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this one is about Jeremy and his mother
Chapter 6 - Jeremy

Jeremy, the eighteen year old behind 'the plan" for The Clan came home from uni, and he seemed a little glum to his 36 year old mother. Today was the day Jeremy the plan maker, would put his own plan into action -- he would play the dumb son, not the smart young man that he was. His mother asked him if he was OK and he gave a non-committal grunt, so she asked if something had happened at uni today. Jeremy answered,

"One of my old school mates at uni with me; and I'm not saying which one, told me today that his mother was a far better mum then you were to me and any of the other guys' mums. And two of my other mates, said they knew what he meant and sort of grinned, winked and nodded at him. Then the three of them said they had a special relationship with their mums. I told them I had a great relationship with you, but they laughed and said it couldn't be as good as theirs."

Jeremy's mother Jenny looked at her son and tried to make sense of what he had just said. She felt for him, because she could see that his discussion with his mates had upset him.

"What do you think they meant?" she asked him.

"No idea," he responded as he looked off into the distance as if still feeling the hurt.

He gave his mother the impression he thought they had a good relationship, or at least Jenny thought this was what was going through her son's head. "You know, these are guys like me with no dads at home, just them and their mums. They said that their mums didn't need to have boyfriends or a new husband at home, because their boys were all they needed," he said looking at her imploringly, looking for a response from her.

Jenny's brow furrowed as she thought about what he had just said, believing she understood what these young men were saying, but not really wanting to believe it. 'Where their mothers having that kind of a special relationship with their sons', she asked herself? To think this over Jenny wandered from the kitchen where they had been talking into the lounge room, and sat in her chair.

For the rest of the evening, Jeremy seemed distant and it bothered Jenny greatly, he was not only her son but her greatest support and best friend. So, Jenny decided to talk to him about it as he was getting ready to go to bed. She walked into his room and asked if they could discuss the issue. Jeremy seemed to brighten and said he would really like to discuss it, so Jenny sat down at the end of his bed.

"What do you think?" asked Jenny.

"How do you mean?" Jeremy asked in reply.

"Well, do you think these guys do have special relationships with their mums?"

"It certainly seems they do, and they're really close to their mums. You should see how their mums treat them, like they're really close to their sons you know. You can see that both mother and son are really, really close," Jeremy answered enthusiastically.

Jenny heard all he said and was worried that Jeremy did not see their relationship as close as his friends and their mothers. "So do you think we're not that close, like your mates and their mums?" Jenny asked, wondering if this was what was bothering Jeremy.

"It doesn't look like it. I mean you can see that they really are close; they really like each other you know? Like they want to be with each other -- all the time, and the mums get this strange look on their faces when they talk to or look at their sons, like... I don't know... sort of adoring, you know. Like their son is their whole world," Jeremy answered with an air of jealousy.

"So do you want to be like these guys? To have... you know, a really, really close relationship with me?" Jenny asked not knowing what else to say after Jeremy's answer, because she felt hurt by his feeling of jealousy towards these friends of his.

Jenny loved her son, and he was her world.

"We have always been together since dad left, and you said I was your man now, but sometimes it doesn't seem like it," Jeremy answered and as he did he edged closer to his mother from his position at the head of his bed.

They looked into each others eyes and Jenny reached out and hugged her son, to try to convey to him how much she loved him, and Jeremy responded in kind.

After a few seconds they broke and Jenny kissed her son on the forehead. Jeremy brought his hands up to hold her face and smiled at her. Jenny's heart leapt to see the change over her son by some physical contact from her, and his mature response in holding her face. Jeremy moved his face closer to his mother's and kissed her on the lips; a quick kiss to test the waters. Jenny felt something deep inside, a thrill and a response at the same time and she liked it.

She could see now how these other mothers could respond to their sons, so she kissed Jeremy back. Jeremy thought to himself, 'this is working and so quickly.' Jenny had no idea that at the same time at least 2 other sons and mothers were experiencing the same conversations and responses.

As Jenny kissed her son back in response they both held it longer then usual, and the next thing Jenny knew she felt Jeremy's tongue probing her mouth and she responded. It felt good. Their embrace became stronger and they held the kiss for many long seconds. When they broke, Jeremy was smiling broadly and said in a husky voice,

"I love you mum."

That's all Jenny needed to confirm that what had just taken place was good for her son and she smiling too. She made a decision.

Jenny stood up and turned to leave Jeremy's room and as she did she said,

"I bought a new pair of jeans today, I'll put them on and you tell me what you think."

"OK," replied Jeremy as his head swam with what had just happened.

He sat on his bed for what seemed only a few short minuets reliving that kiss, when his mother called to him. Jeremy quickly stood and strode into his mother's room, to see her standing in front of her dressing table mirror wearing the short buttoned-up top she had been wearing and her new jeans, which showed a great deal of her tummy.

"What do you think?" she asked her son in the mirror as he entered the room. Jeremy walked further into the room while looking at his mother in the mirror and thinking yet again how beautiful, sexy and desirable she looked, so he told her.

"Man you look so beautiful and sexy."

His mother smiled and blushed to think that her son saw her in such a way, and it gave her another thrill through her body.

Jeremy walked up behind his mother to look at her in the mirror over her shoulder, and his body pressed up against her back -- now he was the Jeremy The Clan knew. Jenny looked critically at herself in the mirror and asked Jeremy,

"Do you think I look fat in these?" as she rubbed her hand back and forth across her tummy.

"No," said her son and he reached around his mother with his right hand and ran it across her tummy, gently and lovingly. Jenny's body responded to his touch and she liked it more then she though she would.

"That's nice," she said in a whispered voice.

"You're not fat," her son replied also in a whisper.

"Do you think they fit ok?" his mother seemed to purr.

