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Be sure to read the previous story first.
"Samantha, you have really great tits!" I said, as she walked out of the bathroom after her shower. She smiled and did a little naked shimmy... if only she was as comfortable being nude in front of others as she was with us. Chelsea and I were still naked in bed from the night before, and slowly waking up. Samantha looked at us being lazy and asked "are you guys going to get up so we can go to the pool?" As she pulled up her one piece bathing suit that was on the floor. I responded "how about we go to the nude beach instead... let our titties get some sun". Samantha slowly shook her head and said "I couldn't be naked in front of other guys, I'm a married woman", so I added "you don't have to be nude... could be fun. Besides there's a lot of married women out there". Samantha smiled and said "I don't think Matt would like me being there, even if I'm not nude".

Chelsea said "It's not a sex beach, it's just a beach with some nude people... just ask Matt if he's ok with it, he might not mind as long as you keep the bathing suit on". Samantha shrugged and said "maybe if he doesn't mind, but I highly doubt that will be the case". "Let him see what your wearing", I said as I held up my phone to take her picture. Samantha hesitated slightly, and then struck a pose, saying "send me the pic and delete it, and I'll send it to him". I chuckled and said "you don't trust me with a bathing suit picture?". "It's not like you're naked, Sam" Chelsea added with a smile. Samantha shrugged and said "I just feel weird posing in a bathing suit, but it's for Matt, so it's not a big deal".

Samantha sent the message along with the pic to her husband as Chelsea and I got up to put our bathing suits on. We waited a bit for a reply, but it was taking to long and we were getting bored. Chelsea looked over at Samantha and said "just give him a call". Samantha sighed and said "I'll give him 10 more minutes, and then I'll try calling him". Chelsea rolled her eyes and said "I'm going to wait down in the hot tub" as she grabbed her towel. "I'll grab some drinks and see you down there" I added as I tossed her the sunscreen. Samantha said "isn't a bit early to be drinking" to which I replied "not on vacation!... you want one?". Samantha smiled and said "fuck it, sure" with a sly grin.

I got a message on my phone... figured it was Hank, but it was an unknown number. I looked at it, and it was a picture of Michael smiling, and a message saying "thanks again for last night". I replied back "it's our little secret ;) How did you get my number?". Chelsea left to go to the pool area, and I told her I'd meet her there with drinks as I headed toward the hotel bar. I received a message from Michael that said "I got it from your phone when you left me alone in the bathroom... I hope you don't mind :)". I giggled to myself and said "no, I don't mind" and then sent him the video of him eating me out that I recorded the night before. He quickly replied "what are you doing today?", and I replied back "about to go to the hot tub, maybe the nude beach later". I ordered the drinks at the bar as the bartender blatantly checked me out... I acted as if I didn't notice, and adjusted my top a little so that a glimpse of my areola was showing while he was making the drinks". Michael texted "I'm already at the hot tub, I'll see you there".

The bartender came back with the drinks, and was clearly staring at my almost exposed nipple. I gave a slight wiggle as I gave him my credit card... hoping to further expose myself. He came back with the card after running it, and asked for my signature, all while looking at my chest. I gave a little shake as I signed the receipt, and felt my nipple pop out. I acted like I didn't know and stood up straight and handed him the receipt and pen. The bartender slowly said "thank you" as he took them from me... with his eyes glued to my naked tit. I picked up the drinks, so that my hands were full, and then pretended to just notice that I had a boob hanging out. "Oh my God, I'm sorry!... this bathing suit doesn't want to work with me, I'm so embarrassed" I lied, as the bartender soaked in the view and then replied "no need to apologize, accidents happen". I asked him "my hands are full, can you pull my top over to cover me up? If you don't mind". Now granted, I could have put down the drinks and did it myself, but where's the fun in that?. The bartender said "sure" as he grabbed the top and manipulated it to cover me back up... but he did manage to slightly rub my nipple and pull the top away a bit before doing it.

I thanked him again, and said "I'm sure I'll see you around" as I walked away to the hot tub.

