

With that I gave Noah a hug and kissed him to show him my gratitude for his understanding. “Um, why don’t you wait in the living room for a minute until I get Nichole to our bedroom.” My wonderful man just said “Of course. Good idea.” and gave me another kiss as we said our ‘I love you’s’. Noah headed to the living room while I gathered Nichole and led her to our bedroom.

I cuddled Nichole in the same way Noah had done for me just hours ago. Nichole was asleep almost immediately while I lay awake, wondering how things had gone sideways so fast. Worry for the future kept me going until, exhausted, I finally dozed off to a fitful sleep.

In the morning I woke to find Nichole gone from our bed. Groaning, I rolled out of bed, put on my robe and headed to the kitchen. Nichole was sitting at the counter while Noah was making breakfast.

“Morning.” I sleepily said as I went to give Noah a hug and kiss. As I was yawning Noah handed me a cup of coffee with my usual dash of cream and a touch of honey. “Careful, it’s hot.” he said. It’s exactly these little things that are so endearing and small reminders of how much Noah loves me.

I blew on my coffee and took a careful sip as I stood at the counter, opposite Nichole. “Sooo, I guess you’re wondering what that was all about last night, huh.” Nichole began.

“You don’t owe us an explanation, Nicky. Everyone has secrets and they’re no one’s business but their own.” I offered, hoping it didn’t come off as an accusation of her accidental discovery of our secret.

Of course I was curious and, at a certain level, felt Noah and I deserved an explanation. However, I had instilled in Noah a belief of personal responsibility and to respect others privacy. It would have been hypocritical to everything I believed and taught Noah to demand Nichole explain herself now.

Noah was silently listening while stirring the scrambled eggs. He would occasionally glance at Nichole as she continued.

“No, I think I do…” she seemed to be gathering her thoughts. With a deep breath Nichole told us her story.

“A while back… I was raped… and abused… by my uncle.” she began, as if reading a news report but her tone soon changed to anger.

She took another deep breath. Her voice rising “That motherfucker used every hole… I was a virgin… and that bastard took everything from me.” Nichole took several sharp breaths, trying to calm herself before continuing. The only sound was the ticking of the kitchen clock.

After a long pause Nichole continued. “Anyway, when I couldn’t take it anymore I told my parents. And you know what they did? They blamed me! ME!” she shouted. “At first they didn’t believe me… accused me of making it all up… of lying… and then, when it was obvious (she didn’t explain how it was obvious but that wasn’t really important, I suppose) what he did to me they said it was MY fault! MY FAULT!!” she shouted. Nichole was panting with a scowl on her face and looked over at Noah. “That’s why I hate men. No offense, Noah.”

Noah had a pained look on his face and quietly said “None taken. Jesus, Nicky. I’m starting to hate men now too. I’m so sorry”

I wanted to ask if she had gone to the police but it was pretty obvious she hadn’t and I couldn’t blame her. She had no support from her family and it’s likely the whole thing would have been dropped anyway. ‘What a shitty world’ I thought. “Nicky, I’m so sorry, honey, but you know not all men are like that, right?” I asked as gently as I could.

“Oh, I know, Emma. I know. It’s just… I… I swear, it’s something I can’t control. Every time a man trys to hit on me, or looks at me funny, I go right back to that place and…” she couldn’t continue. I reached across the counter and squeezed her hand.

I glanced over to Noah and his attention was focused on the breakfast he was making but his face was a mask of sadness as tears ran down his face. Nichole noticed it too. As if to absolve Noah of some misplaced guilt she added. “Ya know, Noah’s the first guy-friend I’ve had since before then. I don’t feel the same way around him as I do every other guy.”

Nichole didn’t know Noah as well, didn’t quite understand him, as I did. He wasn’t feeling guilty for all men, he was feeling Nichole’s pain. Deeply.

“Is that why you asked me that question last night? To lash out at Noah, for all men?” I immediately regretted asking. I had just made an accusatory assumption about Nichole without really knowing her.

“What? No, god, no…” She paused and added quietly. “Maybe. God, I don’t know. I don’t think so. I think… it’s just that we were having such a good time last night, and I…” There was a long pause. I gave her hand a squeeze.

“You guys are so wonderful, and I was a little drunk and I was feeling so close to you… like I could relax… and… it’s the first time I can remember being… accepted. Really connected to anyone… loved. It was a shitty, dick move. I’m sorry.” Nichole sighed as she stared at the counter.

Looking up at me and then to Noah, who was plating our food, she continued. “That’s why I would never, ever, EVER say anything about you guys. I’ll take your secret to my grave. What you have… something as beautiful and precious as this…” She waved her hands at the two of us. “That needs to be in the world. I… I…” she was struggling to spit out what she wanted to say. Nichole took a deep breath and sighed. And in a low, sad voice said “I… love you guys. I’m so sorry.”

Tears started falling down her face and she was choking off sobs. I set my cup down and went around the counter to embrace this broken girl. As she began to cry into my shoulder, Noah came up and wrapped his arms around the both of us.

As we all sat at the small, round dining table finishing our breakfast, Nichole said. “Soooo…” and waited. I wasn’t sure what she was going to say next but Noah was way ahead of me. “Nicky, we’ve got like, what, 5 more days to kill before we go back to school? Whatdaya say we have some fun. We can stay inside, or maybe look around town for something to do. Your choice. How’s that sound?”

Nichole looked a little surprised that she wasn’t being kicked out and brightened up. “That’d be great. Thank you guys.” she said taking the last bites of her breakfast.

The rest of the day was spent driving around town, seeing everything it had to offer, which frankly wasn’t much. We stopped at a local diner for lunch and after that, sat at the tiny park, watching families and kids playing. Nichole talked about her upbringing which sounded pretty rough. Actually, it was amazing she wasn’t even more screwed up than she already was.

It was getting pretty late. Noah was on the sofa and I was leaning on him, holding his arms around me when Nichole, at the opposite end of the sofa, asked. “So, Emma, can I ask you a question?” “Of course.” I said.

“It’s none of my business and you don’t have to answer…” she paused. I smiled and nodded. “How did it really go… happen with you and your little stud muffin here?” she asked, trying to inject a little light-hearted humor to her question. My smile widened before I answered.

I relayed the entire sequence of events leading up to turning my son into a man. I wasn’t comfortable describing every salacious little detail but it was a sexy, heartwarming tale nonetheless.

“But, didn’t you… how did you… feel about doing that to… I mean, with your son? Didn’t it seem… weird?” she asked.

“No. Not in the least.” To which she raised her eyebrows. “I know it should have set off all kinds of alarm bells but it didn’t. And, honestly, at first I thought it was going to be a one-an’-done kind of thing. Just something I did to help Noah through a difficult time, but then…” I paused to look into Noah’s eyes as I spoke the next part. “I was looking at him and I didn’t see my son but a man that I was deeply in love with. I wanted him for myself… at that moment he became my ‘man’… forever.” Noah looked at me lovingly and kissed me warmly.

“Whoa. Noah, what were you thinking?” Nichole was genuinely curious and wanted to hear his thoughts and emotions at the time. Noah began “Well, at first, I was shocked, of course but also, it was like a dream coming true. I’ve been in love with…” Noah looked at me “…my mom for a long time.” He turned back to look at Nichole while he continued his side of the story. “But then I thought, there’s no way I could let my mom do that for me, even though I wanted nothing more in the world. I thought I was protecting her.” There was a far away look in his eyes as he was remembering that night. That moment.

“That’s the thing about having the greatest, smartest, most understanding mom… woman in the world. She put it all into perspective… helped me see what was important. That she loved me… unconditionally…” Noah took a deep breath “And that was it. I was hers… body and soul.” he finished with a warm kiss to my lips. “Wow.” was all Nichol could say with a look of absolute wonder.

Mischievous Nichole couldn’t resist a final no-filter question. “So, how many times did you do it that night?” she said with a devilish grin. Noah and I both laughed. Noah looked at me and I said “Enough that we had to change the sheets before we went to bed.”

“Can I ask you something, Nicky?” I asked.

“Yeah. Sure. Anything.” she nodded.

“How were you so sure I was Noah’s mom? What gave us away?” I asked. It had been running through my mind, wondering what Noah and I had missed, thinking we were unknowingly giving off signals as to our secret identities.

“Nothing gave you away.” she began. “I mean, sure, you’re obviously older than Noah but you don’t look ‘that’ old. It wasn’t until you told me how old you really are that I started to even think that.” she paused. “Another thing was how close the two of you are. But you really don’t act like mother and son… like, at all. And that made me think I was wrong. But then you said you had been together for only a year and I just wasn’t sure. I was only 67% sure when I asked you. It wasn’t even supposed to be a serious question, really.” She paused again and then made jazz hands as she added. “Just No-filter Nicky doing her thing.” Her hands flopped to her lap.

