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This is a long story about a guy named Kai who isn't fully human (hence, the title). There is a lot of plot and action, as well as sexual engagements that are detailed and intimate. This story is actually available on amazon and patreon too, but I have several places where I'm posting it for free. Copyright 2020 Kaizer Wolf
INNOCENT DEVIL’S HAREM CH. 14 -- Kai finally crosses the line with his Sexy older housemate.

Original: November 18, 2020 (Copyright 2020 Kaizer Wolf)

Submitted to Sexstories: July 20, 2022

Tags: harem, supernatural, shifter, big tits, redhead, blonde, MILF, succubus, mystery, taboo


Hi there!

Thanks for checking out this story! This series is written like a novel, so be sure to start at Chapter 1 if you want to avoid any confusion.

Otherwise, I hope you enjoy!


- CHAPTER 14: Prudent -

I’d kept two huge secrets from Serenity all my life, and yet she now finally knew one of them. After Serenity was kidnapped by a serial killer, who had caught my devilish form on camera when I was younger and had been trying to identify me ever since, I was forced to reveal myself in an attempt to rescue her.

It was a trap, of course, and my twenty-three-year-old friend was the bait.

The problem was, I didn’t have much choice, since I had no doubt the bastard would make good on his promise to butcher her and leave me a trail of pieces to collect for her funeral. And sure enough, I found her in an abandoned warehouse both aware and conscious, but also drugged, a tray of knives resting on the table she was lying on.

It had been a close call, since the man succeeded in rendering me immobile even despite my cautiousness. However, he apparently wasn’t aware of my full capacity and found himself dead at my feet barely a minute after arrogantly introducing himself.

Nevertheless, even despite his death, without the help of my busty girlfriend, Gabriella, and my older friend’s coworker, Nick, I would never have managed to free myself.

But now everyone was back home and safe, my drugged housemate and exhausted girlfriend, technically fiancé, both asleep in my housemate’s bed, behind a locked door, after an extremely stressful evening.

And thankfully, Serenity still didn’t know my other secret -- that I was desperately in love with her, even despite the five-year age gap and the fact that she’d been forced to raise me like a mother during the teenage years of my life.

Granted, I was still concerned how Serenity would react when she woke up, since the fear of my religious older friend rejecting me over my appearance was the main reason why I wasn’t willing to risk her finding out, even despite our close relationship.

Unfortunately, my concerns would have to wait for later though.

Now, it was time to hide the evidence of my latest victim, to hopefully prevent the authorities from making any connection between me and the jackass who tried to kill the most important person in my life.

I also needed to take care of my thirst too, having only recently discovered that drinking human blood would accelerate my physical healing.

Of course, I was hoping that animal blood would do the trick too.

Thus, after hunting down a coyote, I was relieved to discover that drinking its blood satiated my lingering craving, and also reassured of my durability when its claws and teeth weren’t strong enough to harm me. Then, I made my way back to the warehouse to formulate a cleanup plan.

Part of the fundamental problem was that my DNA was everywhere from my previous injuries, making ‘hiding the body’ the least of my concerns, even if that needed to happen too.

Thus, the first thing I did was figure out what I had available to me, going back outside to rummage through the serial killer’s car, which only made me realize I had an even bigger problem -- it appeared to be a rental car!

And when it didn’t get returned, it would likely alert the authorities that this man was missing!


In the backseat, I found Serenity’s gun on the floor, so I grabbed that, making sure the safety was on, and then stuck it in my pocket. Then, rummaging through the center console, I found a lighter and package of two cigars, giving me the disgusting impression that they were victory smokes.

Fuck that bastard.

I half wanted to light them up and do my own victory smoke over his dead body, though I wasn’t sure I could handle it. With how sensitive my nose was, inhaling cigarette smoke from another person had always been unpleasant, even when it was scented. Or, I guess, flavored.


Sticking the lighter in my pocket too, I decided to go looking for the keys in anticipation of driving it to another location. However, first I needed to figure out what to do with the body. Venturing further into the warehouse, following my nose, I ended up finding some gloves, which I assumed the guy planned on using when he chopped up my best friend, along with a small bottle of alcohol. And then I also found a container of paint thinner, but I didn’t want to start a fire in the warehouse and have the whole thing come down.

Or more specifically, I didn’t want to burn the body here, and have them discover the charred remains of a corpse.

Thus, instead, I decided to go back into the main section, sprouting my bat-like wings before picking up the stiff cadaver and doing my best to shoulder the body, disgusted when some kind of nasty fluid began leaking out of his mouth. Then, with some effort once I was outside, I took to the air and flew with him high in the sky, aiming for far beyond the city outskirts.

On the way, I had quite a bit of time to try to figure out what to do with my cargo, but honestly I still wasn’t really sure. In the end, I figured I’d just try to borrow a shovel from some stranger’s house and bury him.

Which ended up being exactly what I did.

Although, even with my strength and speed, I spent a good half hour digging, going far deeper than I suspected most people would, until I got low enough that the bottom started developing a puddle of water from the ground.

I then checked the guys pockets thoroughly again, just to make sure I hadn’t missed something, and tossed him in, thankful once I couldn’t see him anymore as I heaped the fresh dirt back into the hole.

