Caught in a felony, Sarah has to decide between facing the cops or becoming a willing sexual submissive to Mr. Michaels. Her indoctrination into the world of domination and submission opens her to a new world of pleasure and pain and the concept of being a sex slave.
This is a 28 chapter story that has been a fantasy of mine for a long time. To excise if from constantly buzzing around my head, I decided to put it on paper. I enjoyed how the story unfolded and grew as I wrote. I hope you will enjoy my effort. Like all authors, especially newer authors, I would appreciate any feedback and comment. I will publish new chapters every few days. All are written and only require the tenth edit to finish. Lol.
Everything changed the following week. She came inside in another slutty little outfit ready to tease and send Mr. Michaels off to his game as usual, but he did not look happy to see her. He told her to come in and sit down on the couch. Billy was nowhere to be seen. She could even see that Max had been put outside onto the deck and waited at the glass doors.
She sat down suddenly nervous and asked, “What’s wrong?”
He stared daggers into her for what felt like minutes without responding or moving. She shifted one way and then shifted back while she waited, only able to sneak peeks at his glare before having to look away. Had she pushed the teasing too far? Had she done something wrong with Billy? Had he noticed the missing money? The last one raised the biggest fear. Her mind raced and a sick feeling started in the bottom of her stomach.
He moved at last. He turned and pointed the remote at the TV. There on the screen she watched herself reaching into the drawer in his room and carefully counting out several bills. The date stamp in the lower corner showed it to be five weeks prior and she knew he had a video of the first time she had taken money. She watched herself tuck the money in her pocket and then shut and lock the drawer. After a brief pause, the video continued with another date in the lower corner showing it to be the following week with the same result of her taking the money out of the drawer. She even counted the money out bill by bill in front of her. No doubt it came to $150, and she even kissed the small stack and had a huge smile on her face. It continued with every succeeding date that she babysat and helped herself to an extra ‘tip’. The camera angle changed a couple of times, but each time, there would be no doubt it had been her.
“Is there something you want to tell me?” he demanded in a stern voice. He sounded like a father scolding a very misbehaving child. She had gone pale, and the sick feeling had become a sharp pain. She felt like she might throw up. Tears had welled up in her eyes. The shock of being exposed as the clear thief she had become made her unable to even respond.
“Do you understand that it is a FELONY to steal over $1000? And that you could be sentenced with up to eighteen months in prison as well as a big fine?!” he continued. Again, he just stood there silently, and she sat stone still. Prison? Fine? Her whole life could be ruined. College would be gone. Her scholarship gone. Hell, even getting a shitty job at that point would be the best she could hope for. She would have to tell everyone for the rest of her life that she was a felon. And prison?! She couldn’t go to prison!! She just turned 18. Supposedly the best part of her life. What the fuck was she going to do? She sat too stunned to even respond.
“And that’s not all,” he finally said breaking the silence.
“Not all!!” she screamed inside her head. “What the hell else was there?” she wondered. He had pressed play again and she saw herself, leggings pulled down and hanging off one leg, her moaning and pinching her nipple while her hand rubbed her pussy in a blur until she reached a loud orgasm. She couldn’t move or speak. Humiliation stopped the tears and her breathing. The video mercifully stopped, and he looked back at her with his arms crossed waiting for an answer.
“Mr. Michaels…..what can I say….I’m so so soooo sorry!” she stammered. “Please, please, you can’t call the cops. I…I…I’ll give you all the money back!!” She started to feel frantic. “I’ll give all the money back and all the money you gave me for babysitting and…..and…..and my birthday.” She reached over to touch his arm. “Please Mr. Michaels. This would ruin my life.” Her eyes pleaded to him.
In his continued silence and stare, she searched for something else to say. “I’ll babysit from now on for free. You don’t have to pay me anything. Please, just don’t have me arrested. Don’t show those videos to my parents!” she begged.
Fresh tears streamed down her cheeks. She felt hot and faint. “I’d be ruined. I’m so ashamed. Please, what can I do?!” she begged again. The video of her naked and masturbating had been humiliating to watch. If it ever got out, she would be a laughingstock. But that didn’t begin to compare to her blatantly stealing. She couldn’t believe she had done it. How could she have done that? She had always been a good girl. She wasn’t the type to steal. But she did, didn’t she? She had gone into that drawer and had taken the money. She did steal. “What an idiot! What was I thinking? How could I do that?” she said over and over in her head. She actually fell off the couch at his feet and grabbed his leg. “Please don’t report me Mr. Michaels and ruin my life,” she begged again and cried against his leg.
She prayed for sympathy, but she got none. “Get up right now and sit on that couch and stop this bullshit crying!” he yelled. She jumped at his anger and trembled in fear, but did as instructed and got on the couch. His yelling scared the crying right out of her. She gulped in a big breath and held it. She looked up at him and forced herself to be as silent as possible, but remained unable to completely stifle her sniffles.
“You stole Sarah. You have to be punished. I can’t just turn my head and ignore it. How many other people you have stolen from?” he accused.
“NO ONE! I promise. I’ve never done anything like this before,” she protested. “I promise. And I’ll never ever do it again.”
He seemed to calm down and visibly took a couple of deep breaths. “Sarah, I want to believe you, but I can’t just ignore this. There has to be a consequence. I can’t just let this go,” he stated in a much calmer voice. Again, there was a long pause as he just stared at her.
“I’ll clean your house too. Maybe cook some dinners, or…or…wash your car….there has to be some way I can work this off. Something I can do for you other than go to jail….what can I do?” she pleaded again.
“I don’t need or want any of those things,” he responded and then let the silence fill the room again.
The way he said it, she got the idea that there had to be something she could do. She just hadn’t found the right thing. There had to be something she could offer. “Think, think…,” she said to herself. The answer came in a flash and seemed so simple. She looked up and said in a meek voice, “I’ll have sex with you.”
She had been teasing him for months. And being 18 and attractive, surely a chance for an older guy to get a young barely legal girl had to be of interest. Offering her body seemed an obvious choice. And preferable to watching her life get turned upside down.
“I’ll do anything you want,” she continued. “I’ll give you a blowjob, and.., and you can have sex me….anything just please don’t ruin my life,” she added feeling slightly more confident. He hadn’t responded, but he hadn’t shut her down either. She sat quietly waiting for his reaction. She could see him considering as he slowly rocked his head from side to side. She reasoned that every second that passed had to be good for her. Finally, he seemed to soften and sat down on the couch next to her.
The wait was interminable. “That is something I want Sarah. It is something I’ve wanted to a long time,” he admitted slowly. “But I want to make sure you understand what that would mean. I don’t want a girl that I am forcing to have sex with me. It would have to be consensual. More than just consensual. I am a very dominant person. I like to be in charge during sex and I like women to be submissive,” he explained further. “Willingly submissive. Actively enjoying pleasing me. And willing to do anything they are told to do without question. Are you sure you are prepared for something like that?” he asked.