I simply nodded and smiled, relieved that Noah and I weren’t walking around with ‘incest’ tattooed on our foreheads, so to speak. “I could have reacted better, I suppose.” giving Nichole a smile to show there were no lingering bad feelings.

Noah looked at me and added “I don’t think calling you ‘mom’ helped either.” making us all chuckle a little.

It was silent for a moment while Nichole considered everything we had said. Noah stretched and urged me up. “Ready for bed, honey?” He asked me. “Yea. I think it’s time.” I said. I looked at Nichole and offered her an opportunity to share our bed, in case the nightmares returned. “Nicky…?” I didn’t need to finish my question as she got up. “No, I’ll be fine, guys. I’m good. Thanks.” We hugged Nichole before heading off to bed.

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Day three - Wednesday - Shopping

We were both too tired to have sex that night but in the morning, I couldn’t resist waking Noah up by wrapping my soft, warm pussy around his morning wood. It really is the best way to start the day, Noah dreaming that he was fucking me and then waking up to see it wasn’t a dream. As we showered together I told Noah “I’m going to take Nicky shopping today.” I was going to take her to a large mall in the city, about 40 minutes away.

“Don’t they have a lingerie store there?” he asked as he hugged me from behind.

“They do.” I said as I turned around to embrace him. “Pick out something for yourself while you’re there. You look so sexy in lacy things. They make you look good enough to eat.” Noah said with a twinkle in his eye as we gently swayed side to side.

“Oooh, I’ll get something extra spicy, then.” I said as I leaned in for a lingering kiss. I was already looking forward to this evening. It was one of Noah’s favorite things to do to, and for, me and I did love the feeling of his head between my thighs and his tongue exploring and teasing my pussy.

I did most of the talking on the car ride to the mall. Most of it was my explaining to Nichole who Noah is. The kind of person he is, how he thinks, and what makes him so special to me. Nichole got me up to speed on the latest trends among 20-somethings, or at least as much as she could. Nichole was closer to the goth side of things than the pop culture side so she had a slightly non-mainstream aesthetic.

As we pulled into the parking lot of the mall I told Nichole. “Okay, here’s the plan. I get to pick out an outfit for you and you get to pick one out for me. Deal?” I asked. “Deal!” She said. Then after thinking for a minute she asked. “You’re not gonna turn me into a Barbie doll, are you?” I just gave her my best evil grin. “Don’t worry, sweetie. It’ll be nice. And we’re going to pick out some lingerie for you too.” “Oh, gawd.” she said, rolling her eyes and laughing.

First stop was a store Nichole was familiar with and she pulled me around the store, picking out items left and right. Of course, I had to model the finished outfit for her before check out.

As I stepped out of the dressing room, Nichole exclaimed “Holy shit, Emma!”

I was dressed in patent leather combat boots that stopped just below the knees, fishnet stockings that rose to my upper thigh, and a black and white plaid, pleated skirt with a black, army canteen belt. The top was a black, faux leather half corset, leaving my midriff exposed. It was laced up the front with a gap in the middle showing off my exceptional cleavage. Completing the look were sheer arm sleeves embroidered with little bats. Around my neck was a thick dog collar with little silver spikes all around it and a bright red, heart shaped dog tag attached to the middle.

As I looked at the myself in the full length mirror. I could see Nichole behind me, to one side, practically drooling. It’s not the look I would have ever chosen for myself but I had to admit, I looked fucking hot. “A little dark eye shadow, a dash of heavy mascara, and black lipstick…” she whistled. “You wear that for Noah and I guarantee he’ll be begging to bang you.” she said, looking me up and down in the mirror. I couldn’t suppress my laugh and thought she was right. Noah was going to love it.

I changed back into my street clothes while Nichole picked up a few accessories for herself. At the counter I pushed Nichole’s hands away as she pulled out her wallet. “I’ve got it. Don’t worry about it.” “Oh, okay.” Nichole said, slightly taken aback. “Thanks, Emma.” “No problem, baby. Today’s my treat.” I said as she hugged me.

As we exited the store I looked at Nichole and said “My turn.” as I led her to one of the bigger stores in the mall, leading her to the women’s section and began looking at dresses. Nichole was looking lost, making me think she rarely shopped in the women’s department, if ever.

“Relax, Nichole. We’ll find you something nice. Every women should have a party dress just as much as every man needs a nice suit.” I put my arm around her shoulders reassuringly.

“Right.” she said skeptically.

I eventually picked out a form fitting, satin, medium blue sleeveless dress with spaghetti straps. The skirt was cut to mid thigh. A pair of strappy, silver, 4” heels completed the look. As Nichole stood in front of the mirror squirming she said “God, I’m so fat. Emma, I don’t know… can’t we find a tent or something?” looking extremely uncomfortable.

At 5’ 4” Nichole is 5” shorter than me. Her boobs are about the same size as mine and just a little perkier, a bit rounder and fit perfectly on her frame. She has wide hips, beautifully thicc thighs, and an exceptional butt that, I’ll admit, make me a bit envious. I guess you could say she’s very well-proportioned with just a hint of curvy.

“What are you talking about, Nicky? You look beautiful and you are most definitely not fat.” I argued.

“Yes, I am…” she started to say but I cut her off. Stepping up behind her I placed my hands on her shoulders and moved them down her arms as I told her “You are a beautiful, strong, sexy woman…”

I pressed my body to her back as I reached around and smoothed the blue satin over her stomach and hips, swaying my body, encouraging her to do the same. “Close your eyes and just feel the fabric, how it feels when you move…” I whispered in her ear.

Nichole closed her eyes and placed her hands on top of mine, gently swaying with me. Almost immediately her nipples went hard, prominently showing on the satin dress. She opened her eyes and seeing the tents her nipples made tried to raise her hands to cover them. I grabbed her forearms and lowered them to her sides.

“No, no. Don’t be embarrassed.” I said. I placed my hands on her shoulders and told her. “Stand up straight, honey. Shove those tits out there like you’re proud of them.” I whispered seductively into her ear. The warmth of my breath raising goosebumps all over her body. I finally added “If you want to catch the big fish you need irresistible bait. You look irresistible.”

I looked into Nichole’s eyes in the mirror and kissed her cheek. “You look lovely.” She blushed for the first time since I met her and it just added to her allure. I gave her a playful smack on the ass as she headed to the dressing room to change, making her jump and squeal.

Exiting the department store I told her. “One more stop and then how about some lunch at the food court.”

“Sounds good.” she said, still a little flustered by my flirting as we walked to the lingerie store. Entering the lingerie store I had to grab Nichole’s arm as she tried to veer away. Once inside, I quickly ***********ed a red, crotchless thong and topless bra set… my spicy gift to Noah.

Nichole couldn’t decide on anything as she appeared more concerned with escaping rather than suffer another minute in the store. I ended up picking a white panty and strapless half bra set for her. It was made of very thin, translucent material that would be nearly invisible under the blue satin dress we picked up earlier.

As we were finishing our lunch Nichole began. “Emma?” I looked up. “Hmm?”

She hesitated.

“What is it, Nicky? You can ask me anything. It’s okay.” I encouraged.

She took a deep breath. “Um, the flirting and stuff. A… are you trying to… seduce me?”

“Do you want me to?” I asked evenly.

“Well, duh.” her no-filter side answered immediately. Then, the softer Nichole said. “I mean, yes, but wouldn’t that… I mean… what about Noah. Won’t… wouldn’t that upset him?”

I smiled and took her hands in mine. “I have no intention of seducing you, Nicky. I’m just trying to get you to see what I see. You’re so much more than you think but you’re stuck in a place that’s holding you back.”

“Oh.” she said, looking at our hands, obviously disappointed that I wasn’t actually trying to seduce her. “Hey.” I said, getting Nichole to look at me again.

“I would not be opposed to making love with you though. As for Noah, he knows me, knows that no one can take me away from him and that he’s the most important thing in my life. If I told him I wanted to sleep with you, he would support me… and you, unconditionally.” I paused for a second.

“Tell you what. Let’s talk about it with Noah. We don’t want to do anything that will hurt you, even if it’s something you think you want. Okay?” I said giving her hands a squeeze.

“Okay. Yea. Sounds good.” she smiled hopefully.

That evening Noah and I sat down with Nichole. Noah began .“So, Nicky. Em says you have something on your mind?” Nichole was squirming. “This is so weird.” she said to herself. She couldn’t seem to spit it out and just kept looking at Noah and lingering on me.

I didn’t want to prolong Nichole’s anxiety so I chimed in “Nicky. Do you want to have sex with me?” She blushed and nodded. “I’m sorry, honey, I… we don’t do that. We’re not swingers or into casual sex. Understand?” Her shoulders slumped but before she decided I was rejecting her outright I said. “But if you want to make love with me, then, the answer is yes.”

Nichole brightened up and glanced at Noah. He, in turn, smiled and nodded his approval to Nichole and kissed my cheek.

