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This is my first attempt at any sort of serious writing, I hope you enjoy it. Any advice or criticism will be appreciated
Beth had been looking forward to the company barbecue since the weather spiked in July. South Carolina can be a bitch with it’s heat and humidity, and the AC in her apartment could barely keep up. An evening at her boss’s spread with central air and a pool would be a nice respite. Packing a few things, she had a choice of swimsuits, a one piece or a bikini, which while not skimpy would show off a good deal of her almost forty body. Her hands cupped her breasts and gave them a bounce, then ran them down her sides and over her hips. She decided on the bikini, because, after all “A lot of broads my age don’t look this good.” And it was true, some parts may have sagged a little, but she was still trim and nicely curvy where she should be.

She enjoyed the ride to the boss’s house on the North side of town. A long ranch on an acre or so, it was nice but not showy. After parking, the scent of flowers by the path started to relax her as she walked up to the door, where a sign said” Welcome, please come around to the back!”

The patio was large, about 40 people were standing around, some in swimwear, some in casual shorts and shirts, another half dozen were lounging in the pool. She went up to the bar where her hosts Gloria and Tom were tending bar.

Tom introduced her to his wife: “Gloria, this is Beth, Beth Gloria.”

“Hi Gloria, nice to meet you. You have such a great place for a party. I really like your house, it looks so comfortable, have you lived here long?”

” Oh, thank you Beth, we’ve been here 25 years now. Since the kids are gone it seems a bit empty at times, but we love it too much to think about selling.” Karen answered. “Can I get you something to drink?”

“A tall gin and tonic please. And after my drive that pool is calling my name, where can I change into my suit?”

"Just go through the kitchen and down the hall, use any of the bedrooms, and there is a pile of towels by the pool.”

After changing into her suit and putting on some sunscreen she headed over towards the pool, chatting a bit with people she knew. She dropped her things on a nearby table and dove into the deep end, the cool water seemed to vacuum the heat out of her body. After a quick dip she got out, toweling off as she walked.

At the table where she left her drink a chair was now occupied by someone she knew, Jim from the office. They worked in different departments, but they chatted in the breakroom sometimes. He was always pleasant, and sometimes told outrageous stories that made her laugh. Jim was about her age, nice looking with deep set blue eyes, and she had noticed it when his wedding ring disappeared a few months ago.

“Hi Beth, good to see you, how’s the water?”

“Jim, nice to see you too, the water felt great. Are you here alone?”

“Yes, you probably didn’t know but my wife decided she ‘needed a change’, and, well, that was it. To tell the truth, things had gotten pretty bad, so it wasn’t a big deal.”

It was comfortable in the shade and the conversation was coming easily, they sat chatting for almost an hour, getting to know each other pretty well. They each had a few cocktails then switched to iced tea, not wanting to overdo it at a company gig.

Jim stood up “Excuse me, I need to step inside for a minute.”

“I do too, let’s go together, we can check out the house.” Beth said.

When Jim put his hand out to help her up she didn’t hesitate to take it, and when they walked that way to the house a few people noticed and smiled at them.

After a quick look at the kitchen and spacious living room they headed towards the hall bathroom, but someone was just closing the door to it. Rather than wait they went looking for another option. The master suite was open, and they could see the bathroom was empty. It was huge, with two sinks, an open shower built for two, and a bidet besides the toilet.

“You go first” Jim offered, but Beth grabbed his hand and pulled him in with her.

“I’ve never seen a bidet before, have you?” She leaned over it to examine the controls.

Jim joined her in looking at it. “No, but they are very popular in Europe. Are you going to try it?”

“I want to, but I’m not sure what to do. How about this, you go shut the door and stay in here, if I have trouble you can help. You can go ahead and use the toilet, I don’t mind. No peeking though!”

Blushing a bit, Jim turned and faced the toilet, his back to her. He pulled the front of his trunks down and prepared to pee standing, but Beth stopped him. “Wait, I want you to sit on the toilet, and you can look at me now.”

Grinning, he did as she asked. Really there wasn’t much to see that he couldn’t see with her bikini on, and she was looking straight at him, her eyes locked on his.

“Let’s have a contest, one who pees the longest wins. On your mark, get set, PEE!”

The situation had made Jim semi-hard and it took a few seconds to get started , but then his strong stream could be heard splashing in the bowl, her pee hitting the porcelain was making a sort of tinkling sound. They watched as each other pissed, pushing with their bladders to keep going as long as possible. Jim’s stream was the first to peter out, he said “done “ as the last drop fell. Beth stuck her tongue out at him and was able to go for another ten seconds.

