Pedro sets his sights on Carola, but again Malu's audacity gives Pedro another scare.
The House
11. Revelations.
The next day early in the morning I knocked on Carola's door and she did not answer me, I went downstairs and asked the girls on duty if they had seen Carola go out and they told me no, she was sleeping, I thought she had gone out at night and yes indeed, when I entered her room I clearly smelled the smell of alcohol, she was across the bed and face down only in a string thong and no bra, I thought that must have been the drunkenness she brought that the cold did not even bother her, she arrived undressed and so she lay down on the bed.
She had a small waist and a round ass, large and smooth, completely smooth and tanned but not as round as Malu's, it is clearly a powerful muscle mass, that if, a well smooth, hard, muscular legs well turned, spectacular twin muscles, a wide back, slightly striped by the muscles, strong shoulders and wide and strong arms, her dental floss did not hide in its entirety the tan of her tiny bikinis, where she let see her white skin and where the rest is toasted by the sun that she quite often sunbathed.
I tucked her in carefully and then proceeded to wake her up, after several attempts, she opened her eyes and quickly grabbing the blanket to cover her chest she asked me in a bad way what I was doing in her room, I reminded her of the deal we had and then she realized her bad behavior towards me, she apologized and told me that she would let me know later.
I was in the attic with Malu when she told me from the door, I told her I was coming, Malu made a bad face, but she had to resign herself, I had also left halfway.
I put on another short with the intention that if I half opened my legs and there was someone interested in looking, I was going to look, also a very soft and loose underwear, so that my package was clearly marked. I can't deny it and I admit it, I was going with the bad intention ahead.
I left Malu in my room to go out after me and went into Carola's room, we opened the box and I took out all the pieces, then I saw that I was going to need tools, I quickly went down to the workshop and went upstairs with everything I needed, we both started to put them together according to the instructions she read in the manual, most of the time I went against it, There was a moment when I was attaching some pulleys to the bottom of the machine and I realized that she was looking at me between my legs, almost my whole package was looking through there, when she realized that I was looking at her while she was looking at me, she told me to please cover myself.
She changed position so as not to have me facing her, I guessed it was too much provocation, after a while I started to assemble the part of the bar perpendicular to the base, it weighed and had to be well fixed and with the internal wires well aligned so that everything would be synchronized, I explained to her what I was going to do down on the base with the screwdriver and the keys while I held the bar, As the bar weighed something I had to open my legs a little to support me better and I swear that this was unintentional and while I held the bar I told her to go screwing the nuts and bolts, she at one point looked up to ask me something and I saw that she was looking at my crotch, I played the fool and answered almost without looking at her, we finished just when we were called to go down for lunch it was half past twelve and everyone was already at home.
After that day she, not that she treated me well, but she was not as bad as before, we entered more in the stage of discussion and throwing tips at each other, before we did not even do that, she simply ignored me and I did not give her a hard time.
I started a self-promotion campaign, when I was with Maru and she was present I made the conversation revolve around sex, but Maru is not one to go around talking about her adventures in bed and of course, she was very hot, but she was very reserved, too conservative and even with obsolete thoughts in spite of her fieriness, so that campaign did not work very well, Since Maru never talked about what I wanted, I went to another plan, the joker and funny, which she did not like very well, since she always thought that I did it to imitate his father and so I won the love of Maru and the mother-in-law who adores me and even the same father-in-law, who since I entered his house received me with open arms, and I guess he would say that I used it also with Malu if he knew what was going on.
Then, when the family was always together, I and my father-in-law would start to fuck around and we would get into it with everyone, and I would get into it and make the worst jokes, causing a lot of laughter around us, except for her, who would roll her eyes at me and call me a fool at the top of her voice, giving me the reason, and making everyone laugh even more at her. Sometimes she responded in a good way and laughed too, but more than once she left the meeting angry and everyone laughed even more, even my wife once in bed told me not to mess with Carola so much, that I was going to get more anger than she already had.