I wanted to make sure Nichole understood what I was saying. Also, Noah and I had a couple of conditions. It would be up to Nichole to decide. I leaned forward and laid out the terms. “Nichole. Nicky. If we do this I have two conditions.” “Okay.” she said, waiting to hear the terms.

“One, Noah will be with us. He won’t be participating but I want…” I looked at Noah and grabbed his hand “…need him to be there. For me. And two, you have to promise both of us that you’ll find a therapist and work on healing yourself. Those are the terms. You don’t have to decide right now. Take your time. Sleep on it.”

Nichole nodded. I leaned back into Noah who then asked Nichole. “Nicky. Got any plans for tomorrow night?” Nichole shook her head. “Great. We have reservations at Johnson’s Steakhouse at 7 tomorrow. Em says you picked up something to wear. I’d love to see it… if you want.”

“Can I ask you guys something?” Nichole asked. “Why are you doing this… I mean… you have to admit, this is a little weird.”

“Can I be honest with you, Nicky? Noah and I care about you very much and it’s obvious you’re hurting. I know you try to hide it but the weight you’re carrying around is crushing you. You know you can’t go on like this, honey. Therapy can help. You know this.” Nichole looked at the floor and nodded, knowing we were right.

“Now, as to why we’re willing to take you to our bed… it may sound a bit oversimplified but here it is. Noah and I want to help you and one way I think we can do that is to show you what love is, what it looks like. Your experiences have left you confusing love and sex with pain and suffering. You should see how transformative sex can be when it’s motivated by love. Real love.” I finished. Nichole had a lot to think about and I hoped she took what I said to heart.

Noah yawned and stood up. “Well, I think I’m done for tonight. Don’t stay up too late, babe.” he said as he bent down and gave me a kiss. “I’ll be right there, hon.” I told him. Nichole and I watched Noah head off to our bedroom.

Looking at Nichole I stood and said “Don’t stay up too late, Nicky. It’s a big day tomorrow.” Nichole stood and walked over to me, giving me a hug. “Thanks, Emma. I won’t.” She looked up at me and I kissed her gently on the lips, stroking the side of her face “You’re welcome, hon. I love you. Sleep tight.”

As I walked to join my son in our bed I had no idea what Nichole was going to decide. If she decided not to take us up on our offer I hoped we would still be able to encourage her to seek help. She had endeared herself to us and that meant she was part of our family. One very strange, but loving family.

- - - - - - - - - -

Day four - Thursday - Restaurant Boogey

It was two hours before our dinner reservation when I went to remind Nichole of the time. I found her standing in her underwear, looking at her new blue dress and lingerie laid out on her bed. She looked fearfully over her shoulder at me. “Nichole?” I said walking over to her and rubbing her upper arms.

“I’ve never… I haven’t… I’ve never had to…” Nichole said as she started to shake her hands, short of breath and on the edge of panic. I hugged her and said. “It’s okay, Nicky. Relax. Do you need help getting ready?”

She nodded. “I’ve never had to get all fancy before. I didn’t bring a razor and…” she looked down and I followed her eyes. Fine black hair was peeking from her underwear. I looked at her and reassured her. “It’s okay. Come on.” as I took her by the hand and led her to our private bathroom. I kept trying to reassure her as I started the shower and told her to strip as I did the same. I grabbed a new razor and Noah’s body trimmer.

I shaved her legs and underarms and then grabbed the trimmer. Nichole had a full growth of silky soft, fine black hair covering her pussy and I carefully trimmed it to about a quarter inch. I lightly brushed the area with my hand and had her step under the shower to wash away any loose hairs. “We can stop there unless you’d like me to shave it smooth.” Nichole ran her own hand over the area a couple times before asking me “What do you like?”

“Oh, hon, I like it both ways but it’s your pussy. What do you want? It’s your decision.” I asked again. She glanced at my own shaved mound and thought for a moment before quietly saying. “Shaved?” Looking to me for approval, I just smiled and grabbed the shaving gel. A few minutes later her pussy was as smooth as the rest of her body. She clearly enjoyed the attention I gave her because her pussy was dripping wet. I couldn’t let her put on her new clothes as wet and horny as she was and she wasn’t going to stop leaking until she had some relief.

“Honey, I know you’re excited but you don’t want to have a wet spot on your new dress, do you?” Nichole looked at me, blushing. “Do you want me to help you with that?” I said as I stepped close to her, our tits touching. She only nodded, having a hard time maintaining eye contact.

“Okay.” I simply said as I moved around her, leaned against the wall and pulled her into me, facing in the same direction. I reached down with one hand while I grabbed one of her tits and began rubbing, pulling and pinching her nipple. I slowly began massaging her pussy, slick with her juices, concentrating on her clit. She moaned and her knees buckled a little. “Easy, baby. Steady.” I said as she regained her feet and I kept rubbing her clit and slowly inserted two fingers into her pussy.

“Mmmm.” she responded as her orgasm approached. “Oohhh, that’s it, baby. That’s a good girl. Ohh, you’re pussy is sooo smooth… sooo wet… sooo tight.” I encouraged. In a matter of moments, her legs began to shake and I had to hold her up with both arms while her orgasm rolled through her. It took a minute for her to regain her feet. I kissed her neck and asked. “Good?”

She sheepishly looked at me and nodded. “Okay, hon. Go ahead and finish showering. When you’re ready I can help you with your makeup.” Nichole stuttered “I… I don’t have any ma… makeup.”

I just smiled at her and said “Just let me know when you’re ready, okay?” I told her. She hugged me again and said “Thank you.” Ten minutes later she was headed back to her room, leaving me to get ready myself.

I finished my shower and blow dried my hair and put on my favorite lacy red lingerie and my sexiest dress, a bright red, sleeveless, strapless, mid-thigh, silky dress with a slit on the side going all the way up to my hip. My red thong riding high enough on my hips that made it look, from the side, like I was wearing nothing at all. The dress covered just over half my boobs with a small ‘V’ cut in the middle, and it’s fit gave me red carpet worthy cleavage. The makeup I chose included bright red lipstick, rosy blush, and a smoky-eye eye shadow. Before going to check on Nichole I ***********ed two wallets and two light wraps that would match our dresses.

Noah came in to finish getting ready himself and stopped dead in his tracks. “Oh wow, Emma. You look like a super star.” as he looked me up and down. A rye smile crossed his lips. “Planning on getting lucky tonight?” he leered. “Maybe.” I slowly said before giving him a peck on the lips. As I headed to Nichole’s room I told him “We should be ready in a half hour, babe.” “Perfect. No rush.” he said.

I knocked twice on Nichole’s door. “Nicky?” “Come in.” she said. Opening the door I saw Nichole standing next to her bed. She had put on her sheer white lingerie.

“I… I’m sorry, Emma. I don’t think I can do this.” she said nervously

“Oh, sweetie.” I said as I put my arms around her. “You have nothing to be nervous about.” I assured her. “You’re stronger and more beautiful than you think.”

“Pfft. Yea, right.” she muttered. Looking away from the tall mirror attached to the closet door.

I called out “Hon, can you come in here for a minute?” Nichole gave me a worried look. I kept my hands on her shoulders.

“Yea, ba…” Noah stopped dead in his tracks when he saw Nichole standing there in her near transparent lingerie. She had one hand covering her treasure while her other hand grasped her elbow with her forearm under her all but exposed tits.

Noah stuttered, then sputtered “Holy shit, Nicky!”

He tried to gather himself. “Sorry.” Glancing away briefly but returning wide-eyed to look at Nichole.

“You’re beautiful. I mean really beautiful.” he said as his eyes took in her body’s every detail, every curve, her perfect tits, voluptuous legs, and the glow of her skin, radiant and vulnerability. He wasn’t leering, he was admiring a work of art.

“Really?” Nichole said hopefully.

Noah gave her a look of ‘you kidding me?’ and began sputtering again. Unable to find the words, he finally shook his head like he was overdosing on her beauty and couldn’t take anymore. As Noah turned and left the room Nichole heard him exclaim to himself “Holy shit!”

I leaned to Nichole’s ear and said in a low voice. “You see that? You discombobulated a man by just standing there. Just you.”

Nichole looked at me and smiled confidently. I thought, like the reluctant hero, ’She’s beginning to believe.’

I patted her shoulders. “Wait until he sees the finished product.” And set about applying her makeup, which I kept light, and helped her finish dressing. The silver heels, silver wallet with shoulder chain and the breezy blue wrap completed the look. At first, she was a little unsteady in her heels but she quickly got the hang of it.

Noah wore his crisp grey suit coat, bright white shirt, and a blue and red wide-striped tie that matched the color of our dresses. Noah was waiting near the front door when Nichole and I, hand in hand, entered the living room. I held up Nichole’s hand and had her do a spin for Noah. He had a dreamy look in his eyes as he spoke.

“You two look a-maaazing.”

Looking at Nichole he said “I always thought you were beautiful, but, phew, wow. This is a next level side of you. It suits you.” Nichole smiled and blushed “Thanks, Noah.” There was an awkward pause until Noah cleared his throat and shook off his dream like state.