I got to the hot tub, and saw everyone was there as I handed them their drinks. Chelsea said "Diana, this is Michael... he said he met us here last night, but I don't even remember getting back to the hotel". Of course Chelsea was lying, she just liked letting him think she didn't remember anything from last night. I said "yes, I remember... how are you doing Michael?" to which he replied "I'm doing awesome!" with a big shit eating grin. Samantha looked at Chelsea and said "See, we met him last night just like I said. You drink too much if you are blacking out like that". Chelsea jokingly said "ok mom" as I sat down by my friends. Michael was sitting across from us, no doubt thinking about how he fucked two of us and saw Samantha naked. Chelsea's phone started ringing, so she got out to answer it while Michael stared at her ass. I figured I should check my phone as well as I asked Samantha "Did you hear back from Matt?". I had a message from Hank asking me what I was doing. Samantha said "no, not yet" when she glanced at my phone and saw the pussy pictures I had sent Hank last night. She lightly smacked my shoulder and said "you're so bad, taking pics of yourself like that!". I said "what, it's for my boyfriend. You haven't ever sent Matt any risqué pics?". Samantha turned a little red and said "sure... but not that graphic" with a chuckle.

Michael surprised me and asked "can I see it?". Samantha looked at me, and I looked back at her and asked "what do you think Sam, should I show him?". Samantha laughed, and said "It's up to you, it's your body". I smirked and said "ok then" and slid over next to Michael. There were around 10 people around the pool, so I wanted to make sure others weren't looking as I held the phone out for him to see. Chelsea got back in the hot tub and asked what I was doing, and before I could say anything Samantha said "showing him dirty pics she took for her boyfriend". Chelsea said "ooh, I want to see!" As she slid over to the other side of Michael. I asked her who called, and she said "Brian. He just wanted to check up on me and tell me how junior was doing". I wondered if Chelsea felt any guilt about letting Michael fuck her, knowing she has a long term boyfriend and a son. If so, she wasn't showing it.

Chelsea said "I should take some sexy pics for my boyfriend sometime". I looked at Chelsea and said "you know, Michael is a photographer... have you ever done nude photography Michael?". I discretely rubbed on Michael's upper thigh under the water, as he answered "I've had some experience with it" he answered back to me, knowing what I was suggesting. Chelsea played along and said "would you be willing to use my phone to take some pics of me for my boyfriend?". Michael smiled and said "sure, it'll be my pleasure". They got out of the hot tub, and Chelsea turned to give me a wink. I knew she was going to fuck him, I had no doubt. She had cum so hard last night while acting passed out.

Samantha shook her head as they walked away, and I told her "oh, don't be such a prude. He's a photographer, it's nothing sexual" I lied. Samantha said "I guess, but I'm sure Brian wouldn't like another guy taking the pics". I chuckled and said "probably not, but he doesn't need to know that, and he'll love the pics". Samantha smiled and said "you two are crazy". People started getting in the hot tub, so I figured it was a good time to get out. I suggested going to the bar, so we got out to dry off.

Samantha realized she got a message from Matt. It said "Do you want to go to the nude beach? Are your friends going to be nude?". She replied "I'm not wanting to go, but I don't want to be a drag on them either. I'm sure they'll both at least go topless, but I couldn't imagine undressing in public". He responded back "that bathing suit looks great on you! Who took the pic?". Samantha told him "Diana took it, I'm glad you like it".

We got up to the bar and I asked the bartender for a couple of rounds of tequila shots. He smiled at me, I'm sure remembering my nipple slips from earlier, and started pouring the shots. Samantha said "I wonder how long Chelsea will be taking pictures". I told her "I'm sure it won't be too long, I might get him to take a couple of me as well". We took a shot, and I leaned in toward Samantha and said "I let my titty pop out earlier for the bartender". Samantha laughed and said "that sounds like you". I smiled back at her and said "let's do another shot". Samantha said "are you trying to get plastered already? It's still early". I responded "we're on vacation, let's get drunk and have fun... why wait till later? Cheers!" As I held up my shot. Samantha smiled and said "fair enough... cheers!" As we did our shots.

