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Haley just wanted her business to succeed and asked her employees to help. Somehow, this resulted in a downward spiral of humiliation and degradation.

A rather long and slow story with the first parts dealing mostly with the psychological aspects of Haley's degradation. The sex gradually comes in later.

Haley was excited. A little anxious, but mostly excited.

Business was not progressing as she would have liked, and this was just the idea that will move it forward again. She was sure of it.

She had built the business herself. Fresh from college and with some funds from her parents’ inheritance she started her firm. At first, it was just herself, but surprisingly quickly, she had to hire some employees, and now they were ten in total.

But therein also lay the problem. She was not really a peoples’ person.

She’s always been a little chubby. Not really fat or anything, but a little overweight. Because of that, and by natural inclination she’s always been a little awkward around other people. A little shy.

She thought she had quite a nice face, and after puberty, she also had heavy breasts. She was somewhat conflicted about that. She knew the guys liked that sort of thing, but she didn’t find it comforting to be noticed over those “assets”. Anyway, she still had a bit of a tummy and, well, a “big ass”…

Over the years, she only had a limited circle of friends and very little experience with anything related to sex.

She liked to take care of herself; A careful haircut and well-made clothes. She dressed tastefully, but her clothes were always designed to hide rather than compliment and attract attention.

When she started her firm, she was doing great. It was all accounting and marketing and figures. She had a good mind and a lot of drive and business was booming. But as she started to expand her firm, she also started seeing problems. Her employees were not as committed and driven as her, and she had a hard time getting them to do what she thought was right. She was not good at confrontations and she had a very hard time when she needed to be bossy.

This meant, that as the company grew, it also started to falter. Nothing drastic, but progress was certainly slowing down. She wracked her head over this, until she came up with an idea. She needed to make them all see her and each other as friends, family even. This will surely reduce the need for confrontation and increase their willingness to put in the effort. And hence, the coming meeting. She would talk with everyone openly and candidly and ask for their help on how to reach this goal.

“Yes. It will surely work,” she thought. Excited. A little anxious, but mostly excited


“Hello everyone and thank you for attending this meeting,” Haley opened the meeting. “There are some things that I wanted to share with all of you. As some of you already know, business has not been great for us lately. We are dealing with it from the commercial side and many of you are involved in advancing those ideas, but I think there is more that we can all do together.”

“I know I don’t have good people skills,” she said, looking at her feet, “So I wanted to ask for your help. I would really like all of you to feel comfortable working here. Relaxed. Happy. I want us to be closer, maybe even think about it like a family away from home,” she lifted her head and smiled shyly. “I think it will make all of us happier and help us work better together.”

“I invited you here, today, to ask you what you think we can do to make our office feel this way. What can we add or change to make each and every one of you more at home.”

It took a little while, but the ideas started flowing. Most were quite simple- a better coffee corner, a room for leisure activities, an office outing to a local bar, some redecorating. A few required a little more thought or money and she promised her team to consider them.

As the meeting was drawing to a close, Tom turned to her and commented “You know, Haley, there is actually another aspect that may help with this change.” Tom was one of the more recent employees. He was a little older than her, his hair starting to gray. He was tall and still quite muscular and was actually one of the people Haley had the most trouble working with. There was never anything overt, but there was something in his tone that didn’t quite agree with her, some haughtiness even when he was going along with her dictates that made her try to avoid confronting him as much as possible, trying to work through the other members of his team rather than directly with him.

“And what is that?” she asked, wondering why he did not raise his issue during the earlier discussion.

“As you mentioned yourself,” he answered, “you are not really a peoples’ person. Perhaps there are some changes that you yourself can make that will help all of us be more at ease?”

“I guess,” Haley replied hesitantly. She did say so herself, but it was never easy to hear such things said by others about oneself. “What changes were you thinking of?” Tom turned back to the people arrayed around the room, “Well, maybe let’s hear some ideas from the team, like we did earlier.”

This time, the awkward silence stretched even longer. People glancing at each other. No one daring to be the first to say something less than positive about their boss.

Taking a deep breath, Haley said “It’s okay. I understand. And I really want us to work together. Please speak freely and I will try to do my best to change and improve”.

After that, the comments started. “You’re always very distant, like you’re not really here.” “Sometimes it seems you don’t really listen to us. You just want to do things your way and you just wait for us to finish talking out of politeness.” “You’re always all business. There’s never any small talk, you never really look at the person on the other side.”

“Um…” was all Haley could manage as the comments started to die down.

“So,” Tom spoke up again, “That’s that. Were you really serious earlier? Are you willing to take this to heart and commit to try and change?”

“Yes. Definitely.” Haley gathered herself. “But what does it mean? How do I change? This is pretty much who I am and have always been.”

“You heard the guys.” Tom replied, gesturing at the people around the table. “you’re distant and impersonal. Since we all understand that it’s very hard to change your character overnight, I think you can start by changing your behavior in specific ways. Hopefully, over time, this will become second nature to you and may be considered a real change of character.”

“I have some suggestions,” he continued, looking at the room, but no one interrupted. “You should dedicate some time for informal interaction with each person here. I think you should clear about half an hour a couple of times each day to just go into the office and exchange a few words with everyone. Maybe you should also greet us personally in the morning. You know- a warm welcome to the office to start our day.”

“Like, stand in the door and say good morning?” It sounded a little bizarre to her. Like she was some hotel doorman (doorwoman?).

“Yes. This would be another opportunity for personal interaction and a good way to start the day for everyone involved.”

Haley looked around the room, and although some people seemed a little unsure or uncaring, some were nodding along. “I guess I can do that.”

“You know, there is another thing.” Tom continued. “Your wardrobe. You dress so formally. always wrapped up so carefully. I think this is another way you distance yourself from the rest of us. You should loosen up. Dress more casually.”

“Okaaay,” Haley said, trying to gain back some stability, “But this is the way I always dress. These are the clothes that I have in my wardrobe.”

“You mean you always dress like this? Don’t you have any off days?” Tom scoffed. “I guess this makes sense. But this is actually a good opportunity. Why don’t you go and expand your wardrobe a little? This will really cement your commitment to this change, make it easily apparent. You can also take Rebecca with you. She has really good taste and you can also spend some time together. Just the two of you girls.”

Rebecca smiled at Tom. “I think we could do that. Her clothes really are quite boring.” “Let’s do this,” she turned to Haley, “I’m sure we can spice up your wardrobe and your life a little.”

“I suppose I could try,” hedged Haley. Rebecca did have good taste in clothes. She was always fashionably dressed in some new and interesting combinations of clothes and accessories every day. Of course, her clothes were a lot more revealing and casual than Haley’s, but this was true for just about any girl, and it was never anything inappropriate. Maybe this could lead to a change in a good direction for her after all.


The following week was quite strange for Haley. Shopping with Rebecca was mostly nice. It felt somewhat like “going out with the girls”, not that she’s ever really done it. Rebecca chatted and chose outfits for Haley to try. She didn’t really know how to react. On the one hand, someone was choosing her clothes for her. This did not happen since she was 8 or 9 years old. And they were definitely not what she was used to. They looked nice enough, but she just did not feel comfortable wearing them. She felt a little exposed, conspicuous. On the other hand, this was the whole point. To try something new. To look like someone new. And they did look quite nice. Rebecca did have good taste and she chose clothes that managed to compliment Haley’s figure. She supposed they were what women commonly wore, but for her they were just too colorful and revealing.

In the office, she thought she sensed a brighter vibe, a little more positive energy, but she herself was very awkward with her new duties.

She made the office rounds twice a day. She tried to make small talk, ask people how they were doing, but she didn’t really know what to say, and they were usually busy with work and did not make any effort to reciprocate, so conversation tended to die down very quickly.

Definitely worse was standing in the morning saying hello to her employees. She felt like some ancient hotel colored doorman standing in the entrance like an ornament. She found herself fidgeting constantly, not sure where to look, what to do with her hands and how to greet the people coming through the door.

Towards the end of the week, during her rounds, she decided to talk with Tom. “I’m not sure this is really working. I don’t think I’m achieving much goodwill with all this effort I’m putting.”

“Quitting already?”, he asked. “I thought you were committed to this change. Did you really expect to see any significant results after less than a week? Still, I suppose we can collect the team again and see how they feel about it.”

“Yeah, I guess,” Haley managed after some thought. Maybe she really didn’t give it enough time. “Ok, let’s do this,” she said with renewed determination.


The next meeting started with a short review of the progress of the ideas that were raised in the previous one, with a brief discussion about further ideas. Haley gathered herself, “I would also like to ask you for your feedback regarding my tasks for this last week.”

“I like the new clothes, they look much better than those grey-brown things you used to wear.”

“You’re not very good with small talk. Having you stand quietly looking over my shoulder is not really helping my work or my mood.”

“I think I’d get a warmer welcome in the morning from a potted plant.”

Haley cringed. This time, they were not holding anything back. She knew she was not doing well but hearing it spelled out so rudely was very unsettling. This is why she kept her interaction to a minimum all these years. But now she couldn’t afford to remain the same. For the sake of her business, she had to change. She looked at Tom, despondently, but also with some hope, a plea for help.

He seemed to consider for a moment and then nodded at her and spoke up “I guess Haley is trying, but not doing a very good job of it at the moment. Perhaps we should give another chance”. Looking around, most of the people around the table were nodding their assent. Turning back to Haley he continued- “There are some things that you can try this week. First, I think you should touch people more. Physical closeness can help with emotional closeness. You can touch people on their back as you stand by their workstation, shake their hands every time you enter a meeting, and so on. Since you don’t really know how to handle small talk, perhaps on your rounds you should try and see how you can help people, how you can make their time a little more pleasant.”

“I suppose,” Haley replied after some consideration. “Good,” Tom said, “let’s hope this week you can do better.”

The next week was an even more bizarre experience for her. Now she really found herself lost. What to say, what to do with her hands, how to act. She tried touching people more. Shaking hands seemed out of place, but at least familiar, but coming to stand alongside an employee and putting her hand on their back? So awkward. On the arm? The back? The shoulder? Just lightly? A bit of a grip? Some petting? AAH! She just had no idea. She could see it in the looks they gave her and imagining their “feedback” at next week’s meeting just made her want to give it all up and go home and cuddle alone before the TV.

At first, her mid-day tours around the office were much the same as previously, but after a while, one of the workers that she was offering help to, asked her, hesitantly, to copy some documents for him. “Well, I guess I did offer to help. Maybe this way they will see me as more useful,” she thought to herself as she took the stack of documents. After that came more menial tasks- prepare a coffee, get some office supplies and so on. Again, she was confused. This was really not her job. She was the boss. But if it allowed for closer interactions with her employees? If it made them feel that she was more approachable? Wouldn’t it be for a good cause then?


At the next meeting, she looked at Tom and said “I know it’s been bad. Please, I don’t require feedback from you guys to know that. But I just don’t know what to do. I’m trying my best, but it’s just so hard for me.”

Surprisingly, Tom had a smile of his lips. “I noticed.”

“I’ve been thinking about it and it seems to me that what is needed here is something like aversion therapy. You need to go to the other extreme before you can feel comfortable in the happy middle ground.”

“Um, I guess, although I’m not really sure what do you mean by ‘extremes’” Haley could only make herself mutter quietly.

“That is, if you’re still serious about this whole ‘home away from home plan of yours…” Tom challenged her.

“Of course I am.” What else could she say? If she didn’t show commitment, how could she expect her team to do so?

“let’s see,” Tom continued once she reaffirmed her commitment. “The only thing that seems to be working now is you helping people while on your rounds. I think we should take it to the next stage. When you’re “the boss” you’re aloof and unapproachable and as these last few weeks have shown us, you don’t know how to treat people simply as colleagues. This means you should act towards them as if they’re your superiors. This will make you much less intimidating to talk to, and once you’re more used to it, perhaps you can start working together with them as equals.

So now your main task on your rounds is simply to see if you can help our team. In anything. However simple it may be. Just be polite and helpful.

To cement this, Rebecca, if you are willing, can you please take Haley on another shopping round?”

Haley fumed. He wasn’t even looking at her. Only asking for Rebecca’s assent. After Rebecca nodded, he continued, “This time, her clothes need to be just simple and casual. If she will be dressed casually, maybe she will not feel like she must behave like she’s some kind of ice queen. They should also be sexier. This was one of the few positive feedbacks we heard and maybe revealing more of her body will help Haley reveal a little more of her soul to us,” he smiled.

“This is simply too much. How can he ignore me this way? How can he talk about me this way?” But Haley just stewed and kept these thoughts to herself. She did ask for advice. Maybe she did need to loosen up. Maybe this aversion therapy thing will really make a difference. Maybe if she’d just let go, she’d be normal?

“About touching,” Tom continued, startling her out of her reverie as he turned to the other participants in the meeting. “I encourage you all to touch Haley. Show her how it should be done.” “And you,” he returned his attention to her. “You should hug everyone as you greet them in the morning. Or at any other time, if you feel like it,” he laughed. “This should really make them feel like coming home.”


The shopping trip with Rebecca was less enjoyable this time. Rebecca still chatted, but she just handed clothes to Haley to measure for size without even the pretense of considering her opinion. And the clothes themselves made Haley feel uncomfortable. She guessed they could still be considered normal, but normal for teenage girls, and even as a teenager she did not dress like this. The tights were tighter than she was used to, the skirts and dresses shorter and the blouses lighter, airier and with more cleavage showing. She had to repeatedly remind herself that it was all intentional. She was going to intentionally wear clothes that were not really appropriate for her position. She fervently hoped that over time her unease would lessen and she could grow to be comfortable showing so much skin and figure.

Monday morning was her worst moment in this whole “program” so far. She only ever hugged her mom and dad and her infrequent boyfriends. And now she had to hug her employees? She tried to tell herself that it was OK. That there were cultures were all this hugging was commonplace, that most people could take all this physical contact casually. But for her it was torturous. It started the evening before as she tried to imagine how she would approach each person. Should she talk about it before? Ask them for permission to touch them? Where should she put her hands? How long to hold the hug for? This went on into the night and she hardly got any sleep and continued as she dressed and drank her coffee, all the way until she was standing and fidgeting at the office entrance.

The hugs themselves were every bit as awkward as she had feared they would be. She felt like a wooden doll, stiff and clumsy. She tried to lean into the hugs while keeping her lower body away but this only served to make them feel even more artificial.

Some people returned the hug and smiled at her. “Good,” she thought, “This is how it’s supposed to work”. Others seemed surprised at the sudden intimate contact, apparently having already forgotten her latest task or not taking it seriously to begin with.

