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This first part is an introduction that has no introduction if you know what I mean. It does have sexual content, especially at the end. It's a prologue, story-heavy, and mostly sets up the rest of it.

If you like the premise and want to see what I have planned next (a lot of rough sex and probably some BDSM), give the story a positive vote. Also, leave your comments. I'm heavily influenced by what my readers think.

Stupid Young Whore

He fought hard to believe if what he had been noticing for a while now was true. It was difficult to conceive it would be that easy, easier to believe there was a catch. Daniel was twenty-eight years old and had had his fair share of flings and relationships, but nothing that would stick; nothing the way he’d have really hoped for. He felt his life was short of excitement, short of what he looked for in someone. Then, Diana appeared, and everything changed.

She was his soon-to-be step-sister, and he remembered having to admit to himself he’d have a hard time avoiding constantly looking at the girl. A little more than twelve years younger than him, soon to get her first driver’s license, Diana had a beautiful body, lean but curvy where it mattered, with toned legs even if the girl had never stepped onto a gym floor for once in her entire life. Her skin had a perpetual and very light tan that was a perfect combination with the wavy and luscious long brown hair that cascaded down her back. Full cheeks that constantly blushed, full lips that were always temptingly red, long thick lashes that covered her chocolate-colored eyes completely every time she looked down, her face was gorgeously cute. He remembered seeing her for the first time and mentally cursing. Too beautiful, too young, too close. Too inaccessible, he thought, a temptation that would be forever close enough to touch, impossible to satiate.

He was confused at first by how sweetly Diana started treating him soon after his mother introduced them when they once went out to dinner. After hearing all the bad things insinuated about the girl, he was expecting the opposite. Diana wanted nothing out of life. She wanted it easy. The girl was disrespectful. Nothing conclusive, no facts, but his mom seemed to have taken her new boyfriend’s side and secretly loathed the girl. Diana and her father barely spoke to each other; apparently, what seemed to have been an outstandingly authoritative posture all along from her dad, had grown into some kind of disgust, them not seeing eye to eye anymore. That was another surprise to Daniel since he had met Gregory and, apart from calling him Danny, what he hated, the two got along just fine. From his perspective, the guy seemed to be a nice person, just a little too rough around the edges, a man old style. Exactly how Daniel’s dad used to be and precisely why he believed Leda, his mother, had fallen for him.

After getting a short, rude response from her father or indifference from his new girlfriend - what constantly happened -, Diana would look down in melancholy, then turn to Daniel. That would happen once and again as if he were her safe place to run whenever he was around.

He guided his thoughts toward the possibility she just wanted a big brother. He had been nothing other than pleasant to her, so why not, he thought. But the way she looked at him, the way she moved around him, the way she spoke to him at times, it was a telltale he didn’t want to believe in:

“How come you’re not married?” Diana asked one day. Daniel had visited them for brunch while already wearing his suit, his jet black hair stylishly combed to the side; she had shot the question right after he left the phone with his paralegal. He had noticed her secretly looking at him up and down.

“It just didn’t happen,” he answered and left it at that.

For three months, he had met her five times, and the same situation would happen every time. They would sit the four of them, and while their parents ignored the girl or gave her judging glances, she would subtly try to be closer to him, even physically, always sitting around him somehow.

A month later, when he came to spend the night at their place, he found out her trying to be the center of his attention wasn’t dependent on anyone else’s presence. She would always be close, always try to talk with him about something she believed would be of his interest. Diana commented on his sports car, acidly criticized movies she would otherwise like, and tried to understand legal procedures; he knew she would try anything to keep his attention on her any time it was just the two of them as if her presence alone by his side wouldn’t do the trick.

“How many girlfriends have you had?” She asked one night. Daniel had shown up, bringing Japanese food, and his mother insisted on going out to buy sake, leaving him with Diana since Gregory was out with his friends. He noticed the girl had vanished for a while right after he arrived, only to reappear minutes later wearing casual clothes, a white shirt with a loose neck that showed one of her shoulders, making the bra strap visible. The black, comfortable shorts were made of something that looked like satin, falling softly and not covering more than the top part of her beautiful legs. Mentally, he held his breath, especially after noticing she was wearing makeup.

