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This is my first erotic fiction, I am not the best writer so please forgive my spelling and grammatical errors. I enjoy stories that have a base in reality and could almost be believable with a slow build, I have many more in the pipeline, I hope you like them as much as I enjoy fantasizing about them. This is a multi part series, which is a bit of a slow burner, but hopefully you get off reading it as much as I did writing it.
I sat there for some time, my phone still in hand. I couldn’t fully comprehend the situation and where I was. All this started when I was put on furlough and thought I would be losing my job, an idea born out of boredom, hornieness and desperation. What started as a regular cam show with a guy hoping to earn a little money, before being subtly coerced into dressing in lingerie, and taking small step after small step before I tumbled well and truly down the rabbit hole ending up wearing more female clothes and then using toys and other things. And now I was sitting here some months later, hours of dedicated and specific exercise had sculptured my form with a slim waist and upper body, but curvy legs and a decidedly juicy ass that I had to admit I was very proud of.

Looking down at my body, cum covered lingerie that fit me so well, my painted and shaped nails, the feeling of fullness from my scarlet sheened plumped lips with the weight of false lashes on my eyelids and my skin so smooth and hairless. How had I gone so far? and why wasn’t I more bothered about it. I didn’t need to do any of this, I could have just stayed as I was.

I summoned the strength to get up to go to the shower and was instantly reminded of the powerful orgasm I’d had not long ago, my legs weak and my hole tingled from my over enthusiastic playtime. I caught my reflection in the full length mirror and couldn’t help but smile, I looked like a mess, but also like a very satisfied and thoroughly well fucked mess. The last broadcast had been incredible, not only riding an actual replica of someone’s dick to an epic climax, but the sheer volume of tokens I had been given, and that didn’t include the recordings I would put up later. Despite feeling supremely conflicted about the things I’d done and the journey id been on, there was also a huge sense of satisfaction, which my subconscious was processing as my very well spent cock stirring slightly as I gazed at myself.

Stripped, showered and cleaned I was completely drained of energy, slipping into the most comfortable of my night ware I pulled the covers over myself and tried not to think of my situation, my brain wanted to go over it again and again, but my exhausted body had other ideas and I drifted off to sleep still trying to understand what I was doing and what the new job offer would entail.

I awoke with much less enthusiasm than usual, but with my now customary stubborn morning wood, I stretched a little and rubbed my eyes taking note of the always delicious feelings of the silk garments on my smooth skin, my erection teasing against the fabric and the caress its tight fitting shape gave me. I sighed audibly and yawned as I sat up, my ass was ever so slightly sore, not enough to cause any discomfort but a more than ample reminder of what happened last night. I couldn’t help but grin as flashbacks filled my mind and I recalled it in detail.

And then the moment I answered the call, the feeling of apprehension, confusion and uncertainty. I spent so long convincing myself that I would be out of a job, doing all this to make sure I would survive financially and then the bombshell of being offered a significant promotion and pay rise to match.

I still couldn’t take it all in, I’d succeeded in my plan with camming to match my old jobs salary, and with the last show I’d done much better. But this wasn’t exactly the career path I ever thought of or wanted. The job they were offering would be a serious opportunity, a massive step up, no doubt leading to more possibilities further down the line, pensions, healthcare, a reliable future. Sure I enjoyed camming but it offered none of those things.

I sat going through in my mind over and over, I had no idea what to do. And then I realised that unlike every morning for the last god knows how long, my boner had gone down without being relieved. I laughed out loud as it felt so out of place, a break in my routine for the last few months, until I realised that I didn’t feel like playing with myself either. In fact I didn’t feel like doing anything.

Rising to my feet I stepped into the bathroom, and splashed my face with cold water, my reflection in the mirror looked stressed, and I felt every bit of it. I couldn’t do a show looking and feeling like this. I needed time to think, time to process what I wanted, and what I should do.

Back at my computer I logged in and posted messages saying that I was taking a few days off to sort some things out, that I would let them know when I would be back and thanked them for all their support. I couldn’t even be bothered to edit last night’s footage, I simply uploaded the whole thing so that it would hopefully keep them satisfied.

Not long after I’d shut everything down and made myself a cup of tea slumping on the sofa, mulling over my options and trying to figure out what I wanted to do. Whilst idly scrolling Instagram my phone buzzed in my hand as a WhatsApp message from Ellie popped up. “Hiya, how’s it going, hope everything’s OK, what you up to?” I grinned at the phone, my heart instantly beating a little quicker.

I fired back “Hi Ellie good to hear from you, I’m not too bad, got some news about work which not what I expected, they offered me a promotion! But it is a lot to take in, not sure what to do. How about you?” and I sat looking at my phone waiting for her to reply like a puppy staring at a treat.

Almost instantly my phone pinged and she replied “oh that sounds great though, much better than being made redundant lol” and I paused, I wanted to tell her everything, but at the same time it all might be a bit much, my situation wasn’t exactly a run of the mill thing, I had so much to think about, it was such a big decision. I started to type a reply, then deleted it. Then started another and deleted that. I didn’t know what to say, for the first time in ages, my usual confidence had evaporated, the way I used to feel in these kinds of situations came flooding back and I just didn’t know what to write.

My phone buzzed again and a short message from her simply read “wanna chat?” I looked at it, and couldn’t move, totally frozen, shit. I should call her, it would make me feel better at the very least. But what would I say? I can’t tell her everything, I liked what we had going on too much.

Moments later the decision was out of my control as her name lit up the screen with an incoming call, I couldn’t avoid it now, there was no way I could ditch it. I had to answer. Nervously I swiped the screen and lifted it to my hear. “Hey Ellie” I chimed in what I hoped was a cheerful tone, she immediately picked me up on it and asked what was going on.

