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This story is based on a true story. A story I heard once from a friend about an someone he knew and it inspired me to build this story.

English is not my mother tongue, so I only ask for a little patience and understanding.

It starts a little slow, but it is necessary for the introduction of the story. I hope you enjoy it

Pedro moves to his in-laws' house and soon he will set his sights on one of his sisters-in-law.


1. So it begins…

—The disadvantage of the attic is that it doesn't have a bathroom, so you can't go around with that bad habit of walking around naked, realize that this isn't your house. —She says imperatively.

—Don't worry about that, that's something I've only done with you in the apartment knowing that we are alone.

—Well, you have to go downstairs to go to the bathroom, it's the second door on the left. So when you go to the bathroom, go dressed, not with the cloth around your waist, not half—naked either, be aware there are minors in the house.

—Alright, Maru, it's okay, I got it —I said resigned and bored.

Sometimes she gets intense, that mania of trying to control everything appeared since we decided to move here. However, I was already used to it. The move to her father's house had made her a little nervous. I hoped she would calm down when we moved in. And my habit of being naked in the apartment she always criticized me. For now she's going to be calmer about not being able to walk around at my own pace. She didn't want us to move there, but we had no choice. During the construction of our house, we could not continue paying rent for the apartment where we lived.

I had been married for three years to María Eugenia, who everyone called Maru and who was my girlfriend for two years, she was 24 years old at the time and I was 30 and we were doing very well, the only blemish I had was an affair that she had discovered once when we were dating and that put our future marriage in danger, so every time she got upset she threw it in my face, as a typical thing for women. Since then I have behaved well, and we were doing very well.

My name is Pedro Miguel Anton, and we had decided to invest in the construction of a house in an exclusive area of the city, one of the best, leaving us with few possibilities to continue paying the high rent we were paying in a luxurious apartment, the construction was going to take at least 6 months to a year and it was also going to take all a small inheritance that I had received from a beloved aunt who had died recently and was the one who ended up raising me.

Then the father-in-law very cordially proposed that we move into his house while they finished ours and that way we could save on rent. With no other choice, Maru accepted after having refused her father's first proposals.

Once we moved in, the father-in-law wouldn't even allow us to help with the household expenses, nor the food; there was no need to do so, he had plenty of money, and having the light of his eyes nearby was wonderful for him. Her father had offered to give Maru a house when we got married, but she was always proud and took nothing for granted. She wanted to achieve anything she proposed and she did it. She didn't accept an important position in her father's company either, according to her she wanted to grow on her own and maybe later with more experience to assert herself in the company, after all she was one of the heirs.

The father-in-law's house is not a mansion, but it is a big house, it has 7 rooms which are: The main, 4 in use, 1 guestroom and 1 for service, of those only 5 rooms have bathroom, a huge attic, a study, a room that looks like a great hall, dining room for 12 people, game room big enough where there is a pool table and giant screen to watch games and movies, and of course there is a well equipped bar, a large garden with big trees that provide good shade and a beautiful and large swimming pool, a barbecue area, a garage for 6 cars and a tool room equipped to do almost anything and where I entertained myself a lot in my free time.

They gave us the largest space in the house: The attic, Maru did not want us to use her room that was still decorated when she was a teenager, the guest room was also available, but the same father-in-law recommended the attic, because it was a larger space and we could have all the privacy possible to make life as a couple, in an area that had most of the amenities we needed, even receive visitors in a more intimate environment.

Of course it has its details such as, there are parts where the roof is lower due to the slope of the water and you can not walk without bending down, but it is the largest, occupies almost half the house, a notable drawback is that it has no bathroom. But we did have almost all the other comforts of a room, a good king size bed, a fridge, a large TV, a set of furniture, a set of tables, a reclining chair, only the kitchen and bathroom were missing and it would have been the perfect apartment. He had recently conditioned it for us.

In the house when going up to the rooms, there are two corridors, a small one to the right that leads to the main room, and a long one to the left where there are 7 doors, 3 on each side and at the end of the corridor of rooms there is a door that is the attic, just open it are the stairs that go up to the attic and that halfway makes a junction to the left.

