A lonely man and a teenage girl teach each other about lust, love, and loss.
I love girls. More specifically, I love young girls. Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m no cradle robber. My morals may be skewed but they do exist. For me, the sweet spot had always been girls about thirteen to sixteen years old. That’s not too perverted, is it?
Unfortunately, this lust for youth meant that all my adult relationships with women were doomed. While I’ve had plenty of age-appropriate interactions, they’ve never lasted. It was difficult for these women to meet my requirements of youthful vitality, smooth, soft, wrinkle-free skin, perky breasts, tight pussies, and the innocence I so longed for. It was not their fault, my standards were impossibly high.
Invariably, these relationships would fall apart the moment my paramour caught me drooling over some teenage hottie. It seemed I was doomed to never have a stable relationship and forever be only an observer of young female flesh. But as this story will reveal, my world changed in both a wonderful and oh so terrible way. I know this makes little sense, so before I get too ahead of myself, allow me to explain the allure of teenage girls.
There’s something about the vitality and freshness of this age group. A unique combination of naïveté, curiosity, innocence, and hormone-driven sexuality that’s attracted me since I was a teen. For most of my adult life, I’d been strictly a voyeur, content to just watch as teen girls congregated in malls and other public spaces. A favorite location was store dressing rooms, where these unaware girls would model clothing and bathing suits for their friends. Often the girls were oblivious to their hanging bra straps, visible underwear, or briefly exposed crotches as they primped and fussed and showed off for the group. For me, it was like watching a fantasy play out in real life
Though there’d been opportunities, I’d managed not to cross the line from observer to something else, fearing both legal and societal retribution. Being financially independent, I had ample time for my hobby and frequently moved around the country to keep things fresh. Mostly I preferred warmer climates as these presented the best opportunity to see teens in skimpy clothing. By my thirties, I found myself living in a nice suburban neighborhood on the east coast of the US.
My home was on a great street filled with families with young girls. I picked the location so that for a few years there would be plenty of attractive scenery to help keep my hobby alive. The house featured a large yard, and I made a point of hosting several parties each summer and inviting all the neighbors. This put me in constant contact with everyone, especially the teens, making it easier to fit in.
Fortune shined upon me when Heather and her daughter Niki moved in next door. Heather’s husband had died several years prior but left a big life insurance policy allowing his family to be comfortable. Heather was about thirty and a knockout by any standard. Her daughter Niki was eleven and in my opinion, she was even more beautiful than her mom. The two looked quite different, with Niki getting most of her looks from her father based on the family photos.
I made a point of being very friendly with my new neighbors, and after that first year, Heather and I even dated for a while. It was a great six months, but I was uncomfortable making love to Heather while I was thinking of Niki. Eventually, the stress was too much for me and I had to back away. Luckily, even though our relationship ended, Heather and I remained friends and still talked almost every day.
As Niki grew, I watched her transform from an awkward tween to a beautiful teen. Heather sent Niki to a private all-girls high school in an attempt to protect her from horny boys. Heather had gotten pregnant at sixteen and gave birth just after turning seventeen, so she had good reason to be concerned. As much as she loved her daughter, she wanted Niki to have a good life before even thinking about children.
One benefit of having a beautiful teen living next door was that her girlfriends were also attractive. And with Heather’s in-ground pool, my summers were filled watching these nubile teens splash and frolic and especially sunbathe in the tiniest of bikinis. I spent many a jerk off session watching from my window as they slathered sunscreen on each other and untied bra-tops to prevent tan lines.
By all measures, Niki was striking in her appearance. I know youth has a stranglehold on attractiveness, but she was an exception even to this rule. She was tall for her age, standing about five feet seven inches, and probably weighed no more than 115 pounds. Niki had long red hair that was soft and as fine as silk. Her pale ivory skin was lightly dusted with cute freckles, and her eyes were a wonderful shade of emerald green flecked with gold. One look at her and hearts melted.
She played all kinds of sports and had an athletic build with apple-sized breasts and long legs. Niki, though slim, had a nicely curved waist, flat muscular stomach, and a tight compact ass that she loved to show off with her skimpy bikinis, short shorts, and tiny halter tops. None of this helped in Heather’s fight to protect her daughter’s purity.
For our part, Niki and I had a typical neighbor relationship which was to say she mostly ignored me as the ‘old dude’ and I acted like she was invisible, all the while secretly lusting after her in my heart. I still have the photos from the day she and her blonde friend Becca were alone and thought that their eight-foot privacy fence meant no one could see them laying by the pool. Let’s just say it was the first time I observed that the carpet matched the drapes on both young teens.
Life was good and was about to get better. It was spring, only a few weeks after Niki’s sixteenth birthday, when I received a call from Heather. It seems her mother had taken ill, and she needed to fly out west to take care of her. So close to the end of the school year, she wanted to avoid disrupting Niki’s scholastic routine. Would I be willing to watch Niki for a few weeks until Heather could get back? I couldn’t say yes fast enough!
Niki showed up a few hours later, suitcase and backpack in tow. I showed her to the guest room, gave her the Wi-Fi password, and explained that since the guest bathroom was undergoing renovations, we both would have to share the master bath. She accepted all this with a shrug, which was her basic response to most of what I said. I left her to get settled while I made dinner.
It was about an hour later when she drifted into the kitchen, no doubt drawn by the aroma of freshly made marinara sauce. I asked her to help with the salad and garlic bread while I boiled the cheese ravioli.
“If my mom saw this meal, she would flip out,” Niki said.
Lord, I’m screwing up with her already.
“No worries,” I replied, “we have turkey meatballs for protein, and you can load up on salad if the meal has too many carbs.”
“I can keep a secret from my mom if you can.”
Hmm…good to know…
We ate and chatted amiably about nothing important. I was amazed at how much she consumed, chalking it up to teen metabolism and endless sports. With dinner finished I started moving plates to the sink.
“I’ll take care of the clean-up if you want to go do something else,” I said as I started loading the dishwasher.
“Okay, thanks,” she replied. “I think I’ll walk down to Ashley’s house. I won’t be back too late.”
I was watching TV when I heard her come in the front door. As she breezed down the hall, she called out that she was going to take a shower. This disrupted my concentration as visions of this delicious sixteen-year-old girl standing naked in my shower soaping up her body filled my head. I knew what that night’s jerk off material would be.
About thirty minutes later, she reappeared, and I watched as she glided from her bedroom across the living room to where I sat. She was barefoot, dressed only in a pale green nightshirt. The thin shirt hung about mid-thigh, doing a good job of showing off her long legs. Her gorgeous hair had been dried and brushed and fell softly about her shoulders and down her back.
It was impossible to miss the bounce and jiggle of her breasts as she walked, signaling to me that she wasn’t wearing a bra. My lizard brain immediately wondered if she was wearing underwear at all. Grabbing a large pillow, she flopped onto the floor right by the sofa where I was sitting. As she lay, the underwear question was answered as I could see the outline of bikini panties through the thin fabric of her shirt.
A horror movie had just started and during tense scenes she would restlessly move around. She was laying on her stomach with knees bent and feet in the air. Every once in a while, when the movie got scary, I would reach over and lightly tickle the soles of her feet. This caused her to shriek and twist around where she would admonish me for scaring her.
