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Alice is slowly corrupted by her therapist
Alice was nervous sitting in the waiting room. To be fair, she was always a little on the nervous side, but especially now, waiting to meet her new therapist, Dr. Hillman. Her husband, Jason, had been suggesting that she go see him for several weeks now, swearing that he knew people that said he was a miracle worker. Apparently, he specialized in working with patients that suffered from anxiety and depression, and could really bring some positive life changes, and empowerment. Her anxiety peaked as the door opened into the office, and a nice older heavy set white gentleman wearing glasses and a sweater waved her into the room. "Nice to meet you, I'm Dr. Hillman. Would you like to step inside my office?" he added, gesturing to a couch inside.

Moments earlier, Peter Hillman had been reading his email, confirming all of the details one last time. "Alice Fielding, Asian, age 24." He glanced at the attached picture of her with her husband, noticing the large boobs on her otherwise petite toned frame. Her long black hair, and cute face, accented by meticulously applied makeup, making her eyes draw you in. How the fairly bland looking man in the picture ended up with her wasn't entirely clear to him. He continued to read the message. "As her husband, I've been frustrated by Alice's lack of interest in exploring new experiences in the bedroom. She is a naturally anxious person, and it would be great if you could help her relax, and open her up to new experiences." The email went on detailing some other aspects of the relationship, and personal details, none of which truly mattered. Alice had no idea her husband had reached out to Dr. Hillman several weeks ago, after researching behavioral adjustment therapists, and finding reviews online for his practice, claiming truly "life changing" results. Dr. Hillman leaned back in his chair, and pondered where he wanted to take this experience. Hillman was normally content to simply be paid for his "help" but something about the picture of the young wife reminded him of a girl he had pursued many, many years ago... and it was not a fond memory.

"So, Alice, let's begin by getting to know each other a little", he started. They spent the next 10 minutes talking about his experience, and her slowly growing anxiety. They dug into her insecurities that life was passing her by, that her husband might not love her forever, and that she might not actually be a good person. He had to force himself to keep composed, hearing these worries from a young, beautiful, successful, girl who was clearly active volunteering in her community. "I see Alice, that's a lot to have on your mind" he nodded seriously and continued "These types of things can take years to really work through with traditional therapy, but you sound like you're in an acute state of distress, so if you're open to it, we could explore other methods of treatment". "Like what?" she asked him, wiping a tear from her eye. "Well, hypnosis, when performed by a professional in conjunction with therapy, over time, can substantially accelerate personal growth. Is that something you'd be open to?". She slowly nodded. While she very was apprehensive, this was someone that her husband seemed to completely trust, and if that were the case, she was willing to give it a try.

Dr. Hillman smiled kindly and stood up. He went over to the far side of the room, and prepared a small cup of tea, and grabbed a metronome before walking back, and handing the drink to her. “Please enjoy that herbal tea while I describe what will happen next. This process only works if you are willing to go along with it, so trying to align your willpower with the objectives of the therapy will be key to making progress. Additionally, you may feel slightly strange as a result of all of this, and rapid changes you may go through. The best way to keep grounded, is to talk to someone you love and trust about what you’re experiencing to get reassurance that everything is okay. In this case, it sounds like your husband may be a good person to fill that role.” Alice finished the tea as Dr. Hillman concluded. She had a few questions about how long things would take, but nothing major.

“Okay, lets begin”, said Dr. Hillman, as he turned on the metronome and began walking her through relaxation exercises until she was on the verge of being unconscious. This also gave the mild psychoactive drug he added to her tea time to become effective. Hillman had prepared what he was going to do next. In his experience, it was very hard to change a person’s belief or identity, but what you could do was change how they reacted to things in the moment behaviorally, then then in time, hopefully, their mind would change on things to reduce the dissonance between actions and beliefs. Of course, this had to be done somewhat gradually.