“Enough,” he answered, trying not to show how much he liked the sight of her.

Every time they were by themselves, she would get personal quickly, and he would evade her questions with short answers that clearly got her frustrated, but he thought that was for the best. He didn’t want to be a scapegoat for her problem with her father, not get himself flirting while knowing that would bring nothing but trouble. However, he would fix things quickly by asking her trivial questions, making himself present for her but drawing a line. He liked the girl, empathized with her, and loved how she switched from a submissive, melancholic tone to an excited one whenever he’d throw her a bone. But he was old enough to recognize she was just a troubled teenager trying her reach, testing her powers. Nothing would come out of that, nothing that could last, at least. Nothing other than trouble.

While eating, Daniel winced at the sake, not to his taste. Diana looked temptingly at the bottle but didn’t dare to ask for some. Leda told him they had the scotch he liked, but they agreed it wouldn’t go down well with sushi, maybe later. Gregory joined them at dinner; he didn’t look that drunk at first, but after some shots of scotch with Daniel soon called it a night. Diana had gone to the couch in the living room soon as her father walked in, lying there scrolling down on her phone, looking as miserable as always, which made Daniel squirm inside. Leda invited him to stay for the night since his place was a good forty minutes away, he had had some drinks already, and it was late.

“Tomorrow is Saturday. Do you work?” She asked him while already on her feet and cleaning dishes like the excellent housewife she always was. Daniel felt very weird with the scene, reminiscing when he was younger, and she’d do everything by herself while his douchebag of a father would stay on the couch, still drinking, watching football.

“No. I have some case files to go over, but I have them in my car since I came straight from work,” he said while getting up and joining her at the sink. He noticed Diana’s head move towards them on the couch from the corner of his eye.

“You don’t have to do this,” his mother insisted.

“Of course I do.”

“You worked all day long, and you’re visiting. Go back to your whiskey,” she said, guiding him by a hand on his shoulder, “I have the room right next to the stairs set up for you already,” then she looked to Diana, still on the couch, “If she bothers you, you let me know.”

“She doesn’t bother me,” he sighed, “Does she help you with this stuff?”

“Not anymore,” his mother said. He felt there was an extra meaning to that, as if his mother was giving him the chance to ask what had gone wrong, why they both treated the girl so poorly. He didn’t. It could be the alcohol talking, but Daniel had a feeling he could get answers from the girl herself soon as his mother went upstairs.

“Good night, son,” she said while giving him a peck on the cheek, “Diana, don’t stay up late.”

“Yes, Ms. Cagliari,” Diana answered, seeming honest, but Daniel knew better.

Soon as Leda closed to door to her bedroom upstairs, Diana joined Daniel at the kitchen table.

“Can I sit with you? I won’t bother you, I promise,” a clear nod to the fact she had heard them talking.

“Yeah, you can,” he said while looking up from the phone screen where he checked on court dates. She seemed shy but excited. As if she had been waiting for that moment, as he thought she was.

Diana sat beside him, not saying a word, while he went back to check his schedule on the phone. It was as if she was holding her breath, and he enjoyed feeling how she respected his presence. She would be sitting shily and silently until he spoke to her, and this submissive behavior of hers made his blood pump harder. In a moment of clarity, he again thought that how he sensed her could be an effect of the alcohol. Maybe staying for the night was wrong; staying with her downstairs was even worse. He liked her independently of how amazing she looked, of how she made a point of parading in front of him as if screaming, look at me, but he knew unless he tried to find out what this thing between them was, that would go on, the game she had set in motion and that they had been playing all this time. Mustering all his reason, he decided to test the waters and see what that girl was all about, other than the troubled teenage stigma she had looming over an otherwise lovely girl.

“So, high school?” he said out of the blue. He knew the answer; he even knew she had just started sophomore year, but Daniel had a hunch that school had something to do with her “problems” since he knew she didn’t do much other than stay home and going to school. It was as if the girl had been grounded for life, and somehow she just took the punishment without complaining. This was almost unthinkable for a girl her age, especially one who already looked so mature.