Now she took a turn to be quiet for a minute. Her thoughts went to the cuffs and rope she found in his bedside table. “He means really submissive,” she thought to herself. Was she really prepared to do this? Have sex with a man old enough to be her father? And kinky sex at that? Maybe be tied up? On the other hand, an older man would probably be a lot better at sex than the boys she had been with. Maybe he could show her things she didn’t know about. Just the thought of being submissive to this man made Sarah’s pussy tingle with new expectation. Being submissive to anyone. A part of her really wanted this. But there would be no turning back if she agreed. She could just take her chances with admitting to the crime and dealing with the consequences. The internal struggle pulled her back and forth.
She took a deep breath and said with as much strength as she could muster, “I want this. I understand what I am getting into, and I am willing to be your…” she searched for the right word, “submissive.” Her words felt like someone else saying them while she listened. She felt out of her body. She had just told a man, a much older man than herself, that she would be his sex slave. “What have I done?” echoed in her head.
Mr. Michaels nodded and took a few minutes to let it all sink in. “Once this starts Sarah, there is no turning back. You are mine until I tell you that you that you have paid your debt. You don’t get to say yes to some things and no to others. You are putting yourself in my hands and agree to follow all of my directions. Do you understand?” he questioned.
“I understand.”
“I understand… SIR!” he corrected.
“I understand Sir!” she parroted back. With the emphasis on sir. He meant this to start immediately.
Mr. Michaels pulled out his phone and stated, “We are going to start by you putting on video that you are offering to be my prostitute for money. That you will have sex with me for cash.”
She looked at him blankly for a second. “Why?” she finally asked.
“I am not going to have you jump into bed with me only to turn around the next day and claim that I forced you or raped you. I want to have it clear on video that you are offering yourself to me and doing this willingly. That you are the one propositioning me. Which is the truth, correct?” he finished. She had to admit that it seemed logical.
He pointed the phone at her and started recording. “I am willing to have sex with you. For the money I….,” she paused, “for the money you paid me….,” she corrected, but stopped when she saw he had already lowered the phone. “What’s wrong?” she asked feeling confused.
“If you are not serious about this, then let’s just drop it and go to the police station now,” he stated as he started to stand up.
“No, no wait! What did I do wrong? Isn’t that what you wanted me to say??” she pleaded.
“You looked like a frightened kitten. Nobody would believe you weren’t being coerced. I want you on video WILLINGLY offering yourself as a prostitute. You need to look willing and slutty. You need to make me believe it!” he explained harshly.
“Let me try again. I get it. I can do this. Please, one more try,” she begged. He reluctantly sat back down while she composed herself.
“Mr. Michaels,“ she began in a more confident tone with a sexy edge, “I have always wanted to be with you and have sex with you. I will be your prostitute for money and do….,” she stopped again when she saw the phone come down.
“This just isn’t going to work. You don’t look like you are offering me sex. You look like you are trying to sell me girl scout cookies!” he said exasperated. “This is your last chance. Either get this right or we are done and you can deal with the district attorney.” His look of disgust made her efforts feel pathetic.
She nearly panicked, but managed to get control after several deep breaths. “I can do this. I promise,” she stated with more determination than confidence.
“Why don’t you stand up and give it one last try,” he suggested.
Sarah stood. She thought about what she needed to say and psyched herself up. She could do this. She could be sexy. She could be confident. Hell, deep down she even really wanted it. She just had to be convincing. She put on her sexiest smile and tilted her head to the side just a little. “Tony, I know you want me and I sure as hell want you. I will fuck your brains out. I will suck your dick. I will be your very willing little sex slave,” she stated letting her true slutty self out from it’s hidden corner.
She started to run her hands up her body and cupped and slowly squeezed her tits while she continued, “My body will be yours to grab and squeeze,” she pouted and squeezed her nipples letting out a little moan. “This pussy will drip for you,” fell from her lips as her hand slide down her stomach and pressed against her pussy. “All I need is a little cash,” she finished coyly. “Surely a hot piece of ass like this is worth a little money, right?” she finished with her best sex kitten look on her face.
Mr. Michaels smiled for the first time since she had walked through the door. Sarah knew she had finally made him happy. She had to admit, it had been fun to be that slutty. She had never said anything like that before. She had never tried to be that aggressive before. And seeing him smile actually made her feel good. She knew she had pleased him and for some reason that actually felt like a release to her. Maybe it was just the relief washing over her that her life might not be ruined. But she also felt free in that moment.
“Very good my pet. That was much more like it,“ he praised. “You are a very hot piece of ass.” He paused and settled back into the couch and for the first time that night, started to look relaxed. “I think it is about time I see what I am buying. Take your clothes off. Slowly,” he ordered.
It became very real for Sarah all of a sudden. Taking her clothes off in front of a basic stranger. And she fully expected that the night would end in the two of them fucking. She had imagined having sex with an older man. Fantasized about it countless times like most teenage girls. But she had never expected it to become a reality.
Mr. Michaels still had the phone pointed at her to record her striptease. She felt excited and terrified. She ran her hands over her body again. She really didn’t have a lot of clothes to take off. She had on a tight t-shirt that hugged her chest, cut off at her midriff and a pair of jeans with more holes in them than material. Her ass checks hung through the big sections of denim missing right below the back pockets. She had made those sections bigger that afternoon to let Mr. Michaels see her ass checks as they hung down through the holes.
She grabbed and slowly squeezed her breasts. Then brought her hands down to grab the bottom of her shirt and inched it up over her head slowly. Here tits stood out defying gravity with her nipples fully engorged. She pinched her nipples again, taking a minute to twist them one way and then the other. She moaned loudly at the intense energy released by her fingers. She started swaying her body to nonexistent music.
Her hands dropped to the button on her jeans, and she pulled them apart, lowered the zipper and then slide them down her legs, bending at the middle to take them all the way down to her ankles. She stepped out of the jeans and then turned with her ass pointed at him. The only thing she had left was the thong riding up between her ass checks. Without standing up and her head still down by her ankles, she closed and crossed her legs and reached up to slide the panties down her legs. She knew she lowered them slowly, but it still felt lightning quick with her heart beating a mile a minute.
Her pussy had so drenched the thong that it clung to her pussy lips as she tugged them down stretching the thin material. It finally released and fell to the floor. She stepped out of it and raised herself back up, bringing one hand to cover her pussy and the other hand and arm to cover her tits. She turned back to Mr. Michaels and continued to sway back and forth for several minutes before dropping both hands to her side. Then she waited.
“You’re such a sexy young woman Sarah,” Mr. Michaels complimented with obvious awe. His comment made her feel so good that Sarah could feel her cheeks flush. “I’ve wanted to grab you and feel you since the first time I met you. Get over here and let me see what I have been waiting for,” he commanded.
