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Brett comes home from college.
I'm 25 and just returned home from college. Not saying it went to well for me or anything as I'm coming home because I lost my job at a warehouse where I was working my way through college. I have no job prospects and have no idea what to do so my parents said I could return home and work the farm and ranch we own until I figure things out. I'm sure dad is happy that I'm back I know the last7 years of me being gone has been hard on him to work the land basically alone. We have some farm and ranch hands but dad had always preferred for me and him to do the bulk of the work. Dad is ex-military and pretty strict and the hands tend to do just enough to get paid. I put my last suitcase down on the floor of the basement. The room was going to need a lot of work since this was the room I was going to be living in from now on until I figure things out for myself. My old bedroom is now my sister's room. Growing up we had to share a room and she wasn't too keen on me moving back in to the room after have been gone for so long.

MY sister is 18 years old now, when I moved out for college she was only 11 so there is a pretty big age and sibling difference between us. Mom is a teacher at the elementary school about 45 minutes away from the old farm house. I sat down on the couch that would have to serve as my bed for a while until I could get my bed put together. I'm feeling pretty much like a loser at this point so when at 8 am I heard my sister and father upstairs in the kitchen I didn't want to go up but knew dad would already be pissed off that I hadn't come up earlier to start working.

"Is that what college taught you?" my father immediately barked as I opened the basement door. "To sleep all damned day?"

My sister was making breakfast at the stove. Her eyes glanced at me. I didn't see anything in her eyes other than my existence. She went back to cooking as I moved to the table.

"I was up all night unpacking." I told my father. "I'm gonna have a lot of work to do down stairs to get the basement in to a bedroom."

"Then get to work. Kati already did all the morning chores." He smiled up at her as she put a plate in front of him with bacon and eggs. "Thank you darling."

Kati nodded and moved to the stove again. She made a second plate and brought it to me.

Surprised I looked up at her, "Um, Thanks, Kati."

Again she just nodded. I remember my sister being pretty talkative when she was little and I'll admit in my time at college I rarely came home so Kati and I are not close at all.

"Unlike you, Kati is a good girl." He smiled at her as she started to clean the kitchen.

"Kati aren’t you gonna eat too?" I asked her. Noticing that she had only made enough for our father and myself.

"No." she said softly.

I didn't question it since well I don't know her and maybe she doesn't do the breakfast thing of maybe she was one of those girls that was strict on her diet or something. I'll stop here and tell you about my little sister. She's 5 ft 5 and weighs maybe 100 lbs. I'm sure most of her weight is in her ass and tits. She's got the biggest tit's I've ever seen naturally on a woman and her ass looks more like it belongs on a yoga pant instagram model than it does on a 18 year old farm girl. I can't help but watch her ass move as she cleaned the kitchen. But it bothered me that I saw dad watching it as well. Kati only turned 18 a few days ago. She's advanced in school so she graduated a year early but mom and dad put a stop to her going to college since it didn't seem to be paying off for me.

After breakfast I moved to the sink to clean my dishes but dad mostly pushed me out of the way, "Kati, get this cleaned up and then get out to the barn and get some hay thrown down to the stalls."

"Yes, daddy." She said quietly.

Our dad turned to me, "Come on, I got work fer ya to do."

I groaned but followed my dad out of the house. Around 12 Kati met me and dad at the tractor with sandwiches and glasses of iced tea. "Thanks." I wanted to get to know my sister a little but she was quick to leave as soon as she handed everything over to us. "Dad is Kati just quiet because I'm home? I don’t remember her being so quiet growing up."

Dad just shrugged and ate his sandwich. After he had downed his drink me hurried me up then we left our plates and glasses beside the barn and headed back out in to the fields. At dusk we were pulling up to the barn to park the tractor as mom pulled in the drive way. I noticed the dishes from lunch had been taken in to the house, I walked in to the barn as dad went to mom to greet her. Inside the barn I found Kati, her clothes where soaking wet. She was throwing what looked like my stuff in the dryer and hanging up other stuff. "Kati?"

Kati jumped and span around. A look of relief flickered across her face for a split second then she seemed to rethink herself. "Brett…" she glanced to the floor beside the washer and dryer. "I tried... I didn’t… I tried to clean it up… but…"

I was pretty sure that she was scared; of me or what I didn't know. "What happened?" I asked her calmly.