For the next ten minutes or so I skirted around the issue, I talked about how good of an opportunity the new job would be, how much more it would pay. But how I had this side hustle that if I kept working at it could be even better, not to mention being my own boss and working when I wanted would give me more freedoms although not the benefits of being permanently employed. Of course I conveniently left out the part that I was a guy, who wore women’s clothes and lingerie and masturbated on camera for a living. A detail I hoped she wouldn’t pry into too much.

She listened attentively and offered encouragement and support, even suggesting I try and do both, take the new job and maintain the side hustle. Which was something I hadn’t thought of, but struggled to resolve as I could never hide my finely plucked eyebrows or immaculately kept nails. The two options were totally incompatible.

She sensed my reservations, and joked that I could probably do with a drink. The pubs were all shut as it wasn’t even lunchtime yet, but the café would be open and I agreed to go there and meet her so we could carry on chatting in person, although she insisted that we tried not to talk about it and just have a laugh instead, you know, keep my mind off it so that I could have more time to think.

Of course I would never refuse the opportunity to meet her again and we set a time for half an hour, just enough time for me to get ready, or so I thought. As a guy 30 minutes would have been more than enough time, but as I threw on some snug fitting jeans, a simple vest crop top and a pair of trainers. While that might not have been overly girly, there was no hiding my curves with outfit, and I was immensely proud of the shape I was in. I looked in the mirror and realised that I couldn’t just go as I was, it didn’t feel right.

I quickly applied some foundation, a little blusher, a flash of eyeliner and some mascara. Nothing too over the top, just a girl meeting her friend at the café. I giggled at the ridiculousness of it, I really had fallen down the rabbit hole further than I realised as I smoothed on a layer of lip-gloss and dropped in in my purse.

Fortunately the weather was great, outside there wasn’t much evidence of the continuing Covid restrictions, hardly anyone in masks. Late spring on a good day in London was a great place to be. With my sunglasses on I strolled down the road, enjoying the warmth on my face and the sounds of a city slowly coming back to life. There were more people out and about, and it felt great for things to be feeling more normal.

As I approached the café I spotted Ellie sat in our window seat and she enthusiastically waved to me. I walked inside and she greeted me with a very warm and tight hug, physical contact with another person had been so alien since this whole thing began, we weren’t technically supposed to be doing that outside of our ‘bubbles’ but as I didn’t have any family nearby we joked that we would be in each other’s with a wry smile.

We sat down and she held my hand, looking into my eyes and simply said “if you want to talk we can, but I’m more interested in helping you forget about it for a while and give you a distraction” I agreed that would be for the best and she passed me a coffee she had already bought. Conversations with Ellie were so easy, we found ourself laughing at each other’s terrible jokes, bitching about current affairs and passers-by. That anxiety I’d had on the phone earlier was nowhere to be seen, the new me, the cam girl side of me, was in charge again, happy, outgoing and confident.

As Ellie slipped to the toilet I checked my phone and wondered about the message she sent earlier. Was it a bit coincidental that she sent that not long after I posted online? And asking me if I was ok, like there would be something wrong? I didn’t have time to think about it anymore as she returned and our conversation continued where she left off.

Just like the last time we ended up sitting very closely, shoulders pressed next to each other as we kept our voices down gossiping about the people walking by on the street. Ridiculing the chin mask wearers, and playing mask or beard where unsurprisingly the aim of the game was to spot guys in the distance and bet to see if they were wearing a mask or if it was a beard. Our closeness wasn’t lost on me, and I couldn’t help but take her in, she smelt so nice, her laugh was infectious and she just had such a great aura about her.

Our coffees were long finished, and it was now well past lunchtime and Ellie suggested that the pubs would now be open. Being such a nice day we decided to find one with a beer garden so would could continue our people watching and in the traditional British fashion of drinking our problems away.

We found the perfect pub, some seats on a table outside with the high-street there for our continued entertainment. Ellie insisted we at least celebrate something with a bottle of bubbly, if it wasn’t going to be the new job, then it would be the side hustle, and if not that then just the fact we were able to drink in a pub again was enough of a reason.

With glasses clinked we sat, drank and chatted and before long the bottle was finished and we were feeling incredibly tipsy. Arm in arm we shuffled our way to the toilet which was a completely new experience for me, the café only had one so going as a pair would be a novelty. We took adjacent stalls and carried on chatting as we both went about our business, me not forgetting to sit rather than stand. I gigged at the ridiculousness of my situation, and Ellie asked me why I was laughing. I just said that it was nice to be out again, and that the bubbles had really gone to my head.

We finished up and I carefully tucked myself back in and stepped out. She was waiting for me with a sly grin on her face, so I naturally asked her what was up. She jumped a little as if I had caught her daydreaming before she pointed at my waist and commented that my nickers were showing “as cute as they are, you might attract the wrong kind of attention flashing a G-string out on the street” I flushed red and she burst out laughing.

“you’re so damn adorable when you blush” which did nothing for my rosy cheeks. Staggering outside we both noted that we should probably walk it off a little. However we didn’t get far before she literally dragged me into a wine bar which was just opening up. Despite the sun outside it was dimly lit within, little booths and a long bar with hundreds of bottles and an amazing array of spirits.

All bars and pubs required table service as per the current restrictions, so we found ourselves a spot and the waitress came over to take our order. I suggested something light, but Ellie was having none of it and asked about the cocktails. After a lot of back and forth we settled on some espresso martinis, I could tell my new drinking buddy was probably a bit of a party girl, but it was so refreshing to just be out and enjoying it.