That’s when Beth realized she had a bit of a problem. “Jim, I think maybe I should have been sitting the other way around. I can’t see the controls and I’m not sure what to do. Come over here and help me.”

Jim got up, pulling on his swim trunks at the same time. The bidet was just a few steps away, he looked over Beth’s shoulder to see the controls, there were hot and cold taps and a jet sticking out between them. He also took the opportunity to take a good look down her cleavage, while not large her breasts had great shape, her nipples poking into the cloth of her suit. Beth had a good view of her own, turning her head put Jim’s trunks in front of her face. She knew he was checking her out and she could see his cock was twitching with excitement.

Jim adjusted both the hot and cold to their center positions and told her “Get ready, I don’t know what will happen”, and slowly opened the valve. Water came out almost horizontally, the stream getting longer and stronger until it was hitting her in the center of her crack. She shifted and leaned forward and felt the warm water first on her butt hole, and then moving further up until it flowed along her pussy and gently tickled against her clit.

“Wow, it’s much nicer than paper!” She let the water play against her for a few more moments, shifting her ass around to try the jet in different spots, the sensations were amazing. Beth stayed on the bidet longer than necessary lost in the sensations before snapping back to reality. “I think I’m done, are you going to try it”?

“Some other time”, Jim laughed and shut off the flow. “We should get back to the party, people will start to talk.” He handed her a towel and discretely turned his head while she dried off and got her bottom back on.

It hadn’t been as long as it seemed, they got back to the party and walked around still holding hands, mingling a bit and noshing on the barbecue that had been set out.

Evening fell and small lights came on around the patio. Hidden speakers played soft music, adding to the ambiance. As they walked around Beth and Jim exchanged a few light kisses, expressing how comfortable they felt together.

Beth guided them over to the far side of the pool where the lights were dim. “What we did in the bathroom was fun if sort of naughty, don’t you think”

“I’ve never done anything like it, I was surprised at how much it excited me. Seeing the way your face lit up when the water hit you, I thought you might be have an orgasm” Jim said.

“It was close” she laughed, “and not just the bidet, having you in there watching made it special.”

“And reminded me of something I haven’t done since I was a kid. When we were outside my brother would let me hold his dick while he peed. I want to do that now, I want to feel it, would you let me?”

Jim looked around; they would be invisible where they were. They turned towards the bushes and he put one arm over her shoulder reaching in cupping her tit, with the other he pulled down the front of his shorts. Beth pulled out his dick and felt it from tip to the base, quickly cupping his balls before taking a grip around its center. After enjoying the feel of her hand for a moment he started to piss, Beth watched fascinated, feeling the flow of piss rush through the underside of his cock, sticking out a finger into the stream it until he ran dry.

Turning, she kissed him deeply. When they finally broke their embrace Jim suggested they say goodbye to their hosts, thank them for a most enjoyable time, and go over to his place.

At his house they dropped their bags in the hallway and fell into a serious kiss, bodies pressed close together, his hands reached down and traced her ass cheeks, feeling the curve where they met her legs, sliding over their roundness, her arms were wrapped around his back trying to pull their bodies even closer together.

There was nothing subtle about their needs, clothes came off with little ceremony and landed on the bedroom floor. “I have condoms” Jim told her, “if it makes you more comfortable.”

“It would, and I appreciate your asking.” Beth stood on her toes and kissed the end of his nose, then grinned and shoved him onto the bed, falling on top of him. She curled up with her head on his stomach, her hand curling around his member, appreciating the hard heat of it. It seemed an average size, a little thicker than she expected and now fully erect. Her tongue ran circles around the tip, tasing his precum and lightly sliding along the shaft. While gently sucking she moved her hips around till her legs straddled his face. He marveled at the beauty and smell of her sex, the lips slightly open, her clit just visible. He let his hand cup her mound, pressing firmly with his palm feeling her heat. Removing his hand he let two fingers move slowly up the slit, dipping into the wetness of her hole and lingering on that little place where he knew her greatest pleasures came from.

Reaching around her hips he pulled her down, forcing her cunt into his mouth. His tongue eased into her as far as it would go, retreating to make circles around the lips and slipping back in.

When it was time, she put the condom on him. Once over the tip her mouth closed around it, working it down until her hands had to finish the job.

He entered her missionary style and when he was fully engulfed he lay still, savoring the feeling and planting sweet kisses on her face. When he started moving, it was slow and gentle, easy little movements gradually growing more forceful. As the intensity of his thrusts increased her hips started rising to meet him until it almost seemed a violent, almost animal thing. And when he came she could feel it, even with the condom, and she came herself.

End of part one.
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