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This story was here a little more than a year ago, but the poor reception made me take it down at the time. I've rewritten and edited most of it to give it another try.

If you have any thoughts on it, please comment down below. I love reading what you guys think of my stories.


Daddy, It Hurts

It wasn't the first time we had an argument, but it was the first time we had a problem because I was going out with a boy. I was standing in front of the sink washing the dishes since daddy had cooked for us, and he was getting ready to go out with his friends.

I had just got home from school when we decided to cook and have dinner together. I just had the time to take off my jeans and switch for a more comfortable pair of cotton shorts, but I kept on the buttoned-down white shirt I liked. As it was long, it looked like I was wearing only that.

He was making me mad. I always understood him, and even though jealousy hit me at times, I encouraged him to go on dates. However, he was having a tough time letting me go on a single one. My dad was thirty-five, so, technically, he was young. My mom died giving birth to me when she was my age, and she would be thirty-two years old today. Therefore, I always thought he deserved to have the most understanding daughter ever. He had lost his high school sweetheart just like that and had to start caring for me instead of enjoying his life. But being always understanding was hard since my dad was moody all the time and angry. People say he was always like this and that my mom fell in love with the rebel he was in school.

She was a Brazilian immigrant, and they say she was hands down the most beautiful girl in our town. Tall and slender, she had long and wavy brown hair going all the way down to her butt. Every time I saw her pictures, I noticed how much I looked like her. The difference was, I'm short and have slightly bigger breasts, probably things I inherited from the Italian side of my dad's family. I even kept my hair long as hers, and I loved it, even though it was a little complicated to tend to such long hair at times. I never met her, but it was nice to have something in common. Some kind of reminder that, once, I had a mom.

We had this massive argument because I wanted to go on a date the next day with a boy from high school, and he said no. I could understand that a handsome guy like him should go out and have fun, not only work to pay our bills. But, when it was about me, he was always that restrictive, and I was getting really angry for that reason. I had needs too. Why couldn't he understand that?

So it got to a point when I called him a hypocrite.

He got instantly furious, more than usual. He stepped all the way from across the kitchen and to my side angrily, and I thought he would hit me for the first time ever since I was a little kid. So, I just stood still, my brown eyes big with fear.

But he stopped and sighed furiously. Then he seemed to have thought twice and, as he turned around, still looking me in the eyes, he slapped me hard on my butt. I gasped loudly.

The sound echoed through the kitchen, and I let the pan I held fall into the sink, making even more noise. Then, silence. I couldn't move. He couldn't move either.

He looked puzzled, trying to think of what to say. It was as if he didn't have the intention of doing that. Like it came naturally.

"Sweetheart, I'm sorry," he said, putting his thumb and index fingers on his forehead, like pinching his eyebrows. "I didn't intend to. I used to do this to your mom. I just got carried away." Then he thought for a second and looked ashamed, "Christ, and I shouldn't have said that either."

I kept looking at him, not knowing what to do or say. But, soon as he mentioned my mom, all the anger washed away.

"It's ok, dad. It didn't hurt. It just got me by surprise."

"It is not ok. You wouldn't understand," he said, propping on his elbow over the counter beside the sink, his head down, worried.

Then, it sank in. "Got carried away," and, "I used to do this to your mom..."

I remembered my grandpa, mom's dad, who used to hate my father. While talking to me, he once let it slip that my father was an "evil, violent man." My grandma almost killed grandpa for that. She scolded him, saying something like, "adults do whatever they want with their lives, your daughter included. Keep our granddaughter out of this." I could say I understood grandpa, too, as Mom was only seventeen when she got pregnant with me. However, I was even younger now than she was when she died, and I already considered myself an adult, so I agreed the most with grandma. Whatever went on between my parents back then was their business... But I got curious.

"Dad, did you use to hurt mom?" I asked. "I mean, between you two, I'm not talking about domestic violence."

At first, he seemed very surprised. Maybe by how casual it appeared for me to talk about something like that. Then, he looked at me, baffled and angry, as always.

"Carol, it's better if you just shut up, and I go out for my drink," he said, banging his hand on the countertop.

Somehow, it didn't scare me. "Or what? Are you going to hit me again?"

"Carol!" He roared.

I felt a rush of adrenaline and goosebumps. I knew I was pushing him, but I didn't know why. I felt like a weight inside of me was pressing against my most private part, down there, while my heart started to pump faster.

