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Tyler will never rape again
Tyler moved his head, and the pounding sounded loud in his ears. Cold. Shivering he pulled his heavy limbs close and discovered why they were so heavy, Iron bracelets adorned his wrists and ankles, attached to a shiny silver chain made of hefty links. Eyes wide, he tried to remember. The walk home, the breeze on his face, the moon almost completely gone, the stars hidden by the city lights that surrounded him. There was a van parked and he remembered the passanger door opened and the blow came from nowhere just as the sliding door opened and that was the last thing he remembered. Tyler looked around. He flinched and closed his eyes as the bright lights blinded him. He tried again slower. Trees, leaves, rocks digging into him wherever he settled. He had been left in his boxers and a wife beater. Who would do this? Just as he started to look for someone to ask, blame, yell at…

“Thud!” His side exploded in pain that radiated to the back. His body curled up instinctively and tried to move away from whatever caused the pain. Whoever it was did not care and he felt every twig, pebble, clump of dirt as he was dragged over them on the ground.

“What do you want?” He was trying to think, who had he pissed off so much? What was going on. He tried to stay small and protect his organs, he had been in a street fight or two and sometimes the key was just to survive to fight another day. A voice from above spoke as a boot found his midsection and pushed and rolled almost as if getting a feel for the lay of the land.

“He’s awake.”

Slowly he opened his eyes and blinked at the bright lights, these were like construction worker lights, bright as fuck. The pounding in his head intensified. Hands grabbed him forcing him up.

“Where am I?” He tried to shake off their grip on him.

Smack! Pain radiated from his cheek to his ear as his head whipped to the side under the force of the speaker’s backhand.

“Don’t speak unless spoken to, You stupid fuck!” The voice reverberating in Tyler’s ear drum was the same as before. He shook his head trying to clear his mind and figure things out. His hair was jerked mid shake. The man was not done. Tyler’s head was pulled back, his face warmed by the breath of the man pulling his hair. Tyler looked into his eyes and saw a dark place.

“I bet you thought you would get away with it.” The man hissed and dropped the hair he had been using as a handle.

Fear caused Tyler’s heart to race. He had done some bad stuff and he had no idea what this man was referring to, but he would find out and talk his way out, right? He had a success rate with talking himself out of sticky situations, this was not that much different he lied to himself.

“Look man, what do you think I did? You have the wrong guy I am sure of it. Just let me go and we can forget all about this okay?” Tyler attempted to sound affronted, confused, yet confident while fishing for information.

“Be quiet.”

Tyler lost his balance as the hands that had been holding him up let go. He fell back into the dirt then scrambled to get as far away from these people as he could. Suddenly his head was yanked back the direction he had come, and Tyler became very aware of the collar around his neck attached to a chain, which was anchored to something.

On the ground again he put his hand up to feel the iron ring around his neck and tried not to shake. He looked down and saw a similar ring around his waist with rings hanging on the side that the chains went through. It was a loop from the front of his neck to each wrist and each ankle and back again, sealed with more than one padlock.

This must be a dream; this can’t be happening. He looked around and found the back of his neck had a ring and a chain that was wrapped around a tree nearby. He had walked to the end of it and it had pulled him down when he tried to go to far. Chains? Tree? Where am I? Tyler shook his head trying to get clear. Others were coming he needed to figure this out.

Looking around he was in a clearing of sorts, surrounded by trees. Was this a park? Would someone spot them? He knew no one was looking for him, he tended to disappear for days at a time and resurface later. The two men ignored him and sat on a log on the other side. Tyler looked for a log to sit on for himself, but there was nothing. He sat on the ground back against the tree. He wanted to say something, to talk himself out of this. First things first. Figure out what this is. It had nothing to do with the fact he was told to stay quiet, He wasn’t whipped yet. But he stayed put and quiet. With one eye on the guy who seemed keen on hurting him.

A phone buzzed, and Tyler watched as the guy who had been hitting him got up, his eyes bore into Tyler’s and a commanded was directed at Tyler “Don’t move, shithead.”

He then turned to the other man, “Hey, don’t knock him unconscious, Pete, we need him aware for this.”

“Yeah, I know. Scumbag should die.” Tyler looked at the second speaker, Pete. The other guy walked out. What the fuck had he done to piss these two off?

While Tyler was seizing Pete up trying to figure out if he knew him, and if so where from, Pete looked over and Tyler looked down, he did not know him from anywhere, and did not want to piss off the guy who wanted him dead. Better to wait and see. He could get out of this… Right? If only he knew what this was…maybe.

. . .

Lisa drove down the small dirt road and pulled into a secluded tiny parking area in a forgotten part of the national reserve. The darkness was thick absent the moon and she hated being out in the dark lately The lights in the rear-view mirror brought her a comfort, her dad was right behind just like he had promised he would be. Jason had been explicit that they should come in separate cars. She pulled into the small dirt parking lot of the national park and the lights in her rear view switched off as her dad pulled up behind her. Taking a deep breath and pulling her sweatshirt around her tighter she stepped out into the darkness telling herself to stop being afraid of her own shadow. Her eyes adjusted and she looked for Jason’s vehicle but saw only a worker’s van parked in the area. She shivered as her dad’s arm came around hers, she let herself lean into him, and wished she did not feel the need to be protected still. It had almost been a year since the attack. Her father squeezed her and sent a text to Jason so he would know they had arrived. Her father spoke.