Some of the guys, though, seemed to enjoy the hug too much, wrapping her in their arms and holding on for longer than she was comfortable with.

Tom was one of those, of course. After the overlong hug he held her at arms’ lengths and twisted her body from side to side letting his eyes slide over her body. “The hug leaves a lot of room for improvement, but I do like the new look,” he commented finally, the expression on his face changing from an appraising look to a small smile.

Haley tried very hard to take the last part as a compliment but as his gaze lingered on her chest, she found it nearly impossible.

The mid-day rounds were not that different. In some way, they were simpler. She did not have to make small talk, just ask if they needed help. The price, of course, was having to do all manner of secretarial tasks.

The guys also seemed to take way too much pleasure in making her jump as they touched her. A hand on her back or shoulder. Maybe a side hug. It never failed in getting her to jump nearly out of her skin. The best she could do was freeze in place and endure, trying to transform the grimace on her face into a fixed smile.


On Friday, Tom came into her office. “How is it going with your tasks this week?”, he asked. “Ok, I guess,” Haley responded. “Why is he here?” she thought to herself. Usually he did not discuss this during the week, keeping to professional matters, and only guiding the “feedback” meetings.

“Yeah…”. Tom gave her a condescending smile. “We both know that your hugs are pathetic and you freeze anytime anyone touches you. Do you really need to wait for Monday’s meeting to hear this from the rest of the team?” Haley remained silent, turning her gaze down to her hands which were held together tightly in her lap.

After a few seconds of silence, she raised her eyes again to see Tom still holding his smile. “I have an idea,” he said, his smile growing wider. “How to help you. I expect you won’t be thrilled, but for now you are really stuck and I don’t see you making any progress on the physical side of things any time soon without something drastic.” “Ok, I guess. What do you have in mind?” she asked with trepidation. She recognized that this was a stumbling block for her. She just couldn’t relax and touch people with anything close to calmness. Something did indeed need to change, but Tom’s words, and more than that, his smile, made her apprehensive about his new idea.

“You see, for most people, physical contact, such as hugging, releases Oxytocin which improves the mood, calms and increases bonding. This is why the physical side is such a central aspect of your tasks. For you however, it creates stress and makes the entire thing pointless. I think we need to turn it around on its head. We need you to calm down and produce these hormones and then you can properly hug people.”

“Ok… how do I do that?”


Haley was shocked into silence. She couldn’t believe her ears. Did Tom really just stand here in her office and suggest that she masturbate. She couldn’t begin to think how to respond to that. Disgust and outrage swept over her as she tried to make sense of his words.

“Oh, come on,” Tom kept his obnoxious smile, “Don’t look so flabbergasted. I’m sure even a repressed girl like yourself does it. Think about it for a moment. How do you feel when you are aroused? Then you crave contact, don’t you? All you have to do is discreetly touch yourself a little and everything will be so much easier for you.”

Haley still couldn’t get any words out. Her mouth opening and closing as she tried to formulate any form of reply.

Tom waited a few seconds but as she kept silent, continued, “I see you still don’t buy that. Ok, why don’t we simply try this once right now? I’m confident it will make a huge difference, but if it does not, we will try to find another way.”

“So, you want me to masturbate and then hug you?” Haley managed to stutter quietly after a few more shocked moments. She raged at herself for her weak reply. She should scream at him for his audacity. But for some reason, she just couldn’t find the courage to do so. He was so casual about this. Maybe she was really overreacting? Maybe this was a part of the normalcy that she was trying so hard to achieve and her turmoil was a sign of her repression?

“Yes,” Tom said, his smile, if at all possible, growing even larger, “just skip to the toilets and get yourself all nice and hot and your panties nice and wet and then come hug me. I’m sure we’ll both notice the difference.”

As she hesitated, he continued, “You are committed to changing, yes? but you are so uptight you need this to help you get going. Just give it a try.”

Then he stood silent, waiting calmly, keeping the smile on his face and looking at Haley.

She didn’t know what to do. It was simply outrageous. She couldn’t do it. But how could she refuse? With Tom standing there, as if nothing was out of the ordinary. And if she refused, would he continue to help her? Will her team think her weak-willed and hypocritical for not giving it her all?

As Tom continued to stare at her, Haley continued to stew in her thoughts. She could see no way out. She just had to do it.

She slowly got up, the enormity of what she was about to do crashing around her and numbing her. As she squeezed past Tom, still standing just inside the doorway he told her, “Come find me once you’re ready.” It sounded so innocuous, but his smirk and her realization of what she had to do to get ‘ready’ made this simple sentence anything but.

As she walked through the office she felt as if she was heading to the gallows. She kept her head down and avoided making eye contact with anyone. She felt as if they were all laughing at her, somehow knowing exactly what she was headed to the toilets for. As she made it into the toilets and entered a stall, she once again froze. The moment has come. She actually had to do it.

Maybe she could just wait in the stall for a few moments and then go find Tom and hug him. Then he would see that nothing has changed and he would find some other way, some saner way to help her. How would he even know?

But he would probably know. She knew that with arousal came a flush to her cheeks and upper chest (which with her new wardrobe was visible, for a change). There was also the smell…

And maybe it would work? And what if it did work? Was this a viable way forward?

And so, she snuck her hand into her panties. She did masturbate. Not too often, but occasionally. But that was always in the dark, alone in her bed. Doing this in the toilets at work was completely different. She couldn’t get into the correct headspace and her hand couldn’t move properly inside the tights she wore.

After a few fruitless minutes she relented and took her pants and panties down to her knees, closed her eyes and tried to forget where she was. It still was not easy, but after a few more minutes she felt herself start to respond to the stimulation. Her heartbeat rose, her vagina started to lubricate and her labia to engorge with blood. But as she started to really get into the groove, she had to remind herself that the point was not getting off but getting aroused. She was amazed that she could even get to the point of momentarily forgetting herself and indulging in the physical sensations.

Once she settled herself, she pulled up her tights and exited the toilets. If possible, the walk towards Tom’s office was even more embarrassing. Now she was sure everyone knew what she has just been doing. They could see it on her face, in her walk, in her smell. However, no one seemed to notice and no one gave her any special attention or said anything.

As she entered Tom’s office, he looked up at her from where he was sitting by his desk, gave her a good long look and said, “Took you long enough, but it seems you’re ready. Now let’s see if it worked”. Then, he got up, opened his arms and then waited with the same cocky smile on his face.

“Welp,” she thought to herself, “time to see what’s what. And that bastard is not making it any easier, just standing there and waiting for me to do all the work.” With that, she approached him and put her arms around him, just as she had every morning in the past week. And as every morning, he wrapped his arms around her back and pulled her close. The difference was, that this time, every place she touched and was touched was tingling. Especially her nipples as her breasts were mashed against his chest. She found herself subconsciously trying to get herself closer to him, to increase the contact area. Most embarrassingly of all, she found her pelvis pulling closer as well, her vagina trying to find some counter pressure to recreate the sensations her fingers gave her just a few minutes ago.

After a few moments, she pulled herself forcefully away. She felt her heart beating strongly in her chest and warmth in her cheeks and as she looked up, saw Tom’s face looming above her, his smile larger than ever. He was still holding her in the circle of his arms, looking proudly down at her. Not in a proper hug, but still disturbingly close, “Well, this certainly solves the issue of the morning hugs. We’ll still need to work on what happens with the physical side of your tasks throughout the rest of the day, but I’m sure we can come up with something.”

Her mind was racing, only now following the recent events to their horrible conclusion- “You mean I have to, to masturbate, every morning before giving the hugs?”

“Can’t deny it’s effective, can you now?” he drawled and Haley noticed that she was still in his arms, being moved slowly from side to side, and despite her tumultuous thoughts, she wasn’t frozen and she wasn’t running away.

She slowly extricated herself from his arms and left his office, lost in her thoughts. She found it hard to focus all through the rest of the day as she couldn’t help but think about what she would have to do on Monday morning.


Her mind didn’t settle through the entire weekend and as she arrived early on Monday morning, her heart was racing. After unlocking the office door, she put her bag and jacket in her office and then made her way to toilets slowly, trying to convince herself that what she was about to do was necessary. That it will be helpful. And not at all outrageous.

And then, she was in the toilet stall, lifting her skirt, lowering her panties, wetting a finger and starting to rub. This time, arousal arrived a little more easily and after a few minutes she dressed herself, washed her hands and face, trying to minimize the visible effect of her state and went to wait by the door to wait for her employees to arrive.

The next hour was a surreal experience. She was hugging people and it was working. She was still not sure how to approach them, how close to be and how to disengage, but the hugs felt a lot more natural. They also seemed to keep her level of arousal quite high. Most of the huggees had smiles on their faces as they entered the office. She did not know if they were from genuine joy, or from surprise at the change from the previous greetings, but she still counted it as a sort of win.

Tom opened that day’s meeting, “As you’ve probably noticed this morning, we managed to find something that works for Haley and her morning welcome is now downright homey.” With that he gave them all a smile and Haley was grateful that he did not publicize exactly what this ‘help’ was.

“We’re still working on helping her with casual touch, but let’s hear your feedback on other things.”

The gist of it was not surprising- she was making progress, but she was still considered aloof and socially clumsy. One of the suggestions that garnered some supportive noises was that she’d move her desk from her isolated office to the main office space. This way she’d be closer to her team and could be part of the daily ongoings. That actually made quite a lot of sense to Haley and she wondered how she hadn’t thought of it before. Most of the workers sat in a largish open space office. It was meant exactly to improve the inter office relations and yet she and a couple of other managers, Tom among them, had their own offices. She added her enthusiastic support to that and promised to move her station the following day.

After the discussion settled down, Tom turned to her, “I have a slightly delicate question for you. I have my suspicions, but I would like to hear your side- I wanted to know why you are so uncomfortable with your new wardrobe? You’ve heard the positive comments from the team on the recent changes to your clothing style and yet it still seems to make you quite self-aware and uncomfortable”.

Haley took a few moments to think how to answer that. To call is a delicate question was an understatement. Was she ready to share such intimate thoughts with her team? But again came the thought; She had to. She had to show that she was committed, that she was open to criticism and advice.

After organizing her thoughts, she answered, “I suppose there are two issues that are at the root of this. For one, I want to be judged based on my abilities and not by my looks so I always tried to hide my feminine side. I’m starting to see that it was hiding more of me than I thought.” She risked a small smile and was encouraged to encounter answering smiles on many of the faces before her.

“The other reason, is that I’m not comfortable with my body. I do not feel that people would want to see so much of it exposed.”

Tom nodded, “Well, the fact that you are starting to be aware is already good progress. As to the second issue you raised, again, I urge you to remember the positive feedback from our team on your changes. You do not need to be so shy. You are not some ogre that frightens folk with their hideous looks. With all that said, I can understand your concern and I think that we can help you with that too. I talked with Megan,” he turned to the accountant in question, who smiled and waved back at Haley. “And she recommended a personal coach that can help you with an exercise program and dietary planning. I think that if you feel you take improving your body seriously, it will make more comfortable with it and perhaps more comfortable around others. Now the last decision that we endorsed just happens to come very neatly into play here. If you all remember, at the first meeting, one of the suggestions for general improvements was trying to open a gym or workout room. Now that you are moving out of your office, we can turn it into a gym and you can put in an hour or so of exercise daily which should get you on your way to an improved figure in no time.”

The team was really enthusiastic at that, as it was an idea that up to now they couldn’t implement and would be a very nice improvement to their working conditions. Haley was less thrilled. She hasn’t moved out of her office and already it was to be converted. But maybe some good will come out of it. Like any overweight person (or probably any person these days, no matter the weight) she considered taking up dieting and exercise countless times but never followed up. Now it had to do with her business’s success and this may just give her the drive she was previously lacking.

After the hubbub quieted down, Tom looked to her again with a smirk, “I hope I do not need to remind you to make sure that your exercise cloths are appropriate to the new you.”


Things moved very quickly after that, with Haley finding a desk in the main office space and work starting to convert her office into a small gym. She had a preliminary meeting with the personal coach to discuss her new diet and plan her exercise schedule. She was feeling very good about this aspect of promised change with new resolve filling her. The guy was very professional and his diet plan actually sounded feasible. He did not ask her to starve herself or eat weird food. Rather, they planned a balanced menu with enough variety to be appealing but with careful control on certain types of foods and overall caloric intake.

Buying her new workout wardrobe, though, was a less comfortable experience. This time she went by herself. She was careful to choose fashionably revealing sportswear, always remembering Tom’s smirk from the end of the last meeting. She found the girl looking back at her in the dressing room mirror quite foreign. The sports bra holding her large chest high and prominent, the short tights hugging her large derriere and the overall costume leaving large swathes of exposed skin on her legs, thighs and stomach. She tried to channel the positive comments from her team and the promised change from dieting and exercise, but still couldn’t make herself believe that anybody could find the resulting image attractive. As she turned and looked at her backside, she noticed the panty line obviously delineated by the tightness of the shorts she was wearing. With the conservative cut of her underwear, this line looked quite ridiculous. This forced her to make another stop at the lingerie store to buy some panties with much higher cuts and lower coverage. She could not bring herself to buy thongs that would make the panty line disappear completely, but she hoped that the higher cut of her new purchases would at least look moderately sexy.

The morning hugs continued as she slowly and unbelievably started to find the idea and practice of masturbating before the start of each day almost normal.

She felt strange, sitting in the same space as most of her employees, watching the flow of conversation and work as she tried to concentrate on her own work in the relatively noisy atmosphere. For the first couple of days, she remained isolated in her own bubble of silence; the physical closeness not managing to circumvent her longtime barriers. The change, as it often did, came from outside. After a couple of days of quiet, Al came to ask her a question regarding a project he was working on and then people seemed to finally digest the fact that she was there and mildly approachable. However, once Rebecca called her to her computer to show her something on her screen, this seemed to be the new norm and she found herself traversing the maze between desks at regular intervals. Then, on Thursday, Dave called her to his workstation just after her midday rounds and after she gave in the input he asked for, he casually asked her to bring him the papers he just printed from the office printer. “What should I do?” She asked herself. “Are menial tasks only for the allotted rounds or for any time?” after some deliberation she went and fetched the papers. It was easier than trying to come up with a polite way to refuse after doing such tasks just a few minutes earlier. “I suppose I am already standing, and I suppose I need to be more approachable and helpful, so why not?”

