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Earth-669. A multiverse that looked much like Prime Earth’s.

Been wanting to do a Batgirl centric erotica for awhile. A dark smutty twist on the new Batgirls comic series and using an old Batman crime family would be a good way to do it.

Hope you enjoy.
Issue 1 – Spoiler Spoiled

It was a usual Friday night for Gotham city. All sorts of criminals were out in force due to the absence of Batman, Nightwing, Red Robin and even regular Robin. The four were off-world helping the Justice League and Titans take care of some sort of universe ending threat. Gotham wasn’t left unprotected though.

At the old Gotham East Docks, a slim, feminine, hooded figure made her way up atop a tower of old containers.

“Oracle. I’m in position.” Spoiler said into her communication device. She creeped across a tower of containers, staying hidden in the shadows as she scanned the dock below her.

“Got it. I have a good trace on you. Remember Steph, this is just a recon op. Don’t do anything unnecessary.” Oracle replied as her eyes darted between the screens in front of her.

Spoiler rolled her eyes, “Come on, you’re the one always lecturing me about using code names in the field and here you are calling me Steph!”

“You’re right. You’re right. Okay, Spoiler. Focus up.” Oracle replied.

“Augh, come on. You don’t have to talk down to me. I’ve been doing this heroine thing for a good bit now.”

“I know, I know. I’m just a little worried. Cass is out at bludhaven, and everyone else is off-world. It’s just you.” Oracle said with a tone of a worried older sister. Although Barbara Gordon was only two years older than the 18 year old Stephanie Brown, Barbara had two more years of experience in fighting crime. That two more years made a league of difference.

Barbara Gordon was using the alias Oracle as she sat behind the computers to support her friend and fellow vigilante, Stephanie Brown who was using her Spoiler alias. Barbara had given Steph her blessing to use her Batgirl moniker and even put a Bat symbol on Steph’s costume, but Steph still felt more at home with her Spoiler moniker.

“Oracle. I got eyes on target.” Steph reported.

The target was Markus Falcone, aka “The Little Roman”. He was the youngest and only surviving son of the infamous Carmine Falcone. The Falcone Mafia once owned Gotham city, from the police to the mayor, but they were chased away by both Batman and costumed villains. Markus Falcone was bent on bringing his family name back to it’s former glory. Recently out of black gate, Markus had thought Batman’s absence meant that time was opportune, unfortunately the Batgirls were quite the consistent nuisance to his goals. A year ago the girls had been successful in ambushing him and getting him locked up, humiliating the young Don-to-be.

“Good. Now keep your distance and observe from afar. The Enhanced Binoculars you have is more than enough to record what's needed.” Barbara ordered, much to the younger heroine’s dismay.

“Oh come on! Are you serious? It’s just the little shit Falcone!” Stephanie argued. She was getting frustrated at how Barbara babied her.

Barbara remembered how feared and ruthless the Falcone’s were when she was growing up, having watched how stressed her father got when trying to deal with them. At their peak, they had even given Bruce a hard time when he first started.

“Steph. Listen to me. If Cass was here or if I was out there with you, then maybe. But for now, it's just you.” Barbara explained.

“And it's just him! ‘The Little Roman’. It isn't his dad and his old big bad mafia, it's a little punk and his gang of other punks.” Stephanie retorted. She wasn't wrong, the Falcone Mafia of now was barely a shadow of the Falcone Mafia of then.


“No! Come on! I'm ready. We've taken down these punks a bunch of times already! They’re C class criminals! Falcone’s a joke!” Spoiler argued, referencing the many times she and Barbara as Batgirl had taken out the various Falcone Mafia crews and squads. Crews and gangs who were guarding, transporting, selling illegal weapons, drugs and other contraband, or otherwise doing hood rat shit.

“Damn it Steph! For the last time, NO! You’re too inexperienced still!” Barbara yelled back into her mic, frustrated at how Stephanie was acting.

Stephanie didn’t reply.

“Steph?” Barbara said, after a little moment to cool off. “Shit!” Barbara exclaimed as she watched the transmitter on Stephanie’s suit turn off, “That idiot!”