The benefit to me from the tickling was that each time she twisted, the hem of her shirt rode up higher and higher until it was covering only half of her butt. The panties were sheer enough that I could see her naked ass through the pale yellow fabric. It looked as delicious as I had imagined and as my cock stiffened I wondered how I would survive her visit.
Finally, the movie ended and she joined me on the sofa. I tossed her the remote so that she could flip around and find something to watch. It didn’t matter what she picked, as my thoughts were totally on her state of undress.
“That was a cheap trick, tickling my feet,” she said. “You almost made me pee myself during the scary parts.”
“I am genuinely sorry,” I said, not feeling sorry at all. “I don’t know what came over me. Why don't I give you a foot massage to make up for it?”
“A foot massage? I’ve never had anyone do that. How is rubbing my feet an apology?”
“Well, it can be very relaxing right before bed, especially for people who put a lot of stress on their feet. With your soccer and track and other sports, I have to imagine you work your feet pretty hard.”
I could see she was not convinced, probably thinking it was another ploy by me to tickle her feet again. I certainly had my motives, but tickling was not one of them.
“Lay your feet on my lap and I’ll show you what I mean. I was taught by the best, and you might even like it.”
Niki extended her legs until both bare feet were on my lap. I repositioned them slightly so that her heels were not crushing my semierect cock. No need to scare her with anything untoward.
“With your permission, I'll massage both feet. I’ll start at the top and work down the sides to the soles, making sure to include the muscles and tendons. If it hurts at any point, please let me know right away. My hands are strong and from what I can see your feet seem slender and delicate.”
Niki nodded her agreement, so I held her foot in both hands and worked my way along the top from ankle to toes, trying to apply even pressure. Her foot felt surprisingly strong, nowhere near as delicate as I’d imagined. Shifting my grip I massaged along the sides from heel to toe and back feeling her bones flex under my fingers. Next, I lifted her foot off my lap and used both thumbs to massage the sole. I worked my way from her heel across the arch to the ball of her foot, paying special attention to the spongy pad of flesh. Lastly, each toe was massaged and stretched to complete her mini spa treatment.
I watched Niki’s face as I worked on her foot and other than occasional grimaces when I hit a sore spot she seemed to be okay with my ministrations.
“One down, one to go. How does it feel? I noticed there were a few spots that seemed painful when rubbed. Do you want me to continue?”
“Yeah, I guess I didn’t realize that I do have some aches and pains. I play so many sports that pain kind of just fades into the background. My foot feels all nice and tingly, so please do the other.”
I picked up her left foot and applied the same technique. She must be dominant with her right foot, as massaging the left did not cause her as much pain. Massage finished, I had one more idea to suggest.
“After a foot massage, it’s a good idea to apply some moisturizing lotion to keep the skin soft and hydrated. I have some good quality stuff I use on my hands after yard work.” I pulled out the bottle from the side table drawer and held it up for her to see. “Would you like me to rub some of this on your feet?”
“Wow, a girl could get spoiled by this. If you’re okay with doing it, then I am too”
I grabbed the lotion bottle and pumped a blob into my palm. The gel was a bit cool, so I rubbed it between my hands to thin it out and warm it up.
“Lift your foot and hold it out so I can rub this on.”
Her foot floated in front of me, wavering a bit. Starting with her sole I smeared on a generous coating of lotion continuing up over the sides to the top of her foot. I then went back over her entire foot, paying special attention to her heel and between her toes to make sure it was all absorbed. With her foot raised high, I could see under her nightshirt, giving me a great view of her panty-clad pubes. The triangle of fabric was puffed out from her pubic hair, and I could see that a few strands had escaped from under the elastic of her panty leg opening. My cock lurched at the view.
“Okay, the right foot is finished, let’s try the left.”
She placed her right foot back in my lap and dutifully lifted her left. The downside of seeing her pussy mound was that I now sported a full erection, and her heel had landed right on top of my engorged member. If she felt anything different, she didn’t let on, so I resumed applying lotion. For the left foot, she had to twist her hips and lift higher so I could reach, which provided me with an even better view of her pubic area. This position stretched her underpants, forcing the material into her cleft and gifting me with a view of a cute camel toe. Another glorious surprise in a night of firsts.
When I finally broke my gaze away from Niki’s pussy, I noticed that her eyes were closed and her breathing had sped up. At first I thought she may have fallen asleep, given how relaxing a massage can be. But then as I rubbed, I could see that she was a tiny bit aroused at the foot play, especially when I massaged her toes. With lips slightly parted and a rosy flush on her face and neck, she appeared to be enjoying my pampering.
“Okay, all done. You may want to lay there a bit until the lotion completely dries.”
My words seemed to startle her out of some faraway place, and her eyes popped open.
“Wow! Okay. It all felt so good, I think I may have fallen asleep. You can massage my feet anytime.”
Exactly what I hoped she would say. She lay there for another few minutes before wishing me goodnight and heading off to bed. As soon as I heard her bedroom door close I whipped out my cock and within ten strokes I spurted ropes of semen into a wad of tissues. I had built up such pressure that I’m sure I would have shot jizz across the room if I hadn’t caught it. Completely satiated, I dragged myself to bed and slept better than I had in years.
The following morning was a bit disorganized as we had not thought to discuss schedules. She was up early and my first indication of life was when I heard the sweet tinkling sound of urine hitting the toilet bowl in my bathroom as Niki started her morning routine. She had to pass through my bedroom to get to the master bath, and luckily, I was fully undercover since I slept in the nude.
I lay there listening to her pee and then brushing her teeth, wondering how she looked after sleeping all night. Was her hair all tousled? Did she have sleepy eyes, or was she full of youth and vigor and looked fabulous? I slowly stroked my cock as I lay there thinking about her. Was she naked or still in her nightshirt? Did she wear makeup for school or favor the natural look? How would she wear her long red hair?
After about twenty minutes I heard the bathroom knob rattle, so I feigned sleep and watched through slit eyes. Niki emerged fully dressed in her school uniform of a short plaid skirt, plain white blouse, and navy-blue tie. I recalled these were the colors of her private high school. Her face wore just a touch of makeup, which enhanced her fresh, young look. And she had taken the time to fashion her hair into a long French braid that hung down her back.
Watching her pass, it took all my will to not leap out of bed and drag her back under the covers with me. There I would quickly find out what secrets were hidden under her little girl skirt. But alas, she exited my room closing the door behind her, leaving me with only memories and a hard dick in my hand. I threw off the covers and started jerking off, finishing within a minute as I shot multiple streams of hot jizz onto my chest. Satiated, I lay there panting thinking about the next few days.
Later that morning found me in her room doing a little spying. I was surprised to see that she was very neat, having already unpacked all of her clothes utilizing several drawers in the dresser. As a teenager, I expected the room to be messy with clothing strewn all over. But no, her room looked barely lived in, with the bed made and dirty laundry in the hamper.