“What could be so important he would drag us out here at night?”

“I don’t know dad, maybe he killed someone, and we need to help dispose of the body.” She laughed and shared a knowing look with her father.

Lisa had grown up with Jason always coming around and he was a great family friend, but no one denied the sketchy part of him. Her dad looked hard at her.

“No, he wouldn’t call me for that, He knows I can’t.” The lawyer spoke but the fact that he had not joined in the laughter and had taken the time to consider the thought spoke volumes.

Lisa shivered in the dark. Her dad squeezed her tighter. She hated feeling so fragile, vulnerable while all her friends, well the ones she still talked to seemed so free and secure. She hated that. She was frightened and damaged and therapy did not seem to be helping lately.

“Jason! What is all this?” Her father had spotted Jason coming out of the forest before she did.

“Hey Frank, thanks for coming, I just wanted you here for Lisa when I tell her with all truthfulness and sincerity: He won’t bother you again.”

Lisa shivered and she leaned further into her father’s arms. Had her joke just become reality. “Jason! You didn’t, I mean please tell me you didn’t kill him." Lisa's father chimed in "and If you did please do not tell me.” Frank released his daughter and moved closer to his car, there were things he did not want to know about, and he was sure this was coming close.

“This is serious Jason; Can I know more than that?”

“Probably not Frank but let me assure you he is alive. There is a way I think I can make Lisa feel safe again and assure her he will not bother her, I want to give her the option, and I cannot say more that with you here Frank, unless you want to cross a line you have never crossed before.”

Lisa turned to her father who was already shaking his head. “Lisa, I can’t tell you what to do, but if you go with Jason, you cannot tell me about tonight, okay? I probably know too much, but I trust Jason to keep you safe so you do what you must. I will be home waiting for you. I love you.” Frank hugged his daughter tight. She was his world and a part of him wanted to go and be a part of protecting his daughter, but not like this. He was sure of that, not like this.

Lisa was silent and the men let her think. Jason looked so sure of himself, so strong. Her father was always a presence, one people paid attention to. Lisa took stock of herself, the nightmares had started again, it was only a matter of time before she started screaming at night again, waking up her dad. She considered and gave her answer.

“Thanks dad. I am going to stay and talk with Jason and see.” Lisa wanted nothing more than to feel safe again, and with no idea what would make her feel that way she was willing to see what Jason’s idea of that looked like.

“Okay, just remember, revenge will not give you back what he took.” Frank looked deep into her daughter’s eyes

“I know dad.” She put her face in his chest, her one safe place in this world. “I love you daddy.”

“Okay, I love you honey, be safe. Jason, be careful with her she is fragile.”

“I know Frank, I watched her grow up too.”

“I know.”

Lisa watched her dad get in the car and drive off, she knew this was hard on him, almost as hard as the last two months had been on her. She turned to Jason.

“You know dad never has told me why you guys became friends in high school.”

Jason shrugged. “That is his story.”

Jason looked at Lisa and waited a second before he spoke. “So we found the guy, and we are sure, and he is just in there.”

“What?! Here?!”

“Shh calm down I just wanted to know what you wanted done to him—I wanted to give you a say and a chance to face him if you want. You have me and Pete right next to you and he is not going anywhere.”

“You guys kidnapped someone? Pete helped?”

Jason shrugged. “You are the closest thing I have to a daughter; I want you to know you are loved and protected.”

Lisa put her had on Jason’s arm “I know that without you risking a jail sentence.”

“Don’t get all mushy, do you want to see him?”

Lisa was quiet. Her mind was cluttered with thoughts. Lisa squared her shoulders, took a deep breath, looked at Jason and committed.

“I do.”

“This way, Stay close.” Jason led her to the clearing.


Tyler looked up at the same time Pete did, they had both heard the footsteps, The big guy from before had come back, but with someone, Tyler squinted, the lights were bright he could make out a woman. As the woman came into the clearing and his eyes focused. His eyes widened in recognition, his breathing became rapid. It was one of his. She had been so scared when she realized she had been drugged, and she was far to weak to fend him off as he had marked her as his. He loved the terror in women’s eyes, it meant they would never forget him. He would never just be a passing thought, he would be remembered. Tyler fought to gain control of himself and appear netural. How could she have found him? Was that the game revenge? Deny it, deny it all. They cannot prove a thing. He could talk himself out of this, he had done it before. He tried to appear disinterested from his place on the ground.

He heard the big guy speak, “Is this the guy?”

“Jason, I need to see his face, I need to be sure.”

Tyler felt Jason’s hand in his medium length hair and felt each root being pulled as he was lifted off the ground by his hair so the woman could get a better look at him. Jason and Pete, now Tyler had names for them, He put on his best poker face as he saw her approaching.

The woman walked over, Tyler took in her long legs, and perfect form priding himself on his good taste in women. She had been his fifth and there would be more if he could just get out of here.

