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Sarah has a gang bang taking on three football players. After satisfying all three boys multiple times and then her Master, Sarah gets conflicted emotions over his next instructions.
The initial chapters of this story got an immediate round of negative ratings with questionable legitimacy. Hopefully you are enjoying the story as it unfolds. If so, I would really appreciate you taking a minute to give it a positive rating to balance out the non-legitimate votes and get these chapters to a wider readership. Or if you do have objections to the writing, please give me some comments with suggestions for improvements. I am very open to constructive criticism and will try to incorporate your thoughts in the final chapters. Much thanks and as always, I do promise to publish all chapters regardless of ratings for those that want to see how it ends. I won’t be one of those writers that leave a story without a conclusion.

Sarah got home and plopped down on the bed, totally exhausted. The long week of stretching her ass along with denying herself for days followed by the incredibly intense sex with Mr. Michaels had just been too much for her poor young body. Sore muscles screamed in protest. Walking into the house, the spots where the cane had hit her feet felt tender.

And Mr. Michaels had her brain in knots too. He could go from so tender and almost loving to so angry and controlling. She had to admit that always being on edge like that heightened every touch and sexual situation. Those orgasms while he fucked her ass were like nothing she had ever experienced. She could understand why some women really liked and craved anal sex. She didn’t know if she could really have an orgasm from just anal sex, but combining anal with vaginal stimulation easily tripled the experience. Her ass hurt though. Sitting in the car on the way home made it very apparent that anal sex came with a price.

She did find herself wanting to please him. Of course, he controlled her and made her do things she wouldn’t normally do, but when she accomplished them, she got an internal high knowing she had made him happy. She supposed that was in part the conditioning he had been putting her through. But she liked being submissive. She liked turning herself over to him to be his plaything.

And that had been quite a reward at the end of the night. He said he would start rewarding her for doing well. Was this part of what he meant? Any thought of not doing as he wanted seemed wrong. She knew she would try to carry out every instruction and meet every challenge. She needed to. But he pushed her every boundary to the point she wanted to scream most times. She tried to think of all the ‘firsts’ he had taken her through and there were too many. Too flustered to think anymore, she turned over and went to sleep.


She found Jenny at school first thing and told her about wanting to go on a shopping trip on Saturday. Jenny couldn’t have been more excited. Sarah never wanted to go shopping. She told her quietly that she wanted to buy something sexy too. That she had plans to go out with Conner and wanted to wear something sexy for him. Jenny looked at her knowingly and told her she knew the whole Conner forgetting the doctor’s appointment thing had been bullshit.

Sarah swore Jenny to secrecy and did admit to getting together with him and having sex with him but that she had been furious about the pictures and told him never again if he didn’t fix it. Jenny seemed skeptical. In her opinion, sex wouldn’t be enough to keep a boy in line. She suspected more, but Sarah wouldn’t say more. Now that things had settled down, Sarah wanted to reward Conner for protecting her. Jenny shrugged and stopped pressing, happy enough that the two would get to go shopping the next day.

Sarah got another shock just after lunch. She got a text confirming her appointment at a local spa for a massage, manicure and pedicure at 2:00pm on Sunday. Another reward? She really must have impressed Mr. Michaels the previous week. She had never had a real massage before. And the only “manicure” she had ever enjoyed had been the free trial at the department store in the mall. This would be a special treat.

She steeled herself for her harder task to accomplish. She texted Conner and told him that she wanted to meet him after school to tell him something. He readily agreed and they picked a nearby burger joint to meet at and split an order of fries. They ***********ed a booth to get a little privacy. She told him that she had so much fun with him and Jimmie that she wanted to live out one more fantasy, explaining that she had to housesit on Tuesday night and that she wanted to meet him and Jimmie there.

Conner seemed excited and since they had already done the threesome thing once, another round enticed him. But then she dropped the bombshell stating that she wanted a third guy there as well. Conner’s jaw dropped. He shook his head and called Sarah a crazy slut, which only made Sarah smile.

She explained that she had seen it in a porno online and had always wanted to try three guys at once. And that she wanted to have sex with all three of them AND give them all blow jobs. She could see Conner’s excitement at the prospect, but he remained uncertain. He resisted, insisting it all seemed pretty weird and he didn’t know for sure how he felt about it.

She reminded him about her special blowjobs, and he nodded in agreement, confirming he had never had better. And he would get to fuck her. He seemed to be teetering on edge and Sarah really didn’t want to let Mr. Michaels down so she threw in the final kicker. If he would set this up for her, she would also go out with him that Friday and they could have sex just one-on-one. And she would blow him that night too. That sealed the deal. He agreed but cautioned that he would have to convince the other two guys and didn’t know if they would agree. Sarah blew that off showing her complete confidence in him to get it done.

Then she hit him with the big condition. With him salivating over the idea of having her twice with plenty of kinky sex, she told him that she would only agree to all of it if he could get the other two guys to pose in a picture where they were all three holding each other’s dicks. Conner blew up at this suggestion. He called her nuts for thinking he would hold another guy’s dick in much too loud a voice. Sarah had to beg him to keep his voice down.