This spot was pretty far off the beaten path, but just to be sure no one tried digging him up, I found sticks and other forest debris to try to conceal the area, wanting it to look like its surroundings as much as possible.

Finally finished, with the body gone and shovel returned, I felt more relaxed on the return flight, though I knew I still had a lot of work to do. When I got back to the warehouse, I stripped my shirt and pants, setting my phone, keys, and gun to the side, leaving me only in my boxers, before I poured a little bit of the paint thinner over the spot where we’d both bled.

I then lit it with the lighter.

The fire blazed larger than I was expecting, but the warehouse was huge and there was minimal smoke caused by my burning cloth. Thus, I ended up pouring more paint thinner over the area, ensuring the harpoon-like projectiles were in the flames too, glad that things were going even better than I expected.

Before long, there was nothing but a charred area half a dozen feet away from the table my housemate had been lying on, all the evidence burned away.

After that, I stashed the harpoons in a closet in a random office in the hallway, then donned the gloves and went back out to the car with the bottle of alcohol, trying to smear it around wherever I’d touched.

My final step was then grabbing my phone, keys, and wallet and then driving the car off to a remote location to another town entirely, trying to stick to the backroads.

I knew there was going to end up being a problem if this was really a rental car, but I was still wearing the gloves and, so long as I cleaned the interior well after I dropped it off someplace random, there should be no reason for them to link it to me.

Plus, no one should be finding the body anytime soon, if ever. And no body usually meant no case. He’d certainly become a missing person, but doubtful anyone would suspect murder.

Not to mention, if they did think it might be murder, then it likely meant he had other enemies in his life the authorities were aware of, making them suspects instead.

But not me.

In fact, this man trying to kill Serenity almost guaranteed that there would be no clues leading the cops to the warehouse anytime soon. After all, this guy had likely been wanting to hide his sinister activities just as much as I did now.

When I finally got back home hours later, I discovered that Nick was barely hanging in there.

He was still sitting next to the kitchen table, or what was left of it, half asleep. His dark skin was extra dark underneath his dark eyes, his face almost having an ashen hue to it, and his short curly brown hair was a little lopsided, as if he’d fluffed one side by excessively running his fingers through it.

He didn’t even really seem to noticed that I was only in my boxers, gratefully heading to the couch when he saw that he was off guard duty for the rest of the night, not even saying much as he plopped down and passed out.

Made sense I supposed, since he’d already been tired to begin with, earlier that evening.

Alternatively, even despite everything I’d just done, I was still wide awake, my heart racing in my chest. I wasn’t sure if it was anxiety, or from my body reacting to my previous injuries, or what. But I was still on high alert, all my senses homing in on every little sound, every little twig snapping outside. Or every time a cricket stopped chirping unexpectedly.

However, at the same time, I did feel emotionally drained.

Between the fear of my best friend getting kidnapped, to the realization that she finally knew one of my secrets, and now the anticipation that came along with her waking up in the morning -- it all made me feel drained.

So I supposed I was anxious, among other things.

Hearing that both Serenity and Gabriella had normal heart rates, the first thing I did was set my stuff on the counter and then go upstairs to take a shower. And I probably would have stayed in there a long time, even after the hot water ran out, but my stomach wouldn’t let me. I hadn’t even really noticed the empty sensation, combined with the escalating twinge of pain, until my thoughts started focusing on that coyote again, fantasizing about skinning it and eating the meat raw.

Shaking my head at the disturbing thought, I got out and hurried downstairs to raid the fridge, wearing only my towel. Not that I was concerned about being seen half naked, since everyone in the house was passed out.

Thankfully, there were still leftovers from dinner, but even after devouring all the Roman Chicken, I still felt like I was starving. I ended up finishing off the leftover pancakes I’d made for Gabriella, slathered with peanut butter, syrup, and then downed with two large glasses of milk, before I started feeling satisfied.

It was only then that I got dressed in a t-shirt and gym shorts upstairs, and then grabbed the hidden key we had for the inside doors, in order to do a more thorough investigation in Serenity’s bedroom, recalling that we’d never cleaned the bite on Gabriella’s arm.

I found my two loves almost exactly how I’d left them, Serenity still on her side facing the middle of the bed, while Gabriella had likewise rolled toward her so that they were only half a foot apart. I’d managed to shift back to my human form while I’d taken a shower, and of course I could still smell Gabriella’s scent through the door, but opening it and entering the room had been like getting hit by a truck.

I wasn’t sure if time spent away from my fiancé was the cause, or what, but I shifted in an instant, as if it was the first time I was experiencing her arousing aroma all over again.

Focusing on my best friend’s heart rate, I realized it was a little faster than before -- still normal, but between that, and her smelling less like the drug, I suspected her paralysis was truly wearing off. She was still hastily dressed in her clothes from earlier, wearing jeans and a t-shirt, her plump C-cup sized chest looking almost small next to my girlfriend’s huge breasts, both of them ridiculously thin thanks to their active lifestyles.

I tried to not focus on that now though.

Moving over to Gabriella’s side, her red hair strewn about on the pillow, I carefully adjusted her arm and lifted the makeshift bandage, made from her sleeve, in order to take a look at the bite.

Which shockingly didn’t look bad at all.