“Yeah that’s him. What are you going to do to him?”

“What do you want done to him?”

Her voice was shaky“I want him to know what it felt like, the violation, to be vulnerable and scared and not know if you are going to live or die, I want him to be afraid to walk outside in the dark alone, I really just want it to never have happened."

The big guy dropped Jason’s hair and pushed him down on the ground. “Don’t get up, don’t talk until told to.”

He walked to Lisa and pulled her close and whispered in her ear. Tyler was watching from the ground, and wanted very much to know what was being said.

Lisa shook her head. “I better go and leave you to it, but guys?” she paused, looking at both of them. “Thank you, and you know, I think I will sleep better tonight”

There was just silence as Jason left with the girl. Tyler wanted to scream, but knew it was pointless and would just irritate Pete. He looked at Pete again wondering if he could fight him, knowing there was no way, Pete was in good shape. He figured he just had to live through the night right? They just wanted to scare him. He would live. He hoped…

After some time, footsteps were heard again and Jason came into the clearing looking hard at his captive. Eventually Jason spoke.


“yeah?” Pete was still sitting on the log not seeming to pay much attention, but not missing anything.

“Help me with him.”


Tyler tried to scramble away, but the metal around each limb and his neck reminded him that there was nowhere to go. Jason picked him up from under the arms and pulled him up so that Tyler was in front of Jason facing Pete, who was kneeling rummaging around in a bag or something on the ground. The first thing Tyler saw Pete take from the bag was a steel ring with straps around it. He felt Jason behind him pull his hair until he opened his mouth to say

“Ow!” Pete was standing in front of him ready with the steel ring.His protest was garbled and barley understandable as a series of sounds from the back of his throat. He gave up as the ring was forced into his mouth behind his teeth leaving his mouth open for any input and secured behind his head. Jason held Tyler at arm’s length. “You know Tyler, that ring was fitted to size.” Tyler felt Jason’s finger on his lips and if it had not been for the ring, Tyler would have tried to bite the finger. Slowly ever so slowly Jason’s index finger made the circle, Jason smiled. “You will be a good boy, now won’t ya?” Then darkness as something was pulled over his head, only to provide light again. It felt tight, but he could see out of it and there was a nose and mouth hole, even his ears were free. “What the heck is this?” Tyler thought as darkness once again was forced upon him and this time he heard something being clicked into place on the hood. Tyler shook his head trying to loosen the blindfold only to have his head stilled and headphones placed over his ears that completely blocked out the sound. Total silence enveloped him, cut off from any clue as to what was about to happen and alone with only his thoughts.

His thoughts went off in all different directions in the uninterrupted silence that invaded every part of him. In the dark under the hood Tyler had one thing to face: He was scared. He felt his body being twisted and manipulated. He felt the restraints being fastened around his limbs folding him into the desired position, His body twisted and rose off the ground. His head pitched forward so he knew that he was facing the ground, but unsure of anything else. Suddenly the headphones came off and noise rushed in. It was weird how much there was, that was only noticed after being deprived of the ability to hear was deprived. The crickets, the boots on the ground, the voice in his ear.

“You raped a friend of ours. We take that personally, now you are going to be raped. We are going to treat you like your prison buddies would and for a while, so you should try to relax, it will hurt less if you relax.” And just like that the headphones went back on and there was silence. He had no idea how long the inactivity lasted. Hanging there, not wanting it to happen, wondering when it was going to start. His mouth ached from being held open, and spit was starting to pool and slowly form a stand from his mouth.

His head was pulled around and a soft long piece of flesh was put in his mouth. “Ugg a dick, they want me to??? NOOO” Violently he moved his head side to side trying to spit, back off of the intrusions. Only to realize just how helpless he was. Hands grabbed the back of his head and forced him all the way down the shaft past his gag reflex. When he came up for breath, he retched, dry heaving while trying to breathe before being forced back down. The assault on his mouth was brutal and without mercy. They knew he could breathe through his nose. He was allowed a longer break if one could call dry heaving and gasping for air like a fish out of water, a break. The next time the cock was placed in his mouth it was different, it was not as big around, but he quickly found out it was longer. Just as with the first he was pushed down to the balls on the first thrust.

Cool air hit Tyler’s ass hole as his cheeks were parted and the cock that had just been in his mouth sat at the entrance letting its presence be known. He screamed as much as he could onto the dick that was in his mouth, He was rewarded with being forced all the way down again. When he was allowed air, he threw up. Again, both cocks entered his body at different paces, assaulting his senses, then air, gasping, wrenching, throwing up, and then again. He had no idea how long, he kept throwing up when allowed to breathe, and his ass was sore. There was a break, he was left to hang in the air, water was poured around and, in his mouth, and then they came back and worked him over again and again. When he felt himself being lowered, he was so very happy hoping it was over. Everything hurt. His holes, the restraints dug into him, everything felt sore.