“Alice, can you hear me?” he asked, and watched her nod very slightly. “Alice, you worry a lot about what other people think about you, don’t you?” again, watching her nod. “You should try to just listen to what people want if you want them to like you, especially if you have conflict with them. When someone asks you to do something that makes you uncomfortable, just try saying yes. A little word like that can’t hurt? You must also realize that you’re a very beautiful girl. When you catch people looking at you, you should, you should try to give them a better view, however you can. What better way to make friends from strangers and enemies? You might as well use your looks to get people to like you, right? And I know it’s hard not to worry about things, but you should begin by trusting people in your life that care about you more, like your husband, or myself”. With that, Dr. Hillman decided that much more would be pushing her too far, and slowly brought her out of the trace.

“So, same time next week?” He asked with a warm smile, letting his eyes linger on her, and noticing her subtly lean forward showing off a little cleavage. “Between now and then, just try to reflect on all the things that make you great, and try not to worry so much okay?”. With that, they shook hands and she left. Hillman quickly fired off an email to her husband, reminding him to reassure Alice about any fears that may come up, if he wanted this to work.

The next few days were a slow departure from normal. From her husband Jason’s perspective Alice didn’t seem very different. Sure, she was now saying yes when he asked for things like blowjobs, dirty pictures, and having her talk dirty… but her heart didn’t seem into it. It was nice that she seemed to be wearing less around the house at least. They did have one talk that seemed to go well on Wednesday night, where he explained to her that blowjobs and dirty talk weren’t a big deal, and she should feel pretty comfortable with those things. They weren’t even really sex, so were they actually a much bigger deal than something like giving a hug? He himself thought it was a bit of a stretch, but she seemed to lean into what he was saying and connect with it.

The day before her next therapy session though, Alice came home from work a little late looking distressed, and sought Jason out right away. “Hey babe, maybe I shouldn’t go to therapy again tomorrow, I just don’t feel quite like myself, and I’m a little worried about it”, she told him with a shaky voice. Jason was already feeling excited, hoping that this meant that whatever Dr. Hillman was finally working. “Alice, I’m sure these feelings are just part of whatever you’re doing in therapy.” he said reassuringly. “I think what’s important is that you stick with it, at least for a few months. For what it’s worth, I think you seem a lot more calm, and radiating positivity! I think whatever bumps happen along the way are completely with it”. She looked at him with a blend of sadness and optimism, but let his reassurance set her mind at ease.

The next day, she found herself on the couch in Dr. Hillman’s office, drifting off as he asked her about how her week went. “I’m worried, Dr.Hillman” she said. “And why is that, please tell me what happened this week”.

“Well. Mostly it was small things. On the bus Tuesday, I noticed a man trying to look at my boobs, and I accidentally flipped to a nude picture on my phone that I took for Jason the night before, and tilted my phone so he could see it. I was mortified, but thankfully I got away before he could talk to me.” Hillman motioned for her to continue. “On Wednesday, when I was volunteering at the retirement home, one of the men there made a joke about me sitting on his lap. Without thinking I agreed to do it, and then I was too embarrassed not to, so I did for a few minutes. It was even worse that one of his friends saw me do it, and gave me the dirtiest looks, as he ran his hands over my legs.”

“Yesterday was the worst though. One of my co-workers is a bit of a creepy weirdo. He’s an African American man in his mid 40’s, fairly overweight, and his name is Rich. He always tries to check me out, and makes lewd comments, and says things to put down my work and complaining about women at work. I’ve complained to HR about him before, but I think his cousin is in that department, so it never goes anywhere. Normally, I ignore him, but this whole week I’ve been hanging around him more, wearing lower cut tops, things like that. On Thursday, I went to work wearing a low cut shorter black dress. I have no idea why… but somehow just knowing that there will be someone waiting to look at me when I arrive makes me want to wear clothing like that. Anyway, he invited me to a one on one meeting in a conference room at the end of the day, and I just agreed.

