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Chip reluctantly agrees to his ex-wife's request to find their daughter.
Chip was woken up by his phone ringing. He stumbled over to it wondering who the fuck would be calling this early on a Saturday. Hopefully it wasn’t one of those cute little barflies calling to tell him to get tested. Without looking he answered the phone. “What?”

He immediately recognized the voice, even though he hadn’t heard it in several years, “Nat’s missing, we need you to go look for her.”

“Well good morning to you too. What do you mean she’s missing?”

“After her graduation she went on a trip with two of her girlfriends, that was three months ago. I know she was in Oakton last, but she no longer is responding to my texts or calls. I don’t know what’s happened to her but you’re her father and we need you to find her.”

Chip chuckled to himself. Now he’s her father. It’d been years since their divorce and he hadn’t seen his two daughters once since then. He knew she wouldn’t be calling unless she was truly worried so somewhat reluctantly Chip agreed, “Fine, send me everything you know about her last whereabouts and I’ll head over to Oakton.”

Chip wanted a relationship with his daughters and maybe this was his chance. They had never reached out to him so he always assumed his ex had told them the truth behind their divorce. Chip chuckled again and shook his head, he’d made hundreds of stupid mistakes and never got caught, but one nosey tart ruined it all. His marriage. His family. Everything fell apart.

Chip took a quick shower to wash off the previous night and hit the road. Oakton was a couple hours away so he’d brought an overnight bag just to be safe. Depending on how things went he might have to call out of work but it was worth it to try to help his daughter. As Chip drove he received everything his ex knew about Natalie’s last location. She’d been crashing with her childhood friend Lizzy in a studio apartment.

Chip had a lot of questions and decided to keep them to himself. How can two eighteen year olds without any skills afford an apartment in Oakton? Was she hooking now? Was she on crack or fentynle? His mind started to go to a dark place and he understood why his ex was worried.

Chip didn’t have her address but he knew what neighborhood she was in. A couple minutes of searching on the web and he found that only three apartment buildings that Nat could have been living in. The first one was pretty rough looking, and it was clear the only way to get any idea if she was in there would be to stake it out. Chip wanted to get this done quickly so he moved on to the next apartment building. He smiled when he saw they had an intercom, a couple seconds later he’d found that there was a Lizzy in apartment 314. He rang the buzzer, “I have a package for Lizzy.”

He was pretty sure she wouldn’t recognize his voice. He was surprised though when he got his responses, “Sure, come right up.” It was Natalie although she sounded like she was either just waking up or just coming down from something. The door unlocked and Chip entered the building, soon he was knocking on their apartment door.

The door swung open and there was his daughter, she had changed a lot since he’d last seen her. She was no longer a brunette, but had dyed blonde hair. She was a couple inches taller but still around 5’. Chip also immediately noticed that all she was wearing was panties and a mostly see through robe. Her tits were just like her mom’s, and as Chip thought, they were also just like Kat, Natalie’s older sister’s. A cups but as perky as could be, with big round nipples that looked like radio nobs. As it dawned on Nat who was standing in front of her she covered her tits with her arms, “What the actual fuck are you doing here?”

“Your mother called me, she’s worried sick.” Chip noticed Nat had a slight slur to her speech and was clearly using something. “How about you go take a shower and get dressed and then we can talk.”

“Fine you fucking creep.” That sealed it for Chip, his ex definitely told his daughters what he’d done. Well at least what she knew about what he’d done. Five years earlier his daughter Kat had graduated from high school and her and her friends rented a lake house. Chip went as a chaperone, and while pretending to go on hikes or into town everyday, he had just been staking out the house with his camera. A couple months later his wife found the memory card and in turn found the pictures of her daughter and her friends changing, skinny dipping, and in all manner of undress. Chip was given the option of divorcing and giving up parental rights, or his ex would inform the other mothers and they’d take him to court and ruin him. He chose divorce.

Natalie had turned and walked back into the apartment. It was a tiny space with just a couch a chair and a queen sized bed. The kitchen and bathroom were equally small. Lizzy was on the chair and looked to be passed out. As Chip walked in he also noticed a surprising amount of lighting and two laptops with external webcams. It didn’t take a genius to realize what they were up to.

Natalie slammed the bathroom door shut and made a pint of locking it. Chip walked over to Lizzy. She’d changed a lot since he’d seen her last. Her young chunky frame had given way to that of a thick busty woman. She was wearing a loose tank top and panties. Chip felt his cock twitch. He knew when this was over he’d find where these two streamed and he’d watch the shit out of it.

He walked up to Lizzy and gave her a shake. She didn’t respond. Now that Chip was standing over her he could see right down her top. His cock got harder. He jumped when he heard the toilet flush and he stepped back from Lizzy. When the shower came on Chip realized he had a ten to fifteen minute window before Nat came back out. Chip gave Lizzy another shake, still nothing. He glanced at the bathroom door one last time and decided to go for it. He pulled Lizzy down the chair so her cunt was right on the edge of the seat. Chip got to his knees and pulled her panties to the side.

