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Sue agreed to meet the unknown man again
I had of course created a problem for myself by not telling David of my full adventure, it made things difficult for me to make my tryst next weekend. I decided he would have to look after the kids and I’d go alone, saying that I was meeting a lover. My new lifestyle permitted that, although I knew I’d have to agree to undergo new dare of some sort in the following days. I had been in a near constant state of horniness since the previous weekend. It felt so foolish and school-girlish. I couldn’t wait for the week to roll by.

The next Sunday wasn’t the best of days, but it wasn’t raining. I arrived at the spot when David had left me the previous week. I was much earlier and I still had on my coat. I now removed it and was thus in only boots and a smile as they say. I had the blindfold which I pulled on, but I left the ropes in a bundle at my feet. I waited. I couldn’t have cared less about being seen, although I suppose that would have spoiled things.

I heard him arrive. He didn’t say anything at first. I had hoped he’d be pleased that I’d come, but no his first words were to berate me for arriving at this place with my coat still on. It had never occurred to me to do otherwise. He now told me and I went along agreeing with him that I would, in future leave my coat at least 500 yards from ‘our place’ as he called it. I was to wear only boots and a slut collar. The collar he wanted I had to go and buy in a fetish shop. He asked me what boots I had other than what I was wearing that day. These were black polished knee high, with zipped insides and a heel of about 4” but fashionable, not spiked. I said I also had white calf boots with a spike heel again about 4” that was all. He declared I must buy a pair of sexier black boots and they must have a 5” heel and be spiked. I said I would.

He had examined me all over, before he started with the sex. First I had to fellate him. This was a near repeat of my blow job last week, only now I was kneeling as he sat on the branch. My mouth moved all over his parts licking and sucking, his taste was tangy and manly, I guessed he’d not washed that day. I was getting fired up again.

Today I was about to do something new, in the days leading up to to-day I had determined that I would do this. So now after licking his balls, I asked him to bend over; he did so, probably anticipating what I wished to do. I dipped my tongue down below and ran it over the bristle hairs around his anus. Then I pushed my tongue in. I was surprised at how easy it went in. I heard him groan in pleasure. I’d done this previously only with Katie’s husband (Paul) and Adam in a very limited and fairly clean situation; but I’d never rimmed an arse this open and deep before, he wasn’t a clean man there and I felt real sexy and nasty doing it, I even grabbed his arse cheeks and pulled them apart to get deeper penetration. I’d work out later that his rectum wasn’t particularly full that day, but I was still getting a greasy taste of him. He was making noises that what I was doing was right. I’d been at it maybe 10 minutes before he grabbed my head and shoved his cock, now spurting cum into my throat.

After a few minutes he had me stand up, now he bound me standing between two trees legs and arms apart. Finally he tied my breasts, just like David had done but much tighter, making them more sensitive. Being tied up by this stranger was both exciting and a bit nerve racking, I told myself that if he was some maniac he’d had harmed me last week.

I now found out that he’d brought two whips with him, one was a typical cat ’o’ nine and the other a riding crop. He started to strike me with the cat initially not very hard, just little stings. All over my body: my back, my breasts; my stomach; my things; my bum and my pussy.

I wasn’t sure what I should be feeling as he whipped me, he was definitely getting harder as time went by. I remember that on his earlier rounds he’d slapped me once in each space I named above, now he had just struck each breast twice in quick succession and quite hard. I was aware that I had gasped, not in pain, but in surprise, -- surprise that I felt a surge that was not painful, but quite different, almost nice, but then again not nice. My mind and body was confused, it should have hurt. I guess that what he was doing was matching a level for me and as far as I was concerned it seemed very much at a level of my acceptance of it all.

The afternoon continued much as a continuance of the previous week, with extras thrown in as well. He was seeing where my limits were. Sexually I was fucked repeatedly in my arse and pussy; he maintained his hard on for quite some time, teasing me to almost a climax, before pulling out, not even cumming off himself. Every time he entered my arse, when he pulled out, I sucked him clean. He sucked my clit and pussy when I was bound, teasing me to climax, then he’d use the handle of a whip as a dildo in my pussy and then my arse, again I was made to suck it clean, and this was done maybe 3 times in all. About an hour in he held his penis in my mouth whilst he peed, after he realised I was drinking it quite easily without fuss, (thanks to Katie, Paul and Adam) he relaxed. He did that twice more before the afternoon was up. He sensibly had brought a large bottle of water with him, which he gave me drinks from as well.