"You know how to find out if jeans fit properly, don't you?" Jeremy breathed softly into his mother's ear.

"No" she whispered.

"You can tell, if you can slip you hand down the front of them," and with that Jenny's son slid his right hand down the front of her jeans until he reached her panties.

"Ooooo, they fit very nicely," he whispered into her ear and her knees went weak.

"And the further you can slip your hand down the better they fit," Jeremy continued to whisper, and he slid his hand slowly further down into his mother's jeans.

However, this time he slid his hand over the top of her panties. Jenny felt beautiful and excited, not wanting her son to stop; something she never thought she would have felt. Her son's hand felt warm and she thrust her hips forward ever so slightly. Jeremy could feel his mother's body give a little shudder and her hips move forward and he could feel her short pubic hair beneath her panties.

"Can I see what's inside there?" he whispered into his mother's ear.

"Yes," she replied in quivering whisper.

Jeremy withdrew his hand and his mother turned around to snuggle into him, as she reached down to the top of her new jeans, with her eyes closed and her head tilted down. Jenny found the big brass button at the top of her fly. She undid the button, took hold of the tab of the fly and quite deliberately pulled it down. Jenny then lifted her head, opened her eyes and looked at her son, she could see the excitement in his eyes and she felt the same excitement. Jeremy expected his mother to pull down her jeans and expose her panties to him, but she wanted her son to pull her jeans down. Jeremy realized immediately what his mother wanted; for him expose her panties.

Jeremy knelt down and lowered his eyes to his mother's jeans and especially the undone fly that gave a glimpse of her panties; white cotton. He took hold of each side of the top of her jeans and began to slowly and gently pull them down. As they slowly came down, Jenny's panties in their entirety were being exposed to her son; they were plain white cotton panties, with a lace trim at the top and around the legs.

Jenny watch fascinated as her son slowly pulled her jeans down, knowing that she was allowing him to see her panties and the contours they covered. She loved how she felt at this moment; no one had her made her feel this wonderful for so many years -- and it was her son, which thrilled her even more. Jenny had gone out with men after her divorce, but they were always rough and too eager for her liking, and therefore nothing had ever come of the relationships.

Her hands were resting on her son's shoulders, both to steady herself and for the need to have physical contact with him.

Jeremy revealed more of his mother's panties. At first he could only see the contours of her pubic mound and pubic hair, but the thrill was tremendous.

He deliberately slowed the speed at which he had pulled his mother's jeans down, to heighten his thrill. It also heightened her thrill. As he continued to pull on her jeans, Jeremy could see the contours of the top of her pussy through her panties. Both felt their excitement rise even further at this point, and Jeremy paused in the pulling of his mother's jeans to look longing at what he saw before him. Jenny was watching her son's progress with fascination and delight. She was not surprised that he now paused and a sense of pride ran though he as she realized her son wanted to look at her sex, at her pussy.

Her panties were a little tight on her, so Jenny knew her son was be able to see her pussy through them quite plainly. For a fleeting second she wanted him to pull her panties down and look at her naked pussy, and an incredible thrill ran though her body at the thought. Jeremy noticed this reaction by his mother to him looking at her panties, and that he could see her pussy through them.

"Do you want to go to sleep now," Jeremy asked his mother, which came out of the blue for her.

As if picking up on her reaction to his question he added,

"We can pick this up tomorrow when we have more time if you like."

Jeremy looked up at his mother whose face was flushed with excitement. To Jenny this somehow felt like an excellent idea for now, as both were quite tired and Jeremy wanted his mother to have time to come to terms with their changed relationship. One thing he was very sensitive to was, not to rush her, but ease her into this. The odd thing was, neither felt stopping was anticlimactic

"Yes," Jenny responded.

"Let's finish this here and start again tomorrow." She smiled down at her son who stood up as she pulled her jeans back up.

Jeremy held his mother's face in his hands again and kissed her and this time their tongues eagerly sought the other and they kissed passionately. When they broke off Jeremy turned and went to his room. Both went to bed knowing tomorrow was Saturday and they had the day to themselves; and both dreamed that night of the turn of events in their mother and son relationship that Jenny would never had thought possible a day earlier.

Jeremy was first up the next morning, dressing quickly and went into the kitchen to make himself breakfast. Before sleeping he had struck on an idea for his mother that excited him. Ten minuets after Jeremy had entered the kitchen his mother walked in. They had both slept very late, it was almost 11.00am.

"How did you sleep, darling," she asked him.

Jeremy had watched her the whole time as she walked into the kitchen and answered,

"Great, how about you?"

Jenny smiled at him and said,

"Great too."

Jeremy decided now was a good time to try his new idea.

"You know what many girls do nowadays?" he asked his mother.

Jenny sensed that there was something more to his question then just mere conversation.

"No, what?" she asked with the slightest of excitement to her voice.

Jeremy leaned forward across the kitchen table as if to tell her a secret. Jenny, who was leaning against the bench in front of the table, also leaned forward wanting to hear this secret.

"They shave themselves," Jeremy told his mother with a raised eyebrow for emphasis.

Jenny immediately picked up on what her son meant and was take aback slightly by her body's reaction, as it quivered at the thought.

"Really," Jenny responded in what she hoped was not too much of a surprised tone.

"Yeah, and I hear their boyfriends love it," was her son's reply, who was trying to image his mother in such a state.

"Interesting," was Jenny's rely.

Jenny busied herself with her breakfast, and mother and son chatted comfortably about anything and everything. Both felt that their relationship had shifted, as they talked more like equals rather then mother and son. As they spoke and thought about this shift, they both liked how it felt. Even when mother and son had finished their breakfast they remained seated and chatted for more than an hour.

"Well, I had better go and have my shower," Jenny announced.