Despite being frustrated and angry at Stephanie, a significant part of Barbara understood how Stephanie felt and her actions. It wasn’t too long ago that Bruce or Dick constantly chastised and lectured her. And despite all their lecturing and babying, Barbara ignored it all too, just as Stephanie was doing to her now. However, Barbara knew the consequences of such ignorance…

Barbara Gordon shut the computer off and stood up from the desk. She sighed and walked over to her closet where she kept her Burnside Batgirl costume. She had chosen to support Stephanie behind the computer because in actuality the information she got from the computer linked to the bat cave gave her more situational awareness than being on the ground did. But now she had to help her friend the best way she knew how.

While Barbara prepped herself as Batgirl, Stephanie leapt into action as Spoiler. The young purple and black clad heroine quickly made her way down the container tower, careful to stay hidden in the shadows.

‘Barbara thinks I can’t handle myself… I’ll show her!’ Stephanie thought to herself as she got closer and closer to Markus and his men. She counted only six men in total, including Markus himself.

“Thought you learned your lesson the last time Little Falcone!” Stephanie taunted Markus as she leapt from one container to another while throwing a pair of batarangs out at the thugs.

“Oh shit-Augh!” one of thugs cried out as one of the batarangs smacked into his head, knocking him out.

“Shit it’s the bat!” another cried.

“It ain’t the batman idiot! It’s Batgirl!”

“No no, it ain’t Batgirl. It’s her little friend, Spooky or some shit.” Markus corrected his goons, although a little off the mark.

“Hey asswipes! It’s rude to forget the name of the girl kicking your asses!” Stephanie shouted out as she ducked back into the shadows.

“Hah! You’re in over your head girly!” Markus taunted.

“Shut up creep!” Stephanie retorted then went silent.

The four conscious things around the young Falcone began to spread out and looked around nervously, scanning all around them for the vigilante girl. They failed to notice her drop behind them.

“Arrrgh!” One goon groaned as he was tripped to the ground. Before the others could react, Spoiler shot her grappling hook and made her way back into the shadows.

Stephanie didn’t notice but Markus had watched her the entire time, trailing her movements with his eyes.

“Now boys!” Markus ordered, triggering his men who were staged atop seemingly abandoned cranes to turn on bright spotlights onto the vigilante girl.

“Oh fuck!” Stephanie muttered loudly to herself as the lights blinded her momentarily. Her advantage fighting in the shadows, gone almost instantly. But she wasn’t down for the count just yet.

Stephanie threw tactical shades on from her utility belt, preventing the spotlights from blinding her. She counted three spotlights and noticed more thugs than before beginning to close in on her position.

The teenaged vigilante girl, although fitter than most men, was still a teenaged girl. She relied on hit and run tactics than hand to hand combat. She wasn’t bad at it, but she was no Batman, nor even as good as Tim. So in a fit of desperation, Spoiler threw the last of her eight batarangs all around her. Four thugs went down as they were struck while the four other batarangs found themselves stuck into the pistols and rifles on the four other thugs. Those left standing continued to close in on the heroine.

The grapple hook came out next in a desperate attempt to escape. Spoiler shot the hook at the eastern crane and she begins to fly through the air as she is pulled towards the crane.

“Impossible!” Stephanie cried out, her eyes wide open as she watches a knife fly through the air and cut the grappling hook line clean through. “Aughh!” Steph grunted as she crashed into the ground and a container.

“Hell yeah! Nice throw boss!” A goon complimented Markus.

Markus and seven of his men slowly made their way over to the down vigilante. She wasn’t out for the count yet though.

Spoiler threw down a smoke bomb and pulled out her twin expendable electrified batons. At that moment, she was thankful she had trained with Dick in escrima stick fighting, the little that she did do.

The smoke cloud continued to billow and engulfed the surrounding men. Stephanie turned the thermals in the tactical shades on and then made her move.

“Ahh!” a thug let out an electrified scream. Then another screamed. Another thug let out a small whimper as he dropped as well.

“Now boys!” Markus ordered again, this time triggering a pick-up truck with a large industrial fan strapped down on the back of it to pop out from one of the large containers on the ground.

The fan turned on and blew the smoke away, leaving the vigilante in a clear line of sight of the thugs armed with guns.

“No way…” Stephanie muttered in disbelief. She was beginning to realize that she had grossly underestimated the young Falcone and had fallen into a meticulously planned trap.

‘Oh man… I hope Barbs isn’t too mad at me for turning my transmitter off and comes looking for me…' Stephanie thought to herself as she found herself surrounded by the four thugs left standing and the Falcone.