Of course, the hamper was my first stop to check out the undies situation. The contents were minimal given it had only been one day, but I was rewarded with a sexy pink bra with thin straps and nearly see-through cups. There was also a cute pair of black bikini panties so tiny they looked almost unreal. I held them to my nose and breathed in the tantalizing aroma of young pussy. I so wished there was a way to bottle the scent to use whenever I wanted.
Looking through one dresser drawer I saw the usual assortment of shorts, jeans, and tee-shirts while in another drawer were piles of panties and bras. A third drawer was filled with socks in various lengths and colors, along with what looked to be some thigh-high stockings. It was hard to understand why she needed so many clothes for a few weeks, especially since her house was right next door.
A check of the walk-in closet found a few school uniform sets of matching tartan plaid skirts and white blouses with a few navy-blue ties. There were also a few dresses and some frillier nightwear. All-in-all pretty boring stuff. As I exited her room, I wondered if I could hide a few spy cameras within. I quickly dismissed the thought, both for the ‘ick’ factor and for the realization that I liked this girl and wanted her to feel safe in my home.
I puttered around the rest of the day and resisted until midafternoon before retrieving her dirty panties from the hamper and using them for a sensational jerk off session. I alternately stroked my cock with the panties and breathed in their tangy aroma until I ejaculated all over the crotch of the tiny garment. Feeling satiated, I blotted the crotch dry to minimize staining and tossed them back in the hamper. I wondered if she did her own laundry or if she’d be okay with me happily volunteering to do it.
Those first days passed as we both fell into comfortable patterns. Almost every day I visited Niki’s laundry hamper to revel in the treasures within. I soaked so many pairs of her panties in my splooge that I lost count. Much of Niki’s week was occupied with school, homework, and sports. What remained of her spare time was spent with her girlfriends, either in person or on social media. We occasionally ate meals together, but one thing I could count on was our nightly TV watching sessions. This was the one time our schedules overlapped and we could enjoy each other’s company.
Niki’s nighttime attire varied. Most evenings she wore a simple nightshirt but other times she wore pajamas and on rare occasions, she wore my favorite: sleep shorts with a bare-midriff tank top. These tank tops were so sheer that I could see her dark puffy areolas and very prominent nipples through the fabric. And when the air was cool, I was entertained by little nipple points poking through.
The sleep shorts were baggy enough that when she sat in certain positions, I could look up the leg opening and see her panties tightly molded over her pussy. Her Venus mound was plump and her pubic hair was dense enough to form a soft puff inside her underpants. Often there was a delicious camel toe to gaze at, and sometimes wisps of red pubic hair were visible outside the elastic. Many a night I kept a blanket on my lap, hiding my painful erection.
Niki became addicted to her nightly foot massages, often coming into the TV room, laying down on the sofa, and unceremoniously plopping her bare feet onto my lap.
“Rub, please,” was all she would say.
I, of course, was happy to oblige and loved the warm softness of her feet and the occasional glimpse of her panties. I’ve always been attracted to young girls’ feet, and Niki’s were no exception. They were just the right size for her body, well-shaped with beautifully curved arches leading to cute little toes. Every evening I had to fight the urge to kiss them.
With each passing night, it was getting harder to position my erection so that Niki would not realize what was happening under her feet. I tried shifting my position and even moving my cock down my pant leg, but her feet always managed to find a way to rub my engorged shaft. If I didn’t know better, I could almost believe she was doing it on purpose. Regardless, it felt good and it always led to me jerking off after she went to bed.
One evening, Niki fell fast asleep while watching TV. When it was time for me to head to bed, I tried to wake her, but she was down deep and unresponsive. I stood there, considering what to do. Covering her with a blanket was the obvious choice but observing and exploring was another option. After a brief struggle, my bad angel won out and I moved closer to her sleeping body to get a better look.
Lifting the baggy leg of her sleep shorts gave me a direct view of her panty-covered pussy. Her position had stretched her underwear so that it formed a deep camel toe. Hesitating for only a moment, I reached inside the leg of her shorts and stroked my finger along the cleft of her pussy.
The feeling was achingly warm and soft, yielding a little to my touch, and my cock instantly became engorged. Her cleft caressed my finger, feeling so good that I had to fight the urge to rip her panties off. I was playing with fire and if she woke up and realized what was happening, my next memory would be of a jail cell. But the feeling was intoxicating and I continued to rub, applying a bit more pressure with each pass.
As her panties sunk deeper into her pussy, the soft fabric became saturated with her juices as her sleeping body responded to my stimulus. Raising my finger to my nose, the delectable scent of female sex filled my nostrils. I knew I had to hurry but also understood this opportunity may never happen again. Returning my finger to her groove, I pushed in even deeper and stroked upward, feeling for the sensitive nub of her clitoris.
Through the damp fabric, I felt the fleshy hood protecting her clit and pushed it aside so I could stimulate her. Almost immediately a moan escaped from her lips and I froze waiting to see if she awoke. Luckily, her breathing slowly returned to normal and I decided it was time to move on before I did something even worse.
To be certain, I shook her again trying to wake her. But all she did was mutter unintelligible noises and shift to a new position. This movement pulled her tank top to one side, allowing one plump breast to nearly break free. Slipping my fingers inside her shirt I stroked and squeezed her nipple feeling it become stiff and erect. God, I was so turned on! Removing my fingers from the armhole, I tugged on the shirt edge and watched her boob pop into view.
Niki’s breast was beautiful in its simplicity with a gentle curve and standing proudly off her chest. The skin was as pale as the rest of her body, with a puffy dark pink areola and a pinkish-brown nipple. There were dozens of cute little freckles painted across her breast, giving the entire view a sense of youthful vitality. I’ve always been a boob man, and the sight of her perfect breast was almost too much for my brain to absorb.
Moving carefully, I cupped my palm under her breast and lifted slightly, feeling its weight and substance. It was soft and warm and filled my hand, begging to be squeezed. I wished I could have felt both breasts but in her current position that wasn’t possible. Leaning over her, I blew warm breath across her nipple, pleased to see it stiffen even more. I wanted to suckle and kiss it, but that was too risky a move, so I satisfied myself by just looking at her beauty. Eventually, reluctantly, I moved her clothing back into place and covered her with a blanket. Then I went to bed, where I had a wonderful jerk off session before falling asleep and dreaming of days to come.
The next day was Saturday, and it began with a phone call from Niki’s mom. She first spoke with Niki and from what I could overhear it sounded like she was being asked if everything was okay and if she was happy with the living arrangements. I must have passed muster because Heather then spoke with me and asked if I could continue the arrangement for several weeks longer. Her mom was in rehab and Heather didn’t want to fly back and leave her without family support. I, of course, was happy to agree to anything that kept me in contact with Niki longer.
Since it was the weekend, I invited Niki to go to the garden center with me, figuring she wouldn’t be interested. To my surprise, she agreed and soon was dressed and ready to go. I took one look at her short denim cutoffs and pale blue halter top and wondered how I would concentrate on anything while we were out. She also wore a pair of cute sandals, but after I explained how mucky it can be at the garden center, she changed into a pair of white low-top sneakers without socks. I could not imagine a cuter, more alluring sight.