Chip wasn’t really into thick girls but Lizzy had to have had the cutest chubby pussy he’d ever seen. Her lips were perfectly proportioned and puffy. He was shaking as he lowered his face to her bare sex and began eating her out. She tasted a little weird, like cheap lube, but he guessed she just hadn’t washed up since her last show. This didn’t deter him and soon enough she’d started to produce her own juices. With her pussy nice and ready Chip stood up and dropped his pants, he listened to the water running in the shower and slowly lowered himself onto his daughter’s eighteen year old friend. He sunk his dick into her hole and was immediately conflicted. She was sopping wet and deliciously soft, but she was also much looser than even the used up chicks he normally picks up at the bars.

He started pumping away, straightening up a bit her was able to get a good grip of Lizzy’s tits. He was amazed to find that they were even bigger than they looked, the tank top didn’t do her justice. The combination of the soft pussy and great tits more than compensated for the looseness. Chip felt his load building and wondered where he should actually cum, he hadn’t thought this through. He was almost there when he heard the shower stop.

Reluctantly Chip pulled out of the teen and pulled up his pants. He snapped a quick photo of Lizzy’s cunt before putting her back to the way he’d found her. He took a seat on the bed facing away from Lizzy and tried to focus his erection away. In a couple minutes Natalie came back out. She looked a lot better but was clearly still a little off. Chip was surprised that she was just in a towel, and reflexively his cock went right back to being hard. Natalie stood in front of Chip with her hands on her hips, trying to look intimidating, “So what exactly do you want? Me to go back home to Mom? To save me from this life? To take naked pictures of me and my friends? Well I’ve got news for you, all the naked pictures of me you could want are on the internet! You know how I get my shit? By blowing dealers, and I’m damn good at it!”

Chip tried to interrupt her, “Nat, please, I just want to talk and for you to keep in touch with your mom. You can live your life.” Chip was still deeply excited that he’d be able to watch hours of his daughter as soon as he got home.

“What am I supposed to talk to mom about? The dicks I suck, the drugs I do, the porn I make?” She was getting close to hysterics and it tugged on Chip’s heartstrings.

Without thinking Chip stood up and hugged her. They were both immediately aware of his erection. Nat pulled back and stared on him is disgust. “You fucking perve, is that why you came here? What you saw me online and thought maybe you could fuck your little baby now that she’s a junkie?”

Chip was being torn apart by a whirlwind of emotions. “Nat it’s not like that, I really just want you to talk to your mom.”

Something changed in Nat’s eyes. She walked over and pushed her dad. He didn’t resist and stumbled back onto the bed. Nat dropped her towel revealing her toned teen body, “Really daddy, that’s all you want?” She gave him some babydoll eyes and his erection grew. Chip didn’t resist as his daughter pushed him back onto the bed and undid his pants. He quivered in anticipation as she climbed on top of him getting into a sixty nine. “Daddy, can you give me a little lick?”

Chip had seen his fair share of cunts in his life but this had to have been the single most beautiful pussy he’d laid eyes on. Not only that, but Nat’s asshole looked bleached and inviting. The part of Chip that was resisting gave up, and he pulled his daughter’s hip down to his face and began licking. She tasted great, and was a nice reprieve from Lizzy’s funky flavor. He moved his hand up and began fingering her pussy. She was surprisingly tight, even just one finger seemed to fill her up. He rubbed her velvety insides as he licked her delicate clit and pretty soon she was crying out. “Yes daddy, yes daddy. You like your little girl don’t you!”

Chip’s dick was painfully hard. Nat started to orgasm and cried out louder. She hunched over a little and looked back, “Thank you daddy, now it’s your turn.” Nat bent forward and began licking his rock hard dick. Around the fifth lick Nat stopped. “Daddy, why does your cock taste like my sleeping friend?”

Chip stuttered. “I, I don’t know what you mean.” Nat dismounted Chip and walked over to Lizzy. She nonchalantly pulled back her panties and thrust a couple fingers into her. She pulled out her wet fingers and sucked them clean.

“Daddy, haven’t you gotten in enough trouble for being creepy.” Chip knew Nat was trying to manipulate him. The stupid little girl act was arousing but getting a little old. More than anything he wanted to get off and he was fine fucking either of these teen sluts. “You didn’t cum in her, were you saving that for me?”

Chip stood up, towering over his petite daughter. She visibly flinched and dropped the act. Without saying a work Chip picked her up and tossed her onto the bed. Natalie exclaimed as Chip mounted her. Chip pinned both her arms above her head with his left hand, “I came here to get you to talk to your mother, but like her, you are just a painful tease. Your sister on the other hand was a joy.” Chip lowered his cock to his daughter’s wet lips. He put just the head into her slit.