“Put your weapons away. This bitch is mine.” Markus ordered as he began to make his way towards the heroine. Stephanie did not remember Markus being as built as he was or as tall.

“Ha, brave of you. Bring it on creep!” Spoiler said with bravado despite how nervous she was getting. Markus smirked.

“No more little tricks girly.” The mobster growled as he approached the heroine. He had an intimidating pressure to him as he moved on the heroine, who despite her growing fear, steeled herself in her resolve.

Spoiler made the first move, launching at the Falcone with a twin strike from above with her batons. Markus noticed how she telegraphed her move and dodged backwards and countered with a knee drive into the girl’s stomach.

“Auugh-aghh!” Stephanie grunted and coughed as she keeled over in pain, dropping her batons.

Markus quickly followed up by grabbing girl by her slim neck with his right hand and slammed her against the container behind her, holding her up against it, choking her. Instinctively the girl brought her hands up to his around her neck in a vain attempt to remove his hands.

“Argh-aghh-no! G-get off of me-aargh..” Stephanie protested as she was slowly choked by the mobster, her legs kicking helplessly as she was held up against the container about a foot off the ground. Her shades had fallen off at some point during the quick combo Markus had done on her, allowing him to see how pretty she really was even with her hood and face mask still up. Her pretty blue eyes slowly filled with fear.

“Well, well, well… Aren’t you just the pretty little blonde tease…” Markus commented, as he felt some blood rush to his cock at the sight of the pretty blonde teenage girl helplessly struggling against his grasp. He reached out and began to tug on her face mask.

“Noo…” Stephanie weakly protested, not wanting to get unmasked, especially like this. The mobster ignored her pleas and easily pulled her face mask down, revealing the vigilante girl’s full face.

“Mmm… now those are some lips just begging to be filled with some cock” Markus said, licking his own lips much to the heroine’s dismay. His cock was getting rock hard. His grip around the blonde’s slim throat loosened.

“Ahh.. don’t you even think about it..” Stephanie demanded despite having been handily defeated. Tears were beginning to form in her eyes. Markus and the thugs who were watching from afar loved the sight of the proud heroine squirming about helplessly.

Markus then suddenly released his grip around the girls throat but roughly turned the girl around and held her in a tight choke hold with one arm. With his other arm he stripped off the vigilantes prize utility belt, and with it, a lot of her hope in escaping.

‘Oh… that’s not good…' Stephanie lamented to herself as she tried to pull Markus’s arm off from around her neck.

“Want to know something funny?” Markus whispered into the girl’s ear while his free hand began to caress and grope the girl all over. He rubbed his crotch against the heroine’s tight round ass as he held her close to him.

“No…” Spoiler replied weakly and continued to struggle in Falcone’s grasp . She didn’t want to hear what this criminal had to say to her.

“This little trap wasn’t even meant for you… it was meant for that little bat bitch…” Markus began to explain, “But don’t worry bitch. I remember you. You were with Bat bitch that night. You helped her take down some of my boys and even helped her take me down…” the young Falcone described.

“Aughh… no… stop touching me-aargh!” the heroine complained as the mobster boss continued to grope and caress her with one hand while slowly choking her with his other. “Augh…gross..” Steph groaned as he forced her hips back and her tight round ass clad in her costumes spandex to rub against his crotch.

Falcone's men cheered and taunted the vigilante girl as they watched their boss tease and molest her. Their cocks got hard at the sight of the slim teenaged heroine bent over their boss as he groped her. They especially loved it when Markus would grope her tits. Stephanie especially hated this.

“Yeah… I remember you bitch. As clear as day now… You insulted me right before knocking me down…” Markus said into Stephanie's ear. The girl shuddered feeling the mobster’s hot breath against the back of her ear and neck.

“No… augh.. get off of me…” Stephanie whined, feeling the young Falcone’s hand begin to drift back down to her crotch. “Noo-argh!” She let out a feeble protest as the man began to rub her pussy through the fabric of her costume. Stephanie couldn’t believe what was happening.

“You said, that you bet they called me the ‘little roman’ because I had a small cock. That I had started to come back into Gotham as a way to make myself feel better. But that Gotham didn’t need another small dicked villain.” Markus described what he remembered, his arm around the vigilante girl’s neck tightening.