We returned home a few hours later and carried all of our purchases to the backyard. To my surprise, Niki asked if she could help plant the flowers and shrubs we bought. She had helped *********** them and wanted to see the project through to the end. I was happy for the help and after many hours of digging holes, lugging pots, and watering everything we were finally finished. It all looked great and I could see Niki was proud not only of her hard work but also of her eye for color coordination. The downside of all this effort was that we were both as filthy as could be. We were smeared with dirt from head to toe and in desperate need of showers.
“How about you take your shower first while I get our clothes ready for the wash?” I said. “You can hand me your dirty clothes from the bathroom.”
“Okay. I’m really grungy and can’t wait to wash all this dirt off.”
I gave her a few minutes, then knocked on the bathroom door and yelled, “Laundryman!”
The door opened a crack and a hand grasping a ball of clothes emerged. Niki was hidden behind the door but didn’t realize that the vanity mirror behind her showed me a complete image of her back and especially her amazing heart-shaped ass. My heart skipped a beat as she handed me the bundle, but the view was maddeningly brief as she quickly shut the door. The sound of shower water fired up as I headed to the laundry room.
There I stripped off my clothes and tossed them in the washer. I sorted through Niki’s stuff which was minimal as other than the shorts and halter all that remained was a pair of pastel blue G-string panties. It amazed me that sixteen-year-olds wore stuff this sexy. Seizing the opportunity, I pressed her panties to my nose and inhaled deeply, savoring the intense aroma. Unlike pulling undies from the hamper, these had been on her body only minutes before, and the sharp tang of sweat and pussy juices was intense. The panties felt damp to my touch, so I placed the wettest part into my mouth and sucked, tasting her salty goodness. Senses now overloaded with her taste and aroma, I threw them in the wash and set the timer to run the load later.
Niki took forever showering and I grew impatient waiting around in my filth. When I heard the shower stop, I jumped up and headed to my room to wait for the bathroom to be free. I was standing there in just my towel when the door burst open and a cloud of steam emerged. Out stepped Niki looking fresh and clean with her hair coiled up in one towel and another towel wrapped around her slim body.
I must have startled her by standing so close because she gasped and backed up a bit when she saw me. I took the opportunity to look at her shapely body, barely concealed by the thin wet towel. She in turn looked back at me, still filthy dirty and nude from the waist up. We stood there staring at each other, and then she started to giggle.
“What’s so funny? Haven’t you ever seen a 'dirty old man' before?”
“Probably, but never so close to me when I’m nearly naked.”
I didn’t have a witty reply, so just stood there gazing at her. I noted that her cheeks were flush and she seemed to be breathing a bit harder than before. I felt a stirring in my groin as I realized an erection was forming. It might have been due to months of lusting after her, or maybe it was the thin, wet, body-molding towel she was wearing but whatever the reason my cock was rising and making a visible lump in my attire.
Her eyes grew wide as she saw the movement of my towel and realized what must be happening. She seemed torn between running away and staying to watch this play out. Within thirty seconds, my cock was fully erect and the front of my towel now had a prominent bulge that could not be missed. She looked down at my crotch and then back to my face.
Her voice was soft as she said, “Are you getting an erection right now? I know what an erection is from health class and from gossiping with my friends. But other than on the Internet, I’ve never seen one for real.”
I didn’t say a word, too afraid to ruin the moment. I just let her continue to stare while I flexed my muscles, causing my cock to twitch and move under the towel.
“It’s moving! Why is it moving so much?”
“When a man becomes sexually aroused, a combination of heartbeat and involuntary muscle movements can cause the penis to gyrate. It’s almost like it has a mind of its own.”
“Sexually aroused? Am I making you aroused? I’m just a skinny kid, not a grown woman like my mom.”
I drew in a long breath, stalling for time to answer.
“Oh Niki, you are a gorgeous, sexy young teen with the ability to arouse any man. My brain is reacting to your stunning beauty and sending blood to my penis to make it hard. I can’t help it.”
She giggled and replied, “Penis sounds funny and way too clinical. More like something my health teacher would call it.”
I countered, “How about dick? Is that a better word?”
She almost lost it, finally managing to say, “No, no way. Dick is my creepy uncle’s name, and no way am I calling it that.”
“Well, how about cock? Does that sound better to your teen brain?”
“Hmm, ‘cock’. Let me think.”
I could almost see her rolling the word ‘cock’ around in her mouth, trying it on for size. After a few seconds, she smiled brightly and looked right into my eyes.
“Yes, cock is perfect! It sounds masculine and strong and sexy and exactly right for what I am imagining is under your towel.”
Then she surprised the shit out of me. Without warning, she reached out a visibly shaking finger and poked the lump in my towel. This, of course, caused my cock to bounce and jerk in response to the stimulation from this nearly naked young teen. She giggled at the movement, poking it a few more times, amazed at the glimmer of power she was just now realizing she had.
Deciding to gamble on a bold move, I said, “Would you like to hold my cock through the towel to get a sense of the size and how it feels?”
I doubted she would agree to this, but my mind kept whispering please, please, oh, please.
Niki seemed transfixed by the question. In her face, I could see a battle between fear and curiosity. I stood stock-still, waiting to see what would happen. The silence lasted so long that I decided to put her out of her misery and just admit it was a gag and that she should go get dressed. Just as I opened my mouth, she blurted.
“All of my friends have bragged that they have done things with boys, with their…cocks. One friend even claims she’s had sex.” She shifted uncomfortably on her feet before continuing, “I know not all of it is true, but it would be nice to see what all the talk is about.”
She reached out with her right hand and stopped just short of the bulge in my towel. I could see her screwing up her courage as she pushed forward and grasped my cock through the fabric. I immediately felt a jolt of electricity at the sensation, and my hips jerked in response. Niki let out a squeak and immediately let go.
“Did I hurt you? Am I doing it wrong?”
“No, not at all. You did it perfectly. It’s just that it felt so good, my body spasmed uncontrollably. Please, hold my cock again.”
Niki reached forward again and this time took a firmer hold of my shaft. It felt sensational.
Groaning, I said, “Could you squeeze it? Please?”
She squeezed my shaft harder and I uttered another low groan.
“My god, Niki, that feels good.”
I saw again in her eyes a realization of the kind of power she had within her. I could almost see the gears turning in her brain. Niki was a smart girl, and I believe it was at this moment that a shift occurred in her worldview of how this power could benefit her.
She looked up at me and said, “So this is what I’ve been feeling under my feet whenever we have massage night? I figured you were getting a hard-on but couldn’t understand why my feet would turn you on.”
Lord, she was perceptive. She had been ahead of me in several ways the entire time.
“There are a million reasons why a man becomes sexually aroused. In my case, it was a matter of how beautiful every inch of your body is combined with your amazing intelligence and personality.”
She blushed hard at my compliment, so I went on. “Your feet are just another part of you that is sexy and beautiful, and touching them is truly arousing. Watching you grow, I’ve been smitten with you for years. I hope none of this is scaring you. I would never do anything to hurt you.”
Niki had stopped squeezing but still held my cock firmly in her grasp.
“Other than squeezing, what else do guys like girls to do?”
