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In part three, Steve visits Kate and Emma in Utah and the trip does not go as planned...
Many months had passed since Emma and I went our separate ways following our spectacular summer together in Aruba. She was enjoying her junior year in high school, and I’d made several revisions to my novel and just submitted the final copy to my publisher. If everything went to plan, Em and I would meet again in late May once her school ended, and later in the year, my book would hit the stands in time for the holiday season. But you know what they say about the best laid plans…

During our time apart, Emma texted me almost daily and was quite expansive in the topics she wanted to discuss. Everything from world events to homework to music and dating advice was fodder for conversation. The latter of which always gave me pause and even a touch of jealousy. I know she needed to lead a normal teenage girl’s life, and dating was a core requirement. And even though she assured me that her dates were just for fun and as a way to get out of the house, it was an uncomfortable topic for me.

With Em’s dating questions, I had to walk a tightrope between being the helpful, supportive uncle and a clingy, jealous boyfriend. But as the adult in the relationship, I tried hard to stay neutral, offer sound advice, and remember that the foundation of our relationship was clear in that the odds were never going to be in our favor. What choice did I have, really? After all, this was my plan we were following.

It was nearly spring and Emma’s latest dating discussion began to worry me. She was excited about her school's upcoming prom, and she went on and on about the senior boy who had asked her to be his date. She told me her mom had extended her curfew for the big event, and my mind went to all the dark places I could imagine two horny teenagers going with a three o’clock in the morning curfew. But all I could do from a thousand miles away was hold on and hope for the best.

But it did give me an idea for a sort of intervention, or perhaps better said, a refreshing of my relationship with Em. She’d mentioned that right after prom, her school would break for its nearly two-week spring recess. I thought that perhaps what my sister and niece needed was a visit from Uncle Steve. So, I grabbed my phone and made the call.

“Hey Sis,” I said as soon as Kate had answered. “It’s your favorite brother calling to see how you’re doing.”

“Oh, hi brother! I was hoping I’d hear from you soon. How are things at your end?”

We spent a few minutes catching up before I asked, “So, why were you hoping I’d call?”

There was an awkward silence before Kate replied, “Well, Em’s been prattling on about spending the summer with you again, and I wanted to find out where she got the idea.”

“Actually, that’s loosely related to why I’m calling. I wanted to see if you guys were up for a visit from me during Em’s school recess. With my book finished, I’m bored and would love to see you two. And while I’m there, we can discuss potential summer plans.”

“Oh, that would be wonderful! It’s been a year since you were last here, and I’d love to have you visit.”

We chatted for a while, making plans, and by the time I hung up, I felt better than I had in weeks. The thought of seeing the two people I loved most in the world was just what I needed. Plus, it would give me a chance to reconnect with Emma to see if things were cooling between us. If they were, then it would be better if I knew now so that I could start accepting reality.

I managed to survive the next few weeks, though, on the evening of Em’s prom, I was a nervous wreck wondering how far she and her date would go. My rational side realized how stupid I was being, but my emotional side was freaked out. It was an eye-opener to see myself in this light, as I had never been the jealous type before. It didn’t get any better after her prom because Em was oddly quiet about her evening. And even when I asked leading questions she gave only simple responses saying that the dance was ‘okay’. What the hell did ‘okay’ mean?


At last, it was time to travel, and I managed to get to Kate’s house on time and unscathed by the commercial travel industry. The limo dropped me off at Kate’s door and I rang the bell, eager to see my sister. The door opened and Kate leaped into my arms, hugging me tightly. We smooched on the lips as was our custom and I couldn’t help but compare the feel of Kate to Emma’s slimmer, younger body. Both women felt great in my arms, but Kate’s more voluptuous form was quite interesting compared to her daughter’s athletic build, and distant memories of my sister tickled my brain.

She helped me drag my suitcases inside and got me set up in the spare bedroom. Fifteen minutes later I was downstairs sitting in her kitchen and since it was midafternoon, we decided a glass of wine was not too outrageous. I looked around, admiring the modern kitchen and high-end appliances, and was quite proud of what my sister had accomplished with her life. Her husband had died when Emma was a baby, and Kate had managed everything on her own ever since.

“Emma still at school?” I asked, sipping my wine.

