Letting a dragon defile both your holes ain't much, but it's honest work for the last Dragon Maiden.
The flaps of mighty wings sent her red hair up, dancing like a flame and a cold chill between her legs. If not for the shackles binding her ankles in a spread eagle position, the wind might have blown her away from the rocky plateau. The iron bindings also made sure she could not run away as the mental arguments against dragons-human mating corroded her resolve. The size difference was the main one, but there were a hundreds others, as well. Was she not here because her mother had passed away in a dragon-sex-related accident? She had inherited the title of Dragon Maiden, Pacifier of Hell Beasts, Vessel of the Sacred Seed, the last of a line spanning centuries. No pressure.
The naked maiden’s holes were thoroughly lubed with lard. It helped, she was told. But her father never said sex with an ancient dragon was painless, even if he must have known that is what she wanted to hear most of all. Not many girls in the history of the realm could say they ever had sex with a dragon. Fewer still lost their virginity to one. The responsibility fell onto her shoulders earlier than her predecessors. Young Greta pondered vows of celibacy to put an end to the family curse once and for all. For now, though, the die had been cast; she had a dragon to milk.
The dragon only roared once, but the goosebumps and ear-ringing lingered. She dared not look behind her at the one responsible for the warm breaths tanning her back. She had heard the tales of dragons having two cocks, each as big as she was, but as long as her own eyes didn’t see it... them, they remained rumors. Silly, impossible rumors.
The massive beast walked forward, first swallowing the maiden with the shadow of its wings then imprisoning her in a cell made of its many legs. The sharp claws anchored to the stone plateau like it was made of clay, bracing themselves for a laborious thrust into an opening so tight, a being of supernatural strength and stamina might still break a sweat trying to pry it open.
A glob of hot liquid fell between her shoulder blades and left a red streak behind its path down her back. Greta would have assumed it was drool from a fiery mouth if the dragon’s head wasn’t a hundred meters in front of her. It was precum from the beast’s member, one of the two, presumably. A scaly mass of sex rubbed against her buttocks like the bolt of a ballista gathering destructive potential energy. It gave her a hint of its length, its girth, proving that the rumors were inaccurate; reality was much worse.
Now she knew for sure. Two cocks. Stubborn and rock-hard, they pushed against her tender behind. The harder the push, the harder Greta had to clench her teeth to the point where she almost wished her anus and pussy would stop struggling and open the gates wide for the invader. The dragon had to be appeased once a fortnight; the pain of her widening holes would have to become something to get used to. The bottom cock popped her cherry in a dilation that rivaled birth, and since both penises stemmed from the same groin, the other cock crowning her anus got a boost of momentum and stretched open her rectum in the same motion. A Dragon Maiden shouldn’t scream and cry, so she promised to work on that next time.
Greta's belly rubbed the stone floor as she was spread thin on the double cocks like marmalade. Hot pre-cum filled any nook and cranny of her body the cocks couldn’t reach. Tongue out like a bitch in heat, Greta clawed at the stone for a grip on reality, but when the dragon roared for a second time, she remembered that the true distension hadn’t even begun.
Scalding viscous jizz ballooned her womb and rushed down her small intestines like the magma of an erupting volcano. Greta felt the increasingly invasive effect of each individual spurt during the twenty minutes she spent as a dragon cum sock. She was full to the brim, her smoky breath tasted of well-traveled semen, but this was not enough. If she came home with such a pitiful prize, her mother would roll her eyes in her grave.
Just like Mother told me, I have to contract my bowels and birth canal to create a pleasant sucking sensation when he retracts and relax them when he penetrates. I need to siphon these dragon balls dry and get the beast horny enough to use me a second time. Maybe... maybe a third. We’ll see. They’re hardening inside me again, increasing speed like the plunger in a butter-churning barrel. I don’t know how I survived my first full-body penetration and getting pumped with gallons of scalding hot cum, but I have to do it again. My family is counting on me.
Greta woke up, her head in a puddle of cum that had leaked from her mouth while she was passed out. Everything hurt; her skin felt stretched paper-thin all over and seared from the inside. The cum dripping from her puddle-soaked cheek was still warm even though hours must have passed since the dragon pulled out of her gaping, bubbling holes. Once she remembered where she was and who she was, Greta swiped a thumb on her phone and texted her dad to come pick her up.
The girl did not orgasm from the multiple reptilian double-dickings she endured over the weekend; she had been too busy almost exploding. The more tolerable size of the vacuum’s dual-nozzle combined with the constant relief of her skin returning to its original elasticity triggered a deep, shameful moaning she didn’t know was in her. Spreading his daughter's buttcheeks to insert the arm of the cum-sucking pump was more awkward than when the Dragon Maiden was his wife, but the man knew to expect some post-traumatic orgasms. That couldn't be helped for the first hundred times or so. Greta was a trembling mess of sticky slime when he carried her restored slender body back to the truck.
“How much do we sell that stuff for, anyway?” Greta asked on their way home. She was sitting on a blanket not to stain the seats but was otherwise nude and glad for the strong breeze blowing over her at highway speeds. Her body temperature was still off the charts. The shower she yearned for would be ice-cold.
“About five euros a barrel. It’s mostly used as an industrial coagulant.” There was a score of barrels crowded around the generator in the back of the pick-up.
“5 euros!? I could have made more money flipping burgers this weekend!”
“Greta, I didn’t raise you to be so selfish. This is more than just a job. It’s the family business and a tradition kept alive for hundreds of years...”
“Yeah, yeah.” The only reason she had climbed up a mountain to fuck a dragon was not to have to hear this speech again. “This is so stupid. Can’t believe I’m going to spend half my weekends collecting industrial coagulant for the rest of my life.”
“Maybe not just half. I've heard rumors of a new dragon nesting in Banffshire."