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A short erotic story of magic the summer after Voldemorts down fall
It took several months to clean up Hogwarts after the battle. Harry, Ron, and Hermione went to what seemed like an endless number of funerals and visited the injured in the hospital twice a week. Ginny and Harry had resumed their relationship keeping it quiet. The news of Ginny and Harry spread anyway if only in rumor because Harry was rarely seen apart from Ginny and the daily profit’s photographers often caught Ginny in the background of the shots taken of the chosen one.

Ron and Hermione, however, didn’t hide their coupling and after all the times they nearly died over the last year no one objected. They were soon fucking as often as they could. During a rare free day, the four teens were staying at Grimmauld place Genny and Harry were making out on the couch with heavy petting when the sounds of creaking bed springs and rhythmic thumping came from above their heads.

Ginny broke free of Harry’s lips giggling, “Those two can’t keep their clothes on they just got here fifteen minutes ago.”

Harry smiled and kissed Ginny’s cheek, “Yeah but they have been putting that off for years, I’m a little surprised one of them didn’t explode.”

Giggling again Ginny gave Harry her sexy look and said, “You know…”

Harry groaned and kissed the inside of Ginny’s wrist, “I do know, and I want to but it seems silly not to wait one more week. The ceremony is scheduled at Hogwarts.”

“I can’t believe we are getting married!” Ginny squealed kicking her bare feet against the cushions. “When are we going to tell Ron and Hermione?”

“Tonight at dinner, I feel bad we haven’t told them yet, but there just hasn’t been a good time. It’s strange celebrating when so many are mourning.”

Ginny sighed and dropped back against the arm of the couch letting her brilliant red hair fan out like a halo. The beautiful girl had small A-cup breasts that were barely covered by the thin t-shirt she was wearing. The thin black material was full of small holes and looked like it had been mistreated for years so that the white flesh underneath teased through the fabric. Harry noticed a brilliant pink spot under the shirt where Ginny’s nipple would be and he licked his lips wanting to see and taste her tender breasts. Harry shivered as his erection throbbed still contained in his tight jeans. He hadn’t seen the beautiful girl's breasts yet and longed to. Hermione’s squeal of pleasure echoed through the old house and Harry was a moment away from forgetting his vow to wait until Ginny and his wedding night when a silver rabbit burst through the living room wall.

Ginny screamed as the rabbit that was about twice the size of a normal rabbit stopped a few inches above the coffee table. The unearthly tone of Luna’s voice rang through the room, “Harry, you are needed at the ministry immediately. They don’t want to destroy his body. Hurry, you are the only one they will listen to.”

“Shit,” Harry said as the rabbit vanished. “Fudge is such an idiot.” With a longing look and Ginny, he shrugged and moved her legs so he could stand.

“It’s okay,” Ginny said knowing what Harry was feeling. “I’ll see you at dinner?”

Harry nodded before disappariting. Ginny sighed then stood and headed for the upstairs bath and a hot shower.

“Filthy mudblood!” The painting on the landing said and Ginny looked up to see a disheveled but grinning Hermione.

“Sorry,” Ginny said apologizing for the painting. “Harry asked the ministry to send someone to remove it but they have more important things to deal with at the moment.”

“It’s fine, I don’t even notice her anymore. Where is Harry?”

“Luna called him to the ministry.”

“Damn, Sorry Ginny.”

“It’s what I get for dating the most famous wizard in the world. I need to get a shower and dressed for dinner tonight anyway.”

“Oh, yeah. I forgot about that. Are they opening up Hogwarts already?”

“Just for the dinner, Fudge wants to introduce the new minister and there are going to be speeches and awards for those who fought in the war.”

Hermione scoffed, “What a waste of time.”

Ginny shrugged, “Good food though.”

Hermione chuckled then kissed Ginny on the temple, “I’ll be off too, I need to go see my parents and get dressed for the party myself. Tell Ron I'll just meet him at the school.” She took two steps down the stairs and vanished with a pop.