My eyebrows pulled together then, as I debated how it might be best to clean it without waking her up. Obviously, running clean water was out of the question, since I’d have to move her, and no way in hell would I use Rubbing Alcohol on it, considering the pain alone would probably be worse than pouring lemon juice and salt on it.

However, I was pretty sure Serenity had a bottle of Hydrogen Peroxide underneath the sink somewhere, which shouldn’t hurt at all.

Returning to the bathroom, I found the brown bottle, and got a couple of fresh washcloths so I could try to clean the area up.

The solution sizzled and bubbled less than I was expecting, prompting me to gently pull her skin in various direction to make sure it got in the wound. However, ultimately, I knew that after so long, it should be showing signs of being red and inflamed if it was infected. Instead, her skin was smooth around the bite, with no swelling, as if there wasn’t a bite there at all.

Or at least no infection.

Unfortunately, we didn’t have any bandages on hand that were large enough, so I instead opted for using a paper towel from the kitchen to cover it back up, continuing to use the torn sleeve to hold it in place for now.

Satisfied that both women were fine for the time being, I went back downstairs, ready to find something else for me to do to help distract me for the rest of the night. Of course, the first thing I focused on was the broken table I’d snapped in my outrage. I knew there were some random two-by-four boards in the shed out back, left from the previous owners of this house, so I figured I could snap one of those and use it to temporarily fix the table until we got a new one.

I also found a box of nails, though we had more in the laundry room closet, so we were good in that department either way.

Carefully flipping the two halves of the table over, I lined them up and then placed the boards a couple of inches from each side, using my thumb to force twelve nails through the wood, six in each board. I was pleasantly surprised when I cautiously flipped it back over, putting some weight on it to make sure that it would hold.

Yet, despite the crack down the middle, it was pretty sturdy.

Definitely not an ideal solution long-term, especially since a few of the nails were just barely poking through the top, but at least we had a table to eat on again. However, once I was done with that, I didn’t really have much else to do, except sit in the kitchen and listen to all the sounds outside.

No way was I going to be able to sleep right now, not after everything that happened.

Logically, I knew there shouldn’t be any more danger -- that everything was over now -- but my body wouldn’t fully allow me to relax at all. I felt on edge, all my senses alert. It was a miracle I could even stay in my human form, though I constantly felt like I was on the verge of transforming.

Which meant I just sat in silence for several hours, waiting for it to be time to start making breakfast for everyone. I was almost relieved when that time came close enough, beginning to work on making a feast the moment the clock hit six in the morning. I initially started with pancakes again, but then decided I personally wanted eggs and sausage, only to end up opening up a can of pineapple and mandarin oranges so that Serenity could have the fruit with cottage cheese.

Of course, all my preparations were premature, since no one was even showing signs of stirring yet. So once I was finished, I put everything on low heat, sticking the fruit in the fridge, and sat back down, deciding to eat some eggs and sausage while I waited. Normally, I’d wait for my housemate to join me before eating, but I was hungrier than I expected. In the end, I ate all the eggs and meat, and had to fry up more of both when it sounded like someone upstairs was beginning to stir.

I wasn’t entirely confident who was waking up, but my anxiety began to spike when I realized I’d have to face my lifelong friend soon either way. And I wasn’t sure what I’d say to her, or what she’d say to me.

I’d gone basically my entire life trying to hide this secret from her, and now I’d been forced to reveal it. Would the fact that I helped save her life help at all? Would I smell fear when we finally came face-to-face again? Would she wonder if I was really the same person she grew up with?

So many questions, all of which did nothing but make me more anxious.

When someone finally got out of bed, I knew who it was from the little sounds they made, surprised when Serenity ran straight to my room upstairs. And even more shocked when her heart rate spiked, and she bolted for the stairs instead.

“Kai?” she whispered urgently when she reached the bottom, taking a few steps into the living room, likely spotting Nick, and then turning around to dart into the kitchen.

She came to an abrupt halt when she finally laid eyes on me, almost as if she was surprised that I looked normal, instead of the monster she saw last night.

“Good morning, Ren,” I said quietly, having a difficult time meeting her gaze.

She shocked me by rushing forward to my seat and wrapping my head up in her embrace, my face pressed against her squishy C-cup tits.

“Oh Kai,” she whispered, sounding like she was about to cry. “I’m sorry. Thank you for saving me. I was so scared. When I woke up after being kidnapped, that man told me what he was going to do to me, and I…” Her voice caught in her throat.

I slowly reached up and wrapped my arms around her thin waist, returning the embrace. “Why are you sorry?” I asked hesitantly.

She took a deep breath, hugging my head tighter against her chest, resting her chin on the top of my head. “I woke up for a few minutes last night, I think just after you left. Gabriella was still awake, and told me more about…” Her voice trailed off. “Well, about everything. She explained that strong emotions can make you…” She paused. “Well, make you look different, like last night…”

She sniffled then, her voice coming out strained. “And I just feel so horrible, because I never knew. I feel like you’ve needed me all this time, and I wasn’t there for you. And the worst part is, I probably did things to make it more difficult for you to hide this aspect of your life.” She sniffled again. “I ended up dreaming last night about all the times I teased you when you were embarrassed. I figured it was harmless, but now I realize that whenever you’ve walked away from me in public…” Her voice trailed off again, coupled with another sniffle. “I’m just so sorry.”