Samantha noticed she had missed a message from her husband that asked "do you think Diana would take a boobie pic of you if you went to the nude beach?". I could tell she was a bit shocked. She didn't think he'd be OK with her going, much less being topless. She replied "would you want me to do that? Other guys would probably see me topless". She looked at me shocked after sending the message, and I said "guys like boobs. He's probably just thinking about the picture and not others that might see you". I ordered a couple more rounds of tequila, and while she was was looking at her phone I gave the bartender a quick tit flash and a wink. I smiled as he made the shots. Matt replied back and said "maybe you could just go topless for a minute for the picture. That way no other guys would see you". The bartender came with 6 shots, and said "two shots are on the house", too which I replied "thanks sexy". He clearly had on a wedding ring, so I'm sure he was just flirting.

Samantha replied back to Matt "if you want me to, I'll do it for you... as long as no one else sees. I could take some pics for you in the room to if you would rather". I reminded her that we had shots to take, and she accused me of trying to kill her. The truth be told, I knew she loved tequila shots... I also knew they made her horny... and I was curious what might happen. We did another shot, and I could start to feel the effects... so I was sure she could to. Chelsea sent me a text that said "I just got fucked so good! ;)". I messaged her back and said "we'll be up there soon". I settled up the tab with the bartender, and gave him my number as well.

I told Samantha "they're done, let's go up there so he can take a few pics of me too". Samantha smiled and said "I might have you take a couple pics of me for Matt after Michael leaves". I smiled at said "my pleasure, beautiful" and picked up another shot. Samantha followed my lead and we took the shot. Matt texted her back saying "I love seeing your body, and knowing you're all mine. Would either of your friends want to be in a pic with you?". That upset her a little bit, as he was clearly thinking about seeing her friends nude too. I told her "you know we will if you want us to, it's up to you". She just texted him back "maybe, we'll see. :)". I knew this was a big deal to her, she never did anything she felt was slightly naughty... so sending him pics of us topless with her was a big deal... and secretly I liked the idea of him wanting to see my tits. I said "come on, one more shot, let's go" as I handed our last shot to her, and we finished them as we headed toward the room.

By the time we got to the room, the tequila had really started to hit us! We were very obviously drunk. We went inside and Michael was in the bathroom and Chelsea was still nude on the bed. I asked "how did the pictures turn out, have you sent them to Brian yet. Chelsea smiled and said "I can't send them all to him, but I just sent him a few. I told him you took the pictures". Chelsea looked at us both and asked "how much did you guys have to drink?" Samantha said "we had a few... I'm going to take naked pics for Matt!". Chelsea looked at me shocked, and I staring laughing really hard... I was pretty drunk. Samantha ran over to Chelsea and said "you're still naked... want to take a pic with me?... it's for Matt". I ran over and said "do you want me to take one now?".

Michael came out of the bathroom and said "hi", still just wearing his swimming trunks. I said "hi Michael... do you want to take some more pics?" Michael smiled and said "yes, I do". Samantha said "I can't pose in front of a guy". I looked at Samantha and said "Sam, he's a photographer, not some random guy... you know Matt wants to see our tits, so what's the harm in you allowing Michael to take the pics". Samantha said "yeah, but I've always kept my body a secret from other men". Chelsea chimed in and said "I'm sure a part of you gets turned on thinking about him taking your pics... right?". Samantha looked at Michael and shrugged... "I'd be lying if I said it didn't turn me on a little bit". I knew if she wasn't drunk she would have never admitted to it.

I said "no pressure... just seems silly to pass up a photographer you'll never see again... besides no one will ever know". I could see she was actually considering it, and the idea she might let him see her naked turned me on... but I wanted to see how far we could go. Chelsea said "how about we put on our underwear and take pics in those... just to start off". Michael was quick to add "what ever you guys want, I'm just happy to spend time with three hot ladies". Samantha was so drunk she looked to be sleepy and slurred "you guys expect me to pose in my panties in front of a stranger?". I giggled and said "It's just like a bikini, which you didn't bring... besides, it's not a stranger, it's our photographer friend Michael... and remember, this is what Matt wants". Samantha thought about it for a second and said "maybe... let's do some more drinks first, and then we can take pics". I smiled and said sure, no problem.