"You not answering is enough, I guess," I said defiantly, returning to the dishwashing when I felt him grabbing me by the shoulder with one hand, and before I realized what he was doing, his other hand bashed against my butt again, hard. “AAAAUGH!”

"Shut up!" he yelled at me while I felt the stinging pain finally reaching my brain. It burned.

"No!" I yelled back at him, looking him in the eyes. He looked like a mad man, about to go even crazier.


He hit me again.

"HUUNGH!" I cried, my eyes starting to water.

"Shut the hell up!" He screamed in my face.

"N-NO!" I screamed back with a broken voice and instinctively held the edge of the sink with both hands.


“AAAAAUUGH!” I yelped. He was always hitting the same spot, the right part of my behind, with his big and strong hand. It tingled and stung. I put my thighs together, feeling my intimate inner parts contract, and a wave of arousal go through my whole body. Confused, I held back a moan, and as I didn't know what else to do, I decided to feel angry as well. "FUCK YOU!"

"WHAT!?" He screamed. It was the first time I had said something like that to him. He grabbed me by the hair, making my head yank back, a vibrating sensation going down my scalp, neck, and all the way down my spine, and he started hitting me non-stop.

One. "AUGH!" Two. "AAUUGH!" Three. "OWWW!." I screamed from the top of my lungs, but nobody would hear me, as our house was in the back of the lot and surrounded by a vast yard with lots of trees.

Tears rolled down my full cheeks. I trembled all over, but I realized that I wasn't trying to make him stop; much the opposite, I was staying as still as possible so he could hit me, and I was almost sticking my butt out for him to have clear shots at my behind.

In the end, I lost count. Daddy slapped me until he couldn't do it anymore, or until he regained his self-control, I wasn't sure, but he was breathing hard, and so was I. He let go of my hair, and I could feel him looking at me for some time while catching his breath. I just looked down, sobbing, panting. It wasn't what he did, and it wasn't the burning pain. It was embarrassing to me.

"Sweetheart, I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. I'm going out before I do something I'll regret even more," and then he stormed out. Even though I tried, I couldn't say anything. I stood there shaking, fingers clawing at the sink's edge. I had no idea why I had done that, and worst, why it aroused me so much. It was undeniable, as I could feel I was completely wet. I heard him bashing the door closed, and then he started his car and drove off.

I took a deep breath and tried to assimilate what had just happened. I went to my bedroom and lowered my shorts in front of the mirror. There was a vivid red area on my lower buttock where he focused his assault, which stung. His words rung in my ears "...before I do something I'd regret even more." Was he talking about hurting me more, or… I got dizzy and sat on my bed.

It made me wince, which wasn't surprising, but I also moaned. I was so sensitive, not only at the area it hurt. My pussy pressing on the mattress made me gasp.

I looked around at my white and yellow room, my favorite color, all decorated as cute as possible, the way he had done it for me - his little girl. I felt so confused, but at the same time, I felt this crazy excitement. I was positive he had left the house in a rush not to bend me over, right there on the kitchen floor, and fuck me. What made me feel absolutely awkward was how I wasn't disgusted or terrorized by the idea. There was something terribly wrong with me. With daddy, as well. I just lay in my bed and curled under my thick, white fleece.

Less than one hour later, I heard the sound of his car. It was way earlier than he usually came back from the bar. I got up instantly, as I didn't want him to see me all fragile like that. I had decided to talk to him openly, explain that I wasn't afraid, or angry. The way my behind hurt didn't bother me. Much the opposite, I wanted to hug him, tell him it was alright, and that I felt bad for him having all that anger bottled up inside. Depending on the conversation, I also thought about telling him how I really felt. Even risking my dad thinking I was a slut, a whore, or something else, we could be alright once everything was out in the open. Perhaps he could even help me understand why I felt the way I did if I could suppress the horrible shame I felt at the moment and actually tell him all of it. Maybe, we could make it work somehow. I could help him release all the stress, the anger, even the needs he had as a single man...

Flustered, confused, but determined, I got up and walked to the front door, getting there the same time he walked in. We were in the living room, and I waited for him standing close to the hall. He just walked in, his head down as if a million things went through it, and sat down in his chair.

"Hi," I said softly.