He hit the ground hard and laid there in pain and ashamed and angry. The rocks and sticks dug into his tender sides, but he barely noticed. Boots walked around him, ropes fell off and he never tried to move. The ring was removed from his mouth and replaced by a cock shaped gag. He felt a heavy chain around his neck and heard a click of what he assumed was a padlock. Tyler felt arms pick him up and wondered who lifted him. He stood when his feet were under him and felt the chain around his neck urge him forward at a pace that would land him flat on his face if he did not keep up. Rocks cut into his feet branches reached for and marked his bare legs, thighs, arms. He walked hunched over, arms in front pulled in tried to walk in small steps to avoid being hit by the bushes and bramble, to no avail. The path seemed smaller than he could make himself.

The three of them walked in a single file line. Pete in front, with the lead chain that connected to Tyler’s makeshift chain collar, Tyler was next, followed by Pete giving the occasional shove. Cool dirt greeted Tyler’s feet mostly devoid of rocks and sticks, a clearing of some sort. He had a brief hope they would leave him for dead, naked and all. He was shoved forward, and his thighs hit the metal of a bumper causing him to stumble and fall onto the metal cold floor of a vehicle. Probably a van. He was pushed and pulled up by both Pete and Jason. His hands and feet locked so that he was in the fetal position unable to see, hear or move. The vehicle lurched forward and so did he. As he rolled around there was a sense of relief. The night was over, they would kill him or let him go…right? He was almost okay with being killed, if that meant it would end. Tyler was not to be so lucky.

Tyler woke up freezing. The air was cold, the floor was cold, and as his body attempted to stretched it was restrained by what felt like chains. His eyes opened and tried to adjust, only to find blackness, from the cloth that had been tied around them. His hands felt around and realized he was on concrete. Panic filled his stomach and come up into his chest. He started to thrash about, only to be reminded that full range of motion had been stolen from him. He realized he could not hear anything, not his clothes rubbing together, nothing except his heartbeat in his ears thudding loudly. The experience in the woods played out in his head like a bad dream. Where was he? Tears leaked out of his eyes. He cried and waited for something.

“ARGGG” his voice was not restricted by the gag anymore, a cold object had been shoved up his asshole, still sore from the previous activities. A sudden cramp in his stomach made him scream and while he could not hear it, he realized the gag was out of his mouth. His stomach hurt so much he need to shit, but the object was embedded and stopped him from doing so. The headphones came off and he heard a masculine, almost soft from above.

“You are having an enema. I have designed it to be painful as they all will be, but know that they don’t have to be, you just don’t deserve any kindness. You will hold it till I tell you to release it. If you by any unlucky chance happen to expel the contents sooner than I allow I will add time and intensity to the next one. You will have two so I can be sure of cleanliness. I will be back later.” Jason started to put the headphones back on.

“Wait! Please I have to pee!”

“Then pee, you will not be allowed to use a toilet at this time.” With that total silence again enveloped Tyler and the cramping made him seek better positions, but there was no relief. He did relieve himself after trying to hold it as long as he could. The warmth quickly turning cold in all the places the pee hit. Tyler was glad that it had stayed away from his face. There was no sense of time in this hood. When the man came back it could have been five minutes or 12 hours or even 24 he had no clue. The headphones and blindfold came off, the room was dim as Tayler’s eyes adjusted.

“I am going to allow you to hear and see, it is easier to give you instructions and expect you to obey. Remember these are privileges that can be taken away if you do not behave, so behave.”

Tyler looked around as much as he could. The room had light everywhere, but it had all been dimmed. The man stood at the entrance, far away and as time passed the lights came up more and more bringing the dank surroundings into sight. He took in his chain, which was hooked to a pipe running along the back of the wall. The space he could reach with the chain was all concrete, and was open, but still only about the size of a room. The rest of it was hardwood. He noticed a drain in the middle of the concrete section of the floor. At the other end of the room was a …. Cage. It was about a foot shorter than the tall ceiling, it seemed like it was the size of a normal bedroom. There was a large pillow, like for a large dog? With blankets. This place was weird. In the middle of the room there was a cross, some wood poles, what looked like a high weight press bench with a guillotine looking piece on one side and other very weird and scary accoutrements

He saw all this as he looked around. His body jerked forward at the impact of boots with his butt.

“Focus! I suggest you pay attention to me as I am the designer of your reality for the next unspecified length of time.”

“Where am I?”

“My place. I had this built just for you. I can see you always. There are cameras, and no blind spots. There is a loudspeaker I can access to give you commands, which you will do.”

“You can’t do this. You can’t keep me here.”

“Who is going to miss you, Omega?”

“What? Who is Omega?”

“You are. The bottom of the pack, the one that anyone can do anything to, the one who is never allowed to mate, eats whatever scraps allowed, you are Omega. I am Jason, you will call me that with all the same respect you would call someone Sir. I don’t like formality. When my friend comes to visit he is Sir Pete.”

“OWWWW!” A cramp made Tyler cry out.

“You really should pay attention when I talk as I will not repeat myself and you will be punished for not remembering what I say.”

Omega laid on the floor grabbing his stomach making incomprehensible noises.

“Okay, Okay let’s get that out of you.” Jason came and undid his wrists and ankles leaving the iron cuffs that were padlocked in place on each limb. “Probably best if you crawl.”