I cleared my throat, trying to reassure her. “Yeah, well you haven’t really teased me much in public in a long time. Not for a couple of years at least.” Though she certainly did in private sometimes, like yesterday when she was teasing me about my feelings for Gabriella.

“I know,” she agreed. “But still. I wish I’d known. Why didn’t you tell me? Why were you so afraid of me finding out?”

“Because I can’t lose you,” I said almost inaudibly. “I couldn’t risk you rejecting me. Especially not after all our parents passed away. You’re the only one I have left.”

“Oh Kai,” she whispered, squeezing my head. “I would never reject you. No matter what. I love you more than anything.”

My face immediately flushed in embarrassment, my hair following suit, flashing white. Not because her words made me aroused, but simply because of their intensity, combined with our embrace.

“I love y-you more than a-anything too,” I stammered in response, my voice suddenly trembling.

I felt her muscles stiffen for half a second, and then felt her chin leave my head as she looked down at me, seeing that I looked like a devil again, my hair white, my skin dark gray. She then tightened her embrace, turning her head to rest her cheek against my hair, her heart suddenly racing.

“I’m sorry if I scare you,” I whispered, knowing she was anxious now, but uncertain as to why.

“You don’t scare me, Kai,” she replied quietly.

I tried to keep my tone gentle as I responded. “I’m not sure if Gabriella told you, but I sort of have heightened senses. I can smell happiness, sadness, anger, and…anxiety.” I sighed. “And I can hear your racing heart,” I added softly.

She took a deep breath, only to lift her head again, her embrace still firm. “I’m not afraid of you,” she repeated with more confidence. “Here, look up at me Kai. I’ll prove it.”

I hesitated, before slowly complying, tilting my head up so that my chin was resting in the middle of her chest, uncertain if she was prepared to see that the whites of my eyes were pitch-black now, my irises a glowing gold -- the same eyes that Gabriella found mesmerizing to look at.

Carefully I met Serenity’s gaze while she kept her arms wrapped around me.

Her heart rate spiked again when we made eye contact, her pupils visibly dilating a little, the deep chocolate brown of her irises growing thinner. Part of me wanted to look away, becoming anxious about her reaction, but I felt like she was determined to make a point.

So I let her.

But her pulse was visible in her neck now, her usually pale cheeks flushing as she continued to hold my gaze, her full lips parting slightly as her breathing became more shallow. Suddenly, it felt like there was no one else in the world, other than me and her.

It almost reminded me of Gabriella’s reaction when she held my gaze on the couch that first night, which had prompted me to close my eyes before I felt like my girlfriend was going to uncontrollably kiss…

My older friend leaned down faster than I anticipated, causing my muscles to lock up in response, shocked when her lips suddenly met mine.

Instantly, my thoughts vanished from my mind as my body began reacting, my knees slipping between hers as I pulled her forward, forcing her to sit down in my lap, straddling my thighs.

My tongue slipped into her mouth as I again wrapped my arms firmly around her thin waist, relieved when her tongue seemed to just as eagerly meet mine. My cock quickly became hard as a rock, the gym shorts I was wearing doing almost nothing to stop it from pressing into her ass, feeling even more encouraged by me noticing the strengthening scent of her arousal.

However, almost just as fast as it started, she abruptly broke the kiss and turned her head, causing me to freeze solid, my mouth pressed against her slim jaw.

She was breathing heavily, like she’d run a marathon, seeming to struggle to catch it.

And now I felt guilty as hell, even more so when I smelt some guilt coming from her too.

“I’m sorry,” I whispered against her skin, sincere remorse in my tone, even though I wasn’t able to separate my lips from her. Even though my cock was throbbing against her tight butt.

She just barely shook her head, sucking in a long deep breath. “Kai…” She paused. “I love you so much, but we can’t…” Her voice trailed off.

And my heart sank.

“I’m sorry,” I repeated, unable to let her go, though she wasn’t trying to escape anyway. At least, not yet. However, my cock still throbbed nevertheless, the guilt seeming to make it even harder, rather than having the opposite effect.

When she didn’t say anything, I spoke up again, suddenly feeling desperate to know it wasn’t just me. That I wasn’t the only one with these feelings, with the kiss we’d just shared not feeling like enough proof.

“How long?” I whispered. “How long have you felt this way about me?”

Her guilt only intensified. “Kai, I’m your… I mean, I don’t…” She hesitated, seeming to really struggle to explain why she was against us being together. “I can’t…” Her voice trailed off.

Of course, if she just didn’t like me in that way, then she didn’t need an excuse. But I had no way of knowing if it was her way of letting me down gently, or if she truly was interested, and just felt like it wouldn’t be appropriate.

Either way, her rejection still made my heart sink even more, my thoughts grasping for anything now. “What about those silk pajamas?” I asked desperately. “The purple ones. Why did you buy those? And when?” I wondered.

She shook her head, prompting me to bury my face against her neck.

“Why did you get them?” I repeated. “Please tell me,” I begged. “Please be honest.”

She sucked in a shaky breath. “I got them a couple of weeks ago…” She sighed. “Because I thought you might like them.” She shook her head again, her tone suddenly urgent. “But I was never going to wear them. By the time they got here, I felt miserable for even getting them, and…” Her voice trailed off again.

