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Short and to the point. Hope you enjoy!
The brush slipped its way up and down the corner of the wall. I dragged it along the crevice, spreading paint with every stroke. Dipping it back in the pot often, I was hoping I could get away with only doing one coat.

My eyes were heavy and tired. I had smoked that morning before going into work. I shouldn’t get high before work. But I knew I was going to be here by myself today. No boss or other crew. I wanted to feel good. So, I took down a joint with my roommate before heading out. Now my brain was hyper focused on the evenness of the brush strokes. I didn’t want to leave any evidence that I was stoned when I left this afternoon. I had to make sure everything was perfect.

There were feet on the stairs above my head. My heart gave a flutter that almost sent me to the ground. I sat down hard on the toilet and breathed deep. I hadn’t realized how high my anxiety had been until it was broken wide open. Those light footsteps on the stairs might as well have been a giant monster lumbering after me, such was my reaction.

So, when the young girl who had come down the stairs rounded the corner and stood in the doorway, all she saw was me sitting on the toilet, clutching my chest and breathing deep with my eyes closed and my head tilted to the ceiling.

“Umm sorry, I didn’t realize you were using...” She said, awkwardly. Whatever she might have thought I was doing, she didn’t retreat, but stood there watching me.

“No, sorry, just painting.” I swiped the brush absently near the baseboard, not paying attention.

“Yeah, nice.” She said, “My mom said you would be here, I completely forgot.”

“Yeah. Sorry, do you need to use the bathroom?” I asked, getting up and stepping through the doorway, passing through her space.

She seemed to consider, “No, the paint fumes will just give me a headache.” She walked back into the kitchen. “I’m Jessie by the way.”

“Yeah, I’m Dan.” I offered my hand out of impulse, but her back was turned, looking in the fridge. I let me arm fall casually back to my side. “Your mom didn’t say you would be here.”

“When did you talk with my mom?” She asked, whipping her head around.

“I was texting with her last night,” I said, a little apprehensive. “She said you would be working.”

Jessie pulled her head out of the fridge and rolled her eyes, “It’s Friday.” She took out a glass and poured herself almond milk from the carton. “Friday is my day off from classes, but she can never remember that I like to sleep in.” she took a long swig from the almond milk.

“Yeah, I’m the same way,” I said. I felt awkward, and not just because I was high. I was standing in the kitchen, while I was being paid to paint the bathroom. And I was standing in the kitchen with the customers college age daughter. Though in fairness, I was only a year or two past college age myself. The customer was a lady named Donna. She was... well... how do you put it nicely? She was fat. And gross. I had only ever seen her with a chocolate mustache encircling her lips. But she was a nice lady. Her daughter Jessie though... well Jessie was not fat. She was hot. And she was half naked. She was wearing a loose sweatshirt that was cut off above her rib cage. Her tum was cute and shapely and I had a difficult time tearing my eyes away from that smooth bare skin. She had a pair of silken jogging shorts that were weaving their way between her ass cheeks.

“I’m sure you get sleepy often,” she said, a hint of a smile lurking below her cute milk mustache.

My brain quickly overanalyzed, wondering if this was an illusion to how high I was, or if she was calling me attractive in some sort of backhanded way. Or had she caught me staring? I just nodded and smiled.

“So, you were the one who fixed my door?” Jessie asked out of the blue.

I feverishly searched my memory, “Yeah.” I remembered the job a few months ago. I replaced the flag that had been hanging in the upstairs doorframe with a proper door. “New door, with a lock.” I remembered that detail being important.

“Exactly,” Jessie said. “You have no idea how grateful I am. I was so tired of having to watch porn in the bathroom.” She shook her head and shivered at the very memory.

“No problem,” I laughed, feeling less awkward than I should. Her casual talk of porn had given me a keen interest in her. “Happy to help.” I smiled, feeling more at ease.

“Well, anyway, I better get this over with.” she said, nodding at the back door.

“Yeah, I should get back to painting.” I said, “Nice to meet you.”

She just smiled as she slipped out the door.