"Hey, sweetheart," he replied surprised, looking at me. I smiled at him, and he half-smiled back. Then he got serious again, "Why didn't you stop me?"

Standing as I was, fidgeting side to side, I started saying, "I didn't know what to do…." Then, I corrected myself, "I didn't want you to stop..."

We stood in silence for a while. Daddy tried to start talking a couple of times again, but he stopped and shook his head.

"Sweetheart…" he started talking, then he paused. He thought for a second, inhaled deeply, and then he started again, "I am kind of drunk. I have to warn you of that, maybe it would be better if you went to bed. We can talk in the morning."

"Daddy, I know you are pretty damn good at holding up your liquor. It's been only one hour. I also want to talk to you if you want to talk to me. I'm not angry or scared…."

"Carol…" He interrupted me, "I am going to ask you to do something, but you have to promise that, if it is not what you want, please, just go to bed and forget everything. We wake up tomorrow morning like none of this ever happened. Can you do that?"

I felt that tingle again, down there. I breathed in, and then I said, "Ok. Ask me. I won't feel offended or think anything of you. If I don't want to hear it or do whatever you say, I'll wake up tomorrow morning and make you breakfast as if none of this ever happened." I repeated his words to assure him that I had understood.

"Ok…" He reclined on his chair a little bit, trying to make himself comfortable. I remember him doing that every time we had to talk because I had done something wrong, then he followed with, "Carol, take off your clothes."

I felt a chill running through my whole body. My eyes got wide. I gaped at him for a second, not knowing what to do or say, when I realized Daddy probably felt the same way I did. Maybe I had taken too long because he sighed and put his hands over his face, clearly worried about all of that.

I knew exactly what I wanted to do at that moment, so I started stripping.

He heard the fabric of the clothes falling to the floor, and he looked at me again when I was already unfastening my white cotton bra. Dad didn't say anything. He just looked at me when I let my bra fall to the floor, his eyes on my breasts, which I was very proud of. They were firm, round, exactly the perfect size for a petite girl like me, and my nipples were of a light tone of red that fit my slightly tanned skin. Then, swiftly, I slid my panties down and off, letting them fall as well. After I was finished, completely naked, I stood there looking at him.

Daddy inhaled deeply, admiring me, and I loved the look on his face. I knew I was turning him on just by the sight of me. I knew I was pretty. Since I was very young, boys followed me around at school, and many girls envied me; they all seemed to hate how I turned them down. Most of them, at least. His eyes went up and down while I flushed scarlet. It wasn't as if I didn't know he had seen me naked many times before, but now it was different. Even though I felt like an adult, I knew I was only a teenager. However, I had grown up, I had curves, and showing my body to him had a totally different meaning, one he certainly got by the way he inhaled deeply when his eyes met that place where skin folded gently at the apex of my legs, the puffy mounds of my entrance, and I wondered if he could see how that thin slit in between glistened wetly because of him.

"You are gorgeous. You are so gorgeous that it is hard to believe," Daddy said, tapping on his lap for me to go to him. Which I did, feeling nervous and apprehensive. But, outside, I just followed his instruction without hesitation. I walked across the living room, turning around and sitting on his lap sideways, trying my best not to wince or groan when my punished buttocks pressed down on his tighs.

He wrapped one arm around me. I enjoyed feeling his warmth and his muscular body on mine, "My love, I'm sorry about earlier. But at the same time, I'm not."

"I feel the same, I think... I mean... You liked it… Right?" I asked, affirming at the same time.

"Yes… This is how I am. That's why, usually, I'm alone," Daddy said while caressing down my hair, then my cheeks, my neck… His hand slid down my skin, tracing my collarbone, and it laid on, then cupped, my right breast. I gasped. All my skin tingling, especially down there. I could feel myself contracting inside, and my legs shivered. "Nobody could ever replace your mother, nobody could ever understand me, or be that open, that gorgeous…."

"Maybe I could...?" I whispered.

"I'd gladly spend the rest of my life alone than doing this to you," he said while starting to grope my breast, which made me gasp. Then, he pinched my nipple, which was already erect, and I groaned. "I want you to go back to your room and never think of this again; otherwise, I'll hurt you. I'll hurt you a lot, and I won't be able to live with myself after that."

He said this, then he kissed me softly on the lips. Daddy released me from his hug, laid his arms over the couch's armrest, and said, "Go to your room, now. We will never talk about this again."