More calmly, she reminded him that she was the one that had the most reputation to lose if it got out in the school. And that, just like the other picture, this would only be insurance to guarantee that none of the boys talked. She wouldn’t let anyone else see it because then they would tell everyone what she had done. But they would be sure to keep quiet because if they didn’t, then they would all be embarrassed by their photo. Simple case of mutual destruction to guarantee everyone lived up to their side of the bargain.

Sarah told him how badly she wanted to fuck him again. And how good it felt to have him cum in her mouth. She confided that he had been the best she had ever had and that she needed him to make her feel good again. After enough talk and titillation, Conner started coming around. He reluctantly agreed it might work. She gave him one last detail - he couldn’t tell the third boy her identity until after he took the picture. She already had his and Jimmie’s assured compliance with the previous picture of the two of them. So the third boy had to stay in the dark until he had fully committed as well. The more Conner thought about it, the more it all made sense. She had clearly thought everything through.

He asked again about the house that she housesit for. She wouldn’t say more about it util he had everything set up and she got her picture. But that they were guaranteed to have the place to themselves for the whole evening.

It took fifteen more minutes and some more naughty flirtation before Conner climbed on board. She even promised to wear something extra sexy for the three of them. She intended to go out to look that weekend and asked him for his favorite color. He picked red and she agreed to see what she could do.

Before they left, Conner even figured out who he would approach. Terrance, another teammate on the football team. Everyone called him Ter. He figured he would be up for something crazy. Ter and Jimmie were good friends as well and felt sure that he and Jimmie together would be able to confirm that the ‘unnamed girl’ would give Ter the best blow job of his life.

As they were walking out, she remembered to remind Conner that everyone had to wear condoms or no go. He laughed and said, “No problem”.

When she got back in her car, she sent Mr. Michaels a long text, “Your efficient little slut has gotten everything set up. Jenny and I go out tomorrow and Conner is going to ask Terrance on the football team to join him and Jimmie for a crazy gang bang. I did just as you told me and gave him the conditions and reasons it would work and told him I would tell him where to meet me when I got my picture. He will send it to me soon. I also got my reward for Sunday! I feel pampered. Thank you thank you sir! But I do have one thing to ask. May I cum at the gang bang please Master?”

When they had talked about it the previous night, she never thought to ask. But the thought of having to have sex with three guys and not being allowed to cum now concerned her. Even with ‘training’ the previous week, she didn’t think she would be able to do it. And if she had to have a gang bang, she really wanted to enjoy it.

To her gigantic relief, he sent back, “Good girl. Yes, as a reward for following instructions so well, you may cum at your gang bang.” She read it again and then laughed at how ridiculous it sounded before deleting it.


The next day, Jenny picked her up fairly early and they hit the shops. Jenny had her favorites and since Sarah didn’t really know any of them, she let Jenny pick. Right off the bat, Sarah couldn’t believe the prices. In her experience, $500 would buy half of her wardrobe. But on this buying spree, it bought three tops, a pair of shorts and a really short skirt that Jenny guaranteed to be the total in thing that looked awesome on her. She also got a sexy pair of dark red suede lace-up heels. She loved them. But that used up most of the remainder of her cash. She had really wanted to get some sexy lingerie, but it would have to wait.

They had taken their time and gone to five or six stores. They had also stopped for lunch, which Jenny paid for. She had daddy’s credit card, so she didn’t really care. She had bought just as many clothes as Sarah, but it had just been an average shopping trip for Jenny. They were in one of their last stores with Sarah waiting for Jenny to try on one last lacey top when Sarah got a text. Mr. Michaels asked how she liked her shopping spree. She told him how much fun they were having, but that these expensive stores had used up all her money and she would have to wait on the lingerie she wanted to buy.

She got a response within a few minutes. He told her to go find the lingerie and when she found something she liked to ask Jenny to lend her the money and that Sarah would pay her back on Monday with some money she had at home. Then on the way home, Sarah should ask Jenny to stop by his place to look for something she thought she might have left behind when she last babysat. To have Jenny wait in the car while she ran in to look for it. Then to go up to his room and he would give her the extra money she needed to give to Jenny on Monday.

She wanted to protest and say she didn’t need the lingerie that bad, but then remembered what happened every time she argued. It had been his idea for her to shop with Jenny, so maybe he just felt bad that he hadn’t given her enough money to keep up. She settled for a simple “Yes sir. Thank you, sir,” and left it at that.

When Jenny finally finished and added another bag to her load, Sarah asked if they could go to a lingerie store. Jenny’s eyes got big, but she said she knew just the place. The store had so many sexy items, Sarah felt lost. They looked at camis, babydolls, bra and panty sets of all types that included some that were crotchless and others that were virtually transparent, and even some corsets. Sarah told her friend she really wanted to get something in red. They settled on a red satin babydoll that barely covered her tits with a high waisted red thong that went right up the crack of her ass and some thigh high stockings with a white fringe. Sarah knew it would look great with her new shoes. But she fretted when she saw that the total came to $165.00.