“Argh!” Stephanie choked. She did remember insulting the criminal before leaving him for the police. She always enjoyed taunting and insulting criminals, crooks and villains, she thought it was part of her charm as Spoiler. While she was getting choked and groped by Markus Falcone, she slightly regretted some of her witty insults. “Ahh-argghh…” She grunted as Falcone pushed his crotch harder against her ass.

“You feel that you little bitch?” Markus asked, referring to his thick 12 inch cock that was throbbing against the vigilante’s tight ass through the fabric of what they were wearing. Stephanie did feel his meaty cock and she wasn’t thrilled about it.

“Augh-no!” She whined

“Act all haughty and righteous all you want bitch, but I can feel how the idea of my cock inside of you makes you really feel…” Markus said while pressing his fingers deeper against her pussy through the fabric of her spandex. Regrettably for the heroine, she was getting a little wet.

Stephanie would never admit it to the mob boss, but she was getting turned on. She hated how the situation was making her feel, but she had always enjoyed the rough roleplays her and Tim would do. The intense rope heavy, “escape” exercises they would do. But this was different, she shouldn’t be feeling any type of way. Stephanie was ashamed of herself.

“Don’t worry bitch… You’ll get to feel my cock and more, soon, very soon…” Markus said, eliciting cheers and jeers from his men around them.

“No..augh-argggh! Let-aarghh!” Spoiler protested, struggling as hard as she could in the grasp of the mobster. She could feel him choking her harder and harder and she was helpless to do anything. She felt her legs buckle as her consciousness quickly began to fade…

‘No… this can’t be happening… someone save me… Barbara please…' Stephanie thought to herself right before passing out.

“No…” Batgirl muttered to herself when she finally arrived on the scene. “ no. Shit! Shit shit shit shit!” She continued as she scanned the docks from atop of a crane overlooking them. She couldn’t see anything.

Barbara Gordon had suited up in her Burnside Batgirl costume as fast as she could. As soon as the suit was on, she moved to Stephanie’s last known location on her transmitter. It had only been an hour since Steph had turned her transmitter off. Yet when Barbara arrived to the docks, she couldn’t find signs of a struggle let alone anyone even being there.

‘It was a trap… And a thorough one too…' Barbara deduced as she continued to look around for clues. ‘Damn it Steph!’ She thought with both worry and frustration.

Batgirl spent rest of the night searching the docks for clues for her missing friend. The only thing of value she was able to find that made her heart sick too, was a crushed transmitter. It seemed like it was placed for her to find. To taunt her.


“Damn… Ay Johnny, I can’t get this thing to work.” A man dressed in a decent suit said over to his friend. The man was a Mafia soldier or a common thug and he was messing with a small video camera on a tripod.

“Shit, Ray, just power the fookin thing on, but don’t hit record yet.” Johnny, the other Mafia soldier in the room, told his friend. “Shit, man, the lights blinking red. Hit that button again, boss ain’t here and prolly don’t want us recording yet.”

“Right right, my bad.” Ray stammered as he fumbled his fingers around on the camera to stop it from recording.

“Aaarrmmgphh…” The subject of the two cameras, the vigilante girl, Spoiler began to stir awake. The girl immediately began to take stock of her situation.

The first thing she realized was that she was in a chair of some sort. Next, she immediately realized that there was a large ball-gag in her mouth and she had a blindfold over her eyes. The gag was quite large and made her mouth sore. She could feel her own drool pool around the ball-gag and slowly leak out from the corners of her mouth and drip down her chin onto her tits. Lucky enough, Steph could feel that she was fully dressed still save for her mask, her hood being pulled down, and no utility belt.

‘Oh… this is bad…' Stephanie thought to herself as she attempted to move. She found her hands to be cuffed above and behind her head, chained to the back of the chair. Her legs were frog-tied and spread apart with a strong thick rope, making it impossible for her to close her legs. She felt very vulnerable.

“Aaarrmmmmpghh!” She groaned into the ball-gag in frustration while struggling. This caught the attention of the two Mafia thugs in the room with her.

“Oh shit, she’s up. Get the boss.” Johnny told the other soldier. Ray gave a face in response, he wanted to be in the room when the pretty blonde girl woke up. Both of the thugs’ cocks had been at half chub while setting up the cameras.

“Aaarrmmmmph!” the heroine protested through the large ball gag in her mouth. She had gathered from the conversation of the two goons that they had cameras on her perilous situation. She wasn’t thrilled about it and she wasn’t thrilled about the fact that they were getting their boss now. Stephanie assumed it was the creep Markus Falcone.