“Ready to go?” He said. “All set.” I answered as we all headed to the car.

Nichole and I rode in the back seat while Noah drove. She was still a little nervous so I held her hand and offered encouraging advise. “Now, people are gonna stare. Don’t let that bother you. It’ll be just like when you left Noah speechless. You are a powerful, gorgeous woman. Use that.” I gave her hand a squeeze. “Just try not to give anyone a heart attack with your new powers.” I joked which made her giggle and she relaxed.

Johnson’s is a large family restaurant with enough room to have booths running down both sides and round tables running down the middle. Here, dressing up is considered wearing a suit coat or anything other than sweat pants. We would be over-dressed by a factor of a thousand.

It took a little more than 10 minutes before Noah pulled to the curb, about a block from the restaurant.

“Johnson’s has a parking lot, honey.” I reminded Noah.

Looking at me in the rearview mirror, Noah replied “I know. I thought we could show off a little first.” as he shut off the engine, and got out of the car. Before Nichole could open her door Noah did it for her and held out his hand. Nichole took it as he helped her out and escorted her to the sidewalk. Noah then opened my door and helped me out and escorted me next to Nichole. As he loaded two hours on the parking meter, I made tiny attentive adjustments to Nichole’s hair and wrap and finished with a gentle kiss to her soft, glossy pink lips. Her blue hair complimented her outfit perfectly.

“Do you know the ‘sexy’ walk?” I finally asked her. She gave me a puzzled look. “When you walk, imagine a straight line in front of you and make sure to center each step on that line… one foot directly in front of the other. Like this.” and I gave her a demonstration, showing how it made my hips sway seductively.

Noah stepped between us and we took his offered arms.

There were several pedestrians on both sides of the street and all eyes followed us as we strolled along at a leisurely pace. Noah leaned to Nichole and whispered something that made her look in his eyes and smile. She straightened her back and started putting one foot in front of the other, swinging her hips more confidently with each step.

When I eventually asked Noah what he had said to Nichole, he simply said he told her ‘You look amazing.’ And that was all she needed to hear to find and release her inner sexy beast.

Noah held the door to the restaurant open for us and as we stepped up to the hostess / cashier’s station I whispered to Nichole “Watch this.”

While Noah waited for the hostess to arrive I straighten my back and thrust my chest out. I dropped my chin slightly as I walked in a small circle, scanning the dining area with a predatory gaze. Conversation in the restaurant dipped noticeably as I flaunted my assets. More and more heads were turning in our direction as I circled to Noah’s side and stood close to him.

I winked at Nichole. She then smiled and pulled her shoulders back. She slowly walked a small figure eight, holding her head high as she scanned the room with a look of disinterest. She returned to Noah’s side and gave his butt a gentle squeeze. Half the restaurant was dead silent.

She leaned over and looked to me with Noah blocking the view of the diners. She opened her mouth wide with an expression of amazement and delight.

As the hostess led us to our table in the middle of the restaurant I whispered to Nichole “Let Noah pull out your chair for you.” She nodded slightly.

Nichole and I followed Noah and moved to stand beside our chairs as the hostess plucked the ‘Reserved’ sign off the table and said our server would be with us shortly. Noah circled the table and as he walked passed me his hand lingered over the small of my back. Walking to Nichole he pulled out her chair for her. When she was settled he rested his hands on her shoulders and kissed her cheek as she tilted her head to him. Her nipples were hard and on full display on her blue dress. I was happy and proud that she wasn’t bothered by it.

Noah came to me and pulled my chair out for me. After I was seated I looked up to Noah who leaned over and gave me a careful kiss to my bright red lips as I put my hand to the side of his face, then let it drag down his body as he stood up. Noah gently dragged his fingers across my back and shoulders on his way to his seat.

The dinner was good with relaxed conversation and plenty of laughter. We remained the center of attention although we tuned most of it out as we enjoyed each other’s company. None us were able to finish our plates, not only because the portions were huge but we had a different hunger that food couldn’t touch.

Those closest to our table couldn’t miss the seductive looks we were giving each other throughout dinner. I had noticed when we came in that Mr. and Mrs. Jensen (the bible-thumpers) were seated in a booth on the far wall and towards the back of the restaurant. Mr. BT had his back to us but Mrs. BT kept shooting us venomous looks which brought a smile to my face.

Our table was cleared when we said we were finished and shortly after the hostess arrived with an obscenely large piece of chocolate cake and three forks. “On the house.” she said with a knowing smile.

Noah took turns feeding us bites of chocolate cake. Nichole and I leaned in Noah’s direction, lifting our asses off our chairs and giving an eye full to the nearest diners. We held our mouths open, like baby birds waiting to be fed. There was a flurry of whispers from the tables around us as Noah spoon fed us and we moaned at every bite.

We declined the leftovers and were taking a few minutes to relax before getting up to leave. We were hesitant to let the evening end.

Abruptly, Mrs. Bible-Thumper appeared at our table. She glared at me, then Nichole before settling on Noah.

Speaking loud enough to be heard by half the restaurant, she actually wagged a finger at Noah. “How dare you bring your whores to a family restaurant! You all should be ashamed of yourselves!”

Without missing a beat, Noah said in a calm clear voice heard by several tables “Why? Too much competition for you?” and smiled warmly at her.

I had raised my glass to take a drink but spit my mouthful of wine back into the glass at his tart comeback.

No-filter Nicky burst out laughing, god bless her.

Mrs. BT gasped, horrified, and was about to rain hellfire and brimstone when Mr. BT barked at her. “Move it, Agnes!” giving her a helpful shove. Looking at Noah as he passed our table, Mr. BT gave him a half-smile and a wink.

As an argument brewed between Mr. and Mrs. BT at the cashier’s station Noah looked at me and Nichole. Feigning guilt he asked “Was that mean? That seemed mean.”

Dabbing a dribble of wine from my chin I said smiling “That was perfect, babe.”

Still giggling, Nichole just said “Dude!”

A few minutes later, Noah first helped Nichole from her chair and then me. As Noah paid the bill I stepped up to Nichole and looking into her eyes, planted a long kiss on her lips. We then took our place on each side of Noah and together we strutted out of there like we owned the place. Several people actually whistled and applauded us.

The night had cooled and gusts of wind blew through the street. The chilled night air caused both my and Nichole’s nipples to strain against our dresses. A gust of wind blew the flap of my dress up, revealing my red thong briefly to a passing couple. A few seconds later I heard a smack as a woman’s voice demanded. “What the hell were you looking at?!” Nichole looked over her shoulder and saw the man looking back at us, catching one last glimpse of our jiggling asses, which earned him another smack in the head and a “What’s wrong with you?!” Nichole was beaming and thrust her boobs out a little more.

Noah told me later that having Nichole and I on each arm made him feel like he had two of the sexiest body guards in the world and that we made him feel like a celebrity.

We were all laughing when we returned home. Standing just inside the entry way, we faced each other remembering the memories we had just made together. There was a lull. Nichole suddenly embraced us both and said “Thank you guys so, so much. I’ve never had so much fun.” She took a step back and we looked at each other.

I started to open my mouth to say something when Nichole excitedly blurted out. “I’ll do it. I’m in. I accept. I’ll do the therapy thing. Whatever you want.” Nichole then took Noah’s hand and looked in his eyes. “And I want you there, too, Noah… with Emma… and me.”

Noah hugged Nichole tightly before kissing her on the forehead. Giving me a kiss, he headed to our bedroom.

I stepped up to Nichole. “You’re sure?” I asked.

“I am. I’m ready. Not just this. I’m ready to take my life back.” she said looking into my eyes. I leaned closer to her and softly said “That makes me so happy to hear, Nicky. And it will be my pleasure to make love to such a beautiful… strong… loving… sexy…” inching closer to her lips with every word “…irresistible woman.” Pressing my lips to hers, Nichole’s moans matching my own. I could almost taste her urgent need.

Taking Nichole’s hand I led her to the bedroom. On the far side of the bed was Noah, naked, relaxing on his side and his soft cock draped on his thigh. The overhead light was turned off and candles dotted the bedroom with flickering soft light. Noah really is the sweetest, most thoughtful man in the world.

My experiences with women happened over ten years ago but, I’d like to think I know my way around a vagina. I felt I was up to pleasuring Nichole in a way that would satify her emotionally as well as sexually.

As if on cue, we removed our shoes and tossed them aside. I turned Nichole to the side and looked into her eyes. She started to take a glance back at Noah but I caught her by the chin and turned her back to face me.

“Focus on me, Nicky. Be with me.” and kissed her softly. I could feel her relax as we embraced and enjoyed each other’s lips, moaning our approval. I then reached for the zipper at the back of Nichole’s dress and pulled it slowly down. My hands glided over her body as I moved the straps off her shoulders and began pulling her dress to the floor. Goosebumps appeared all over Nichole’s body and she shivered when her dress dropped to the floor.