When he wasn’t sexually teasing me he was experimenting with my bondage and using either his cat or the riding crop on me. As the afternoon progressed, we both sought the limit and he became progressively harder with both implements. At one point almost at the end, he had me bent over, Hands on my knees, bum in the air, legs wide apart, and he used the crop hard on my bum cheeks, hard enough with his strikes to leave me marked for a day or so. It hurt like hell and I was almost ready to tell him to stop, but something was stirring in my pussy that was saying this is good, I was leaking; I could feel the juice dribble along my thighs. A few times I realised he was striking me quite low down on my bum cheeks, and the crop actually made contact with my arse and labia lips which elicited a gasp from me. I think we both knew by mutual self-preservation that I mustn’t cry out or scream, even if I wanted to and that seemed to add a further element.

However the climax for me (literally) was almost at the very end, Reversing my position, he had me bound almost as David had, with my legs splayed wide apart, body bent backwards and my hips thrust up at waist height, for maybe 15 or so minutes he pussy whipped me with the cat. Starting very slowly one strike every 15 seconds and not too hard, building up, waiting for me to cry stop. At first it stung, and I nearly asked him to stop, then it didn’t sting, then it felt good, then it felt really great and I felt my climax coming on, as he increased the strike rate, the weight of the arm behind the strike increased. I cried out, not in pain, but in a climax, as strong as any I’d had from fucking. He struck me maybe a further 6 times after that before I could say stop! On that 6th strike, another wave of orgasm washed over me, even stronger, I was desperate to say “stop” but the word “Harder” came out and he brought me off again. This time I slumped over exhausted. I’d enjoyed maybe 8-10 climaxes that afternoon, some stronger than I’d ever felt before. I was shattered.

I called for no more after the pussy whipping and we sat finished off his bottle of water. I was pretty desperate to know who this man was, who was introducing me into a different sexual world. He said I could call him John or Master. He told me he’d seen me and my husband walking the previous week, without much prompting I had told him about the set up with David and my other lovers. I think my enthusiasm about our meetings shone brightly and I made it plain I was willing to meet him again and again and that I would get the items he spoke of before ASAP.

He asked me about the things I’d tried previously, said I seemed a natural submissive. I asked him what he’d done to women in the past, he said that everything he did was with the woman’s agreement or with his three stop words, which he explained to me, but he wouldn’t give me specific details of the various acts, said it would spoil things. I think he meant I might get frightened off, but it was plain from the way he talked that he wanted to do more to me, I also got the impression that the slightest nervousness on my part might frighten him off. I asked if we could do sessions without the blindfold on 100% of the time. We agreed that at the end of my fourth meeting with him, he’d let me see him and after that the blindfold would be used sparingly.

On my exhausted way home that afternoon, I felt I’d achieved a lot in a short time, in 18 months I had now enjoyed frequently and more importantly with my husband’s approval, a number of lovers – well my new master would be my yet another cock in that time line, but oh so different. A little over a year before, I’d never felt a whip or cane anywhere on my body and thought that Katie playing Doms and Subs a little exciting but weird at the same time. I had now learnt how sexually exciting this aspect of sex was, in fact this afternoon had opened up new waves of pleasure, I didn’t understand it, but boy oh boy, I enjoyed it.

We had our third meeting; then the following weekend I couldn’t meet with him as we had family plans. We agreed that subject to the weather, we’d meet in 2 week’s time only on a Saturday afternoon. We agreed that only if it was actually raining or highly likely to rain we wouldn’t meet up, and we’d assume. In the meantime I had to buy a slave collar and a sexy pair of fetish boots.

So our next date was my fourth ‘date’ with John, and true to his word my mysterious dominant master revealed himself to me. He wasn’t that bad, in his late 40’s, balding and a little overweight, nearly 6’. He was right that I’d have never exchanged the time of day with him normally. He was a builder by trade, in fact mostly a “brickie” really, but at this stage in the relationship, he was comfortable in letting me see him, knowing we’d gone too far now for me to suddenly back off. This day was also the first time I’d seen his penis properly. I had known he was big, but I couldn’t get over how big, his cock didn’t look particularly big at first sight, but he had a girth on him that I’ve never seen or experienced before, his length was almost 10” which made the girth look just big in fact he was huge, it proved to me that I must have been so aroused that first afternoon to take that up my anus, had I seen it beforehand I’d have freaked. Later on my confession about his size, would lead to introductions by me to other female friends for submission or just rough sex.

We didn’t meet every weekend that first summer, because sometimes it was a wet one, but every time I missed a session, I felt very disappointed. After that fourth session, he got me to wear more S & M type clothing over which I wore a knee length light coat, till I was near our meeting point, I’d explained that this coat was referred to by my husband as my “Flasher’s Mac”, as I wore it when he had me doing such things, it had all the buttons removed and just had a belt to hold it together.