As he crawled the noise of the chain that ran from his iron collar to the pipe at the wall four feet away seemed to cement into his head just how serious his situation was. It was like a horror story sound, but it was real and happening to him. Tayler faltered, hesitated and felt his neck being yanked on from another lead held by his captor, who had introduced himself as Jason. Tayler hurried to the drain, needing no further encouragement.

“Hold it till I say Omega.”

Tyler felt the object yanked from his ass and wanted to let everything out, but he clenched, even as he felt some trickle out, he was able to contain most of it until he heard the word “Release!” from a distance. Tyler unclenched and felt the contents of what he had been holding flow out of him and over his thighs and calves on its way to the drain. He shivered at the absolute grossness of it all but did not move. If he ever got out of here to tell another living soul he would not tell them about this, because he could not explain why he did not move, or try to run, while at the same time seeing just how impossible running at this point would be.

When it felt like all the fluid was gone suddenly cold water doused him from the rear, then circled around his body including his front. The pressure was high and hurt, when it came back to the rear Tyler felt the pressure was increased. Just as suddenly as it had started it stopped and a part of him was relieved that he was cleaned from the filth. He looked up, looking for Jason, but before he could locate him a towel was thrown at him.

“Dry off.”

Omega silently stood and started to dry off when Jason came in front of him and grabbed his penis. “When I give you an order, or direction I expect you to say something, so I know you heard me. From now on you will say ‘Yes, Jason’. Do you understand?”

Omega looked at Jason. “This is ridiculous. You can’t expect. . . “Omega stopped talking as Jason’s hand around his penis started to squeeze. “Yes, Jason I understand.”

Jason let go. “Get completely dry.”

“Yes Jason.” Omega was terrified and did not see a way to fight.

When he was dry Jason led him by the collar to a dry area of the concrete area. Tyler was pulled roughly down to the floor. His collar was attached to a metal ring on the floor that kept his face at most three inches from the floor. Without warning the spout was inserted into his rear and his insides began to fill up. “Lay down on your side and curl up like before.”

“Yes Jason.” Omega was overwhelmed and just wanted to go to sleep and wake up in his own house.

“If I did this slowly there would be less pain, but you will have to earn enemas that are not painful.” Jason talked while he reattached the wrist and ankle cuffs with a simple piece from the hardware store, A double ended eye bolt snap.

Jason left but it seemed he returned quicker than the last time and had not put the hood back on. Omega was tired and felt drained, hungry and thirsty. As before Jason led him to the drain to expel the contents and then hosed him down.

Jason led him to a corner with a small hard platform and one blanket.

“You can sleep.”

“Excuse me, umm Jason?”

Jason turned around slowly There was a threat in the speed. Jason’s eyes met Tyler’s and his voice turned to gravel.

“It is better if you do not speak unless spoken to. This had better be important.”

“Jason, please I am thirsty, and hungry.” Tyler struggled to maintain eye contact, but he would be damned if he was going to lower his eyes.

Jason pointed to a wide mouth gallon jug. After you pee you can drink it. Dual purpose. I will feed you when I see fit and not before.

“You expect me to drink my own pee?”

Tyler focused on Jason as Jason’s thumb made contact with his chin and his face was forced forward and up. “Piss is all you will be given to drink. To stay alive, you will drink it.”

Tyler protested as Jason turned and walked out without a word. Silence and contemplation was all Tyler was left with, and no way to mark the time. The lights turned down almost completely, there was a slight dim illumination, Tyler sat on the platform his hands explored the edges around him. The platform was small. He would have to curl up. Tyler moved so he could not see the jug.

“He can’t do this! He has to let me go!” and slowly doubt creeped in his situation looking darker and darker and Tyler fell asleep wondering if he was still in Clovis, California. Tyler woke with a start his body jerked as she stretched past the edge of the platform throwing his balance off in his post-sleep haze. It was still dark. He remembered. His need was great, he had to pee. The jug was still there, empty, taunting him. Quickly he undid his pants and almost started peeing before he was able to place the head of his penis at the mouth of the jug.

Tyler fell asleep and woke up and fell asleep again, never knowing for how long he had been asleep. He was awakened by the floodlights above being suddenly turned on, The loudspeakers making loud noise and sometimes both. It felt like just as he was getting to sleep he would be awakened.

When Jason arrived, it was the same every time. Jason would stand over him, look down, take off his belt and belt him with it 5 times. Every time. There was no avoiding them, they would come. Jason never said anything. After that his leash would be pulled till, he was on his knees on the cement and his gag was replaced with a gag that had a trough that fed into the mouth. Here if there was still piss in the jug, it would be delivered to him, if there was no piss in the Jug then Jason would provide the hydration himself. On very rare occasions water from a water bottle would be delivered, but rarely. After this food may or may not be provided, it was always the same, bread and cheese. No words were spoken, and Tyler cowered every time he saw Jason enter.

Omega hated meals, he hated getting hit, but he craved conversation. He was not a talker before, but he was finding the solitude unbearable.

One day Jason arrived and did not take of his belt first. He squatted in front of Omega and talked.

“Omega? Do you remember how to address me?”