I quickly undid the side zipper of my dress and let it fall to the floor. I led Nichole to the bed and coaxed her on where she slid to the middle and lay on her back. Noah was within arms reach and she looked at him and then down to his still soft cock and finally to me.

I lowered myself on top of her and kissed her before whispering “I love you.”

Nichole eyes, wet with emotion, met mine. “I love you, Emma.”

I pushed up on my knees between Nichole’s thighs, our mounds inches apart as I reached down and removed her strapless bra, then removed my own and tossed them both to the side. I slowly ran my hands all over her body before finally tracing a finger from her hard nipple, down her stomach, to her barely covered slit. As soon as I touched it, the fabric covering her pussy turned transparent as her wetness couldn’t be contained any longer.

Seductively, I said “Oh, no. Look what I’ve done.” I looked up at Nichole who smiled and blushed. The wetness spread even more and was now soaking her panties, threatening to become a flood.

“Let me help…” I said as I slowly pulled them down and off her legs before I quickly and clumsily removed my own wet thong.

I laid on top of Nichole and caressing her face said “Just enjoy, baby. Let me take care of you.” before planting soft kisses from her neck to her tits. As I sucked and licked and nibbled her swollen nipple, my hand was pinching and pulling the other.

Our moans began to get louder and louder. Nichole had one hand behind my head as I suckled her tit and her other hand was strumming and rubbing her hooded clit. Her breathing was coming in rapid short bursts.

“Oh… Emma… Ooooh god… ohgodohgodohgod.” She moaned. Nichole was ready to blow. Her whole body was telling her to let go. The poor girl must have building up to this since before the restaurant.

I got on my knees and pushed Nichole’s knees up and away. She willingly, wontenly spread her legs and I dove to clamp my mouth around her smooth, wet pussy, giving it a long deep lick. She tasted so sweet. Nichole was whimpering and quivering, her head thrown back and her eyes shut tight as my tongue explored every inch of her pussy. Her now free hand was patting the mattress, searching. Noah stuck his hand out and she clamped on to it, holding on for dear life.

I pulled the flap covering her clit and began sucking on it and that was all it took. Blessedly, Nichole screamed out in ecstasy and began squirting little streams of cum matching the rhythm of her panting grunts. I kept sucking and licking her swollen clit until she was hit with another huge orgasm and collapsed whimpering and shaking.

It wasn’t until her legs collapsed flat on the bed that she released her grip on Noah’s hand. She was panting and trying to peer through half lidded eyes. It was going to be a minute or two before she was fuctional again. Unfortunately, my pussy was screaming for immediate attention.

I looked over at Noah and he had a grip on his raging hard on. As I bounded over to him on my knees and straddled him I asked “Help a girl out, babe?” as I grabbed his cock to stuff it inside me.

He barely had enough time to say “Always.” before I plunged myself on to his cock and my pussy clenched around Noah’s engorged gift to me. He let out a satisfying grunt.

“Oh, god, yes.” I moaned, throwing my head back and pulling on my nipples as I rubbed my clit. My pussy sighed in relief as Noah’s cock fed me, but it was ravenous and wanted more. I began riding Noah at a gallop. ’Not enough!’ my pussy yelled.

I collapsed on top of Noah as his hands groped and pulled at my body. ‘More!!’ my pussy screamed and now my entire body joined my throbbing cunt in demanding more. I rolled to the side, pulling Noah on top of me. ‘YES!’ cryed every part of me.

Noah was now riding me as I clawed at his back, my legs locked around his ass, pulling him into me. “Oooooh, that’s it, baby… oh, Noah.” I moaned.

I was being overloaded with sensations from every part of me. My hungry pussy was trying to devour Noah’s magnificent cock while my body absorbed every ripple and flex of his muscles. My mind was buzzing around trying to take it all in but there was too much input. And Noah’s encouraging voice, urging my body to give in. “Oooh, that’s it, baby… that’s it. Oh god, Em… I love you…” he said with a mix of lust and love. I couldn’t take much more. I wanted… needed to be taken.

As if reading my mind, Noah, in a hoarse whisper, breathed in my ear “You’re mine.” Every part of me whispered back ‘yes’ and let go as he slammed his cock deep inside me. Time stopped for a second and an eternity… then everything happened at once.

I don’t think I can ever adequately explain what it was like. As I emptied myself into Noah, I felt him empty himself into me. Not just the immensely satisfying feeling of his hot cum filling my unquenchable pussy but also his love radiating from part of him. The way he clung to me, he was as much mine as I was his.

An unearthly warmth radiated from my chest and I felt freer than I ever had. My soul soared. I was only dimly aware of my body’s convulsions as my pussy pulsed on Noah’s cock and squirted in ecstasy. I moaned and cried as each surge of sperm seemed to fill any void I had from my sudden release. The rest was just a kaleidoscope of sensations. A complete mish mash of feelings I’m not sure they have names for.

Next thing I remember is looking into Noah’s eyes. His beautiful brown eyes filled with love as he spoke to me softly. “That was beautiful, Em. You’re beautiful. I love you so much.”

My legs had relaxed but I kept them wrapped loosely around him as I felt his cock softening inside me. “Oh, Noah. My sweet Noah. What did I ever do to deserve you?” Noah kissed me and said “I was thinking the same thing. How did I get so lucky?”

Nichole had been closely watching and had tears welling up in her eyes. With Noah’s body still pressing down on me I reached over, took her hand and pulled her to us. Nichole put her arm over Noah and me as she pressed her body into our sides. “That was… incredible, you guys.”

Sheepishly, Nichole looked at me and said “Sorry I left you hanging there, Emma.” I smiled at her, putting my hand to her face “You didn’t leave me hanging, baby. I only ever wanted to make you feel loved.” Nichole leaned in and gave me a loving kiss. Then she looked up at Noah and kissed him warmly as a lover would, even though he hadn’t touched her and had only held her hand during her orgasm.

Noah rolled off of me and Nichole watched his half hard cock slip out of me, followed by a stream of milky white cum flowing from my pussy as it clenched it’s sorrow… as if it had lost a part of itself.

“Jesus, Noah, that’s a lot of jizz! That’s not a cock… it’s a motherfucking fire hose!” she exclaimed. We all realized her unintentional pun at the same time and burst out laughing.

We eventually found ourselves in the shower together, cleaning and pleasuring each other. As I was jerking Noah off, I couldn’t help but smile at Nichole when she, all on her own, gave Noah a few strokes before gently cupping his balls as he came. I know it doesn’t seem like much, but for Nichole… big steps.

Lying in bed, Noah was in the middle, Nichole was on his left shoulder and I was on his right, his arms draped over both of us.

“Remember what I said about a threesome? You had this planned all along, didn’t you.” I teased Noah playfully. Nichole chimed in “Technically, it’s not a threesome. I haven’t had sex with this guy yet.” giving Noah a couple of playful jabs to his ribs. He looked at her for a second before she waved a hand at him and said. “Nah. Don’t worry. Still lesbian. You’re safe.”

As she laid her head down on his shoulder she add. “For now.” and giggled.

“We’ve created a monster.” I joked to Noah. “Nah. We just unleashed it.” he chuckled.

“You know I can hear you guys, right?” A smiling Nichole said with closed eyes.

We all sighed and soon drifted off to sleep.

- - - - - - - - - -

Day five - Friday - Nichole’s Uncle

I was watching Noah’s morning wood as it began. Stirring and slowly growing until it was hard and ready for battle. I was resting my head on Noah’s chest, his easy breathing so soothing, and I had a front row seat to this rare event. Noah typically woke up soft or hard but I had never seen it happen from the beginning. At least while he was sleeping anyway.

Nichole, on the other side of Noah, lifted her head and blinked a couple of times before turning to me. I was still staring at Noah’s cock so she turned to look at what I was looking at. Her eyes got wide and her mouth dropped open, then she snapped her head to look at Noah who was still fast asleep.

Nichole mouthed to me. ‘Is he asleep?’

I looked at Noah and nodded to Nichole and put a finger to my lips. I moved very slowly as I got to my knees. Nichole was matching my stealth approach and moved far enough to give me room.

I was balanced on one knee and one hand with one leg hovering over Noah’s raging wood when he mumbled something and turned his head to the other side and then seemed to chew and swallow some dream food. Wide-eyed, Nichole’s mouth formed a small ‘O’ as I hovered, frozen, over Noah until he settled and was still again.

Slowly I positioned myself above him and looked over at Nichole. She started to giggle and that made me giggle. I tried to give her a scowl but I couldn’t stop giggling, causing the bed to shake slightly. I just put my finger to my lips and turned back to Noah.

Lining myself up as closely as I dare I ever so gently grasped Noah’s cock. I pressed his mushroom head to my waiting lips and stopped. The few times I’ve done this before, Noah usually woke up as soon as I slid his cock into my pussy. I wanted to see if I could fit all of him inside me before he woke up.