This time, it appeared that her team was very perceptive, as they very quickly used their newly acquired resource and expanded their use of her from her daily rounds to any time during the day. It integrated her more into daily office life, but more as a secretary, she supposed, than as a colleague on equal footing. Still, it was something, and Tom did say that his plan was for her to learn how to be helpful in any way possible and work her way up from there.


When the gym was ready, after a surprisingly short time, Tom approached her at her desk. “So, looking good,” he said, pointing to her converted former office. At her nod he continued “When are you going to set your exercise times?”

Wondering and slightly dreading where that question was leading to, Haley responded, “I was thinking of going at the end of my day, probably around 18:00”.

“Hmm,” Tom hmmed. “I think you should set a time for that during regular office hours. We should probably let the personnel take an hour or two per week for gym time during working hours to encourage them, but for you, I think that it is especially important to take your gym break during the day so your commitment to change will be visible.”

“But I don’t want everyone to see me as I run and skip and squat in my minimal coverage sportswear. And I will anyway have to stay late to catch up with my regular work. Which is already suffering from all these extra duties you’re all giving me…” Haley, however, kept all this to herself and only answered with a quiet “OK, I guess I can clear a slot on my schedule for gym hour every day at 10:00.” Tom only nodded slightly and returned to his office.

The next day she was mortified as she exited the change room in the toilets in her tight sports bra and short lycra pants feeling incredibly exposed as she made her way through the office to the gym, trying to cover a little of her dignity with the small towel she held around her shoulders. It felt to her as though everyone was watching her, especially her jiggling breasts and butt. She knew she was most likely hypersensitive and everyone was busy with their work, but she couldn’t help but feel as though this was some kind of walk-of-shame.

As she started her new exercise routine, she was lost in concentration and effort and thoughts of how she looked as she ran on the track or performed jumping jacks and squats faded away.

As she finished her hour, slightly sweaty and out of breath, she turned to see Tom at the open gym door looking at her. She thought she also caught looks from some other male employees through the partially transparent glass wall but they returned to their work quickly. “How long has he been standing there, looking at me?” she thought as she dried herself with her towel.

“How did it go?” Tom asked, “How is the equipment?” “Good, I suppose,” Haley responded, shrugging, “It’s not like I have much experience to draw comparisons from, but it was nice, I think.”

Tom then let his eyes wander over her body. Haley stood frozen, her go-to reaction in these recently prevalent awkward moments, waiting for him to have his fill with the blatant ogling. “Not bad,” he said after a few long moments, “I’m a little surprised that you didn’t go with some loose track suit but this definitely looks better on you.” He then pointed at her and made a circle with his finger.

Haley was flabbergasted. He wanted her to spin around so he can continue checking out her figure from all angles? Was she some piece of meat? She was his boss for god sake. But, of course, this all went unsaid and after a short pause she slowly turned around, presenting her back to him. After a short pause she started to turn back, looking toward him to see if she gave him enough time, if she was allowed to complete this degrading visual examination, all the while fighting against the urge to try and cower and cover herself with her hands. “Not bad,” he repeated, “I don’t understand why you’ve been hiding all this,” he continued, emphasizing his meaning by making an hourglass shape with his hands. He then approached her and placed his hand on her back in what she supposed was a friendly gesture but felt oppressive in its uninvited physical proximity, “I’m seeing some progress. I think we’re heading in the right direction”. Only then he seemed to notice her trying to shrink upon herself under his touch, “But casual contact is still an issue with you, I see. Why is that? Why are you so nervous when somebody touches you? What should we do with you? Do we need to keep you aroused the entire day?” he chuckled at his own joke. At least she hoped he was joking. Then he turned to look at her, not really waiting for a reply, “What are you afraid of? That someone will touch you like this?” This last question was accompanied by his hand trailing down her back to end up cupping her right buttock, “Or this?” and now his other hand flitted along her bare stomach until it settled on her breast, slightly squeezing, “Would it be so bad?”.

Haley was shocked. Here she was, in the middle of the office, half naked, sweating and disheveled being groped by one of her co-workers. She couldn’t decide what to do. Should she scream? Slap Tom, fire him and sue him for sexual harassment? Or was this part of the change that she committed herself to? It was true that she froze every time anybody touched her anywhere. And it was also true that sexual arousal helped her with the morning hugs. Until now Tom’s methods were outside her comfort zone, but they did seem to help her move forward where she herself had been stuck in a rut for so many years. But copping a feel of her ass and tits in the middle of the day in the middle of the office? Tom seemed relaxed and comfortable, standing there in the gym with his hands lying intimately on her body like this was nothing out of the ordinary. Finally, she found herself again hesitating for so long that any violent, negative reaction seemed to her inappropriate after the long moments of implicit consent. And so, yet again, she suffered quietly, waiting for Tom to remove his hands and dismiss her so she could shower and change into her new office outfit, which after her workout attire suddenly felt like a comfortable and secure haven.

Tom released her with a final squeeze on her breast and a “helping hand” on her rump sending her on her way to the shower. She was distraught as she made her way through the office in her skimpy clothes, but this time focused inwards and not paying any notice to her surroundings. Her mind was churning. Going over the happenings of the last few seconds and the last few weeks, trying to make sense of them, trying to find some familiar frame of reference she could judge them by. Did all these tasks she was doing that were so humiliating for her helping her improve? Helping her employees feel more connected? How low did she need to go before she could return to normal? Not that she had any idea what normal was even supposed to be anymore. Was her shyness reasonable, or was it extreme and all the exposure and physical contact actually socially appropriate? The physical sensations she experienced in these last few weeks were so unusual for her as well; freezing when suddenly touched in contrast to the skin tingling hugs encouraged by sexual arousal, and this also added to her confusion.

As the hot water in the shower started falling on her, washing away the sweat, she began to relax a little and as she was dressing, she steeled her resolve. It was working. She was getting positive feedback from her employees. The hugs were nice. She was more involved in the office’s daily life. The immodest clothes and intimate touching were just the price she had to pay for this and she was willing to give so much more for her business to succeed.


The following days were less traumatic and she seemed to settle into her new schedule of hugs, acting as an office helper and exercise. One morning, as she was settling at her desk and starting her work for the day after greeting and hugging her workers, she saw Tom enter the office. It was past 9:00 already and later than the usual times people arrived to work so she had already left her post at the door. Tom paused by the door, and then continued towards his office. As he went by her desk, he motioned her to follow him, not even bothering to greet her. Haley followed him, wondering how he would react to her not waiting at the door to greet him. He was walking quietly and without hurry but he did not seem pleased. He arrived so late, what was she supposed to do? Waste all her time standing idly by the door as others were starting their day?

When they entered his office, he put his bag down and sat in his chair. He waved his hand at her direction, signaling her to close the door, again, without uttering a word, and then remained silent as she was left standing before his desk unsure of what to do with herself.

“So,” he started, but did not continue. Haley couldn’t stand the pressure. She didn’t feel like she’d done anything wrong but the silence and the cold glare made her anxious and so she started to apologize, her words tumbling over each other, “I’m sorry, you were late and I wanted to start my work. I have a really busy schedule today, what with the workout session and my rounds and I did not know when you will arrive,” she realized she was babbling and her explanations petered off as Tom remained silent, holding his gaze on hers.

“So,” he began again, and this time when he paused, she managed to restrain herself and wait for him to continue, “This is the sum of your commitment? I arrive a few minutes late and you abandon your task?”

Haley tried to find a response; “but, but, I did not know when you will arrive…” Was he correct, would she have not tried harder if this was something else? Would she have left the office early if she had a presentation to finish?

Tom regarded her again, “Even if you felt it was beneath you to wait for me, you could have at least kept an eye out and rushed to the door when I arrived.”

Haley flinched but managed to utter quietly, “I’m sorry, it won’t happen again.”

“Hmm,” he said, stroking his chin thoughtfully, “I’m not sure that’s going to cut it. We’re all trying to help you and trusting you to navigate the business and here, at the first sign of difficulty, you just leave your commitment behind and slip back into your comfort zone. How can we trust you to put your effort in where and when it counts?”

Haley remained standing before him wringing her hands. She did not know how to respond to that.

“I think actions should have consequences, no?” Tom regarded her expectantly, as though this was not a rhetorical question. Haley nodded timidly. She could sense another pit opening before her but, as before, she did not know where Tom was heading or what she could do to avoid it.

“I would say that first and foremost you owe an apology to the entire team at our next meeting,” he continued while Haley continued nodding mutely. “But I think something more is required. Both to show that you are willing to take responsibility for your actions and to make you realize that there are consequences to them.”

Haley could feel the pit yawning wider before her but was still no closer to being able to avoid it. “Yes. I am committed. I will try even harder. I can take responsibility.” She felt like a teenager again. Trying to explain to her parents that she was old and responsible enough to drive or to have her own bank account. How did he manage to do this to her time and time again? She was the founder and manager of the firm yet here she was offering excuses. Wearing teenager clothes and doing grunt work around the office was certainly not helping her feel empowered.

“Good,” Tom responded, “But you still need to feel the consequences of your actions and I think that a spanking will make you feel them in a very direct way.”

“A spanking?” Haley spluttered, “You can’t be serious.” Tom remained calm, “Of course I’m serious. You need to internalize that you are not above the rest of us hired hands and that your actions have consequences and this punishment is the perfect way to make you feel humble and ensure that you remember this lesson. What would you suggest? That I dock some of your pay? That I require to stay another hour after work? Do you think that these will be as effective or memorable as a dose of good old fashioned physical punishment?”

“But a spanking?” Haley muttered, “I mean, I guess I can take the physical punishment, but in front of the whole team? I’d die of shame. I’d never be able to face them again. Please, can we find some other way to punish me?” As she finished, she was practically begging. She was completely mortified as she imagined what having to endure a spanking in a room full of people would be like. She did not think she could possibly do it. She’s never been physically punished, but she was not too afraid of a little pain. She understood that a major part of this punishment was the humiliation and the humility it was meant to cause, but it was just too much.

Tom spent a few moments in thought, “I personally think it would do you good to be taken down a peg or two in front of your colleagues. This is, after all, an integral part of your tasks and the changes you need to go through. However, I see that it can undermine your authority too much and so I am willing to consider administering the punishment in private. In that case, though, I will need to increase its memorability in some other way.” Haley was nodding furiously. She didn’t care. As long as she could avoid the public humiliation, she just didn’t care. “Ok,” Tom said, “Come back at the end of the day and we’ll see what we’ll do.” And with that he dismissed her with a flick of his hand and turned his attention to the screen of his computer.


Haley tried to collect herself as she slowly left Tom’s office and returned to her desk. What has she signed herself up for? A spanking? And what additional humiliations will Tom invent for her to endure? During the rest of the day she tried to immerse herself in her work to help her avoid thoughts of what was waiting for her at the end of the day while also paying special attention to the team and dedicating extra time to helping them, trying to make up somewhat for her mistake.

As everyone else left for the day, Haley made her way to Tom’s office. As she entered, he glanced up but returned to his computer, apparently to finish what he was working on, leaving her again stranded in the middle of his office. It only took him a few moments to type in some more words and then he turned to her, “Good, you’re here. I hope that after this you will take your duties with proper consideration. Now let’s begin. Come her and bend over my desk.” Haley slowly walked forward and leaned over his desk, feeling extremely vulnerable. As Tom rounded his desk and went to stand behind her, he continued, “In order to make this have sufficient impact, and at your request to avoid making this punishment public, I will administer the spanking to your bare bottom.” With that, he reached his hands and lowered her tights to her knees. Haley buried her head between her hands and was glad she was leaning on the table because she was not sure she was stable enough to stand on her own two legs. How had she reached this position? How has she agreed to any of this? And yet she did, and all the was left to her was to endure.

Tom lay his hands on her ass cheeks and then trailed his fingers along the border of her panties before gathering them into a thin strip and wedging them into the crack between her globes. This left her butt completely exposed, which he took advantage of by moving his hands over her exposed skin, squeezing occasionally.

“You know,” he said suddenly, startling her out of her efforts at detaching herself from what was happening to her, “If you want to masturbate now, it will likely make this whole experience much more pleasant for you. Not less humiliating, mind you, but less painful,” he laughed as his hands continued to trail over her bare skin. Haley mutely shook her head. She just wanted this to be over with. The thought of taking time to masturbate now, then having to expose herself again was much more than she could endure. “Just get on with it,” she finally managed to whisper. The fact that he was touching her bare skin so intimately hardly registered with her. She was much too concerned with the humiliating position she was occupying and the pain she expected to follow.

“As you wish,” Tom smiled and stood at her side, letting his hand linger on her ass, measuring the distance for the coming spank. Then he lifted his hands, and then, nothing. Haley was bent over his desk, trying to shrink and fold herself as much as she could, but there was nothing she could do, nowhere she could hide. Her posterior remained presented invitingly and nakedly to Tom’s gaze and touch and the wait was driving her crazy. Just let him get on with it and be done. Then she could pick herself up, go home and try to move on. But having to remain in this submissive posture, waiting for his leisure, wondering how painful the spanking was going to be was shaking her to her core. After a few tense moments, she relaxed her posture slightly and looked back at Tom to see what he was doing. Naturally, that was the time that he hit her. His open palm colliding with her ass cheek with a loud snap, causing her flesh to jiggle and pushing her forward until her thighs collided with the desk. The pain arrived a few seconds later. It was intense, like a skin burn, but not intolerable. In some way, it was a relief. It started. It was not unbearable. It was better than waiting for the unknown.

Tom took his time, waiting for the pain to register, for her flesh to redden, for her to begin to relax before hitting her again. This went on for some time; the wait, the pain, the spank, the jiggle. She was not sure how much time passed and how many spanks she received as Tom hit one cheek and then the other, sometimes hitting lower, where her thighs met her ass, and sometimes higher, almost on her lower back, sometimes from the side, sometimes from the top or bottom, as if he was exploring all the ways he could cause her ample flesh to move and bounce . When the time came that the pause was stretching for far longer than usual, she looked back at him, to see him smiling at her backside appreciatively, “That’s a nice look for you, and a lesson I think you will not soon forget.”

It was finally over. She was exhausted. Her back side was smarting and stinging, feeling greatly swollen. She slowly straightened, using her arms to support herself on shaky legs. She moved her hand to her back and touched her inflamed flesh delicately. Her cold and clammy hand felt soothing on her bottom, but she did not want to linger for long in this office with Tom and so she straightened her panties and painfully bent to raise her tights. The sensation of the tight garment dragging across sensitive skin was extremely unpleasant but she felt relieved to finally be covered again. She took another breath to center herself and then made her unsteady way out of Tom’s office to pick up her bag and try to get home. Thankfully, Tom was silent and she did not look back at him or utter any goodbyes.