“If you want to pleasure a man, then you can stroke the cock shaft up and down with your hand. It’s how a man masturbates but feels much better when a girl does it for him.”
In response, she started to clumsily stroke my cock. It was hard for her to get a rhythm going, and the towel was not helping. But it still felt wonderful and I didn't complain. As she stroked me, I noticed that Niki’s nipples had become erect and were poking through the thin towel. Her face was still flushed, and her breathing rate had increased again, all showing how turned on she was. I imagined that her vulva was beginning to swell, and her vagina was getting wet as her sexual arousal grew.
“Niki, this is exquisite fun and I’d love for it to continue, but I need to know. How far would you like this experience to go?”
She continued to stroke me as she looked into my eyes. Again, I could see a mix of fear and curiosity cross her face. I held my breath.
“Why don’t you take your shower and come visit my room afterward? It will give me time to dry my hair and think.”
I could barely believe it. Could this be happening?
“Yes, that sounds great!” I said, trying but failing not to sound like a hormonal teenager, “I’ll take a leisurely shower to give you plenty of time to think.” My god, did my voice just go up two octaves?
Niki let go of my cock, which caused an immediate feeling of loss. Good god, it had felt so good. As she walked away, she looked back over her shoulder and said, “Wear a towel after your shower.” And with that, she scooted out of my room.
I stripped off the dirty towel and jumped into the shower, drenching myself in hot water. My cock was still rock hard, and it took only a dozen strokes of my fist before I sprayed the wall with my hot semen. I spent a good twenty minutes washing and rewashing every nook and cranny of my body. I didn’t know where this was going, but I wanted to be able to make the best impression possible. I even gave myself a quick shave and brushed my teeth before emerging from the bathroom with a fresh towel wrapped around my waist. Sitting on the bed, I considered all the possibilities that lay before us over the next hours. Was I really going down this path? I knew the answer before I'd even completed the thought.
I walked down the hall to Niki’s door and paused to screw up my courage. I could hear movement within but couldn't tell what she was doing. I gently knocked on her door and after a few heartbeats heard.
“Come in.”
I opened her door and stepped into her private domain. Though I’d visited this room often when she was at school, this was the first time with Niki present. I’m not sure what I expected, but the scene before me was astonishing. The lighting was dimmed and she had draped some sheer red stockings over the bedside lamp, giving the bedroom a rosy glow. There was soft music I didn’t recognize playing from her computer, and a lit candle emitted a spicy, citrusy aroma. Everything about it was romantic.
Niki had taken the time to blow dry and brush her luxurious red locks and had swapped her wet towel for a dry one. She stood, looking adorable with the towel wrapped tightly around her slim body. I gazed longingly at her as I stepped further into the room and sat on the edge of her bed.
“I see you wore the towel I requested,” she said softly.
“You too, I see.”
“Ha, yeah, I guess we’ll be washing a lot of towels this week.”
I knew we were both stalling for time, too scared and unsure of what to do next.
“Niki, this ambiance you have created and the gift you are offering has me humbled to my core. In my wildest imagination, I never thought this could be possible.” I reached over and took her soft warm hand in mine before continuing. “Please let me know how I can help you with whatever sexual experience you are curious about. We can do as much or as little as you feel comfortable with.”
I saw her draw in a big breath and then say, “It’s all so confusing. There’s a lot I want to experience but so much of it is scary. My mom spent years warning me about boys and sex and telling me I have to make good choices. And here I am, sixteen years old, standing nearly naked next to an older man.”
“Your mom is a smart woman and only wants the best for you. She wants your life to have unlimited options so that you can decide which path to take. We have to respect that. And I’m not going to do anything to mess that up. I’m only offering guidance to help you learn about life.”
She said nothing at first, though I suspected she had already made up her mind, given the romantic environment she’d created. In her young mind, sex and romance were intertwined, and she couldn’t yet see all the possibilities for casual sexual encounters.
Finally, she smiled and said, “I’m not sure how far I want things to go, but I do know I want to see more and feel more and learn more. Can we start slow and see what happens?”
I patted the bed next to me and said, “Come sit down and we can explore.”
As she sat, I detected a faint scent of soap and something floral, probably from her shampoo. The towel wasn’t long enough for her tall frame, and she tugged at the edge, trying to cover her privates. I placed my fingertips on her bare thigh just below the towel and traced small, delicate circles, feeling her shiver in anticipation.
I leaned close and whispered, “What would you like to try first?”
“Could we try French kissing?” she said in a barely audible voice. “All my friends say they’ve done it but when I tried practice kissing with Ashley it got all silly and sloppy.”
“Yes, that is an excellent place to start. Tilt your head upwards and close your eyes.”
She did as I asked, and I leaned over further and touched my lips to hers. I held the kiss for a few seconds, feeling her soft warmth before breaking contact. Niki’s eyes popped open.
“That was nice, but that wasn’t a French kiss.”
“True, but all kinds of kissing are nice and I was just warming things up. For this next kiss, I’m going to push my tongue gently against your lips. When you feel that, I want you to open your mouth so I can slide my tongue inside.”
She closed her eyes and I kissed her again. After a few seconds, I extended my tongue, pressing it to her lips. It took a few beats before her lips parted and I was able to slide my tongue into her sweet young mouth. I delicately touched her tongue with mine and swirled it around, tasting her. Niki unexpectedly responded by sucking gently on my tongue, and I groaned in pleasure. Hmm, I wonder how far she and Ashley got when they played? We savored this new sensation for a few more seconds before breaking the kiss again.
“Wow! That was spectacular,” she said. “Much better than an ordinary kiss. I must have done something right, 'cause I heard you groan.”
“Yes, you did everything right and you learn fast. Now it’s your turn to slip your tongue into my mouth and we can try kissing longer.”
We locked lips again, and almost immediately I could feel Niki’s tongue pressing against my lips. I opened my mouth and her warm wet tongue began dancing with mine. I took the opportunity to embrace her and pull her close as we kissed. Using my fingertips, I traced paths along her bare legs, up her sides, and down her arms. She must have liked this because she began kissing me harder and more passionately.
As we enjoyed our French kiss, I felt her small hand move to my crotch where my cock stood fully erect hiding under my towel. She grasped my penis through the rough fabric and stroked me slowly. It was dawning on me that Niki was a girl who knew what she wanted and how to get it. We enjoyed the kissing and rubbing for a few minutes before pausing to come up for air.
“I didn’t think you’d mind me grabbing your hard cock,” she said with a teasing voice. “I saw it sticking up again and didn’t want it to be lonely.”
“Baby girl, you can grab my junk any old time you want,” I said with my best Texas drawl.
She giggled at my terrible imitation before turning serious and saying, “When you touch my legs and arms, it sends electric shocks through my body. It makes me feel all weird… you know, down there. I can feel myself getting all wet and woozy feeling.”
“That, my dear, is your body’s way of preparing for sex. Almost any part of your body can be an erogenous zone, and it all leads to your brain and sex organs.”
“Well, whatever it is, it feels great and I want to keep going. But first…” she trailed off.
“First what? I said, looking into her beautiful green eyes. “We can try anything you want.”