On each side of the attic door are the doors of the youngest of the house, Mario José who everyone calls Marito is 11 years old, and María Lourdes who everyone calls Malu who is 16 years old. The closest bathroom is the one next to Malu's room. Both hers and Marito's have no bathroom and use the bathroom in the hallway.

Let me describe my in-laws, my father-in-law's name is Mario Andres Salvatierra, he is a nice and thick man, but handsome, in his time he was quite a handsome, brown hair, he was 60 years old at that time and although he doesn't look it, he is a very calm person, he is never in a hurry and does not get angry for anything, he is a very cheerful person, nothing seems to take away his peace, very good humor and always playing jokes on others, he and I are very similar in that sense, no wonder Maru saw in me something of his father. Everything revolves around him at family gatherings and he likes to see the whole family together, so there is always movement on the weekends, if not at home, it is a trip to the beach or a ride on the family yacht.

His wife, my mother-in-law is called Maria Jose, a lady of Spanish origin of 50 years very well preserved, blonde athletic body, very white skin, very beautiful face that indicated had been a goddess in her youth, with strong lines of expression without being old wrinkles, with one or another surgery and a breast operation that is a spectacle, besides the care she gives to her athletic body with daily visits to the gym, she is a lady of strong character and gift of command, she takes the reins of the house, her orders are not questioned, not even her father-in-law does it, she is a very modern woman, elegant but of simple treatment, she is not the typical stiff woman of those who look at you out of the corner of her eye.

Maru, my wife is the eldest daughter of 24 years old, she is beautiful, has light brown hair, light brown eyes, excellent body, operated breasts, small waist and good hips, with a prominent butt inherited from her mother. Her body is curvy. She has a strong character, somewhat jealous to say the least, she is a maniac of order and cleanliness and questions everything. She has an overwhelming personality and always takes the lead in meetings, she attracts a lot of attention wherever she goes, although she really hates being the center of attention and is proud.

She has three more siblings, two females; one of 20 called Maria Carolina who everyone calls Carola, she is very white skin like her mother and very black hair, has a very fine face and is beautiful, as much or more than Maru, is the one who is physically hotter, she lives and dies in a gym, has a body sculpture of a Greek goddess, is athletic and worked body, muscular, and was somewhat defined, with minimal fat on her body. She has participated in several marathons and aerobic competitions. She has a surly character, she seems to be always in a bad mood, and even unfriendly, at least with me she has always been like that, I have had very little dealings with her.

Malu is the last female and she is 16 years old, she is a beautiful blonde, she is a little shy at the beginning, but when she gets confidence she opens up more, and she is very clever. Malu is slim and has a slender body like a European catwalk model, but at the same time is toned and firm, with a round and tight ass that is simply perfect, the protagonist of many fantasies, I did not miss the opportunity to see it always, whether at the beach or pool for a while now. She had small breasts. She was very beautiful, perhaps the most beautiful of the three, clear eyes between green, brown and gray like Don Mario's, freckles on her chest, shoulders and cheeks and a very fine fuzz on most of her body that makes her look very delicate. If I am not mistaken she was 5'6", she was not going to be tall, not so small either, but in any case she was a very beautiful combination.

With her I always got along very well, maybe because we met when I started dating Maru, our treatment was very affectionate, she always said that I was her favorite brother-in-law, and I joked with her answering that I felt lucky to be the only one among so many brothers-in-law, I have seen her grow up since she was 11 years old practically.

Not so with Carola, who saw me as an intruder in the family, also sometimes with a face of displeasure perhaps because of how robust I was, because I am not ugly, I have my attraction despite being of thick build, let's say that I had a few extra kilos, but did not reach the minimum degree of obesity, but it was too much for her to be so athletic, she also said I was a clown, giving me a joke and did not explain what her sister had seen me, no doubt she had not seen it yet. Carola was not living in the house at that time, she was studying in the capital and would not be back for at least two months when the summer vacations started.

The last one, the only boy, was called Mario Andres, just like his father, and he was 11 years old and everybody called him Marito. Addicted to video games, he has a Nintendo and a Playstation, and that's what he entertained himself with all day when he was at home.