She was correct.

“Welcome to the Falcone Lake House, Spoiler.” Markus said as he stepped into the room the vigilante girl was being kept in. Markus didn’t recognize the girl from anything, just a pretty little blonde girl. The girl was such a stunner that walking in and seeing her all tied up in her tight costume caused blood to rush to his cock.

“Aaaaarmpgh!” Stephanie cursed the Mafia Don out, but only muffled noises and grunts came out. She struggled hard to no avail, the chains and ropes were too strong. Without any of her tools from her utility belt, she didn’t have a real way to escape. The Falcone just scoffed at her helpless struggling.

“Ray, Johnny, man the cameras… and don’t worry I’ll let you boys take a crack at her… but not before I fill each one of her holes.” Markus said to his men, just loud enough so the helpless heroine could hear. The two thugs faces lit up at the prospect of being able to stuff their cocks inside of the sexy helpless blonde vigilante girl, even if already used by their boss. Ray had personally experienced a beat down by the heroine.

“Aaaaaammmpghhhh!” Stephanie protested loudly against the prospect and the idea. The heroine struggled and squirmed even harder, unfortunately achieving nothing but arousing the three deviant men surrounding her. She had no desire to allow even Markus to even touch her one bit. Though she was quite helpless to stop him or anyone from doing anything. Despite all her protesting and struggling, there was a small, perverted part of her that was coming alive, that was getting excited at the idea of being helpless and at the whims of these criminals. A part of herself that she hated. She hated that she could feel her pussy get wet as the criminal scum continued to touch her.

“Now boys, I need you man the cameras now.” Markus instructed his men as he approached the helpless heroine. He placed his hands on her thighs and gripped tightly.

“Aaaammppghhh!” Stephanie whined as she felt the criminals rough hands grip her thighs through the fabric of her costume. She felt a shiver of fear run down her spine as the man loosened his grip and caressed up her thighs. Markus lifted his right hand and began to tug at the blind fold around her eyes.

“Johnny… I need you to focus your camera on our little heroine’s face here. You need to capture all her emotion and expression as I fill her tight little pussy with my cock.” The Mafia Don continued his instructions as he pulled the blindfold down from her eyes. His eyes met a glare from the girl and he smiled, “Good… I’m glad you have some fight in you… wouldn’t be fun otherwise.” He said and stroked the girl’s cheek with his face. “Ray, you capture everything else.”

“Aaaaaaammmmpghh!” She cried out into her gag angrily. The red lights on the cameras started blinking much to her chagrin.

‘No! This can’t be happening!’ Stephanie despaired. ‘Turn it off! Turn it off!’ she wanted to scream but only muffled screams came out. The gag was nothing short of effective.

She hated what she was hearing and how the man touched her like she was a piece of meat. She wanted nothing more than to stab the Little Roman in the eye with a batarang.

He chuckled at her response and her glare. He loved it, the sight of her struggling, screaming at him with the red ball-gag in her mouth as her drool dripped down her chin and onto her costume clad tits.

“Don’t worry bitch, you’ll get your just punishment soon enough. I’ll break you into telling me everything about yourself and your friends…” Markus said, finding himself going into a small villainous monologue, “Be it by the whips and crops or the endless amounts of cocks that will stuff all your slutty little holes, you’ll break…”

“Aaaaamrpgh!” Stephanie growled through the gag, interrupting the Don. She glared daggers at him, keeping her bravado up.

‘I’ll never break creep! Do you worse you tiny dicked criminal scum!’ Stephanie thought to herself to steel her resolve. She fought back the urge to cry from the threats made, the urge to shake in fear. She was a Batgirl for crying out loud, she couldn’t break! Barbara trusted her. Cassandra, Bruce, Dick, Damian. Tim…

“Hah, all you little super heroines are the same.. All dressed up in your tight or skimpy little outfits, fighting crime, teasing the lowly criminal, villains, and thugs… Except, uh oh, you actually don’t have any powers and now a big bad criminal scum has caught you..” Markus taunted as he brought both his hands to the girls tits and groped them hard.

“Aaaammph!” Stephanie squealed and pulled on her binds as the Mafia Don continued to maul and grope her tits through the fabric of her costume. Markus and the two other thugs just scoffed and smiled in delight at the sight.