We did at least take our time drinking, but in our little booth, the conversation was much more intimate and a little flirty, there were no passers-by to mock. Naturally we ending up talking about guys which I managed to somewhat defer from my complete lack of experience or interest in reality. I could only reference Marc and our encounters in the park, which I was of course quizzed on extensively.

I tried to press her on what type of guy she likes and she shied away from giving a proper answer. For the first time today she looked a bit bashful, maybe even reserved. Sensing I might be pushing into unwelcome territory I backed off a bit, the mood became a little tense, she took a breath and said that she doesn’t really have a type. Looking blankly at her I asked what that meant, she must like something surely.

“I guess id describe myself as pansexual” she burst out reluctantly, but visibly relieving herself of whatever burden she felt that label had. It was a term I had heard about but didn’t really understand and she read my pause as me not understanding “it means I can find anyone my type, guy, girl and anything in between”. “Oh” I simply replied, our conversation now at a very awkward silence as I lifted the glass downing what was left in an attempt to buy time in order to think of what to say next.

Thankfully the waitress stepped up to the table to ask if we wanted any other drinks, as I placed mine back on the table. “Yes! I think we should have some shots” Ellie blurted out, but I had to agree it would help loosen the vibe that had descended on the table. A couple of tequilas and a long cocktail to sip afterwards were ordered and the waitress walked back to the bar.

“So is she your type then?” I asked, finally thinking of something to say, “Ha, not really, I mean she is pretty enough, but she seems a bit plain, I like people who have a bit more going on, you know, something different and special, what about you?” I froze, not knowing what to say. Of course I’d had relationships with girls, that’s all id done in the past, the thing with Marc wasn’t anything really, but I was presenting as a girl and still felt the need to keep it up, even though her admission meant me being a guy in girls’ clothes might not be as undesirable as I thought.

Feeling the pressure of giving an answer I just said “I don’t know”. It was a stupid reply, and she immediately berated me for it. “I guess, what I mean is that I’ve never given it that much thought before, and I’ve never really met someone who doesn’t have a type, it isn’t a fair comparison, you’ve got it easy” I laughed out.

I bluffed the next few minutes praying for the waitress to return with the drinks so I could be saved from having to explain myself. And sure enough she arrived, placing them on the table along with a lime slice and some salt. Ellie cheered and set up the drinks. Salt on our left hand, shot glass in the right, we linked arms, licked the salt, slammed the tequila and then grimaced through the slice of lime.

Our faces were next to each other as our linked arms pulled close to get the slice in, our watering eyes met as the fiery liquid burned all the way down to the pit of my stomach. Parting we both gasped as the rush of shot ran through us. “Wow, that was intense, I’ve not done that in ages” I exclaimed, feeling decidedly drunk even though it was yet to hit.

It did however save me from having to delve too deep into my sexual preferences as the conversation shifted to partying and going out once the clubs were open again. I’d never been a fan in my old life, but I couldn’t think of a valid reason why the new me wouldn’t enjoy it, especially if I had someone like Ellie for company.

The alcohol now catching up with both of us, our speech beginning to slur a little and our touching and flirting becoming ever more clumsy, we posed for selfies, cheeks pressed to each other, duck pouts in full effect. There was a real sense of sexual chemistry between us and I was captivated, trying so hard to control myself and contain my desire to kiss her and drag her back to my place.

I couldn’t do that, while she might be ok with dating someone like me, I wasn’t even sure I what I was, was I still a guy, was I hetro, gay, trans. I didn’t know and sure as hell wasn’t going to figure it out while this intoxicated. The barman called last orders and both me an Ellie looked at each other admitting that it was definitely home time.

We stumbled out onto the night street, both far more drunk than we thought we were, walking back towards the café and where we would go our separate directions. We exchanged how much fun tonight had been and that we should definitely do it again sometime. She checked to see if I was ok and I thanked her for her support in helping decide what to do.

There was a real tension in the air and we moved in for a parting hug, we almost collied head on, pulling back and looking at each other, there was a pause, a monumental desire rose from within me to kiss her but I chickened out and rearranged the hug. I held her tight already regretting not taking the now missed opportunity. Embarrassed we parted and I stepped back, she looked flushed, or was it just drunk?

I blew her a kiss as I had done Marc so many times, she smiled in reply and waved as she turned. I would have floated back home if it wasn’t for the fact that I was really quite inebriated. Ever grateful that my drunken autopilot guided me home and I fumbled the keys multiple times to open the door.

Staggering into my apartment I took out my phone and read some messages from Ellie who had presumably arrived at her home before me. They were garbled and full of autocorrect mistakes, in my state I could barely make sense, but I typed what I thought was a gushing thank you for her taking me out, and accusing her of getting me too drunk.

I threw my phone on the bed, and then saw my toys sitting on the nightstand. Fuck I was horny, the flirting with Ellie and not having played with myself all day suddenly took over, I was aware of how full and aching my balls were, my cock was swelling in my tight fitting jeans and I had to get them off as soon as possible.

I pulled them off, haphazardly tumbling onto the bed, I grabbed the first toy within reach and sucked it immediately into my mouth, I didn’t have the patients to find the lube my spit would have to do, my ass rapidly craving attention despite still being a little tender from the night before, I brought the toy to my entrance and moaned out loud as it slid in with little resistance.

Fuck I needed this, my cock now impossibly hard begging for release. My head was spinning with the alcohol, but my body yearned for pleasure. My dick slick with precum that was oozing out from the tip with every stroke of the toy in my ass. I hadn’t even removed my top, my thong was still on and one sock hung from my right foot. I didn’t care, I just wanted to get off.