The first and second month at home everything was normal, in the morning everyone went to work and Malu went to high school and she had a year left to finish. Mario went to school, the only ones left in the house were the three maids, one for cleaning, a cook who has many years, and another one who was divided in both functions, and who worked in the house until 6 in the afternoon, at noon almost everyone went to eat and Malu and Marito arrived from classes, they then stayed alone all afternoon at home, while my mother-in-law spent her time visiting, shopping and/or coffee with her friends and the occasional charity meeting with the well-known Salesian Ladies of the region.

Most of the time I didn't go for lunch, since the office worked until 3:30 or 4 in the afternoon, and everyone usually arrived after 6, including my wife, whom I sometimes passed by looking for and we arrived home together.

In mid-July the school vacations arrived. The end of the school year gift would be a trip for the whole family in mid-August in the Caribbean on the yacht that Don Mario had, trips that everyone loved. Once a year there were long trips of at least two weeks all over the Caribbean and beyond. And several short trips of up to a week maximum, a few times a year. But this year the trip would take place later, as the yacht was in the shipyard for some repairs and maintenance.

And I thought I could take a vacation too, I had a good time without taking a vacation and being from a supervisory position in the family company where I worked, I thought I would take a loose vacation to better supervise the construction of the house and rest. As the father-in-law's house is very comfortable, cool because of the air conditioners, it causes to be there all day, so I took a two month period of rest from mid-July to mid-September and my wife would take hers from September and so we would go on the family trip together and then by ourselves.

One Monday, two days of me being on vacation I had stayed up late watching tv, and I woke up at about 10 very sleepy and went to the bathroom, I was in shorts and no shirt taking advantage of Maru was not at home and a towel around my neck, I went downstairs barefoot, went out into the hallway and went to the bathroom, the door was ajar and when I was going to open it more to enter, There was Malu naked entering the shower, I was petrified, more awake impossible I stared at how that delicate body looked better naked, her small breasts showed a pair of tiny pink nipples and buttocks very round as a pair of balls, covered by a fine hair, they were perfection made buttocks. The shower doors are tinted glass, so when she closed the shower door I stepped back from the bathroom door, because she could see me from inside the shower, but I couldn't see her.

When I turned around to go to my room I noticed that something in me was growing very fast, so I went inside and closed the attic door and sat on the stairs to wait for her to come out, while I softly stroked my erection over my shorts and thinking about that body, my mind was going a mile a minute and I wasn't very clear what, but I had to act and fast not to let that opportunity go to waste.

I stood with the big tent in full on shorts, stepped out carefully and left the towel on the attic ladder, I peeked downstairs and all was well, the women downstairs cleaning and cooking, I retraced my steps and stood by the bathroom door, I waited for her to turn off the shower to soap up and wash her hair, when she did I waited a moment and pretending to be drowsy with my eyes half open and my big tent in my shorts, I went into the bathroom.

I opened the door and closed it behind my back, she didn't say anything and that caught me a little off guard, I thought she was going to scream and I was going to get out, of course showing all my splendor. I stood in front of the sink and the mirror quickly organizing my ideas, I yawned and stretched a lot bending my body backwards making the big bulge noticeable, I even put my hands in my shorts and took them off for a moment and said quietly enough for her to hear -You never stop being so hard? - I tucked it back in and set about washing my face and shaving, on the floor was her robe which I slyly looked at through the mirror, but I pretended I never saw her, behind the shower I could hear nothing, I was really distracted while shaving and my boy started to relax, so I took advantage and walked over to the toilet next to the shower and stood facing the tempered glass doors where she might be. I pulled out my member and took a long, long piss.

Knowing that she was behind the shower door, watching me more closely, turned me on, and my sex again started to react, so I had to push to finish quickly, before I had to bend my body to aim down, again I said -But you don't take a break, let Maru arrive at noon to take care of you- I shook it a little straw-like to drain it well making it get in its maximum expression, through my mind passed the crazy idea of masturbating myself right there, but it already seemed crazy and I discarded the idea, then I made a gesture to pull down my shorts completely and then I said -fuck! I left the towel, I pulled up my shorts again and went out of the bathroom, I closed the attic door and waited for a moment, I heard when she closed the bathroom door with a lock and went in to finish bathing, I went out and stood with the towel around my neck next to the bathroom door, I leaned on my shoulder and waited.