"A pipe… broke when… I'm sorry… I don't think it damaged anything to bad but…"

I noticed her hands where a bit cut up and her face had a slight gash in it. I moved toward her and grabbed a clean rag that was kept over top the washer and dryer. I put it to her cheek softly, "Chill out, what happened?"

We both looked over at dad yelled from the house. "Kati! Get your ass in here now!"

My sister began to shake. "I didn't mean to…" her eyes looked up at me as though she was begging for me to save her. I just had no idea as to what she needed saving from. From what I knew dad worshiped the ground Kati walked on. Mom dotted on Kati like she was a princess as well. If that was the case why was she so terrified? Things around this place don't really add up some times.

"Kati!" our dad yelled again. It was pretty evident he was pissed.

I followed my sister out of the barn and to the house. As soon as we walked in Dad grabbed Kati by the back of the neck, "Hey!" I called out surprised to see our father handling my tiny sister so roughly.

He jerked her toward him, "What the hell happened? Can't you get anything right!"

"Daddy…" her voice trembled, "A pipe broke… I hate to save Brett's stuff and.. I'm trying to clean everything up… I didn't mean… I didn't mean to make a mess." Tears feel from my sister's light hazel eyes. "Daddy." She squirmed under his grasp.

I saw his hand tighten on her neck. I winced that was going to bruise.

Mom didn't look too pleased as she grabbed an old towel and dropped it to the floor to wipe up the slight trail of water that had been dripped along the floor boards.

"Hey, what happened?" I asked again.

"Your sister made a fucking mess in the house!" he pushed her toward the living room, "Get to cleaning this mess. Now!" he shouted. "And where the hell is dinner!"

"In… in the oven." She croaked out as she stumbled to the doorway and caught herself. "It's almost ready." She scurried out of the room.

I ignored my parents as mom bitched about having a long hard day and having to come home to clean up after her kids. Dad just went to the fridge and grabbed himself a beer. "Ungrateful little cunt." He muttered.

I glanced at my sister on her knees wiping up the dripped water and headed down to the basement. I blinked shocked. MY queen sized bed as put together and my mattress had fresh sheets on it. My clothes where hung on hangers and put in the closet that was in the room. All the basement stuff was stacked and organized neatly across the room out of the way. The shower and toilet in the basement where cleaned and not mucky anymore. The only thing was a dripping pipe over head that a bucket sat under. The floor was damp but had been cleaned and looked to dry soon. The thing was the pipe was right over where most of my clothes and bed stuff had been setting in bags. I moved up the stairway. Kati wasn't in sight and I didn't hear dad yelling so I headed outside to the barn. Sure enough I found my sister with a stack of towels on the floor beside her as she folded my clothes. "hey."

Kati jumped, "Oh… i... I'm sorry… I tried…"

I stopped her, "Did you really do all that just for me today?"

Kati nodded, "I tried to do more but… but I had to cook dinner and the pipe broke and… I'll fix it tomorrow please… please don’t be mad." She flinched when I moved toward her.

"hey, Kati…" His hand touched her arm softly, "Are you ok?"

Slowly she nodded, but didn't look up at me.

"Kati… um… well this is gonna sound weird but… does dad beat you or something?"

Her eyes rose to mine, she glanced at the barn door then nodded slowly, "Don't tell daddy I said anything. Please." She started to cry, "I… I'll be a good girl just… please…"

"Shh." I hushed her as the barn door opened. "I just wanted to say thanks for cleaning up my room and well shit happens so... well a water pipe leaking on my stuff is no big deal." I smiled softly down at her. "I appreciate it."

Her eyes opened wide as she looked up at me. I think it’s the first time she'd ever heard anyone thank her.

"Kati! Get your ass in the house!" Dad barked at her, "You are already late with dinner!"

She quickly folded my shorts that where in her hands and ran to the door. Side stepping our father and running in to the house. I turned to look at him. He was watching her as she ran.

"Good fer nothin'… only thing that girl is good at is milkin' cows, cookin', and making a mess." He muttered as he followed her out.

I frowned as I too followed. If dad was beating Kati I was sure either he beat mom too or she was in on it. Mom's got the eyes of a hawk.

The next few days Kati seemed to keep herself out of trouble and dad kept me too busy to do anything about anything.

"Brett, your cousins are coming to stay the week for Christmas so they are going to need your room." Mom told me as she moved through the house.

"Um, ok then where am I gonna sleep?"

"Just find a place." She said dismissively. "And make it quick, your father wants your room cleaned up before they get here."