Chelsea volunteered to go pick up the drinks while we got ready... I think we both wanted to see Samantha finally getting slutty with us, and were curious how far it might go. I asked Michael if he minded hanging out on the balcony while we changed. Michael smiled as he headed out the door, and I gave him a wink. Samantha stumbled her way to her suitcase (she's such a lightweight) as I removed my bathing suit to find my sexiest panties. Samantha pulled out a few panties, and was trying to decide between them, but she was having a hard time focusing. I walked over in my panties and bra, and said "let me pick them out for you". Samantha chuckled and said ok, as she sat back and started to unceremoniously remove her bathing suit.

I of course picked out her most revealing pair of panties and bra, and helped her put them on. I looked at her barely standing and said "you look so sexy, Matt is going to love these pics". She smiled back at me and said "I don't look to fat?". Truth be told, she was a bit on the chunky side, and very self conscious about it... but she carried it well and honestly she looked hot. I wish I had tits like hers. "Samantha, you look incredibly sexy... honestly" I told her. She gave a bashful smile and then asked "do you think Michael will think so too?". It made me happy that she didn't ask what Matt would think, but Michael. I knew she was nervous about being seen by another man, but I knew she was also turned on by it. I said "Sam, he would jump at the chance to fuck you if he could". I knew it was true too. Samantha giggled and said "let's just focus on pictures" as she stumbled a few steps.

Chelsea came back in the room with four drinks and asked "where is Michael?". I responded "he's on the balcony while we put on our panties". Samantha grabbed one of the drinks and took a big gulp while Chelsea undressed. "Be careful, those drinks are extra strong! I had extra shots put in those". I knew Chelsea wanted to see how far she'd go too. I asked Samantha "are you ready for Michael to come back in?". Samantha took a deep breath, and said "fuck it, let's do it". I playfully squeezed her boob as I went to let Michael know we were ready. I could see that Samantha was both nervous and excited about being seen by him.

"Michael, we're ready... are you ready?" I asked as I stepped out on the balcony. "I can't wait!.... are we all going to fuck?" he asked, which took me by surprise. I looked at him and said "would you like that?" to which he just nodded, and I responded "I would too... probably not, but I know I'd love to fuck you again". Michael smiled and said "I was hoping so". I grabbed his hand and said "come on, let's get started" as I led him into the room. Chelsea walked up and handed him a drink, as Samantha stood by nervously. Chelsea said "I know you're not 21, so if anyone asks, you didn't get this drink from us". Michael chuckled as he stared at Samantha standing in front of him. Samantha got an alert on her phone, it was Matt messaging... he asked "did you ask your friends if they would take pics with you?". She looked at us and said "ok, if he wants pics... let's give him pics" and then walked over to Michael and handed him her phone. She looked at him and said "if he wants to see my friends so bad, I guess I shouldn't care about letting you see me like this". Michael looked her over and said "you look so hot, I hope I can see more". She shyly turned her head and said "we'll see".

He held up the phone toward her as she put her hands on her hips. The bra barely containing her nipples, and only a thin material hiding her prize pussy. She was barely able to stand, as she continued to sip on her drink, and Michael took pictures. He walked up to her and around her, and it was obvious she was enjoying the attention. She started to stumble a bit, so I suggested she sit on the bed. She laughed and jumped on the bed and turned over and one of her nipples fell out. I didn't say anything, and she was to drunk to notice. Chelsea sat next to her and removed her top. She said "so Matt is going to see my tits?". Samantha smiled at said "that's what the perv wants". Samantha then looked at Michael and asked "would you like that? Would you like to see my boobs?". Michael nodded saying "you're so sexy, I can't wait".