Thinking about her nakedness and imagining the scene of her looking at me in the shower, the erection that never went down, I waited a long time and the truth is I was falling asleep fantasizing about that youthful and forbidden body, leaning on my left shoulder against the wall, that I didn't notice when she finished bathing.

After a while she opened the bathroom door and came out almost running, collided head on with me and with my erection that reached just below her navel, and sticking her face to my chest, the truth is that I got quite a scare, and she gave a scream that was heard throughout the house. She was all agitated, still all wet, badly dried and she dropped her towel, I look at her face, she looks down with her face red with sorrow and very quickly bends down to pick up her towel and when she looks up and gets the tent in my shorts in front of her face and is startled, she quickly straightens up, wrapping herself nervously in the towel, looks up again and with even more sorrow, her face redder than a tomato, she apologizes and quickly passes me by and goes into her room.

With a smile on my lips I went into the bathroom, closed the door and leaned against her, everything had happened in fractions of a second and I recreated in my mind what I had just seen. Her freckled breasts were subtly beautiful perfectly rounded, barely bulging and firm, her pink, virgin nipples were erect, therefore smaller and pointier.

Immediately I heard footsteps in the hallway, it was one of the maids coming to see what was going on, she knocked on Malu's door and I heard her tell her that she had bumped into me and that she had been startled, but nothing had happened and that was all for the moment.

That was the moment that would start a series of passionate events that were to be unleashed in every corner of that house.

2. Voyeur.

During the bath I kept thinking about my sister-in-law and how beautiful she looks in that body. Inevitably I had a hard erection, as I hadn't had for a long time, and I tried to masturbate under the shower, but a remorse came to my mind. I shouldn't have been thinking about her, especially not in that way. I felt somewhat perverted and felt ashamed of myself.

While I had fantasized about her before, being closer to accomplishing something made me realize how far my thoughts and actions had gone. Back in my room I thought again and told myself I was going to do everything I could to avoid any hint of my carnal intentions towards her. The very thought of Maru finding out gave me the shivers.

When I came out of my room already dressed I met her in the hallway, and she was coming towards her room, I greeted her, she still with a blushing face greeted me more shy than ever, then I told her:

-Malu look with respect to this morning excuse me for.... well... it's just that it's normal that sometimes in the morning I'm like this.

-Like what? -she said distractedly without understanding.

-Well... you know... the thing," I said pointing to my parts.

-Thing? -She didn't seem to get what I was telling her about earlier.

-The erection thing... well, in the shorts," emphasizing the pointing gesture towards the shorts…

-Ahhh!" he reacted agitatedly while his cheeks were filling alarmingly with blood, blushing like a tomato again.

-Well never mind, I'm sorry for scaring you this morning," I noticed that she avoided looking me in the eyes.

-Don't worry, it was nothing," she said quickly, and continued on her way to her room.

At noon everyone arrived for lunch, well everyone is my father-in-law, my mother-in-law and my wife Maru, Mario spent the whole morning playing Playstation and well I was reading and watching TV, Malu I don't even know what he did, but I could assure you that he thought a lot about what he had seen in the morning.

At the table trying impossibly to forget what happened in the morning, it was inevitable for me to divert my gaze to Malu from time to time as usual, and she didn't even turn sideways, unlike other times she kept her gaze fixed on the plate of food, I saw very few times in my peripheral vision that she ever looked at me.

When we finished lunch, after the respective coffees, we all stood up and headed towards the stairs that lead to the rooms, when we were leaving the dining room towards our room, I told Maru my wife that I had to show her something, placing one of her hands on my crotch, right next to us was Malu. I don't know why I did it, it was an indiscretion on my part and a lack of respect, since I made that kind of comments and actions without the public present. For Maru that was very scandalous and disrespectful and for a moment I regretted having said it, but I was acting automatically.

Maru knows very well what I mean and to my surprise a smile came on her face without being bothered by such indiscretion, Malu stopped for a moment next to us and turned to look at us, I did not look at her, and again on automatic, I went rogue with my wife and grabbed a buttock, a breast, I gave her a fiery kiss, my wife was a little surprised with my ardent outburst and separated me giving me a challenging look and giving me to understand that Malu was watching us, I looked at my sister-in-law and smiled shyly pretending to be embarrassed, she half sketched a contemptuous smile and keep walking that Maru said: -Huyyy! What's happened to this one?