I know mom and dad where not to happy with me for leaving for college and now being back it pretty much seems like I'm just an unpaid farm hand. But I don't have to even make my bed as my clothes are always washed everyday and my bed is made each day as well. It seems Kati does all the house chores everyday with no break. I'm not sure how she is able to do everything.

After dinner I went to my room and grab my clothes. I heard my mom's family coming in. quickly I grabbed my stuff and headed upstairs to figure something out. Kati sat in her room on her bed. "Hey, you ok?"


"So um, know where I can crash with they are in town?"

Kati shook her head, "Un… unless you want to sleep in here, no."

"Would you be ok with that?"

"As long as…" she paused, "Yeah." She said softly.

I put my bag of clothes down in her doorway, "Can we talk?"


I sat down on the edge of her bed. I thought it was strange as dad seemed aggressive toward her I'd have thought she'd been kind of neglected as I don't see her eat even at dinner time. But her room was done in all pink. She had plush animals all over the room. Her bed was king sized with hot pink blankets and pale pink comforter with cartoon cat faces all over it. It was a bit young for her but I mean if that’s what she likes then what ever. "How bad is it?" I asked quietly. "Dad I mean."

Her body shook, "I…" her face looked at the open doorway. I realized she didn't even have a door.

Dad walked by, "Bed Kati." His eyes met mine, "Now."

Kati jumped up and scrambled under the covers. "Night daddy."

I left the room and headed to the kitchen. Mom was happily chatting away with my aunt so I left them to girl talk. At around 11 I headed to Katie's room. I used one of my own sheets and pinned it up inside the doorway for privacy. I stripped down to just my shorts and gently climbed in to the bed.

Kati made no move at all.

"You asleep?" I whispered. I heard her breath almost sigh. "Kati?"

"Shh." She whispered, "Daddy can hear."

I pulled out my cell phone and typed in to it. I moved the screen to her face.

Kati rolled to her back and took my phone from my hand. She typed a moment then turned the screen to me.

Only one sentice was on the screen and it made my stomach churn. 'When you leave again take me with you.'

I took the phone and typed, 'He beats you doesn't he?'

She nodded.

I moved closer to her and leaned my head against her shoulder, 'How bad?'

She took my phone, 'Really bad. I don't want to live here anymore. But… he won't let me leave.'

'What about college?'

'you have to have a high school diploma for that. Daddy lied, he pulled me out of school when I was 13.'

My fist clenched around the phone as she gave it back. 'why?'

She shook her head and refused to take the phone from me. She turned her back to me and began to cry in to her pillow. I sat up when I heard the curtain I hung up move.

"Kati." Dad whispered. "Did you think hanging a sheet would stop me?" he chuckled in the dark room, "it never has before." He moved to the bed in the dark. When he got close I spoke up.


"Shit! What in the hell is you doin' in here?"

"I had to find somewhere to sleep since Aunt Paula and them are here."

Dad almost growled, "fine." He left the room.

I typed on my phone and put it in front of Kati's face as she lay on her side.

She nodded then closed her eyes and turned her face to her pillow again.

My fist clenched around my phone. My own eyes looked at what I had typed, "Does he touch you inappropriately?" looked back at me. Now I knew enough to be pissed and worried about my sister.

Over the next few nights Kati and I talked at night using my phone to type. I learned that dad would tie her up to the bed from the time she began her period and touch her. Every night he checked her to make sure she was still a virgin but was promising that soon he would be taking that way from her now that she was 18. Kati didn't want that. She wanted to leave. She wanted to have finished school and gone to college like I had. She wanted to leave this place. I also found out that mom only dotted on her because she was grooming Kati to be her replacement. Mom seemed tired of Dad and wanted out as well. But dad had only agreed to let mom leave if she groomed their daughter to take her place. I held my little sister tightly to me as we slept each night. Whispering that I'd try to get her out as soon as I could. The only problem was dad kept me too busy to look for a real job.

I learned Kati didn't have any friends since she had been taken out of school. So she had nowhere to hide from dad. My sleeping in her room was the first time she said since I left the house that she had slept comfortable. A few days after Christmas out cousins left and I had t move back to my basement bedroom. After hearing everyone head to bed I snuck upstairs to Kati's bedroom. Quietly I moved into the room and lifted her up, "Shh." I whispered.

I felt her arms moved around my neck as I, 6ft2 200 lbs, carried my underweight sister down stairs to my room. I set her in my bed, "Do not leave my room no matter what you hear got me?"

Kati looked up at me scared but nodded.