“I don’t remember any packages coming,” I replied quietly.

Her body stiffened in my arms. “I bought them when I got your birthday present,” she admitted softly, seeming reluctant to admit that they might have been a part of my present for my eighteenth birthday. “Had everything sent to work. And of course, I didn’t want you to find out what I got you, so I was careful when I brought everything home.”

“Well, I liked them,” I admitted, feeling a little more bold. “When I saw Gabriella in them, I really wished it was you wearing them.”

“Shit,” she hissed. “Gabriella.” She shook her head again. “Kai, we can’t. I need to get up.”

I would have loosened my grip on her if she’d made any effort to actually rise to her feet, but she didn’t. I wasn’t sure if she was waiting on me, like I was waiting on her, or what. But, for now, I was content to hold her in my lap.

“I love you,” I repeated quietly. “More than anything,” I added for emphasis.

Her heart started racing again, guilt tainting her scent, as she took a few controlled breaths. When she spoke up, her voice was almost inaudible. “I’ll ask Nick to go home,” she whispered. “And then later we’ll talk,” she promised, only to sigh heavily. “But right now, I need to get up.”

I nodded somberly, loosening my grip on her, almost relieved when she didn’t try to jump off right away. Instead, even as my arms dropped to my sides, she gave my head another tight squeeze, before slowly rising to her feet, her legs shaky.

Her entire composure suddenly made me feel like she was being very intentional about not making it seem like she was rejecting me. Even more so, when she leaned against the table for a second, only to focus on the large crack down the middle of the wood, before leaning forward to kiss me on the forehead.

She then gave me a reassuring smile and moved to sit down in the chair across from me.

“I’m sorry,” I repeated, all my brazenness -- what little I had -- vanishing, now that she was sitting further away.

She shook her head, leaning her cheek into her hand, her elbow on the table, as she focused toward the front windows in the kitchen.

I spoke again, desperate to not let an awkward silence fall over us. “Can I get you anything to eat? I sort of made enough to feed a small army. There’s pineapple, oranges, and cottage cheese, or you could have pancakes. Or eggs, if you want.”

She gave me a small smile. “Fruit sounds nice,” she agreed, only to look away abruptly when I got up, her face flushed at the sight of my still-hard cock.

In my haste to get breakfast for her, I’d sort of forgotten.

Although the distraction helped me cool off a little, and by the time I had cottage cheese and fruit in a bowl, my semi-hard cock was much less noticeable. I then went ahead and grabbed a couple of pancakes, along with some more eggs, to have something to poke at while she ate.

When I sat back down, she seemed more relaxed.

“So how did you sleep?” she asked casually, likewise seeming to want to try to dispel the lingering awkwardness.

I scoffed, keeping my eyes on my food. “I didn’t sleep.”

She abruptly looked at me in concern. “You didn’t sleep?” she repeated. “Are you going to be okay? I’m up now for the day, so you can get some rest if you need to.”

I shrugged. “I probably will in a little while. I just couldn’t stop myself from keeping an eye out for danger all night, even though I know things are probably safe now.” I sighed, glancing up at her. “I’ll probably end up staying awake tonight too. Or at least sleeping downstairs on the couch so that I’m closer to the front and back doors.”

She frowned. “Is it also because of Nick?” she asked quietly. “Are you going to wait until he leaves before you go to sleep?”

I glanced away as I thought about that, a little shocked that she’d called him ‘Nick’ twice now, instead of Nicholas.

“I don’t know,” I admitted, my tone becoming more hesitant. “He said he was going to drop the case. But he does like you,” I added quietly. “Said so when I accused him of being involved in everything that happened last night.”

Serenity took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “Kai, I realize now that it kind of looks like I brought him home for a date, but I just met the guy.” She lowered her voice, as if she was afraid he’d overhear from the living room. “I just kind of wanted to know how much he knew about the case.”

My eyes widened slightly. “Did you know it was me?” I asked seriously, recalling what Gabriella had considered previously, regarding reasons why Serenity might have brought Nick over.

She shook her head. “I don’t know. I guess I just wondered deep down if you might be involved, especially since the three original cases were all ones that I’d told you about. Not to mention that Gabriella had all those weird questions when I brought her home, like questions about your diet and such. Like, who seriously asks if someone eats potatoes? And not casually, but more like, ‘Are they against it like I’m against eating meat?’”

I nodded, not really surprised in hindsight that she’d noticed that.

Serenity sighed. “But I suppose I was kind of in denial at the same time, figuring that having Nick meet you would ensure there was no suspicion when he saw that you were just a normal guy.” She grimaced, focusing on me more intently. “But I really messed up. When he started talking about the other case, that no one knew was related, things just lined up so perfectly, and suddenly all I could think about was how depressed you got when you were nine.” She shook her head again. “I barely kept it together when it hit me. And I was even more distressed when I realized you fit his target age group perfectly. But then there was that crazy de***********ion, and I wasn’t sure what to think, because you obviously don’t look like that.”

“Normally,” I agreed quietly.

She gave me a weak smile, sighing again. “I’m sorry. I was trying to help, though now I’m not even sure what my goal was. Maybe I was just trying to prove to myself that it couldn’t be you, hoping the evidence was leading Nick to some middle-aged guy or something, not you…” She grimaced.