The way home was a horrible experience as she had severe trouble sitting in her car and trying to concentrate on driving. After what felt like hours, she finally reached her apartment and took off her clothes before showering and then spreading moisturizing cream liberally on her tortured bottom. She was too exhausted to think of anything beyond the pain and as soon as possible she collapsed in her bed, carefully arranging herself on her stomach and was immediately asleep.


Haley awoke groggily the next morning, naked in her bed. She never slept naked. She got out of bed and regarded her back side in the full-length mirror in her wardrobe door. Her skin still had a rosy color and was feeling sensitive to her exploring hands but it did not look like there was any lingering damage from yesterday’s ordeal. During her close inspection of her naked self, she suddenly noticed that she could see a little more muscle under the fat on her hands and thighs.

As she dressed, she again tried to understand how she arrived in in this situation. She wanted to make her business work better, and if along the way she could make her employees feel more at home and improve on her social skills, then all the better. How did this noble plan end with her being spanked? Even with all the horror and humiliation of the spanking, she did not seriously think of stopping. Many good things were happening. The office atmosphere seemed lighter and she was on closer terms with many of her employees than she was ever before. she could not throw all this effort away and admit defeat. With that, she gathered herself, dressed in her clothes for the day; choosing a skirt to minimize friction and pressure on her butt, and vowed to try harder. To show her team that she was fully committed.

The day was surprisingly normal. The new normal. She went about her new schedule as she did every day in her new clothes and devoted time to exercise and to make the office rounds. Tom did not make any comment. Simply hugging her as he entered the office, smiling at her skirt clad behind and going about his business.

At the next meeting, she had to deliver her apology. As the meeting started, she looked at Tom, but he just looked at her and made a motion with his head directing her towards the front of the room. Haley spent a long time phrasing this apology. What to say. How to sound sincere, how not to expose too much of her humiliation. “Hi everybody. I would like to open this meeting with an apology. You all know how important this business and you all are to me, and I know how much you are investing in your work and in trying to improve and helping me improve. Last week I discovered that I was not putting enough effort into the tasks that we agree on in these meetings. Not as much as I should. Not as much as I would for other business-related tasks, and this was wrong of me. Tom helped me see this and to see how important it is that I give my full commitment to you all. I want you to know that I will do my best to work hard and improve and I hope that you will all join me on this journey.” People were looking around, not completely sure what she was talking about, but Tom just nodded at her, and so she moved the discussion on to the next order of the day, another embarrassing task accomplished.

During the feedback session, there were many positive comments about the new gym and about her being more approachable and helpful.

Then Megan said, “It’s true that you’re helping us, but I also feel that it makes the office noisier and less organized. Every time I need something from you, I need to try and attract your attention, without making too much of a commotion. I think we need some way to make this more efficient.” Some people seemed to agree with this sentiment, but some grumbled. Apparently, Megan was somewhat of a dragon and was often trying to get her co-workers to be quieter and to keep their desks more orderly, which not everyone has taken kindly to. Suddenly Dave said, mostly in jest, “How about we put little buttons with lights at each workstation? This way we can call her like you would a stewardess on an airplane?” he looked around proudly at the tittering that his idea aroused. But Tom then said, “Oh, I like this idea. I think we can do something like this. It will bring a little order to the madness and wouldn’t it be nice to imagine Haley as a stewardess?” There were some more laughs at that, but Haley was unsure. It may be an interesting and possibly even efficient system, but now instead of a secretary she would be a stewardess?

A couple of days later, as Tom released her from the morning hug, he asked her proudly, “So, have you seen the new call-lights system?” She had indeed. On the corner of every desk in the office there was now installed a small device. It had a canted plate with a button on it and a small pole with a LED light in it. it did bring to mind the system used on planes to call for service. “Yeah, it looks nice,” Haley responded without much enthusiasm. “Oh! But you haven’t seen it all,” said Tom, eagerly motioning her to follow him into his office. When they entered, he put his bag on his desk and took something from it. As he gave it to Haley, she saw it was a thin strip of fabric with some pieces of metal on it. At her wondering look, Tom explained, “We couldn’t have the button press sound a chime as it would negate the entire point of helping keep the quiet in the office. However, you still need to know if someone calls you, even if you are not currently looking at their desk. This is where this part of the system comes in. It’s something adapted from collars used for dogs that have hearing problems. Go on, put it around your neck and let’s see how it works.” Haley now looked more closely at the strip of cloth. She saw it was some kind of choker. It had a small buckle at one end and a small medallion attached in the middle. Gingerly, she wrapped the choker around her neck and tightened it. She lifted her eyes to see a smiling Tom press the button on the unit on his desk and then jumped as she felt a tingle on her neck as if someone gave her a small electrical shock. “Wha…?” was all Haley managed as she tried to gather herself from the shock- both mental and physical. Tom laughed merrily, “Oh, I see it works perfectly. This is sure to get your attention.”

After taking a few calming breathes, Haley asked, fingering the medallion around her neck, “Are you sure this is necessary?” The shock was not severe, it was akin to the feel of a 9v battery on the tongue- a tingling unpleasantness, but not really painful. “Sure,” Tom replied easily, twirling his hand casually. “You’ll get used to it soon enough and it is an essential part of the system.”

By the end of the day, Haley was a complete wreck. She couldn’t concentrate on her work, she just sat at her desk, furtively glancing around or made hurried rounds around the office. Anything to be able to catch people’s eyes before they could decide to press the infernal button. She most definitely did not get used to the shocking sensation when someone decide to grab her attention. It made her jump and cringe every time. She couldn’t even find peace on her coffee breaks or on the toilet because somebody would always decide that this was just the exact moment he needed her attention or assistance. She started to dread the shocks, but no matter how much attention she paid to her colleagues, someone always managed to press his button and shock her.


On the next morning, she held the innocent looking piece of fabric in her hands. Staring at it as if it was some venomous snake that she had to wrap around her neck, knowing it would very soon bite her. No matter how long she spent in the toilets with her hand between her legs, she just couldn’t get herself relaxed and her vagina excited. She was simply too tense. And so were the hugs this morning. Until Tom arrived and the hug he received was fueled not be embers of lust but by desperation. After the shortest embrace she thought was acceptable, she distanced herself a little from him and begged, keeping her voice to a whisper, just barely aware that they were inside the office door, “Please, I can’t take this anymore. Please, I need this device off of me.” Tom looked at her silently for a few seconds, considering, and then motioned her to follow him to his office. This was starting to become a pattern, she thought, while fervently hoping that he will allow her to remove this curse from herself, that he will be amenable to trying to find another solution for her team to get her attention.

After he settled in his chair, leaving her again standing in the middle of his office, he asked, “Just what is the problem? When I tried the collar on my finger yesterday it was not painful and the team seemed to pick up the system very quickly.”

Haley was so frantic to convince him, she was barely coherent, “No, but on my neck. All the time. When I don't expect it. It makes me jump. I can’t stand it. please. I can’t take it for another day. Please!”

Tom settled into his chair and into his thoughts. As his drumming fingers strayed in the direction of the dreaded button on the corner of his desk, Haley automatically tried to brace for the coming shock, the sudden movement breaking Tom’s concentration. “I see it really bothers you. Ok. I think I may have an idea of how to make the system’s operation more pleasant for you, I just hope you’ll like it more.” “Yes, anything. Just no more of these shocks,” Haley blurted out. “Ok,” Tom smiled, “but you’ll have to stay with the choker today, I’ll try to get it as quickly as I can, but even with express shipping it will only get here tomorrow morning at the soonest.”

It appeared that this was as much as she could get out of him. Haley slowly made her way out of Tom’s office, dreading another day with the hateful thing around her neck, although hopefully, the last one. Only as she reached her desk and only after making as sure as she could no one was looking to be planning to press the button on their desk, did she realize that she did not know what alternative solution Tom had in mind and a shiver went through her spine as she considered what he would have in store for her.

The rest of the day was a blur, as she constantly scanned her surroundings and made office rounds trying to preemptively reach everyone before they could think to call her, only her knowledge that this was the last day of the nightmare allowing her to soldier on. Her only reprieve was the hour she spent in the gym, where she could allow herself to remove the choker as this was about the only time no one should interrupt her. The physical exercise let her mind focus on something immediate and helped loosen her constantly tightened muscles. She only managed to reach her own tasks late in the evening while the office was empty and then yet again, crashed into her bed almost immediately after getting home late at night. She never had hobbies and she didn’t socialize much, but she did enjoy some quiet time at home, cooking, reading, watching a movie, but lately, her work was taking more and more of her time and concentration and she found herself more often than not simply gazing, vacant eyed, at the TV before heading to sleep.


The next morning was a little better, as hope helped her cope with the morning routine. She was still flustered, but not quite so tense. Her relief after Tom entered and told her, “I have it! come to my office after your morning greeting session.” Was immense, and Rebecca, who entered the office just afterwards was surprised to receive a hug worthy of a long-lost sister. When the last of her employees arrived, she rushed to Tom’s office, trying to appear nonchalant as she fast-walked through the open space. After entering his office, he again made her wait a few seconds before raising his eyes to her and then reaching into his bag to take out an envelope. From the envelope he took out two curious rings. Each was composed of two concentric rings, the outer one about 3cm in diameter, with some springs in the middle. As he presented them to her on his open palm, Haley collected them and stared at them in puzzlement; “What are these?” “Vibrating nipple clamps.” Was the answer.

“What?”, Haley almost shouted and nearly dropped the rings as she tried to distance herself from them. “Yes,” Tom replied calmly, as if she was acting hysterical over nothing, “You said that the collar was painful so I tried to find some stimulus that will be more pleasant for you. Come on, try them on and let’s see how they compare.” Haley tried to calm herself and talk in a more level voice, “But nipple clamps? Why do they need to attach to my nipples?”

“Because I wanted to find somewhere where the vibration will be pleasant.” Tom answered matter of factly, “Now try them on. Or do you want to wait a few more days wearing your collar while we discuss this and procure another solution?” Haley still hesitated. It was obscene. But the thought of another day, even another hour with the shocking medallion hanging on her neck was just too much for her. As she dithered and then started to turn to exit Tom’s office towards the toilet, Tom’s amused voice stopped her, “You can just stand there in the corner as you put them on. I won’t peek. Promise!”

Haley hesitated another two seconds before heading to the indicated corner, standing close to the wall with her back to the room. She unbuttoned her blouse and the dug one of her boobs from the bra cup. Only then she remembered that she still had to figure how to connect this new device to her poor nipple. On closer examination, she saw that the internal ring was actually made of two halves, suspended by springs on the outer ring so that it could be expanded and then it will close and grasp whatever was in the middle. It took her a few tries to affix the first ring to her nipple. She had to hold the ring open with one hand while stretching her nipple with the other and then slot the opened ring over the nipple and let it gently capture the nub. The clamp exerted some pressure on the nipple and was seated firmly in place but it was not painful as she feared. Putting the other ring was now much simpler and soon enough she stuffed both of her breasts back into the bra and was buttoning her blouse and turning away from the corner. Tom was of course looking at her, laid back in his chair and smiling, but she supposed that with her back towards the room there nothing important he could have seen.

“Well, let’s see how this feels”, he said and immediately reached to the button on his desk and pressed it. Haley jumped in shock as she was jolted by the choker that was still around her neck. “Oops. Sorry,” Tom laughed, without much contrition apparent in his voice, “Come here and I’ll turn the medallion off.” He signaled to Haley to come closer and bend towards him so he could reach the choker on her neck. “We shouldn’t take the collar completely off, so the team will still know you are available and on call. Unless you want to tell them of your new buzzer?” Tom was much too full of mirth at her expense, Haley thought as she bent towards him, feeling the cleavage of her blouse open and her breasts hanging in the bra just centimeters from his face as he reached for her neck and fiddled with the medallion for a few seconds.

“There. It’s off now. Let’s try this again.” And with that, he pressed the button. Haley has barely straightened from her bending and stiffened in preparation for the shock, nearly falling over. Blessedly, the dreaded shock did not arrive. Instead, there was a buzzing sensation on the tip of each of her tits. The buzzing sensation was very strange and not something that she previously could associate with her breasts and it was very distracting, but at least it was completely pain free. At the look of relief on her face, Tom smiled, but then reached for the button again. This time he pressed it for about 30 seconds straight while leaning forward to closely peer at her bosom. “Hm,” he said, “I can’t hear it or see your tits shaking. Good.”

With that he seemed to lose interest and went back to his computer, effectively dismissing Haley. The long buzzing session had started to be a little uncomfortable on her nipples and the friction caused them to stiffen slightly, but there was nothing sexual about any of it. Happy to be rid of the shocks but quite embarrassed about her new nipple accessories, Haley went back to her table to finally start another day of work.


The next few days saw her settle into a sort of routine. She’d arrive in the office early in the morning, dressed in her teenager clothes, step into the toilet to put on her choker and nipple clamps and diddle her clit for a few minutes. Then, after greeting and hugging her employees she started her workday. During her workouts, she noticed that her muscles and her aerobic stamina were starting to improve, and if she looked at it optimistically enough, the scales also were starting to show a downward slope. For most of the week, she had partners to her gym sessions as the guys ‘miraculously’ chose their exercise time so it matched hers. They weren't completely obvious about it, but she could feel their eyes lingering over her body as she and they went through the various exercises.

Regular working hours for her were composed of relatively little work and more of her assisting her team. Most of her own work only got done in the evening hours after most other workers left for home. Business was actually looking good with some signs of improvement. People seemed more involved than they were before and the office atmosphere was livelier. Since she had so little time to work, she was forced to delegate more, and this turned out to be a blessing in disguise, as her team mostly took up the additional responsibility quite well and even seemed to thrive because of it.

At the next meeting, most of the feedback was positive. People enjoyed the new gym, new responsibilities and general workspace vibe. Even Megan was happy with the new Haley-hailing system. Regarding Haley herself the comments were milder, but overall positive. Her team noticed her efforts and commented that now that she was sitting in the same space as them and making frequent rounds, they felt she was much better connected to them. Then Dave said, “I agree that it’s good that Haley is closer and more helpful, but sometimes I get the feeling that she is always peering over my shoulder. I sit and work on something, and suddenly she is there, looking at my computer screen or asking me about what I’m doing. I feel like I have no privacy anymore, that I can’t take a minute to read the news or go on social media without fearing she’ll pop there.” There were some nods of agreement at that from other people.