“Don’t worry bitch… I got something that’ll make all this a little easier for you.” Markus said, pulling his right hand away from playing with the girl’s tits. He pulled out a small little needled syringe from his pocket. Stephanie’s eyes widened at the sight of it.

“Aaaaamrpgh! Aaaaaammmrpgh!!” She yelled into the gag. She definitely did not want whatever that was and she was deathly afraid of needles. Unfortunately for the intrepid heroine, she could only struggle and squirm in her binds as Markus slowly brought the needle to her arm, a soft part of her costume with no kevlar lining.

“Shhhh, just take this kindness… All of our new whores love this thing.” The Mafia Don said with a hushed voice as he pressed down on the syringe, slowly injecting the mysterious serum into the helpless heroine.

“Aaaaaaamprghh!!” Stephanie screamed in anger and fear as she felt the needle pierce her skin and the serum seep into her. Almost immediately Stephanie began to feel her body get hot and tingle everywhere, especially her pussy and tits. Her already wet pussy got even wetter…

“It’s called Plaisir… created by some French fuck to help him pleasure his wife cause he had a tiny cock..” Markus joked, eliciting a small chuckle from Ray and Johnny. “Makes a killing in Europe… You and Batbitch busted a few shipments of this. But I managed to save some and create this special, concentrated dose for you…” He explained as he tapped the syringe a few more times for good measure before pulling it out of her.

“Aaaammpghh!” Stephanie squealed as Markus brought his hands back to her tits and gave them a good hard squeeze. She couldn’t believe what she was feeling as powerful wave of pleasure crashed over her from a simple grope.

“Yeah… the little bitch likes it. Johnny, make sure you’re getting this!” Markus said before continuing to grope the girl harder and harder.

“Aaammmmrgh! Aaarmpgh!!” Stephanie squealed, biting the gag to try to prevent herself from moaning but it was useless. It was too much, “Aaaaaaooommpmmpghhh!” she moaned loudly into the gag. Markus and his cameramen smiled with delight. Johnny zoomed the camera onto Stephanie’s face as she moaned into her gag, capturing her expression of reluctant pleasure.

‘Noo… nooo! This can’t be happening… I can’t be feeling this good! Stop! Stop!’ Stephanie thought to herself as she felt herself getting pushed closer and closer to a powerful orgasm. The young teenaged vigilante girl did her best to fight the urge to cum, but the aphrodisiac drug was too much.

“Mmmm! That’s right bitch! Cum like the little slut you really are!” Markus taunted as he mauled and groped the girls perky tits harder and harder until she came hard.

“AAAAAOOOOOMMMPPHHHH!” Stephanie screamed in pleasure against her will as she was forced to cum hard. The fabric around her crotch of her costume began to get soaked from her juices. She was so humiliated…

The Mafia men watched in delight as the girl came hard, squirming and writhing in her binds. Drool dripping out from the ball gag and down her chin almost uncontrollably as she screamed. Her breathing erratic and sensual. It was a sight to get all three men rock hard.

“Look at that. Our little vigilante bitch is all wet from cumming so hard from just having her perky little tits played with.” Markus commented as he moved his hands from her tits down to her crotch. “Ray, get a shot of this.” He instructed. Ray did as he was told eagerly, zooming the camera in onto her crotch that was visibly soaked in girl’s own juices.

“Aaaammpphhhh…” Stephanie whined, filled with humiliation and waning pleasure.

“Don’t worry Lil slut, I know what you’re really craving.” Markus said. He was also eager to stuff his cock inside the helpless costumed blonde.

“Aaaammpphh!!” she squealed as he quickly cut away the fabric of her costume around her crotch. The Mafia don took a moment to soak in the sight of her costume matching purple thong soaked in her own juices, allowing Ray to capture the sight with his camera too.

“Beautiful.” Markus commented before he ripping the thong off. The face of all three thugs lit up at the sight of the girl’s bare pretty little pussy.

“Aaaaaammpghh!!” Stephanie protested, back to glaring daggers at the Mafia don. She couldn’t believe she was on display like this. She shaved her pussy bare because it was easier to wear the uniform in, and maybe because Tim liked it, but not for creeps like Markus Falcone!

“Now ain’t that just the prettiest delicate little pussy. My cock is just throbbing at the sight of it! “ Markus exclaimed as he quickly fumbled his thick rock hard 12 inch cock out from his slacks.