Sarah complied and moved over to Mr. Michaels to stand right in front of him. He shifted to the edge of the couch and reached up to put his left hand on her cheek. His hand felt warm against her skin, and he entangled his fingers in her hair. His right hand came up to her breast and squeezed it. His thumb started to circle around her nipple slowly and gently. Sarah felt electricity course through her body at his touch. His touch being deliberate and confident in how he handled her. Different from the boys that would paw and squeeze too hard and too quickly.
He pulled her toward him and as her chest neared his face, his tongue started from the underside of her breast and slowly licked up toward the top, rolling over her nipple. It felt unbelievable. His tongue circled the outside of her areola until finally his whole mouth closed over her nipple. He sucked it into his mouth with increasing intensity. And his teeth slowly closed over her nipple. Rolling it between his teeth, he expertly bit down just enough to start hurting, but still making the overly sensitive nipple throb with pleasure. She marveled at his masterful technique, and it all felt like heaven to her. She couldn’t have told him how to do it any better. She felt a drip creep down her thigh from her pussy as his fingers lightly caressed the outer lips. His mouth moved over to the other breast and his fingers slide deeper between her pussy lips tickling the entrance.
Sarah put her hands around his head and ran her fingers through his hair. She felt like a novice in his hands. A finger slid into her wanting pussy, pressing against the back of her honey hole. This allowed room for a second finger to slide into her well lubricated pussy. Involuntarily, her legs spread wider as the fingers started to work faster and faster into her pussy. He still hadn’t touched her clit and she ached for it to be played with. But she knew better than to say anything. He clearly controlled the situation, and this would be at his pace.
He started to bite down even harder on the nipples. Sarah couldn’t explain it. It hurt a little, but an underlying pleasure spread through her as well. Her moans grew louder. Finally, the finger fucking started to slow as his thumb started to circle her clit in an ever-shrinking circle. When he started to push against her clit directly, she could already feel her orgasm rising. Her moaning became a pant and then a single long groan.
Just as she started to cross the point of no return, he pulled his mouth off her tit and his thumb off of her clit. The fingers in her pussy pulled out and the middle two fingers went back in with the outer fingers pointed toward her ass. The middle fingers curled and stoked along her g-spot. She had never felt this before. No boy she had been with knew enough about a girl’s anatomy to touch her this way. It sent a deeper tremor though her pussy. Very different than clit stimulation. Her pussy clenched as the fingers pressed harder and harder along the ridged skin on the roof of her vagina. This man knew his way around a vagina! An even bigger orgasm built quickly, but different then her normal climax. “Oh my GOD!!” she screamed. Just as before, right on the precipice of full release, he stopped and pushed her back.
Confused she could only look at him while her hips ground against the air looking for something to grind against. He pushed her back a step and stood up. “We are going upstairs. You don’t get to cum until I tell you that you get to cum, understand?” he commanded.
“I understand,” she replied somewhat dejected.
“I understand, SIR!” he stated again very forcefully.
“I understand sir!” she repeated. She had to remember that, or she knew it would mean trouble. He turned her and as she started to walk forward, his hand came up on her right ass cheek in a strong slap. The sound surprised her, but then the pain overtook her and shot across her ass. Her butt cheek felt instantly hot.
“Start learning the rules or I will have to punish you,” he stated. Sarah had begun her education. The proof being the hot handprint on her ass. He followed behind her as they climbed the stairs. She felt lightheaded. The quick transition from intense pleasure to sharp pain had been hard for her to process. Nobody, not even her father, had ever spanked her ass before.
As they entered the room, Sarah noticed a small duffle bag beside the bed. He told her to sit down on the edge of the bed. Her butt still hurt from where he spanked her, but it felt more warm than painful. He reached into the bag and pulled out a large paddle. Made of leather, it had holes all through the middle of it. Sarah’s breath caught in her throat. There could only be one use for a paddle like that. He sat on the edge of the bed next to her. “Stand up and lay over my lap,” he ordered.
She hesitated, but only for a second and then complied. “You still need to be punished for stealing. Keep your hands stretched out in front of you and DO NOT reach back. I don’t want to accidentally hurt your hands. I promise that would be worse that your ass getting spanked,” he explained, somewhat more gently than she would have expected.
“Yes. Sir. Yessir,” she quickly corrected. She didn’t want to be punished for forgetting to call him sir on top of this punishment. She had to get used to that. He slowly rubbed the paddle in a circle around her ass cheek.
“The key to taking a spanking is to not tense in anticipation of the strike and to breath out after the strike. Let the pain flow through you and do not overreact. Pain is controllable. Don’t fight it. And don’t let yourself tense up. Do you understand?” he questioned.
“Yes sir. I understand sir,” Sarah replied. She took a deep breath and tried to relax. With her arms stretched up over her head she did her best to keep her body loose. There were three quick spanks, one right after another, starting fairly light, but getting stronger with each one. She did well with the first two but whimpered and started to tighten with the last.
“Breathe and relax your muscles,” he reminded her, and she drew in a couple of long breathes while he continued to rub the paddle in circles on the spot he had spanked. The breathing steadied her as she felt her body relax again.
Another series of three spanks on her other ass cheek. Again, it hurt and she whimpered, but she remembered her breathing and did better at not tensing up. He gave her four more harder strikes, starting with the original cheek and then alternating back and forth. Before she could fully settle, there was an even stronger spank across both.
Her breathing cracked and she cried out. Her hand started to pull backward, but she managed to stop it before it crossed her shoulder and stretched it back up again. “Good girl,” he praised as his hand replaced the paddle and caressing first one and then the other cheek. The light squeeze and rub of his hand felt good against her inflamed skin. He rubbed for at least a minute before he picked up the paddle.
This time he started back on the left cheek with a light stroke but this time hit it four times in succession ending on an even stronger final blow. It hurt, but the shock of being spanked had subsided and she followed his suggestion of letting the pain just flow through her. She continued to stay as loose as possible. One long breath out let her relax. Then the same four on the right cheek. More rubbing for longer this time.
Staying with the right, three medium stokes timed out more slowly. Then the left. And rubbing relief in between. Sarah already knew that sitting tomorrow would be painful. He did the building sequence of five stokes next on each cheek before finally stating, “All right Sarah, you are doing very well. Now stand and tell me that you have learned your lesson. I will never steal from Mr. Michaels again,“ he chanted indicating she should repeat it.
Sarah stood and again felt like a naught child being corrected. She looked down at the ground and repeated, “I will never steal from Mr. Michaels again, sir. I have learned my lesson and won’t do it again ever.”
He put his hand on her chin and lifted her face to look at him and pulled her in for a light kiss on the lips. “Good girl. I’ll give you 5 more strong spanks. I want you to count each one. And I want you to remember, when you misbehave or disappoint me, you will be punished like this again in the future until you learn to be a good slave. Do you understand?” he asked.