“Yeah. Sophomore year. It is… It’s alright,” Diana seemed thrown off by the question, and Daniel wondered if it was disappointment in her voice since he had only spoken about exciting things with her before or if he had hit a nerve right off the bat.

Daniel sighed at her answer and left it at that. Then he saw her gazing at his small glass of scotch, he looked at her, and she shied away from his gaze.

“Aren’t you a little too young to want this?” He asked. She gave him a little smile.

“Why do you drink?” Diana asked him while sliding her arms over the table, her delicate chin touching it, while she looked at him sideways.

“It makes it easier to deal with problems. Or to forget them.”

“So, I have problems,” she said with a little chuckle, and the melancholic feeling he had noticed before was now all over the place.

He looked her in the eyes, her full cheeks blushed, and her eyes hid under the curtain of her long lashes after a few seconds. He felt she wanted to open up with him but wasn’t brave enough or too shy to do so, which didn’t match with how she had been treating him since they met. Daniel slid the whiskey glass to her with his knuckles.

“Our little secret?” He gave her a crooked smile, and a wave of excitement hit him when she opened a big smile. Holy fuck, he thought, she’s gorgeous.

“Absolutely,” she said, her voice full of meaning as if she had recognized him to be on her side, or at least to be emphatic to her. Or maybe a sign that he liked her, he assumed. And she would be right. By that point, Daniel was trailing a path to wanting her just the way he dreaded when he first saw her. Diana sipped at the whiskey, letting out a loud gasp right after.

Daniel chuckled, “Too strong?”

“Just how I wanted it to be,” she winced, then smiled. “I know what you want to know.”

“Do you?” He said, still sitting sideways, impassive, with his legs crossed.

“Yes. I’ll tell you if you want.”

“Another little secret?”

“Yes. Because I’d bet your mother is dying to tell you what a terrible daughter I am, and I don’t want to spoil it for her,” her smile turned into a nervous one.

“Yes, of course. I’ll pretend I’m hearing it for the first time,” Daniel’s blue eyes met her brown ones, and she looked down again.

“The school caught me having sex with a teacher inside his car in the parking lot,” she let out as if she was unloading a heavyweight, bluntly, all at once.

“Wow,” he said, his face unaffected, and he believed to be putting up the best poker face of his life. He was surprised. He was stunned in a way he hadn’t been before. It all made sense, though, why a girl who seemed to be nothing but well-behaved, shy, and submissive even was being treated the way she was. It also made sense of the way she moved around him, that dichotomy about her, but he still couldn’t put the facts together. Associate what she told him with the actual girl in front of him.

“I know, right?” she said sadly and took a big gulp of the whiskey, her face twisting into a grimace.

“Go easy on that,” he said softly, and she looked at him puzzled when she noticed his lack of a more significant reaction toward what she had just confessed.

They sat in silence for a while. Daniel took the glass, filled it up a little bit more from the bottle still on the small glass table, took a sip, and put it back in front of her while observing him. Until he broke the silence.

“Was he your boyfriend?”

“He was an attempt to get out of this house,” she said, sipping at the whiskey yet again, no grimace this time, and Daniel looked at her puzzled.


“Yeah… After my mom died, I was depressed, like, very depressed. First, my grades dropped from my straight A’s to C’s. My father was constantly saying it was as hard on him as it was on me, that I should put myself together. At first, I tried to keep the house in order, just like mom did, but after a while, I felt so terrible I couldn’t do it anymore. Dad started drinking more every night, and then the truth started to come out…”

As she was telling it, having another go at the scotch, Daniel started painting the picture in his mind. He didn’t interrupt, just let Diana take it out of her chest, tell him her side of the story, but he knew where it was headed.

“He said if I didn’t study, I would just be a dumb bitch, that if I couldn’t take care of a house either, I was useless. Just a walking pussy like any other. That I should find someone else to take care of me because he wouldn’t,” she said with a grin, but he felt she wanted to cry. “So that’s what I did. Or at least I tried. It was stupid. Of course, dad didn’t remember any of this later or pretended not to.”