But I didn't move.

"Daddy… Hurt me." My voice sounded extraneous to me like somebody else was saying it. It was more of a purr. I think it was the first time I sounded naturally sexy, without any effort.

He looked at me, and I saw his jaw clenching.

Daddy inhaled deeply, "My love, go to your room, please."

"I love you. I want to be with you, and there's no reason not to. You want to hurt me, hurt me. If you want to fuck me…." I parted my shaking legs a bit, and I could see his eyes trailing from my pert breasts to my flat stomach, the thin line of brown pubic hair, and then stopping at the mounds of my pussy. "If you want to do both… I promise I'll tell you if I can't endure it."

My dad inhaled deeply once more, then looked me in the eyes, "Carol..." He started, inhaled loudly, and he looked at me again, all of me, and I could feel when the last strand of his will to keep my integrity broke, " Complete and absolute truth, always?"

My heart started pounding hard inside my chest. It was happening: I was giving myself to my father. I didn't know what came over me. I could never imagine something even close to that when I woke up that morning. I always admired his handsome face, his muscles, the low tone of his voice… Not to talk about how much I wanted to give him something in return for everything he had given me.

However, I had never actually imagined something like this, much less that he would be hurting me and that I would not only be okay with that but want it to happen. For some reason I couldn't explain, it aroused me... The moment he had spanked me that morning, the way it felt, how my body started to understand that as something sexual as my mind went blank... I wanted more. I wanted to try feeling that way, scared, hurt, and wet. If I wouldn't be safe while trying something like this with my father, the person who loved me the most on this planet, with who else?

He asked me for complete and absolute truth so he could try me freely, unafraid, and I was honest.


"Ok, let us try this," he said in his amusingly defying tone. "What will people think if they find out you're letting your daddy fuck you? That you are his slut? That you openly asked him to hurt you, to fuck you..." And it was clear he was trying to push me, to paint a picture of how disturbing that could sound for anyone other than us two.

"That's what I'll be?" I asked while deflecting everything else he said. I didn't want to think about that at the moment, probably never. Catching on to that, I felt his hand traveling down my body, back, and thighs, caressing me all over. I gasped again.

"If this works, you'll not only be the love of my life but my lover, my slut, my slave, my everything…." And his fingers brushed my pubic hair and slid down to my pussy.

His words hit me, and I felt ashamed, like, really ashamed. But his touch... It was sending shockwaves all over me. I had been touched before, and it felt nothing like that. I tried to understand if it was that sense of danger, of wrongdoing, that had me woke up like that. I couldn't say, only feel. I moaned passionately, my eyes half-open, hidden under my thick, long eyelashes.

He grinned, "Looks like you love the idea."

"I-I do…"

"Are you still a virgin? Have you done anything before?" He asked out of the blue. "Truth, always."

"Do you promise not to get mad at me?" I said coyly, "Truth…." He moved his fingers down and up my pussy, stopping at my clit. "A-Always…" I reminded him.

"I'll get mad, but I won't react. I may bite you, though." Daddy said, and then he lowered his head to start kissing all over my right breast.

"I a-am a virgin, but I have done things…." I said, feeling myself shudder, body and soul, while he intensified his movement, circling his fingers on my clit, nibbling at my breast, and going for my nipple with his lips. "Oh-Ohh…" I moaned, then I kept telling him, panting, "I was dating this boy… I won't tell you his name, so you don't go after h-him… But, I gave him blowjobs…."

"Anything else?" He said while I felt his breath on my hard nipple, wet with his saliva. Then, he started again, his teeth grazing the skin of my erect nub.

"I h-had sex w-with him…."

He paused everything, and he looked at me, frowning. My eyes widened.

"You said you wouldn't react…."

"I know what I said," he replied, even though he sounded upset. "So…" He slid his finger, wet from my juices, past my pussy, and started rubbing the tiny little entrance on my behind. "This is what you mean?"

The sound of his voice sent shivers down my spine.

"Yes…" I answered, full of guilt.

I felt he make pressure, the tip of his finger forcing its way in. I groaned loudly while he looked me deep in my eyes, observing my reaction. I started panting heavily, not saying anything, so he withdrew his finger and plunged it inside me again, deeper. "Huuungh!"