Sarah responded immediately and enthusiastically, “I understand sir. I will be a good girl sir!”. Sarah lay back across his legs and stretched her hands out in front of her. The last five strokes were the worst. They were very strong especially with her ass already being so sore. But she didn’t cry and she didn’t complain. She obediently counted each stoke. When she finally stated “Five, sir”, she felt exhausted. But she also felt a sense of accomplishment having taken the punishment without breaking down. He rubbed her ass for at least two full minutes. The rubbing made the hot tight skin hurt worse at first, but it eventually subsided into a duller throb. Sarah could feel her ass pulse with her heartbeat.
“Spread your legs.” He wet his finger in his mouth and reached down between her legs and found her clit. After the intensity of the spanks, his gentle finger with light, slow stokes over her clit felt amazing. She couldn’t believe how quickly her body responded. The pain instantly melted away. The throb from her ass turned into the throb of her clit. It built quickly and she found herself moaning again as her pussy came alive.
She had to bite her lip not to scream when he ordered her to stand up. “Is he ever going to let me cum?!” she raged internally. But she complied as quickly as possible. Standing made the pain in her ass return. She wanted to rub it herself, but decided that might make him mad.
“It’s time for me to get some clothes off too. And then I’m going to eat that sweet pussy of yours and make you cum harder than you ever have,” he stated matter-of-factly. Sarah felt her pussy tingle again at the promise.
“I want you to take my clothes off and fold them and put them on the chair. Make sure they are folded properly,” he ordered.
“Yessir,” she responded. She started undoing the buttons on his button-down dress shirt. Her hands shook a little, terrified of doing anything wrong. This whole experience so far had not been what she expected. But she forced herself to concentrate on just following orders. He patiently observed as she went about her task and made no comment. The buttons on the sleaves were the hardest to undo and she nervously looked up into his eyes a couple of times to make sure he wasn’t getting upset. He just smiled and lightly brushed her hair. That calmed her. She pulled the shirt fully off and admired his broad hairy chest and tight abs. She had to admit that he was not hard on the eyes.
After carefully folding and placing the shirt on the chair, she moved to the belt and undid it and pulled it through the loops of the pants. Next, he wordlessly indicated the shoes and then the socks. She rolled the socks into a ball, coiled the belt, and placed them both on top of the shirt and dropped the shoes to the side of the chair. However, when she turned back, she saw his disapproving look and asked nervously, “What did I do wrong?” she said and then quickly added, “Sir!”
“You are to treat my possessions properly. My shoes are to be ‘placed’ under the chair. Side by side.”
“Sorry sir,” she acknowledged. She turned and bent over to retrieve the shoes. Had the situation and the night not been so weird and unsettling, she might have rolled her eyes or made a sarcastic comment to his fastidiousness.
As if reading he mind, he barked, “Don’t give me that attitude little girl. Don’t even think it.” Not wanting to provoke another punishment, she quickly placed the shoes very carefully directly under the shirt.
Once finished, she stood and turned back and looked at the floor. “Sorry sir.” She didn’t know what else to say.
He snapped and pointed to the ground in front of him. She jumped and moved quickly to stand on the spot and looked up into his impassive face. She shrunk under his gaze, and she felt the knot in her stomach again. Seeing him nod, she reached forward to undo the button on his pants. Mr. Michaels put his hand on her shoulder and pushed down until she understood she should kneel at this point. Still shaking a little, she undid the zipper and lowered the pants allowing him to step out of one leg and then the other. She scurried back over to the chair with the pants and carefully folded them and placed them on top of the pile.
Seeing no reaction, she returned to kneeling in front of him again. She had reached the moment of truth. She looked up into his eyes as she reached up and grabbed the sides of his black athletic underwear. She slid them down slowly and as the waistband reached the lower thigh, his penis sprung up as it cleared the elastic waistband.
Sarah stared for a moment. He had a very nice looking penis. Bigger than any she had seen before. Especially in girth. A thick vein that ran along the underside. Being circumcised, the large mushroom head stuck out over the shaft creating a wide ridge. The head looked to be at least a half inch wider than the shaft.
Mr. Michaels briefly cleared his throat and pulled her attention away from her examination. She lowered the underwear the rest of the way and let him step out of them. Absentmindedly, she rotated and thew them back onto the top of the other clothes so she wouldn’t have to stand up again. As she turned back around to face him, she was met with a sharp smack across her face. “What did I say about folding my clothes neatly?!” he scolded loudly. Her hand went to her face in total shock.
She could feel the heat of her skin from the slap. In truth, it wasn’t that hard a slap, but she had never been slapped before. It paralyzed her in fear for a moment and she fought back tears. She meekly eked out, “I’m sorry sir,” and jumped up to correct her mistake.
With the underwear neatly folded, she returned to her kneeling position in front of his very erect cock. After staring at it for a few seconds, she looked up for direction. “It isn’t going to suck itself, now is it?” he said somewhat exasperated. Sarah felt lost and her head spun.
She reached out and grabbed the base of his penis. She could feel the warmth and throb as the blood coursed through it. And she could see a drop of precum start to leak out of the head. Not wanting another smack or spank, she leaned forward and kissed the big head. The precum coated her lips and she could taste the slight salty sweet flavor of the slick fluid. “It’s now or never,” she told herself and she closed her eyes and took the whole head in her mouth. She tried to get more into her mouth but could only get in a few inches before it already felt like it had filled her whole mouth. Her lips were stretched wide to accommodate it. She had definitely never had a dick like this in her mouth. She started to bob back and forth while still grasping at the base.
“Use your tongue to lick and play with it. All over, “he guided. She popped out the head and stuck her tongue out. Starting down by the base, she licked all the way back up to the head in a long slow motion. Then around the head again and again. She started kissing and licking all over, even reaching down at one point to lick his balls. She had never done that before. He gave an approving grunt and told her to go back to sucking and look up at him. She engulfed the head again and pulled her eyes skyward.
She hadn’t realized that he had gotten his phone back out and had been recording her efforts. She couldn’t worry about that and had to focus. She could still feel the hot handprint on her face and didn’t want another slap. “Tell me how much you like sucking my dick,” he ordered.
She pulled back and replied brightly, “I love sucking your dick sir. It is so big!” she marveled. He told her what to say next and she repeated, “I’ll suck your dick anytime you want for $100.” She wasn’t stupid. He had her on video offering to be a prostitute. And now her sucking his dick and giving him a price. In one night she had become a thief, a prostitute, and a porn star. The hole she found herself in kept getting deeper.
But she couldn’t worry about any of that with this giant penis sliding back and forth in her mouth. Every time it hit the back of her throat, she had to stop herself from gagging. He started thrusting into her mouth and it kept going deeper. She felt his hand behind her head pulling her forward too. She had never had any boy force her to suck his dick.
“Suck harder,” he commanded. She did her best to comply despite him thrusting faster. He let out a satisfied groan before telling her, “Use your hand to stroke the shaft and your other hand to play with my balls.” She felt uncoordinated having never given a blowjob like this before. It made her feel like a true porn star, but she just keep going not wanting to make him angry again.