Omega shook his head. That name still felt weird to him, but he was in no position to argue.

“Whenever I tell you something you are to say “Yes Jason” like you would call a stranger “Sir” if you do not, you will get punished. Do you understand?”

Jason nodded but realized when he looked at Jason’s face, more was expected. “Yes Jason.”

“Good boy, Omega! You can earn rewards if you are good. Now that is what I wanted to talk to you about. Would you like to stop getting belted every time I come here, Omega?”

“Yes Jason, very much so.” There was no faking the enthusiasm he felt. He forgot to be embarrassed that getting hit was the norm and not getting hit was a reward.

“Good, this will not hurt, but it will humiliate you and embarrass you until it becomes second Nature. First the greeting: you will crawl to where I am standing.” Jason stood “Kiss first my right foot, then my left foot. Order is important. We will practice. Stay.” Jason backed away about five steps.

“Your cue is when I snap my fingers you are to greet me properly as you will do every time, I enter a room you are in from now on.” Jason snapped his fingers

Omega hesitated, kiss his boots? Why was this happening to him? He heard the fingers snap twice and crawled he kissed the boots first right then left and stayed there with his head hanging down.

Jason knelt. “I am displeased.” Omega flinched. “You hesitated.”

“Yes, Jason, please. I am not used to this.” Omega felt like he was going to cry and he was not sure why.

“If you cannot do this then I will leave you alone. The next time I come down, I expect you to crawl and greet me properly, quickly and with enthusiasm.”

Jason turned and left as he walked out all the lights went out and the big room got vastly bigger in the dark. Omega shrank back to his wall and felt his way to the corner. And sat staring into the unsettling dark.

“FUCK!” He yelled but all was silent.

With the darkness came sleep and hopeless waking hours. He had found his pee jug, and even drank from it. The sleeps had come and gone and this time food usually appeared when he slept, but not every time There were no enemas, no trough gags to drink from, but mostly no human contact, even if the human was mean to him. He suspected he was losing weight. Having no sense of time, he did not know how long it was before he heard footsteps. He was so relieved that he was not going to be alone in the dark forever. The lights came on low and only about a quarter of them came on. Omega scurried to the center of the room, waiting for his chance to prove to Jason that he could be obedient.

Omega crawled to the feet, but they were not Jason’s feet. A Loudspeaker came alive with Jason’s voice. “This is Sir Pete as far as you are concerned, he is in charge of you. Greet him.”

“Yes Jason” Omega crawled to Sir Pete’s feet and kissed first the right then the left.

“Move to the drain you dirty fucking cunt”

“Yes Sir Pete”, Omega crawled as fast as he could. As soon as he was there a blast of cold, cold water hit him. The water was a violent stream with lots of pressure and while getting clean felt good, there was nothing gentle about this.

“Stand up, arms straight out at your side, feet shoulder width apart.”

Omega obeyed wondering who this guy was while shivering under the amazing feeling of being clean. For a second the stream was pointed straight as his genitals causing him to squeal in pain and making Pete laugh, but he did not do it again.

“Ready for your enema?”

Omega cringed. He had forgotten. He had been pooping in the opposite corner, he glanced there but it was all gone, must have been removed when he slept. Despite the cringing his answer was swift. He did not want to be left in the darkness again.

“Yes, Sir Pete.

It filled him up fast and the cramps started right away. Pete left him on the floor writhing

“I will be back to empty that, don’t do it before I come back”.

Time slowed to an excruciating pace and Omega tried to not think about his cramping stomach and the thing in his ass. Pete came back after what seemed like hours, Tyler would have been shocked to learn it had only been 30 min. Pete repeated the enema again just as Jason had done on the first day. After he had washed all the excess down the drain Pete went and sat in the only chair available on Omega’s half of the room, but just out of reach of Omega’s chain that kept him in his place.

“Omega! Come here!”

“Yes Sir Pete?”

Omega took his chain to the end so he could get closer to Sir Pete.


“Yes Sir Pete.”

“I understand you are having trouble with greeting your Master.”

“I hesitated Sir Pete.”

“Why did you hesitate?”

“Because I did not want to kiss his shoes, Sir Pete.”

Pete got up stood in front of Omega, put one hand under his chin and lifted it so they were looking eye to eye when suddenly “POW” Pete slapped Omega across the cheek.

“You do not get to decide what orders you want to follow. You follow all orders no matter what or Jason will need to call me again. DO YOU UNDERSAND, YOU RIGHT CUNT?” The last part whispered close in Omega’s ear but each word was somehow reverberated through his being as if he had just been shouted at.

“Yes Sir Pete, I understand.”

From the other side of the room came a “Good!” and Jason stood up and approached the side of the room Omega was tied to. When he got to the right place he snapped his fingers, but there was no need His feet had been kissed in the correct order and Omega’s forehead rested on the ground between Jason’s feet genuinely happy to be in the presence of another human being and be able to talk, even if it was just “Yes Jason, Yes Sir Pete”

“Well, that is certainly and improvement, Pete”

Pete shrugged.


“Yes, Jason” Omega had not moved from his spot and his voice was muffled.