Ron’s snort woke him and he rolled over to look for Hermione, but she wasn’t there. He had just dreamt of her large breasts bouncing in front of his face while she rode his hard erection and had awoken with said erection. Ron stroked his length before sliding out of the bed. The black ring on his pinky finger glowed slightly at the movement and Ron smiled at it admiringly. The shopkeeper who sold it to him had been right. The ring gave him an erection whenever he wanted one and let him pleasure Hermione longer than he could without it. A large full-length mirror showed the red hair on his head and above his stiff cock. Ron stroked his cock again this time watching his reflection. He was slightly above average he knew but he wanted something impressive.

“That’s not going to help,” The creaky voice of the mirror said causing Ron to flinch with surprise.

Ron cursed at the mirror but silently agreed, that he needed pussy. Tugging on the pair of shorts that were discarded onto the floor earlier he began his search. The sound of running water from the bathroom made him grin as he remembered having sex with Hermione just two weeks ago in a shower. It had been difficult not to slip but the warm water lubricated Hermione so he was able to just quickly slip inside her. Without hesitating, Ron pushed open the door and gasped.

It wasn’t Hermione at all but Ginny. Ron blinked twice at the sight of his naked sister under the heavy jets of water. He had always known Ginny was beautiful and in his darker moments thought of what it would be like to have sex with her but now it was all too real. Water flowed over Ginny’s face rinsing soap and shampoo over her thin body. The small beautiful breasts were topped with bright pink nipples that were erect. The breasts lead to her flat stomach and sharp hips. Ron’s cock throbbed against the fabric of his shorts and he took a step forward without thinking. Ginny turned away at that moment as if wanting him to see the perfect round ass. Water making the globes shine and giving him just the tiniest glimpse of what was between her legs. Ginny bent over to pick up the sponge, running it up long perfect legs as she stood.

Ron’s brain short-circuited at the sight of his beautiful sister in the shower and took another step forward without thinking. With an outstretched hand, he was only a foot away from her when his brain turned back on and he closed his fist retreating from the bathroom.

The creek of the door when Ron pulled it back to close caused Ginny to call out, “Hello? Who’s there?”

“Just me,” Ron said still peering at Ginny through the tiny gap in the door.

“Hermione told me to tell you she will see you at dinner.”

Ron cursed under his breath then asked, “Where is Harry?”


A wild plan formed in Ron’s head and he asked quickly, “Will he be back?”

“I don’t know, probably not if the ministry has anything to say about it. You know how they are when they get Harry around, they just don’t want him to leave so it looks like he is working for them. We will probably all just have to meet at Hogwarts tonight.”

“Right,” Ron said feeling a flush of excitement as the plan formed in his mind. “I’m going to be off too then.”

“Alright!” Ginny said running her hands through the long red hair again.

Ron dashed up a flight of stairs and into Regulus Black’s room. It was where Mad eye had stayed when he was at Grimmauld place. Rummaging through the closet Ron found what he was looking for, it was a large black cauldron about half full of a muddy brown potion. Smiling wickedly Ron drew a small vial with his wand and scooped up a small amount of the potion then quickly returned to the bedroom on the first floor ignoring the calls of “Blood Traitor,” On the landing. Ron snatched up two of the black hairs from Harry’s pillow and added them to the potion it bubbled for a moment then cleared.

“That’s a very bad idea,” said the mirror on the wall. This mirror had the voice of an elderly man.

“Chears,” Ron said knocking back the potion in one gulp.

For a moment Ron thought it hadn’t worked until the skin at his hips began to bubble. He widened and the shorts pinched his growing hips tight so he unbuttoned them and dropped them to the floor. Ron’s skin looked like he had rolling boils as he watched himself in the mirror. He shrank six inches and felt his body thickening. His erection bubbled in the mirror before his eyesight blurred. Ron hurriedly searched the nightstand drawer for Harry’s spare glasses and crammed them on before looking back at the mirror. Where his thin gangly red-haired body had been a moment before now stood a completely nude Harry potter, wild black hair and everything.

Ron stroked the thick hard cock at his waist feeling resentful that Harry had been so well endowed at least eight inches long and thick. Harry also had a faint six-pack of abs that Ron had seen before. He stoked his cock again feeling strange about jerking Harry’s erection but feeling the pleasure of it himself. For a brief moment, Ron considered staying in the bedroom until he changed back or just gathering up his things and making a run for it. The first part of his plan had worked though, and that thought emboldened him. The mental image of Ginny bending over in the shower shoved his reservations away. Ron grabbed a pair of Harry’s boxers and pulled them on then ran up the stairs to grab his wand from where he had left it before fucking Hermione then hurried back towards the bathroom and Ginny. Ron full of lust burst into the bathroom. Ginny screamed and covered herself even though she was already wrapped in a towel.