Including our first meeting, we’d had 6 sessions which were now very much getting from rough sex to S & M, mostly CP and I was revelling in being submissive sex slut. I noticed that my sex life was changing again. In 2009 it felt like I fucked everyman who’d come onto me. Since July 2010 I hadn’t taken one new lover. Our last meeting in the park was the first weekend of October, it was quite a cool day and I said that as it was getting colder we should find somewhere else to go. John and I had already had the conversation the previous week and he was quite happy to continue, no matter how cold it got. However the greenery of the trees was fast disappearing and we both realised that we’d be exposed in evert sense within weeks.

Following my first meetings with John, I now had an ‘outfit’ - knee high 5” stiletto heeled black boots which I had bought especially for John (they’d cost me nearly £400); to this he asked me to wear black stocking. I would put on my short raincoat to travel to the meeting. I also carried a small gym bag in which I had various items such as whips, riding crop, cat, tawse, belt, rope, candles, rope and so on. These I had purchased from an on-line shop on his instructions, I had also looked through their web site and ordered other stuff. Everything he used on me was brought to the meet by me.

John had previously asked me about how my husband felt about my afternoon trysts with him. I had explained that David was happy with my extra marital sex life with other men and John had suggested that he come to our house and dominate me in front of David. I wondered if my husband would be aroused by that, he’d by now seen me sexually with quite a few men and I’d been surprised at how much extra stimulus his watching added to my own pleasure and I knew he loved it, in fact the rougher and nastier the sex acts, the more aroused he was, this was borne out by my now weekly visits to our neighbour Ben, which David loved to see. So yes David would get off on it. My real problem was my sons who were now too old to be “baby sat” and if they came back in the middle of things…. I would be mortified.

I knew John was not in a position to play where he lived. He’d lost most of his assets with a divorce about 5 years earlier and lived in a hostel. So things were on hold for a while whilst I sorted out something.

I did consider asking Ben if we could meet at his home, but knew David would find out. So over the winter of 2010/2011 John and I met in a hotel once a month for slightly rough sex. He liked me to meet him dressed like a ‘hooker’ which meant I purchased another couple of special outfits. So in the end just before Christmas 2010, everything about me and John came out into the open with me and David; but also with my sister and Paul. So I knew that I had been set up, that John was a friend of Katie’s, that David had witnessed John (& others) dominating Katie.

It was really in the spring and summer of 2011 that my sessions with John had developed into fuller BDSM quiet quickly (I think); I had surprised myself by accepting harder punishments, humiliations and tortures each week. I found that when David now openly watched about half the 2011 sessions, I was more aroused and took more. I also knew by now that everything John did to me was already surpassed by what he’d done to my younger sister. In March she invited me to watch her submit to John, which was very arousing, as well as eye opening. In June I watched another master dominate her at an even higher level than John.

By the end of September that year, I was taking in my sessions, I should add that now very little or none of my session was taken blindfolded and I’d almost come to ignore the prospect of being discovered by others.

• I was being put in quite intricate bondage with ropes mainly, but also hand and ankle cuffs, leg spreaders, plus him using the natural foliage around to aid him. This led to my ‘helplessness’ which in itself was quite arousing. So I could be stood bound against a big tree – face in or out, of spread-eagled standing between two trees, and he was also by this stage turning me upside down.

• In particular my breasts were repeatedly bound and released; I watched them turn different shades of purple and sensitivity and was now taking various smacks across my breasts when bound with almost every item I’d brought along; John had asked about marking me and I’d said there was no need to hold back; at this stage those marks on my breast, bum and inner things were still quite clear 3 days afterwards. This was something my more casual lovers picked up on and I was surprised how many guys were turned on by submission confessions and how few were put off.

• I was regularly taking a whipping direct onto my pussy almost at every session. John had seen how I reacted on my first pussy whip and now refined it at leisure; I was in bondage between two small sapling trees, my legs were spread wide apart and tied to the tree from the knees down to my ankles my arms were pulled back over my head and I was almost in an inverted “U” shape. I stressed that my thighs were pulled painfully apart, with my pussy totally exposed. Using a leather ‘cat’ o’nine’ he pussy whipped me slowly and fairly gently to start with building up, it took maybe 7 or 8 minutes by which time he was striking me hard and rapidly maybe at 30 strokes a minute, to get me to an arching of my back climax, I was almost shouting “yes!” to each stroke. If I thought he’d stop then, I was wrong, he barely paused, soon I was crying out again, arching myself to meet the kiss of the tails, again I climaxed, and again John continued his beating of me till a third time I climaxed. He had found my sweet spot.