A few seconds passed before I very slowly lowered myself on top of him. I almost got him to my entrance, but Noah stirred again, mumbled a few dream words and was still. Slowly, I resumed my snail’s pace and resisted the powerful urge to grip his cock with my pussy. Noah’s breathing was quickening so I knew it wouldn’t be long before he woke to every man’s dream, literally.

I got halfway down Noah’s shaft when he reflexively bucked his hips. I dropped the rest of the way and he woke with a start, looking quickly left, right and finally where his cock should be. He thrust his hips up and began fucking me while he was still half asleep. He snapped fully awake as he came seconds later, filling my pussy with morning cum.

“Oh my god, Emma. That was incredible!” Noah exclaimed.

“Did you enjoy your wake-up call, baby?” I asked, playfully wiggling my hips. Noah’s cock twitched inside me, still wanting to play.

“There’s no better way to wake up. Thank you, babe.” he said as he kissed me deeply.

“Dude! You shoulda seen your face when you woke up. You were all like ‘Wha-wha-what!’ while you were fucking.” she laughed. Then she added more earnestly. “Mad respect, my friend. Mad respect.” She paused and looked at me. “Both of you.” She had a warm smile.

As Noah fixed breakfast, Nichole and I chatted, getting to know each other better. Nichole is just as Noah described her. Colorful, definitely. A bit extra, obviously, but a good person with a good heart and I had grown quite fond of her. I felt like we were going to be life long friends and I was not mad about that. And I have to admit, her sense of humor is exuberant and infectious.

As we finished lunch, Noah suggested we try the new Mexican restaurant for dinner. None of us had eaten there yet and we were all curious about it’s cuisine.

Noah was getting ready to do the dishes in the kitchen as Nichole and I walked to the living room when the doorbell rang twice, followed by three pounding knocks on the door. We all glanced at each other quickly as I went to answer the door. Everything happened so fast and in slow motion. It was surreal.

I opened the door and was greeted by a living cartoon of a man. An unpleasant looking man in his forties, he was about Noah’s height, maybe a little shorter, but with a husky build and overweight. His disheveled hair, scruffy 7 day old beard, and bloodshot eyes said everything. He was wearing a dirty tank top and an open, rumpled Hawaiian shirt, baggy jeans of some kind and beat up sneakers.

“Hey.” his voice boomed. “I’m Nichole *hic* Lawson’s uncle. She around?” The smell of alcohol was immediate and unmistakable, as if his slight swaying to maintain his balance wasn’t a clue.

I heard a squeak behind me and turned to see Nichole in the living room, wide-eyed and frozen in terror. She was whiter than any ghost. I’ve never seen anyone paler. A dark patch was rapidly spreading from her crotch and down her pant legs.

“Oh, hey, cupcake!” Nichole’s uncle said lecherously when he saw her. He reached for the handle of the screen door and started to open it.

“Hey, hey, HEY! You can’t come in here! What are you…” I started to say when Noah flew past me at a dead run.

Noah crashed through the half open screen door, tearing it off it’s hinges, and plowed into the intruder, lifting him off the ground and propelling both of them on to the lawn where they tumbled. Separated, Noah got to his feet first and lept to pin the man down. Noah raised his right arm high in the air and swung it like a golf club, driving his fist into the side of drunk’s face. It sounded like a slab of meat hitting the ground from a considerable height.

Nichole’s uncle had his arms raised but Noah was swinging with everything he had and brushed the arms aside as he connected again and again. It only took a few of Noah’s haymakers before Nichole’s uncle seemed to no longer have control of his arms and held them straight out in front of him. Noah began punching through the middle of them, straight in to the man’s face.

I ran to Noah and grabbed his arm as the drunk’s arms flopped to the ground, Noah straining to throw another punch. “Noah. Noah! It’s okay it’s okay! He’s down, honey… stop, stop!”

Noah was still in a silent rage and as he started to throw another punch, Nichole ran up to Noah and pushed her shoulder into him, knocking us all backwards. Noah stood, ready to advance but Nichole and I put ourselves in front of him and coaxed him backwards towards the house.

I looked back to see Nichole’s uncle feebly moving his limbs and coughing on the blood running from his nose. Noah took a few backwards steps before turning around and heading into the house, us lightly pushing him. Once we were inside I closed and locked the door before leading Noah to the sofa. “Nicky, call 911.” She looked terrified and didn’t move.

“Nicky!” I shouted and she snapped out of it, running to grab her phone.

I turned my attention to Noah who still looked enraged. I’ve never seen that expression on his face, ever, and it was scary and worrying. He keep his hands in tightly clenched fists which were bloodied and it looked like his right hand was swelling. Kneeling in front of him I tried calming him down. “Noah. It’s okay, baby. It’s okay. It’s over.” I kept saying as I rubbed his arms. I slowly saw my Noah come back as his rage left him.

“Yea, I… I need, ah, ah, police…” I heard Nichole’s wavering voice say.

“And an ambulance.” I said.

“… an… an and… an ambulance at…” Nichole paused as I gave her our address and she repeated it to the dispatcher. After Nichole had hung up I asked her to fetch the first aid kit we kept under our bathroom sink.

As she was getting the first aid kit I turned my attention back to Noah. His anger drained from him, Noah looked at me with soul-crushing misery. “What have I done, Em? Oh god, what have I done? Did I just kill someone?!” Noah said as his voice cracked.

I moved between his knees and pulled him into a hug. “No, baby, no. He’s just knocked out. You didn’t kill anyone. You stopped him. You saved us. You saved us, Noah.” as I continued to hug him and rub his back. Nichole ran back and handed me the kit. I began to clean Noah’s hands and could see the back of his right hand was indeed swelling. He also had bleeding scrapes across half his knuckles but didn’t even react when I cleaned them with the alcohol patches.

It took under ten minutes for the police to arrive along with the ambulance. I watched as they handcuffed Noah and led him to one of the two police cars. Nichole protested “What’re you doing?! He didn’t do anything wrong!!” I held up my hand to her. “It’s okay, Nicky. They’re just doing their job.” I said through gritted teeth, watching them take my son, my lover, my protector, my life away.

Some of the longest moments of my life were waiting as the officers separated Nichole and I and took our statements and information. My eyes never left Noah, sitting in the back of the patrol car, his head down, shoulders slumped.

I told the officer taking my information that Noah was my boyfriend and when he asked my age and I told him, he raised an eyebrow. I glared at him and barked “What?!” He returned his eyes to his notebook and jotted something down before flipping it closed and leaving.

I don’t know how long it was, 20, 30 minutes maybe, before they opened the back door of the patrol car and helped Noah out. They uncuffed him and said something to him before pointing in the direction of the house. Hanging his head, Noah slowly walked across the lawn and to my waiting arms.

As I hugged him and asked if he was okay I watched the paramedics finish with Nichole’s uncle and then the police handcuffing him before stuffing him in the back of the other patrol car. Nichole, having put on some clean underwear and pants, then led Noah to the sofa and sat with him as the lone female officer came up to me and told me that Nichole’s uncle was being booked on DUI, drunken disorderly, disorderly conduct, and attempted B&E (breaking and entering). Noah would face no charges. After we all declined to press any additional charges, she gave me a card and said to call if we had any questions.

Noah was just sitting on the sofa, staring at his hands while Nichole, sitting close to him, had one hand on his bicep and the other on his shoulder. I sat on the other side and hugged his other arm while stroking his hair. We all sat there quietly for a few minutes until Noah slowly got up and said. “I’m sorry… will you excuse me. I think I’m going to lie down for a bit. Let me know when dinner’s ready.” and he headed for our bedroom.

Nichole had a worried look on her face. “Is he gonna be okay?”

“He’ll be fine, Nicky. He’s just… he has a lot to process.”

“But he did the right thing. He shouldn’t feel bad.” Nichole said, a little confused.

“He knows that. He’s never been in a fight before and I think… I think he discovered something in himself that scares him.” I tried to reassure her while looking in the direction of our bedroom.

Turning back to Nichole “He’ll be fine, Nicky. I promise. We just need to give him some time.”

I got up and told Nichole, “I’m gonna go be with Noah. I’m not that hunger anyway so if you want to make yourself something, please, help yourself to whatever you want. If Noah wants something later, I’ll make us something to eat.”

As I turned to head to our bedroom, Nichole started to apologize but I spun around and grabbed her by the shoulders and shook her once.

“No, Nicky! Don’t! Not for one second! We all know who’s to blame here and the cops just hauled his sorry ass to jail. You have nothing… NOTH—ING… to apologize for.” I forcefully looked in her eyes to make sure she was listening. Her face was so sad and tears filled her eyes… I relaxed, pulled her close and hugged her. I finally whispered. “I’m really glad you’re here, Nicky. It’s not your fault.”