Well, that part paid off, because when it wasn't me who was picking on her, it was her who was picking on me, calling me a ball of fat, a meatball with legs and what did she gain? that my father would take my side, because my father-in-law was fatter than me and well, that's when my wife started to argue with me, to see what she had achieved, that my father-in-law would fight with Carola defending me. Then something happened that I never imagined, she began to give me advice to reduce those extra kilos I had, sometimes she reluctantly told me to stop eating, stop eating sweets, to go on a diet, start running, go to the gym, or use the stair climber or the weight bench she had in her room, in other words, she was already putting her room in order.
The truth is that change took me off base, but then I started to promote myself again if my wife was present, I responded to every single thing she told me about losing weight, I would tell her that I exercised almost every day and that I kept in very good shape and I would look at my wife in a mischievous way and she would smile or sometimes jokingly say that I couldn't endure anything, or other times she would say that I was insatiable, those were the answers that I expected and the ones that gave the best results, since Carola would look for a way to deny them.
I was still having sex with Malu in almost every corner of the house, she was really insatiable and I was in my best possible shape.
Everything was going very well, until the following Friday night, Carola had a meeting with some friends at the house and they were at the bar playing pool and watching videos.
I was doing nothing, I had proposed to my wife to go out, but she was tired and she was also going to be at her sister's meeting with her friends, so I was getting bored and I went into my father-in-law's office and thought about surfing the internet for a while and remembered the intercom, I went into the office and locked the door.
The office has an intercom, as well as in the living room, dining room, kitchen and bar, and that my father-in-law uses it to call the service girls anytime when he got to work there, anyway, I got on the internet while they were at the bar, and while I was reading assorted news, I first pressed the MUTE button so they would not hear what was happening on this side and then the button number 4 which was the bar and open the signal, there was laughter and laughter, but my surprise was that in addition to my wife there was Malu.
They were talking pure bullshit, gossiping about other women mostly and criticizing, while drinking, talking, playing games and listening to MTv music on the TV.
While I was surfing the web looking for random information to distract me, I was more aware of everything they were saying there, the truth is nothing special, but the curiosity was greater, I couldn't help but be aware. At about half past twelve my wife went to bed because she was tired, I waited a moment and went out carefully to tell my wife that I was in the office, she was a little drunk and went to bed without much concern.
I returned to the office and the talk had changed, now they started to talk more about sex, apparently they were holding back because of Maru and I understood them, knowing her she was not very given to talk about sex. At one point when things were getting more intense, Carola told Malu to leave because what they were going to talk about was very strong, to which Malu responded:
-What, why am I going to leave? I'm old enough and it's not like they were going to talk about sado-masochism or zoophilia. -I guess they all stayed in one piece, as I did, staring at the intercom as if it had a screen, there was a little silence and then almost all of them burst out laughing.
-Come on, let her stay, besides, this way she learns, it is better that she learns here in your house and not in the street," said one of her friends. Inwardly I congratulated myself, because I could not have found a better teacher.
-I felt a shiver run down my spine, I wanted to die when she said that, and I prayed that she wasn't drinking.
-Oh yeah?" said another of the friends, "What do you know? -I started praying that she wouldn't say anything that might create suspicion that she was already having sex.
-Well everything," she said, you can imagine my face and I broke out in a cold sweat.
-And what is everything? -asked the sister as a challenge, in a somewhat annoyed tone.
-Well, I know what sex is, I know about sexual relations, how to take care of yourself and the different positions." My mind went through my mind to light a piece of paper and set the office on fire, set off the alarm to end the party and run out to the street to wait for the firemen.
-And who taught you that? -Carola asked again in a slightly more authoritative manner.
A small silence in the bar increased my shitty situation, staring at the intercom begging for a name other than mine, I felt the cold sweat running down my forehead, while I crumpled some sheets of paper and looked for a lighter without looking where my hand passed inside the drawer.
