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Mark and Mandy and what happens at the party.
Party Tricks

Mark and Mandy were THE beautiful couple of the whole town, no one could deny that.

They said they were made for each other, destined to be together, were perfect for each other, a match made in heaven and a million other superlatives!

There was no denying they were Intelligent, friendly, fun and helpful, everyone wanted to be their friend.

Mark was the epitome of tall dark and handsome with a 6 foot athletic toned body to go with it.

Mandy at 3 inches shorter had long dark hair, firm rounded C cups, shapely butt and long trim legs They both had golden tans from all their outdoor activities and no shortage of admirers.

Their school years were spent running in the same crowd but each had a succession of different partners until finally in his last year of school Mark and Mandy found themselves single and got together, from that point on they were inseparable!

What people didn’t realise was that they were both insanely jealous people, in fact it was the main reason for their splits with all their other partners but that seemed to work in their favour as they could not trust each other to be apart.

Both had cheated on previous partners believing that they were being cheated on but ever since they had been together they had never had the chance and neither had been caught out in their previous affairs.

Mark had a taste for the hard to get girls and was constantly flirting with a couple of likely girls just in case he ever got the chance.

Mandy was infatuated with bad boy types and flirted with them but as they flirted in front of each other most people took it as friendly banter, including each other.

Since Mark had left school he had steadily risen through the business ranks and was now one of the top earners for his firm, he was a favourite with both the customers and his bosses. Mandy had gone into Nursing where her friendly flirting with her patients made her a favourite with both the Patients and Staff, in fact, it was said that some of the critical Patients had only pulled through because they though they had a chance to get into the beautiful young woman’s pants.

Both Mark and Mandy thrived on the attention they received from excelling in their respective fields and flirting was a huge part of their success.

As favourites with the party crowd they were constantly getting invited to events and parties and this weekend was no exception, it was a highbrow affair but as they were so popular they were offered a room of their own for weekend in the sprawling mansion.

The rooms private balcony overlooked a high cliff with stunning ocean views.

Arriving mid morning they greeted their hosts Mr and Mrs Blake and were invited to freshen up and join the other staying guests at the pool for a swim and a few drinks and nibblies.

There were whispers of appreciation all round when Mark and Mandy paraded in with their swimming costumes revealing their tight, tanned and toned bodies, they outshone the other younger guests even if their costumes were a touch more conservative.

The Blake’s daughter Mindy was a firm friend of the couples and she rushed up to meet them taking the chance to hug Mark’s muscular body a little too long rubbing her luscious breasts against his chest almost rubbing them out of the minuscule bikini top she was wearing , Mark knew he could get her into bed with a quick whisper in her ear but she was too easy for his tastes so he had never bothered to pursue her, Mandy was well used to other females throwing themselves at Mark and knowing his tastes for the unattainable was not in the slightest worried about Mindy, in fact Mindy was not at all fussy about boy or girl and she next hugged Mandy in the same way, she would bed both of them alone or together given half a chance.

Mindy dragged them both over to meet two of her beautiful female cousins Patricia and Rayner along with Rayner’s date Mike.

Both Mark and Mandy’s interests were soon aroused as Patricia was both gorgeous and alone, seemingly aloof to Mark’s charm and Mike’s chat, Mike had an obvious bad boy attitude so Mandy was immediately interested. Rayner seemed oblivious to the flirting going on around her perhaps due to the drinks she was imbibing, no one doubted she wouldn’t be making the end of the party tonight.

Mark and Mandy were not big drinkers so they sipped away the afternoon, Mike could obviously hold his liquor and seemed unaffected while Mindy and Patricia talked far to much to have too much to drink. Mindy had invited a couple of male friends, Darren and Jake, along and they kept the group amused with their stories of football, fighting and hi-jinks, both were routinely put in their place by Patricia whenever they tried a line on her.

Even though Patricia was wearing a conservative one piece Mark noticed that she had curves in all the right places and smoothly started to chat her up without anyone noticing, except Mandy that is!

In the meantime Mandy was putting a touch more effort into her flirting with Mike in particular but also including Darren and Jake, no one except Mark seemed to notice the extra interest.

Dinner guests started to arrive so they all retired to their rooms to change and freshen up.

Mark was ready first with a simple and casual fitted shirt and pants, Mandy looked ravishing in a mid length black dress with a low back and plunging neckline showing her ample cleavage and the high heels showing off her long tanned legs.

As Mark offered to zip her up he ran his hands over her fabulous curves but as they were not exactly fighting but not exactly passionate lately she made no response to his feeling her up.