I went back into the bathroom and picked up my paintbrush. I was painting around the window, and not just because I could watch Jessie as she paced in the backyard. I was trying to cut around all the little details with the brush so that I could cover everything one time with the paint roller. However, this was detailed work and it was made infinitely more difficult when you are trying to watch the erratic half naked girl out in the backyard.

She really was erratic. However composed and charming she had been while we talked, that seemed to have collapsed when she stepped outside. She was walking around the garden beds, her head on a swivel, seemingly checking the windows for neighbors. Her hand brushed the leaves of the tall plants that surrounded her, but I could tell she was paying no attention to them.

Just as I was forming up my resolve to turn my attention back to my work, Jessie ducked out of the plants. She scampered over to the side of the shed, shielding herself from most of the neighbors, but I still had a perfect view of everything she was doing. Though, if I wasn’t mistaken, (and I probably wasn’t, on account of my perfect view) I was pretty sure that the shorts she was wearing had changed color.

No sooner had I noticed this than her shorts were around her ankles. She stood in the full light of the day, wearing nothing but her cut off sweatshirt. She spread her legs wide and held her stomach as a glistening string of pearls trickled out of her naked pussy. She bent her knees a little and the dam broke, turning her light stream into a torrent that splattered the dirt next to the shed. She threw back her head with relief as her body emptied itself into the earth.

A small moan escaped my lips. I was enthralled with the show I was watching. Her relief looked so primal that I wanted to be caught up in the same sensation. I wanted to know what her skin felt like when she felt that good. My cock was stiff against my jeans before I could even put down my paint brush.

Jessie put her hands on her knees, getting comfortable as a fresh wave renewed her stream. My jeans were unzipped and I was clutching my cock before I could give a thought to how poor of a decision this was. I stroked myself as I watched a rebellious river forge a path down her leg, winding its way down her ankle until it soaked into the dirt with the rest of her morning desperation.

I was feeling good. My cock was responding to the desperate dirty act and the unexpected attention with glee. I was so engaged with myself that Jessie was half way across the yard, holding her dripping shorts in front of her, by the time I noticed she had finished.

I hurriedly tucked myself back into my jeans and zipped up as she came in the back door. She stepped into the bathroom, still holding the shorts in front of her as if they had plague on them. I saw the trail of drips that had followed her in here. She had, however, covered her bare-naked legs with a cloth wrapped like a skirt that looked suspiciously like the table cloth I had just seen out in the kitchen.

“Sprinkler went off on me,” she said, suppressing a giggle as she dropped the shorts in the bath tub with a splat.

I just nodded, my heart was still racing and I could feel my dick throbbing and hot against my jeans.

“I’m soaked,” Jessie said, despite being perfectly dry from the waist up.

“Do you want some toilet paper?” I offered, indicating the roll that was next to where I was pretending to paint.

I couldn’t have said a more incriminating sentence if I had asked her if she wanted a fresh diaper. Her eyebrows shot up and she moved closer to me, looking out the window over my shoulder at the perfect view of the shed. “Were you watching me?” She asked, eyes wide.

“I... ahh. I glanced,” I confessed.

She laughed, pointing at my dick, “Doesn’t look like he was glancing.” She went from happy to frustrated in the blink of an eye. “It's your fault you know. I wouldn’t have even had to...” She struggled for a moment to describe what it was that she had just done in the back yard. “That!” She concluded at last, “If it wasn’t for you and your paint.”

“What do you mean?” I asked, taken off guard. “I offered to step out, you said you were okay.”

“Well, the fumes would have given me a headache,” she said, rolling her eyes in that way that she did.

“And what about now?” I asked, gesturing around. She was standing in the bathroom, the room with all these fumes.

She looked around at the walls, barely covered in paint, “It’s actually not that bad in here. Like smell wise, that paint isn’t too bad.”

I shrugged, confused about the topic of paint fumes. Especially since she was stepping closer to me.

“I could stay in here with you for a bit. Keep you company while you work.” She was standing feet from me. The only thing between us was the toilet. And her eyes were rolling down and focusing on that bulge in my pants.

“Ahh, yeah, whatever you want.” I said, unsure whether I should lift my brush and continue painting. At the moment I was having a very difficult time keeping myself from grabbing her. I wanted to touch her. I wanted to feel the dampness of her legs and the softness of her tummy.