“Your mom only found the lake house pictures, but Kat had been modeling for me since her senior spring break. I never touched her, but I know every inch of her body.” Chip slowly pushed his cock into Natalie’s quivering pussy.

“You on the other hand pretend like you don’t want to give it up, or that you’re a dumb little child, but I’ve fucked tons of girls like you. You’re just a little slut with Daddy issues.” Chip began slowly pumping in and out of his daughter’s soft pussy.

“She even sent me a couple nudes after the divorce. She was subtle and beautiful, and would only give it up in special ways. You on the other hand are just a run of the mill cock tease.” Chip started pounding into her tight cunt. All the anticipation meant Chip was not going to last long, so as soon as he felt his nut building again he pulled out and grabbed his daughter’s face, thrusting his cock into her mouth. He made sure to deposit his load on her tongue so she got a good taste.

Chip rolled off of his daughter’s bed and went to the bathroom. After pissing and splashing some water in his face he came back out. Nat was now on the couch and it was obvious she’d just taken something. Chip couldn’t help himself, “What the fuck did you just do? Do you really want to be like this slut?” He surprised himself as he slapped the passed out slut. Nat just looked at him blankly. Chip grabbed Lizzy by her hair and held her head up. “This is what you’ll fucking be like!” He let Lizzy’s head flop back down.

The fire in Natalie from before was out, she wasn’t being bratty or confrontational or anything, she just laid there. “Can you even work like this? Who wants to watch two fucked up whores sloppily fuck each other?”

This finally got a reaction from Natalie. She narrowed her eyes and clearly tried to focus. She rolled of the couch and crawled to Lizzy. Out of somewhere she produced a vibrator and a bottle of lube. Chip sat down on the bed to watch.

Nat worked Lizzy’s panties off and turned on the vibrator. Still with a dazed look in her eye she began working Lizzy’s fat clit. Lizzy began pumping her hips and groaning. Nat applied lube to her hand and wrist and began working on Lizzy’s pussy. Chip knew that Nat had small hands and arms, they couldn’t have been that much bigger than his dick, but as he watched his daughter start to pump in and out of her friend he realized this would obviously stretch her out permanently. Natalie had gotten her fist into her roommate and had effectively just begun punching her guts, pulling her hand all the way out and then driving it back into Lizzy’s cunt.

Lizzy’s groans became cries of pleasure as she pumped her hit to Natalie’s rhythm. Chip felt his cock hardening again. Natalie continued pumping her fist as she turned and tried to maintain eye contact with her dad. It didn’t work too well, but Chip got the point. Even drugged out of their minds he’d pay to see this shit.

Lizzy’s eyes opened for the first time that afternoon and her orgasm hit and she cried out. Natalie had moved in front of Lizzy’s cunt just in time to get sprayed by her juices. Nat switched off the vibrator and crawled over to her dad. Chip nodded at her, “Point taken, you and your slut friend are pretty hot. Still I won’t allow you to live like this.” Chip had been thinking about this since he came in his daughter’s cute little mouth. “You’re coming home with me. You don’t need to clean up, I’ll even buy you your fucking drugs, but my little baby slut won’t be left out here.”

Natalie didn’t fully understand what he was saying, she was going through some motions at this point. She saw her Dad’s cock, erect and bigger than she had thought. Maybe that was why her cunt was sore. Natalie crawled up to Chips dick and began licking it. Chip wasn’t sure if his message had been received but he took her submission to mean that she accepted his plan. Chip laid back on the bed as his daughter did what she did best. Even though he had just cum, Natalie sucked his dick dry in a couple of minutes, and again swallowed him down.

The rest of the day included another blow job and Chip fucking the still passed out Lizzy up the ass. At the end of the night he crawled into bed with his daughter and had a great nights rest. The following morning was a bit more tense. When Lizzy awoke she began yelling for Chip to get the fuck out of their home. Natalie was able to calm her down and explain what was up. “I guess I’m going home with my dad, he’s not going to control me or stop me, but it’d be nice to have someone there for a change.”

“Yeah, but this is your fucking pervert of a dad. I can’t believe you fucked him!” It went back and forth like this for a while before Lizzy decided she needed a hit. A few minutes later Lizzy was a little zoned out but more understanding. It took a couple of hours but ultimately they all decided that it’d be best for all three of them to go back to Chip’s and that he’d support them both. Chip couldn’t be happier.

They packed up what little shit they had, Chip paid off the landlord, and they were on the road that night. As they left the city Chip remembered, “Baby, you need to reply to your Mom if you want to keep her off your back.”

Nat agreed and pulled out her phone, “Why the fuck did you send that pervert to my house. Fuck You.”

When her mom saw the text she was deeply relieved, her baby girl was still alive and still had the wherewithal to be pissed she’d sent Chip to get her.
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