• Whilst in bondage he would apply clamps and weights to my breasts nipples and labia. Clothes pegs and clamps, John had started in the first weeks using clothes pegs on my breasts, nipples and labia, this was quickly followed by proper S & M clamps (purchased by me) which could have weights attached to pull at the chosen part and be sufficiently tighten so the weights didn’t pull them off.

• I took the first pins into my breasts in May 2011 these were very thin 3” long pins with bulbous coloured heads which at first he just pricked my skin with, as I meekly accepted that the next week he pushed them right into the head -- 3 weeks later I took two pins in each nipple and the same day two pins in each labia, as time passed these pins became bigger and thicker. Remember these were brought along by me, not John.

• In August’ 2011, while looking through the catalogue on line, I had purchased a set of 4 clamps each about 5 inches long by ½ inch wide, which were wicked, as they had 4 pins on one surface and 5 pins on each the other clamp surface, each pin was recessed into a hole in its opposite clamp face, so as the clamp was tightened on to the skin the pins bit in and then the pins would pushed right through the skin as the clamp was tightened. He would often stretch my labia out and clamp one to each lip; followed by one on each nipple and the onto my breast flesh. The clamps had holes to which he could tie weights via fishing lines etc. the early set of clamps I purchased had pins protruding about 5mm and were thin almost like a drawing pin, later on I bought use ones with 1” plus and much thicker, almost steel nail thickness.

• He would ‘tickle’ my breasts and pussy with stinging nettles, which every time he did it, I enjoyed at the time, and then regretted it for the next 24 hours.

• He’d experiment with different candles and pour hot molten wax on my body parts and including by then spreading my labia for drops to hit my inner pussy.

• He’d play with me with his cigarette and ice he’d bring along in a flask. Using both on my tits, arse and inner thighs. Ice and burns, almost like wax and ice, but John had almost accidentally started giving me tiny burns with his cigarette end. Neither I nor my husband smokes but John did and one session in the summer, he had accidentally flicked the red hot ash onto my nipple, that he was fucking me hard at the time, was almost irrelevant, but it stung – a lot!. He must have seen some look in my eyes, because as he thrust me close to my climax, he slowly drew on his cigarette till it glowed, then with it still in his mouth, he leant forward till the glowing tip till he’d almost made contact with the teat of my nipple. Although I was in bondage, and although I denied it afterwards for a while, I knew I had thrust my breast forward to complete the contact. He had only teased a threat; it was actually me who took it on. After that he adopted it as part of my punishments, with the ice and later a cigar.

• He would use my mouth, pussy or anus at will for his cock, often teasing me to near climax.

• One of the very first purchases he had me get, two monster penis dildos, both were about 18” long, but it was also the thickness, the smaller one was as thicker than any male penis I’ve ever encountered with the exception of John himself, and the other was about 20% thicker again. Taking the bigger one in my pussy was like giving birth again, and it was some weeks of using the smaller one on me before I could get anywhere near the larger one. By the winter of 2010/2011, he was fisting my pussy each week – which was a totally novel experience for me and using the larger dildo in my pussy, and he was saying that in time he’d have me taking the big one in my cunt and the smaller one in my arse. He’d also be saying that he’d get his fist up my arse in time.

• At various moments in each session, I would be fitted with a butt plus in my arse, which had become quite elastic (from having anal sex with my other lovers 3 or 4 times a week regularly, plus his administrations each weekend). He would often fucked my pussy which using the butt plug to dildo my anus, and at other times he’d have me hold the butt plug with the widest part stretching my anal ring, this he’d have me doing for several minutes at a time.

• Nearly every used on me above, I brought along to the meetings in my little gym bag of goodies. One thing He brought along 3 times that summer was grubs and insects; sometimes he’d have my mouth held open with a mouth clamp, and he just drop one or three in, which I hated. He use live spiders, worms or slugs, this progressed to me having to swallow them whole and still alive. He also used maggots (bought from fishing tackle shop) which he just tipped into my mouth.

• Most afternoons he’d use my mouth as his urinal at least twice.

• My first anal rim on John’s hairy anus, which was totally voluntary on my part, had lasted about 10 minutes - by the end of September 2010 I was giving him an anal rim, 2 or 3 times on each meeting we had and it was lasting to 15 minutes, however now he was commanding me to do it although I was quiet willing to do it anyway, his command made it even better for me.

Obviously not all of the above was done at every session, but those were where I had developed to by that time.
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