Kate looked at her watch and said, “Yeah, today is the last day before spring break, and she should be home within the hour. Since this might be the last time we have privacy, tell me about what you and Emma discussed regarding her summer vacation.”

I swallowed hard, sensing that Kate’s tone was a bit more serious than I’d hoped it would be. I decided to try the innocent approach and said, “Not a lot was planned. She had such a good time in Aruba that I gave her an open-ended invitation to visit me wherever I ended up this year.” I paused to sip more wine and went on, “My publisher was so pleased with the book I just submitted that they just gave me another seven-figure advance to write the next novel. So, I’ll be heading back to Aruba this summer to get started and Em, and you, of course, are both invited.”

“Jesus Christ,” Kate gasped. “Another huge advance? I knew you had to be pretty well-off, but for a working girl like me, the numbers are staggering. It’s wonderful to see your talent so recognized.”

“Anyway,” I said, wanting to change the subject, “are you upset that I invited Em without checking first? I realize now I should have run it past you.”

“Yeah, well, I would have appreciated a heads-up. It’s hard enough parenting a teenage girl and being the bad mom when I won’t let her do something. But having her uncle tempt her with exotic vacations puts me in a position where I don’t feel I have a say. So, what made you decide on returning to Aruba?”

“I liked Aruba and feel like there’s more to explore. Plus it was the perfect environment for writing and frankly having Emma around did wonders for my creative juices. This latest book has some strong female leads, and that’s all due to Emma’s feedback on my older stuff. She’s quite a kid.”

“Yeah, she is pretty incredible. I’ll admit that the way Emma described Aruba to me, it certainly sounded like perfection. Maybe this year I can break free from work and join you guys. Something to discuss further during your visit?”

Kate’s phone buzzed and she read a text from Emma saying her bus was five minutes away. Kate texted back that we would be on the deck waiting for her. I drained the last of my wine and followed Kate out the back door to the expansive, multi-level deck. The upper section was covered with a cedar-shake roof, while the lower level was open to the sun. We moved to the lower deck and each took one of the cushioned armchairs.

Minutes later I heard the gate squeak and I stood in anticipation. A bundle of teenage energy rounded the corner, dropping her backpack and purse to the deck before leaping into my arms and smothering me with kisses. I hugged her back, and all my concerns about her late-night prom evaporated from my brain.

“Uncle Steve,” Em squealed. “I’m so happy you came to visit. And it’s the perfect time since I don’t have school for almost two weeks. Now I get a chance to show you around my little world.”

And so began the next phase of my relationship with my niece. This time she had the upper hand as I was out of my comfort zone and Em would be calling the shots. Kate managed to get a few days off from work, but for most of my visit, it would be just Em and me. This was exciting not only because of the chance to be with Emma but also because of the danger of slipping and exposing our relationship.

Since it was Friday, Kate had the weekend off as well as Monday and Tuesday. We filled the days with visits to museums, amusement parks, and various restaurants. We even squeezed in a big shopping trip to the mall, where Kate and Em bought a wardrobe of summer clothing and underwear, and Em picked out several barely legal swimsuits. Kate just shook her head, but Emma, being seventeen now, was not willing to back down.

“Emma, be reasonable,” my sister said. “It’s bad enough each of those so-called swimsuits cost your uncle hundreds of dollars, but all together, the five bikinis barely have enough material to make a decent t-shirt. Steve, back me up here.”

“I prefer not to get in the middle between my two favorite women,” I said. “But if I judge by what most of the girls in Aruba were wearing last year, I’d say what Em picked out today is right in line with the norm. Of course, if I were her father, I’d insist that she only wore a potato sack to the beach.”

This elicited groans and remarks about me not being any help at all from both females, so I decided to just shut up. Eventually, Em won and I paid the sizeable bill. As we headed home, I made a mental note to explain to my accountant why I’d spent so much money in a women’s swimsuit and lingerie shop.

Wednesday rolled around and with Kate heading back to work, it was the first day Em and I would be alone. I woke early to the smell of breakfast cooking and donned my joggers and t-shirt and headed down to the kitchen. Kate was dressed for work and cooking enough pancakes for a squad of hungry marines, so I busied myself helping set the table and cut up some fresh fruit. With breakfast ready, Kate texted Emma to come downstairs and join us.