Tom was humming to himself again, “I think I see what you mean. I suppose this makes Haley appear more authoritarian to you rather than helpful and approachable, which is just the opposite of what we’re trying to achieve here. But I also want to get a better understanding of why this happens. Let’s try some role playing. Dave, can you please come sit here at the edge of the table. Good. Now look at your phone like you’re working. OK. Now Haley, please approach him like you would on your office rounds.” Dave moved to the designated place and took out his phone. Haley walked a little back and then came to stand behind Dave and a little to the side. He continued looking at his phone until she made a small cough sound. Then he looked back and up at her and said, “You see, this is exactly what I meant. Here I am working and suddenly she’s there, looming over me. It makes me tense.” There were more noises of agreement at that, and even Haley had to admit that he had a point. “But what can we do about this without removing Haley from the office?” Al asked. People looked at each other, seeing if anyone had ideas, and when none were forthcoming, the gazes settled on Tom. “I think I have something”, he said, “Haley, I want you to approach Dave, but this time I want you to go down to your knees at his side. This should put you at a much less threatening position. Let’s try it and see how it feels.” Kneel? Haley thought aghast, but felt she had to at least try. And so she went back behind Dave and then approached him, and gingerly lowered herself to her knees at his side. This time he looked down at her with a smile, “Oh! This feels much better. There’s no looming and I don’t feel like you’re trying to boss me around. But still, you know, you were walking around my back on the way here…”

“Ok Haley, try again, but this time get to your knees earlier,” Tom instructed. And Haley clambered back to her feet, went back again and then sank to her knees about a meter behind Dave. But now she was stuck in the middle of nowhere on her knees. Not sure how to proceed, she looked at Tom who only gestured with his hand towards Dave’s side. There was no helping it. with a nervous smile Haley sank further and crawled to Dave’s side where she again straightened her back and gently coughed. “Perfect.” Dave was beaming, Tom was nodding and some people were giggling at Haley’s performance. Haley herself was not sure what exactly happened and how she found herself on her knees in the middle of the meeting room.

She was still trying to follow the chain of events as she made her new office circuit later in the day, each time sinking to her knees and crawling a few steps before kneeling by an employee sitting in his chair waiting to be acknowledged. Everyone but her found it highly amusing to look down on her like this, and she supposed that it was as far away from authoritative as possible, but it was also highly embarrassing. The desks were arranged just a few meters apart and she deliberated on whether she should climb to her feet before sinking to her knees to crawl or just remain on her knees and crawl for a little longer. She ended up deciding on mostly crawling as getting up and down just served to draw attention to her. In the coming days, she also tried to reduce the number of scheduled rounds to reduce the amount of crawling. Since her team was anyway calling her to their side so much, they were probably quite redundant anyway.


One morning, she was standing by the office door waiting for Tom to arrive. It was quite late but she had learned her lesson and did not abandon her post. When he finally arrived, she immediately hugged him, looking up at him like a puppy waiting for approval after performing a trick. She was surprised to find him with a stern look on his face as he disengaged and tilted his head, signaling for her to follow him into his office. She stood in the middle of his office as he settled in his chair, her eyes cast down, now feeling like a puppy beaten for no reason it could understand.

Tom finished putting away his bag and logging into his computer before looking up at her, his visage turning even darker. “Well?” was all he said. Desperately, Haley tried to understand what was wrong, “But I waited for you by the door, even when you were late…”

“Why are you standing?” was the only response she received. Shocked and confused Haley started slowly sinking to her knees, “But I came after you into the office, you knew I was here, I didn’t surprise you.” Again, she was starting to mumble in her consternation.

“You were still looming,” he replied. This time with a small upward curving of his lips. As she went to her knees, she couldn’t see him properly over his desk. Knowing what was coming, she resigned herself and slowly crawled to his side before straightening her back and looking up at him. “That’s better,” he said, now looming over her, “You just need to put your hands before you and you will really look like a puppy,” he chuckled.

Haley didn’t know if this was an instruction or a joke but decided to err on the side of caution after how the morning started and slowly brought her hands before her chest, palms downwards and fingers drooping in a classic parody of a begging dog, her cheeks blushing a deep red with humiliation. Tom was now laughing out loud, “Oh! Lovely, this is a great look for you.” then he turned serious again, “Do you call that greeting from earlier a proper hug?”

Haley was taken back by the sudden shift “But, But, you were late, and I was standing by the door for so long, and I was already thinking about work, and I guess I’ve gone, well, cold, down there, so…”

“Haley, Haley,” Tom shook his head with an exaggerated show of disappointment. “Here you go again. The moment things turn a little difficult, you give up and start with the excuses. Where is your famous commitment, your ability to solve problems?”

“Umm,” Haley tried to find some way to explain. But this was such a horrible subject. Was she supposed to discuss her state of arousal with Tom? “Well, I mean, umm, I was standing by the door. Waiting. I couldn’t just drop my pants and masturbate where anyone can see.”

Tom shook his head, “And so, again, you need me to save you.” with that, he rose from his seat and motioned for her to stand up as well. Then he reached for her and drew her into a hug. She tried to hug back. She really did, but she was mortified and confused and uncomfortable and… “Yes, your usual awful hug,” Tom said as he disengaged. “Now, let’s see. Stand here. now spread your legs a little. Yes, like that,” he held her by her hips and then placed his right leg between hers. “Now, hump my leg.” “What?” Haley sputtered; sure she did not hear him correctly. “Hump. My. Leg.” Tom enunciated while pressing his thigh between her legs, moving his hands from her hips to her ass and drawing her forward so her pussy was pressed against his leg, “grind your pussy on my leg until you are aroused enough to give me a proper hug.” With that, he started to move her up and down a little on his leg by his hold on her ass.

The sudden invasion left Haley completely shocked and speechless, her body went even more rigid than before but she did not resist as the rhythmic motion mashed her lower lips against Tom’s thigh through their clothes.

“Come on. Now you. grind!” Tom said with exasperation and pulled his hands from her backside. Haley stood frozen for a few seconds more and then started to try and move her hips. Her motions were jerky and uncoordinated and she felt humiliated beyond belief. She quickly found that she could not apply pressure against him in this position and had to wrap her hand behind his back to stabilize herself and act as a counter to push against. As she continued to move silently, keeping her head turned down and her eyes staring sightlessly at his chest, the friction and pressure on her clit did start to slowly arouse her. After a few more minutes of this, she found her movements looser, her core seeking his leg to press against and her upper body leaning forward against his chest. Tom then wrapped her in his arms before suddenly pulling away. “See. It wasn’t so hard.” “Are you crazy?” Haley thought to herself as she pulled back from the intimate position, both physically and mentally, “This was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done. The humiliation of these lewd and intimate movements and the arousal stemming from them. Ugh!”

“So now, if you find that you’ve gone off boil, you just need to ask someone to lend you his leg and a minute or two, and then you can give him a proper hug.” Tom was smiling proudly as he pronounced this, “And remember, if you’re in doubt, there should be no doubt. Make sure you give proper hugs.” As if asking her employee for his leg to hump against was such a trivial thing to do. “Now, there is still the matter of your punishment today. It seems I again need to remind to take your commitments seriously. I assume you still prefer a private punishment?” At Haley’s stunned nod he continued, “Today, you will be aroused for your punishment. I expect to see your panties soaking when I lift your skirt for your spanking.”

With that, he returned to his seat and Haley was left to shakenly make her way back to her desk. To think that today started with so much hope.

Another day passed with Haley in a haze, barely concentrating on work. When the office was empty, she woodenly made her way to the toilets, raised her skirt, pulled her panties aside and started to rub her fingers on her vulva and clit. It was hard to get going, but she had a lot of practice recently and in a few minutes she was suitably aroused. Her vagina was wet in readiness for penetration, but it was not dripping so much that her panties were significantly moistened. After some thought, Haley wet her fingers with as much spit as she could summon and applied it to her outer lips, hoping that it will at least moisten a patch on her panties and mixed with her arousal will be passable in Tom’s eyes. She then made her way into Tom’s office and silently sank to her knees on the carpet before his desk. After the usual delay, Tom rose from his chair and motioned for her to rise and then bend over his desk. He then lifted her skirt on her back and spent a few moments examining her panty covered pussy. He muttered silently to himself and then reached a finger between her legs and brushed it across her lips. Haley jumped at the unexpected contact, but her hips nevertheless pressed down towards his hand, trying to prolong the contact, her body’s reflexes taking over and trying to heighten her arousal. “I guess that’s good enough,” Tom chuckled, ”Now we can start the spanking.” The ordeal was the same as before, although, possibly, he took even more time between spanks to fondle her ass cheeks. As the spanking continued and Haley’s skin began to redden and the pain to mount, her arousal disappeared and all that was left were the pain and humiliation.

When Tom finally finished, Haley rearranged her panties and skirt and made her way back slowly towards her desk. Today she could not run home to shower and rest. She still had plenty of work before she could leave the office.


The next morning, as she stood by the office door, dispensing hugs, she was in internal turmoil. How long could she continue before her arousal abated? Would anyone even notice? Why the hell couldn’t she just let herself loose and hug people without hormonal help? Who will she ask to ‘help’ her? How would she be able to bring herself to ask such a degrading thing?

But now that she was really paying attention, she noticed that as the morning wore on, her arousal lessened. Each hug did increase it slightly with its intimacy, but still, after half an hour by the door, with the stream of people entering the office decreasing, she could feel herself withdraw and knew that her hugs were becoming more rigid and artificial. She knew there was no way she could do this with one of the women. A man might enjoy the situation too much, but the thought of griding against a woman’s leg was somehow even more abhorrent to her. And so, as Al came through the door, she gathered herself and asked him, “Uhm, hi Al. good morning. Uhm, can you help me for a couple of minutes? Good, thanks. Yeah, I just need you to stand here and put one of your feet forward. Yes, like that.” She could feel her cheeks warming up with embarrassment and could not bring herself to look at Al’s face, to see his reaction as her hands wrapped around his back and her pelvis started grinding against his thigh. When she felt ready, she stopped the motion of her hips and leaned into him for a hug, her pussy still pressed against his leg. As she released him and took a step back, she hazarded a quick look towards him and caught a bemused smile on his face as he made his way towards his desk.

In the following days, she tried to limit herself to asking for help from Al, Dave, and of course Tom, but she was pretty sure everyone has already caught up to what was happening. She was especially embarrassed as one day Megan arrived just a few seconds after Dave and had to wait at the door for her to finish her humping and give Dave and her their hugs. The guys, though, seemed to enjoy her predicament and she also thought she could feel a lump hardening in their pants as she ground against them.

At the next meeting, Haley was not surprised as Megan spoke up, “I don’t like this new thing where Haley does this thing of hers with the guys. She’s supposed to help us and greet us. We’re not the ones who are supposed to help her get her rocks off and wait for her to be ready.” Dave immediately chimed in with a cheeky, “I don’t mind helping…”, but Tom thoughtfully said, “You know, I think you’re right. I didn’t think it all the way through as I suggested this method to Haley. It should be her responsibility to be ready, not ours to assist her in this. But you know, I actually think I have a better solution. Please wait a minute while I get something from my office.” Tom returned to the meeting room after less than a minute and handed something to Haley. Looking at it, she saw it was a silver oblong, about 5cm long and 2 thick. Even with her limited knowledge, the realization hit her that she was holding a bullet type vibrator. Tom resumed his seat, leaving Haley standing in the front of the team, with the vibrator in her hand. “As you’ve all probably noticed,” he continued, “Haley needs to be aroused in order to give acceptable hugs.” Haley’s breath stuck in her chest. Rationally, she knew that everyone had already figured this out after the grind sessions of the last few days, but to have it spoken so blatantly was still another thing. Tom, though, did not pay her any attention and continued speaking, “We’ve all tried to help her with touching and hugging and even arousal, but in the end, the responsibility should be Haley’s. This vibrator that Haley’s holding is connected to the button caller system. We will install another button by the door and this way, Haley will be able to manage her own arousal without having to delay us.” Then he started chuckling, “It will also now literally be her pleasure to come when anyone calls for her.” The guys seemed to appreciate this humor, but Haley just stood silently, even as the meeting drew to a close and everyone filed out around her.

Now she had another item to add to her morning dress-up. She tried the vibrator discreetly as she was standing by the door, before anyone else has arrived. The sensation was strange. The vibration deep inside of her. Usually, she pleasured herself mostly on the outside, on her vulva and especially on her clit. Penetration could be a nice feeling, but it was not directly very exciting for her and the vibration of the little device was quite different from the feeling of her fingers or a cock entering her and sliding in and out. She found out that she could be aroused by it, but it took some time. She had to lean on the button for a couple of minutes to get some results and she had no idea how she could do it discreetly once there were already people in the office.

From Tom’s parting words at the meeting she understood that she had to keep the dreadful thing inside her the entire day and couldn’t simply remove it after the morning hugging session when her ‘need’ for arousal ended. It was another strange sensation forced on her. This fullness. She used a tampon sometimes, but the vibrator was thicker and so she felt it more as she changed her posture or while walking. Also, tampons didn’t randomly start to vibrate when somebody wanted her attention.


A few days later, after she gave Tom his morning hug, he again gave her the stern look she dreaded so much. She was then dismayed, but not surprised, as he motioned for her to follow him to his office. “What have I done this time,” she thought to herself as she silently followed him, sinking to her knees before his desk and then crawling to his side.

Once Tom settled himself and arranged his things, he turned to look down at her, “are you wearing your nipple clamps?”

“Of course I am,” Haley indignantly replied. “Show me,” was Tom’s curt reply. “What?” squeaked Haley. “Show me,” Tom repeated. “Uhm, well, you see, since I have the choker and also the vibrator, well, I thought I didn’t need the clamps, you know,” Haley again found herself babbling. Taken back by the line of questioning she gave her first reply without much thought and then had to quickly try and backtrack before she sank too deep in her lie. The clamps were simply annoying. Why did she have to keep wearing them still? But she already knew that she was caught and that Tom will not be forgiving. His reply, however, still managed to surprise her; “Show me,” he repeated once again. “What?” she blurted, “But I told you. I’m not wearing them; I was just confused and surprised so I said I did. I’m sorry, but I don’t.” But Tom was relentless, “Show me. You just demonstrated that you can’t be trusted. I need to see with my own eyes. Show me.”