They had been together for quite a while now and trying to be “The Winner” in this relationship was taking it toll, If one of them didn’t soon become the “Boss” this relationship was doomed to spiral into a dark and bitter ending.

Mark decided then and there to pursue Patricia with a little more effort, Mandy was already thinking along similar lines with Mike.

Dinner went surprisingly well considering Rayner’s jovial excitement, Mark made sure he kept the drink supply up to all of them, doubles for the lot of them and bourbon and coke for him, minus the bourbon in most of them.

Things were definitely going to plan as they moved into the outdoors and the music cranked up, Mark kept the group supplied with drinks mostly with Mike occasionally doing the honours.

Mindy was roaming the party being a good host, occasionally one of the boys would disappear for a short while and come back happy, Mark and Mike had found a tree nearby to water and on one of their trips out there heard noises in the bushes and spotted Mindy on her back along a bench with Darren going hell for leather inside her, they watched for a bit then grinned and went back to the girls.

Darren came back grinning and grabbing his crotch “anyone else want a piece of this” he leered looking around at the girls, Mandy almost threw up, she could not stand people like that and Mark had to reach a hand over to her and shake his head to calm her before she stood up and caused a scene.

Patricia was getting a lot more animated as the drinks snuck up on her, Mark could see Mandy was well on her way and she would probably have enough and go to bed shortly so he eased up on Patricia’s drinks.

Rayner was just about done for.

Mike and Mandy were getting along famously but Marks attention was all taken by Patricia so he didn’t really notice them talking a little more quietly.

Mike spotted Jake heading off leaving Darren to go get the drinks so he nudged Mark and they headed off to their favourite tree, peering through the bushes they spotted Mindy dragging him by the hand towards the bench.

There was a small light near the boys so they could see clearly as Mindy hoicked her dress up and lay back on the bench, Jake’s head was blocking their view as he went down on her for a few minutes, Mark and Mike grinned and giggled quietly at each other as they recalled Mindy and Darren half an hour before.

Jake stood and lowered his trousers freeing up a huge member which he slowly started to insert into Mindy, Both the boys looked at each other in surprise at the sight of him trying to stuff that huge thing in. Mark held his forearm up, looked at Mike, looked at Mindy and mouthed “wow”.

Jake was slowly but surely moving in and out getting deeper with every in stroke until his balls hit home, there was a lot of grunting and moaning coming from the bench as he started to speed up.

The boys left them at it and returned to the girls saying nothing of what they’d seen.

A short while later Rayner fell off her chair with a thud and Mandy stooped over her to check she was OK, Mike bent down and said “think I better put this one to bed” Mandy swayed and slurred “Ooh, I think I might have to go to bed myself”

She turned to Mark when he offered to take her to bed “its alright hon, you stay if you like, I’m just not used to drinking so much” Mark stood and hugged her “you sure you don’t want me to come with you? I don’t mind” “nah, she be rite” slurred Mandy “you wanna hand Mike?”

“Yeh sure Mandy, we’ll drop you off on the way, I think your only a couple of doors away from ours so you can open the door for me”

Mindy and Jake then walked back to the table “your not going already are you?” asked Mindy “the nights still young”

“I’m just gunna put her to bed and get her settled then I’ll be back out” said Mike

“i’m done” slurred Mandy “but Mark is staying”

Mike easily picked Rayner up in his arms and walked off, Mandy pecked Mark on the lips and swayed off after them.

As they turned the corner Mandy straightened up and walked behind Mike chatting normally until they reach the room, “keys in my left pocket”

Mandy reached into Mikes right pocket and moved her hand across to his groin grabbing his maleness “the key to happiness” she grinned at his surprised look feeling him start to stiffen.

She moved closer to his back putting her other hand in his pocket and extracting the keys.

Mandy removed both hands then moved in front of him bending over and pushing back against his hardness as she deftly unlocked the door.

She swayed a bit as the door swung open but she was not as drunk as she’d made out to be, she knew what Mark was up to.

Mike carried Rayner to bed and gently laid her down but Rayner wrapped her arms around his neck whispering “fuck me to sleep”, Mike carefully removed her arms then stripped all her clothes from her and folded back the sheet before moving her to the uncovered space.

Rayner laid there completely naked, legs spread, jewellery glinting between her lips and in her nipples.

Mike stood there, erection poking out, looking between Mandy and Rayner, Mandy leaned back against the door frame and lifted her leg up then lifted her dress up exposing more of that beautiful long leg.

Mike looked down once more and turned away smiling at Mandy “better make it your room in case she wakes”

Mandy held out his keys and when he took them she led the way to her room, opened it and crossed to the balcony “don’t want the smell in the room just in case” she smiled before turning and leaning over the balcony presenting her shapely butt to him.