“I’m sorry,” I repeated. “I’ll try not to get involved again. It’s just hard knowing that someone’s going to die, and I could stop it.”

She shook her head. “I’m thankful you saved Gabriella,” she admitted. She then gave me a warm look. “And thankful that you saved me too,” she added, her tone more meaningful. She glanced away. “And I realize killing was your only option. Especially if you caught them in the act. I don’t blame you for any of that, even if the law might not see it the same way.”

I tried to lighten the tone. “Well, that’s good. Would be awkward if my own best friend turned me in.”

She smirked a little, knowing from my playful tone that I was teasing, but also almost seeming to like that I’d referred to her as my ‘best friend’ even though she should know she was quite literally my only friend.

Her grin then widened, her own tone becoming a little haughty. “I don’t know. Still could. Might hold it over your head for a while to make you do what I want,” she added, a mischievous look in her eye.

Instantly, my body shifted, causing her to jerk back in her seat in alarm from the abrupt change.

“Oh!” she exclaimed. “I’m sorry.” She then frowned. “Kai…” She paused, her brow furrowed. “I didn’t mean it like that…” she said hesitantly, her cheeks flushing in embarrassment as it looked like she started second-guessing what my assumption was.

But she was correct.

I wasn’t trying to take it in a perverted manner, but I did, nonetheless.

I stared at my partially eaten pancakes as I replied. “It’s fine,” I whispered, my tone becoming a bit too serious. “And besides, I already pretty much do what you want anyway, so nothing different there.” Which was objectively true, and had been for a long time now.

Serenity swallowed audibly, trying to clear her throat as she changed subjects. “S-So, I’m not sure how to ask this, but I was kind of wondering about the blood situation.”

I ducked my head, feeling ashamed all over again.

“Hey,” she said gently, reaching her hand out toward me on the table. “I still love you, no matter what. I just want to know. I had no idea you needed it.”

“I don’t usually,” I admitted quietly, unable to meet her gaze. “Yesterday morning was the first time I’d ever felt the urge. First time I’d ever really gotten hurt either.”

Serenity immediately straightened in her seat, withdrawing her hand. “Wait, what?” she said in alarm. “Yesterday morning? Not last night? Or the previous night?”

I finally glanced up at her. “The guy who kidnapped Gabriella had an accomplice. He came looking for her in the morning after you left for work. Dressed like a cop. Might really have been a cop too. I was the one who killed the deer, to hide his blood.”

She abruptly leaned forward, resting her forehead in her hands while staring down at the table. “Oh shit, Kai. I had no idea.” She shook her head against her hands. “Shit.” She shook her head a second time. “Shit, shit, shit.”

“Sorry,” I whispered. “But there was nothing else I could do. He flat out told Gabriella he was going to ‘finish the job’ after handcuffing her, and he shot me when I tried to stop him.”

Her deep brown gaze snapped up to meet mine. “He shot you?” she repeated in bewilderment. “And you’re okay?”

I cringed. “After I drank some of his blood.” Honestly, I was surprised she’d even ask, considering what happened last night, but maybe the memory was hazy for her or something.

“Oh, Kai. I’m so sorry,” she said gently. “I feel horrible, because I had no idea about any of this.” Her tone abruptly became more serious as she dropped her hands and leaned forward. “Does Nick know about that one? What did you do with the body? And did he have a car? What did you do with that?”

I sighed, knowing she was now thinking about me getting caught. “I hid the body in one location, far away from here, deep in the woods. And I drove the car into a pond. Buried the license plate, though I’m not sure if that helps anything.”

She frowned. “Since we have company over, I don’t think now is a good time to go into further details, but later I’m going to need you to elaborate. And what about the guy from last night?” she added.

“Flew him out of the city and buried him. And he had some Rubbing Alcohol at the warehouse, so I made sure I got rid of my fingerprints on the car. Also burned the area where I bled, but I don’t think anyone will find that anytime soon anyway.”

Her chocolate eyes were suddenly wide as saucers. “F-Flew?” she repeated.

“Oh, umm, yeah. That’s sort of how I killed the guy from last night too. With my wing. Didn’t you see?”

“I’m not sure what I saw, Kai,” she admitted. “I couldn’t really turn my head, so half of what happened was in my peripheral vision.”

“Oh, well, I can sort of grow wings too,” I said cautiously, trying to gauge her shocked reaction. “Do you want to see them?” I wondered.

She seemed stunned. “I mean, yeah, of course.”

I nodded, my skin turning dark gray as I grabbed my shirt in the back to start lifting it up. Her gaze was completely on my shoulder in anticipation, not at all seeming drawn to my abs like Gabriella had been, likely since she’d seen me without a shirt many times before, her eyes visibly widening in shock as she watched the bat-like appendages form and open up around us, with one higher than the other due to the table.

“Kai,” she said in disbelief, reaching out without hesitation to feel one. “How long have you been able to do this? And have you always been like this?”

“As far as I know,” I replied, answering her second question. “And I think I first grew my wings when I was around eleven or twelve. I don’t actually remember the exact date, but my back was itching a lot and every night it felt like the moon was calling to me, and…” I paused when she gave me a confused look. “I always feel like that for a couple of days before and after the full moon, but this was different.” I glanced at my left wing. “So I snuck out of the house one night and my instincts just kind of kicked in. Growing them out felt like I was scratching the itch.”