His hand grabbed onto her ponytail firmly and he took over most of the work and he started fucking her face in earnest. She tried to keep time with stroking his shaft and lightly twisting and fondling his balls. “I’m going to cum and you are going to swallow every drop. If any spills, you are going to clean it up with your tongue,” he explained.
She wanted to jump up and stop. She wasn’t used to swallowing cum and the prospect scared the hell out of her. “Now look up at me and keep looking up at me,” he ordered. She looked straight up at him and could see the intensity in his eyes. The camera stayed less than a foot from her face. Suddenly a giant spurt of hot salty sperm exploded in her mouth. It made her gag, but she forced herself to swallow. Her eyes immediately watered and tears started running down her cheeks.
He held her head on his cock not allowing any opportunity for escape. She swallowed some more then coughed as another giant spurt of jism filled her mouth. She felt a big glob leak out of the side of her mouth and fall on her tit. Another spurt and then another. She managed to get most of it down, but plenty rolled back down his dick along with tons of saliva.
Finally, his orgasm subsided and he let go of her head. She continued to stroke his cock to make sure she milked the last drop onto her tongue. His spunk tasted strong and she definitely wasn’t used to it. But she didn’t vomit, so she took that as a win. She pulled the head of his dick out of her mouth and took in several big gulps of air.
He panted and leaned back against the bed. “Not bad, but you need to clean up your mess,” he commented. She pulled her eyes from his and realized she had been staring up the whole time. Saliva and cum coated his dick down to his balls. She reached forward and started licking his dick, making sure to get all sides clean. “Don’t forget the bit you let fall out of your mouth,” he reminded.
She looked down and saw a glob of cum on her breast. She looked back at him a little confused trying to figure out how to get her mouth down to it. In the end, she used her finger to scoop it up and stick it in her mouth. It took a couple of tries to make sure she got it all. She couldn’t stop herself from crinkling her nose at the taste. She could smell the odor of sex on her.
He reached down and pulled her up to a standing position. He gave her a deep kiss with his tongue probing her mouth. A night of so many surprises, she had been taken aback at first not expecting it. The passionate kiss continued for several minutes and before she knew it, she returned it wholeheartedly.
She extended her tongue into his mouth and their tongues danced around each other. His hands softly kneaded her breasts, circling and then lightly squeezing and rolling her nipples. It felt fantastic and made her pussy wet with arousal. After so much teasing, and several interrupted orgasms, her pussy ached. Without breaking contact with her mouth, his hands reached down and grabbed right under her ass. He easily picked her up and slowly rotated and lowered her onto the edge of the bed.
They were still hungrily eating each other’s mouths and enjoying the extended kissing while he went back to groping her tits. He continued for some time before he broke contact and started to kiss down her neck. He spent several minutes going back and forth between each breast. He would squeeze them to a point and suck on each nipple for a couple seconds, going back and forth between them. Each suck got a little harder than the last and he started including light nibbles. After so much rough treatment, the lighter touch felt wonderful and Sarah cooed and whimpered.
Then he journeyed down to her navel, between both thighs and finally ending with a big kiss on her pussy. He pushed her legs up and back, bending them at the knees. And then with his forearms, he pressed her legs up toward her chest and split them as wide as they would go. That pulled her ass up off the bed and split her pussy wide open. She could feel the cool air travel over the hot wet skin.
Very deliberately, he started at the bottom of her pussy and with his tongue completely flat and wide licked slowly from the bottom of her pussy to the top ending on her clit. He repeated the slow steady process over and over, each time spending a little longer circling and tickling her clit. Then his tongue suddenly dug deep into her vagina causing Sarah to squeal. He had rolled his tongue into a circle and extended it at least a couple of inches into her canal. Tongue fucking her for several thrusts had her moaning and she could already feel the orgasm building.
“This is not going to take long,” she thought to herself. Almost as she thought it he withdrew and she felt his hand come down hard on her inner left thigh. Then her right. The sharp sting made her gasp being so unexpected.
“Hold your legs,” he told her. She grabbed behind each knee and held them against her chest. “Wider,” he demanded, and his hand now went to pulling her pussy lips wide apart. The licking resumed with him taking time to suck her clit fully into his mouth as well. She moaned and felt the rising tide of an orgasm stopped by more slaps on her thighs and then several lighter slaps right on her pussy and exposed clit.
She whimpered loudly and begged for him to stop as her clit literally throbbed at this point. Pain, pleasure, pain, pleasure. Her pussy had never been treated this way. Her body had never been treated this way. Her mind had never been treated this way. She didn’t know which way was up and which was down. She could only think about her pussy and clit throbbing and pleading for release.
He went back to sucking on her clit while his first two fingers slipped into her pussy. Almost immediately he started thrusting his fingers against the roof of her pussy, right into her g-spot. Her pussy gushed with lubricating fluid and his fingers slid in very easily bashing the ridged skin of her g-spot furiously. He twirled his tongue around and against her precious nub. His other hand snuck around the outside of her leg and grabbed her nipple and rolled it hard between his fingers.
Nothing in Sarah’s young life had ever felt this good. She felt pressure build in her pussy like a weight while wave after wave of heat and electricity flowed out form her sensitive points. Her moans turned into screams as she felt her body start to convulse. Her pussy vibrated and her clit exploded. The orgasm took over her whole body. She felt warm wetness flow down her ass as her pussy let go with a gush. Her whole body started to shake, and she could only moan as the waves of ecstasy washed over her.
They went on forever and he never stopped thrusting into her, sucking on her clit or pinching and twisting her nipple. Another giant gush escaped and surely coated Mr. Michaels as a second wave of heated orgasm, even deeper hit her. She threw her head back and screamed “Oh My God!!!”
Finally, he relented and started to slow his assault. Sarah had no idea how much liquid had escaped her body, but her ass and thighs felt drenched. Lightheaded and seeing sparkles in the periphery of her vision, Sarah just groaned and rocked her head from side to side feeling small tremors as aftershocks from the most intense orgasm of her life. Her feet and hands felt cold and she felt sure no blood had traveled far from her pussy for several minutes.
He kissed and lightly licked her sensitive clit again and her body trembled and shook more violently. “No more,” she begged. Everything felt like an exposed nerve ready to explode at the slightest touch. A shiver started from her spine and worked through her whole body. Her hands and legs started shaking. “What the fuck?!” she exclaimed out loud without even really knowing she had said it.
Lost in thought, she wondered “Was this what sex was supposed to be like? Is this how it was supposed to feel?” Every other experience she had ever had up to this point paled by comparison. Even masturbation had never brought on something like this. She realized she still held her legs tight to her chest. Mr. Michaels had gotten up and she thought he must have gone into the bathroom, but she didn’t know for sure and she had trouble focusing.