She acted embarrassed about forgetting the rest of her money at home and asked if Jenny could please loan her the money to buy the outfit and promised to pay her back on Monday. Jenny easily agreed.

She suspected that Jenny just planned to pay with her dad’s card and then pocket the cash. But she didn’t say anything other than thank you. The new outfit excited her, and she couldn’t wait to see the boy’s reaction to it.

When they got out to the car, Sarah asked Jenny if she would mind stopping off at Mr. Michaels house to look for her lost item. Jenny happily obliged as Sarah had described the place many times in the past and she wanted to get a chance to see it. Even Jenny looked duly impressed when they pulled into the neighborhood. Sarah told her to wait in the car and give her a few minutes. Jenny just smiled and pulled out her phone and got lost in her social media.

Sarah ran up to the door and let herself in. She ran up to Mr. Michaels’ bedroom. He stood there with his pants off in front of his drawer with all the money. Even though he had shocked her, she didn’t say anything.

“How much?” he asked without much preamble. Sarah answered and he pulled out the cash without a comment and handed it to her. Then with his cock in his hand he indicated for her to kneel in front of him. She started to protest worried about Jenny out in the car but thought better of it and dropped to her knees. She went for speed and worked his dick as fast as she could. He even helped by grabbing her head and face fucking her hard and fast. He popped quickly, but it still took 4 or 5 minutes.

He had warned her to hold all of his cum in her mouth because he wanted to see it before she swallowed. Another first for Sarah. He held her head as he started ejaculating into her mouth. It felt like a quart just sitting on her tongue. When he finished and had pulled his cock from her mouth, she turned up to him and opened wide so he could see the sea of white liquid floating in her mouth.

He gave her permission her to swallow. She took a big gulp and got it all down and opened her mouth back up like a child showing she had swallowed her medicine. He gave her a ‘good girl’ and a swat on the ass on her way out. She crammed the money in her pocket and ran back down the stairs.

When she finally got back in the car, Jenny asked what had taken so long. Sarah apologized and said she had to look in every room, but she couldn’t find her sweatshirt and that it must still be at home someplace. She burped and she tried to cover it up as much as possible hoping that Jenny couldn’t smell the cum on her breath. Sarah rolled her eyes to herself as she realized her life had turned into one big roller coaster all the time.

The following day, she went to her spa appointment. She started with the massage. Her muscles were still a little sore and stiff from her sexcapades on Thursday night. But the masseuse worked out all of the kinks. By far, one of the best sixty minutes of Sarah’s life. She felt wonderful as she sat in the chair and got a mani-pedi. It felt so strange to be there in a big white terrycloth robe and slippers while another woman worked on her nails. She picked a sexy red to go with her outfit for both her fingers and toes. By the time she left several hours later, she felt like a new woman. And a woman with a lot more money than she normally had.

She sent a big thank you text to Mr. Michaels with several pictures of her with her hands and one with her feet showing off the pretty color. His responded, “You earned it.”


At school on Monday, she first found Jenny and paid her back. She handed her the money and Jenny immediately noticed her nails. Sarah also wore open toed sandals, so she commented on the toes as well. She cooed and teased her about the sexy red color and wondered what they would look like with a certain sexy red outfit.

Sarah could tell by the jokes that Jenny couldn’t figure out how she could afford everything. First the shopping and now a mani-pedi. Sarah covered saying that the mani-pedi had been a birthday gift that she just hadn’t had time to use until yesterday. She thought she had come up with a good story on the fly, and just hoped Jenny would drop it. She didn’t say anything about the massage knowing that would be even more telling.

Conner waited for her at her locker before third period and said that Ter had agreed to the conditions and that he would send her what she wanted later that night. She flushed with excitement and gave him a small kiss on the cheek telling him to just wait for his special reward. The rest of the day passed terribly slowly. Her mind wouldn’t stop racing with anxiety of really going through with a gang bang.

Sure enough, right before dinner, her phone dinged. She ran upstairs not wanting to take any risk that anyone else would see what had been sent. She opened the text and her jaw dropped. There on her screen were three hunky eighteen year old boys, all completely naked, and each holding the other’s cock. Conner stood in the middle, and he had Jimmie in his left hand and Ter in his right. The other two both had their hands on Conner’s cock.

She couldn’t believe the power of pussy. Here were three boys that wouldn’t be caught dead doing something like this for anything other than the chance to gang bang one little girl. They would be completely devastated if this picture got out as laughing stocks in the school and among their peers. But for the chance to get into her coochie and to get their dicks sucked, no risk seemed too great. She sent the picture to Mr. Michaels and told him that the boys were in. He already had the first picture of just Conner and Jimmie.

He responded that she had done a good job and to tell the boys to be over at 7:30pm the next day. They were to stay just in the den. He would be upstairs monitoring and if anything got out of hand, he would break it up. He also asked if she felt ready. She thought about that for a second. When he had first suggested this, she had been terrified and thought it sounded horrible. But the more she pictured it in her head over the last couple of days, the more excited she got.