She nodded slowly, still feeling the membrane. “I’m really sorry,” she repeated, only to give me an apologetic expression, her eyes glistening slightly. “I just keep thinking about the morning you started being so depressed. I’m not sure if you remember, but we had a sleepover, and the two of us stayed up late that night, because we were playing a game together, and when my mom told us to go to bed, you seemed really sad, so I promised we could continue it first thing in the morning.” She paused to reach up and wipe her eyes. “And then you didn’t want to play at all, and I just kept wondering if I’d done something wrong. If it was somehow my fault.”

“What?” I whispered. “Of course not, Ren. Why would it even be your fault?” I asked seriously.

She shook her head, sniffling. “I don’t know. I was fourteen and kind of moody myself sometimes. But you just never got like that. Never. And I assumed I must have done something. I had no idea what, but felt like it was my fault somehow.”

I sighed heavily, still keeping my wings out. “Sorry,” I said gently. “I just…I just didn’t know how to handle what I experienced. And I felt like I couldn’t tell anyone.” I paused when she nodded, more tears slipping out of her eyes. “But you helped a lot,” I reassured her. “You and your mom both. And of course my mom too. I couldn’t have gotten through it without all of you. And I definitely couldn’t have gotten through losing mom and dad without you,” I added quietly.

She sniffled, giving me a small reassuring smile, not responding this time as she tried to collect herself. After a second, she returned her focus to my dark gray wing, reaching out to feel the membrane again.

Oddly enough, whereas usually I didn’t like having them out unless I was going to fly, instead I was more than comfortable to have them out in her presence. There was almost something cathartic about it, being completely exposed to her -- finally, after all this time -- and having her acceptance.

“Thank you,” I said quietly after a few seconds.

She looked at me in surprise. “For what?” she wondered in confusion.

I decided to be blunt. “For accepting me. And for loving me.”

Her eyes pained briefly as she nodded, returning her focus to my wing as guilt tainted her scent again.

“It means a lot,” I added softly. “You’re everything to me. So please don’t feel guilty. You’ve been my friend when I needed a friend, and helped fill the role of our parents when we were left all alone.”

“But that’s the problem,” she finally whispered. “It’s not right for me to…” She shook her head, not finishing her statement. She then glanced at me. “And what about Gabriella?” she asked seriously. “You seemed pretty certain about marrying her last night.”

I stared down at my plate, uncertain of how to answer her.

My best friend scoffed, her tone becoming chastising. “Kai, I know you’ve never dated anyone before, but I would assume you’d understand the basics. You can’t date two women. I mean, what would Gabriella think if she found out what just happened?” Her frown deepened, though there was nothing unappealing about it. “Kai, you basically just cheated on her by kissing me.”

I shook my head, deciding not to correct her by pointing out that she kissed me, my voice feeling like it was caught in my throat.

“She knows,” I finally managed.

Serenity abruptly sat up straighter in her seat. “Knows what?” she whispered in confusion.

I felt mortified even thinking about it, unsure if I could really tell her everything. Lifting one hand, I covered my eyes, my elbow on the table. “She knows how I feel about you,” I admitted. “And she’s fine with it. She…” My voice choked up, my heart pounding in my ears now. “She’s okay with…” I sucked in a sharp breath. “With us being together at the same time,” I hedged, my voice almost inaudible, finding myself unable to say the word ‘sharing.’

Serenity didn’t respond for a long minute, and I couldn’t bring myself to look at her. I couldn’t even believe I’d really said it.

Finally, she spoke. “Y-You’re serious, aren’t you?” she said in disbelief. “She really said that?” she added, though the question sounded rhetorical. When I didn’t respond, she cleared her throat. “Kai, look at me please.”

I slowly dropped my hand, focusing on her small frown instead of her eyes.

“Kai,” she repeated a little more firmly.

I looked a little higher, meeting her chocolate brown gaze, feeling the most embarrassed I’d ever felt in my entire life. I assumed she was going to scold me or something, but she didn’t respond, her expression unreadable as she examined my face.

She then sighed heavily, and focused on my wing, reaching out to touch it one last time. “You should probably get some sleep,” she finally said. “I’ll ask Nick to leave when he wakes up. And then I guess we’ll talk when we have time later.” She focused on me, her expression a little endearing, though there was a hesitation to it. “But for now, get some sleep, okay?”

I nodded, slowly pulling my wings back and reabsorbing them as I rose from my seat, pulling down my shirt. “Are you alright with me checking on Gabriella first?” I wondered cautiously. “I cleaned her wound with Peroxide, but I want to make sure it’s not getting infected.”

Serenity nodded, her brow suddenly furrowed, staring off into space like she was deep in thought now. “Yeah, that’s fine,” she agreed, seeming even more pensive.

“Okay,” I replied, hesitating for a second, before deciding to go upstairs without making things awkward again by trying to hug her goodnight or something.

Once I crept into Serenity’s bedroom, I felt a content smile tugging slightly at the sight of Gabriella sleeping, her vibrant red hair strewn over the pillow, her lips slightly parted as she slept soundly. She was really out of it though, not even rousing a little when I sat on the edge of the bed and carefully checked the wound.

On the plus side, it seemed perfectly fine, having scabbed over nicely with no signs of inflammation.