“Aaammmppghh!” Steph squealed, feeling the tip of the thug’s cock against her soaking wet pussy. “Aaamphh! Aaaaammpph-Aaaooommpgh!!” She protested only to let out a small moan as the young Mafia don slowly pushed his cock inside of her tight pussy. Her eyes widened in disbelief, shock, and pleasure as the cock pushed deeper inside of her.

“Oh my god! You feel fucking amazing! Do all you little costumed sluts feel this good!” Markus exclaimed as he deliberately pushed his cock inside of her slowly, so she could feel every inch of him.

Johnny, like instructed, kept his camera focused on the shocked face of the vigilante girl as it slowly turned to reluctant pleasure with each inch deeper inside of her. Ray focused his camera on her pussy as it split open to take his boss’s thick cock before zooming out to capture the moment in it’s entirety. The helpless costumed vigilante girl squirming in her binds, moaning as the criminal stuffs his thick cock inside of her. Johnny and Ray’s cocks were both rock hard and were both eager to get a chance at fucking her.

“Aaaammpgh! Aaaaaammmpghhhh~!” the heroine moaned hard into her ball gag as she came hard as the criminal finished stuffing all 12 inches inside of her. Her head was quickly clouding with pleasure.

‘Nooo! Noooo! I can’t believe I came from this criminal scum’s cock!’ Stephanie admonished herself, ‘Aughh! This is bad! I can barely think straight! Feels…too good…'

“Oh Fuck! She’s got a vice grip on my cock! The little slut!” Markus exclaimed, feeling her already tight pussy twitch and tighten around his cock as she came. It was a challenge for Markus not cum himself, he could feel his cock throbbing and wanted to, but he wanted to enjoy the little slut a little more before he did.

“Aaaaammmmmmph! Aammphh!” the girl grunted and moaned as Markus began to pump his cock inside of her lithe petite frame, pushing her towards another body shaking orgasm against her will.

‘No! Oh gawd!’ Stephanie thought as she was forced to cum again against her will. Her body betrayed her. ‘Augh! That damn drug he gave me!’

“Fuck!” Markus cried out as he slammed his cock inside of her, feeling her pussy tighten around his cock once more. It was a lot. The feeling of the girls tight pussy around his cock, her moans, the sight of her expression as she came again and again.

Markus could barely believe that he had accomplished one of his main goals he had made for himself while he was in prison. To capture Spoiler and Batgirl and rape her. To stuff his cock inside their sexy teasing little frames. And he was one of two now.

“Aaammph….aaammmph….aaampph…” Stephanie panted and breathed hard, trying to catch her breath as Markus caught his own while his cock was fully stuffed inside of her. Tears of humiliation and frustration formed in her eyes and dropped down her face.

“Oh that’s good! Our strong little Spoiler is crying. Johnny you better capture this!” Markus pointed out and Johnny captured it. The sight of the pretty unmasked costumed vigilante girl known as Spoiler crying, her mascara and make up giving the effect of black tears. The thugs loved the sight.

“Aaaampphh!” Stephanie whimpered hard. She just wanted this ordeal to be over. Unfortunately for her, Markus Falcone had much more deviant plans for her.

“Aw, you wanna me to keep going huh? No problem you little slut!” Markus replied to the girls whimper and slowly resumed pumping his thick cock inside of her, quickly eliciting a small moan from the girl.

“Aaaaammmmph~!” the young vigilante girl moaned and squealed into the gag. She hated how the cock of the criminal scum made her feel but there was little she could do. As hard as she fought not to cum, it seemed to only make her cum harder, “AAAAAMMPPPHH!!” She screamed as the Falcone pumped his cock harder and harder inside of her, pushing her over the edge again and again. Her body shuddered and shook as multiple orgasms ripped through her small frame.

“Fuck me! This is it slut! I’m about to cum up all inside your tight little pussy!” Markus blurted out as his cock pulsated and throbbed inside of the barely legal heroine.

“AAAAMMMPHH!” Stephanie screamed. She wanted to tell the criminal not to dare but she could barely think, overwhelmed by intense amount of pleasure coursing through her body. She hated how could feel the no-good thug’s cock throb and pulsate inside of her, how she could feel it leak precum inside of her. She hated how good it felt.

“Hope your on some sort of bat birth control bitch! Aughh!” Markus groaned and grunted as his cock explodes a thick heavy load inside of the girl, filling her tight little pussy.