“Kneel so that your ass is resting on the back of your legs.” Omega MOVED. He was in position in record time.

“Good!” Jason couldn’t help himself he reached out and tousled Omega’s hair “Now open your thighs as wide as you can. Don’t strain yourself but do stretch yourself and put your hands on your thighs palm up.”

Omega was moving while instructions were being given and was done almost as soon as Jason was.

”That is your rest, or default position, if not being used or if you don’t have a current order, assume this position.”

“Yes, Jason.”

“Stay.” Jason walked over to Pete spoke in hushed tones but Omega heard his name

“Omega….I don’t know…break toys… sure?...Okay” Jason walked back to stand in front of Omega.

“Okay Pete says you are ready for this. That you will do what you must to make me happy and earn comforts such as lights, Is that true?”

“Yes Jason, but I never told him that.”

“He is good at this. Now I want you to kneel straight up, eyes closed, mouth open.” Tyler hesitated until Pete started to move in his direction. Omega tried to make up for the hesitation, he obeyed, he smelled something as it was put in his mouth and he gaged when it was pushed in. Tyler realized it was a cock and tried to spit it out.

“Make him be still Jason.”

Omega felt hands grab his hair and suddenly he could not breathe, there was a cock down his throat and it was not pulling out. Omega tried to push but Pete came behind and pulled his arms away. “Cuffs next time” He heard Pete say and just when he was about to pass out he was allowed air. He gulped and just that fast he found his mouth being used to masturbate with. He did not suck or set the rhythm, he was just a warm wet hole, a receptacle for a man’s cock. He had done this plenty to women he had been with, often without their consent, and now he knew how it felt.

“We will work on this. You will learn to not struggle; you will learn that you in your entirety belong to me.”

Omega hung his head “Yes Jason.” Omega was tired mostly mentally and his position relaxed into one of despair, forgetting something very important.

“What the fuck are you doing? Get in your default position!”

Omega hurried so they would be satisfied but he just wanted to be left alone with his thoughts, never alone, please not alone.

“I will bring down some food, then you are to go to sleep.”

“Yes Jason. Jason?”

“Omega??” Jason’s voice had an edge on it

“Can’t I come with you? Please don’t leave me here alone.”

“The quicker you learn your place and get through your training the quicker you can come stay in the living quarters with me, so work hard.

“Yes Jason.”

“Thank Pete for his time.’

“Thank you, Sir Pete, for your time.”

“You are welcome.” They turned to leave.

Jason stopped not looking back. “Omega?”

“Yes Jason?”

“Are you still in default position?”

“Yes Jason”

“Good boy, you are released, when I come back greet me and then resume that position.” And they went up the stairs. Omega realized that the lights stayed lit and soon Jason brought food, Omega greeted him, got into position, and ate when allowed. Finally, he got to sleep, the best sleep since he arrived. Whenever that was.

The next visits were much of the same long periods of solitude followed by talks with Jason where Jason talked and Omega listened and responded. Followed by his mouth being fucked, after which Omega thanked Jason for using him, just as he had been taught. On the third visit Omega got up the nerve to ask what he had wanted to since the night Sir Pete had come into the dungeon.


Jason had just finished with his mouth and was tired “What Omega?”

“Will you stay longer? I don’t want to be alone, Jason.”

Jason walked to the wall and unhooked Omega’s chain. He wrapped it around his arm until it was leash size “Crawl behind me.” Jason led him to the other side of the room without a word. The floor under him changed from concrete to hardwood and did not seem as harsh to crawl on. He was led to the cage that had been out of his reach and was plush living compared to his bare walls and cement floor. Jason opened the door. “Go in.” Omega crawled ahead enjoying the carpet beneath him, there was a big dog bed on one side and a chair on the other.

“As long as you keep behaving you can stay in here, look there is even a stuffed animal in your bed.” Jason sat down

“Thank you, Jason!” Omega went to his bed, which was a round, but big like it was for a great dane. The tag said “Good Boy beds” and Omega cringed.

“Omega, come here, default position.” Omega obeyed.

“Do you know how to behave?”

“Yes Jason.”


“Do what you say quickly and enthusiastically, Jason.”

“Who else do you have to listen to?”

“Sir Pete, Jason” Omega’s voice fell a bit.

Jason laughed. “Remember to be enthusiastic with him, Omega” Enjoy your luxury for now, you will earn it believe me.”

With that Jason patted Omega on the head and stood up. He walked to the door of the cage and paused.

“Come here Omega, you can walk.” Omega came and stood in front of Jason, knowing better than to look him in the face he looked at the floor. Jason felt around the collar on his neck till he found the padlock that kept the lead attached to him and reaching into his pocket he found the key. Omega was in awe when the lead came off. It had been heavy, but he had stopped noticing until now. As it dropped his head felt lighter. Jason walked out the door and using the same padlock shut the cage.

Omega went to his bed. A Bed! He picked up the stuffed bear and was going to toss it when he thought the better of it. He curled up holding his bear and thinking. This was the most comfortable and relaxed he had felt in a long time. Sleep came, but it has not been a goal when he laid down, He was just enjoying the soft and fluffy feeling of his surroundings and sleep overcame him.