She scooted up on the bed more and as her legs straightened, the cramps from holding them up became apparent and they felt stiff. She looked down her body to see clear sticky liquid all over her legs, the bed sheets, and beaded up in her pubic hair. She could still feel small waves of pleasure wash over her while she came down from the experience. “What the fuck…?” she said again, more as a statement than a question. She let out a deep breath with her only thought being, “that was amazing!”.
She felt a warm washrag on her skin and looked down to see Mr. Michaels with small towel wiping her legs and very lightly wiping her pussy cleaning her up. She still reacted to him touching her clit or her pussy lips as they were so sensitive.
No sooner than he had finished cleaning her up, did he grab her under the arms at her armpits and pick her up like a ragdoll and push her up toward the center of the bed. He got between her legs and she felt the weight of his hard dick on her stomach. It felt huge and heavy. He leaned down and kissed her again passionately for a few minutes and suckled on both nipples again. They were still sensitive and it even hurt a little, but the effect on her pussy made it worth it.
She could feel herself get wet again. Her hips instinctively started grinding up against the shaft of his penis. He reached down and put the head of his impressive member right at the entrance to her pussy. With slow steady pressure, he pushed forward. Sarah felt each inch of his thick cock enter her. She moaned again involuntarily as it reached deeper and deeper inside her. Her hips ground harder up and down trying to make the shaft rub against her clit.
When their pelvises finally met with his dick seated fully in her, it was like nothing she had ever felt. He filled her pussy and stretched her to a point just shy of pain. He pulled back and thrust into her. The lightheaded feeling returned. By the fifth or sixth full thrust, with the head pressed hard against the back of her vagina, Sarah exploded again into orgasm without any real warning. It didn’t build to a crescendo like normal. Her body just shook and vibrated, and she called out as the orgasm robbed her of any thought. She couldn’t articulate her words.
It hit as strong as the first orgasm a short time earlier. She felt her pussy squirt all around his dick again as it tried to force its way past the obstacle that filled her canal. She wrapped her arms and legs around his back and held on for dear life. “Holy fuck!” she finally managed to get out as another wave of the climax literally shook her whole body. Mr. Michaels didn’t hold back at this point. He lifted her ass off the bed and then pounded down hard. His thrusts were long and deep. She tried to keep their two bodies held together, but he created enough separation to grind hard on her clit every time he fully penetrated her.
The whole time he fucked her, Sarah stayed in an orgasmic euphoria with pleasure coursing through her. Within minutes he grunted with his ejaculation brewing. After one final thrust he pushed himself as deep as he could into her and let go with everything left in his body. Sarah felt every spurt of hot cream fill her. Her pussy contacted and milked his dick trying to get every drop. She had never had that happen before. Her pussy felt like it was buzzing.
He collapsed on top of her. She could feel his full comforting weight trapping her. She dropped her legs but she still had her arms wrapped around him. His face nuzzled into the nape of her neck and he panted his hot breath against her. They lay there for several minutes, both fully spent. Sarah felt like she could just drift off into asleep right there and then.
Neither spoke for several minutes. Eventually he pulled back enough to kiss her again. More passionate kissing for a couple of minutes before he rolled to the side and the two lay next to each other. “Why don’t you go get us a couple of drinks,” he asked, “I’ll have a beer. Get yourself whatever you want. But also drink a big glass of water first.” He chuckled as he added, “You need to replace some fluids.” She gave him a playful punch in the arm and got up to carry out the order. “And bring your phone back with you,” he added as she ran out the door.
It felt weird walking through his house completely naked. The cool air on her skin made her nipples rock hard. She lightly rubbed one and realized how sore it had become. Her ass still felt tight and hot from the spanking. “What the hell have I gotten myself into?” she asked herself. That was the most amazing experience, but she was still in a bad spot. Thoughts swirled in her head, “How far would this go? Would he be expecting her to fuck him every day? Was she going to have anything like a normal life again? How could she get out of this fucked up situation?”
She reached the kitchen and put it out of her mind. She needed water. She smirked to herself at the reason. She knew her way around the kitchen, so she started with a big glass of water and gulped down one, and then a second. She got him a beer. She thought about it and grabbed a second one for herself. She earned it she reasoned. She went back to the den and found her phone on the floor. She didn’t know why he wanted her to bring it upstairs, but she knew it couldn’t be good.
As she walked back into the bedroom, she saw that he had set up a camera on a tripod with a halo light at the foot of the bed. “The evening must not be over yet,” she thought to herself. She handed him his beer and received a ‘good girl’ in response. “I guess that makes me his pet dog,” she thought to herself sarcastically. They both took a big swig from their bottles. She couldn’t help but notice he still had an erection. She remembered the little blue pills in his bathroom, which meant this could go on for some time.
He took her beer bottle and instructed, “On the bed. On our hands and knees facing the camera.”
“Yessir,” she responded without any thought of argument. He positioned her with her face just a few feet from the camera. He got behind it and centered it a little. Lowered it so that it stayed a little below her eye level and turned it on.
“That was quite an orgasm little girl. How did that compare to sex you’ve had before?” he asked as he climbed on the bed behind her.
She thought for a second and turned back to answer, “It was amazing. I’ve never had an orgasm like that before in my…”
Before she could finish he spanked her ass. “Face the camera!” he growled. He spanked the other cheek. “Always face the camera when I am recording you,” he finished, but less angry.
She turned back forward and apologized, “Sorry sir. Sorry sir. I’ll remember sir.”
“And when your Master gives you orgasms like that, the proper way to respond is with some gratitude.” Four more hard spanks switching between butt cheeks.
Sarah stifled a yelp. She didn’t think she would ever get it right. “Thank you…sir. Thank you for my orgasms. They were the best I’ve ever had,” she stumbled. “SIR,” she finished in a panic. She waited for more punishment, but it didn’t come.
By that time, he had gotten situated right behind her and he motioned for her to spread her legs wider and pushed her back down into an arch. With that, he used both hands to pull her ass cheeks wide apart and licked her pussy. The feel of his tongue on her pussy again sent her right back to that place from earlier. With her pussy still wet, his warm tongue went through the folds of her swollen labia and found her clit. Then he started from the clit and worked up toward her ass. With each lick he went higher. When his tongue made it all the way to her asshole, she went rigid and gasped. Nobody had ever rimmed her asshole. It felt strange but good. Yet another first crossed for little Sarah.
The tongue started working around her asshole more and finally pushed hard on the tight knot. Another pair of hard spank on her ass as he pulled his mouth away. “Relax! Don’t tighten up. Let me get you nice and wet so my finger won’t hurt when I stick it in,” he cautioned.
“Stick it in?!” she fretted internally. “What the fuck?!” she thought in a panic. She concentrated on relaxing. She tried to open her asshole. His tongue fought its way in. He covered the whole area with saliva. His tongue made progress working its way in and out of her rosebud. The more she relaxed, the better it felt.