I went back up and sat down on Kati's bed. Waiting.

At Midnight dad moved in to the room. In the dark he didn't see that it was in the bed. His hand reached for Kati but I grabbed him and wrestled him down to the floor, quickly gagging him with a rag and tying his legs together and his hands behind his back. "You will never touch my sister again." I whispered in to his ear. I removed the rag from his mouth and forced him to swallow a pill. I had run with a few bad eggs in college and had plenty of fun drugs still in my stash. Had it not been for Kati doing as I had asked and spiking dad's drink with muscle relaxers I'm sure I wouldn't have been able to overpower him as I had. Within a few minutes dad was asleep snoring on the floor. I stood taking a length of rope with me and headed to mom's room. She was laying naked in the bed her right hand between her legs her left rolling her nipple between her fingers.

"Don't let me stop you mom."

"Brett!" she jerked and sat up. I heard the buzzing of her vibrator between her legs.

"Getting off to the thought of your husband taking his daughter's virginity?" I asked her.

"What?" she shook her head, "What are you talking about?"

"Nothing goes over your head mom. I know better." I moved to her and grasped her arms roughly overpowering her; she's built like Kati. I tied her hands behind her then a creul idea hit me and I stood her up. I kept one hand on her as I pulled her across the room and dug through her underwear drawer. I grabbed a pair of thong panties and forced her to put them on. This kept the vibrater in her cunt inside of her. "We are going for a walk."

I drug mom to the barn to an empty stall and tied her to the beam over head. I had already set all this up during the day. Mom was forced to her tip toes and I stuffed a second pair of panties on her mouth. I went back to the house and grabbed dad. And less than careful drug is body out to the barn. Where I tied him to a wooden horse normally used to sawing wood. I tied his hands and legs to it then as mom watched I cut through dad's clothes and left him naked in the stall as well. "have fun I'll be back once I get some sleep."

I went back in to the house and went down stairs. Kati was sitting in my bed her knees to her chest. When I came in she jumped up, "Brett."

"Shh, it's ok." I smiled, "Mom and dad are in the barn. Don't worry ok. No one is gonna hurt you anymore." I kissed her forehead, "I promise. Just do me a favor and don't go in to the barn for a while ok."

Once I got up a few hours later I left the house and ran to town after calling the school my mom worked at and telling them she would be out sick for the week. They didn't sound happy but I didn't really care. Mom knew what was happening to Kati and was basically selling her daughter out. I stopped at the hardware store and grabbed a few things then a few other places before I headed home. It was about noon when I pulled up to the house. Kati jogged out of the house to greet me. I think it's the first time I've seen her smile since I got home.

"I made lunch for you."

"Thanks." I put my hand on the top of her head, "Kati, Mom and dad won't be in the house for a while ok. So well do what you want. If you don't feel like chores then what ever ok."

"But the house has to be clean and…"

"Kati… chill ok. I'm in charge now and even if I let mom and dad back in the house I'll still be in charge. I majored in physiology with a minor in applied behavior analysis. There is a reason I'm in debt so badly."

Her hazel eyes blinked up at me, "What are you going to do to them?"

"Don't worry about it ok." I leaned kissed her forehead, "I'll take care of everything. Just do what you want. Maybe start by getting on my computer and see if we can get you your GED ok." I headed to the barn after logging in to my computer and getting Kati set up with an E-mail address and searching for what she needed.

"So I guess you two had plenty of time to think about what you have been doing to Kati."

Mom glared at me as I stood behind dad who was set to face her. Dad tried to look back at me but the strain on his neck was pretty hard on him. I set my bags down just inside the stall. "I bet that battery is about run out at this point isn't it?" I asked mom who had a noticeable wet trail doing down her thin tan legs.

So just to let you know I have a few kinks, one I'm in to bondage and two I'm actually bi. I had a boyfriend in college that roomed with me for a while. And yeah I'm defiantly a top. I moved to mom and grasped her thong and pulled hard. The thin material ripped and her over stimulated cunt let go of the vibrator immediately. With it she let out a stream of piss as well as she moaned behind the rag between her teeth. I tisked at her, "God damn mom, your filthy." I bent down and lifted the vibrator from the floor. I moved back to dad and smiled, "So I found out that you have been touching my little sister inappropriately for a long time dad. Since mom knew about it that is why she's out here as well." I pushed moms cunt covered vibrator in dad's face smearing him with her piss and fuck juice. "You won't get her virginity but I'll be taking yours." I smiled and moved around my dad. Without any warning I speared his asshole open with the vibrator that had been in mom all night and most of the day.