I thought of Ellie, how very beautiful she was, our flirting and touching, the almost kiss. The idea that maybe she would be interested in me, even as I was a guy who looked like a girl. It was all too much to take in, images filled my mind of us locked in a passionate embrace. My hand now a blur on both my ass and my cock.

That delicious feeling of an orgasm rising began, I’d not been at it long and I didn’t care, there was no audience, not recording camera, this was all for me. Just me, satisfying my desire to cum and everything focused on achieving that. I bucked against the toy, thrashing in the bed, pumping my slippery pole with every stroke.

The white heat began to rise, my balls tightening as I approached the point of no return, I blasted past it and increased my pace as much as I could. My eyes opening wide as I screamed out loud and the first of many massive jets of cum erupted from my cock. Angling it to my face, rope after rope shot out, covering my chest, face and hair.

I lapped wildly trying to catch some, its sweet taste filling my senses. I lost count of the number of loads I shot, the aftershocks still producing bubbles of cum from the end of my now softening erection.

My hand was covered in jizz, and I cleaned it with gusto, savouring my tangy sweet taste. My breath was still ragged, that had been one of the quickest orgasms in some time and it felt so good just to get the release, my balls now ached from being thoroughly emptied and looking down at my chest I laughed at the mess I had made, there was so much cum. But I guess that’s what you get for saving it up all day when you are used to cumming 3 times on average.

Staggering back to my feet I went to the bathroom but realised just how drunk I was, I couldn’t keep upright without holding onto something so a shower was out of the question. I went to the toilet and just stumbled back to bed, still wearing my soiled top. Barely slipping under the covers before I passed out.

I was woken by the light beaming in through the open curtains, I hadn’t even closed them the night before, the bedsheets were stuck to my top and my mouth felt like the Sahara Desert with a side order of sawdust. Surprisingly I didn’t feel that hungover, maybe I was still drunk? As I sat up, morning wood once again standing to attention, I realised that when I came home last night and fucked myself silly, I’d done it in full view of the flats opposite, hopefully no-one had seen me, I just had to hope they were all asleep.

Gingerly I climbed out of bed, keeping the soiled blanket wrapped around me and drew the curtains, I then peeled off the sheets and removed my crusty top. I really had gushed all over it. It was still relatively early as I’d been woken by the daylight, but not feeling too bad I thought a refreshing shower might just do the trick. Maybe being that much fitter meant I wouldn’t have such bad hangovers.

Stepping into the shower, the hot water blasting off last night’s remnants. Even if it did require a lot more bodywash to remove it entirely. My erection standing stubbornly the entire time. Of course it would be rude to ignore it, and since id given myself a few days off from broadcasting, I could indulge in some self-care. I grabbed one of the larger suction cup dildos and attached it to the shower wall and in no time I was thrusting back onto it, and revelling in the way it mashed into my prostate.

I had no desire to rush, but rather focused on whatever angle made it feel good. This was my time, with no one else to cater for, just my pleasure and release. I found the perfect position with the dildo hitting the perfect spot with each thrust, the water cascading onto my body triggering whimpers as the jets splashed against my engorged sensitive nipples, leaving both hands free to stroke my length, play with my balls and the area underneath.

I willed my orgasm to arrive, dialling in each movement to maximise the pleasure, my cries of passion filling the bathroom as I felt that familiar urge. I hissed through my teeth feeling the pressure building, and images of Ellie once again came to mind. I imagined her laying on her back, legs spread, welcoming me to her pussy, it was enough to tip me over the edge and before I knew it my body clenched, my ass squeezing the dildo tight as spasm after spasm erupted from my dick. my hand catching the load as it spilled free.

I adored the prolonged orgasms I seemed to have when there was something in my ass, they just kept on coming in waves, getting smaller each time, but the aftershocks carried on for so much longer. As the last two rolled through my body, I brought my full palm to my mouth and hungrily sucked it clean. The slimy goo lining my mouth and coating my throat, another little shudder accompanied the thrill as it slid down.

Could I really give up cumming like this? I guess there was nothing stopping me from masturbating with my toys even in the new job, hardly like I would use the company showers and take a dildo with me I thought laughing to myself.

I stepped out, and dried myself off, automatically I ran thought my post shower beauty routine before catching myself and realising that I didn’t really need to do this anymore, it would save so much time after all. However I did enjoy how my skin felt, and there was no doubt that my face looked much smoother, blemish free even without makeup and definitely healthier.

I finished up and felt so much more refreshed, the hangover purely a rumble in the tummy as I realised not only had I drank too much the night before, id committed the cardinal sin of doing so on an empty stomach. Ellie had a lot to answer for, she was trouble no doubt, not that I could hold it against her, especially after she admitted that I might be her type, she didn’t exclude it, that’s for sure.

After a light breakfast, and a little easy yoga I actually felt pretty normal, the slightest of headaches, but that was it. I dropped Ellie a message asking her how she was, if she had fared as well as me, but with no immediate reply, I guessed she was probably still passed out. I was genuinely surprised, while I wasn’t known for having bad hangovers, this was definitely one of the lightest ones considering how much I drank, there was another bonus to being fitter and all the work I’d done.

Thinking of which, the idea of going for a run felt quite appealing, some fresh air and a bit of early morning sun would probably clear my head, of both the hangover and the dilemma of what to do with my job.

I took the run to the park easy, not wanting to suddenly bring on the hangover, and I was right to come out. The weather was perfect, sunny but with light crisp air. Each stride bought me more clarity, and that almost mediative calmness you get when you’re just concentrating on each step and letting the distance go by.