Mike crossed to her and pressed himself between her cheeks as he kissed her neck and wrapped his hands around her torso feeling for her breasts.

He slid the straps from her shoulders and her nipples stiffened in the night air helped along by the passion mounting inside her.

Mark had left Patricia chatting with Mindy to go and get the keys before Mandy locked him out and spotted Mike going in to his room, he stealthily approached the door and listened hearing nothing.

He quietly opened the door and peeked at the bed, nothing.

The curtains were moving in the breeze giving a glimpse outside and he spotted them there.

He approached and watched Mike drop her dress to the ground before pressing against her and cupping her breasts. He stepped back and lowered her delicate lace panties to the ground before removing her stilettos and helping her step out of them, she stood there naked, her firm buttocks brown and unlined from the sun “stunning” he croaked “let me just look at perfection”

Mark moved and put a finger to his lips before tapping Mike on the shoulder, a small “oh” escaped before Mark motioned him to go and be quiet.

Mark stripped naked as Mike slunk from the room closing the door behind him with the barest of clicks.

Mark was hard, as hard as he had ever been and wasted no time sliding it between her lips as he kissed the back of her neck and wrapped one hand around to tease a nipple, Mandy was wet, so wet he had no trouble sliding his hardness slowly and deeply inside her eliciting the tiniest of moans.

He moaned into her ear as he kissed her neck, their passions mounted as they rutted in perfect rhythm, he moved his other hand down in front of her rubbing gently across her clit while his other hand continued to tease her nipple just the way she liked it, Her hand covered his and urged him to rub harder and faster, his thrusts stayed firm and deep until he could hold on no longer and exploded inside her.

She arched back pushing on to him, she pushed his hand away and deftly rubbed just as she needed it as she burst into her own mind mending orgasm, spots rushed across her vision she slowly slid down the balcony railing puffing and moaning as wave after wave of convulsions wracked her sweaty body.

Mark kissed her neck, pulled his pants up as he crossed the room, he drew the curtains aside as he walked to the door and loudly opened it, he paused closing it, thinking of what to say but instead watched as she rose slightly to try and pull her panties up from around her ankles.

He felt rage, he felt anger, he felt elation and he felt hornier than he had ever been.

He had just watched his beautiful young wife cheat on him, with him, and she had cum harder than he had ever seen, his manhood had not gone down one little bit as he watched her, he opened the door to go but though “fuck it” and strode across the room again then without any preamble pulled her knickers down, pushed her on to all fours and slammed his hardness deep inside her and pounded into her.

She gasped at first then grabbed the rail for support unable to stop him pushing forward, she was like a rag being shook as his pounding thrust her back up the mountain of her orgasm, she was thrusting back as hard as he was thrusting into her as another wave of intense orgasms washed over her, she collapsed full length on the floor but he moved with her continuing to pound hard into her, harder than she had ever been pounded before, Mark had never lasted this long before, he was so close to cumming but couldn’t quite get over the edge, on and on he drove himself into her until finally he exploded inside her, they both peaked at the same time, their grunts and groans a random cacophony of meaningless noise as they both rode out that final convulsive orgasm.

She was exhausted and he was shattered, he again kissed her neck and staggered from the balcony, as he opened the door she muttered “Mike, wait” but even though he heard her he closed the door behind him and walked back to the bar to get a well needed drink.

Darren was heading back to the group with drinks as Mark walked up so he grabbed a beer, opened it and took a swallow as he leaned back on the bar.

Mandy appeared at the edge of the outdoors area, Darren had placed the drinks in front of Mindy who was sitting on Mikes lap and Mandy saw Mike high five Darren while they shared a huge laugh at some joke.

Mandy looked at Mike finishing the last mouthful of his beer before Mindy handed him the new one, Mandy realised that Mike had been in that position for more than a short while, she remembered the openings and closings of the door in their room, the vastly different way she had been fucked, the high five and the realisation that she had cum very hard, twice, on the last very rough fuck.

Horror and shock washed through her and she physically threw up thinking that Darren had been the one who forced two very big orgasms out of her! … No, it couldn’t be, anyone but Darren … she shuddered and threw up again tears streaming down her face.

Mark watched all the emotions cross her face and figured out what she was thinking, he grinned sadistically then putting on his best worried face strode across to her “Mandy whats wrong?”

She looked up at him through a tear streaked face “Oh my God, what have I done” she sobbed then threw up again.

Mark picked her up and carried her to their room sitting her on the bed before turning down the covers then laying her gently on the cool sheets.