"You go and watch TV, I won't be too long."

With that Jenny turned and headed for the bathroom. Jeremy finished his second coffee, put his dishes in the sink and walked into the lounge room. He looked at the assortment of chairs and sofas and instead of sitting in his favourite chair, sat at one end of the bigger of the two sofas; the whole time his head a whirl of images of his mother's shaved pussy, which never quite come into focus in his mind. He turned on the TV and watched something without seeing it.

Jeremy had no idea how long he had been sitting there, but it seemed a short time when his mother entered the lounge room; she was wearing her new jeans again and the same top.

"Do you think these new jeans are too tight on me?" Jenny asked with a cheeky look her son had never seen before, but it excited him.

"Well, we'll have to look in the mirror," Jeremy replied with an effort to be matter-of-fact, but knowing in his mind that his mother had enjoyed what he had done last night so much that she wanted it again.

This gave Jeremy confidence to be more adventurous then last night, and he felt his mother was giving him a green light to do so. Jeremy stood up from the sofa and followed his mother as she walked into her bedroom. Jenny stood in front of the mirror as if sizing up the fit of her new jeans, and Jeremy took up his position behind her again. Rubbing her hand across her bare tummy Jenny asked the same question as last night,

"Do you think these are too tight," in a dreamy voice.

Again Jeremy reached around his mother with his right hand and rubbed her tummy. Jenny felt a familiar thrill.

"There's one way to tell if they're too tight," Jeremy proposed.

"Oh, what's that," his mother asked him in the mirror as they held each others eyes.

"You just slip your hand down the front of your jeans," Jeremy replied, but did nothing, hoping his mother would pick up his intension and direct his movements. Years of being together had given Jenny insight into her son and she read him like a book.

"Would you check for me darling," Jenny asked her son in a little girl's voice that excited him.

"Just slide your hand down mummy's jeans for her will you, but don't stop until you've checked properly, OK," she purred and leaned further into her son.

"I would love to do that for you," replied Jeremy and he slide his hand slowly down into his mother's jeans, from her slightly rounded tummy.

Jeremy would savor his mother's body this time, and he liked the way his mother's tummy was slightly rounded. As he slid his hand further down into the front of his mother's jeans he felt her panties, but they were different to last night.

"That's it sweetie, can you feel mummy's panties?" Jenny encouraged her son and he nodded to her in the mirror.

She was enjoying this all over again, and the speed of her breathing was quickening. As he caressed the top of his mother's panties, his fingers told him they were of a satin material and very thin.

"Is this ok mummy?" Jeremy asked his mother breathlessly.

"Oh yes," she purred.

"Can I see what's inside your jeans," Jeremy asked, and his mother lovingly replied,

"Yes baby, mummy wants you to pull down her jeans and look at her sweetie."

Again Jeremy knelt, took hold of each side of his mother's jeans after his mother had turned, undid the big brass button and pulled the fly down. He slowly pulled on her jeans.

"Oh, you're a naughty boy, aren't you," his mother asked huskily.

"Am I?" Jeremy asked in reply.

"You are, wanting to look at your mummy's panties. But mummy wants to show her young man her panties."

Jenny was totally in character for her son and herself. Jeremy tore his eyes away from his mother's face, which was now in rapture for him, to look at her jeans as he pulled them down. Jeremy saw the first glimpse of his mother's panties, satin white and thin. After looking at the top of them for a few seconds he pulled her jeans down further, revealing more of the soft, thin material and this time the contours of her pubic mound were dramatically more obvious -- because she no longer had any pubic hair. Seeing this Jeremy imagined how much more of his mother's pussy he would see through these panties.

Jenny continued to watch the slow progress of her son pulling down her jeans and the exposure of her panties, fascinated at how controlled he was. Jeremy pulled his mother's jeans the last little bit to reveal her panties fully, and gave an audible intake of breath which pleased his mother no end. Jenny could feel a tingling between her legs.

Jeremy's audible intake of air was due to what he could now see. His mother's panties were tight and thin, allowing him to see all the contours of her pussy because this mother had shaved her pussy -- as he had hoped. What he saw before him was his mother's pussy bulging through thin, white satin panties, and he felt his dick bursting for release. Jeremy could not help himself and raised his hand to his mother's bulging pussy in her thin panties.

Jenny was extremely excited herself now and felt so proud of herself, as her son was staring at her pussy in her thin panties, realizing she had chosen well in her choice of underwear. Jenny watched fascinated as her son's hand moved to her panties; and her hands were once again on his shoulders, because she wanted physical contact with him. Jeremy's hand reached out and gently touched his mother's pubic mound first, and then he rubbed his finger up and down her pouting pussy lips in their thin panties.

Jenny's reaction was immediate, as she moaned and her hips bucked a little. Jeremy seemed to be drawing a line up and down between her pussy lips, ending always at her clit. Jenny loved the way her son was touching her pussy through her panties, it was the way she had always wanted to be touched, but never was. Her heavy breathing and moans told her son just how turned on she was becoming, and Jeremy felt his dick was now rock hard.

A thought occurred to Jenny of what people would think if they knew she was standing with her jeans around her knees, her panties exposed for her son to see, and he kneeling in front of her caressing her pussy. 'What mother would be doing this?' she wondered. 'I don't care,' she thought.

Jeremy's thoughts were something similar, as he continued to rub his finger up and down his mother's pussy through her thin satin panties, something he had only dreamed of in the past. He could feel his mother becoming very wet with excitement. Now, he thought was the time to pull down his mother's panties, and get a great look at her pussy. So he stopped rubbing her pussy, and took hold of the side of her satin panties and slowly pulled them down.

"Oh yes baby, pull my panties down and look at my pussy, mummy's pussy is for her good man," Jenny purred breathlessly.