I took off my top as well, and sat in the other side of Samantha. I said "are you ready to let Michael see your tits?" Samantha took a big drink, looked up at Michael in a drunken haze with a sly grin, and then said "promise Matt won't hear about this". Chelsea smiled and said "I promise, just like how none of our guys will ever hear about any of this. I rubbed her exposed nipple and said "no one outside of this room will know about anything that happens today". Samantha looked down and saw her tit was exposed to Michael, and looked up at him with a look of lust. I whispered "you want him to see your tits, don't you" as I rubbed her thigh. She looked at me and whispered "take my bra off for me". I think she was too drunk to do it, and I was happy to. I undid the clasp, and pulled down her bra as she allowed her tits to be viewed by another man for the first time.

Michael started taking pictures again while telling us "you guys are so fucking sexy! I love your tits". Samantha asked him "do you really like my tits... do they turn you on?" As she arched her back to push them forward. Before he could even answer, Chelsea said "look at the hard on in his shorts, it's obvious he likes what he sees". Michael looked a little embarrassed, so I handed him his drink and said "no need to be embarrassed, I'm glad you like what you see" and then rubbed his crotch a bit. He looked me in the eyes, and I could tell he wanted to fuck me right then and there. I said "Michael, why don't you take pics of Chelsea and Samantha together"... and once he started taking pics again, I fished his cock out and put it in my mouth.

I was steadily sucking his dick when I heard Chelsea say "that's fuckng sexy as hell!", and then Samantha gasp and start laughing. Samantha said "I can't believe you're giving him a blow job!" to which Chelsea said "I gave him one earlier too". Samantha gasped again and then said "really? During your photo shoot?" to which Chelsea nodded. I took his cock out of my mouth and held it for Samantha to see and said "remember, anything that happens today stays between us", and I noticed Samantha's eyes were locked on Michael's dick. I slowly stroked his cock and asked Michael if he was enjoying seeing our tits. Michael nodded while breathing heavy, and I could see Samantha was breathing heavier as well as she held her tits out for him to look at while I started sucking his cock again.

Chelsea said "It's your turn to take pics with Sam now" as she walked over to Michael and got to her knees. I went over to Sam and said "you ready to take more pics?". Samantha nodded as we struck a pose, and Michael started taking pics. Chelsea didn't miss a beat and started bobbing on his dick as we watched. I whispered in Samantha's ear "fuck, I'm getting so fucking horny", to which Samantha said "...I am too.... I'm afraid of how far this might go", too which I reminded her "anything that happens, will never be shared to anyone else... today, you can do anything you want without having to worry about it... I know I am". Samantha asked "are you going to let him fuck you", to which I replied "probably... would you like to see that?". Samantha hesitated for a few seconds, and then nodded her head.

I told Samantha "let's spread our legs and show off our panties". She slightly hesitated and said "It's only panties" as she joined me in spreading her legs. Michael was attentively staring at our crotches while Chelsea continued to suck his dick. I took a risk and leaned in and kissed Samantha. She jumped back a little, and then kissed me back. And then it became passionate kissing, with both of us feeling each other up. She smiled and said "I can taste his dick on your tongue". I smiled back and asked "do you like the way it taste?". She nodded as she kissed me again. I asked her "can I taste you?", and she looked at me slightly shocked, but also in a daze and said "I don't know... I shouldn't remove my panties". I smiled and said "I can pull them to the side... I'd love to eat your pussy while Michael fucks me". She looked both too drunk and too nervous to answer, but finally said "I don't know... maybe".

That was all I needed to hear. I slid down to lick her nipples, and then went down and kissed on her panties. She looked down at me with her drunk eyes, and I could tell she was anxious. I put my ass up on the air, looked at Michael and said "would you like to fuck me right now". Chelsea stopped blowing him and went to lay down next to Samantha, as Michael moved up behind me, pulled my panties off. and slid in a far as he could. I continued to kiss Samantha's panty covered cunt as Michael started fucking me, and then pulled them aside so I could eat her pussy. Her pussy was drenched... I had no doubt this was the most erotic moment of her life so far. Chelsea started kissing her while rubbing herself under her panties, and I spread Samantha's legs wide as I pulled her panties over to shove my tongue in. They were both moaning while kissing, and I pulled my head back enough to where Michael could see her open spread pussy, as he continued to fuck me.