Even though this wasn’t my usual time to go for a run, a familiar figure got up from a bench further ahead and waved at me. Greeting Marc I immediately teased him and accusing him of being my stalker and deliberately waiting for me. It was so much fun to watch him squirm. The run id already done had been perfect in clearing my head a little, I decided that I wouldn’t pressure myself into making a decision until the end of the week, it would give me time to weigh up all my options. And if that meant in the meantime winding up my running buddy for my own amusement then so be it.

We continued around the park, and I took every opportunity to flirt with him, enjoying his embarrassment and blushing each time, this was pure feed for my ego and impossible for me not to do. I did however make the mistake of teasing his fitness a bit too much and challenged him to a race. Of course I cheated and got a head start, secretly hoping that his unobstructed view of my ass would distract him enough to win.

What I hadn’t counted on was him being so competitive that while he stayed behind longer than he needed to, he timed his sprint perfectly and just about pipped me over the finishing line, as he did I stretched a little more than I should and felt a muscle in my leg cramp. I yelped as I came to a stop and he was immediately at my side giving me support.

Slipping straight into personal trainer mode, he helped me limp to a nearby bench, lifting my leg, and his well-trained expert hands went to work, squeezing and probing it. He found the spot and I winced from the pain. “don’t worry, you’ll be fine, it’s just a cramp and some well place massage will have to fixed in no time” he said calmly as if I was just one of his clients. Suddenly I was aware that the shoe was on the other foot so to speak.

Whereas I was usually the one in control, teasing and prodding him verbally, as his strong hands worked their magic, I had to contain my desire to let out sounds, yes it still hurt slightly but that feeling was rapidly diminishing, and being replaced by the overwhelming heat, one which I knew all too well as I began to stir down below.

He asked how it was, and I could only squeak out a reply, “still cramping?” he asked and I could only nod as his hands moved positions and my body responded. There was no discomfort any more, only pleasure, just like the caresses and touches with Ellie, it felt so good to have someone else’s hands on my body. I wondered how it would feel without the leggings on, his grip so firm but gentle, a moan escaped my lips and I tried my best to disguise it as pain.

I had no idea if he bought it, judging by the bulge in his shorts I wasn’t entirely sure. “That feels so much better Marc, thank you, you really do have magic hands” he laughed and replied “not just a pretty face, there’s brains behind this brawn, that sports science degree isn’t all for nothing you know” I smiled, but was distracted by his bulge, what would it look like, or feel like compared to Biggies dildo? I snapped the image from my head and realised that I was blushing deeply, although almost as much as him as he realised where I was looking.

Thinking quickly I thanked him and got up, turning away from him to hide my embarrassment and did some stretches against the bench. Once I’d cooled down I tuned back to him and thanked him again, gently squeezing his arm. The energy had shifted, usually I was the one with the upper hand, but now we were on a level playing field, both a little uncomfortable, there was a little pause where we were just looking at each other, not eye to eye but just in the moment.

He broke it by clearing this throat, and speaking with an uneasy voice “would you like to meet up sometime?” I looked, suddenly like a deer in the headlights, he’d caught me off guard and I wasn’t expecting it. He sensed my hesitation and quickly added “you know, for a run or something”, I smiled, not wanting to add any more complication to my life, just meeting for runs was fine, not like a date or anything.

As I processed his question I found my head nodding automatically, “yeah, that would be great, maybe we could run in a different park?”. His apprehension waned a little and he beamed a smile back at me “I can just text you the location and we can meet up whenever is a good time for you” he said expectantly, it was now my turn to blush again as I realised he was asking me for my number.

I gave it to him before pulling out my phone from my running pouch to check that he had it right, his test message came through and I replied with a smiley face and a kiss. I was completely on the back foot, and he checked his watched commented that he was going to be late for a client at the gym, and said we’ll have to message each other. Still a little stunned he gave me a hug, wrapping me in his big chunky arms, I automatically slipped mine round his waist our sweaty bodies pressed against each other briefly before he parted, and started to run off, waving a few paces later.

I just stood there in shock, my phone still in hand unable to take in that someone had basically just asked me out, I’d never been asked out like that, although I guess you could count Ellie as kind of asking me out the day before. I felt strange, embarrassed? No, excited? Maybe a little. This was crazy, I was so used to being the one to leave him standing like an idiot on my doorstep and here I was gawping at him running off into the distance.

Could my week get any crazier? my trance was broken as my phone buzzed in my hand, a message from Ellie who had clearly just woken up. It snapped me out of the situation and we had a little back and forth talking about what we did the night before, how much fun it was, and how we should absolutely do it again, but maybe with something to eat before the alcohol.

Mentioning that I was out for a run and her not believing me, I snapped a selfie and sent it to her, only afterwards realising that not only could you see the glistening sweat on my chest, but the angle and way I was standing gave the distinct impression that my nipples were erect, even through the padding of the sports bra.

In an attempt to not draw too much attention to that, I asked if she wanted to get a bite to eat, something to soak up the hangover, which she was clearly still suffering from. We’d meet at the usual café in a couple of hours as she insisted that she needed a good soak in the bath before even thinking of leaving the house.

I ran home, suddenly with even more to think about than when I went out for a run, rather than taking time out to get my head straight I was adding to it. What was the deal with Marc, had he wanted to ask me out properly and then changed it to going for a run? And what about that massage? I could feel my body respond even though I didn’t want to admit it. Maybe I was just so depraved of human touch that anyone touching me would illicit the same response? I hoped so, but that would all have to wait for now, I had something I wanted to check back at the flat.

Arriving home, I went straight to the computer, I just had this feeling that Ellie must have known about me not feeling great because of the message I posted online, but she could only know that if she was following me and therefore had seen me, that is, seen all of me without any clothes on.