Daniel was speechless for a while, and she alternated between looking him in the eyes and looking at her little hands before taking one more sip of the whiskey. He thought of how she had been acting around him and considered if she found in him a possibility for something, an escape, and if so, either she was still not thinking clearly, or she was that desperate to have someone to give sense to her life. Until she spoke again.

“You must think I’m a stupid whore too, right? I mean…” She said sadly, laughing at herself, but he cut her phrase short.

“No. Not at all,” Daniel frankly said, still in a very calm tone, looking at her, and she finally held her eyes on his. “I think you just had it too rough on you because your father is out of his mind, and you’re a little lost.”

“It has been months since all of this has been happening. I think I’m lost for good,” Diana said.

“Listen, why have you told me all this instead of trying to keep it a secret?” Daniel asked.

She thought for a second, that self-deprecating smile still on her full lips.

“I guess I wanted your judgment right away, instead of trying to make you like me and have it all taken away soon as your mom or my dad said anything,” she confessed.

“And what happens if I don’t judge you? Isn’t that what you were hoping for? If it is, you got it,” he said softly and touched her little hand.

The girl opened a beautiful smile. Daniel couldn’t think of a reality in which he would treat her poorly for what she had done. In fact, he saw only good outcomes in that situation. If he played the older brother part, he’d been helping someone having a teenagehood as miserable as the one he had. He had dealt with his obtuse and now dead father all his younger years; his mind always screaming for an escape, and a darker part of him, the one he fought with daily, waiting for the day he’d be able to be the same. He couldn’t shake the will to be controlling and aggressive. He never wished for kids, but for a woman that he could practically own in all senses, but to do it right, cherish her for giving him everything she had, much different from what his father did to his mom or what Gregory seemed to do now. It was her choice, and Daniel had never found one that felt the same, making him alone, a trail of failed relationships in his past. Maybe Diana’s choice would be the same as his mother’s, which would be the riskier but immensely more rewarding outcome to all of that. He realized he was thinking too ahead of the situation and wouldn’t guide her to anything. Luckily, he wouldn’t have to.

“So, you’re not disgusted by me?” She asked.

“Because you tried to snatch an older guy the only way you saw fit? Not at all. Was he good to you?”

She went silent for some seconds yet again.

“At moments, yes,” she answered, deep in thought.

“Did he push you into doing what you did,” he asked.

“Not really. Not much, at least. He was always trying to get to it… You know what I mean. Made me feel like it was what I needed to do for him to be with me. I don’t think I played hard to get, though.” Diana assumed with a shy smile, cheeks red as a tomato.

“So he did play you,” he started saying, and when she raised her eyebrows, he stopped, “You did what you thought you had to do, though. I get it.”

She smiled sadly and sipped scotch again; by how she did, he noticed Diana was at least a little tipsy already. He reached for the glass, ready to tell her to go to bed, but then thought again and decided to take the chance to have her tell him more. Then, he would ensure she drank lots of water before sending her to her room.

“So, you went to your room to get dressed as soon as I got here? What’s up with that?” He said with a playful grin on his lips, the strong jaw line propped on his hand and attentively looking at her. She was already blushing scarlet.

“I wanted to look good for you,” she said openly, holding no horses.


“I-I don’t know,” she chuckled.

“If you wanted to look amazing, you got it,” he said.

Diana partly covered her face with both hands, suddenly shy, a big smile on her lips.

“This is not something you do for your big brother, though. Is it?” He continued pushing her.

“No. It is not,” Diana admitted, the shy smile smaller but still present, and her whole body language turned into a more closed one, coy. He loved it. He wanted her to retract more in the right direction and keep at what worked so well.

“So, am I your new target?” he said, leaning back on his chair with a nonchalant expression.

Her eyes grew wide, and the smile disappeared; as if she was about to get caught. Diana perked up on her chair as well. She looked at him as if she was lost, and without answering verbally, she confirmed his suspicion.