“AAAAAAMMMMMPPHH!” Stephanie screamed as she felt her pussy fill with the Falcone’s warm gooey cum, herself cumming hard at the feeling. “Aaaaammph….” She moaned and whimpered, her pussy trembling as she felt the man’s cum oozing and dripping out of her pussy now as he slowly pulled his cock out of her. Fortunately for her, she was on some sort of Bat birth control, it was part of the supplements that Barbara had her take. She never realized that this may have been what they were for…

“Fuck you felt good! Might have to fuck your tight little pussy a few more times before I let my men get a turn!” Markus jested at the defeated vigilante’s expense, “Mmm.. look at that, all my jizz just dripping out of your pretty little pussy, what a waste you little slut! Ray make sure you zoom in and get that.” He instructed his henchmen.

Ray zoomed the camera into the helpless heroine’s abused pussy, capturing how full of cum it was, how his boss’s cum was now dripping out of it. Johnny made sure he caught the expression of the heroine’s face turn from almost cum-drunk to horror, shock, disbelief, and humiliation.

“Tsk, what a waste.” Markus commented again, taking two of his fingers and scooped a good bit of his cum dripping out from her pussy. Like icing on a cake of humiliation, Markus took the scoop of cum on his fingers and smeared it against the pretty blonde heroine’s face, her flush rosy cheeks to be specific.

“Aaaammmpphh…” Stephanie whimpered as tears streamed down her face, mixing in with the cum smeared onto her face. The once proud vigilante of Gotham couldn’t believe that a member of the notorious Falcone had just raped her and came so much inside of her. Let alone made her cum again and again, to the point her body was still trembling and shaking.

“Get her out of that seat. We’re not done yet…” Markus ordered much to the heroine’s dismay. “Not even close.”

Ray followed his boss’s order and moved to untie the girl from the seat she was in. Ray untied the binds that kept the girl’s legs spread first, then the ropes that kept her tied to the seat, lastly the chain on the back of the chair that connected to her handcuffs were unlinked. The thug took the opportunity to get a good grope in on the girl, eliciting a small whimper from her.

Stephanie was exhausted and barely put up a fight, weakly squirming in the thugs grasp as he brought her down to her knees. Her hands were still cuffed in front of her and her legs were still frog-tied. She was still as helpless as before, just not tied to the seat, and now had cum oozing out of her pussy while on her knees.

“The gag.” Markus said, motioning for Ray to take the gag off. Ray unbuckled the tight and large ball-gag.

“Aaaam-aaahhh…” the vigilante girl let out a groan if relief as the ball-gag came out of her mouth. It was followed by a lot of her own spittle that dropped onto her costume clad tits, her chest emblazoned with a yellow bat symbol she was so proud to wear. She felt horrible as spittle and drool dripped down into it.

“Nothing to say?” Markus asked, his tone taunting while he stroked his cock. The heroine was surprised to see that it was still hard after having been filled with what she felt to be large heaps of his cum. She glared daggers at the Mafia don.

“You won’t get away with this you creep! You think that shitty little fucking is enough to break me! Yeah right! I’ll fuckin kill you once I get out of this!” Stephanie went into a full blown tirade, “I swear to God! I’ll cut your tiny little cock off and-Aa-aiyeeoww!” She was cut off by a quick slap to the face. Her tirade was met with chuckles and smirks.

“That’s more like it. Ha. Ray, the ring gag.” Markus said in response.

Ray waited for the angry yet helpless heroine to start another rant or tirade, for her mouth to open. It didn’t take long.

“How dare yo-AAaaaaa-aaahh! Aaaaaah! Aaaah!” Stephanie began to say only to have Ray shove the large, uncomfortable ring gag into her mouth, tightening the straps hard before securing it.

Ray then moved back to his camera to capture the scene. The heroine known as Spoiler, helplessly tied up and on her knees, tongue sticking out cause of the ring gag, cum dripping out of her pussy, glaring daggers up at the man known as the Little Roman who was stroking his cock. Johnny focused his camera on the face of the pretty blonde girl, whose expression just moments ago was more akin to a pornstar than a determined vigilante. Both cameramen thugs were eager to film what was about to happen.

‘Augh... This can’t be happening to me... Please... Barbara...Save me...somebody...anybody...’ Stephanie thought to herself in desperation despite the show of bravado she had just put on for Markus and his goons. As proud as she was, Stephanie wasn’t sure if she would be able put up much more of a fight...
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