As I walked in, he told me, “your work may be shit, but at least you’re fucking nice to look at, and you seem to get that now”. It was awful, something about knowing that he enjoyed looking at me made me feel great, but I still hated what he said. He walked over to me, and suddenly pulled down my top, and I was torn between wanting to scream, and letting him see me. It was almost like the more I knew he looked down on me, the more important it was to try to convince him to like me. “God, I’ve wanted to see these tits. They’re way too big to be on an Asian girl like you” he said, as he grabbed one of my nipples. “You know what else is big, don’t you?” He said with a sick grin, motioning down to his pants. “I bet you want to play with that don’t you?” he asked, and before I could stop myself, I told him he was right, I did want to play with his cock.

He guided my hand down to his pants, and I started to panic. Why the hell was I alone with this creep? Why was I letting him talk to me like this, or touch me? What was I doing? And Dr. Hillman, it didn’t end there. It was so strange, but I took out his cock, it was only half hard, but I could tell it was big… I mean, probably at least 7 inches and not even totally erect. I kept trying to turn to leave, but every time I did, he would say something like “But you want my big fucking cock, don’t you little slut?” and I would agree. I mean, I didn’t actually agree, but I kept saying it, and if I kept saying it… then how did I want to leave… I mean it makes absolutely no sense!

We did that for a while. Me standing there, sliding my hand up and down his shaft while he said, really, really horrible things to me. I felt him get harder, and noticed the large veins, as he told me how much I must want to play with his big black cock, and “God, if I had known all this time you were just waiting to be put in your place, I would have done it ages ago. Your husband must not know what to do with a girl like you”.

Eventually, he pushed me down, placed a hand on the back of my head, grabbing my hair with his thick hands, and guided his cock to my mouth. I was going to push him off and run, but I remember Jason telling me that blowjobs weren’t much more than hugs, and then decided not to panic. I don’t think he’s right, but I’ve been so confused this week, I figured it may be better to trust him.

He slowly pushed his cock into my mouth, the large head of it barely pushing past my lips. He began moving his hips back and forth, each time going a little deeper. I wasn’t able to take more than half of him, before my face started hitting his belly, and I was gagging. “You really, really need a lot of practice, don’t you?” he laughed, shaking his head, slowly building up speed. Thankfully, the conference room timer went off, saying that we only had the room booked for another 5 minutes, before someone else had it. I felt him pick up the pace, as he started to fuck my face. He pulled my hair back to make me look up at him, and placed one of my hands on his balls to play with them, as I heard his breathing get faster and deeper.

“What a shame we have to cut this short, bitch. Good thing we both work in the same place every day, and now I know what you fucking want” he rasped out, as he pulled on the back of my head hard. He probably shoved 7 of his 9 inches down my throat as I felt him cum while I gagged. He came way more than Jason ever has. I felt like it would never stop, and I would drown. Finally though, it ended, and he let go of me.

“See you again soon Alice. I’m glad I finally found a reason to like having you around.” Rich added with a cruel smile, as he zipped up and left the room. Sitting there on my knees, part of me felt happy that he sorta admitted to liking me, but most of me was completely freaking out. What had I done? What was going on with me? If I hated this so much, why did I keep saying yes to him?

“I was going to tell Jason that night, but he just seemed so sure that whatever is going on with me is a good thing. I don’t know doctor Hillman, is it?” Alice finished, showing a surprising amount of emotion for being in a trance like state.

“Don’t worry Alice, nothing abnormal is happening. This is all part of your personal growth. It’s probably best not to tell Jason what happened, but just trust him that all of this is for the best. And trust that I know exactly what I’m doing, you’re in good hands” he said, staring at her intensely, shifting to hide the erection he’d gotten from hearing her talk about her week. “So, I think I know what we should work on for this week, and it’s sure to make Jason, and maybe some other people, very, very happy to have you in their lives”.
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