“Harry? You scared the shit out of me, what are you doing?”

“Uh,” Ron said feeling his brain go foggy and so did his glasses. “I uh… was going to join you.”

Ron pulled off the glasses and rubbed the lenses with his fingers before putting them back on. Ginny gave him a look of disbelief then looked him up and down relaxed stepping forward and placed her hands on his shoulders.

“Thought you wanted to wait until the wedding?”


Ginny kissed Ron and her soft lips melted over his, sparks of heat from their kiss could have started a fire. Ron’s hands found his sister's neck and ass as they kissed.

“Woah,” Ginny said pulling free of the kiss and giving Ron disguised as Harry a confused look. “You’ve never kissed me like that before.”


“I liked it,” Ginny said sliding her hand to Ron’s throbbing cock and squeezing it. “You know I’m ready but you were the one that wanted to wait until next week after the wedding.”

“Next week?” Ron said in surprise. When Ginny pushed a few more inches away he said quickly, “I can’t wait that long, I want you now.”

Ginny kissed him again letting her lips and tongue linger with his. “You know the spells?”


“Yeah, to keep me from getting pregnant.”

“Right, yes I know them,” Ron lied, Hermione always performed the condom spell when they fucked.

Ginny shivered and she stroked Ron’s cock, “You promise to be gentle right, I’m still a virgin and you are really big.”

Ron glanced at his reflection in the mirror and saw Harry’s face looking back at him, a pang of guilt at betraying Harry like this and at the thought of taking his sister's virginity. Trying to think of how to get out of this situation without destroying his and Harry’s relationship not to mention his and Ginny’s relationship Ron’s mind went blank.

Ginny kissed his throat before taking half a step back and letting the towel fall to the floor, “You will be gentle, I know it.”

Ron stared at his naked sister, the bright pink nipples with tiny areolas atop small pert breasts calling to him to taste and suck. But before he could Ginny slid to her knees arranging the towel to kneel upon.

“What… are… Oh!” Ron said watching Ginny look up at him and tug down the boxers he was wearing.

Ginny stroked the hard cock inches from her face then took Ron’s hand and pressed it to the back of her wet head then slid her red lips over the thick tip of his cock.

“Fuck!” Ron moaned as the lips and tongue of his sister sent shivers of pleasure through his body. Hermione had sucked his dick only twice so far but Ginny’s was way better. Ginny gulped at his cock sucking at him until the hard shaft was slick with saliva and precum. The first pulse of his balls that released the precum made Ginny moan as the salty spunk hit her tongue. Ron envied Harry if this was the treatment he was going to be getting regularly. Ginny’s hands stroked Ron’s balls and shaft as she sucked and licked the cock easing its way into her throat. Ron knew Ginny thought she was sucking Harry’s dick but he enjoyed the knowledge that his little sister was a cock slut, for his cock.

Ron twisted his fingers through Ginny’s wet hair and began pumping his dick into his sister's mouth. When she moaned he pumped harder and faster and when she wined he stopped pulling free and letting her gasp for breath.

“I want to cum in your throat,” Ron said in Harry’s voice.

“Will you still be able to fuck me?” Ginny asked and Ron noticed for the first time she had a hand between her legs fingering her wet pink lips.

Ron groaned with lust then took her by the hand and lead her towards the stairs grabbing his wand and boxers before he left the bathroom. A tug made Ron turn back and look at Ginny, her lips were slightly swollen and saliva still hung from her chin.

“The bedroom is downstairs.”

“Right!” Ron said reversing direction and tugging a giggling Ginny down the stairs and into Harry’s bedroom.

With a shove, Ron sent Ginny flying onto the bed where she bounced giggling wildly. Ron hurried to her spreading her long smooth legs and pressing the slick tip of his cock to her pussy lips.

“The spell?” Ginny asked as a reminder to add the condom spell before penetrating her.

Ron blinked then pointed his wand at the erection and said, “ˈkändəm” the erection glowed and Ginny seemed satisfied laying back again. Ron admired how her small breasts were still perky so he leaned forward and took one into his mouth. Ginny moaned sliding her hands through his hair.

