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Now for Mister Singhs pleasure
My phoned pinged, I looked at the message from Mister Singh which was a reply to the pictures I had sent of Margaret passed out and naked in bed against me.

Yes, she will do perfectly, bring her it said.

I smiled and fondled my balls…another good pay day and holiday is on its way I thought and nudged Margaret awake.

“ You want a holiday lover” I asked kissing her on the lips.

It was not too hard persuading her. I had told her that the holiday to Thailand was already arranged and I was supposed to be going with a mate, but he had to back out at the last minute due to illness. So a free ticket was ready for her and accommodation sorted. All she needed was her passport and toothbrush I said, and we would buy what we needed clothes wise when over there.

After we fucked again, where I was particularly effectionate, she agreed to go with me.

We landed at Phucket international airport and caught a cab.

We arrived at our destination and Margaret gave a startled expression.

“Oh misled you slightly Margaret “ I said smiling. “this place belongs to a friend of mine, we will be staying here. You will like it”.

We got out of the cab and I led her by the arm to the entrance that had steel railed gates. I pulled the bell and waited, while Margaret looking at the high white walls that surrounded the property.

“It,s nice and private here” I said conversationally as two Thai girls in their late teens dressed in white large Tshirts going down to their mid thighs appeared at the entrance.

One unlocked the heavy gate as the other greeted us with “Sawadee”.

I responded with “Sawadee” as we entered the property.

They ushered myself and Margaret to the door of the villa.

“These are Hom and Gamon” I said to Margaret as we entered the cool main entrance from the scorching heat of the outside.

Hom spoke to me. “ Mister Singh would like to speak with you”.

“Fine”. I turned to Margaret.

“Gamon will you take my friend to her room so she can have a shower and freshen up as I see Mister Singh?”

Margaret spoke “ I will come with you Vernon”

“ Go and freshen up Margaret” I told her gently and smiling “ I will introduce you to Mister Singh once you have had a shower. I will only be a few minutes”

Gamon gently started to lead Margaret to her room as I went with Hom.

I entered Mister Singh,s study.

The Indian business man sat behind a mahogany desk wearing a pale blue kaftan over his large hairy obese body, his balding scalp glistened with sweat from the humidity.

“She here” He asked .

“Yes” She is in her room now.

“ten thousand pounds each when I am satisfied, now go” he said terminating the interview.

I went to my room, showered and put on a pair of snug red speedo,s that showed off my cock outline beneath the material. Then gathered my phone and the other belongings I had brought putting them in my holdhall and left the room handing the bag to Gamon.

I approached the door of my travelling companion. Hom unlocked it and I entered, and she again locked it.

Margaret was standing there with just a towel around her.

“What the fuck is happening here Vernon”. She shouted in anger,

“I came out of the shower and all my things are gone, phone, passport, clothes everything”

I held her shoulders.

“Calm down Margaret, calm down…sit down and I will explain everything”

“Explain what you bastard” she spat.

“Just sit down and I will explain”.

The anger was still there, but she reluctantly sat on the bed.

I sat next to her and started to explain.

“Margaret face it, you are out of work and cannot get a job because of your theft conviction. Your living on the breadline in a smelly drug ridden area. Girl you haven’t got a life, just a miserable existance… your life is just going nowhere. But I have now given you a way out, you can begin a new life in a different part of the Country…but for thatyou will need money for ……Ten thousand pounds will give you that new start Margaret. Think about it…a new life”.

“How Vernon how fucking how…and what does that have to do with this…and you” she gestured at the locked door.

I took a deep breathe and continued.

“I earn my living supplying sex Margaret….usually women pay for my company , but what they are really buying is sex…to be fucked. And I oblige for a price.

But I also have a few other customers who have different, more extreme tastes….and these customers, Mister Singh included pay very very well to have their needs satisfied.”

I looked at Margaret.

“Mister Singh is paying you ten thousand pounds to amuse him while we are here and that will give you that new life Margaret”.

Margaret looked directly at me.

“Fuck that…no I am leaving now”

I sighed and slowly nodded my head.

“ Sorry Margaret that is not going to happen. We are here now for Mister Singhs amusement. It is Mister Singh who will allow you and I to go when he decides.”