She seemed to have also run out of words. Her hand looped itself into the waist of my belt and she pulled me toward her, catching my face with her lips. I melted into the kiss as my hands finally found her waist. I planted my hands on her ass and I squeezed, feeling the table cloth’s fabric stretch across her skin.

Her hands were not idol. They ran down my back, over my taunt stomach, and she plunged into my jeans. I loosened my belt as she wrenched my boxers out of the way and grasped my cock. She stroked it in a hasty and desperate fashion, as if she were trying to beat the cum out of me.

Before I could do anything, she had broken the kiss and slipped down to her knees, bringing my jeans with her on the descent. My cock dangled in the air as it celebrated its freedom, but it was short lived. Jessie tracked it as it danced in the air, then, when she saw the perfect moment, she pounced. My head slipping into her mouth. I could feel it resting on her tongue, which she swished back and forth, licking me. It was warm and I could feel her spittle starting to pool.

A moan escaped my lips that I had not known was there. I saw her tongue slip out of her mouth and lick down my shaft, drawing more of me into her mouth. I rested my hand on the tank of the toilet that lay between us, my legs getting weak as I watched her mouth consuming me. She looked like a snake, swallowing my dick bit by bit. Another moan forced its way out of my mouth as she sank down until her bottom lip was on my balls.

I passed my hand through her curly hair, feeling it spring lightly against my palm. She rocked her throat back and forth, barely letting my cock escape before she pinned it to her uvula once more. My cock was hot and throbbing, loving the constriction of her mouth.

Jessie slipped my cock out of her mouth completely. She held the wet stick in her hand for a moment, panting as tears clung in the corners of her eyes. She ran my cock over her face, covering herself with wide swiping motions. When she had her breath back, her mouth opened up to its fullest capacity.

She drove down on my cock with renewed vengeance. She took the whole thing into her throat on the first pass and never looked back. Her head was bobbing so fast all I could do was keep myself on my feet. I practically screamed, temporarily covering up the noise of her throat struggling to accommodate my cock. She was making a noise like a seal fighting over a fish. Beads of spittle plinked into the toilet below as her feverish pace kept up.

I reached down and touched her cheek, feeling the soft, smooth skin that was inflating and deflating like an iron lung with the suction on my cock. I thumbed away the stream of drool off her chin, then held her by the face as I fucked her.

I was on top of the world, feeling nothing in the world other than the pleasure that was exploding all over my cock. Until we heard the door open.

“Hey, I’m home. How’s the bathroom coming?” It was Jessie’s mother.

Jessie was on her feet and out the door before I even knew what was going on. I fumbled with my pants and just managed to sinch my belt before my cock twitched for the first time. My cum exploded with force against the thin layer of my boxers.

I struggled to make myself remember how words worked. “Coming good.”

The large lady stepped into the door way that Jessie had disappeared out of only a second ago. “Doesn’t look like much.” she said, taking in what I had done so far.

“Still getting myself prepped,” I managed to say. I turned my back on her before she noticed the growing wet spot at my crotch.

“Okay, well let me know if you need anything,” she said, walking out of the door frame.

“Hey mom!” Jessie yelled down the stairs. “Will you ask the repair guy to come up here. I want him to fix my door.”

“What’s wrong with your door?” her mother yelled back. I was already out the bathroom and ready to mount the stairs before she stopped me. “No no no, her door is fine. You don’t need to worry about that. Just get the bathroom finished.”

“Alright,” I swallowed back my excitement. “If I have time when I’ve finished, I’ll go up and see what’s wrong.”

This seemed to content the mother for now and she went about putting away her groceries. Jessie looked at me from the top of the stairs, bit her lip, then opened the waist of her makeshift skirt so that I caught a glimpse of her pussy. My spent cock gave a twitch of glee as I watched Jessie scuttle off to her bedroom.

What I did upon returning to the bathroom could only have been possible through divine intervention. Or maybe it was inspiration from the divine. So long as that divine was Jessie’s pussy. I canvased that wall with paint faster than Jackson Pollock. My brush moved with a speed and precision only achievable through the assistance of a machine. I worked flawlessly, not a drop of paint hit the floor and not a spot on the wall was left dry. When I walked out of the bathroom fifteen minutes later, Jessie’s mother gave me a doubtful look.