She wondered what it would be like to have one boy fucking her pussy while another fucked her mouth. Being ‘spit-roasted’ she had learned from looking into it on the internet. One girl on two rods. And being able to go from one to the next. Excitement filled her enough to get her pussy wet just thinking about it. “Was it ever not wet lately?” she thought to herself. She chuckled and responded, “Yes sir! Very ready and very excited!” Again, she deleted everything and headed back down to dinner.

After dinner, she responded to Conner and promised to knock their socks off. She had dressed up in new lingerie, complete with her shoes and with her hand fanned out and took a picture of herself. She sent that along with the rest of the instructions and reminded him to not be late. She thought for a second and sent another text to say that bad boys that were late got punished. She laughed at her own joke. If he only knew.


Tuesday came and Conner found her at one point during the day and clearly wanted to make sure she wasn’t going to back out. His exact words, whispered to her were “he didn’t want to be left with his dick in his hand.” He thought his joke hilarious and laughed out loud. She humored him but also assured him that he need not worry. She saw both Jimmie and Terrance at different times in the hall and while they didn’t talk, their big goofy grins made it clear what they were thinking about as they waived to her. Clearly Terrance had been let in on who the ‘unnamed girl’ would be.

Jenny noticed Sarah’s distraction, but Sarah played it off as worrying about the date with Conner on Friday. She knew she didn’t fool Jenny. Jenny didn’t have the best academic mind, but she could read people well and had always been clever.

When Sarah got home, she raced through her homework to make sure the rest of the evening would be free. She had already forewarned her parents that she had an extra babysitting job that night. They seemed happy that she had been getting so much work, but Sarah knew that really, they were happy that she hadn’t been asking for money as often.

She headed over early and got to Mr. Michaels at 7:00pm. She took off her shirt and skirt and showed him the sexy lingerie underneath and he had to admit that the boys were very lucky. He called her a knockout. They ran through where the cameras were set up so that she could try to keep the action in the right direction. She couldn’t believe they were so small. No wonder she didn’t see the ones up in the bedroom that had captured her initial thievery. She shook her head remembering it had been less than a month prior when she watched herself caught on video.

He told her that she could give them some beer if that would help them relax, but to not let anyone get drunk by any means. No more than two or three apiece. Drunk horny teenage boys were not something to be trifled with. And of course, he reminded her that condoms were required at all times. Anyone trying to stick an unwrapped penis in her should be sent home. He even gave her the safe word ‘butterfly’ that she could say, and he would come down and break things up. He also warned, no anal fucking or ass play. He squeezed her ass saying, “This ass is still mine for the time being.” She again confirmed that he would permit her to have orgasms. He agreed, kissed her, and headed upstairs.

She got a beer for herself and at 7:20, she heard a knock on the door. Clearly, they were anxious and early. Or maybe Conner took her threat of punishment for being tardy seriously. Her stomach fluttered as she got to the door. She had decided that she would stay in control throughout the evening. She opened the door and stood there in her sexiest pose with her hand up on the door and one bent on her hip with her legs slightly crossed in front. She also pulled her shoulders back and pushed her tits out. The effect worked perfectly on the boys. Their eyes popped and the jaws dropped open. Conner in particular broke into a big smile.

“Come on in boys,” she said in her best sultry voice. They filed in but nobody could take their eyes off her. She felt sexy as hell and knew it. She had them go into the den and asked if anyone wanted a beer. Of course, they all said yes, so she went and got three more and brought them in. As she opened each one and handed it to a boy, she made them lean down and give her a kiss.

She told everyone to sit down. She stayed standing and took a big gulp of her beer. Time to get this party going. “Okay, let’s make sure we all understand the rules of this gang bang. First, there is no need to rush or push. Everyone gets plenty of turns and everyone will get fully satisfied. Second, and this is an absolute must. Nobody fucks me without a condom on. If a naked cock goes in me, then I stop this, and everyone goes home. The other two can kill the guy that ruined it for everyone after you leave. Third, I pick the order and you follow all my directions. Fourth, nobody sticks it in my ass. My ass is off limits. Understood? Same as rule two, everything ends if I feel anything go in there.” She had stuck her very well-proportioned ass out and pointed to it while she said the last.

“I like to have both my tits sucked on at the same time so feel free to jump in on that at any point. Light pinches are fine, but no heavy twisting. They are not beer tops.” All the boys chuckled at her comment. She paused and looked at them all up and down one at a time. “Am I forgetting anything? Any questions?”

Nobody said anything and they just looked at each other and then back at her. “Okay then. Let’s get this started. Drink up and get those clothes off.” All three boys shotgunned their beers and started stripping. Conner and Jimmie were in a hurry and Terrance still looked a little like a deer in the headlights and went much slower. While they were doing that, Sarah pushed the giant ottoman to the middle of the room. With it being the size of a small bed, it would work perfectly for her purposes.

She had the boys move the coffee table out of the way, so the ottoman stayed right in middle between the giant sectional and the TV. She knew the main camera had been hidden by the TV and she and Mr. Michaels had worked out this setup in advance so that it would be like a stage. Once the boys were all naked, she sat them down with Jimmie on the left, Terrance in the middle, and Conner on the right.