"Why?" he asked, and his face was a mix of anger and one evil but playful smile.

"Because you know my gynecologist. Anything other t-than that, and you'd find out."

"Smart," he said, taking his finger out again, and I felt something bigger, more fingers, digging in mercilessly.

"Aaaaagh!" I whimpered, "D-Daddy, let me lube it first, please!"

"No lube for the naughty girl. What I got from your slit is enough," he said, getting up and rolling me to the floor between his chair and the sofa. "All fours, baby girl. If you do it fast, I'll also put some spit on it to make your life a little easier."

I felt like I was in shock. Daddy was about to fuck me without giving me time to do anything about it, anything to make it less painful or less messy. I had seconds to think about what I would do. I could ask him to stop, but then everything would be over. I could run, which would be even worse. I couldn't do any of that. I remembered my three times with Jason, a boy at school, and how I had gone through the pain to please him and ended up enjoying it. Or at least most of it. I could do that for my daddy, too, lubed or not. So, I crawled onto the rug and stayed on my hands and knees, my behind turned to him.

I could hear him standing behind me, unbuckling his belt and unzipping his trousers. I wanted to look back, as I was curious, but I was too scared to do it. I had never seen him naked, or at least I couldn't remember if it ever happened. I wondered how big it was.

"How many times?" He asked me.

"Three times…" I said in an ashamed tone.

He slapped me at the other butt cheek, the one that wasn't hurt yet, and I yelped.

"Such a little slut…."

"I'm sorry, daddy."

Then he caressed me exactly where he had just hit me, and, at the same time, I felt the tip of his cock exploring me back there, rubbing in between the lips of my absolutely wet entrance. I moaned quietly, panting.

"You deserve to be punished. Even so, I'd prefer to fuck you here." I felt him press his cock, which felt pretty big, on my virgin pussy. "But we won't risk that. It's a shame the first time will have to wait. Also, I can't give you any time to prepare, or I'll change my mind about all this. You still have time to change your mind, though."

Then I heard him spit, and I felt it on my ass crack, then his finger running it onto my butthole. He was still rubbing his dick on my pussy, and I felt waves of pleasure washing over me while he used my wet entrance to lube himself up. At that moment, panting, anxious, I knew I wanted him to fuck me. If it had to be my ass today, fine by me.

"I understand. Don't worry about me… Fuck me, daddy. Please."

I heard him inhale deeply, soaking in pleasure from what I had just said. I felt a rush of ecstasy from realizing how much I had just turned him on, my dad, a grown-up, a man who has had many women before, including my mom. I somehow realized, in a depraved, disturbing way, that I had some kind of power over him as well.

He trusted what I said because he wasn't worried about me at all. He pushed forward without notice and at once. As my poor ass didn't give him passage, he just kept a non-stop pressure. I winced and clenched my teeth hard, already feeling a stinging pain back there while my back entrance started to stretch to accommodate him.

"Huuuuungh!" I wailed.

"Just take it, sweetheart. That's what you wanted," his voice altered by all the strength he was making to break inside me.

"Huuuuuuungh! It hurts, Daddy! It h-hurts!" I cried, tears forming in my eyes.

He withdrew a little bit, then thrust it in again, the head of his cock popping inside me for the first time.

"AAAUGH!" I screamed. He kept pushing, sometimes moving it back and forth, forcing his way more and more inside of me. My unprepared ass was on fire. The pain was excruciating. In no time, I was howling out loud. "HUUUAAAARGH! OH GOD! O-OH G-GOD!"

"God has nothing to do with it…." He said, and I felt his cock finally sliding in enough for him to start pounding me, in and out. "You-incestuous-little-slut!" He growled between clenched teeth at the same pace as he fucked me.

I had never felt so much pain in my life. The boy I did it with had been very patient, and we played around a lot before actually doing it. Even so, I didn't even consider asking Daddy to stop. I rocked back and forth with his vicious movements, fucking me like a mad man. My breasts bounced hard and hurt as well, as they were very sensitive, but I didn't mind. The only important thing for me at that moment was to endure it and let him savor me however he wanted. My insides and pussy were all contracting; I was feeling pleasure. While I felt that absurd pain, while I cried, while I felt humiliated, my body was almost ready to give me an orgasm.

In fact, the way he treated me and how he talked to me was part of that. He was right, after all. I was a slut. I was a pain slut. His slut.