She looked at me and I could see her face beginning to blush. Her skin was normally the color of pale ivory, making it easy to see her embarrassment. This time the flush extended down her chest to just above her towel, so it must be a big ask.
Finally, she spoke, “Can I see what’s under your towel? I’ve been touching it for a while now, and I’m still kind of in the dark. I mean, I’ve seen plenty of penises, I mean cocks, on the Internet but never in real life.”
I stood up, trying not to look overly eager or trip in a tangle of my legs. Every inch of my body was now on high alert.
“Yes, you can see it. I only ask that you be the one to remove my towel. This will make it a better experience and more sensual for both of us.”
Without a word, she reached out and tugged at the edge of my towel. This caused the tuck to come undone and the towel to drop. Unfortunately, I was so rock hard that as the towel fell it hung up on my shaft, which was sticking straight out. All that was visible was my wild pubic hair and a few inches of my shaft. Niki giggled and watched as my cock and the towel bobbed up and down. Gathering her wits, she tugged on the towel again and it fell to the floor. There I stood, completely exposed to her.
“Oh, my! It’s pretty and it’s scary looking all at the same time,” she whispered.
My full seven inches stood out ramrod stiff, and the tip was just about face height with Niki as she sat. She leaned forward for a closer look as it continued to bob and twitch. The head of my cock was all purple and my balls were tight to my body from the coolness in the room. She made no move to touch it as she examined it from all angles. She was so close I could feel warm breath on my cock and it was all I could do not to grab her and advance the lesson even further. Instead, I just watched and waited as she completed her examination.
“It’s much bigger around than I expected. I thought the towel made it seem thick but it’s all you. I’ve masturbated with hairbrushes and my toothbrush and I use tampons, but they aren’t even close to the width of your cock. How does something this big fit inside a vagina?”
“You would be surprised,” I said, reaching out to touch her face. “The vagina has a remarkable ability to stretch, especially when a partner is involved to help stimulate you. And think about how big a baby’s head is. It all has to pass through the same vagina. Trust me, when the time comes and you decide to have sex with someone, your vagina will accommodate any size penis.”
Niki smiled at this and seemed to calm down a bit. I’m not sure what she was thinking but I sensed that we were nowhere even close to having actual sex if it even ever happened at all. And hearing her say vagina made me think about our earlier discussion and that there was something I wanted to clear up.
Moving my hand under her chin, I lifted it so that her eyes were looking at mine. “So far we’ve decided that you like the word ‘cock’ for the boy and that you are okay with vagina for girls, but that’s a bit limiting. Girl’s parts are more complex. You have a vulva and labia and a clitoris and pubic mound and so on. What word do you like to use for everything… down there?”
She giggled again and said, “All my girlfriends call it either a pussy or their kitty cat. I think kitty cat is too silly, so I prefer to say pussy. I have a pussy.”
“Okay, pussy it is.” And I hope to get to see it someday.
She again smiled her secret smile. A man could lose himself in that smile…
Pulling myself back into the moment, I said, “Would you like to learn one of the ways to give pleasure to your partner? There are many but this is an easy one.”
Niki nodded her head and I said, “Wrap your fingers around the shaft of my cock and stroke it from the base to the head. The head is called the glans and is the most sensitive part, especially just underneath. But all of it gives pleasure and loves to be rubbed.”
She wrapped her fingers around my shaft, unable to encircle the entire girth. Her hand was soft and warm and as she slowly stroked, I could not help but moan. For me, the sensation was off the charts but I could see she too was savoring the feeling in her hand.
“It feels so different,” she finally said. “All hard and soft at the same time. And around the head feels almost like velvet. I can’t stop touching it.”
As she stroked me, she started paying more attention to the ridge around my glans. She squeezed and twisted her hand, which drove me crazy and weakened my knees.
“It feels like it’s gotten harder and warmer as I rub,” she said with some amazement. “And clear stuff is leaking out of your pee hole. Is that your semen?”
“It’s gotten harder because you’re raising my excitement level through the roof. More and more warm blood is filling my cock in reaction to what you are doing. The clear stuff is pre-cum. It is my body’s way of providing some lubricant to make it easier to slide into a vagina. Your vagina also makes a lubricant when you get sexually aroused.”
“Ha, yeah, I do know about my vagina. Sometimes after I masturbate, I have to change my sheets because my… pussy… has gushed all over the bed. It can be super messy. Ooh, I can feel my pussy getting wetter just from stroking your cock. Weird how it all works.”
With her thumb, she smeared the pre-cum around the head of my dick, which made me groan even louder.
“Definitely slippery. Does it have any taste?”
Before I could answer, she popped her wet thumb in her mouth and sucked on it.
“No real taste at all. Maybe a little salty but that’s it.”
I was really getting into it and managed to croak out, “Could you squeeze harder with your hand and maybe use the other hand to fondle my balls?”
“So much to learn. I’m going to need lots of practice.”
As her grip tightened on my shaft, I felt her pace quicken. I was very close now and it was going to be a big one.
“I’m going to come soon. It’ll be messy, so maybe grab my towel from the floor and have it ready? If you've watched porn on the Internet, you should know what's going to happen.”
As the pressure built, I started thrusting my hips back and forth, trying to fuck Niki’s hand. She was a trooper and continued to stroke and squeeze. She’d just opened her mouth to say something when my orgasm hit. The tip of my cock exploded with a blast of hot cum that hit Niki square on her bare shoulder. She was so transfixed with the eruption, I don’t think she even noticed being splashed.
The next spurt was almost as strong and hit lower down on her chest, just above her towel. Niki didn't lose her rhythm and continued to stroke rapidly as the spurts slowed and became weaker. Finally, I was just dribbling cum and asked her to stop.
Niki looked down at her shoulders and chest and at the drips and blobs on her bare legs. She looked up at my cum-smeared cock and the sticky mess in her hand. Once again she surprised me by licking cum off her palm, this time squishing it around in her mouth, feeling the consistency and texture.
“Much saltier than the pre-cum but still not too bad. I couldn’t see living on this stuff but as an occasional snack, it’s fine.”
I couldn’t help but laugh, “That is good to know. Guys love girls to give blow jobs and if you are okay with the taste of semen it will make oral sex more enjoyable for you.”
Niki continued to look around at the result of her wanking me off. Along with her shoulder and chest, some jizz had landed on her cheek and a glob dangled from her hair. It had been quite an eruption.
“This is quite messy. I guess when you said to have the towel ready, you weren’t kidding!”
“Well, it’s a lot less messy if the guy comes inside the girl, be it her mouth, vagina, or butt. Minimal cleanup in that case.”
“Yeah, I can see that. At school, a lot of the girls say they’re saving their virginity by only giving blow jobs or having anal sex. I pretty much think the whole virginity thing is overblown. The way I look at it, a girl has lots of virginities. She has the obvious vaginal virginity but also her mouth virginity and ass virginity and even her hand virginity which thanks to today’s fun I’ve just lost.”
“That’s a very mature and insightful way of looking at things,” I replied. “I’m constantly amazed at how you seem wiser beyond your years.”