He first exposed his mother's shaven pubic mound; he really liked the bulging curve of it. He loved the look of his mother clean shaven. Jenny didn't make a sound or a movement to stop her son from exposing her; she wanted him to look at her new pussy. She was holding her breath as she watched her son pull her panties down.

Jeremy pulled the thin satin panties down a little bit more, wanting to draw out the excitement of the moment for both of them. He saw the top of his mother's pussy as he exposed the beginning of her slit, where her clit was protruding slightly through its hood. Again he lingered as he drank in the beauty of his mother. Jenny loved the pace at which her son was revealing her and stood transfixed. One of her hands was now running through his hair.

Jeremy pulled his mother's panties down a little more to, finally expose her pussy in full; she had full lips that looked as though they were swollen, Jeremy loved the way his mother's pussy looked.

"Beautiful," he said in a quiet voice.

Again he reached his hand out, this time to run his finger a few times from his mother's pubic mound to the beginning of her pussy, and then to run it between her lips and back up to her clit as it poked out slightly from between the beginning of her pussy lips.

Jenny's knees were buckling, as her moans turned to groans, she closed her eyes and tilted her head back.

"Would you like to lie on the bed," Jeremy asked his mother as he felt a shiver go through her body and buckle at the knees.

"I would, thanks. I am a bit tied and should have a bit of a nap," his mother replied with a longing look on her face.

Jeremy helped his mother to her bed. He had an idea what his mother wanted and was only too happy to oblige.

He laid his mother back toward her bed so her legs dangled over the edge. Her jeans and panties were still between her knees and pussy, so Jeremy slowly took his mother's jeans off and then her panties. Jenny's eyes were still closed and her breathing was returning to normal, but her smiled told her story of joy, arousal and expectation. Jeremy looked back up to his mother's face as he knelt at the end of the bed, she could have been asleep.

"I'll let you sleep mum, OK," Jeremy said.

"Mmm," was Jenny's only response as if she were sleeping?

Jeremy continued to look at his mother, and it was then he noticed she was not wearing a bra, as he could see her hard nipples pushing against her top. He had an idea. He reached up to the top button of his mother's top and began undoing all the buttons. When he was finished, he opened her top to reveal his mother's tits. They were beautiful. After just looking for a few seconds, Jeremy reached out and gently caressed his mother's tits.

Jenny was very pleased. This was what she wanted; slow and gentle. She felt very comfortable lying on her bed with her pussy exposed to her son, as he fondled her tits.

Jeremy took his mother's left hand, which was nearest him and placed it on her left tit. Jenny knew exactly what her son wanted, and she lifted her right hand to her right tit as if asleep, and started to caress her own tits -- and it felt fantastic as she knew her son was watching; her Jeremy really knew how to treat his mother.

He now turned his attention to his mother's pussy, and he positioned himself between her legs at the end of the bed. Jenny spread her legs for her son. Jeremy held both her knees apart, and began to lick his mother's plump pussy, starting with her outer lips first and then her inner lips with slow and gentle movements of his tongue. Her body reacted as he hoped, and she moaned deeply as her hips moved slightly from side to side.

Jenny was in heaven, between playing with her own tits and her son licking her pussy, she felt fantastic. Jeremy found his mother's pussy lips to be soft and smooth after being shaved, and they wobbled slightly each time he licked them due to their fullness. She tasted delicious to him, and he loved the highly sexual sensation of licking his own mother's pussy.

Jeremy began to probe between her pussy lips with his tongue and then up where he found her clit, licking a little harder. He had licked his mother's clit for a few minuets when her body when rigid, and then limp, as her first mild orgasm took her. Her orgasm had been heightened knowing it was her own son licking her pussy and clit.

Jeremy now slid the index finger of his right hand into his mother's pussy and curved it slightly; Jenny reacted immediately, as her hands flew from her tits to her son's hair and she grasped handfuls very firmly. He increased the pressure of his finger rotating in his mother's pussy, right on her G spot. Jenny was now writhing on her bed and groaning loudly. He rotated his single finger in his mother's pussy a few times and then slid a second curved finger into her love tunnel.

Jenny went right off after only a few rotations of two fingers her son's in her, by thrashing her body around and she grabbed at successive handfuls of her son's hair and her hips bucked wildly. Within a few minuets she climaxed a second time, flooding Jeremy's hand with her cum, again thinking this was her son's fingers fucking her and she loved it.

Jeremy left her on the bed after she finally came down from her orgasm and went to the bathroom. He ran a face washer under the warm water tap, came back to his mother's bedroom and washed her pussy. He then pulled her higher up the bed so her legs were fully on the bed. Jenny was fast asleep now, totally spent and totally satisfied.

He pulled the doona over her, and left her to sleep; he returned to his room and did his uni work until it was finished two hours later -- but he needed relief badly, but would wait for his mother -- his discipline was that great. As he sat back to enjoy the completion of his uni work his mother entered his room, immediately he sensed something was wrong. Jenny had a pensive expression and was gently wringing her hands.

"I'll be going out tonight," she told him nervously and Jeremy's mind raced as to what this meant.

He decided it meant that what had happened was a once off, that she had put it out of her mind -- it hadn't happened, and their lives were to return to normal. Jeremy was stunned and it felt like a knife had been thrust into his gut, but resolved to make the best of it.

"Ok," he said brightly and hoped it didn't seem forced, "so where are you going and with whom?"

His mother seemed pleased at his question,

"Just to dinner with Eddie," she answered.

Jeremy hated Eddie and had told her as much a number of times, and unfortunately his face mirrored his thoughts,

"Oh come on Jeremy, Eddie is ok, don't be so judgmental."

With that Jenny turned and left his room. Jeremy could hear her for the next two hours making herself ready for the evening, and he felt betrayed and discarded by his mother as if he was of no consequence to her.