We headed to our rooms, Malu was now in front of us because she was going to her room and we were in the back playing and pinching each other, getting little screams and laughs from Maru who looked at me peeling her eyes as if she wanted to tell me to stop doing what she was doing, Malu went into her room without closing the door and I told Maru to go upstairs and make herself comfortable, while I went to the bathroom.

I went into the bathroom to give Maru time to come upstairs, then I came out and went into the attic I closed the door loudly for Maru to hear and then carefully opened it and left it just slightly open.

I went upstairs to where Maru was, she was already naked on the bed, down the stairs I went undressing leaving the cloth es on the steps with full intention, I climbed over my wife immediately and we started kissing and caressing each other. The lights were off, and the attic was somewhat darkened, but through the thick dark curtains enough light came in to brighten things just a little, towards the stairs everything is darker, so while I was making out with Maru I was constantly looking sidelong and slyly over there.

I noticed a greater clarity at some point and knew someone had opened the door and entered, I waited a moment and since I have the advantage of the shadow over my face, I could look without them knowing I was looking up the stairs, unless of course I opened my eyes wide, I could notice a blonde hair peeking out on the floor where the stairs were just below the railings.

Maru was rubbing herself well above me and masturbating me between our bodies. She and I knew very well that we had just eaten and it was not wise to fuck each other as we liked, but we could and we had had a good oral sex session before, which we certainly needed. She slid down where she sucked me hard and nibbled on my nipples, making me moan with pain and pleasure, and then she continued down slowly, taking my hard sex in her hands and starting to give it a hard squeeze, as she knows I like, and then she moved both hands up and down on it, covering and uncovering the red head.

Maru kisses and licks it ardently bringing me quickly to my highest levels of arousal added to the fact that Malu is watching us. And in less than a cock can crow, I unloaded all inside her mouth before time, I was really very excited. Too bad Malu did not see what my wife was drinking, Maru took it all without taking her mouth off her head and continued, but with less intensity her work. Then my wife lay down on her back next to me and I went about my duties, my wife's breasts were the largest in the family, she had had them done and they are spectacular with a virginal pink nipple, apparently typical of the family, as far as I could tell in the morning, and adorned with a few large freckles that make them look spectacular.

I kissed and kneaded them with ardent desire, the truth was euphoric, I bit and scratched my wife and squeezed her breasts and buttocks hard, she loved that and above all to feel strongly desired, with passion and fury, I reached her very wet, and hot sex where I dedicated myself to please her like never before, my fingers also participated going in and out, as I know she liked it.

Ardently my tongue invaded her, licked and tasted her being, she raised her pubis and wiggled her hips forming an arc with her back and legs making the well known bridge, so I stuck all my mouth and sucked, licked and nibbled all her sex, this was killing her, sometimes I would throw the furtive glance towards the staircase, as I have the windows behind me, I took the opportunity to see her and there she was, absorbed in the image that her sister and I are giving her. Watching her there again was the spark that made my sex stand up splendorous again, as I made my wife come and drank her nectars.

I changed my position and she was on top and we did a noisy 69, Maru really enjoyed it that day and had several orgasms, this time I lasted longer helped by the previous discharge, but I was very excited and I felt that my member was going to explode like few times before. When I felt I was going to finish I told her if I wanted it in her face and she answered me shaking her head and moaning a yes on my penis, when I reached the point of no return I told her to lie down, I stood up and knelt next to her, I put a hand on her forehead, she opened her mouth wide and pointing my cannon to her mouth, I unloaded completely my white pleasure that entered her cheeks, mouth and lips.

She greedily licked her lips, fingers of my milk on her cheeks and my sex, then I lay on top of her and we kissed very softly sharing our pleasures and hugging, I looked sideways at the stairs and the little yellow head was still there, Maru then tells me:

-My love! What do you have today? Why are you so wild?

-What do you mean, what's wrong with me?