The rattling of the chain and padlock woke him up and he scrambled to kneel before Jas…Sir Pete.

Omega kissed his shoes and assumed the position he had learned with Jason, head back mouth open, expecting to get his face fucked.

“You fucking cunt, turn around head on the carpet ass in the air.” Omega trembled as he turned around.

“You don’t get nice things without earning them, now come on head down, ass up”

Tears formed in Jason’s eyes as he put his ass in the air.

“Good boy. This is the position you will assume after you kiss my feet every time I come here. Do you understand?”

“Yes Sir Pete, I understand.” His voice faltered.

“You understand what this position allowed me to do?”

“Yes Sir Pete.”


“It lets you fuck me easier.”

“Do you want to be fucked?”

“No Sir Pete.” Omega had been able to talk to Jason like this at times, so he was startled when a crop came down hard on his ass


Pete was striking his ass cheeks and only his ass cheeks to intensify the pain. Over and over while he was yelling the words punctuated by the crop and Omega’s sobs. Tears were flowing freely and his ass was on fire, he imagined the color of it was a deep red as well Omega was in no condition to answer, but Pete was not having it. “I FUCKING ASKED YOU A BLOODY QUESTION CUNT, ANSWER ME.”

“I un-understand, S-s-sirrr P-p-pete.” The words barley came out. He wanted to beg for it to stop but was afraid it would just egg Pete on. Omega was lying flat on the floor still crying but softer now that the onslaught had stopped, his chest was heaving in and out focused on breathing normal again.

“If you drop position again while I am punishing you, I will use the crop on your penis. Omega’s eyes got big and he glanced at Sir Pete who was as serious as a heart attack.

“Yes Sir Pete”

“I will not fuck you until you beg me to, believe me you will be begging, Come here kneel in front of me and open your mouth”

Omega did so. Pete had not used his mouth before, but Omega had figured it was a matter of time.

“Now I am going to train you how I like it. Your job is to swallow and swallow fast. You will be punished based on how much spills.”

Pete put his penis in Omega’s mouth and released.

“Piss!” Omega was startled and coughed a bit, making what was in his mouth spew. Then he remembered what Pete had said and swallowed as fast as he could. When Pete had run out of piss he further instructed Omega

“Clean it off. Put your mouth around it and suck till you think its clean.” Omega sucked till he was sure. Then pulled back “Sit your ass on your feet, and keep your knees as far apart as you can.”

“Yes Sir Pete.” Pete cuffed his hands and walked out of the cage leaving the door open. Omega wondered about that until he saw Pete go across the room and pull something out of a drawer and a paddle off the wall. When did the paddles get hung on the wall? He did not remember that happening. Pete came back in, stood in front of Omega,

“What are you?”

“A cunt, Sir. That is what you refer to me as.”

“Good memory.” Pete knelt down and started messing with Omega’s cock.

“Cunts don’t have cocks, only pussy.”

“Yes, Sir Pete. AGGG!” His cock was being manipulated against something cold

“You may look”

Omega looked down and there were rings around his cock and a padlock holding them in place. Suddenly there was a burning sensation

“I added peppermint to the rings. Now for your punishment.” Pete grabbed Omega by the hair led him to a chair and sat down pulling Omega over his lap. Without warning he began his onslaught, making Omega’s rear a bright red, then an even deeper red. Omega cried, begged, screamed, and finally settled into a sobbing mess. Pete had been counting.

“50!” He pushed Omega onto the floor, stood up and left, locking the cage behind him and leaving Omega broken, sobbing, and in pain.

Omega slowly righted himself on all fours and crawled to his bed hoping sleep would come but found it hard to come by. His ass hurt so much that anything rubbing against it woke him up and his penis was the same way, he would get comfortable and then the burning sensation would start up again. He dozed a few minutes here and there but was almost grateful for something to do when Jason came with food. Jason had barely made a sound but Omega jumped and ran for the entrance to get into position. Jason entered and while Omega kissed his feet Jason pulled out his cock. Omega sat back on his knees with his mouth open waiting.

“Put your tongue out more.”

Omega did it.

“Leave your mouth open. Pete told me that your mouth was useful earlier.“

Jason placed his cock on the landing strip that Omega’s tongue provided.

“You will swallow all of what I offer from now on.” Jason released a stream of urine straight at the back of Omega’s throat. Jason was nicer, he stopped and let Omega catch up, before releasing more. Once he was finished Omega began sucking him clean.

“Oh yeah that is nice, Jason gripped a handful of hair from the back of Omega’s head and fucked Omega’s mouth until all had been expelled.

“What a good slave.” Jason tapped his cheek twice. “Now you will never know what to expect, but always expect either cum or piss, cum is protein, piss is hydration, so be thankful for them.

Jason placed a bowl of oatmeal on the floor. “Eat up.”

Omega began to scoop the oatmeal out with his hands when a crop landed on his back.

“No Hands!”

Omega looked at Jason, usually Pete did things like this.

“Please Jason?”

Jason looked down arms crossed, and Omega began to eat without hands. His hesitation would be punished later.
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