How had she gotten herself in such a situation again? How did Tom manipulate her so easily? How did he know she was not wearing the clamps? She glanced down at her chest. Were the clamps slightly visible when she wore them or was he just guessing? With a sigh, she gave up on pointless rumination and on her remaining dignity and started to unbutton her blouse. When she opened the top 4 buttons, she spread her blouse open and looked up at Tom. He kept his stern look and just waited. Sighing again, Haley grasped the top of her bra cups and pulled them forward. This exposed the top her breasts completely, even allowing her nipples a peek. Tom shook his head, “Show me,” he repeated. Sighing once again and deflating completely, she grabbed each boob in her hand and took it out of its bra cup, leaving them to hang lewdly, mashed and supported on top of her bra. This seemed to finally satisfy Tom. “I see. Now go get the clamps.” Haley quickly stuffed her tits into her bra and then rose to her feet and buttoned her blouse as she made her way to her desk, where she picked up the clamps from the drawer she stored them in. back in Tom’s office, she again sank to her knees and was just bending forward to start crawling towards him as the vibrator in her pussy started to hum and the clamps in her hand started to vibrate. The motion did not stop and as she managed to reach Tom’s side and straightened to her kneeling position she saw that he was pressing the button on his desk and smiling down at her. “Good,” he said, “Now put them on.” For a moment, she considered getting up and going to the room’s corner, but then thought better of it. Resignedly, Haley started the humiliating process of undressing before his eyes again. She opened the buttons on her blouse, took her tits out of her blouse and then tweaked her nipples until she could place the clamps over them. She then dropped her hands by her side and looked up at Tom, hoping that the ordeal was ending. Tom looked at her bare breasts, adorned with the clamps for a few seconds before looking at her face and then said, “Really Haley? Again I find you, at the very first sign of hardship, slacking. And then lying? How can I trust you? how can any of us trust you to do your best for the business and for us?” Haley was hunched in on herself, kneeling on the floor at his feet, her arms in her lap and her eyes cast down. She had no answer for him. It was all so twisted and unfair, but in a way he was right. She did not wear the clamps, and she did lie about it. what would she have done if she found an employee who did not invest himself in his work and then lied?

After letting his words sink in, Tom continued, “Since you’ve shown that you cannot be trusted, from now on, you will not wear a bra. This way it will be easy to see that you are wearing the clamps. You will also not wear panties and only wear skirts or dresses. At the beginning and end of each day you will report to my office and show me that you are wearing your vibrator. As for your punishment, this time, I do not think that a private punishment will be enough. You do not seem to learn anything from it and lying is something that I feel you must apologize for to everyone, not just to me.”

Haley was terrified. She was nearly constantly feeling humiliated, but it was mostly implied and known only to herself and to Tom. Being punished in front of the entire team would make for very public humiliation. She just couldn’t bear it. “Please, not that. Please. I’ll try to do better. Please. I’ll apologize to the team, but please don’t punish me in front of everyone.”

Tom considered for a few moments, Haley cowering at his feet with her breasts hanging out of her bra. Finally he said, “Ok. I will give you one last chance. You will make a very detailed apology for the entire team and I will try to find some other way to make the punishment memorable for you.” Haley released the breath she was holding. She returned to her legs and left the office feeling a bizarre combination of relief at keeping her punishment private with trepidation at the public apology and at what new ideas Tom would come up with to humiliate her in private. Before going back to her table, she went to the toilets and removed her bra and panties. She then left the stall and looked at her reflection in the mirror. She looked younger, she thought. The much less formal clothes she was now wearing as well as her recently improved muscle tone both contributed to this, but perhaps the frazzled look on her face contributed as well; making her look more like a confused teenager than a confident manager. As she looked more closely at her chest, she could quite easily see her breasts hanging loose beneath her blouse and moving slightly with every breath she took and every slight motion she made. The nipple clamps were also visible, but more as an imprint and a slight shading under the fabric, so she retained some hope that it will not be too obvious to casual observers. The feeling of air moving across her lower lips was new to her and she had to remind herself several times that since no one has seen her panties, no one will see the lack of them.


At the end of the day, she returned to Tom’s office, crawling to kneel beside him. When he finally turned his attention to her, he had a vague look of confusion on his face before he seemed to remember something and then smiled at her, “Oh, good. You came for your inspection. Well then, let’s see the clamps.” Haley unbuttoned her blouse and pulled it to the sides, exposing her clamp adorned nipples. As if he couldn’t see them through the blouse, she thought to herself. “Good,” Tom said, looking down at her exposed chest, “Now lift your skirt.” Haley knew this was coming, but reaching for the hem of her skirt and pulling it up to her waist was still one of the hardest things she has ever done. “Hmm,” Tom said, “Spread your legs. More. No, it’s no good, I still can’t see anything. Hmm. Stand up. Now come closer and spread your legs. More. Ok, let’s see.” Haley followed these commands like a robot, trying to ignore the lewd display she was putting on for Tom. Then she nearly jumped and ran away from the office as Tom casually reached towards her exposed pussy and shoved two fingers inside. Haley barely managed to restrain herself and remain standing as Tom moved his fingers inside of her vagina, trying to reach deeper and moving his fingers in different directions inside of her. She was quite dry down there and his fingers chafed and dragged the delicate skin of her lips and her opening. She was also quite tight, especially with the amount of tension she was under so Tom had to use quite a bit of force to penetrate her, making it somewhat painful for her. She then felt his fingers moving the vibrator and pushing it deeper into her. “Ok, now I can feel it” he said casually, his fingers still buried inside her, “This is how we will do things. For each inspection, you will kneel by my side and expose your tits. When I acknowledge you, you will stand and spread your legs so I can verify that you have the vibrator inside of you. understood?” Haley nodded numbly, trying to distance herself from her exposure, from the fingers moving inside her. “And if you want it to be more comfortable for yourself, you’d better arrive well lubricated. Now, as for your punishment, it appears that pain is not enough to properly motivate you, but humiliation is something that you fear more, so maybe it will do the trick. So, for today’s punishment you will kneel here by my side and masturbate. You will masturbate for half an hour and I expect a good show. I want to see spread knees and a gaping cunt. I want to see nipple play. You will also cum at least twice.” He moved his fingers in and out of her quim, fucking her slowly and looked up from her pussy to her exposed tits and then to her face, waiting for her reply. Haley nodded, eager for him to remove his hand. Tom then slowly withdrew his fingers, trailing them across her lips and clit and then wiping them on her stomach. When he finished, he wiped them again with a tissue from his desk, settled back in his chair and gestured for her to kneel.

It was a relief when his fingers left her, but she was still dazed as she slowly sank to her knees yet again, coming to a rest with her legs spread and her buttocks leaning on her heels. She took a deep breath and steeled herself to continue her humiliation. She started to gently rub her fingers over her vulva, trying to arouse herself and raised one hand to tweak the clamp on her nipple. This was not something that she usually did during masturbation but she remembered that Tom said something about it. Even with all her recent experience with scheduled masturbation, the current situation, the extreme humiliation and exposure, made it impossible for her get into anything resembling an erotic mood. After a minute or two, she was not sure as time lost any meaning, lost as she was in her depressing thoughts, she heard Tom clearing his throat. She looked up to see him frowning at her, “Where is the show, Haley? I’m not seeing any effort from your side; this is just as boring as the rest of your personality. Now look up at me and put on a good show. If I don’t like what I’m seeing or you don’t come twice in the next twenty minutes, we go back to a public punishment.” The threat did not help with her arousal but she tried to put more effort into the motions. She tried to wet her fingers as much as she could with her parched mouth and then spread her lips and put a finger inside of herself and started a slow fucking motion with it. She tried to grind her hips and shake her upper body, but her face remained frozen and wide eyed looking up at Tom. he was no longer frowning, just letting his eyes rove over her body, taking in her shaking breasts and the fingers working her pussy. After another few long minutes, the physical contact eventually started to have an effect on her and she felt her inner walls moistening and her vulva and clit engorging and she added another finger inside her and increased the force with which she was pumping herself, adding another finger to rub her clit. At this stage, Tom seems to lose interest in her and returned to work on his computer, leaving her ignored as she desperately worked to pleasure herself. She tried to put on a show. It all felt very mechanical to her; something out of a porn movie, but still she tried. She pulled her nipples and squeezed her tits. Lifted them and shook them. She alternated stroking her labia with inserting a finger or two, sometimes rubbing and squeezing her clit. All this was for Tom. For her, gentle rubbing of her labia and clit was what she usually used. But eventually, lost in the motion, looking blankly up at Tom working and ignoring her, she was nearing her climax. As soft moans and gasps escaped her lips, Tom turned to her again. This time there was a small smile on his lips as he regarded her lewd display. His smile and gaze remained on her as she finally managed to bring herself to a climax, trying to stifle her moans, squeezing her legs tight against her hand as it continues to stroke her clit. When her orgasm subsided, she heard Tom say, “Better. That’s one. You have ten minutes for another.” “Hells,” Haley thought to herself, “When will this ordeal be finally over?” With a sigh, she tried to drag herself from the post orgasmic relaxation and restart her ‘show’. She never tried to masturbate after she had just cum and no partner has ever tried to work her after she had; If she had even managed to cum at all. She was over-sensitive and would have much preferred to lay down and cuddle, but as she continued to tease her lips and her clit with less vigor than before, she found that her arousal came back quickly enough and before long she released a shuddering breath signaling her second orgasm of the evening. She felt bone tire and completely ready to collapse but managed somehow to straighten her back and focus on Tom’s face hovering above her. His smile deepened, “I hope this will serve to keep your motivation in the future. You can go now.” Haley slowly picked herself up from the floor, her legs shaking, and only when she left Tom’s office she remembered to tuck her breasts back inside her blouse and button it up. Although she had more work to do, she was simply too weary and so she trudged to her car and carefully drove home before collapsing into her bed.


On the next morning, as she reported for her ‘inspection’, her vagina was still moist from the recent greet and hug session, and so the discomfort as Tom shoved two fingers inside of her was lessened. It did nothing, though, to lessen the humiliation of standing spread and exposed before him. But it did mean that she gave herself a jolt with the vibrator before reporting to her evening inspection. That evening she had to make another trip to the shopping mall. She did not have enough short skirts and dresses to comply with the new dress rules.

And then came the dreaded meeting. The one where she would make her apology. Tom has given her instructions on just what this apology would entail, and it was horrible. She was not sure if it was any less humiliating than a public punishment. When the usual discussion ended, she stood and faced her team, took a couple of deep breaths and started “Hi everybody. Again I find myself here apologizing. I’m finding this change more difficult than I expected, but still, I should have done better. This time, I also failed severely and lied to try to spare me from the consequences of my failings. For that I would like to thank you again for all your efforts and to ask for forgiveness. When Tom asked me if I was using all the parts of the Haley hailing system, I did not answer truthfully, and so now I would like to show you all the truth. As you can see, I am wearing the choker.” She then started to unbutton her blouse, “As some of you may have noticed, I’m also wearing vibrating nipple clamps.” There were various gasps from the audience as she pulled the sides of her shirt to the sides, exposing her breasts with the nipple clamps attached to their peaks. “And I am also wearing my vibrator.” With that, she lifted her skirt, spread her legs and then reached between her legs, pressed her internal muscles and pried the silver egg from her vagina before presenting it to her employees. After a few seconds of stunned silence filling the room, Haley inserted the vibrator, lowered her skirt and started buttoning up the blouse.

After her display, Haley stood quietly at the side of the room, trying to look at her employees’ faces and give them wan smiles as they filed out of the meeting room and returned to their workstations. The experience was as horrible as she expected it to be. How has it reached the state where it made sense for her to give such a blatant display to a room full of people? She could follow the chain of events leading to this point but the end result was so unexpected for her. She was also very fearful of the coming hours and days. What kind of authority will she have after this meeting? How can she expect her team members to take her seriously? How could she even approach them? Look them in the eyes? Exchange pleasantries? And when she had to hug them? Would they now view the hugs as something other than a casual greeting?

Surprisingly, things went on much as before. Haley was cautious at first, but after a few hours, not seeing any strange behavior from those around her she slowly went back to her routine. The main change that she noticed was from the guys that enjoyed looking at her and hugging her before. They were now giving her even more attention. They looked at her chest as she knelt by their desk, they would approach her and give her a pat on the back or a side hug when she was making coffee and especially during morning hugs they would hold her close, put their hands on her back lower than appropriate and grind their pelvis against hers.

A couple of days later, she got her period. Normally, this would not be such an issue, but all the new rules meant she was quite lost. Since she couldn’t wear panties, she couldn’t use pads, which she preferred, and had to use tampons. The problem with that was that she could not insert her vibrator. She felt the first blood during the evening, at home, and was mortified that she did not consider this before. It was part of her life. It happened every month. How had she not considered the implications until now? Her only excuse for herself was that all of the recent changes were very confusing for her and she was not calm enough to consider all their effects. She knew, however, that Tom will not accept this. She wracked her mind long into the night but could come up with no solution for tomorrow and so, when morning came, there she was, standing by the office door, vibrator in hand, fidgeting and giving stiff hugs, fearfully waiting for Tom to arrive. When he did arrive, she rushed him and nearly swept him off his feet as she crashed into him with her hug. Before Tom could react to this surprise, she started begging, “Please, I’m sorry. I didn’t know what to do. I tried to think of something, but I just couldn’t. please, I’m sorry.” She fervently hoped that this admission will be enough for him to forgo a punishment, or at least to lessen it. Tom placed his hands on her hips and pushed her back to arm’s length, giving an amused look at her consternation. Then he let go of her and walked to his office, assuming that she will follow him there to explain.