-Yes, my darling, it's been a long time since we had a blowjob session like today, you were so hot.…

-Well, honey, the truth is that since I woke up this morning, I've had a perennial erection all day long and I've been thinking about you a lot.

-Yes, I realized it, but I loved it, you should have them more often.…

-Don't worry, this vacation is going to be very busy -I had found something to excite me constantly- so much rest and leisure time will make you ask me for mercy, you'll see.

-Yes, of course, promises, only promises," she says to me as a challenge.

-Let you come this afternoon so you can see, you're going to surrender yourself first.

-Yes yes yes yes, sure…

Then I didn't see Malu anymore, after a short break my wife went to work and I took a nap. I think I dreamt about sex, because I woke up with a monstrous erection, and I started to masturbate gently while thinking about the day's events.

Malu is a quiet young girl at home, as far as I know she is a little shy at first, but when she becomes more confident she is more open and friendly. Despite being beautiful, she doesn't go out or bring friends to the house all the time, only a few times. She gets good grades, so far she had been a better student than her sisters were in high school and they were good students as far as I knew. However, Malu is not really my type of woman. I like busty, tall, with voluptuous curves, and Malu is not, she is not and will not be, her body is slim and unless she has a breast operation she won't go beyond that, but she has a beautiful ass and something else attracted me a lot about her, even without knowing what. When I realized I was about to ejaculate in my masturbation so I stopped, landing and seeking to drive away those libidinous thoughts towards her.

In the evening after we had eaten and watched a movie the whole family together, everyone went to their rooms, Maru went into her old room to take a quick bath and then I did the same in the hall bathroom. When I left the bathroom I noticed under the door of Malu's room her shadow reflected outwards by the interior light, she was standing behind the door, I went as if nothing happened to my room and did the same operation of the door at noon and went up to my room, and Maru with a smile from ear to ear was waiting for me naked on the bed, I hung the towel on the stair railing, leaving only a slot at floor level, so that Malu could easily see without being noticed, and I turned off the light this time and we turned on the lamps on the night tables that easily illuminated everything.

That night I did everything that can be done with my wife, we did it twice in a row and she came several times, during the whole time I could see Malu watching everything we were doing, she did not know if she noticed me looking at her sometimes, the truth is I never caught her looking at me in the eyes, her eyes fixed on the union of our genitals.

The part where she must have opened her eyes the most, was when I penetrated my wife anally, I was turning her back half sideways, so she could see well where I was entering and of course I could not turn to see her because she would give me away, what I liked the most was that my wifey moaned loudly, although I was worried about how loud, lest Malu left the door open downstairs and clearly the moans would be heard in the hallway, but well what the fuck, we would find out if that was the case. As long as no one else came in everything was fine.

After we finished doing what we did, we both lay exhausted in bed without worrying about anything else. At about one in the dawn I woke up and went to the bathroom, naked taking advantage of the darkness, Maru was more than exhausted, sprawled on the bed, when I passed by Malu's door it was open, so I went in carefully and saw her very restless in her bed, everything was dark, but I could notice her silhouette, she was moving a lot in bed, she was suffering the hot feelings of horniness and I could notice that she was not touching her parts, she was sound asleep and she was only running her hands over her body, she was barely touching her breasts and running her hands strongly over her legs, I wanted to get in and help her, but I got scared of being alone standing there, so I got out and went into the bathroom, I did the one and went out again naked to the attic.

In that week, every day I had sex with my wife and let Malu spy on us, sometimes up to twice a day, I always applied the same procedure with the door and left clothes hanging on the stair railing for her to hide. I had discovered that she loved to watch and I loved to be watched by her.

Something had changed between the two of us, sometimes I would catch her looking at me self-absorbed and she would also catch me in the same, we would not say anything and sometimes just a smile when we saw each other would tell us that everything was fine.

Normally she was not so attached to Maru, several times I noticed how she would try to get conversation out of her older sister, I think she did it to make sure we were not doing something without her knowing about it. When this happened I would say something naughty to my wife to indicate that I wanted action and she would get rid of Malu at the first opportunity and quickly come upstairs to wait for me. I had to go in last so I could do operation door and leave the towel or clothes on the stair railing to cover the voyeuristic Malu.

to be continue...
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