I moved over and pulled Chelsea's panties aside and started licking her clit. I had left Samantha's panties pulled over, and she continued to have her legs spread for Michael's eyes. Chelsea and Samantha stood kissing and then looked down at me getting fucked, and Samantha noticed Michael staring at her pussy... and realized he could see everything. She started to close her legs but then stopped, and then spread them back open. It was obvious she was turned on by Michael looking at her pussy. I took off Chelsea's panties, leaving her naked as she started to kiss Samantha again. I went back over to Samantha, and licked on her pussy while slowly working her panties off. I don't think she even noticed, as I lifted her leg to lick further in her cunt while I finished taking off her panties. We were all naked now, and I was anxious to see what would happen next.

I lifted her legs up while I was eating her out, and then pulled my head away so Michael could get a clear unobstructed view of Samantha's gaping, wet married pussy while he pounded me from behind. I could feel his excitement as he slammed deep in my cunt, and it made me want to cum... but I didn't want to cum yet though... I wanted to draw this out. I moved forward a bit so that his dick would slide out, and I asked Chelsea if she wanted a turn getting fucked. Chelsea smiled and spread her legs as Michael climbed on top of her, and then started fucking her... right next to Samantha. Samantha laid there on her back, naked tits and naked pussy in full display, as I laid next to her and rubbed her breasts.

I kissed on her neck and said "look how hard he's fucking her... it felt so good when he did that to me". She moaned a bit and said "I've never been fucked like that". I reached down and rubbed her clit a little, and said "it could be you... you know that, right". Chelsea turned over and stuck her ass up, as Michael climbed up to fuck her from behind. Samantha and I watched as he gripped his hard cock and positioned it at her gaping pussy, and slowly pushed in. I stuck my two fingers up inside of Samantha, and slowly fucked her while she watched them fuck. Chelsea looked at Samantha and said "don't tell Brian, ok?". Samantha said "I won't tell" as she leaned in to drunkenly kiss Chelsea while I continued to finger fuck her.

Michael watched intensely as I started working my fingers in Samantha faster, and he in turn fucked Chelsea faster as well. Michael reached forward and started rubbing Samantha's tits, as she kept kissing Chelsea. Did she know? Did she care? Maybe she was too drunk to notice. He looked at me as I grabbed his arm and pulled it down to her soaking cunt. I let him replace my fingers with his, as he slid it up inside of her, all while still fucking Chelsea. I started rubbing my cunt watching Michael explore her pussy with his hand, all while sliding his cock in Chelsea's cunt. He started staring at my pussy, as I spread myself open, showing all of myself to him.

I started to lick Samantha's pussy again, but kept my legs spread for Michael to use as he wished. Samantha looked down at me at the same time as Michael pulled his cock out of Chelsea, and she had her eyes locked on his hard cock. Chelsea joined me in going down on Samantha while Michael moved down to lick my pussy, and then fucked me... then he stopped to lick Chelsea's pussy, and fuck her... I think he was enjoying going back in forth between us while Chelsea and I took turns eating out Samantha. Samantha had her head thrown back while rubbing her tits, and I turned to look at Michael. We made eye contact while he fucked me, and I glanced at her pussy and looked back at him... hoping he would take the hint. I wanted to see Samantha get fucked.. no more prim and proper goody two shoes, I wanted her to experience a new cock for the first time in her life.

Michael pulled out of me, and put his face up to ours... right next to Samantha's naked pussy... and he started to lick. I pulled my head back to watch, as Chelsea did the same while stroking his cock. He had her pussy to himself, and he was licking all over her cunt while she was still in a daze. I knew she had no idea he was the one eating and fully exploring her pussy right now, and I think he knew that too. I moved up to Samantha's face and started kissing her. She was so drunk she had a hard time keeping her eyes open. I straddled her upper waist, which blocked her view below, as I whispered in her ear "do like that Michael wants to fuck you?". She didn't answered she just breathed heavier, so I added "I bet you'd love to see what his cock would feel like inside of you... wouldn't you?". I looked back and Michael was still eating Samantha out, and Chelsea was sucking his dick.