-How do you think? I've read everything in the magazines in the house and on the internet.... And I've seen the Playgirl and Hustler magazines you have hidden in your room....
The truth, I laughed with a loud laugh, infected by the laughter of my friends when they knew about the magazines, Carola had no choice but to laugh, and joke about it telling Malu that she was a gossipy and curious, and that now she had to lock her room.
After that situation Malu showed me that she was more clever than I thought, they began to talk about each other, that if this guy has stamina, that if that guy slept with that girl, or that girl was drunk that day and so and so went over the edge, that if a guy has a small dick, etc.. That's how I listened to everything they said, among the hubbub someone said to watch a porn, I thought then that the only two porn movies on DVD in the house were in the office at the top of one of the shelves placed among the books, they are not hidden, but everyone in the house knows they are there, like lightning I turned off the monitor, turned off the intercom, unlocked the door and went into the bathroom and turned off the light, just when someone guessing it was Carola, came into the office and went straight to where the movies were and took them away.
When she came out, I also came out of the bathroom, I locked the door again and turned on the intercom and pressed the mute button again, I heard a whisper of excitement and expectation, Carola asked -Which one- and between one and the other they decided on one. When I heard the audio I knew which one it was, I had seen them both a couple of times and I knew how they started, one was a Penthouse erotica called Les Femme Erotique and the other was a Private porno, I think in Hawaii or the Philippines. As it started I knew it was the Private one, they turned down the volume on the Tv so I heard it clearly as it started, plus there was still some music playing, but at a lower volume.
The scene started on a beach where there is a fallen trunk of a palm tree and there was a couple (Anglo-Saxon) drinking champagne about to have sex, lying in the distance there was another couple, where the guy had binoculars and was looking far away from the beach at the other couple who were starting to have sex on top of the fallen log, he gives the binoculars to his partner and while she is watching the couple having sex, the guy fucks her from all sides, without her letting go of the binoculars, or stop looking at the other couple.
Carola's friends told Malu, don't look or watch so you learn, I know that the part of the anal penetration (something that was never missing in Private) Malu stayed mad as if she was watching it live, enraptured in that part, because one of Carola's friends told her not to be scared because it only hurt the first few times and that it was divine, Another one refuted saying that she would never do it that way, that it was disgusting, another one said that she had done it and did not like it and Carola said calmly, answering to the last one, that surely they had not known how to fuck her that way, laughter and more laughter, the effect of the alcohol was taking effect in the women.
The truth was a torture to hear them comment almost all the scene, almost always referring to Malu about the positions and the names of these and those of which one was better for some things or for others, thing in which not all were in agreement, the only thing in common between all and I say it for Malu too, is that of being on top, I was excited with the whole thing, but strangely I was not excited, rather I was waiting for some comment that I could use later in my favor.
Contrary to what one normally sees from women in the street, none of them made any comment or objection about the semen ingestion, I was more or less expecting someone to say something about it, but Malu didn't even ask. I say this because generally women in the public always hear them talking about how disgusting "it" is and even more so if there are men present, when in intimacy more than one takes her share.
There came a scene from a tourist office, where there was a black tourist with a respectable member and which caused a commotion among the female audience, there began to say a series of barbarities, there was a sweet tooth in the group that wanted to feel one like that all over, another said that it was too much, Carola said that it provoked her to try one like that and I know that there was one who knew what it felt like and others only showed astonishment and talked about fear, then some of them started to talk about the sizes they had known and none of them had had something like that, then I felt a palpitation in my heart and I got worried, I don't know why, well I did know and every second that passed my fear was increasing.
-I know someone who has it bigger," said Malu. The stupefied faces of all those present must not have been bigger than mine, there was the reason for my fear.
Suddenly I had a heart attack in the chair where I was sitting, I felt my heart accelerate as if I had received a high dose of adrenaline, as when I jumped in a parachute I felt my heart beat like that.