“Oh, Harry. Please put it inside me.”

Ginny’s words were lightening to Ron and he jerked forward fast pressing himself deep into the waiting pussy.


“Sorry, sorry,” Ron said holding still. “I’m not used to being this long.”

“What?” Ginny asked as she blinked away tears. “What do you mean?”

“Uh, I just mean I’ve never done this either.”

“Yes you have,” Ginny said wiping at her eyes. “You told me you and Hermione did it all the time when you were on the run last year or at least when Ron wasn’t there.”

Ron felt his anger flare and he pushed another inch or so inside Ginny. “Hermione told me she was a virgin.”

Ginny looked at him with confusion, “She was when you guys did it for the first time, I don’t blame you. You both thought you were going to die. I would have done the same thing.”

“Why did Hermione tell me, I mean Ron she was a virgin?”

Ginny giggled as her body relaxed a little, “The pain is going away, you can maybe go a little deeper.”

Ron torn between lust for his sister and finding out the truth about Harry and Hermione slipped an inch out of Ginny’s velvet tunnel. Then kissed her breasts again.

“Why didn’t uh… we tell Ron?” Ron asked in Harry’s voice.

Ginny moaned as Ron slipped back and forth inside her, “You know how he is, Jeliouse, and would have been pissed off, probably wouldn’t have even dated Hermione.” Ginny giggled and said, “Hermione told me you are way bigger than Ron.”

Ron flinched and then looked down at the large cock he was sliding into his sister. It was true, Harry had been gifted in the penis area. A wicked hatred for his best friend came over him now that he knew Hermione lost her virginity to this big cock. Ron Pressed deeper into Ginny as he sucked her tits. Feeling perverse pleasure at taking Ginny’s virginity even if only while in Harry’s body, Ron pressed and bucked his hips. It seemed to take forever to loosen Ginny’s tight pussy to accommodate the full girth of Ron’s erection. Once he had he tucked her legs up over his shoulders and began pumping in and out of her. She was amazing with her slender body flexing and pulsing with growing pleasure. The small tits bounced with each slap of Ron’s hips to her ass. Ron continued fucking Ginny harder and harder until the rhythmic clapping of their bodies colliding sounded like applause in the echoing house.

“Fuck Harry! That’s it, that’s it,” Ginny screamed as her body tightened with pleasure. Cum sprayed over Ron’s cock as she orgasmed for the first time during sex. Ron slowed sliding in and out of her gently until Ginny pressed two fingers into his abs. Her beautiful body pulsed with the aftershocks of her orgasm for several minutes. When her body finally relaxed she grinned sleepily.

“You feel amazing,” Ron said sliding his hands over his sister's breasts, stomach, and thighs.

“Ditto,” Ginny said grinning.

Ron turned Ginny over and balanced her on shaking legs saying, “This is Hermione and my favorite position. Ginny grunted consent as Ron pressed his cock back into his little sister. She did feel amazing, better, in fact, than sex with Hermione. Ron wondered if it was Harry’s bigger dick that increased his pleasure and began to think how he could switch back into Harry’s body the next time he fucked Hermione. One thing was certain as he bucked his hips, driving his cock into Ginny again and again… he didn't want this to be the last time he fucked Ginny. As the pleasure pulsed building up his thighs, Ron considered how he could sneak in and fuck his sister in his Harry disguise often, maybe even impregnate her when they are trying for kids. The thought of Ginny’s swollen womb filled with his seed nearly send Ron over the top. He pumped harder and harder, slapping his hips to Ginny’s ass. Leaning forward Ron cupped the small breasts into his hands and pinched the pink nipples before sliding one hand down to flick the pleasure button above Ginny's pussy. Going ridged she came again hard on the shaft held deep inside her. The slender body pulsing and gushing cum. Ginny’s cry of pleasure was immediately followed by a scream of terror. Ron’s eyes snapped open to see Ginny screaming and looking into the mirror beside the bed. Ron continued to thrust his cock in and out of her but turned to see his bright red hair and overly tall body in the mirror. The sight startled even him as he had gotten used to seeing Harry’s face over the last hour in mirrors. Ginny’s wide eyes were similar to his own, they had the same color hair and the bush of red above his cock matched also. Ginny kicked free of him still screaming and Ron stumbled back.