Nichole didn’t say anything. I think if she tried, she would have burst into tears. So I just smiled, kissed her forehead and headed to our bedroom.

Noah was curled up in the middle of the bed, staring at the wall and off into space. I walked to the other side of the bed and curled up behind him, wrapping my arms around him. I didn’t say a word. Noah would talk about it when he was ready and all I wanted was to be there when he did. But fatigue caught up with him soon enough and even the bad memories I’m sure he had been replaying in his mind weren’t enough to stave off sleep.

A couple hours later, Nichole appeared at our doorway. Looking up and in a quiet voice I asked. “Did you eat something?” Nichole held up her thumb and finger indicating ‘a little’. I sat up and asked quietly. “Can you help me undress Noah? I think he’s out for the night.” We stripped Noah and got him tucked into bed. When you’re undressing a comatose man, it’s a lot easier when you have two people.

I said goodnight to Nichole and started to undress. Nichole took two steps towards the door and then stopped, turned around and looked at me with pleading eyes. She glanced at the floor, then to me, lingering on Noah, and back to me. I smiled softly and nodded. She let out a sigh of relief and began undressing.

Naked, together we hugged Noah close, me on his right shoulder and Nichole, nestled into his left side, laying her head on his chest. She appeared to be deep in thought for several minutes before she lifted her head and planted a gentle kiss on Noah’s chest then rested her head on him again. Seconds later she was asleep and I soon followed.

- - - - - - - - - -

Day six - Saturday - Nichole’s Big Day

I woke and lifted my head from Noah’s shoulder to see a sleeping Nichole. She had her head on Noah’s stomach and her forearm resting on Noah’s flaccid cock. Her mouth was slightly open as drops of saliva pooled on his stomach. Noah snored softly from his place in oblivion.

I gently stroked Nichole’s hair and shoulder and she woke suddenly, half asleep, with a snort. Through half closed eyes she peered at me, I looked at her arm, then so did she. She lifted her arm off of Noah’s cock with a jerk, then wiped her mouth of saliva and looked at the puddle on Noah’s abs. She sleepily tried to wipe it off his stomach and then on a shirt she wasn’t wearing. As soon as her saliva touched her nipple she said “bleech.”

She ran her tongue across the roof of her mouth a couple of times before putting her hand on Noah’s thigh to push herself up to a sitting position. She stretched and yawned before rolling off the bed and started to get dressed. I got dressed and pulled the sheet and blanket over Noah.

Nichole and I had been sitting and talking in the kitchen for about 20 minutes when Noah came in rubbing the sleep from his eyes. “Morning.” he said.

“Morning.” we greeted. Noah seemed almost back to the Noah we knew before yesterday as I handed him a cup of coffee and gave him a soft kiss. I think we all felt like we weren’t quite ready to talk about yesterday. Not yet, anyway.

Noah turned to Nichole. “Two days of Spring Break left, Nicky. What do you want to do?”

“One day.” she said.

“Sorry, what?” Noah asked.

“One day of Spring Break left. See, ya gotta leave one day to recover… reflect… savor the memories you’ve just made.” she said over dramatically.

“Really? That’s what you do?” Noah tilted his head slightly as he said it.

“Nah!” She said waving her hand. “I party til dawn. But you should totally do that. That’s more your style than mine.”

Noah lifted his cup to her and tilted his head to the truth of it.

“So, whattaya wanna do on this last party day, dude? Emma?”

We decided on a few things and then Noah asked about where we might eat for dinner.

When Nichole said “That new Mexican place.” Noah and I pointed our fingers at her and simultaneously said “Bingo.”

We ended up spending all day together. As I said, there’s not much to do around here but, it’s not so much where you are as who you’re with. And we were having the best time just being in each other’s company.

The Mexican restaurant was cozy with only one young couple in a booth like ours and a couple of people at the counter. Busy would have been a half full restaurant but that would change once word got around how good the food was. The portions were big but not oversized and we finished our food quickly.

As the young couple were leaving, the man said in an undercover tone “Loved your show at the Steakhouse.” and then the young woman joined him in giving us two thumbs up and big smiles. Nichole’s mouth dropped open with surprise as she spun in her seat and put her hand in the air and got a high five from the guy. She spun back around and looked at us, giggling with excitement and delight. “Guys, we’re celebrities!”

We were draped over one another on the sofa and just enjoying being with each other. No one said a word as we gently touched and hugged and gave little kisses to each other. Not in a sexual but a loving, caring way. We were all faced in the same direction, Nichole was lying in Noah’s lap and Noah was lying on me.

“Um, guys?” Nichole said without turning to face us.

“What is it, baby?” I asked as I stroked her hair. She continued not facing us.

“There’s one more thing I’d like to do today.” and there was a long pause before she turned to face us. Nervously “I… I want to make love to you, Noah… if that’s okay… with you… and Emma.” Noah and I looked at each other and I asked as gently as I could.


Nichole got to her knees and sitting on her feet, explained “I know you’re thinking this might be me trying to repay you in some way… for yesterday. But it’s not. I mean, it might be a little bit of that but…” She sighed “…you guys have been so great and you’re so wonderful… and kind…” Her voice began to waver. She took a deep breath. “And when you…” she looked at Noah “…protected me… us… I just… I’ve never felt so protected. So safe. And I’ve never had that feel…” Nichole had to stop as her voice cracked. Her eyes were glistening, threatening to turn into tears as she continued. “I just feel this need to be with you, Noah. To… to… I don’t know… to share… to show you how I feel about you… in the most intimate way I can think of. Does that make any sense?”

I urged Noah up and we all stood. “Can you give us a minute?” Noah asked Nichole. She nodded. Noah and I headed to our bedroom.

“What do you think?” Noah asked.

“What are the possible consequences? She freaks out?” I was playing Devil’s advocate.

“I don’t think she will.” Noah offered.

“I agree.” I paused, thinking of what other bad thing could come from this. “Heart attack?” I joked. Noah snickered.

I finally looked at him and said “It’s your call, babe. But I think Nicky not only genuinely wants this but may also need it… to… move forward in some way. Maybe this is her first step on her road to recovery.”

After a moment I said “I’m on board, whatever you decide.”

With that he kissed me warmly, telling me “I love you, Emma Kramer. Get undressed.”

Moments later, Noah walked to the bedroom door. Calling out to the living room “Nicky… Can you come ‘ere for a sec?”

As she came into the bedroom she saw me lying naked, at the side of the bed, in the same spot Noah had been when her and I made love just the other day. Her eyes got big in disbelief and she gasped, clamping both hands over her mouth. She ran over and hugged me saying “Thank you, Emma. I love you guys so much.” before returning to stand with Noah.

Holding her close, Noah looked into Nichole’s eyes and gave her several gentle but sensual kisses before he spoke. “Nicky, you’re very special to me and I love you like a sister…” to which Nichole’s eyes got wide and she snickered, trying to keep a straight face. Noah bowed his head, closed his eyes, shook his head slightly and tried to suppress his own smile. He looked at her again.

“Nicky, you’re my best friend and I will always be there for you. I promise.” Noah kissed her again and whispered “I love you, Nicky.” Nichole had her arms around Noah when she replied “You’re the first man I’ve chosen… ever… in my life.” Looking up into his eyes she said “I want you to be my first.”

It occurred to me that Noah had only ever had intercourse with me. Nichole would be his first too. The first woman who was not his mother. I suppose I should have been at least a little jealous but all I felt was love and pride… for the both of them.

I was happy Noah was getting to fuck another woman. I had taken him out of the game, for myself, before it had even started for him, but now he was on the field and I wanted to see him play. I wanted him to experience a little of the variety that he had willingly given up for me.

I was happy for Nichole too. And proud. She was moving past her autonomous hatred of all men by opening herself up to Noah… not only her body but her mind and heart as well. She’d still need years of therapy to deal with her trauma, but this was an important moment for her. I thought at least she’ll have one happy memory to hold on to and recall whenever her nightmares descended upon her.

As they began to undress each other, Noah was gentle and slow while Nichole was nervous and rapidly trying to get his clothes off.

Noah stopped and covered her hands. “Nicky.” He said softly. “There’s no rush. Take it slow. I want you to enjoy this. Remember this.”

She looked up at him and smiled nervously. “Sorry. Excited.”

“I know… me too.” Noah replied. “Just take a breath. You know me. I’m not going to hurt you or treat you like you’re just a piece of ass.” He paused to gaze into her eyes. “You mean too much to me. Just take it slow.” She nodded, then started rapidly undoing his clothes again before giggling and matching his slower pace.

Once they were both naked, Noah embraced Nichole for a few moments, kissing her deeply as they both ran their hands over each other’s body. He then put his arm under her impossibly soft, round ass and lifted her up as she wrapped her legs around his waist, her pussy brushing his cock as it stuck out just beneath her.