She put on some music using her phone (also prearranged) and started doing a little strip tease. The portable speakers were on the far side from the TV and set low so that Mr. Michaels would still be able to hear everything perfectly well, especially her safe word if she needed to use it. She really marveled at how carefully he thought everything out. She took her time and loved how the boy’s eyes bugged out and she could see how much it excited them, demonstrated by the stiffness of their cocks.

The strip tease really didn’t take long since she only had the babydoll and her thong to remove. But she made every inch count. She had her ass turned to them when she dropped the babydoll down to her waist then spun back around covering her tits with her hand very coyly, before using both hands to jiggle them and pinch her nipples with mock elation. The boys cheered her efforts. She got the clothes completely off, leaving on just the stockings and shoes and spread her legs wide and made a show of playing with her pussy. The boys practically drooled.

The time had come to get down to business. She went over to Jimmie first. She straddled him and slowly ran her body down in front of his face just inches from his nose until she kneeled right in front of him. Then she made a show of opening his legs wide and pushing his chest back so that he leaned back against the cushions. She looked over at the other two who were watching with rapt attention and kept her eyes locked on them as she reached forward, grabbed Jimmie’s cock and stroked it several times before leaning in and taking it in her mouth. She did all of this without ever looking at Jimmie or his cock. It felt very erotic to her, and she saw Terrance’s mouth drop completely open.

Then she turned her focus to Jimmie. She nibbled, sucked, and licked all over, before ending by sucking his balls into her mouth. A couple more big strokes and then she slid over to Terrance. She started the same routine with him making him shake a little bit. After a minute or so, she slid over to Conner and gave him his tease. She went back and forth up and down the line three times, giving Terrance double duty. She had put him in middle on purpose so that he would get a little more of her attention with it being his first time.

He did have a nice cock. Not quite as long as the other two, but probably the one with the most girth. Still not as much as Mr. Michaels who possessed the biggest cock in the house. She feared Terrance might blow on his last turn as he started to grind his hips and push his cock into her mouth, so she focused on squeezing his dick and his balls at the same time trying to calm him down. She didn’t want him to cum yet.

“Time for some fucking,” she stated. She told Conner to put on a condom and get behind her. She got on her hands and knees and got the other two in front of her standing at the edge of the ottoman. She started with Jimmie as Conner got in position and ready. When she felt Conner’s cock start to penetrate, she pulled off Jimmie and barked, “Lick me first. Then fuck me.” And she went right back to sucking Jimmie’s dick taking him deep.

Conner dropped behind her on his knees and spread her pussy open by pulling her ass cheeks apart. His tongue stroked up and down her gash several times. He even started to move up toward her asshole and circled it. Sarah clenched and ripped Jimmie’s dick out of her mouth and sternly warned, “No ASS!” Conner jumped back immediately and went back to her pussy sinking his tongue into her vaginal entrance. And he rubbed her clit with his thumb to Sarah’s muffled groans. Figuring he had satisfied the requirement, he moved back up and slid into her. Grabbing her hips, he pushed all the way in.

This is what Sarah had been waiting for. Being spit roasted proved even better than she had expected. Feeling both cocks moving in unison and filling her completely. She just kept Jimmie in her mouth and let Conner’s fucking rock her head back and forth on his prick and reached over with the free hand to start jerking Ter. Then she pulled off Jimmie and pulled Terrance into her mouth and switched hands. She had never felt like such a slut. Terrance started thrusting into her mouth while Conner slammed into her pussy, compressing her in the middle. She felt Terrance’s cock actually go into her throat. She almost panicked, but kept her composure.

She realized she couldn’t breathe like this, but she let it go on a few seconds before she pushed Terrance back and gulped some air. The angle and agility this all required started wearing on her. She told Conner to scooch back. Without taking his dick out of her, he sidled back until he could put his feet on the floor and Sarah told Terrance to lay down in front of her. He did and this gave her a much better angle to use both hands and start working his dick in more earnest. Conner started hammering into her pussy with better leverage as well. He even put one foot onto the ottoman and a hand on her shoulder which let him really fuck her hard.

She told Jimmie to reach under and play with her pussy while Conner fucked her. Within seconds of him rubbing and pinching her clit, Sarah had her first orgasm. All three boys could feel her body shake from the climax. Having a cock in her mouth the whole time the orgasm ripped through her turned Sarah on enormously and drew out the orgasm for a long time. As her vagina started to clench and milk Conner’s penis, he pushed in deep and let go with a loud groan.

She didn’t want to stop. She told Terrance to get a condom on and replace Conner and for Jimmie to take his spot. Within no time, the action continued in full swing with Conner now rubbing her clit and fondling her tit using both hands. After a while though, Sarah needed to change positions. She told everyone to stop.

She got Jimmie on the ottoman on his back and told Terrance to stand just to the side of her. She got on top of Jimmie and pulled his dick up while lowering herself down on him. She had only ever been on top during sex once in her life and never with Mr. Michaels so far. She worked on the rhythm for a few strokes and then reached over and grabbed Terrance’s cock and started sucking it.