Before Eddie arrived Jeremy left the house to walk off his anger. He still felt betrayed, used and rejected even though two hours had passed and his blood boiled. Yet, he had to be careful because when he felt like this his temper would get the better of him. He had been in a number of fights because of his temper, and although he could really look after himself and had never lost a fight, the police had warned him. So he would walk off his anger and left the house before his mother, but he couldn't rid his mind of the 'Eddie the pig' (that's what all the guys called him) with his mother and he continued to seethe.

On Sunday morning when Jenny woke from a broken night's sleep Jeremy was nowhere to be found; he wasn't anywhere in the house, garage or backyard and his bed hadn't been slept in. Jenny spent the day alone in the house, and it was terrible for her as she missed Jeremy enormously. He was actually in their roof. He had set himself up there years ago as a refuge for when his mother was angry with him.

Jeremy wanted his mother to have time to herself so she could feel what life was like without him. This was his petulant side coming out in him. It was the 'I'll show you'. At least that's what he told himself, but the truth was he just was being petulant. He waited until Jenny had gone to bed before he dropped through the manhole and went to sleep under the bed in the spare room. The next morning Jeremy woke before dawn, dressed, had breakfast and left for uni before his mother rose. When she woke that Monday morning Jeremy was already gone.

Jenny felt badly for the way she had treated her son, especially after Saturday night. Eddie was such a contrast to Jeremy, with his crude talk all night at dinner about his many and sordid conquests of women. Jenny could see that he had no real respect for women, all he cared about were his own needs and she suspected that most of his stories the Saturday night were exactly that -- stories, works of fiction.

Then the drive home was a nightmare as Eddie did everything he could to take advantage of her, especially when he suggested they go to a motel. His hands were all over her, even as he drove, and it took all her energy to fight him off and get inside her own home without being molested. Jeremy had always said Eddie was a pig, but Jenny was lonely and no one else was asking her out.

She had made the decision to apologize to her son Sunday morning, but when she found he was gone, she felt worse. When he didn't come home all Sunday, she had worked herself up into a real state, blaming herself for running him off. Then when she realized he had come home, gotten himself breakfast and off to uni without seeing her or talking to her, Jenny felt like the worst mother ever born.

She ate her breakfast alone in tears, and her sense of loneliness grew and as she thought about her situation, alone without her son, she realized just how much he meant to her. She turned over in her mind the events between them of the past weekend, and she was actually shocked at just how much her son had given her. Jenny sat up as this realization hit her. Here she was looking for love, companionship and all the things a woman wants in life, and there it had been all along in her son.

Jeremy demonstrating in the most loving and caring way that he wanted to fill the void she felt. Tears welled in her eyes as she thought about the way she had treated him when he had had no thought for himself, and had fulfilled her as she had never been before, but so desperately wanted. Jeremy was right, Eddie is a pig! Jenny resolved to put things right with her son as soon as he came home from uni, she would show him just how much he meant to her and spent the day planning for his arrival from uni. Yet, the dark thought that he may not return home surfaced in her mind all day, to scare her to her very core.

Jeremy found when he had woken that Monday morning his angered had not abated from the previous night, so he left for uni early and hoped it would die during the day. At uni the four mates, Jeremy, Bobby, Benny and Daniel consulted each other on how they had each gotten on with their mums. Each said they were unsuccessful. Jeremy looked at his friends, laughed and said,

"Not that we would tell if we were successful anyway."

The other three laughed and nodded their agreement. They all knew that the others had been successful, but respected their mother's too much to tell. However, Benny did ask,

"And who is continuing?"

The four looked at each other, and decided this was a safe question to answer and Benny spoke first,

"On behalf of Bev and myself, we will be," and his huge smile spoke volumes, the others laughed, then Bobby spoke, "Ruth has never been happier," he said with a distant look of remembered joy, "and she was happy all weekend, again and again and .... I lost count."

This brought the biggest laugh but only Benny and Daniel knew exactly what he meant.

"Unfortunately Jenny saw 'Eddie the pig' last night," Jeremy told his mates and the laughter stopped immediately, and his three mates looked truly grief stricken for him.

"Oh man," said Daniel, "I was so happy for us and our mums, now I'm gutted. We had such a fantastic weekend too, and I also lost count. Oh mate, I feel so bad for you."

Jeremy's anger began to rise again, even though he was happy for his mates and their respective mums, he wanted so much to be with Jenny he was feeling physical pain. Just then Benny said,

"Isn't that 'Eddie the pig'?" and realized too late what he had said, because he knew how Jeremy would respond. The others looked daggers at him, but Jeremy spun around and said,

"Where, where's 'the pig'?" but he had already spotted Eddie and Jeremy was rooted to the spot, he couldn't believe his eyes.

There was Eddie in his car dropping Alees Jones off at uni, with her mum in the front seat of the car with him, nearly sitting in his lap. Jeremy spun to Benny, but didn't have to ask to borrow his camcorder with the powerful zoom, as Benny was already filming.

"This will fix his fuckin' little red wagon," Benny said as he filmed, "just show this to your mum and he's sunk."

"Yeah, but how do I prevent other Eddies," Jeremy wondered sadly out aloud.

"Easy," replied Daniel as he looked at his saddened friend, "she will never find a better man then you. Mind you she may have to go out with a few more Eddies, but your mums smart and it won't take her long."

Jeremy took heart and looked at Daniel hopefully.

"You think so."

"Absolutely," all three replied.

"Just don't deck any of them in the mean time," Daniel added as Benny stopped filming and said delighted with himself.

"Man you should see what I just shot." He beamed at the other.

"Yeah, why?" asked Bobby. He and the other two could tell by Benny's voice that he something special.