“I’m flattered,” he finally said.

“You’re flattered, but…?” She said, looking at her hands yet again, looking worried.

“No ‘but,’” Daniel said, and Diana looked at him with a mix of feelings boiling over, confusion, hope, and surprise pouring, visibly still not knowing what to do.

Daniel had gone too far; he was sure of that and didn’t regret it. He would think about the consequences later. Forgetting about controlling the alcohol or where he was, he focused on the beautiful, troubled girl in front of him that seemed so perfect. So perfectly broken.

“Come here,” he said while sliding his chair back and tapping on his lap.

“You want me to sit in your lap?” She was taken aback.

“Yes. You’ve been all over me for the past four months since I met you. If you want to see what you got, you have to cover over here.”

After a deep breath, seeming to lose balance a little after she got up, which made Daniel instantly alarmed and ready to pick her up in case she fell, Diana took two steps in his direction, and he felt her little weight and the softness of her body in his lap. She sat sideways, her face very close to his, and he wrapped an arm around her thin waist.

Diana looked into Daniel’s eyes, and he could see how anxious and apprehensive the girl was at the same time. He gave her a small but reassuring smile, to which she reciprocated.

“So, what were you thinking when you decided to seduce me?” He said in a sexy, low tone.

“I thought it would be way better than being with that teacher… Riskier though,” she purred, feeling a little more confident, her eyes constantly traveling from his eyes to his mouth.

“He was your first, then?”

“Yes. Only once too,” Diana said with that shy smile back on, and Daniel was starting to be entirely taken by it. There was a vulnerability about it, about her at times, that, at the moment, he felt it hard to resist.

“Oh my. First time and they caught you?”

“Yup. Another student. The whole school knows, and my father did not transfer me anywhere. I’m the school’s whore now.”

“I know high school kids are ravenous. Trust me. But you know most of them are just jealous, right?” He was saying while putting his other arm over her thighs, tightening a hand on the soft flesh and pulling her closer, and he watched her gasp.

“Do you think so?” She coyly asked.

“I am sure of it. All the boys would have wanted to be in your teacher’s place inside that car.”

“Would you? Be with the school whore?” She said while moving her pretty face closer to his, her little nose almost touching his.

“I would. She wouldn’t be anyone else’s whore, though. However, I wouldn’t be able to get you out of this house so soon…” he tightened his arms around her, his member already so hard under her it was starting to hurt. He knew he wouldn’t be able to control himself for long, and there was this certain feeling she would let him have his way with her. Daniel was trying to be as honest as possible while he still could. “And I don’t think I’m the ideal man for a young girl like you.”

Ignoring what he first said, she replied, “Why would you say that?”

“Because I can be really… Intense at times, rough…”

Diana stopped him midsentence, giving him a little kiss on the lips, her eyes deep in his.

“But you like me, right?” She whispered. “You’re not disgusted by me or something.”

“I just said I would take you away from here if I could,” he chuckled.

“So I don’t mind the things you want to do to me. That’s enough…” She answered, lips touching, eyes closed.

Then he kissed her voraciously. While he had the impression she wasn’t sure what to do or used to kissing, she welcomed his tongue in her mouth, moving hers with his. They rocked back and forth at the rhythm of his avid movements, and she softly moaned in his mouth. She was warm and tender in a way he hadn’t felt before, and he imagined what it would feel like to be inside her, that young girl completely up for the taking. Diana felt small in his arms, her 5’4” (1,62m) height seeming minuscule compared to Daniel’s 5’11” (1,80). He caressed her sides, anywhere his hands could reach, while she had her arms around his neck. Then while one of his hands sneaked under and cupped the base of one of her firm, supple young breasts, the other started testing her limits, from her side to her hips, then to the inner part of her right thigh. When his fingers grazed up and down the soft skin, going up under the leg opening of her shorts, he felt her shiver, but she spread her legs a little invitingly. Enjoying the freedom she gave him, he moved on, two of his fingers finding that precious place, sinking between the petals of her fold over the fabric of her panties.