Being able to control the dick now penetrating her allowed her to grind her hips in just the right way, but she focused more on trying to get Terrance off. She cupped his balls and fondled them while going full steam on the head of his penis. She squeezed hard and popped the head repeatedly through her constricting fingers while keeping her slobbering mouth going over it, making a hug wet sucking sound.

She peeked out of the corner of her eye and saw Conner sitting back watching the action while drinking his beer. He looked very happy with his flaccid penis hanging down in front of him. Terrance couldn’t take it for long and unloaded in her mouth. She slurped down all of it in big gulps and in a hurry because she wanted to focus on Jimmie and her own needs. As soon as she felt confident he had finished nutting in her mouth, she pulled off of him while still holding some in her mouth. She put her hands on Jimmies chest and turned to face him and started riding him like a bronco. She took one last big gulp and let out a satisfied “ahh” with her mouth open to show the boys that she made it all disappear.

Now truly focused, she started bouncing up and down on Jimmie hard and fast. He clutched and spread her ass cheeks wide, and Sarah knew Mr. Michaels would be getting a perfect view of Jimmie’s black cock penetrating her juicy pink snatch. Her stomach churned and she threw her head back and let out a loud groan, but never stopped bouncing. She shook again as a fresh orgasm rocked her body.

Jimmie released his iron grasp on her ass and moved them up to grab her tits, squeezing them hard as he let go as well. Well sated, she slowed to a small bounce and then finally just a hip grind. She leaned forward on Jimmie’s chest and kissed him deeply for several minutes.

It continued for over another hour. She got on her side with her legs intertwined with Terrance fucking her sideways while Conner face fucked her. She did a reverse cowgirl on Conner while she took on the other two with her mouth alternating between them, but never stopping jerking either of them. Jimmie got a turn on top of her with her legs wrapped around him and her head hanging off the edge upside down and Terrance sliding his dick into her mouth.

Conner got a little aggressive at one point and spanked her ass while fucking her. She encouraged him and told him to spank her harder. Needing no further reassurance, he slapped her ass harder leaving a red handprint on her white skin. After several more, she could feel the heat and knew her ass must be a bright pink. She directed him to switch to the other side.

The pain heightened the ramrod fucking and she moaned and threw her head from side to side, lost in the ecstasy of the moment. With her ass well-tuned up, she begged him to rub it and felt the sting spread through her. He started slapping her ass harder and she had to warn him to lighten up or she would quit. Before long all three had spanked her in different positions using what they had learned, and she responded with great enthusiasm.

She made all three of them eat her pussy repeatedly. Sometimes she would sit on someone’s face while blowing another. She liked being on her hands and knees and making them bury their face deep between her pussy lips while licking her clit. She got a thrill making them hold their breath for a change.

She really enjoyed Terrance’s expression of shock and awe when she pulled off while blowing him and let him cum in a giant pool on his stomach only to have her then lean down and lick up it all up. He had the sweetest tasting jism of the three, but sweet being a relative term. She still didn’t love the taste of cum, but she had gotten so used to over the previous weeks that it didn’t bother her much anymore. But like the other two boys, Terrance had never seen a girl do this in real life and it clearly blew him away.

Her favorite position of the night had Conner on his back with his head at the edge of the ottoman. She kneeled over him in reverse with her pussy lowered down so that he could lick her clit with Jimmie standing and straddling Conner’s head fucking her from behind while she bent forward jerking Conner with her left hand and blowing Terrance as he kneeled in front of her. Jimmie had to bend his legs and stay in a somewhat squatted position to accomplish it which made him really work for it. And she knew that with Jimmie having the lowest hanging balls, they were probably slapping Conner in the head while Jimmie fucked her. But nobody complained and everyone got pleasured at the same time.

When they finally decided to call it quits, each boy had cum either in her pussy or from a blowjob three times. She had been careful to make sure everyone got pretty equal treatment. Sarah really liked being in control, telling the boys exactly what to do. She treated them so well that none of them even thought about getting out of line.

Her nipples were a little raw and her pussy looked very red and swollen. Her clit felt like a swollen blueberry. All told, she thought she remembered having five orgasms, but she might have miscounted. She thanked all the boys for being well behaved and even suggested that they might try it again in the future if they all kept their mouths shut. She warned that if she ever heard about it at school, she would be forced to release the photo and they would definitely never get together again. They promised, kissed her, and left very happy. She watched through the widow as they walked back to Conner’s car seeing high fives and lots of happy faces.

She went back into the kitchen and grabbed two more beers and headed up to see Mr. Michaels and get his opinion of the evening. He sat on the bed waiting for her. He had already gotten naked, and his computer sat off to the side. She knew he had watched every moment of the action and assumed he had recorded the whole sorted soiree.

She took a sip of her beer and stood back on one foot with her arms crossed with the beer still in one hand and said, “What did you think, sir? Did I do okay? Did that look like a sexy gang bang?” She tried to be contrite but had trouble keeping all of the sassiness out of her voice. She expected him to gush with compliments.