"I could just about sell this as porno," he said gleefully.

"Well if you give me a copy, I know a few addresses," said Daniel with a wicked grim. The other three laughed, knowing their friend's love for porno.

"Ok," replied Benny, "and we'll split the proceeds four ways. They all laughed again.

Uni seemed to drag for Jeremy that day; he wanted so desperately to see his mother, especially after he hadn't wait for her to wake this morning. As he was about to head home Benny ran up to him breathlessly and ruined Jeremy's plans for getting home quickly.

"Hey, swing passed my place and I'll give you a copy of the 'Eddie the pig' disc."

Jeremy agreed because he wanted to show his mother the true 'Eddie the pig', so he drove to Benny's place. When they arrived he couldn't believe the welcome Benny received from his mother Bev; they did have a happy weekend he thought. Bev followed the two of them into Benny's room -- which now appeared to be the study, and he quickly made a copy for his friend.

Jeremy couldn't help but see the change between mother and son. Bev especially as she couldn't keep her hands of her son with hugs and the like. Jeremy thanked his friend, wished them both a good afternoon, although he could see that is exactly what Bev had in mind and then he raced home.

Jenny was waiting impatiently in the kitchen for her son to come home and when he didn't walk through the back door at 4.00pm she began to worry. All sorts of thoughts went through her head, but the most dominant was 'what if I upset him so much he doesn't think I love him any more and he's gone for good.' Her anxiety grew as the minuets ticked by.

4.15pm came and went; it wasn't like Jeremy to be this late, and she thought 'I hope he hasn't gone looking for Eddie'.

4.30pm came and now Jenny's tears began to gather and she thought to herself, 'if only my man would walk through the door, I would be his all afternoon and night, I would show him just how much I want him; really want him.'

The door suddenly opened and Jeremy walked through it. Jenny flew out her chair and at her son, and flung her arms around him in tears. 'Nice' thought Jeremy, I could use this.

"I'm so sorry for the way I treated you on the weekend honey, I had a terrible time; that man is a pig just as you said."

Jeremy remained silent and unmoved, which served to fuel his mother's despair.

"Please Jeremy what more can I say," Jenny looked up imploringly at her son to forgive her, but he retained his stoic persona.

Jenny was at a loss to know how to earn her son's forgiveness. Then Jeremy spoke with an edge to his voice,

"Didn't have a good time with 'The Pig' then? Not as good as the previous night or morning then? "

"No it wasn't," Jenny thought she saw forgiveness on her horizon and continued to look imploringly at her son.

"What, he was a bit rough with you was he?" Jeremy accused.

"Rough?" Jenny wasn't sure what he meant.

"Yeah, rough. Everyone knows he fucks all his first time dates, at least that's what he tells anyone who will listen... and rumor has it he's rough. So was he rough with you when he fucked you?" Jeremy's eyes were accusing.

"He didn't do that to me, Jeremy," Jenny protested to her son.

"No, why not, isn't that why you went out with 'The Pig'?" accusing once again.

"No, it wasn't," her protests continued.

"Then you went out with 'The Pig' because of his gentle caresses and how he spends all his time to ensure you have a very satisfying and gratifying time?" he asked in the same tone.

He wanted to remind her of just how much Jeremy had cared for her sexually on Friday night, but especially on Saturday morning.

"No, I didn't," Jenny pleaded, and could not help but connect his words to how he had treated her during the early part of the weekend, and something moved deep inside her.

"Then why did you go out with 'The Pig'?" same tone and look.

Jenny let go of her son and stepped back to take a long, hard look at him.

"Because you're my son," she told him as she had second thoughts about her earlier desire for Jeremy.

That's just what he wanted to hear.

"So what, do you think I don't care you're my mother. I care because you are my mother. Are you ashamed of me or embarrassed by me?"

He was right on the money. Jeremy's words cut deeply on two levels, firstly she now knew that he was hers and, secondly he called into question her love for him. Jenny flew back into him, arms around him again.

"I've never been ashamed of you or embarrassed by you; I love you so much."

She looked into her son's face, which was impossible to read.

"This is a strange way to show your love for me, to discard and reject me for 'The Pig'. Didn't I look after you.... satisfy you on Saturday? Didn't I look after you rather then myself?"

"But you're my son?" she said again.

"Don't you want me, don't you care for me?" more daggers to her heart.

"Of course I care for you."

"Do you want me?" the challenge was there, how would she answer?

Jenny stared at him for long seconds remembering how much love he had shown her, how good he had made her feel.

"But you're my son," she said again forcefully.

"Then I will leave tonight and not come back," Jeremy told her without emotion and with an air of finality, and tried to disengage his mother's arms.

Her reaction was instantaneously as she tried to imagine life without him, and it was too terrible to bear; she locked her arms tighter.

"No Jeremy, don't go, please stay, why do you have to leave?" she eyes were wide with horror.

"Because on Friday night and Saturday I put it all on the line for you, I showed you my deepest self, I told you that I don't care about social convention and what people may say. I told you I loved you, wanted you and would always care for you. And what have you said, 'you're my son'. So that's how you feel, that convention and what the neighbours may think obviously mean more then your happiness and mine."

Jeremy left her with this for a few seconds, then disengaged himself and walked to his room. As he did, Jenny felt her life begin to shatter, and then it hit her; she loved her son and she wanted him as her man, her lover and her son, but without him she had no life.

As Jenny came to her realization, Jeremy had walked less then three steps when his stomach turned to ice, his felt as if his heart had broken and his life seemed pointless. He spun around walked back to his mother, who looked confused and he took her in his arms, buried his face in her neck and she responded.

"Oh mum, mum, I can't leave you, I love you and want you too much," Jeremy confessed.