Ginny snatched at blankets and sheets attempting to cover her naked body but Ron snapped up the wand and pointed it at Ginny shouting, “Imperio!”

Ginny's eyes immediately went cloudy and her arms fell to her sides revealing her body to Ron again. The swollen wet pussy still glistened with moisture as he looked at her.

“Fuck,” Ron said looking at himself in the mirror. He passed the room several times his still hard erection bouncing. Feeling manic Ron turned to Ginny and said, “I’m going to have to do a memory charm on you.” Ginny didn’t move or speak. “I wish I could keep fucking you but…”

Ginny moved jerkily spreading her legs wide on the bed in a welcoming way. Ron paused, staring at the beautiful naked girl and then to his hand still holding the wand.

“Suck my dick.” Ginny leaped eagerly to the edge of the bed taking Ron’s hard cock into her mouth. She suck him enthusiastically taking him fully into her mouth and throat until he was nearly ready to cum again.

“Oh fuck, your mouth feels amazing,” Ron said as Ginny sucked the full length of him. Ginny just moaned as she continued pleasing his cock.

“Fuck me now,” Ron said laying down on the bed. Ginny hurried to obey him, straddling his hips with her legs and pressing the tip of him to her canal. Ron grunted as she engulfed him immediately rising again to fall back down. The small tits bounced each time she fell over his shaft. Ron groaned soon after feeling the peak of pleasure and then emptied his seed deep inside Ginny’s womb. Pulse after pulse Ron cam as Ginny continued to ride his raging cock. The thick cum oozed from the pink lips and down his cock. Ginny didn’t stop bouncing up and down on the shaft until Ron said, “Stop.”

Feeling satiated and a little dazed, Ron looked up at his sister who was still straddling his hips leaking cum from her pussy onto his shrinking cock. At that moment Ron knew he had slipped something in him was lost. With a grin, Ron said, “Clean up the mess you made.”

Ginny obeyed dropping to his lap and sucking up Ron’s cum, she licked and sucked at his cock and balls until nothing remained of his seed. Her red hair was caked with cum now so Ron pulled it back behind her head with his empty fist. Groaning at his touch she took his cock into her mouth again and sucked hard.

“Fuck!” Ron shouted pulling his sister's hair in an attempt to make her stop. She fought him, sucking the flaccid dick until it began to swell again. “Shit, that feels good.” Ron looked into Ginny’s eyes as she looked up at him. Her eyes were unfocused but still seemed to want to please her new master. She held his look as she swallowed the full length of him gulping and licking. Her tongue shot out over his balls as she swallowed her tight throat sending him over the top with pleasure. Ron came again hard, jerking his hips wild as his sister sucked his dick. As he pulsed again Ron felt his balls constrict emptying them of any cum he had left.

“That’s enough,” At Ron’s words, Ginny jumped up and stood next to the bed naked and waiting.

With his head swimming, Ron stood walked to Ginny, and pointed the tip of his wand at her temple.

The hot water of the shower cascaded down Ginny’s smooth skin, and the sound of the door creaking made her look around and say, “Who’s there?”

“Just me,” Came Ron’s voice from the other side of the door.

“Hermione said she would just meet you at the school tonight,” Ginny said feeling a wave of Deja Vu.

“Okay, thanks.”

She heard Ron’s heavy footfalls as he walked away, her legs felt suddenly weak and she had tingles of pleasure emanating from her apex. Ginny rubbed at her swollen pussy lips and winced at the soreness. Making a face of confusion she reached up and ran her hands through her hair feeling hard clumps as though she had gum in her hair. Ginny grabbed the shampoo and washed her hair feeling as though she had just done it. The feeling of Deja Vu hit her hard again as she rinsed her hair. Shutting off the water she reached for the towel but it was no longer there but on the other side of the bathroom in a crumpled pile. Ginny picked up her wand from the sink and with a swish cleaned and dried the towel before drying herself with it.

Wiping the steam from the mirror Ginny whispered, “What’s wrong with me?”

The mirror answered, “You look, lovely dear.”

The tingling feeling slowly faded and she regained full control of her legs after about an hour just before having to leave for Hogwarts.
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