Follow him she did, and then knelt by his side and explained her predicament. “Oh, Haley,” Tom sighed, ”Whatever shall I do with you? where is you planning ability? Where is problem solving?” Haley could only kneel there and take it, looking up at him and hoping that his solution and punishment will not be too harsh. Tom remained pondering for a few moments before motioning her up, “Here, bend over table.” “you’re not going to punish me now, right?” Haley fearfully said, even as she was getting into position. “No,” Tom replied, “but since your pussy is taken, we’re simply going to stuff the vibrator down your ass.” Haley blanched and tried to get up, but Tom placed a hand on her back, keeping her in place. “Relax,” he said, “And I do mean, relax. Otherwise it will just be more painful for you.” He took the vibrator from Haley’s hand, lifted her skirt over her back and started probing her anus. Haley was hyperventilating, but tried to relax her muscles. She’s never had anything down there. She knew that anal sex was a thing but she never tried it and never wanted to try. The pressure on her backdoor was increasing and she was finding it very hard not to clench her muscles and resist. “That’s it, just relax,“ Tom said, as if soothing a frightened puppy while pushing the vibrator against her opening. “Next time, you should get yourself some lube so it will go down easier. You also need to take an enema on your period days, because there’s no way I’m sticking my fingers in to inspect your dirty ass.” The pressure increased until the vibrator suddenly passed her sphincter and then it was pulled inside of her by the constricting ring of muscle. It was a strange feeling for Haley, there was a pressure in her colon, but without the usual fullness higher in her stomach she associated with the need to take a dump. It was also strange for her how her body just sucked it inside and how it just remained inside of her now. Suddenly, it started vibrating. The new location was a little bit strange, but actually, it was not so different from the newly familiar sensation of it pulsing inside her vagina. Tom noticed her small jump and laughed, “Good. It seems to be working. There you have it. quite simple really. On your period days you will put the vibrator in your ass. And I meant it very seriously about the enema. I will be checking for it on your inspection and I have no interest in having my fingers covered in your shit. Got it?” Haley nodded as she straightened herself and her skirt, trying to adjust to the new fullness inside of her.

After an hour or two she found that she no longer felt the vibrator inside her, her body getting used to it in the same way she got used to it being lodged in her pussy. When she had to arouse herself, she discovered that she had to press the button a little longer, but it was not significantly different to trying to arouse herself by vibrations deep inside her pussy. Her shopping trip that evening, however, was more humiliating than usual as she went to the pharmacy to buy lube and an enema bag and then went home to educate herself about their use.

The next day she had to bend over Tom’s table and flip her skirt over her back as he dipped his fingers into her butt. He twirled them inside and pushed at the vibrator a little and let his thumb graze her labia. Yes. This was even more humiliating than a pussy inspection.


She found that her blatant display at the meeting did have consequences a few days later. As Tom was finishing his morning inspection, two fingers buried in her pussy, he addressed her, “It seems we have a slight problem. Some of the guys came to talk to me. They say that now, with your new clothes and behavior they find you sexy and arousing and it confuses them and interferes with their ability to work with you as a colleague. I have to admit that they are right. Your clothes are OK by themselves, but because you forced us to add the nipple clamps and vibrator and you demonstrated them both so clearly at the last meeting, the situation has become more delicate.” He paused, his fingers still moving inside of her, idly playing while Haley was immobilized over them with her legs spread and tits on display. “I’ve done some thinking, and I think that the solution is to separate your sexy persona from your work one. They now view you as someone who has that aspect so we cannot simply ignore it. the best that we can do is recognize it in certain circumstances and hope that this will allow them to view you as your work persona the rest of the time and to thus work more smoothly together.” Haley was confused. She had no idea where he was leading, but his talk of sexy persona was not promising. She remained silent, sure he will enlighten her and just conveyed her confusion with her eyes.

Tom obliged her and continued with his explanation, “What we will do, is set a time, a place and a look for you where you will be about sex, and your work persona will remain as it is now. I think the best will be if you will remain in the gym after your workout and there you will take care of the arousal of anyone who wants.”

“Take care of the arousal? You mean have sex with them? Are you crazy? I can’t have sex with my employees. I won’t have sex with them!” Haley was fuming, but it was very hard to bring any threat to bear when she was half naked and impaled by her pussy on Tom's hand. He was unfazed “First, you don’t have to have sex with anybody. You can just give them a blowjob. And secondly, it makes perfect sense. It is even necessary. They see you crawling, they see your tits jiggling, they know you have a vibrator in your pussy that vibrates when they call you. they get hugs from you when you are sexually aroused. Of course they get aroused themselves but they can’t act on it because you are still their boss. You need to let them know that this is acceptable and even reasonable under the circumstances. That they are not deviants. Otherwise it will severely increase tensions and strain your relationship with them. You also need to help them alleviate the tension that you are creating. We just need to create a separate framework for it so it will not affect the office work as much as it does today.”

Haley did not know how to respond to that. His words had an inner logic to them. She knew that something was wrong but she could not find a way to contradict him, to offer an opposing point of view. Thinking rationally was especially hard in the position she was in, and she had to admit that this actually made his point for him. How can he not see her as a sex object when she was standing nearly naked by his desk and he was feeling and moving the vibrator embedded in her vagina? Having found no reply Haley nodded weakly. Tom smiled at her acquiescence, “OK. It will help if we also differentiate the way look at these times from the way you look at the office. To that end, you will be dressed in a shelf bralette, crotchless panties, stockings with suspenders and high heels. This will create a look that screams of sex and will be quite different from your regular blouse and skirt work outfit.” At this point, Haley simply nodded. She did not understand why this specific ensemble was required. Why she couldn’t simply expose her tits or something, but she was too tired from standing and having her pussy probed, exhausted from trying to follow Tom’s ‘logic’. She would anyway follow his orders, so better that it be sooner rather than later. Tom smiled, “Do you want me to ask Rebecca to go shopping with you? or maybe one of the boys? No?”

And so she embarked on another stressful shopping trip. She first had to search online for a nearby shop that carried this type of risqué lingerie, and when she looked at herself in the changing room mirror, she could not recognize herself. The woman looking back at her was so far from her own image of herself as to be another person. “I guess this is what Tom meant when he was talking about cultivating a different persona for sex,” she thought. She tried to find strength in this thought. The person who would dress like this in front of her employees will not be her; it will be her alter-ego.


She was struggling to hold to this idea as she donned the outfit after her workout. Someone had set a small screen divider in the gym behind which she could change and perform her duties. Her success was limited, though. Here she was, separated from the office by a thin screen wearing an outfit that was meant to display her intimate parts rather than hide them, and soon, someone will come and she will have to give him oral sex. Her ability to separate what was happening from her usual life seemed to her as thin and semi-transparent as the screen she was hiding behind.

Naturally, the first person to enter the gym was Tom. He stepped around the screen and stood, looking at her. “stand up straight,” he said, “don't slouch. Let me see if you managed to create your sex persona correctly.” With an effort of will, Haley straightened her back, squared her shoulders, placed her hands at her sides an lifted her eyes to look at Tom's. He only nodded and continued to scan her body, lingering over her tits, thrust up be the brallet and over her pussy which was equally thrust out by the panty strips running by her labia. She also obeyed when he twirled his fingers and rotated slowly, allowing him to view the exposed expanse of her back side.

Finally, he said, “Not too bad. You do look quite sexy and different enough to your dreary usual self. Your body is also starting to shape up. But you still need to work on your presentation. This persona is composed of more than the outfit. You need to try and project sex. This grumpy face that you're wearing is not exactly helping.” Haley tried to put a smile on her face and thrust her chest forward but she was freaking out and was sure that her efforts did not result in anything remotely sexy.

“Bah!” Tom said, “As much as can be expected. Maybe try to work on this in front of the mirror sometime. Now, let's get to business, get on your knees.”

Haley gulped and sank to the now familiar position. Tom smiled down at her and then reached for his belt. He opened his trousers, lowered his boxer shorts and Haley was left with a semi-erect cock just centimeters from her face. She hazarded a glance at his face, but was met with the same expectant gaze. Sighing, she leaned forward and took his dick into her mouth. In general terms, it was an OK dick. Perhaps on the slightly larger side of average, quite well formed, reasonably clean. But belonging to one of her employees. In the middle of the workday. In the middle of the office. Once she started sucking, she got somewhat lost in the mechanics of trying to pleasure the person in front of her, her surroundings fading slightly away. She sucked and licked, bobbed her head and used a hand to jerk the base of the cock. It quickly grew fully erect and wet with her saliva. Tom remained silent and motionless, except for a slight movement of his hips, letting her work. After a few minutes, she suddenly felt him push forward and then cum started erupting from his cock. Haley jerked her head back in surprise, coughing from the unexpected liquid deep in her mouth. Tom took over and continued to jerk his cock through his orgasm, his cum splattering her body, joining the gobs dripping from her mouth. When his orgasm subsided, he stepped closer to her and wiped the last dribbles of cum across the top of her breasts before tucking his penis back into his trousers. “You also need to work on your technique,” was all he said as he left, leaving Haley on her knees, coughing and covered in cum.

She looked around, but found that she was very much under-equipped for giving blow-jobs. She only had her gym outfit and her small towel which she reluctantly picked up and used to wipe her self as clean as she could.

After an all too short wait, she heard the footsteps of another person entering the gym. As he rounded the partition, Haley saw that her next 'customer' was Dave. When he saw her, he had a look composed equally of surprise and excitement spread on his face and he quickly fumbled trying to liberate his penis from his pants, as if afraid that she will suddenly disappear or perhaps revert to being his boss. Haley was left with no time to compose herself or discuss cum etiquette before another stiff cock was presented before her lips. Resignedly, she took it into her mouth and started sucking. Dave came much faster than Tom, and after having spent her time working his cock pondering, Haley allowed him to cum in her mouth and once he removed his member from her mouth, she leaned aside and spit his spunk into her soiled towel.

With an exited smile and a hurried, “That was great,” Dave left the gym to be replaced mere seconds later by Al. When Al left, Haley waited on her knees for 5 minutes, but as the gym remained silent, she slowly picked herself up and try to organize herself and her things. “I definitely need a robe tomorrow,” she thought to herself as she wriggled her soiled and sweaty body back into her sweaty workout top and tights and made her way to the showers.


She spent longer than usual in the shower, trying to make sure she removed all traces of cum from her body and hair as well as rinsing her mouth thoroughly to try and remove the taste of sperm from her palate. She found a waste bag and carefully disposed of her messy gym towel.

When she returned from the shower, she hesitantly peeked from the doorway but the office seemed to be running smoothly as usual. As the day continued and her nipples and vagina buzzed intermittently, it appeared as though nothing unusual has happened this morning and she went back to her routine of helping her employees with their day-to-day work. No one made any untoward comments and people still consulted her about business related topics. Even Dave and Al. It seemed that everyone was having no problem keeping her two separate personas apart. Expect Haley herself.

And so, another task was added to her daily schedule. Over the days, a few more of the guys joined the queue and on most she had to suck off 5 before she could retire to the shower. She arranged herself her little blowjob corner behind the screen with a small mattress to make it easier on her knees, a stock of paper towels to wipe herself and spit the cum into and a robe to wrap herself once the gym was empty and she could make her way to the shower. She also got a little better at sucking, starting to learn what each guy liked and his signs for approaching orgasm. Still there were surprises and she ended up coughing or swallowing cum more than once.

One day, after the last guy disappeared and Haley started to tidy her little corner, she heard the clicking of heels entering the gym. Haley froze in place and tried to cover herself with her arms as Megan rounded the screen and looked down at her. “What?” she said to the cowering Haley, “I want my turn too.” “You want me to eat you?” Haley squeaked. “Yes.” was the calm reply. “I want some relief too and I don't much mind is it's a guy or a girl doing the licking. It's not fair only the guys get to enjoy this service.” Haley was frozen. She had never been intimate with a woman before. Sucking guys was at least somewhat familiar but being in such a subservient position before a fellow female made her situation somehow more real. Or actually, more surreal.

There was nothing she could do however. How could she deny Megan after she just serviced 5 guys? And so she slowly straightened and waited for Megan to approach her. At her sign of acceptance, Megan stepped forward, raised the hem of her dress and pulled her panties to the side. Haley looked at the presented pussy. The first one she's seen in any detail but her own. It was so similar, but yet so different. The hair surrounding it darker and curlier than her own, the outer lips much less pronounced than her own and the smell also subtly different. She looked up at Megan, and seeing only impatience in her eyes Haley gave in, leaned forward and extended her tongue to lick at the pussy before her. The taste was not pleasant. It was a little salty and a little sour. Not horrible, but much more pronounced than the guys' crotches. She discovered, however, that after a few licks and a bit of saliva the taste lessened and she could lick more freely. She licked mostly at the outer lips, trying to avoid getting her tongue too deep in the vagina before her. As Megan's arousal rose, her labia filled with blood and became more pronounced. She also spread her legs more, and arched her back, presenting Haley with more of her pussy. Haley continued to lick and suck on Megan's clit, before she felt a hand on the back of her head, pressing her deeper into the warm cunt before her until she felt Megan shudder with orgasm. Megan kept Haley's head pressed into her crotch until her orgasm subsided. She then stepped back, rearranged her panties and smoothed her dress. She smiled down at Haley, “Not bad. I can see why the guys leave the gym looking so satisfied every day.”


About a week after Haley started with her blowjob project, she was kneeling in her sexy outfit behind the screen in the gym, waiting for the first guy to arrive. As it often happened, the first was Tom. Without saying a word, he dropped his pants as presented her with his limp penis. Haley took the offered organ into her mouth and started sucking. In a short while, his dick engorged with blood and started filling more of her mouth. But then, to her surprise, Tom stepped back and his member popped out of her mouth. “You're not really good at this, you know? And your technique does not seem to be improving, even with all the practice you're getting.”

Haley closed her mouth and wiped the saliva dripping on her chin. When she saw that Tom was waiting, she realized he was expecting a response. “I'm trying. I thought I was doing better.”

“Meh,” was Tom's dismissive reply, “You use your hands too much and you don't deepthroat. It's starting to be boring.”

“I don't know if I can take your penis deeper. I suck it in until my mouth is full.” Haley replied, feeling defensive.

Tom sneered, “And again we come to the same famous Haley attitude. Things get a little tough and you stop trying. I keep wondering how you managed to build this business with this attitude.”

Haley sighed. Not this again. How could he expect her to put as much effort into sucking cock as she did into building her business. Still, the implied insult did hurt her pride and made her want to try harder, to prove him wrong. “Fine. What do you want me to do?”

“You could start by learning to deepthroat,” Tom said, “Here, I'll help you.” with that, he stepped forward and presented her with his cock. When Haley took his dick into her mouth, he placed his hands on the sides of her head. He pressed her head down, forcing her to lean on her hands and then tilted her head upwards so her mouth was still lined with his cock. He started to apply pressure with his hips while keeping her head in place with his hands. His cock filled Haley's mouth more than ever and started to hit the back of her mouth, making her involuntarily jerk back to try and remove the intruder. Tom held her head firmly and pressed his hips forward again, his cock once again making her gag. She tried to pull back, but she was was held too firmly and didn't have any leverage. She brought her hands up to Tom's thighs and tried to push him back. However, since she was leaning forward she found herself falling and her hands came to rest on his thighs, just barely bracing her and preventing his dick from sinking deeper into her. Tom let her gag and retch for long moments before pulling slightly back, not allowing her to remove his penis from her mouth. “No, don't fight me. I'm trying to help you. You've got to relax. When you feel the head of my cock at the back of your throat, try to swallow.”