His mother's heart soared and her whole body responded to him, and she thrust herself into him. Now her only thought, need and desire was to be with Jeremy as they were on Saturday.

"I want you and I don't care if you are my son." They held each other for a number of long and satisfying minuets and then they broke, both were just so happy and they knew that this was what both wanted.

"Can I ask one thing before we start were we're going?" Jenny asked with a smile as she looked adoringly at her son, and he looked at her with raw desire.

"What can I do for you?" he asked of his mother.

"Can you seduce me every time like you did Friday and Saturday, it was so nice I loved it?" she asked me.

"You bet, just let me know if you have a preference for a scenario," he told her.

"I have today," she told him with a knowing grin.

"Good and I will do my best to deliver to your expectations. What is it?"

"Come to rob me, but you're a non-violent robber, you do what you do by talking your way around and through problems," Jenny instructed her son.

"And what will you be wearing," her son asked, "so can I plan a strategy?"

Jenny thought for a moment and then it came to her.

"My summer dressing gown, a special nighty that I have in mind .... Oh, and something special to boot," she said and as she did her face lit up at the very scene created in her head.

"You've got it," Jeremy said with the same enthusiasm his mother was feeling.

"Be in your bedroom looking in your wardrobe," he told her and his mother nodded.

Ten minuets later Jeremy heard her signal to him, and he crept to her bedroom door. Jenny was waiting nervously and excitedly at the same time, looking in her wardrobe. Suddenly an arm was across her chest and a hand gently on her mouth, she hadn't heard a thing.

"Don't make a sound and I won't have to hurt you, ok?" a confident male voice whispered into her ear, she nodded her agreement and his hand across her mouth dropped.

The intruder behind her turned them around so that she was facing her bed, but he was still behind her. The bed appeared to have someone in it -- 'nice touch,' Jenny thought and wondered how Jeremy had managed it without her knowledge. Her excitement grew as she wondered where Jeremy was going with this now. Jenny had set the scene, but Jeremy was the director.

"Is that your partner in the bed?" his hot breath whispered quite seductively.

"Yes," Jenny thought that was the most appropriate answer.

"You don't want him to see another man holding you like this do you?"

"No," his mother answered.

'Perfect,' Jeremy thought as he could hear his words excite her.

"Has he ever allowed another man to hold you like this?"


"Do you feel vulnerable and exposed?"


The intruder walked her into the en suite, he turned the light on over the mirror and Jenny saw herself looking into it, and saw just how revealing her dressing gown and nighty was like this. However, she couldn't see the intruder, just a dark shape behind her and his black clad arm across her chest.

"Now stand still, don't move," the intruder warned and he let her go and moved away.

Jenny stood frozen on the spot, staring at herself in the mirror and she thought she couldn't feel any more turned on. Suddenly, the intruder was behind her again.

"I've put your partner in a position so he can watch us now... he can see you with me," he told her and a thrill ran through her body.

"Can you see yourself in the mirror?"


"He can see me looking at you like this."

Jenny looked up and down her body and saw that the intruder could see everything, and knew her partner would be very jealous.

"Would he want to see me caress your body?"

The question brought a sudden intake of air from Jenny.

"No," she said her voice a little higher.

"Do you want him to see me caress your body, to touch you as only he has touched you?"

"No, please don't," she said weakly.

"Would he want me to touch your breasts?" and before Jenny could answer the intruder's hands came up to her chest and he gently kneaded her breasts.

She gasped and partially closed her eyes, as she moaned her arousal.

"He can see me touching your breasts, he can see how much you're enjoying it, and he can see you want me to touch you because you're not stopping me," the intruder told her and Jenny felt powerless to stop him.

Her arms seemed lifeless. The thought of her partner watching another man touching her breasts gave her great pleasure. Another man touching her in front of her partner was so thrilling.

"Now," he said, "what valuables do you keep hidden?" he asked.

"I have no real valuables," Jenny replied breathlessly as her son the intruder gently kneaded her breasts..

"Oh I think you have. How undo your gown tie, slowly, no tricks," he whispered his order to her and removed his hand.

Her hands reached to her tie slowly, and when they reached it she began to untie it. Jenny watched herself do this in the mirror and she was so turned on by her own reflection, while all she could see of her intruder was a shadowy figure behind her. With her tie undone she expected it to fall to the flood, but it didn't, because he caught it. Her gown opened slightly to expose a glimpse of her short nighty, with a deal of cleavage showing.

"Now I see where you have been hiding your valuables," he breathed softly to her.

"Open your gown a little and show yourself to me," he ordered, and her hands each took hold of a lapel and opened her gown a little to expose her beautiful bare chest and ample cleavage.

"Don't you look beautiful?" he asked her and she nodded, because she did feel beautiful.

The intruder's hand came up high on her chest and he asked,

"Your partner who loves you wouldn't like to see another man holding you or touching you," he told her and his hand moved gently down her chest to her nighty and slid over the silky material that covered her breasts.

Jeremy had decided to take a long time with this, as he once again gently caressed his mother's breasts beneath her nighty. Jenny felt beautiful and her pussy responded to her intruder's touch as he caressed her breasts. She knew her pussy was very wet, and her nipples hardened to his touch.

Then the intruder whispered,

"He can see us. He can see everything I'm doing. He can see me caress your breasts, but he can't say 'no', he doesn't want me to stop. Can you feel his eyes on you as I touch your gorgeous body," and Jenny nodded in sheer delight, she began to pant again and moan softly.

The intruder slipped his hand into her nighty and cupped her breast so he could gently pinch and squeeze her nipple and he whispered,

"He can see my hand in your nighty, on your breast, playing with your nipple. He's fascinated, he wants me to do more, do you want me to do more?" he asked and she nodded because she wanted more and his scenario of her partner was thrilling, but her knees were threatening to give out from under her.