Diana gasped at his advance, still enlaced in a kiss, and keeping her eyes closed, just felt him fondle her. First, he ran his fingers up and down her slit, felt the puffy mounds of her small entrance, then focused on where he imagined her pleasure nub to be, and her reaction told him he was right on the spot. He couldn’t know if she was naturally that responsive or if it was the alcohol giving her freedom, but he enjoyed her moans anyway.

He savored the feeling of a girl he had watched and craved for the last four months while he felt Diana completely open, giving herself to him. They kissed for minutes on end; he would sometimes trail kisses down her neck, never stopping to move his hands all over her, hearing her give him appreciative moans and gasps. For the brief seconds they stopped, he’d look her in the eyes while she passionately watched him, blushing, out of breath, just to connect their mouths again.

Contrasting his voracity, Diana wasn’t only about arousal. He could sense she felt more comfortable with every moment as if a heavy weight was leaving her small shoulders. When not kissing, she’d smile with her eyes ajar, immersed in what they were living. It was obvious to him that she was happy about it, that she had gotten what she wanted, and that made him even more confident to assure her of what he wanted, see her reaction.

“I wish I could take you to bed,” he let out, breathing heavily.

“You can…” she whispered.

“I don’t think it would look good on us if our parents find out, especially on you,” Daniel pointed out with a grin, sounding quite serious.

“I don’t mind… Will you like me more?” She said in a low voice, almost begging.

He stopped and looked at her deep in the eyes. That’s when it clicked: he could have her. For real. Her saying she didn’t mind getting caught as long as he liked her more - as if it would be possible at that moment - was proof of that. The excitement made him think past the alcohol and the arousal for a second and plan for the long game.

“No, I wouldn’t like you more,” he said, and her face immediately changed to a worried one, “I already like you, and you know that. I also like you differently after this,” and he kissed her again, quickly. Diana’s face softened, and she watched him closely while he continued, “But even though I’m dying to have you, I won’t risk getting you caught, having to stop seeing you.”

The girl smiled, blushing, and he could feel her melting inside. He wasn’t sure if it was his caring for her or his declaration that he wouldn’t want to stop being around her, maybe sounding like a promise to the future, what caught her; he just knew it worked.

“But we don’t have time for ourselves, ever… I only see you with our parents around…” She almost whimpered.

“I’ll make it work. Trust me,” and he kissed her again, to which she promptly reciprocated. The kiss went on slower than before, carrying more meaning. As if they were closing a deal.


When Diana woke up, she had trouble believing that the previous night had happened. Thinking about it made her heart start to pump faster, and she rolled on her back in her pajamas. She had nothing more than a bitter taste in her mouth from all the whiskey but no hangover since Daniel had forced her to drink a lot of water before they went to their rooms. The girl reminisced about the night, trailing her little hand down the front of her sleeping shorts, her fingers touching where Daniel had touched yesterday.

It worked, she thought. Daniel liked her. He really did.

When they were about to go their separate ways the night before, Daniel was in front of the room his mother had readied for him while Diana’s was still on the far end of the hall; the girl tried yet again:

“Are you sure you don’t want to take a chance with me?” She purred, trying to make her voice as soft and tempting as possible. She was reasonably drunk and not at all used to how it felt. Her anxiety was hitting hard; she feared everything could change the following morning if she didn’t do everything she could to make Daniel want her. She didn’t want to tease him; she wanted him to try her and hopefully want more. Diana was eager to finally give herself to someone who wouldn’t only want to use her body but to someone who would also appreciate her for offering it. At that moment, she would have done anything. Lied with him on the floor in front of their parents’ bedroom if he wanted to. And he noticed that.

Her proposal put a sly smile on Daniel’s face, “What a bad girl. I thought we had an agreement,” he laughed silently and firmly grabbed her behind in what would have been a smack if he could make a sound, “I’d spank your beautiful butt now if I could,” he whispered.