Haley was still breathing heavily around the cock in her mouth with drool spilling down her chin, but Tom did not wait any longer and once again started moving his hips. This time, when Haley started coughing and gagging he only increased the pressure. She tried to relax, to swallow, but she was much too busy trying to breath in between wracking coughs to achieve much. He did not care and only increase the pressure, until Haley felt something happening at the back of her throat. The sensation was similar to trying to swallow while being ill with a very sore throat but it just kept on going, advancing down her gullet, not reducing as it would after swallowing a bite of food. Haley tried to breath, to retch, to jerk back but she could do none of these things. After what felt like an eternity, the invader was pulled back from her throat into her mouth. She nearly collapsed as she tried to draw in a deep breath and much needed oxygen around the pole still blocking most of her mouth.

Much too soon, the pressure at the back of her mouth started again and so did the gagging sounds. Tom took his time, penetrating her throat and then fucking back and forth in small movements. From time to time he allowed his cock to exit her throat so Haley could steal a few breaths before being forced to suck his dick back into her throat. Finally, he grunted and pressed her head even more firmly into him. She felt a pulsing sensation running along the cock embedded in her and a weird sensation deep in her throat. It was obvious Tom was cumming, but it was strange not seeing or tasting his cum but having it directly placed into her gullet. When he finished, he pulled back slightly, allowing her to finally breath and the last drops of his cum filled her mouth with the hated flavor.

“That was an improvement, but you have a long way to go.” Tom said while tucking in his cock and closing his zipper. Haley was on her hands and knees, coughing piteously, her face and chest covered in drool. She did not pay much attention to what Tom said, or to anything else really, and the next time she raised her head, she found Dave standing in front of her, his dick pointing at her.

Tiredly, she took it into her mouth and started gently sucking it, occasionally coughing when she tried to swallow some saliva and her sore throat protested.

The rest of the session was pretty standard and by the time the last guy left, her throat was still sore, but she was not coughing so much and she felt almost normal. Naked and on her knees, covered with spit and cum, but that was her new normal. She wiped herself as much as she could with her small towel, wrapped herself in her robe and slowly made her way to the shower, another long day at the office before her.


The next day, when she went to dress, or rather- undress, behind the screen, she noticed that one of the gym benches was there.

When Tom arrived a few minutes later, she understood why. “Lie on your back and let your head hang over the edge. This should line up your throat with your mouth and make it easier to take cocks deeper.”

she slowly rose from her kneeling position and tried to arrange herself on the narrow bench. She fervently hoped it will be easier. Her throat was no longer sore but the experience yesterday was traumatic and she was hoping to avoid a repeat.

It turned out to be easier, but for Tom, not for her. The position opened her throat and allowed him easier penetration which he quickly took advantage of and started sawing his dick deeply in and out. For her, though, the sensation was just as painful. She was also precariously balanced on the bench so she had even less control and leverage. When Tom pulled back slightly to allow her to steal a few seconds of air, she discovered another disadvantage. All the drool and throat slime poured up her nose and into her eyes instead of down her chin. Haley's body bucked and her arms flailed, but Tom took no notice. He groped her tits and fucked her throat until he finally groaned in pleasure and released a load of cum deep in her throat.

Tom then silently stood up, arranged his dick in his pants and left. Haley was left sprawled on the bench, breathing heavily, barely aware of her surroundings. The next thing she knew, Dave was standing above her head, his dick erect and poised at the entrance to her mouth. Before she could protest, his dick plunged into her mouth and silenced her. He was less aggressive than Tom, but she was already sore and confused so she just lay there and let him fuck her mouth. Dave appeared to like the new position as evidenced by his moans and the short time it took him to cum in her mouth. When he withdrew from her mouth, Haley let his sperm drip from her mouth over her cheeks and forehead and then slowly rolled from the bench and collapsed on the floor and curled around herself.

When she looked up again, she saw Al standing over her, an expectant look in his eyes. “please, no, I can't, my throat,” Haley begged. Al huffed, turned on his heels and left. After a few moments, she heard more footsteps approaching her. She lifted herself slowly to see Al and Tom looking down on her. Tom had an all too familiar stern expression on his face and Haley found herself blabbering, trying to talk through bouts of coughing. Tom's expression did not change, “Ok, so you can't suck cock, then just let Al fuck you.” Haley was shocked into silence and she looked dumbly up at him. “Come on,” Tom urged her, “Al has patiently waited his turn. We haven't got all day to wait for your leisure.”

Haley was to exhausted to argue. She tiredly picked herself of the floor and lay on the bench again, this time, with her crotch towards the guys. Tom smiled at Al and departed with a final, “Enjoy.” Al did not linger before taking out his cock and kneeling before Haley. He pushed her legs aside and thrust his dick into her in one swift motion. She was a little wet so it was not very painful, but it was still a shock, being filled so suddenly. However, Haley was still tired and trying to regain her breath and so she mostly lay there passively as Al enthusiastically thrust into her. He finished quite quickly and dumped his load into her vagina. He then wiped himself with one of the paper towels she prepared for herself and left. Haley continued to lie there, thinking that she felt even more violated than usual, but being fucked was definitely less painful than being deepthroated.

She was still lying there trying to recuperate when she heard a feminine voice, “I can work with that.” she opened her eyes and just had time to see Megan's naked crotch descend toward her face before she was engulfed in warm bottom flesh. Haley started tiredly licking the pussy poised above her lips while trying to breath through a nose smothered in ass cheeks. After a while, Megan started to rock herself, using Haley's face to masturbate. Haley didn't know whether to be relived, as this allowed her to rest her tired tongue, or to be distraught at how she was used as a sex toy by a woman.


Haley felt like a zombie for the rest of the day. She was so tired. So far from her comfort zone. She just sat at her desk, staring, unseeing at the office life around her. She answered the calls whenever her nipple clamps and vibrator shook her from her reverie. She was even too tired to react when anybody casually touched her, slapping her bottom or trailing fingers across her inner thigh.

She psyched herself all night, and when on the next day, Tom appeared behind her screen she numbly asked him, kneeling and nearly naked, “will you please fuck my pussy?”

“Sure,” he laughed, “be happy to. That's a very good attitude on you, you know?” Experienced from many inspections, Haley gave herself a jolt with the vibrator before putting on her sexy persona, and this allowed Tom easy entry as he knelt before her and thrust himself powerfully into her, not caring for her state of preparation. He then continued to hump her slowly, playing with her, moving her legs, flicking her clit, squeezing her tits. Before long, he grew tired of playing; He placed his hands on her hips and started to fuck her with hard, rapid strokes. He then groaned, thrust himself fully forward and released his cum deep inside her.

Dave entered next, but instead of heading for her pussy, he went around her and stood over her head. Haley was confused, but tried to beg, “Please, fuck my pussy.”

“Nah, I don't want no sloppy seconds. Come on, open up.”

Haley realized that sperm was indeed dripping down from her open vagina and along her butt crack. Sighing, she opened her mouth and allowed Dave to stick his cock inside. Dave was not as forceful as Tom, but Haley was still left a slobbering mess once he came inside her mouth.

She was still coughing and trying to clear the slime and cum from her eyes when Al came behind the screen. Haley tried to pick herself up while begging, “Please, fuck my pussy. Not my mouth. Please. Just give me a second and I'll clean up.”

“I don't have time to wait for you. I'll fuck your ass. Get back on the bench and lift your legs.”

“What? No! You can't fuck my ass. Just let me clean my pussy for you and you can fuck me.” Haley was shocked and afraid and tired. She knew that anal sex was a thing, but the idea of someone sticking his cock up her ass always sounded repugnant to her. And painful, probably.

Al was unfazed, “I told you, I don't have time to wait for you. Do you want me to go and get Tom again?”

Haley was torn. What will Tom say? He will probably find some way to punish her, to humiliate her further. But will it be worse than anal?

Al did not allow her time to think. He approached the bench and started to lift her legs. He spread them and pushed them back so her torso was curved and her vagina and ass were exposed and open. He stopped and stared at her ass for a few seconds, before shaking himself. “Do you want to suck me first? Get some lubrication on my dick?” Haley just nodded, carried by events seemingly without control. “Ok, hold your legs.” As Al let go of her, she held her own legs behind her thighs, keeping herself bent and spread. Al stepped over her upturned face and presented her with his dick. She took it into her mouth and tried to coat it with saliva. Her mouth, that was so full of spit and cum just earlier suddenly was dry and she made every effort to take the organ deep into her mouth to try and find some throat slime to wet it, all the while moving her tongue around it, coating it evenly from all directions.

Al withdrew from her mouth and went back to stand over her lower end. He placed one hand over her leg and with the other aimed his dick at her anus. He started to lean forward, folding Haley in half while simultaneously pushing his glans through her sphincter. The position she was in kept Haley quite open and he did not have too much trouble shoving his dick up her backdoor. Haley had some recent experience with shoving the vibrator up her ass on her period days and then having Tom's fingers violating her further, but Al's cock was still the biggest thing to enter her anus. Haley's mind was split between the feeling of fullness in her rectum and the way that being folded and pressed on restricted her ability to draw deep breathes. As Al got his dick deep enough, he used both of his hand to press on her legs, spreading them further, folding her further, and then he started thrusting in and out of her ass. Even with the lubrication of her spit, there was still enough friction to chafe at the delicate skin of her intestines with every push and pull of the cock pounding her. Al was huffing above her and Haley was grunting with the discomfort in her ass and the air driven from her lungs every time he pushed forward and compressed her further upon herself. Finally, he nearly crashed forward on her, letting most of his weight rest on her as he emptied himself in her bowls. When Al left and she could finally lay flat again on the narrow bench, Haley's only thought was, “Who would have thought that I would need to catch my breath as much after anal as I would after oral.”


Tom stood before her, the first 'customer' on this new day, smiling. “Al told me that you're now doing anal. I've got to try that.” Haley nearly collapsed upon herself. She knew this was coming. That once something was done to her it will become part of the routine, but, for some reason, this felt like passing an invisible limit to her. Now she was just some service doll. Three holes at the service of her employees, no thought given to her comfort and certainly not to her pleasure.

Tom, however, kept smiling, “You did not enjoy it? Come on Haley, you're a smart girl, you should have figured the solution by now.”

Haley raised her eyes to him from her kneeling position, “To, To, m m mas masturbate?”

“Got it in one. I knew you weren't completely useless. Many women find anal intercourse pleasurable, you just need to get your body ready and your head in the right mindset and you might find you enjoy it too.”

Haley doubted it very much, but did not see many options open to her. Tom was waiting and he will soon fuck her up the ass. She might as well try to make it easier on herself. Still, she hesitated. Her masturbation until now had long been public knowledge around the office, but its performance usually still retained a modicum of privacy. Now she needed to touch herself in front of Tom, to prepare herself for him.

Tom jolted her out of her hesitation, “Come an, we haven't got all day. Get on the bench, spread your legs and start working.” Haley slowly raised herself, lay on her back and opened her legs. She reached for her slit and started slowly rubbing it. She found it very hard to get aroused, lying on the uncomfortable and narrow plank, Tom standing over her, watching her every move and stroking his dick through his pants, the anticipation of her asshole being painfully stretched. But she had so much practice. She knew how to arouse herself despite not feeling in the least bit sexy. And so, after a while, her fingers started to glide more easily over her lubricating and pouting lips.

“Good,” Tom said, “And now for some lubrication.” Haley was jolted from her gentle fingering to find Tom's cock being shoved into her mouth. “Don't stop masturbating now, numbnut”, he nearly yelled at her when she instinctively put her hands to her sides to brace herself. She quickly put her hands back to her vagina and started to mechanically stroke it once more. Tom, meanwhile, thrust deeply into her mouth and throat, coating his dick with saliva and throat slime.

He only penetrated her throat a few times before withdrawing from her mouth completely. “This should do it.” He then moved back to her lower half and stood over her expectantly, stroking his slimy cock. Haley braced herself mentally, but continued grazing her fingers over her sex, trying desperately to maintain her fragile state of arousal.

Tom lifted her legs, placed the head of his member at her rear entrance and started to push. The penetration was still painful for Haley but her arousal did lend a different flavor to the hot organ that slowly expanded her rear passage. It wasn't exactly pleasurable, but it did feel more like sex and less like mechanically induced chafing. As Tom's thrusts became more vigorous, she struggled to maintain her rhythm as she needed to hold on to him or grab the bench to avoid being tipped over, but at this stage, the internal stimulation was enough to keep her aroused and muffle the pain. Finally, Tom grunted, thrust his hips forwards until his balls were hanging against her ass and released his sperm deep in her bowls. He then collapsed over her, folding her in half by his grip on her legs and let out a satisfied breath. “Now that was nice, no?”, he asked her, almost conversationally, as if he expected her to enjoy the experience. But the semi-intimate moment did not last long and as he left, Haley was left sprawled on the bench, her ass raw and leaking semen, her back hurting from being rocked on the bench and her pussy twitching from unfulfilled arousal.


Tom opened the next company meeting, “I've had some complaints that Haley can't keep up with her servicing schedule and people have to wait in line for too long. It also seems that it takes too much out of her and she can't properly service those at the end of the queue.”

“What are the odds that he will take it easier on me now?” Haley thought to herself. “Not great, probably.” she had to assume.

“So, instead of compressing everyone at a single time, what we will do going forward, is that we've opened a shared office calendar and anyone can schedule a half hour with Haley daily. This will ensure that everyone gets the attention they deserve and that Haley has some time to clean up and focus on the next employee and give him or her her undivided attention.”

The good part was that Haley did not need the vibrator and nipple clamps anymore. She also sort of had her old office again. The not-so-good part was that she spent her entire day there fucking and sucking her employees. A small toilet and sink were added so she could clean herself a little without having to go through the office every time on her way to the floor toilets and showers.

Now that people had half an hour of her time without others breathing down their necks, they took their time. They played with her body, they went through different positions and explored all her holes and so even with the added time, she usually had to quickly pick herself up, clean herself in her corner and get ready for the next appointment.

Business seemed to be doing rather well, though. The company must even be expanding as she noticed a few new faces (or rather cocks) in her schedule recently.


2022-04-11 12:51:06
So, now that the business is expanding again, be on the look-out for a hostile takeover!

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