“Before I wrap up in there, I’m going to go up and check out that door,” I said. I took off up the stairs two at a time before she could respond. I paused at Jessie’s closed door and eased it open.

“Come in,” she said, though I was already stepping inside. She was laying on her bed, her body facing me, her legs were spread and her skirt and sweatshirt were both crumpled on the floor.

“Awe fuck.” I fell to my knees and crawled across the room. I knelt at the foot of her bed and faced those slim pink parted lips. I ran a hand gently across the inside of her thigh, feeling her tender skin flinch at the cold touch of my fingers. I used both hands to tickle at her thighs, brushing them with the lightest contact.

She bit her lip and moaned as we both fought the temptation to use each other.

I dipped my head and kissed the top of her pussy where her pubic hair began. It was short and coarse against my lips. I ran my hand across her belly and rubbed at the soft prickles that sprung out above her crotch. I moved my mouth down and slipped my tongue between her lips. From this position it was almost impossible to not find her clit and it was on this that my tongue was focused. I flicked it lightly a few times and felt the clenching of her legs around my head. Her legs wrapped around my skull as I began to chase her clit as it slid from side to side, trying to evade and hide from the pleasure I was determined to give it.

She gripped the back of my head, forcing me tighter down onto her. I had no issue with this, breathing was one of my lower priorities at the moment. She gripped and squirmed, fighting her instincts and trying to stay as still and silent as possible. But when my tongue abandoned its pursuit of her clit and dove deep into her canal, she couldn’t help but let out a half-stifled yelp.

This was when she yanked my face off her. We were both panting, but she managed to growl, “Fuck me already,” with a savagery I didn’t know was still encoded in human DNA.

I fumbled with my belt and let my paint spattered jeans drop to the floor. My cock was sticking straight up in the air, but only for a second before I could guide it to her entrance. She was wet and I was desperate. We both sighed with immense relief as I slipped inside. She was so eager for me that I was swallowed up completely in the first motion. My dick buried itself inside her until I could feel the friction of her short pubes against my own. I began rocking on top of her, just a little, none too eager to ease my dick out of her, even an inch.

She pulled my head close to her ear as I basked in the glory of being inside her. “I said, FUCK ME!” and with this she took a nibble from my ear.

I didn’t think, simply obeyed. I propped myself up with my arms so that I was staring down at her as my hips slipped away from hers. When I pushed back against her, a look of wonder washed over her eyes, taking away the intensity that had demanded she be fucked. But my ear still stung and I was still determined to obey.

I drove myself in and out of her, keeping myself propped up so that I was rubbing the top of her G- spot with every movement.

A soft noise started in the back of Jessie’s throat, punctuating every time I pushed inside her. It grew with intensity as I slipped into a steady rhythm so powerful it rocked her whole body sending her tits into a revolving motion as her face went slack. I could hear the change in her crotch, as every stroke began to sound more like an overfilled water balloon. I could feel her starting to burst as moisture ran down both our legs, staining the mattress. The noise she was making was a scream now, only muffled by the hand that I had, at some point, wrapped around her throat.

Her tongue was lolling out and her eyes crossed as she tried to scream with pleasure. I released her throat, bent my head over hers, and kissed her deeply as I was enveloped in my own orgasm. I was pushed tight against her as my dick twitched and spasmed, filling her with all the cum she had not previously extracted with her mouth.

I collapsed on top of her, sweaty and out of breath. Jessie seemed to be in an equal state of delirium.

“Aye, I awe...” I tried to speak, but words were beyond me.

Jessie let out a tired laugh, as if she were having a funny dream. I laughed too, finding my pleasure and relief highly amusing now. We laughed until the movement of our bodies pulled on my cock enough to send a delayed jet of cum twitching up into Jessie, making her gasp at the sudden movement deep inside her body.

I slipped out of her and sat back to watch the river of our cum flow out of her.

“Hey up there,” Called her mother’s voice from the foot of the stairs, “How’s the door looking?”

We both laughed, but Jessie yelled down the stairs, “It’s not looking good. I think he’s going to have to come back tomorrow.”

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