He looked at her for a second and then said sternly to her sudden dismay, “Get over here.” He always had a way of shocking her. She went on guard immediately and she felt the floor drop out of her stomach. Was he mad? Did she do something wrong? As he moved over the edge of the bed with his feet hanging off, she stood right in front of him with her head down and her hands behind her back. She became immediately submissive again. Any bravado she had walking into the room after fucking three guys for the last two hours and bossing them around disappeared. She couldn’t even breath for fear of finding out how she had disappointed him again.

He sat there staring at her for a long minute. If she could have shrunk into the floor she would have. All she had wanted to do was please him and she feared him scolding her again. “Why couldn’t she get it the fuck right? What was wrong with her? Maybe she was just a dumb dumb slut!” she chided herself.

The waiting became interminable. When he finally reached out and pulled her too him and tilted her head up to kiss her deeply, ten pounds of rock lifted from her chest, and she felt like she could breathe. Not wanting to jump the gun, she returned the kiss but stood rock still. He could still throw her down and start spanking her. Or pinch her nipples with more clamps. Anything seemed possible. He held her closer still and his hands started roaming her body. The rest of the weight lifted, and she relaxed. He wasn’t angry. He was just Mr. Michaels. A complete chameleon.

He finally broke the kiss and looked at her and asked, “You liked bossing those boys around, didn’t you?” It sounded like an accusation. He had conditioned her not to lie. To lie meant punishment. He didn’t tolerate any lying or half-truths.

“Yes. Is that okay?” “Sir.” She had almost forgotten to address him properly.

“And you had quite a number of orgasms, didn’t you?” Again, another accusation.

But he had given her permission, she thought guardedly. The protest caught in her throat, and she resolved to only answer. “Yes sir.” She felt as timid as a five year old at that point.

“How many?” he demanded, a little more sternly.

Should she have answered with how many instead of just acknowledging? Her mind screwed up in knots again. “Five, I think sir. I kind of lost count, I guess. Was that wrong, sir?” she forwarded tentatively.

He took her head in his hands and broke into a big smile. “Excellent job tonight. I am very proud of you. You taught those boys a thing or two, didn’t you?” He paused and added, “I think you learned a thing or two as well, right?”

Fully relieved, she knew in that instant that she had done right and made him happy. She smiled right back, and her heart leapt. “Yes sir. I couldn’t believe all the stuff we tried. And they did everything I told them to. And even the couple of times they tried to get out of hand, I scolded them, and they stopped immediately. This little 100-pound girl bossed three big boys around and they did exactly what she said. It was awesome!!” She bragged about her big conquest with little girl excitement.

He held her to his chest and wrapped his arms around her head. At that moment, Sarah felt content and safe in his arms. Hard to believe this was the girl that had just been gang banged by three guys.

“Get on the bed, I think I am ready for my turn,” he finally said after holding her for several minutes.

Emboldened by her success of the evening, she pushed on his chest and begged, “Please, master, lie back.” It had been more of a command than a request and she waited to make sure he wouldn’t get upset.

He slid back to the middle of the bed and laid down on his back without complaint. She climbed on top of him and straddled his legs and took him in her mouth. She worked for a few minutes to make his erection good and hard. And then she moved up and directed it into her pussy. She had realized earlier that she had never been on top with Mr. Michaels. She started fucking him very slowly. He played with her breasts and nipples and also rubbed and grabbed her ass.

The passion built and they kissed and interplayed their tongues. At one point she laid down on his chest and he started fucking her from underneath, thrusting up into her. His head nestled into her neck, and he sunk his teeth into her shoulder again like the he had done in front of the mirror. She didn’t understand why it had the effect on her body that is did, but it felt amazing, and she let out a trembling moan. Everything he did felt amazing. He had so much more skill and confidence than any other boy she had been with. But also softer and more in control. He knew just what to do to elicit the biggest response from her body.

As he continued to thrust up into her, she fell over the waterfall and again her body shook with another big climax. It eclipsed the ones earlier in the night. This one satisfied her more deeply. She milked his dick as her pussy vibrating on him. She wondered what that felt like for him as she gasped for breath in gulps. When it finally finished, he smoothly rolled her over onto her stomach and rested on her thighs.

He pressed the head of his penis into the folds of her pussy and thrusted forward deeply. With two thrusts, he hit her cervix again and she already wanted to cum again. But she held it off. With his feet he pushed on her legs and closed them tighter. He rocked into her pussy while his pelvic bone ground into her ass cheeks, making his thrusts go even deeper. His tempo increased as he grabbed her arms and folded them behind her on her lower back. In one move she was completely immobilized while he fucked her with abandon.

“How did he do that so easily?” ran through her head absently while her body rocked from his thrusts.

“You’re my little fuck toy. Say it. Tell me you want to be my fuck toy.”

“I’m your fuck toy, sir.”

He slapped her ass with a sharp crack and growled. “Say it like you mean it, slut!!” He thrust even harder.

Already in the throes of a growing orgasm, she screamed, “I’m your fuck toy Mr. Michaels. I want to be your fuck toy Master. I want to be your fuck toy forever!! Oh fuck I’m your FUCK TOY!”

He thrust fully into her and her pussy spasmed. They were both cumming. She could feel the heat from his sperm deep in her belly and she trembled from the assault. It felt so much better without a condom. She did feel like a toy, there only for his pleasure. She couldn’t move if she wanted to. He had her completely in his control, merely a cock sleeve for his pleasure.