He sat up some and his index finger circled her asshole, easily lubricated in all of the saliva. “Are you looking at the camera? I want to see your eyes and expression the whole time,” he ordered.
“Yessir,” she responded even though her eyes had been closed. She faced right at the camera and stared at the lens. She hoped he wouldn’t catch her in the lie. She chided herself for lying, but had done it without thinking. She knew if she got caught lying, she would regret it. She had to quit fucking up.
His left hand found a breast and started squeezing and fondling her nipple. And then the finger pushed into her still puckered hole. Just a knuckle, then a little deeper and a little deeper. It felt strange but not bad. “Relax,” he warned again. She felt more saliva dribble down from the top of her ass and glide down to his finger.
He pulled the finger out and pushed in deeper still. Before long, his finger started to fuck her ass, going all the way in. She started to grunt and hiss through her teeth. His other hand released her tit and trailed down her stomach back to her clit and he started to rub it. He used all four fingers held flat to spread her labia wide open and press against her clit in wide circles. She didn’t know there were so many ways to play with and finger her pussy.
Sarah started getting really worked up. She moaned and had to fight to remember to keep her eyes open and focused on the camera. It made her realize that, most of the time, she closed her eyes while someone played with her honey pot. Whether it was herself masturbating or one of the teenage boys that pawed at her pussy. Being forced to keep her eyes open made her feel a little self-conscious.
Another large dollop of saliva started to roll down the crack of her ass. The finger popped out and she felt something thicker push in. She guessed it had to be his thumb as he also started fucking her pussy with the middle two fingers. Like he would grip a bowling ball, except she was the ball!
Her asshole got accustomed to the intrusion and his thumb fucked her easily now. And the two fingers in her pussy were getting surprisingly deep. Coupled with the non-stop circular rubbing on her clit and she felt a new orgasm brewing.
“I’m going to cum sir. I’m going…to… CUM,” she screamed just as the wave hit and she felt herself shake again. Her stomach tightened repeatedly, and she moaned loudly. Her body tried to jump forward, but he held her tightly and she couldn’t move away. She wailed and her hips humped his hand.
As soon as the climax started to ebb, he pulled his hand out of her completely and got up behind her. In one swift motion, Mr. Michaels sunk his dick fully into her pussy with his hips slapping her ass. Still fairly inexperienced overall, her pussy gripped him like a vice. She yelled between clenched teeth, “Oh my fuuuucking God” as he abandoned any gentleness and starting fucking in long, steady, and deep strokes.
She could feel his dickhead touch her cervix. It hurt, but not in a bad pain. Animal instinct made her want to grind his dick into her. She felt his hand grab her ponytail right at the hair tie and pull her head back. A smack on the ass and he grunted “Keep those eyes open!”
She didn’t say anything but he been right. They had closed again. “Damn this is hard,” she thought. Having her head pulled back distracted her and it hurt, but she could ignore it with the pleasure brought on by his thick cock splitting her. The thumb on the other hand went back at her asshole and plunged in. He timed each thrust of his thumb with his cock sliding into her pussy. Having both holes filled at the same time felt amazing. She couldn’t believe it, but she felt another orgasm forming.
He used her hair to rock her back and forth while he fucked her holes. And she found herself helping him. She had his rhythm and she jammed her pussy back into him. “Are you my slut Sarah? Tell me!” he demanded.
“I’m your slut sir!!” she grunted in response.
“Who owns this pussy Sarah?” he continued, clearly enjoying quizzing her with her in the throws of a mind scrambling pounding.
“You own it sir! You own my pussy Mr. Michaels” she managed to stammer. She knew she didn’t have much longer.
“Tell me you want to be my little whore!” he demanded.
“Please let me be your little whore Mr. Michaels. I want to be your whore. I’ll be the best WHORE, SIR…” she practically screamed the last words as another orgasm rocked her hard little body. Even as she trembled from the power of her climax she wondered how many orgasms had she had that night. Seven? Eight? “Was that possible?” she asked herself. She really had no idea. She had lost count and hell, half of them just ran together.
She continued to moan and her pussy spasmed and vibrated. Her stomach convulsed. The pleasure had been intense but it also started to hurt. He continued fucking until he could tell the climax had passed and let go of her hair.
He hadn’t cum, but with two big orgasms earlier, he seemed satisfied. He pulled out and she collapsed onto the bed. Mr. Michaels went around to the camera and turned it and the light off and set them to the side. He came back over to the bed and rolled Sarah on her back and then leaned over and kissed her deeply. He couldn’t resist giving both nipples a big pinch and twist until she started to respond. “Come clean me up and we’ll call it a night,” he stated.
She opened her eyes and couldn’t believe he expected her to move. But she got herself going for fear of more punishment. She rolled over onto her stomach and leaned out from the bed until she could reach her mouth to his dick. She took it deep into her mouth and sucked all the slick fluid off of him. She knew she was swallowing her own cunt juice but didn’t care. It actually didn’t taste too bad for it being the first time she had ever tasted a woman’s pussy juice. She had never contemplated tasting herself, even when she masturbated. She wasn’t sure why, it just never occurred to her. She started licking the sides and the underside until she felt confident she had gotten everything.
“Good girl. Give me your phone,” and he waited for her to reach over to the bedside table to retrieve it and hand I to him. “What’s the code,” he asked, and she gave him the code, 0514. The date she lost her virginity.
At the junior prom. She had been a freshman back then, when Karl, a junior, had asked her to the prom. At the afterparty, they had gone upstairs to one of the bedrooms and she had sex for the first time. It hurt and lasted all of four minutes. He had barely broken her hymen before he came in a hurry. She pretended it had been great but couldn’t believe that was all there was to it. After what everyone had told her. She went back to the party totally disappointed. And then later, while they were back downstairs, she saw him laughing and high-fiving some of the other boys and she knew he had bragged about doing her. Her reputation for being a fuckable slut had begun. She became more careful about who she had sex with after that.
He unlocked the phone. She wanted to know why he wanted to look through her phone but thought better to ask. “Go take a quick shower and clean up. You will need to get home soon. But I want to talk to you before you leave,” he stated and with that he turned and went to sit down in the chair while he started to work on her phone.
She walked to the bathroom and turned the shower on, making the water nice and hot. The raintree showerhead felt amazing. The hot water eased her many overworked muscles. The hot water on her ass made her ass burn. “How many times have I been spanked tonight?” she asked herself. No clue. A lot. It scared her when he got angry. She had to work harder to avoid so much punishment. She lingered under the water for at least 15 minutes before grudgingly getting out. She needed to get home. She wrapped one of the giant fluffy towels around her. So much nicer than the ones at home. Nicer than any towel that had ever touch her skin. All of her clothes were downstairs, so she just walked out in the towel.