I logged in, my heart pounding in my chest, what if she knew? She must have done right, it can’t be a coincidence? I found my follower list, in it there was a breakdown to view regular users, fans, contributors and also other performers. With the full list loaded up, I typed in the search for her username. Sure enough, right there on screen it was. Holy shit! She’s seen me, like, ALL of me. My heart near enough beating through my chest, not only that, I could see the date she subscribed at and it was ages ago, she’s been watching me for ages?

I realised that when I signed up, and found her all those months ago, I’d subscribed too, if she was watching her followers she would have seen, had she been watching all this time? Had she seen all of my journey? This was crazy, even more crazy than Marc asking me out.

I sat back in the chair, astonished. She knew! She knew, and she still wanted to meet me, this was insane. I got up and paced the apartment, I was filled with a mad rush of adrenaline, what did this even mean? She had practically said last night that she was pansexual, did that mean that she was into me? It must right?

I raced back and forth, my hands trembling. This would explain a lot, why she seemed so comfortable talking to me those first times we met, how she was the one who came up to me at the cafe, she already knew me! And now we were going to go and have lunch at the same place. I was giddy with excitement, but I would have to play it cool. She obviously didn’t know that I knew.

Now I had to get ready, this was a date after all. Well it wasn’t, but it was for me. Fuck I was panicking, I’d never had a girl like Ellie interested in me before, but was she interested because she’d seen me on cam? And then crept in everything else, the job and Marc, all vying for my headspace, this was too much, I could feel my anxiety rising, the old me becoming overwhelmed, I should cancel.

I sat on the sofa paralysed by what to do, my eyes rested on the shelf by the TV and one of my meditation books. I took a breath and realised I needed to take a step back, relax and calm myself down. I put on a relaxing soundtrack. Laid on the floor and drew a slow, deep lung full of air. In and then out again, gradually my focus came back, my nerves reigned in and I began to ease away the self-doubt.

I continued for a few moments, allowing myself to re-centre, I sat up in the lotus position and took some more slow breaths. Eventually clarity filled my mind, as I had decided earlier in the day, I would just take this week as a time to make no decisions, to go with the flow and enjoy whatever happened. Right now I had the opportunity of a date with a girl that I really fancied, and yes, I now knew that she knew about me, but in reality that only made things more simple, I wouldn’t have to hide myself from her.

With my thoughts gathered, I showered and put on another outfit, still casual, but the jean shorts were cut-offs and the top much more strappy at the back. It was a bold outfit that I hadn’t dare wear outside yet. But I wanted something that would boost my confidence, and with any luck intimidate Ellie a bit so that the pressure wouldn’t be on me so much.

I did my makeup, with a brighter lip-gloss to finish things off, sandals on my feet with matching nail polish all round. I had to admit that I’d become a dab hand at this, checking myself out in the full length mirror always gave me a sense of pride, especially when I was aiming for a specific look. And I had nailed it.

I arrived at the café a little late, looking this good takes time I joked to myself. And I greeted Ellie with a great big hug and kisses to each cheek. Our conversation instantly fell into the format we had established, we both teased each other. I was the weird health freak who goes for a jog to clear a hangover and her being the party animal that got us both drunk when we didn’t mean to.

The entire time we were chatting my mind was replaying all the things I’d done in front of the cameras, the things she might have seen me do, the things I had seen her do. And it was having a massive effect on me. I couldn’t really concentrate on what she was saying, I would just zone out and catch myself staring at her beautiful full lips, wondering what they would feel like to kiss, to taste like, how they would feel on my engorged nipples, or wrapped around my rock hard cock.

“Snap, Snap” Ellies fingers clicked in front of my face “hello, is anybody there?” SHIT! I’d completely zoned out, how long had I been daydreaming. I mumbled and coughed trying to think of something to say, and all I could come up with is that Marc asked for my number this morning.

She looked shocked but squealed in excitement, although her face seemed to soften and frown a little. I explained that I was a little apprehensive, I wasn’t sure he was my type, or that I wanted anything to do with him, which was kind of true I guess. Feeling that I had somewhat soured the atmosphere I looped in the conversation we had had the night before. and said that I’d been thinking about what she said and that I maybe find girls attractive too.

It was now her time to be the bashful one, and with it came the surge of energy that I loved so much. Making anyone squirm with my new found confidence felt like a super power. I lead the conversation saying that I’d thought about female celebrities that I would sleep with, it seemed like an easy way into it, and she was soon back to her usual bubbly self all be it with an undertone of flirting once again making itself known.

We ate and drank coffee but with a desire to not spend all day in one place, and not venture into the pubs and bars again I suggest a walk in the park. She agrees and we make our way along the street and into the far end of the park I usually run round. As we’re walking I slip my arm through hers, not in a deliberate attempt to make a move, it just seemed like a comfortable thing to do, our strides matching, and our conversation flowing.

With it being such a beautiful day, the sun beginning to go down we took a rest on a bench and joked about the night before, we laughed at the shockingly bad photos we took, most blurry but capturing the decent into drunkenness that ensued. Mentioning that we should get a nice photo together we posed and took a few on the bench with the sun setting in the background. It was starting to get cold and neither of us were dressed for it, so we made a move to go home.

Leaving the park my flat was not too far away and Ellie offered to walk with me the slight detour. Arriving at the entrance as I had done so many times with Marc, I felt the same urge to tease one last time before we parted ways and a surge of confidence came over me. As we went in for a hug, I deliberately went the wrong way, and unlike last night I didn’t pull back, our lips met. I felt her flinch and go to pull away, but I moved closer and with my arms wrapped around her she had nowhere to go.