He gently removed her dress while asking “what have you done my love?” “what has upset you so”

He grabbed her panties and pulled them half way down before she screamed “NO don’t” and sat up to stop him removing them.

They both looked down at her panties around her knees, the gusset filled with a white substance, traces of it smeared along her inner thighs, the obvious smell of sex wafting up, the horror on her face.

“who did this to you? Who raped you?” he asked gently,

she was silent and sobbing, “I’m gunna kill him” he stated angrily ‘who was the slimeball that raped you?” he shouted. “I’m gunna tear this place apart until I find him”

She put her hand on his arm, in a faint, almost whisper she said “it wasn’t rape”


“it wasn’t rape, I seduced him, I enjoyed it” she stated faintly



After a minutes silence Mark said “It couldn’t be, Mike came back not long after you both took Rayner to bed?”

“We had sex against the balcony railing in our room not long after we put her in her bed”

“But that was ages ago and this mess looks like a hell of a lot and pretty damn fresh to me” said Mark looking down

“That was Darren, I had sex with him too” she squeaked

“You hate him, surely that was rape?”

“no, I enjoyed it with him too”

“wait, so you had them both at the same time?” he asked.

“No, I had sex with Mike then he left then Darren came in and I had sex with him next”

“Fuck, I’m married to the biggest slut in town … maybe I should go get Jake so you can fuck him too?”

“Please, I’ll do anything you want to make it up to you”

“So, you want to have sex with Jake too?”

“no but if you want me to I will”

“So… did you cum?”

“Yes, once with Mike and twice with Darren”

“will you cum with Jake too if you have sex with him?”

“no, I don’t want to have sex with him”

“alright then, maybe I’ll go get Jake then, maybe it will teach you not to cheat on me!, turn around and bend over the bed and wait, close your eyes and don’t complain, I’m going to watch to see if you enjoy it”

Mark left the room and finished his beer

Mark stood outside the door and mumbled then he opened the door, she was still in the same position, “there she is waiting for you, don’t need to get her ready, don’t say anything, just walk over there and do what you want”

He burped loudly and he saw Mandy shiver but she didn’t move or say anything, just stayed bent over with her knickers around her knees. Marked walked over and ran his hand across her cute little bum, she jerked a tiny bit but stayed put.

He bent down and removed her knickers and he heard the tiniest sob escape.

When he started this he didn’t even have an erection, he just wanted to torture her but seeing her there willingly waiting for some strangers dick had turned him on severely.

He dropped his pants and shuffled up behind her putting both hands on her hips, his dick touching her on her lips.

Without any hesitation she reached under and lined him up with her hole and pushed back impaling herself on his erection, it slid in easily on the copious fluids there.

She sobbed but started rubbing her clit never stopping her thrusting back on him, he timed his thrusts with hers and pretty soon it seemed to slide in easier, she was rubbing her clit furiously now and then he felt her spasming sheath milking him, fuck, she just came, she was actually enjoying it.

He tried to stifle a moan but it leaked out and she started to thrust and rub again turning him on even more … harder and harder he went getting closer, he felt her cum again but he was not quite there so he tried harder, sweat was pouring down his face as he finally exploded inside her, she didn’t stop but thrust back rubbing her clit for another few seconds and again he felt her muscles rippling in orgasmic spasms.

He pulled out “shh” he said out loud then opened and closed the door “no worries, glad you enjoyed” he said then sat in the chair with his dick in his hand puffing and panting.

He croaked “I thought you were not going to enjoy it?”

“But you said you were going to watch me enjoy it” she said as she turned around to see him sitting in the chair, his dick in his hand and cum all over it. “and to be honest doing it because you told me to really turned me on as well”

“Watching me fuck somebody else turned you on?” she said “did watching me debase myself like that get you off?”

“dunno if I’d want to watch it again but yeh I got off on it” said Mark “so … you’ve had three different blokes tonight so I guess you won’t mind if I have a few different women then”

“I can go and find Mindy for you now if you like?”asked Mandy “and Rayner said she’d fuck you too”

“nah, too easy, I like a bit of a challenge” “well what about Patricia? She seemed to like you but apparently she’s saving herself for marriage”

“Hmmm, Patricia, now there’s a challenge I like” said Mark

“anything I can do to help?”

“Yeh just tell her its ok with you if I have other girls … in the morning will do as I’m pooped now”

Mark walked in and turned on the shower then turned and held out his hand for her

“are we going to be OK” asked Mandy apprehensively,

“Better than ever, as long as you never fuck anyone else unless I say so” grinned Mark
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