Mr. Michaels sat waiting patiently. And smiled when he saw her. He picked up his phone and pointed it at her. Her phone with the pink glittery outer cover lay in his lap. “Drop the towel and give me some poses,” he demanded. She shrugged and dropped the towel to the floor. She pushed out her tits and pouted for the camera. He clicked and started to move and snap off a number of photos. She went through a dozen or so different poses, following his directions, including one to bend over at the waist with her hands spreading her ass cheeks giving him a wide open view of her pussy and bung hole. He got close ups of her whole body and quite a number of her face.
“Downstairs little girl. And get dressed,” he said as he started pulling on his underwear over his still semi-hard cock.
Once downstairs, they sat on the couch and continued drinking their beers. He had already retrieved a second for himself. “I want to go over some rules for you and some expectations over the coming weeks,” he started.
Sarah sighed to herself thinking, “Here it comes.”
“First and most importantly, you are to talk about this with no one. And I mean no one. Not your best friend. Not your priest or therapist. Definitely not your parents. This is just between you and me. If you want me to keep quiet and not involve the police and you want to keep all of these videos private, then it is important that no one ever comes looking. Is that understood?” he asked.
“Yes sir”, she responded. How many times could she say that in one night?
“No Sarah, I want to hear you say it. I won’t tell anyone. Say it,” he demanded.
“I promise I won’t tell anyone sir,” she said without any sarcasm. She knew from his tone that being a smartass would bring his wrath. Or maybe he would just call the whole thing off and she couldn’t have that.
“Good. You already know the second rule. You are to address me as sir at all times, unless I give you a different direction for the night. For now, it is just ‘Sir,’” he stated. She nodded. “I expect you to follow all directions and orders without question.”
“I understand sir.”
“Generally, we will meet once or twice a week. Mainly on Thursday nights like tonight. As far as anyone else will know, you are still just babysitting for me on a regular basis. I am going to move my poker game to a different night with my buddies, but Thursdays will be our night. Billy’s schedule with his mother is changing soon anyway, so Thursday nights will just be for you and I.” He paused. He could tell she had questions, but he didn’t want her to ask yet.
“This will not take over your life Sarah. You will go to school, go out on dates with boys, have plenty of time to hang out with your friends and do all of your normal school activities. This is just some extra fun. Understood?” he asked.
He actually surprised her with that comment. She had been afraid that he would demand her constant attention. And restrict her to have her all to himself. Maybe this wouldn’t be as bad as she thought. “I understand sir.”
“But another firm rule. No boy gets to fuck you without a rubber. Ever. No rubber no love. I am the only one that gets to fuck you without a rubber. I’ve had a vasectomy so there is no fear of getting you pregnant. But no fucking without a rubber, understood?!” he demanded with a completely serious face.
“No fucking without a rubber sir. I understand. But that won’t be too much of an issue. I don’t have sex very often,” she said defensively.
Mr. Michaels laughed and said, “Sarah, with everything I will be opening you up to, I think you will find that you like and want more sex. That is fine and I want you to enjoy it, just no fucking without a rubber.” She smiled and nodded at that.
“Any questions?” he asked after a pause.
Sarah looked down and pulled at her hands. Shyly she asked, “When do you want me to bring back the money I stole? And should I bring back your birthday present as well?” She had asked barely above a whisper. She tentatively looked up waiting for his response.
Mr. Michaels frowned and considered for a solid minute. “You keep the money. You are going to earn every penny. That I promise. I will still be paying you for all of the hours you spend here ‘babysitting’.” He said the last with air quotes. “I would give you more, but you might get questioned if you suddenly have too much money.” Sarah looked shocked but didn’t say anything.
He went on, “This isn’t all about punishment Sarah. There will be plenty of rewards and pleasures as well. As long as you do as you are told and work hard to please your Master,” he concluded.
There was that ‘master’ word again. That word made her nervous. But she brightened significantly at the news that she could keep all of the money. Over $1000. Huge money for her. And he would continue to pay her. Even better.
He smiled at her cheer. He set his beer down and stood to pull his underwear down. “We have about 15 minutes left before you turn into a pumpkin. Let’s see if you can get me to cum one last time.” He stood her up and pulled her shirt off again exposing her perfect set of tits. He sat back down with his ass on the edge of the couch and leaned back on the cushion.
She kneeled between his legs and started blowing him again. She had an easier time of it this time. She remembered to stroke his shaft and used her other hand to lightly squeeze and rub his balls. She played and licked all over and sucked his cock as deep into her mouth as she could. Her jaw cramped, but she became determined. It took a while but he finally leaned his head back and thrust up as he ejaculated into her mouth. The taste and texture of cum still made her reel and she choked about halfway through. Cum spilled down his cock and onto his stomach.
He waited until she stopped choking and the tears ran down her cheeks as she tried to clear her throat. When she settled down, he stated matter-of-factly, “You know what to do.” Sarah sighed and started to lick the cum off his dick. By the time she got to his stomach, the cum had gotten cold, which gave it an even stranger texture. She didn’t like it. But she got it all up and he seemed satisfied.
One last suck of her tits and she dressed and headed to the door. He gave her a last smack on her ass on her way out the door as well. The cooler night air felt good on her face while she walked to her car. Sarah couldn’t believe it had only been three hours. Her life had completely changed in those three hours.
She was ‘owned’ and now the sex slave of a man more than twice her age. Her sex life and her attitudes about sex would never be the same. What did the future hold? He promised to expose her to unimaginable new sexual experiences. And she had more money than she had ever had before. Her feelings were so conflicted. Mostly it frightened her at the possibility that this could get out and it could ruin her life. In a second. And the thought of punishment and future pain that he would inflict upon her seemed daunting. But then she thought about those orgasms. Her body shook at their intensity. The pleasure had been like nothing she had ever experienced or thought one could experience.
She focused on getting home and getting some sleep. She fell into bed exhausted. Tomorrow would be another day.
Great work on these first couple of chapters.
Well thought out characters that behave as you might expect.
Personally I like that the tags relate to the whole story and not individual chapters as you are not writing a single stroke piece but creating a story.
Let's give Sarah what she needs...
Appreciate the comment and suggestion. I know I can tend to be too verbose. Lol. Since this was their first sexual encounter, I wanted to make sure the reader got his money worth. But totally agree with you that we tend to overblow the sex scenes. You'll have to tell me if I do better in later chapters. I do try to make each scene as individual as possible so you aren't getting the same sex scene retold over and over.
Another well done chapter. Your writing style is very de***********ive which gives a complete visualization of what's going on. My only critique would be how long the sex scene is. I know porn has conditioned us on how long a scene should last but that is not entirely realistic, especially if it as intense as this first encounter was. And by sex, I mean the actual intercourse not the foreplay. All in all, another great read. I have a lot of catching up to do as you are churning these chapters out. On to the next.
Well thought out characters that behave as you might expect.
Personally I like that the tags relate to the whole story and not individual chapters as you are not writing a single stroke piece but creating a story.
Let's give Sarah what she needs...