I pulled back a little but retained the embrace, we looked into each other’s eyes, smiled at each other before resuming the kiss, this time with a little more passion, I was first to open my mouth and gently probe with my tongue, she moaned a little as she opened up and our kiss intensified. Her hands caressed my face and slid round the back of my head pulling us tighter, it was now my turn to let out a mew of approval.

I don’t know how long we kissed for but it felt like forever and no time at all simultaneously. We parted both gasping for breath, eyes on fire with lust. With a croaking voice I whispered that we should perhaps take it inside to which Ellie replied “I’d like that”.

Struggling to control my shaking hands, I slid the key in and unlocked. I had never been so nervous in all my life, someone else was about to see the real me, to see my place and what I did. There was no escaping the significance of what was about to happen. Everything up until this point had been just me, and now I was letting someone else into my world, even if she did happen to be the idol who had inspired me from the outset.

I stepped inside with a great deal of apprehension, grimacing slightly at the untidiness of it, and flushing a full on shade of crimson as I realised the nightstand was in full view, complete with a very extensive collection of sex toys. My embarrassment was immediately blown away as Ellie gushed about finally being here, blasting into full on fangirl mode, pointing at my bed, the computer setup, my toys. Even giggling as she picked on up and held it.

Confused I looked at her, and she then blurted out how she saw me follow her, and followed me back. How she’d been following my journey, how she had watched me pay homage to her, and it all spilled out how she had seen me one day in the street and realised who I was.

The very first time we bumped into each other was intentional, she admitted going to the café more than she would normally just on the off chance I would go again and when I was there how she jumped at the opportunity to sit with me.

I was in shock not knowing what to say or do. She stepped closer to me, and spoke about how last night she wanted to get me drunk and seduce me, but I ran off before she could make a move as we parted. Guessing that after I’d talked about Marc I might be more into guys and not interested in her.

She closed the gap between us, stepped right up to me, putting her arms around my sides, sliding her hands down to hold my buttocks, our lips met and this time it was fireworks. Immediately we gave into each other, her hands fumbling at the buttons on my shorts, likewise my hands reached to pull her top over her head, revealing her stunning breasts nestled in the most beautiful lacy bra, her nipples already distended and protruding through the fabric.

With heated breaths we each took turns kissing and undressing until we were both stood there in bras and panties. “You look even better in the flesh, I can’t believe how gorgeous you look, that bulge in your panties is just too hot” she panted. I was gobsmacked, and so in awe of her that I had no words, I simply grabbed her by the hand and dragged her onto the bed.

Pushing her down I wasted no time unclipping her bra and devouring her breasts. It had been so long since I’d slept with anyone, and none of my previous encounters were with someone as stunning as Ellie. She moaned and bucked as I sucked down hard on her nipples, kneading them, rolling and pinching alternately between sucking. I could feel her crotch beneath me rising up in an attempt to make contact with my hip.

I moved back up to her face kissing all the way, nibbling and biting her neck and earlobes, she constantly made noises as her body jerked in approval. Kissing each other with open mouths she rolled me over before repeating what I had done to her. None of my previous partners had paid attention to my nipples before, but as Ellie removed my bra and began playing and teasing I knew I was in for something truly monumental.

As her tongue bathed them they extended and crinkled into hardened nubs, hours of using the suction cups had really boosted their sensitivity, each stimulation sending waves of pleasure down my spine to the base of my cock, there was no keeping quiet and I moaned and thrashed around as she sucked for all its worth. “I’ve wanted to do that for so long, but there is something I want even more” she said with a grin the size of the Cheshire Cat.

And slowly, planting kisses along the way she slid down to my pantie covered crotch, I lifted my hips slightly so she could slide them off, my well tucked dick springing free as the lacy confines were removed. She cooed as it uncoiled and began to swell. Discarding my underwear her hands held my member and she brought her mouth to it planting a gentle kiss on the head.

I was now at full mast, a generous bead of precum already flowing from the tip as her hand slid down its length and she once again brought her mouth to it. Looking directly into my eyes, her smiling, full lips parted as he eased the head in. eyelids closing as she savoured the taste and sucked lightly drawing me in deeper.

“Fuck me Ellie, your mouth feels incredible” I gasped as inch after inch slid in. her hand moved out of the way and second later I felt her chin pushing against my full balls, she moaned as she reached the base and the vibrations caused me to squeal. Never in all my experience had someone done this, and it felt every bit as good as I’d dreamed about. “I want to taste you too” I gasped out, but she just carried on pumping her mouth on my dick and massaging my tender balls.

After a few minutes she pulled my cock out with a pop and said how delicious I was, climbing on top of me and kissing me deeply. I could feel the heat from her pussy directly above my well sucked member. “I need your cock in me, I need to fuck you right now” she hissed and my hands immediately moved down to pull her panties aside. There was no time to remove them, I desperately wanted to be inside her as well.

She sat up, knees either side of me, pulled my dick back and raised above it. I could already see that she was soaking wet, as she lowered down and parted her lips with my helmet. Biting her lip we both called out as she slid in, with one swift motion she sank her dripping pussy all the way to the base and I swear her body twitched and flexed with a mini orgasm.

With all her weight on me I couldn’t do much other than flex inside her, we kissed, biting each other’s lips, sucking them as we slowly but deeply ground against each other. Her full breasts pressing against my chest, our hard nipples rubbing and sliding as we began to thrust and move in each other.

I grabbed her ass and lifted it up before bringing her back down, we were just a sea of writhing flesh, each trying to both give and receive as much pleasure as possible, shifting positions I found stamina I never knew I had. In the past I could only last a short period with a girl, but now I felt like I could go forever, the lack of stimulation in my ass was frustrating but also meant I could just keep on fucking.