As I was pouring Kate a cup of coffee, Emma stumbled downstairs with her hair in disarray and wiping the sleep from her eyes. When I saw how she was dressed, I lost my focus, sloshing coffee onto the table. Emma was wearing a lightweight pair of sleep shorts and a baggy tank top with no bra. She was barefoot, and her long legs seems to go on forever before disappearing into the legs of her shorts.

“Emma Jean,” Kate scolded. “Go back upstairs right now and put on some clothes. You’re going to give your uncle a heart attack.”

Emma stopped, looked down at herself, laughed, and said, “Geez Mom, I’m more dressed now than when I wear one of my bikinis in front of Uncle Steve. Don’t go all old-maid on me.”

“Bikinis are different,” Kate complained. “With a bikini, all the intimate parts are covered. In that shirt, I can see your naked boobs jiggling. And I’m not even sure you’re wearing underpants. So go get your robe at least.”

I was glad I was sitting as my cock had stiffened both from the view of Em’s beauty and the words of their conversation. I had already noticed that Em wasn’t wearing panties, as she seemed to have let her dark pubic hair grow in since last summer. Her patch was quite visible through the sheer fabric of her shorts.

Em hightailed it upstairs and returned wearing a long fuzzy robe. This met Kate’s approval and we were able to get on with breakfast. Afterward, Kate headed off to work while Em and I did the dishes.

“So,” I began as I dried my hands, “what did you want to do today? We can go anywhere you’d like.”

Instead of answering, Em untied her robe and shrugged it off her shoulders. Memories of that night in Aruba came flooding back. She hugged me and we kissed romantically for the first time in almost seven months. I ran my hands over her back and squeezed her ass through the thin shorts. Her nipples hardened against my chest as she reached between our bodies and squeezed the bulge in my pants.

I lifted her and she wrapped her legs around my hips as we awkwardly climbed the stairs to her bedroom. Tossing her on the unmade bed, I stripped off my clothes and watched as she pulled her shirt over her head. Her breasts were even more spectacular than I remembered, with dark pink areolas and hard nipple points. My cock was fully erect and I wasted no time pulling down her shorts, exposing her fuzzy bush.

I lowered my head between her legs and kissed her soft, furry patch, inhaling the wondrous scent. My fingers spread her lips as I made my first lick through her velvet crease. Em sighed and opened her legs wider as I kissed and suckled her clit. My tongue danced through her folds and tickled the entrance to her vagina as my mouth made love to my young girlfriend. When she climaxed, her thighs squeezed my head as ecstasy washed over her and she moaned with pleasure.

As she relaxed from her orgasm, I moved up beside her and took her into my arms. I kissed her lips and I kissed her breasts as she grasped my cock and stroked me. So far, we had not spoken a word, as no words were needed for the passion we shared. As I moved into position, she guided my hard cock into the warmth of her vagina, and I was able to slip a few inches into her tightness. I had forgotten how snug she was and with gentle in and out strokes, I slowly was able to bury my shaft fully inside her heat.

Our pubic hair was pressed together and I held myself still, allowing her to relax around my girth. We continued to kiss and soon she wiggled her hips trying to force me in deeper. Taking my cue, I started fucking her with long slow strokes, pulling out until only my cockhead was gripped by the tight squeeze of her vagina before sliding smoothly back in until our pubes once again met. The walls of her vagina gripped me as I moved and I felt myself building toward orgasm.

With each inward stroke, Em would puff out a small exclamation of pleasure, and my balls began to burn with the need to empty themselves. We still had not spoken a word, but suddenly the silence was broken.

“Harder, faster,” was all she said.

I shortened my stroke and began to pound her with all I had to give. She wrapped her legs around my thighs and pulled me tight, forcing my cock in even deeper. We were both breathing hard, which made kissing difficult, so I moved to her nipples where I nibbled and sucked and caressed her breasts with my mouth until I heard her yell out.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck, I’m cumming!”