“Well, one virginity down, three to go,” she said, laughing. “Which one will I lose next? I guess it’s lucky I’m on the pill, so none of this play is risky.”
“Wait, what? You’re on the pill already?”
“Yep, since I was thirteen. I had some problems with my periods, and my mom was all too happy to agree when the doctor suggested it. I guess she figured it was another layer of protection to stop me from following her path and getting knocked up.”
“Well, that’s good to know and something to keep in mind. Now, why don’t you hit the bathroom to wash off my semen before it has a chance to dry?”
She was back in five minutes with a warm washcloth and proceeded to clean my cock and pubic hair. I was completely flaccid at that point and the warmth felt good. Feeling her hand holding me while she wiped and squeezed was very erotic.
“Look how much smaller it is,” she said. “So far I’ve only seen it hard and didn’t realize how soft and squishy it can be. I guess it’s easier to keep in your pants this way.”
“You keep fondling me like that and it won’t be soft and squishy much longer!”
She giggled and finished wiping me down. I managed to maintain my composure with only a partial chubby.
“So,” she said, “what can we try next?”
“Well, it seems less fun for me to be completely naked while you’re still wearing a towel. Maybe it’s time for you to be naked too?”
She bit her lip and I could see conflict in her face.
“I want to get naked but I’m still super embarrassed. I’ve never been naked in front of a boy before. Could I keep the towel on just a little longer?”
“Absolutely. Nothing will happen unless you are ready. I’ll always follow your lead.”
She lowered her eyes and whispered, “Thank you. That makes me feel better.”
“So”, I said, “how about you just lay back on the bed and close your eyes? I’ll start touching you in different places to show you how sensitive your body can be. If anything gets uncomfortable, simply tell me to stop and I will. Okay?”
“Sounds exciting! I’m already feeling a bit tingly.”
She laid down on the bed with me laying alongside her and closed her eyes. I leaned over and lightly kissed her on the lips. It was a sweet kiss and I saw her relax. This was familiar ground for her now. I then kissed her again, a bit harder this time, and slid my tongue into her mouth. She was ready for this and met my tongue with hers. As we kissed I used my fingernails to lightly draw patterns across her chest stopping at the edge of her towel. I could feel her shiver at my touch. I wanted to get her comfortable with me touching close to her breasts and if all went as I hoped, soon her towel could be lowered a bit.
I broke our embrace as I shifted my position and walked my kisses across her neck, shoulders, and chest. She seemed very relaxed, so I decided it was time to raise the intensity a little. As I nuzzled her neck, I reached up and slipped my fingertips under the edge of her towel, brushing along the upper swell of her breasts. She stiffened a bit at this but didn’t stop me. I trailed my kisses downwards and as I reached the towel edge I slid it down very slowly with my hand. I had almost reached her nipples when she placed her hand on mine.
I immediately stopped my movements. I shifted my position so I could look directly at her.
“I know you are scared,” I said softly. “We can just do some kissing and go no further. But if you trust me, I think I can show you a level of pleasure you’ve never felt before. I’d like to uncover just your breasts and we can keep everything else under your towel. Would that be okay?”
She bit her lip again and I thought she was going to stop everything. But not for the last time, she surprised me again.
“I do trust you,” she said, opening her eyes and looking at me. “And if I’m being honest, I have such a tingling, you know… down there…” she paused briefly almost afraid to say more, “in my pussy. My pussy is getting wet and achy and I need something to relieve it!”
“Okay, I can help,” I said. “Relax and close your eyes again, and trust me to make you feel wonderful.”
Her eyes closed and I started kissing her neck and chest again. This time I decided to try massaging her breasts through the towel to get her used to the feeling before uncovering them. As soon as I squeezed, she gasped.
Feeling emboldened, I gently kneaded each soft globe and as her nipples poked through the thin towel, I made sure to give them special attention by squeezing them with my fingertips. Within minutes, I felt her body relax as she rode the wave of feelings from my kissing and massaging.
This was my cue, so I grasped the edge of her towel and slowly slid it down to her nipple line. I paused, letting my fingertips slide under the edge and across her erect nipples. She offered no resistance, so I pulled the towel lower and fully exposed both beautiful breasts. We both gasped simultaneously, me for the stunning view and she for the realization she was now topless.
“Are you okay? Do we need to take a break?”
I saw her swallow hard before she whispered, “No, I’m fine. I’m better than fine.”
Relief washed over me at hearing this. I gazed at her breasts, delighted by their fat shape and freckled paleness. Her nipples had been erect but now became even harder as the cool room air and heightened emotions took effect. I lowered my lips to her breast and first kissed the tip of her nipple, feeling its sharpness before engulfing the entire puffy areola in my moist, warm mouth. My tongue swirled all over her nipple, and I felt Niki arch her body upwards, forcing her breast further into my mouth.
She was breathing harder now while I was fully focused on her breasts, kissing and sucking one while massaging the other with my hand. I switched back and forth, leaving wet trails of kisses across her chest and over each breast. Niki’s whole body seemed to be thrumming, and the only sound was her breathy exclamations as my mouth worked its magic.
I now had a decision to make. It might be possible for Niki to orgasm from what I was doing, but I wanted to bring her sweet pussy into our play. Of course, there was the risk that I could kill the mood completely if I went too far and she stopped me again. All of these thoughts were tumbling around in my brain as I continued to orally pleasure Niki’s breasts. Finally, I decided.
“Niki. How are you doing? Are you okay?”
“Yes, oh yes! Please don’t stop!!”
“Okay, I am going to keep kissing your breasts while I reach under your towel to massage your pussy. I promise I won’t look. Only my hand will be down there. Okay?”
There was a pause, longer than I would have liked, but finally, she whispered, “I trust you. I really do trust you. Please be gentle.”
“I will be very gentle, my darling. I will start with the softest touch.”
I took my right hand and lowered it to her thigh, just below the hem of the towel. The fabric had risen quite far on her leg and as I slid my hand upward I immediately felt the soft tickle of her pubic hair. I was desperate to get a look at her pussy, but a promise was a promise. I cupped her pubic mound in my hand and massaged it gently.
“Uh, uh, uh,” she said, panting out each word.
I could feel heat radiating from her pussy and the whole area was slick with moisture. It seems the tingling Niki had been feeling was a lot of lubrication leaking out, readying her vagina for intercourse. I was happy to oblige, if only with my hands.
Using my fingers, I gently parted her pussy lips and caressed the soft folds within. Lord, how I wanted to see her sex. It was incredibly warm and wet, and my fingers slid easily along her cleft. I began at the bottom, sliding upwards through the velvety warmth until I reached the tiny bud of her clitoris. Using small circular motions, I massaged her clit, feeling her body tremble with excitement.
“God, that feels good,” she gasped out. ”You’re giving me electric shocks. It’s so, so sensitive. Please be gentle.”
Not wanting to overstimulate such a sensitive little nub I moved my finger downwards caressing her labia as I stroked. I continued suckling her nipples and kissing her breasts, while my fingers danced around and teased her pussy. I could tell the combined stimulation was having an effect because she was breathing harder and her body was squirming anticipating what was to come.