Diana looked at him, surprised and a little scared, but the gasp she produced insinuated nothing less than yearning. What she had heard about Daniel was true, making her both anxious and aroused, squeezing her thighs together. She felt the wetness at the Apex of her legs, understanding everything her father, his girlfriend, and the whole school said about her to be true.

Remembering it in the morning and feeling her nubile entrance starting to get wet again sent shivers down her whole body. She was a dirty whore, Diana thought to herself. In a somewhat disturbing way, she assumed anything the men in her life did or would do to her was well deserved.

She reminisced how all that started about eight months ago, four after her mother died. Her father started to drink more and more each day while she spiraled out of control, falling into some sort of numbness. On a Friday night, Gregory returned from work after hanging out in a bar and got home to a Diana prostrated on the living room couch, the house a complete mess.

His yelling put her on her feet in an instant, and ignoring the girl’s excuses, with Diana trying her best to explain to her father she wasn’t feeling alright that day, what had been happening for a week, was of no use to stop him. He put her in his lap, belly down, and before she could believe what was happening, he was already landing slaps on her behind.

“Aaaaugh!” She screamed when the first one got her on the sensitive area between her buttock and one of her thighs, “D-Dad! No!” Then again, when another one made contact, the sharp sounds of his furious advance echoed throughout the place.

It seemed it wasn’t enough. As if the fabric of her pajama shorts was somehow softening the blows, Gregory aggressively yanked at her shorts by one leg opening. The material pulled up against the crevice of her crotch, sinking in, and while she alarmedly screamed no, no, he was already spanking the soft skin of her bare behind. After the third one, she managed to escape his grasp, quickly fleeing to the other corner of the room, one hand covering her right buttock that irradiated a fiery sensation, and confused by how her sex and everything around it tingled.

“See how you can move!?” Gregory yelled at his daughter, now turning her back to a corner. “You don’t want to study, fine! You’ll keep the damn house while I work! It’s the least you can do!”

Everything changed after that. Diana did her best to escape the stupor she had found herself in, but it was never enough, and Gregory caught her two more times after that. On the second, he pinched one of her sensitive nipples as well, soon as it got hard amidst all the spanking. Demanding she wear a bra when he was around, he screamed, “Don’t give any wrong ideas, you bitch!” while she felt for the first time how the perky nub connected to all the wrong parts of her, clenching inside in a way she hadn’t felt before.

Feeling horrible for imagining herself as useless and dirty as her father accused her, she didn’t escape the third time, and Gregory spanked her until he felt satisfied, which took a long time. He didn’t say a word after that, and she went slowly and silently to her room. Out of breath, with no shorts on and checking the prints of her father’s hand on her behind, she felt the air making her moist pussy feel cold.

Even though she considered telling all that’s happened to someone, Diana decided she wouldn’t punish her father for being a lonely man, and if he did terrible things to her, the girl assumed it was because she deserved it.

Two months later, Gregory met Leda, and almost everything returned to normal. Two months after that, he received a call from school, and that’s when he found out his teenage daughter was caught having sex with her history teacher inside his car in the school’s parking lot. The teacher was fired. Diana was suspended for one week but not expelled because she had been visiting the school’s counselor. The woman was adamant the girl, previously an A student, had only done that because she was depressed and under a ton of emotional stress. In the end, the teacher was sued for abusing her and sent to jail. The girl trying to explain it was all her fault didn’t help him or her, and her father made her start on the pill. It is enough that I have to provide for this stupid young whore. I’m not taking care of any grandchildren; his words were printed in her mind.

Then Daniel showed up, months after that, not knowing about anything, looking way more successful than her father, apparently unaffected by the girl’s good looks, yet treating her so nicely, talking to her, seeing more in her than just a beautiful body to use… Diana heard an argument between Gregory and Leda in which her father accused Daniel of being just like him, at least on the inside, hence his lack of enduring relationships. Leda almost stormed out of the house, but inside she apparently knew the truth, and everything calmed down after a while.

Not for Diana, though. From that moment on, she’d do everything in her powers to give herself to Daniel, praying he would take care of a “stupid young whore” like her.


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2022-07-25 14:37:46
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