Her body stiffened in my arms and her vagina squeezed my cock, almost begging it to fill her with cum. I was happy to oblige as my climax hit, and all the months of waiting and wanting her erupted out of my cock as I pushed deep and filled her pussy with semen. Jet after jet spurted into her until jizz began squishing out from between our bodies. Em’s climax continued to roll through her as my butt muscles clenched, and my balls drained themselves.

Far too soon, the wave began to pass and I slowed my thrusting until I stopped, still fully inside her. Both of us were gasping for breath as our heart rates tried to descend from the stratosphere. Em unlocked her legs from my thighs, but I kept my still-stiff cock buried to the hilt. I was in heaven and not yet ready to end our spectacular climax. Clearly, our time apart did nothing to diminish our desire for each other. And any concerns I had about her prom date replacing me, dissolved into the ether.

Finally, I could speak. “Hi there, sweetheart. Miss me?”

She beamed her bright smile and said, “God, did I need this. I’d convinced myself that what I remembered from last summer was overblown. But now I know my recall was perfect. When we make love, my brain has trouble processing the pleasure.”

My cock had softened and as much as I didn’t want it to end, I rolled off and took her into my arms. We kissed and fondled for several minutes and as my cock stiffened, we used the opportunity to make love again. The second time was slower-paced and more gentle, and as I came inside her, I told myself that this is who I wanted to spend the rest of my life with.

We dragged ourselves out of bed and showered together, which was a wonderful way to cap off a spectacular lovemaking session. I was high on endorphins and tempted to just run away with Emma and never look back. I had the money to make that happen, but I also knew how selfish that would be. I loved my sister too much to do that to her and Emma.

Once we were finally dressed, we spent the day at the amusement park and made ourselves sick on pizza, ice cream, and other terrible foods. By the time Kate came home from work, we were both passed out on the sofas with stomach aches and fatigue. It was a wonderful day.

Thursday and Friday went much the same. Kate would leave for work and Emma and I would fuck like bunny rabbits. Much of these days were spent naked and even when we moved around the house or made lunch, clothes were rarely worn. We fucked everywhere from the kitchen table to the shower, to the pool table in the den, to her bedroom, and mine. And it was this careless freedom that led to our first mistake.

It was the weekend, which meant that Kate was off from work. On Saturday, we all went grocery shopping and when we got back, Kate decided to tidy up a bit. While pulling the sofa cushions apart to vacuum, she found something unexpected stuffed underneath.

“Emma Jean,” Kate called out. “Please come here.”

Emma bounded down the stairs while I was walking out of the kitchen with a glass of water. We both saw Kate standing in the middle of the living room with a pair of silky, purple, G-string panties hanging from her fingers. I immediately recognized the underwear Em had been wearing yesterday when we were entangled on the sofa while I licked her pussy.

“What’s up, Mom?” Emma asked innocently. “Why are you holding my underwear? Did you want to borrow them?”

“Don’t give me ‘what’s up’ young lady. You know perfectly well that your panties are too small for me to wear. I want to know why I found them balled up under the sofa cushion.”

Em stared at her mom for half a beat and said, “Oh, well, they probably fell out of the basket when I was folding laundry. I usually fold the laundry while watching TV.”

Good reply, I thought, admiring her quickness with the lie. But then Kate lifted the panties to her face and sniffed, her wrinkled nose destroying the clean-laundry falsehood.

“Oh?” Kate asked incredulously. “Then why do they smell funky, like you were just wearing them?”

Again, I had to admire Em’s speed of thought. Knowing she was in a no-win situation, she opted for the only answer possible.

“Then I can’t explain it,” Em replied. “If they aren’t clean, then I don’t know how they got in the sofa cushions. It’s not like I get undressed downstairs.”

Not wanting to give up, Kate asked, “When was the last time your boyfriend visited? What was his name, Justin or something?”

“Mom,” Em said with all the exasperation only a teenage girl can muster, “Justin was my date for the prom. He picked me up and dropped me off, but never came inside the house. And I don’t have a boyfriend!”

I could see the indecision clouding Kate’s eyes. She was not satisfied with the explanation but had little evidence to go on to pursue it further. I thought the worst that could come of this now was that Kate would assume that Em removed her panties while out that night with Justin, letting him do God knows what to her, and then when she came inside, she was tired and lost track of them while sitting on the sofa. It was convoluted but plausible.