“It seems like you're close to an orgasm,” I said. “Are you feeling it too?”
“I think so. It feels different from when I masturbate. This is building from a deeper place. Almost like a big wave coming from far offshore. My entire body is buzzing, and my pussy aches even more!”
It was time for the big finish. I kissed her quickly on the lips and whispered, “Just relax. When it comes, it will be big. Probably the best feeling you’ve ever experienced. Let me take you there.”
In a dreamy voice, she replied, “Kay…”
Using my middle finger, I probed for the opening to her vagina. I gently inserted my fingertip, immediately feeling the heat and wetness. Niki shuddered involuntarily at this intrusion of her private, secret place but made no move to stop me. I could feel her vaginal muscles ripple as they squeezed my fingertip. I paused briefly to let her vagina adjust before pushing in just a bit farther.
A lot was beginning to happen and I wanted to time everything perfectly. I resumed kissing her breasts as I inserted my finger fully past the second knuckle. I could go no deeper and had not yet felt the barrier of her hymen. This was good news, allowing me to finger fuck her deeply without causing pain. I developed a rhythm, in and out, in and out, and I could hear Niki’s exclamations, “Uh, uh, uh…” in time with my finger plunges.
She was ready. I removed my finger and tried inserting two fingers. Though her vagina was well lubed and ready for action, this larger intrusion met with some resistance. I gently pushed in while rotating my fingers before pulling out and then repeating the cycle. Little by little, her inexperienced vagina relaxed enough to allow both fingers to be inserted fully.
As I stroked in and out, I pressed my fingertips upwards so that I could stimulate the nerve bundle of her G spot. Simultaneously, I used my thumb tip to massage Niki’s clitoris. This combination had an almost immediate effect on her young body as she thrust her hips upwards trying to fuck my fingers rather than the other way around. Each hip thrust lifted her ass off the bed and increased the pressure I was applying.
“Oh god, oh god, I’m cumming!” I heard her shout.
I began sucking her nipples hard and could feel her thigh muscles tense up and squeeze my hand. She was close. Just as she screamed out again, I bit down on her nipple, almost hard enough to draw blood. This sudden pain pushed her over the edge, and her body began thrashing from the immense orgasm washing over her. Her mouth was open wide, but no sound was heard. Anyone watching us would have been convinced that she was possessed and that I was performing some kind of sexual exorcism.
Her body quivered and shook for a full thirty seconds before slowly settling back to Earth. I stopped masturbating her but kept my fingers deep inside her warm, snug, vault. I kissed her lips and kissed her sweaty cheeks and saw that she had flushed scarlet from her scalp to her breasts. She was gasping for breath and still had her eyes tightly closed.
“Hi, baby girl. Time to float back down to reality. I assume you’re happy with the lesson?”
At first, she did not, possibly could not speak. She continued to take deep breaths as her systems all tried to return to normal. I watched her breasts jiggle with each breath and noted that her nipples were still fully erect and hard like little flecks of granite. I could see some reddening around the one that I bit and wondered what price I’d pay for the abuse.
Finally, her breathing calmed enough to speak and the first words out of her mouth were, “Jesus Christ! Did you just bite my boob?” Then she burst out laughing.
I grinned and tried not to laugh as I said, “Yep, that was me. A little trick I learned over the years. Pain and ecstasy are two sides of the same coin, and I thought it might make your experience even better.”
“It did. At least, I think it did. Never having had an orgasm like that, I really can’t be sure. But my nipple is a little sore and I can’t even explain how my pussy feels right now.”
“I promise, the pain won’t last. If you'd like, we can always apply some ice later on. And ice on nipples opens up a whole new area of pleasure to explore.”
“This was amazing,” she said excitedly. “I’ve masturbated a hundred times and it never came anywhere near what just happened. This was even better than last year when my friend Amy and I got naked during a sleepover and diddled each other just to see what it was like. We both had orgasms and maybe it was a little exciting fingering each other but it was so awkward we never tried again. But if this is what orgasms are like with boys, then sign me up!”
I thought a moment before saying, “I think you’ll find that while the kind of partner is part of the equation, the emotional tie to your partner along with his or her technique also plays a big role in your pleasure. Sex is a complex dance and while anyone can do it, it is always much better when everything is in sync.”
“Yeah, I can see that. Seems like everything was just right for us today!”
I lay back down next to her and pulled her close. We kissed tenderly and I took some time to gaze into her beautiful eyes. The flickering candlelight sparkled in her irises, catching the coppery flecks and making them glimmer. The overall effect was mystical and utterly beautiful.
“A penny for your thoughts,” I said.
“Well, I suddenly feel hungry, so I think we should get cleaned up and eat. But I do feel something hard poking my hip, so maybe we want to take care of that first?”
It was true. While I had been pleasuring Niki, my erection had returned and wanted release.
“That would be wonderful. My cock is very achy and looking for some attention. But we're both tired, so if it’s alright with you, can I just straddle your body looking at your beautiful breasts while I jerk myself off?”
“What is it with boys and boobs?” she said and then laughed. “But I will admit it sounds neat, and I’ll get the chance to see you cum from a different angle this time.”
I moved over her slim body and pulled her towel a bit lower down her abdomen. The flushing had started to fade, and her nipples had softened, but her breasts were as gorgeous as ever. I started stroking my shaft slowly, savoring the friction and the amazing view.
“I’ve masturbated so many times to my memories of you that doing it now with your beauty on full display is intoxicating.”
Her cheeks blushed at this compliment but I could see it pleased her. I increased the pace of my stroking and applied a little more pressure. I could already feel my orgasm starting to build. I reached down with my left hand to fondle her breast, which was just enough to push me almost to the brink. I began jacking my cock quite rapidly and could see Niki’s eyes widening at the display of pure male indulgence. As I neared climax, I closed my eyes to enjoy the moment.
Suddenly, I felt a small warm hand cup my ball sack and gently fondle it. The extra stimulation blew me over the edge and my orgasm hit with a fury. I opened my eyes just in time to see my cockhead erupt with a stream of goo that went over Niki’s face and into her hair. Continued spurts drenched her face, her hair, and even the pillow with my gooey seed.
I realized as I came that my hips had been thrusting an imaginary vagina, which caused Niki’s entire body to shake and her boobs to bounce. Catching myself, I halted my movement and surveyed the mess I just created. She had a big grin on her face despite the goo and used two fingers to massage the puddle on her chest.
“Hmm. This feels different from earlier when I jerked you off. This is thinner and not as sticky.”
She picked up a blob on her finger and popped it in her mouth, sucking it clean.
“Ugh, a lot saltier than before and very bitter.”
“Yeah,” I said, “a man’s ejaculate changes all the time and each load is different. Even the food I eat can change the taste and the texture can vary depending on the length of time between orgasms.”
“So much to learn; dibs on the shower!”
As she scurried naked out of the room, I enjoyed the view, thinking: Note to self. One day soon, show Niki the wonders of showering together.
So hot reading this story. It's so much fun having a willing partner wanting to explore with you. I understand the fascination with the un-touched perfect bodies of girls who are still filling out into full maturity. It makes me wish I could experience the age of 19 again.
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