Noah walked to the bed and laid her down where she released him. He crawled on the bed and was hovering over her on all fours. “Ready?” he asked. Nichole nodded. Noah reassured her “Let me know if there’s anything you don’t like. You’re in charge here.” Smiling, she nodded again and he leaned into a wet, passionate kiss. Nichole inhaled deeply as she wrapped her arms around his neck and I saw her tongue for a second before it disappeared into Noah’s mouth.

Noah lowered his body on top of her and I heard her give a great sigh as he began kissing his way down her body. She was caressing his body as he went.

It was then that I noticed my own wetness and heavy breathing. I moved closer to them, putting my head close to Nichole’s while angling my body as to not interfere with Noah as he kissed and licked every inch of her body. She briefly opened her eyes and met mine before she moaned and closed them again when Noah began suckling her tits. She buried her fingers in his hair as he swirled his tongue around her swollen nipple before giving it a gentle bite. She let out a long hungry moan as he continued nursing like a man dying of thirst, moaning his own pleasure.

When Noah began kissing his way down her stomach, she turned her head to me and I pressed my lips to hers. Again, she moaned as our tongues danced with each other. She broke the kiss with a gasp as I pinched her nipple and kneaded her soft, firm tit.

Nichole’s breathing was getting faster and faster as Noah got closer and closer to her soaked pussy and she let out a great gasp when his tongue gave him his first taste of her treasure. She began alternating between panting and long, mournful moans as his tongue explored the soft folds of her pussy’s lips, kissing and pulling on them with his lips.

As Noah’s tongue found her clit and began probing it with swirls and rapid swipes across it she opened her legs before clamping his head between her thighs and spreading herself open again. A long yearning whimper escaped her, building until she couldn’t take it anymore and she pushed his head away and gasped. And then softly screamed as her first orgasm shook her body, making her legs shake uncontrollably as her pussy squirted it’s joy.

“You okay, Nicky? Do you want to stop?” Noah asked. He knew she didn’t want to stop but he asked her anyway to let Nichole know that she would have to ask for what happened next. I was so proud of Noah for giving Nichole the sense that she was in control of the moment… that her desires mattered most. He was being so patient.

Nichole grabbed his head and pulled it towards her face as she spread herself wide open, revealing that her pussy and inner thighs were covered in her lubricating juices. She opened herself to Noah as she breathed “Fuck me, Noah… oh god… fuck me… pleeeeease…” she begged as she kept pulling him closer.

Noah smiled and grabbed his cock, tapping it against her pussy twice before pressing the head of his cock into the soft, wet folds of Nichole’s grasping cunt. She let out a guttural moan as he slowly pushed inside her. I was rubbing my clit furiously as I watched my son’s cock slowly disappear inside Nichole.

She was half crying, half whimpering as he slowly, tantalizingly pushed half of his rock hard cock inside her. Suddenly, she wrapped her legs around him and pulled him in tight, taking his entire cock inside her with a loud wet smack.

Nichole threw her head back and took a deep breath. “Oh, god… Oh, GOD!” she cried. Noah began pumping her cunt with increasing vigor. She held on to him, her hands clasped behind his neck as she looked into his eyes and ordered Noah “oooooh god… fuck me, Noah… please… oh, god… fuck me…” she kept repeating.

Just watching the two of them as they fucked themselves into a world where only they existed, my own building orgasm fed off their sexual energy. The only sounds were our collective gasps and the sloshing wet sounds of Noah’s slick, hard cock pounding Nichole’s sopping wet cunt.

“Oh god Nicky… I’m cumming… I’m cum…” Noah whimpered. Nichole whined her acceptance as she held him even tighter. Nichole seemed on the edge, much like the moment after the song has built up and just before it drops, as anticipation hangs in the air, frozen in time. What happened next I will remember for the rest of my life.

The beat dropped and we all felt it. Simultaneously.

Noah grunted as his buried cock pulsed with the first surge of cum hitting deep inside Nichole, she screamed and I did as well as we all orgasmed together, Nichole and I squirting our uncontrolled climax as Noah pumped unending streams of cum into his best friend.

Nichole’s body shook as she held tight to Noah with me writhing beside them. Our bodies seemed to pulse to the beat of a song that could only be felt and not heard. Our collective body song continued until it eventually slowed, nearing it’s end.

As our bodies relaxed, Nichole turned her head to me and leaned into a loving, warm kiss before looking at Noah with nothing but pure appreciation and love. Noah first looked at me and then Nichole with the same expression of care and tenderness.

Noah stared deep into Nichole’s eyes. “Wow, Nicky. That was incredible. You’re incredible.”

Nichole softly and lovingly replied. “You weren’t so bad yourself.” And hugged him before pulling me into the hug too.

Noah rose to his elbows but kept his cock inside her for the moment. Her legs were spread wide, she was relaxed and content to let him stay inside her.

Nichole started to laugh but covered her eyes as her laughter turned to tears. Noah, concerned, lowered his body to hers and hugged her. “Hey, hey, hey. It’s okay, Nicky. You’re okay, baby. You’re okay.”

I knew that her tears were of happiness but also, of immense relief. She was letting go of some of her deep hurt and we let her cry her relief. She hung on to Noah as she cried into his shoulder but, eventually, with a deep sigh she was calm and gave us a teary smile.

Noah’s satisfied cock slipped from Nichole’s pussy and she moaned as her satiated pussy reluctantly said farewell to it’s new found friend, followed by a flood of Noah’s semen, sending a shiver through her body.

Nichole was lying limp underneath Noah, her eyes closed, relaxed and very happy, if her purring was any indication. “Oh, Noah, mmmmm. I feel like I’m floating. Mmmmm.” she said with a smile that told Noah he had satisfied her… and then some.

“I’ll never be able to repay you for all you’ve done for me.” Nichole told him earnestly. “And you’ll never have to.” Noah replied truthfully.

She was slowly running her hands over Noah’s body. “You’ve given me so much…”

And then. “…including this huge river of cum coming outta me! Christ, Noah! See a doctor! This isn’t normal!” she shouted, laughing as we all started cracking up. No-filter Nicky was back and on a roll. “…or maybe you should just sell tickets!” Then, in a deep, excited announcer voice said “Come see the River of Cum! Come to Noah’s Cum River! Emma and Noah’s River of Cum theme park! Fun for the whole family! Come, come, come on down today!”

We were laughing so hard, tears were streaming down our faces and it was hard to breathe. I couldn’t help but repeat “Fun for the whole family!” and we all howled with laughter at the double entendre.

Later, as we lay wrapped together in a tangle of arms and legs, spent and satisfied, Nichole giggled.

“What?” we both asked.

Nichole sighed, contented. “Now it’s a threesome.” and we all giggled ourselves to sleep.

- - - - - - - - - -

Day seven - Sunday - Back to School

Nichole and I were hugging Noah when she said “Mmmmm… let’s just stay here all day.” Nichole wiggled her body against Noah and he turned his head to kiss the top of her head. “Seconded.” he said. “Motion carried.” I chimed in, kissing Noah and we all hugged each other closer.

The rest of the day we spent naked and in bed for most of that time. We spoke very few words and communicated mainly through loving looks and tender touches. We made love to each other but it’s all just a blur in my memory. We were all drunk with love and lust. We let ourselves be carried away by passion’s currents and we didn’t care about anything else in the world but pleasuring each other.

We fed each other bites of fruit and cheeses for lunch, punctuated with soft kisses. Around mid-afternoon we all moved to the shower and attentively washed each other, cooing softly and feeling the unbreakable love we had for one another.

The sun was beginning to set. Nichole had her backpack slung over one shoulder, her duffle bag on the floor near the front door and a garment bag on top of it with her blue satin dress safely inside.

“I’ll never forget this, Emma. I’ll never forget you.” She said as she hugged me warmly.

“I’m going to miss having you around, Nicky. I feel like I’m saying goodbye to the daughter I never had.” Nichole held me a little tighter and whispered with a hitch in her voice. “I love you… mom.” I felt a tear roll down my cheek and my body shamelessly radiated an all-encompassing love for my surrogate daughter. “I love you too, my baby girl.”

Before I let her go I said “You’re part of this family now, baby. I’ll see you soon, okay?” to which she nodded and gave me an extra squeeze before taking a step back and picked up her duffle bag and garment bag.

As Noah opened the door for Nichole to her waiting taxi she turned to him and grinned.

“See you at school, Big Hero Dick.”

“See ya’, Nicky No-fear.”

And then she was gone.

Happily, she has been our guest and lover for every Spring Break and long vacation since.

I sighed and Noah walked up to me and hugged me for a long minute. Looking into my eyes I hoped that he could see what I wanted him to do. He did. Noah shrugged off his robe before slipping his hands inside my robe and pushing it over my shoulders, letting it fall to the floor.

“I can’t wait to make you my wife.” he said kissing me. “I can’t wait to call you my husband.” I said returning his kisses. With that, Noah picked me up and carried me to our bedroom where his love filled me as my love enveloped him.

The End


2022-04-23 10:28:14
I really hope you continue this story.

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