Staring at her for a few seconds, I reached out and began gently running my fingers through her hair, feeling a longing begin to stir in my chest -- not something sexual, but a different kind of desire. It was like I missed her, even though she was right here, wishing I could hold her in my arms while we both slept. I doubted Serenity would be thrilled about that though, especially in her bed.

Especially with our relationship feeling like it was in flux right now.

I mean, I disclosed that Gabriella was theoretically fine with sharing me, but what about my best friend? Would she be okay with that? And what did she mean by ‘we’ll talk later’ anyway? Was she going to explain to me all the reasons why we couldn’t be more than friends? Or did she want to talk about making it work out somehow?

I had no idea, and was almost afraid to hope it might somehow be possible.

But in this moment, I just really wanted to hold Gabriella, or to at least sleep beside her.

Taking a deep breath, I stood back up, figuring it couldn’t hurt to ask. I’d just have to make it crystal clear that I would only sleep, and nothing else. However, when I got downstairs, I discovered that the quiet commotion I’d noticed half a minute ago was my housemate digging through a closet, with her now sitting at the table, looking through a shoebox full of envelopes.

“What are you looking for?” I wondered, seeing that she still had that pensive expression.

She glanced at me for a second, before patting the table next to her. “Sit down. I’ll tell you in a minute.”

I nodded, carefully approaching to sit beside her like she’d indicated. It was difficult to not feel a little nervous around her now, between the question I wanted to ask, in addition to the fact that we’d literally kissed not long ago.

After a few more seconds, she seemed to find what she was looking for, pulling out an old envelope that had been long since opened. In the corner, she’d written ‘For Kai’ on the outside.

“Here it is,” she announced, handing it to me.

“What’s this?” I wondered, preferring to just ask instead of reading it.

“A letter from the bank,” she explained. “They have something for you in a lockbox, left by your mom and dad. But you weren’t allowed to withdraw it until you turned eighteen.” She gave me an apologetic look. “I’d completely forgotten about it until now.”

“Oh,” I said, nodding. “What do you think it is?”

She shrugged. “Honestly, no idea. It’s obviously not money, but when you mentioned biting Gabriella, it suddenly made me wonder if this might have something to do with your secret.” She paused when I gave her a confused look. “I mean, I may be completely wrong, but I just started wondering if your parents knew that about you.”

“What makes you think they did?” I asked seriously.

She sighed. “Well, of course you know that when you first started living with them, I thought God sent me an angel for a friend. A playmate.” She hesitated when I grimaced, only to quickly continue. “But I remember your mom laughing the first time I said that, saying something like ‘well, she’s not wrong’ to your dad. It really confused me, and really stuck in my mind as proof that you were really an angel. At least, it did for a few years, before I stopped being so naïve.”

“Well, obviously, I’m not an angel,” I said quietly, suddenly feeling almost ashamed of my demonic look when I was transformed.

She reached out and rested her hand on my shoulder. “Kai, you’re still my little angel, no matter how you look.”

I nodded, a lump appearing in my throat. “Umm, so did your parents do something like this for you?” I wondered, knowing the lockbox thing wouldn’t seem so weird if they’d done it for her as well. Or maybe it was just some kind of heirloom or something, or possibly even a letter left by whoever dropped me off to live with them.

Serenity shook her head, giving my shoulder a small squeeze before letting go. “No, just you,” she whispered.

I nodded, clearing my throat. “So, when can we go check it out?” I wondered.

Serenity glanced at the clock, seeing that it was only about 7:30 AM. “Well, it’s Saturday and the bank is open from nine to noon. I can wake you up at around ten, if you want, so you can get a few hours of sleep.”

I nodded slowly. “Okay.” I hesitated. “Umm, do you mind if I lie down with Gabriella?”

She immediately gave me a critical look, seeming to think it over. “Only as long as you both are actually sleeping,” she replied.

My face flushed, my hair threatening to turn white, prompting me to look away. “Of course,” I whispered, feeling embarrassed. “Thanks,” I added, beginning to get up again.

Serenity surprised me by saying my name in a strange tone. “Kai…” She grimaced slightly as she looked up at me. “I love you,” she said meaningfully. “Sleep well.”

“I love you too,” I replied gently, unsure if that was truly what she wanted to say, but not wanting for things to become awkward again. “Don’t hesitate to wake me up if you need anything,” I added.

“I won’t,” she promised. “And thanks.”

I nodded, making my way to the stairs, afraid that hugging her would cause another spark to flare between us. Thankfully, as I made my way upstairs and focused more heavily on Gabriella’s scent, I felt a little more relaxed. Entering the room, I was almost relieved to climb into bed with her and lay down, keeping a few inches between us, but suddenly feeling my fatigue really begin to hit me.

Now that the sun was up, and my housemate was awake, I felt like I could finally relax and allow myself to drift off into a hopefully dreamless slumber.

Within only half a minute, my mind had already wandered, as I quickly began falling asleep.


This is a long story that involves lots of plot and action, as well as sexual engagements that are detailed and intimate. This story is actually available on amazon and patreon too, but I have several places where I'm posting it for free.


Original: November 18, 2020 (Copyright 2020 Kaizer Wolf)

Submitted to Sexstories: July 20, 2022
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