-WHAT? -They all said in unison, Carola's voice was the loudest.
-Yes! I've seen one much bigger," said Malu with an astonishing calmness.
-Who? How come you've seen one? Where? -asked an annoyed and astonished Carola authoritatively.
Our brother-in-law Pedro Miguel. -I felt that I was fainting, the pyromaniac idea came back to my mind and with greater force. I took out the crumpled paper from the previous time in the wastebasket and started to look for a lighter again in the drawers. My hands were sweating, I was short of breath and my forehead was freezing.
-What? -They all said in unison in astonishment.
-How? When? Where? -I imagined them all surrounding Malu.
-Malu, what are you talking about? How do you know that Pedro Miguel has a bigger dick? talk! -said Carola in a very annoyed tone.
-Well, it happened about a month ago, I was taking a bath and I had left the bathroom door open and he came in.....
-And he didn't hear the shower? -interrupted Carola in a hurry.
-No, I was washing my hair and I had the shower turned off, that's when he came in half asleep, he closed the door and with an erection in his shorts, he took it out for a moment and I saw it, he said talking to his penis something like if he never stopped standing, I stood still watching everything, you know that from the outside you can't see in.
-Aha, go on. -I noticed less discomfort this time in Carola's voice, but I was still very scared.
-Well, she put it back in her shorts and brushed and shaved and it even came down, then she went to the toilet to pee and I saw it more closely, when she was peeing it started to grow back, it was really like this.... -I guessed he would have made the hands signal and the audience let out a loud sigh- ...big and he said something about Maru taking care of him when he arrived at noon, then he pulled down his shorts and when he was about to get in I was about to scream when he realized he had forgotten his towel, then he pulled up his shorts again and went out, I took the opportunity to get out of the shower and close the door.
There was a silence where only the music could be heard and I was also waiting for something else as if I didn't know the story either, when he was asked:
-What happened next? -said someone.
-Nothing, just that. -answered Malu.
Then they all started talking at the same time, showing their concerns, I breathed deeply relieved, two scares in one night and of that magnitude was not for less, I had to talk to Malu again, I was not upset, but it had to be done. She could not go around telling such things.
They began to praise Maru for how lucky she was or should be, that if she is not, that if she suffers, this one who said this was told that she was half pendeja or faggot. Anyway, I felt relieved, much I would say, the scare I went through I did not expect that night, so I thought I would leave it there and go to sleep. They kept talking about sex more calmly and telling their experiences, but something did not let me leave the office, my curiosity to know what was going to be said there was greater, so I waited a while, besides Malu was still there and who knew what was going to be the next thing to say.
I should not worry, she had shown me that she knew what the limits were, but one is never satisfied with anything, they talked about sex, plain and simple sex, about their experiences again, and one or another comparison, the subject got a little boring, since what they talked about was men, Carola did not mention any of the visions the day we set up the climber, although I was not surprised and I did not expect her to do so, there you could not appreciate the size of what she saw.
Then one of the girls started to tell a story about something that had happened to her recently with an older gentleman, they were all very surprised at the age of the old guy and criticized her, that he was 54 and she is 21 practically more than twice his age, but she told the story so well and with all the details of what she had done with the old man, that even I got turned on just hearing it.
I didn't feel like jerking off there, so I thought of my wifey, she was exhausted but sometimes when she was asleep like that, I stimulated her and she always responded with enthusiasm. My mouth was already dry from so much enjoyment and suffering listening that night, so I turned everything off and went out with my big tent in my shorts to the kitchen to get a drink of water.
I was going with my hand inside the shorts gently wanking my sex, what is my surprise when I walk in and immediately turn on the light, right next to the door in front of me was my mother-in-law, sitting on a high bench with her legs spread wide, her robe gathered at her waist and her hand inside the tiny lace panty and obviously masturbating, while listening to the girls' conversation on the kitchen intercom.