Laying on her back, I lifted her legs to her chest and really started to pile into her, the room was filled with sounds of us both groaning, the bed rocking and wet slapping as our bodies met. I could tell Ellie was building to a massive climax, I’d seen her enough times on the computer to know what that looked like.

I wasn’t at that point yet, but I wanted to make her cum, and cum as hard as possible. Using everything I knew that she did on camera I pounded away, deep long strokes making sure I ground my hip into her now engorged clit with each stroke. I licked, pinched and sucked her nipples in turn. Little by little I started to feel her tighten up, her whimpers became more frequent, and got higher and higher, adjusting my angle a little I could feel the head of my cock sliding against her g-spot each time.

Frustrated that my own orgasm was some way off I put everything into my dick, sweat pouring off our bodies, Ellies noises now merging into one continuous howl, her body tightening, back arching and her pussy clamping tightly around my cock as she came, wave after wave, each thrust bringing on the next. The bed soaked with her juices as she gradually regained control over her breathing, her body still twitching with aftershocks.

I pulled out of her still as hard as an iron bar. I’d seen enough of her to know that this was far from over, and I just laid with her for a few moments while her breathing became less ragged and her body stopped jerking. Kissing stroking and caressing her.

“That was immense, everything I hoped it would be” she said, “but you didn’t cum did you?”, I didn’t, but there will be time for that. Propping herself up on her elbows, she smirked at me, before slipping into a very mischievous grin. She got up, went to my dresser and opened the draw. Inside she pulled out the blutooth controlled toy I’d bought but not used yet.

“Oh I am going to have some fun with this” she teased as she quickly linked it up to her phone. My own erection remaining steadfast, stubbornly waiting for the time. With the setup complete she had me lay on my back, applied some lube and eased it in to my hole. It felt good to have something in there, but it was yet to be activated.

“While I’m up I have another idea” as she rummaged in the draws to the side pulling out an outfit I hadn’t worn in some time “put this on, you looked incredible in this last time” she said as she handed me the garments. It was a white basque with matching stockings, belt and panties. There was absolutely no way my cock was going to go down enough to get the G-string over it, so I just left it to the side.

Ellie was once again at my front, sucking my cock into her mouth, a sensation I could never get enough of, standing up, she turned and bent over, reaching back to offer me her puckered arsehole. “You know what I want now” she grinned as I stepped forward and lined my rod up with her hole. She pushed back to meet me and once my head had popped in the rest of my shaft followed. Grunting she pushed back even harder and I took that as my cue. With hands on her hips I started sliding in and out.

Her ass was even tighter than her pussy and she flexed and contracted it with each thrust. I was just getting into a rhythm when I felt a sudden burst of vibrations deep within me “aah fuck” I gasped as she laughed “that’s only the beginning, just you wait” as she changed the sequence and the buzzing started in an intermittent pattern

For the next twenty minutes we swapped positions, the intensity of the toy in my ass being cranked up each time, ending up with me on top of her, ploughing her ass as she used a smaller toy in her pussy, the feeling of the toy meeting my cock inside her was incredible, but I also had to contend with the toy in my ass now approaching maximum power, it had settled in the perfect position and I knew I wasn’t far off.

I was so focussed on my own impending climax that I hadn’t heard the tell-tale signs that Ellie was mounting towards another, my hands were gripping her legs, pounding for all its worth as she pistoned the toy in and out of her snatch. Suddenly she released the toy and a torrent of fluid exploded from her, her ass clamped hard on my cock which immediately tipped me over the edge “cum all over me” Ellie screamed. The first blast fired deep inside her pulsating ass, but I managed to pull out as the second fired over her crotch.

Several shots continued to jet over her body, splashing he stomach chest and face. I pumped my dick as the toy vibrated away on my prostate, shooting at least twelve loads in total before it just started to dribble out.

I lifted the cum on my hands to my mouth without thinking and sucked them clean “hey you were supposed to leave some for me” I looked shyly at her, realising what I had done automatically. I tried to scoop up some more but the buzzing in my ass hadn’t stopped and my body continued to try and orgasm, nothing was coming out, but waves continued to crash inside me and my dry cock twitched and lurched.

Ellie realised and turned it off, I was finally able to climb on top of her, sucking up all my cum before kissing her and passing it into her mouth, she hummed in approval as she drank it down. “It really does taste good, you weren’t lying in your videos” I laughed at the audacity of it all. Here I was finally sleeping with my idol, when it turns out I was hers too.

We cuddled for a while, talking about everything, finally I was able to have a full conversation with someone, to share my dilemma. It felt so good to get it off my chest, although it was hard to concentrate when I had this absolutely beautiful girl laying naked next to me in bed covered in the glistening remanence of my cum.

Once we had recovered we cleaned ourselves up and put fresh sheets on the bed which thankfully hadn’t soaked through. It felt so very strange to be sharing this space with someone else, but I couldn’t think of a better person, she knew what I did, I knew what she did and it gave us both a chance to relax. Unlike all the other times we’d me, finally that underlaying tension had gone.

Both dressing in some of my nightwear although she had to use the larger items design for my false breasts we snuggled up in bed and drifted off to sleep just as the morning chorus began tweeting before dawn.


I hope you're enjoying this, I'm having a lot of fun writing and getting off to it and reading your feedback is a great motivation to continue. there is more to come and hopefully it won't take me too long to finish.


2022-04-29 16:00:56
Thanks @TheDevilsOwn, great minds think alike, as if written most of it before I posted the last chapter. Hopefully the next won't take too long.


2022-04-28 04:16:30
Truly fantastic! I can't wait for the next chapter! I don't know if you used my suggestions or had the same idea's I did but it is truly awesome to have suggested something and then see it in their story! Keep up the great work!

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