Dad yelled out behind the rag in his mouth as the plastic forced it's way between his ass cheeks and in to his tight sphincter. I pressed it as far as it would let me force it then grabbed a roll of duck tape and ripped off a strip. I made sure to press firmly letting the tape stick to his hair and skin holding the dildo in place. I moved back to mom, "I bet your arms are pretty tired huh?"

Mom nodded slowly. I could see fear beginning to show in her eyes.

"I'm not whole blaming you, Kati told me dad beats you and forces you to take him raping you as well as makes you suck his dick in front of her. But you are still a part of this so I have a special rehabilitation training for you." I pulled the knot on the rope and let her arms down. Her toes had been holding her for so long she crumpled to the stall floor. I didn't give her much time before I pulled her behind me force her to crawl with me out of the stall to a second one. This one I had set up a chair with a dildo and butt plug on, "You don't the luxury of lube so I suggest you use your own cunt to lube that ass plug." I told her as I untied her hands, "If I have to make you get in that chair you will regret everything you have ever done in your life. Got it?"

Mom nodded slowly. She moved to the chair and gently sat herself where the butt plug was at her cunt lips. Gently she fucked herself up and down a few times until I felt she'd stalled long enough.

"Mom, I'm not patent right now, hurry up and sit in the chair properly."

I know she wanted to refuse but I put my hand in my pocket and pulled out a taster, "Now."

When I let the arch fly to show her it was charged she moved her cunt to the dildo and slipped down. Her ass refusing at first and after a few moments of her face twisting in pain I moved forward and hit her thigh with the tazer. As she screamed out her weight dropped and she planted both plugs in to her holes hard. She was limp a moment as she gasped, drool falling from her lips, snot bubbling from her nose. I used this opportunity to tie her hands and legs to the chair. From my bag and pulled out a pair of head phones. A buddy of mine from college was an audio tech and had made a hypnosis track for me. I put head phones on mom's ears and smiled, "Enjoy, I think Josh was pretty creative this time."

Josh had a mind control fetish and he and I teamed up to make recordings back in college for girls who were eager to try that type of thing.

I moved back to dad who glared up at me. "Mom is being rehabilitated so you won't be seeing her for a while. I smiled, "By the way dad, I'm in to incest as well but I'm also Bi."

My dad's eyes opened wide a second before he growled and began to fight the bonds on him. I chuckled as I moved around him and quickly pulled the tape from his ass. Behind the rag he screamed as hair came with the tape and the vibrator was shot out of his ass.

I chuckled then grabbed my next item. I stayed out of his light of sight and moved to the water hose filling an enema bag with a packet of solution and then water. I went back to dad and forced the nozzle in to his asshole then taped it in as well. I have a cream for hair removal that I'll use on him later but I think he deserves all the pain I give him right now. I hung the bag up on the high side of the stall, "I'll be back later." I checked my watch, "30 minutes should be a good hold time for that."

I went inside and ate the lunch Kati had prepared for me. I found her in my room on my laptop, "How you doing?"

Kati turned around from my desk. "You have to pay for these classes to prep for it unless you already where in school and just didn't graduate."

I looked over her shoulder, "I can teach you this stuff." I smiled down at her, "As long as you get all the curriculum that we need to go over then I will teach you everything."

She jumped up and hugged me tight, her breasts pressing to my chest tightly. "I'm glad you came home. I was scared because daddy said that you would be using me too. He said once you where here he'd… he'd make me a mommy and it wouldn't matter who's baby it was because it's be his or yours."

My dick grew hard thinking about knocking my hot little sister up but I forced myself to remain calm. "Kati, I'd never take advantage of you. I won't say I would mind that but I'd never force you."

She blinked up at me, "But you want to… to make me a mommy?"

"Kati, you are drop dead gorgeous. Any guy to see you is going to want to do that to you. But never will I let anyone force anything like that on you. There are precautions that can be taken if you want to have sex or you just don't have sex until you are ready." I smiled down at her. "What dad was doing was wrong. No one should ever touch you unless you want it to. Ok."

She smiled and hugged me again. "Thank you for coming home. Bret." Her hug was so tight I couldn't help but hug her just as tight.