Then, while his hands clawed at my thin waist, I felt him hit a place inside me so deep that it hurt even more, something I didn't think was possible, and I felt my bowels contract immediately. 'He is not completely inside of me yet!' I thought in despair. The last bit of relaxation and self-control I had disappeared, so I tightened around his cock, making everything even worse.

"D-Dad! Too deep! Too d-deep, Daddy!!" I cried for him to contain himself at least a little bit, to which he responded by slapping me hard again on my behind, grabbing and pulling at my long hair. It was like feeling electricity leaving my scalp and running all the way down my spine. He pushed it in even harder, and I lost it. I just screamed, howled, cried. "AUUUUGH! OOOOOOWWW! GUUUUUUAAAH!!

That went on for a while. Daddy just fucked me however he wanted, at the speed he wanted. When he let go of my hair, his fingers clawing and spreading my buttcheeks, I let my forehead fall onto the rug, my behind up, giving him even more clearance. He fucked me, and he slapped me occasionally. His balls banged against my pussy, hitting my clit, and my legs started to shake even more. I was absolutely lost in the feeling of being used by him. At that moment, he could do whatever he wanted to me, and I would allow it gladly.

Then, he started groaning himself. I felt his dick throbbing inside of me, engorging even more.

"I'll cum inside of you, sweetheart!" He announced, but I couldn't say anything, just groan.

The only thing I could understand was his intrusion. It was how violated I felt… I was absolutely lost. There was no me thinking about anything, much less how broken I would probably feel after all that. There was only pain while my back and front insides erupted in a constant mix of crazy sensations.

"Huuuuuh!" He groaned, his cum gushing inside of me in hot jolts.

He pulled at my hair again, even harder, yanking my head back, but I only felt the warmness flooding inside, burning me, making me groan in a torturing mix of relief and acknowledging how hurting I was. "A-AHH-AHHHHH-AH-AHHhhhhh…"

He let go of my hair, and my upper body instantly fell limp onto the floor. I sobbed and panted. My whole body was stiff, and I shook, spasming all over still by how close I was from getting there. He must have noticed my sorry state because, after a moment of silence and no action, I felt him propping up my behind again and his fingers working my soaked cunt. Then, his other fingers slipped inside my ass again, which prompted me to let out not a groan but an agonizing howl. My eyes rolled back in their sockets as I felt he expertly work on my love nub while two of his thick fingers moved in and out of my abused young ass.

"D-DAADDY!!" I contorted on the floor, but he held me still, and he made happen what we both wanted at that moment.

I burst into an earthshaking orgasm, which had never happened before, while I had my behind viciously finger fucked. I convulsed, groaned my very soul out of my body, and felt torn between the feeling of my behind expelling his seed out on his fingers and my pussy clenching, doing what it would do to keep him and all of his seed inside if he had ever been there.

I went blank for what felt like an eternity after I stopped feeling his touch, my body still pulsating, shattered by that orgasm.

Daddy just sat beside me on the floor, caressing my hair and brushing it off my face. I shook all over, only whimpers, coughs and moans. He just looked at me, satisfied.

"Still want to remember tonight when we wake up tomorrow morning? I won't make your life any easier if you do..." He asked after some minutes, a malicious yet worried grin on his face.

I couldn't answer right away. Tears had blurred my vision, and I felt so many things at once that I couldn't concentrate.

He waited patiently by my side, stroking my hair, caressing my cheeks as if he wasn't the same guy who was raping my ass just some minutes ago.

As if he was just my dad again.

"I love you, Daddy..." I whispered after mustering all the strength I had left.

"I love you too, sweetheart," he said in a somewhat relieved tone. "Now more than ever."


Would you let me know what you liked or disliked about the story in a comment below? Thanks!


2023-01-12 15:06:19
Please Part 2!!


2022-09-01 01:54:20
I loved this story so much
I do love a nice hard daddy spanking too though
Well written and more too ,please x


2022-09-01 01:53:55
I loved this story so much
I do love a nice hard daddy spanking too though
Well written and more too ,please x


2022-09-01 01:53:21
I loved this story so much
I do love a nice hard daddy spanking too though
Well written and more too ,please x


2022-09-01 01:52:41
I loved this story so much
I do love a nice hard daddy spanking too though
Well written and more too ,please x

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