The intruder removed his hand from inside her nighty and brought his other hand to her breasts, and with both hands he gently ran the flat of his palms across Jenny's nipples. She felt fantastic and her nipples hardened, her moans turned to groans and her body began to sway from side to side rhythmically.

"He's watching me play with your nipples," he whispered to her and she watched him touching her in the mirror.

Jenny was in heaven. The intruder continued on her nipples for some time, and she swam in the exciting waters of his touch.

"He can see me touching your breasts," he whispered and her excitement grew once again, but she had no idea why.

The intruder moved his palms from her breasts, down to her tummy where he lingered a little and then down to her pubic mound and to her woman's V which he caressed, using the fingers of both hands to gently trace her V, up and down and Jenny loved it as her groans attested to. He could see and feel she had panties on and he couldn't wait to see them.

"I think I've found your greatest jewel, haven't I?" he whispered and Jenny nodded as she watched the intruder's hands in the mirror and found that she loved to watch, it increased her excitement.

"He doesn't want me to touch you here, but you do don't you?" he whispered and again she nodded.

His hands were tracing her V lower and lower, and now the middle finger of each hand was tracing each side of her pussy through her very thin nighty and panties. Jenny didn't think sex with her son could have been better then Saturday morning, but this was.

The intruder's fingers moved to tracing the pussy lips themselves, and then he took his hands away and whispered to her,

"Lift your nighty up a little."

Jenny was now leaning heavily into her intruder's chest, and she obeyed without hesitation and watched herself begin to raise her short night just a little.

"That's it," he whispered encouragement to her.

"A little more," and Jenny raised her nighty so that it exposed the very tip of her panties at the end of her V.

"Do you have beautiful panties on?" he whispered and she nodded.

"Were they for him?" and she nodded again while looking at the tip of her panties in the mirror, desperately hoping her intruder would like them and her in them.

"Well I want you to show them to me, do you want to show me your lovely panties?" and she nodded enthusiastically.

"I want to see you in them, so lift your nighty so I can see you," her whispered his order to her, and Jenny found herself raising her nighty and revealing more and more of her see through, skin coloured panties to her intruder. Now he raised her gown tie and whispered,

"I have a blind fold here so you can't see my face, and I'm going to blindfold you now, but I'm not going to hurt ok?" and she nodded, knowing this meant something special was coming.

He blindfolded her and then turned her to face him, she was still holding her nighty up and he caressed her pussy gently and softly through her sheer panties. He made her feel fantastic, and she loved how he touched her. He could feel she was very wet so he slowly pulled her panties down and she stepped out of them. Her intruder then lifted her up to sit on the vanity bench, sitting her on the edge, where she waited as he undid his jeans and pulled out his dick.

Jeremy was fit to burst in his need to fuck his mother's gorgeous pussy, and all her body language told him she was dying for her son to fuck her. He once again marveled at Jenny's beautiful puffy pussy, with her lips even fuller with her extreme arousal. Instinctively and driven by her overpowering desire for him, Jenny spread her legs wide without having been told. She felt her intruder's dick for the first time as he rubbed the head of it up and down her pussy lips, and they opened to him. She wanted him so badly, she was almost in tears.

It was now Jenny knew what she wanted; it was so clear to her now. She wanted her son, her Jeremy to be her man and lover. Jenny very nearly screamed her need and desire for her son, but not wanting to disrupt the scenario she managed to control herself. Her intruder slowly pushed the head of his dick into her and Jenny let out a long sigh. He continued to push inside her and Jenny felt him filling her inside, and it felt so good. She was now panting heavily and saying,

"Oh yeah, oh yeah."

He finally pushed himself all the way into her, and she felt totally filled. Her intruder began a slow pumping action with his dick going in and out and Jenny felt herself coming to a climax quickly and he whispered again,

"He can see me fucking you," and it sent a thrill through her bringing her ever closer to her climax and within seconds he was panting.

This was her son, and she was overwhelmed by the power of her love and desire for him.

"Oh yeah, oh yeah. Fuck me Jeremy, fuck me baby. Oh Jeremy I'm so sorry, fuck me, fuck me," Jenny found herself saying, beginning quietly, and increasing her verbal encouragements to her son in both speed and volume.

He brought her to her climax as she flooded his dick with her cum, and she sustained it for about thirty seconds as he kept thrusting his dick in and out faster and faster. Jenny climax ended and she collapsed on her son's shoulder until he climaxed inside her a few seconds later. His mother felt his cum pump deep into her and she was blown away by just how much she wanted him to do it.

Jenny thought it was the most fantastic sex she had ever had by far. Her son withdrew himself from her and Jenny removed her blindfold, but he was gone maintaining a certain degree of their scenario. Ten minuets later, after Jenny had cleaned herself up and changed into her normal nighty and dressing gown, she walked into the lounge on still wobbly legs to find Jeremy watching TV as if nothing had happened, and his mother liked that.

Jenny sat next to her son and leaned into him, and he responded by putting his left arm around her and under her breasts and his right hand slid into her dressing gown and onto her crotch. Jenny thought how good her son's hand felt there.

"I don't care you're my son and my lover, because I want you in my bed and in my pussy. Do you think you can handle that?" she looked up to her son and beamed at him as she asked.

"Well put it this way mum, I hope you're ready again in about half an hour? I'll be your son this time, ok?" he asked and looked into his mother's beautiful face.

"Oh, I'll be ready and I would love a visit from my son, my loving young man, my lover," she said and then reached up and they kissed deeply as the lovers they now were. Jeremy the plan maker and uncrowned leader of The Clan had gone from naïve son to experienced man twice during this whole time with his mother, now he could be the man he was for his mother. He hoped all the other guys and their mothers were
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