"Do whatever you want I'll be back in a while ok." I left her in my room and headed back to the barn. I got stopped by a few of dad's hands and chatted with them for a bit. I needed to know what all was going on anyway since I'm taking over everything anyway. In the barn I could hear mom's whimpering but dad's pained grunts where louder. I headed to the stall to see him. His face was red. his whole body clenched. "painful?" I chuckled, "That enema had some laxatives to it so I bet being out here 45 minutes that stuff is getting to you." I patted his face with my palm. "Lets get you a bucket." I grabbed a bucket and set up to catch everything his ass was about to vacate. Once his colon was empty I filled the bag up with water and flushed him out a few more times until everything was clear. I'm kind of picky about my bottom bitch being clean back there. After hugging my sister and hearing that dad was going to have me fucking her as well my dick was pretty hard so I lubed my 9 inch cock up and slammed in to his ass. Dad cried out in pain while I sighed. Dad isn't unattractive at all. In fact for a 6ft 165 lb guy dad is pretty attractive but mostly I was doing this to punish him and well I need to get off you know. Dad grunted as I moved my cock in and out of his ass. "You know dad your ass isn't half bad. I have a few buddies from college that would probably love to get this hole." I chuckled when he shook his head and tried to glare at me. "Don't worry; once you are reconditioned you'll understand how to be a good slut for me and my friends."


I'm Kati! I'm 18 5ft5 almost 100 lbs. my tits are almost a dd size and my ass is firm and bubbly. Daddy always said I was the spitting image of my mom at this age and well it makes me happy because my mom is so beautiful. I just wish my daddy didn't look at me like he does. At night for the past few years daddy has snuck in to my bedroom and felt me up; touching my breasts, kneading them, sucking my thick nipples in to hard points. He spends hours licking and eating my pussy until I can't even beg him to stop anymore. Not that he ever understood me as he gags me with my own panties after he has jerked off in them. I hate the bitter taste of his cum in my mouth and hate even more that my body shudders with pleasure when he is eating me out. He will rub his hard cock up and down my hairless pussy until he starts to cum and leaves his daddy cum all over my wet pussy lips. He tells me I'm not allowed to clean his cum off until I shower. I'm only allowed to shower at night because he makes me work and sweat all day long. I was terrified when he said Brett would be coming home. Daddy always told me he and Brett would breed me and make me a mommy once I was 18. Daddy said that Brett was probably meaner than him so that I needed to keep being a good girl. I was relieved when Daddy gave Brett the basement as his bedroom. I was scared that Brett would do worse stuff than daddy if we shared a room like we did when I was really little.

I laid in bed alone once Brett left his bedroom. He told me to stay here and not leave until he came back. Last night he had typed in his phone that he would take care of everything once mom's family left. He promised that I would be safe. Brett is the first person to ever be nice to me and let me do what I want. I laid back, by now so used to my daddy eating me out this time of day that my hand began to wonder under my little pink panties. I found my clit and began to manipulate the tight little bud. Brett was sexy, same color hair as me, same eyes. Brett was kind and gentle around me. I moaned as I rubbed my little clittie. I wanted Brett to touch me like daddy did; but in a nice way. I wanted Brett to fall in love with me like I've read about in books. I remember having to share our room when I little the bedroom is small so we had to share a bed. Brett would roll over in his sleep. His big dick would poke my tummy or my butt depending on how I was sleeping. He always apologized profusely when he realized but I've even forgotten how safe and loved I felt in his arms when I was scared or sad. Brett always made time for me when I was little. He is 7 years older than me and since we had to share a room it was a little awkward at times but Brett always tried to keep the awkwardness down. He would take me for piggy back rides to the barn to help him with the animals, he is the one that taught me to milk the cows. If I watched a movie that scared me, he would make a tent out of our bed sheets and cuddle me all-night telling me over and over he'd protect me. I love my big brother and now I feel foolish for listening to daddy that Brett would be bad to me as well. My hips jerked as I thought about it. Brett gently touching me. Brett sliding his hard cock along my slit. What if I let him and he accidently penetrated me. "Ah.. AH…" My voice called out on it's own as an orgasm at the thought of my brother accidently impregnating me. "Yes…" I whimpered, "Brett cum… I'm… I'm gonna be a mommy for your baby… UHHHG."

I'm super glad that I wasn't panting or flush anymore when Brett came back in to lay with me for a bit before he left to go to town for some supplies he wanted to get. I started my chores wondering if Brett would teach me to drive so that maybe I could help him run errands or go to the store for things he wanted so he didn't always have to do it himself. I giggled at the thought of being kind of like a little housewife for my big brother.
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