I climbed back off and and sucked on her tits for a minute, and then motioned Chelsea up to us. Once Chehalis was up on the other side of Samantha, I told her "Michael is really enjoying eating your pussy... just look at him". Samantha looked at me shocked and then quickly looked down to see Michael buried in her pussy while jacking off. She looked a bit scared, but incredibly turned on and said "he's eating my pussy!... he's has his tongue in my pussy!". She lifted her crotch up into his face, and grabbed the back of his head as she started to hump his face. Chelsea nibbled her ear and said "there you go, fuck his face... fuck his face just like he wants to fuck your pussy".

Samantha looked down at him and said "does it taste good? Does my pussy taste good?". Michael sat up with his dick sticking straight out over her, and said "you have a beautiful pussy". She stared at his cock and then drunkenly sat up. I thought to myself, I guess that's it for tonight... but it was still really hot!... but I was wrong. She reached out and grabbed his dick and started stroking it. Her eyes stayed locked on his dick as she said "I've never held another man's..." she got quite a she looked up at Michael, who made eye contact with her... and she then leaned forward to take his cock in her mouth.

I felt a warm rush run through my body as I watched Samantha take a big step into being a fellow slut. We watched as she worked his dick up and down. I laid back and started rubbing my cunt again, and Chelsea looked at me for a minute and started doing the same. I asked Michael "is she good at that? Is she a good little cock sucker". Michael nodded while muttering "oh yeah". Samantha stopped and looked up at him as she stroked his cock, and Michael looked down and said "can I fuck you?"... Samantha looked at his cock again, and back up at him... I could tell she was thinking about it, but still hesitant to go all the way. She drunkenly stammered "I don't know... I'm married", as she continued to stroke his cock. I reminded her "tonight doesn't count... tonight you don't have to worry about being married... tonight is our secret". Chelsea said "do you want him to fuck you?", to which Samantha looked back up to him and hesitantly said "yes".

I suggested "just let him put it inside of you... let him see how it feels". She started sucking his cock again, I think contemplating what she would do. She stopped and laid back with her legs spread, getting ready to offer herself to him. She looked at us and said "you promise Matt won't find out about this?". She looked so sexy, laying there on complete display as Michael inched up to her. "We promise, just like you promised you wouldn't tell... we can trust each other" Chelsea said as Michael smacked his cock against her pussy. We all watched as he lined up his dick to her pussy, and then slowly entered inside of her.

Michael said "you're so wet, you feel so good" as he pulled back and forward again. She looked at him and said "fuck me... fuck me like you've wanted to"... and he did. He didn't hold back as he pounded the hell out of her pussy. Chelsea said "that's so fucking hot, keep fucking her" as she rubbed her pussy. I was ecstatic, this is exactly what I had been hoping for, but didn't think would actually happen... the loyal wife, the girl who hasn't even been seen by another guy was now on her back with her legs spread for another man, begging him to fuck her harder.

He was really fucking her hard to, I hadn't seen him move that fast before. Samantha started moaning louder, and a little louder, until I could hear splashing sounds coming from her pussy. He was now laying on top of her, and I heard him whisper to her "I'm going to cum". She just nodded as she came all over his dick, followed shortly by Michael stiffening up and blowing his load deep in her married womb. Seeing it all was too much for me as I felt my little pussy start to convulse into orgasm. Samantha started laughing through heavy breathing and said "that was the best orgasm I've ever had". She looked at all of us, and then covered her face in embarrassment. I told her "there's no reason to be embarrassed... we're all naked friends here".

I suggested we order a pizza and get more drinks. Everyone agreed that we would just stay in the room today, naked, and spend the day drinking and fucking. We could always go to the nude beach tomorrow. Samantha passed out shortly after ordering the pizza, but she eventually woke up again... not before I got to take a few pics with Michael's cock up inside of her.. I would never share it, but that picture always helps me cum.



2023-03-17 06:59:03
What a hot story line. Great build-up and so sexy to have Samantha join in on the fun, from part 1. Had me rock hard throughout !!!


2022-06-07 17:41:41
Really good.. a third part would be great.

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