He grunted and sat on her legs while he panted. She could hear his heavy breathes while he still held her arms immobile. Her pelvis continued to spasm every couple of seconds. The aftershocks of being fucked so deeply felt amazing and she felt dizzy.

He eventually tired of holding her and pulled his rapidly shrinking cock from her pussy and she felt a gush of his goo flood out. She couldn’t move for a few minutes, not even moving her arms from behind her back.

He sat back against the pillows stacked up against the headboard and looked down at her. He waited until she finally rolled over. She held her legs apart letting the cool air hit her tender overused pussy. It had never felt so sore. He leaned forward and stuck his middle two fingers deep into her pussy and rolled them around. “Is he really going to finger fuck her again?” she contemplated. She didn’t think she could take it but didn’t do anything to stop him.

He curled his fingers and raked her g-spot again. It felt good, but being so spent, she couldn’t do anything but lay there. He pulled the dripping fingers from her pussy with a thick mixture of their combined nectar and rubbed it lightly on her lips and then stuck both fingers into her mouth. She accepted them and sucked on them. The mixture tasted strong with a sharp bitter and salty combination. She sucked the fingers together and then individually. If that is what he wanted, then she would fully comply. He pulled his fingers out and she licked her lips and got the last of it.

“Go get a towel and clean me up and the bed and then clean yourself up,” he ordered as he fell back against the pillows. Exhaustion barely slowed her need to please, and she jumped up as quickly as she could get her body to move. She came back with a warm washcloth and a towel and cleaned everything up. Then she got in the shower. She returned to him re-energized from the combination of the warm water and the bounce of the recovery after so much sexual release.

She laid next to him wrapping herself around his leg and laying her head down on his chest. She was his little fuck toy and she didn’t care. This had been the hardest, but best, month of her life and she couldn’t wait to see what he had in store for her next. He always had something next.

They talked about the gang bang. He asked questions about different things that had happened and why she did some of the things she did. She answered everything he asked as honestly as she could, instinctively nervous about saying the wrong thing and getting punished again. But he seemed to be satisfied with the evening.

Then he shocked her again. He told her that he wanted her help to seduce Jenny. He wanted her to ask Jenny to come babysit with her on Thursday. To tell her that they were going to dress sexy to get a big tip like she used to do. Once his son went to bed, she should make and give Jenny a couple of mixed drinks but to make sure that Jenny’s drinks had alcohol while hers didn’t. Tell her that she often helped herself to his liquor.

After they were a little ‘tipsy’, she should admit to Jenny that she had been lifting money for a while from his stash. She should show Jenny the cash drawer and take $200 for each of them. Then just finish out the night. Since she would really be sober, she should be the one to drive and to drive her home if needed. He made her promise that she wouldn’t let Jenny drive inebriated.

Sarah wanted to protest. But she didn’t. She asked how that would seduce Jenny into anything. Other than maybe dressing a little sexy. He told her not to worry. Just follow his instructions.

Twenty minutes prior, she didn’t think that he could come up with anything that she wouldn’t readily agree to do. But asking her to somehow involve and maybe entrap her friend gave her pause. Jenny had her faults, but she was generally a good person and Sarah loved her. She didn’t know how she felt about this. Then again, Mr. Michaels had opened up such a new world to her. Maybe he could do the same for Jenny. She kept her conflicted feelings to herself. If she refused, she knew he would either just punish her or come up with something even worse.

Worse than a gang bang? Who knew. She guessed there were worse things he could do but couldn’t conceive of them. She swallowed hard and knew in her gut that at the end of the day, she would do whatever he told her to do. She had her instructions and she had to carry them out. That was all there was to it. He had so much on her, she couldn’t say no to anything. He owned her. She was his toy, fuck and otherwise.

They moved the conversation to lighter topics and after about forty-five minutes, she got ready to go home. It surprised her that she left with great reluctance.


2023-01-11 06:05:50
The threesome i liked it a lot. Let the boys fuck me and sucking there cocks, realy give me goosebumps and shiffers. What about my own orgasms thank you for that master Michaels. Looking forward to read chapter 8. ?


2022-10-17 07:26:38
There is no way this story is 70%.
Shame on you for voting negative.
A fairer system would be to have multiple voting buttons rather than positive or negative.
Thanks for the GB and keep up the great work.
Sarah is very naughty


2022-10-05 19:49:44
Your comment is very much on point throatHER. Another kind reader sent me a PM making a similar comment at about this point in the story. Looking back on these first chapters, I could clearly see the pattern I had fallen into and have since been making corrections to avoid this error later on. So hopefully you will see an improvement as it continues. As always, really appreciate the honest critique and suggestions.


2022-10-05 16:06:48
It's disheartening to see such good work be treated unfairly like this. My only criticism, which is very minor, is parts of the story seemed not to flow. Meaning, it read like an explanation of events such as: she did this, she did that, he did this and he did that. Be cognizant of that and make it flow because every action does not need to be explained.

But like I said, very minor critique. Great job.

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