She stood. “Fuck that I want to leave now”

“Margaret, the reason we are getting ten grand each is that he has bought us completely while we are here…he has bought us Margaret….you no longer belong to yourself…you belong…you are owned by Mister Singh….just as me. That is the price”

“ I did not agree to the deal” she shouted.

“I know” I replied. “I did…and you are going to end up ten grand richer….then go and start a new life, but the deal is done, it,s final”

I continued.

“And Margaret…….he likes people who are not happy with the arrangement. He gets off on turning them to his will”.

I stood.

“There is a bikini on the bed for you. Put it on and come down to the pool in five minutes to meet our host.”

“And Gamon and Hom have orders to ensure you are wearing it or they will drag you down naked. Make it easier on yourself Margaret”.

I was in the pool when Margaret appeared followed by Gamon and Hom. She was wearing the bikini supplied, or what there was of it. It was white in colour, and if it was medium size then it would barely of covered her modesty. As it was the size was small, and so the thong bottoms lacked sufficient material to cover her pubes completely. So about a inch of her trimmed triangle showed above the material, and the taughtness of the strings pulling on the material to keep the thong in place also traced the outline of her femine slit.

Similarly the small bra cups were outmatched by the size of the breasts they were trying to contain, enhancing Margarets cleavage in the process as the bra string straps strained to the weight and size of her tits, and the thin material indented by her nipples.

I quickly climbed out of the pool and moved to her reaching out my arm to comfort her, she knocked it aside, continuing towards the table where Mister Singh sat.

“I want to leave now” Margaret demanded to her host.

Mister Singhs expression had not changed from when she appeared in the bikini. The lecherous smile remained as she made her demand.

“The swimsuit looks perfect on you Margaret…let me see more..turn around please”.

Margaret stood , not complying to his request and reiterated.

“Mister Singh I said I want to leave now, I demand that you let me go or else this is kidnapping”.

Singh ignored the statement and gestured to Gamon and Hom who grabbed Margarets arms and physically turned her around so their master could see her from the rear.

He took in her naked back with just a taught bra string digging into her skin and down to the slight pear shaped hips and dimpled buttock,s and the thong string disappearing between her arse crevice.

He signalled again and the girls turned Margaret full cicle so he could see all of her.

“Vernon as done well….usually he brings younger than you….I like he brings a old woman”.

Being called old woman caused a moments irritation to Margaret even though she wanted escape from this.

She struggled to release herself from the grip and Singh spoke in Thai to the girls and they bustled her to the pool and pushed her in.

I watched as her hit the water and frantically started thrashing about and realised she could not swim so ran over and dived in after her.

I got to her and brought her to the side and then using my hand on her naked buttocks, pushed her up onto the pool edge before following myself.

“Bring her back here” Mister Singh called.

I obeyed and lifted the now coughing Margaret to her feet and with my arm round her waist started guiding her back.

The almost bursting tiny bikini top, transparent now from the water showed off her dark areolas and now even more prominent nipples behind the stretched material, and the tiny thong, from struggling in the water now only covering her right puffy labia major as the rest of the material had gone in along her cunt slit exposing her trimmed left pubic covered labias.

I got her in front of Singh and he smiled looking at her now dishevelled appearance and her tearful face with beads of mascara streaked down her cheeks.

“ I do repeat again, the swimsuit suits you Margaret”. He laughed “And you seem to agree” he said indicating me and my now hard cock bent towards my hip beneath the tight wet speedos.

“I want you to tell me…..which do you find most attractive” he asked Margaret as she started regaining some composure, and gestured Gamon and Hom.

They moved to his side and both took off their T shirts revealing their braless breasts. Gamons more roundly pert and Homs smaller but with larger nipples and both wore black panties.

Margarets eyes widened , not from the toplessness but the obvious slight bulge in Gamons panties.

Singh gestured again and Hom took off her panties revealing her shaved cunt.

Then Gamon bent to remove her panties then stood showing her flaccid cock and saggy ball sac.

Margaret shock was evident from her expression, She was looking at Gamon. Face of an attractive thai girl, breasts of an attractive thai girl, the smooth body of an attractive thai girl, but a mans cock and balls.

Singh laughed.

“Well who do you prefer……you like pussy…or you like cock….or you like both”?.

To be continued.
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