“Well, try to keep your dirty laundry where it belongs,” Kate said, concluding the discussion.

As Kate turned away, Em and I locked eyes and a silent sigh of relief flowed between us. We had gotten careless and almost paid a steep price. Luckily, the rest of the weekend was uneventful and when Kate went back to work on Monday, the panty incident was forgotten.

I only had another week of my visit and we decided to cool things a bit as we both realized we’d let our lust and desire get out of control. We managed to get through Monday and half of Tuesday before we caved to our horniness and made love in Em’s bed. After showering together to remove any evidence, we dressed and sat on the deck talking about the future.

“You know,” Em began, “I don’t think I can survive five more years of this secrecy until I graduate college. I want you so badly it hurts and I don’t know how to live with the separation.”

“Yeah,” I agreed. “This is so much more difficult than I imagined it would be. I think about you all the time and am saddened by the years we’ll have to waste. But nothing has changed and I don’t see a real solution. Maybe when you visit me this summer we can work out a better plan.”

That seemed to mollify her and we enjoyed the afternoon waiting for Kate to come home. It was my turn to cook dinner and I made my popular braised short ribs with garlic mashed potatoes and Green Beans Almondine. The ladies did the cleanup and we all had an enjoyable evening watching a movie while scarfing down popcorn. I knew when I got back home, I’d pay a heavy price for my lack of exercise and wacky diet. But that seemed minor in comparison to my relationship worries.

Wednesday began as usual with breakfast and Kate heading off to work. After Em and I cleaned up the breakfast dishes, we headed out to run errands and spend some time in the park, walking the trails. After grabbing a quick lunch from one of the ubiquitous food trucks lining the street, we headed home to relax. An hour later, we gave in to our urges and headed up to her bedroom for some afternoon sex.

I only had a few days left with Emma and despite the risk, I wanted to maximize our time. We had been together enough this visit that the need for rough, wild fucking had given way to more intimate, passionate sex. Lots of kissing and finger play, and much oral pleasuring of various body parts. I especially enjoyed making love to Emma with her on top of me so that I could fondle her pert breasts and grasp her hips as I thrust into her tight heat.

We began with Em giving me a glorious blow job and after spilling a copious amount of cum into her mouth, she was now on top of me as we pushed our groins together in a lazy, sensual build to climax. Since I had just ejaculated, my goal was to take Em on a slow ride to multiple orgasms. So far, she had cum twice around my cock and was working on another as I felt my orgasm starting to overwhelm me. I thrust harder, pushing myself over the edge just as Em’s third climax peaked. My cock had just shot its first jet of hot semen into Em when we both heard a gasp from the doorway.

The timing couldn’t have been worse. Both our bodies were on autopilot as I ejaculated into her warmth while her vagina rippled and spasmed around my cock. As we climaxed, our groans of pleasure echoed through the room, and we both were powerless to stop what was happening to address the intrusion. As my cock finally dribbled to a stop and Em’s orgasm began to fade, we both were able to turn and look at the doorway.

There stood Kate, hand to her mouth, eyes opened wide as she stared in shock at the scene before her. As a wordsmith, I was able to imagine the action from her viewpoint. Kate saw the brother she loved dearly, with his erect penis shoved completely into her daughter’s previously virgin pussy. A daughter, who she loved more than life and would do anything to protect. And here before her were the two most important people in her life fucking like wild animals and possibly impregnating her young daughter.

No one said a word until Em broke the silence.

“Mom, oh Mom, you aren’t supposed to be home. Why are you home?”

I expected Kate to erupt in fury, but she simply stood there, seemingly unable to process what her eyes were seeing. She was frozen, like a wild animal watching its impending doom as a truck races towards it. What broke the freeze was Em lifting herself off me and the sound my cock made in the quiet room as it plopped out of her vagina, followed by a stream of our combined juices pouring onto my crotch.

As Em turned away from my body, Kate now had a full view of my semi-erect cock and Emma’s dripping, inflamed vagina, and that unlocked her brain. But rather than yelling, she simply turned away and left us in stunned silence. Em and I stared at each other and then she burst out crying. I took her into my arms and hugged her, saying soothing words to help calm her. I knew why she was crying and I was distraught too. We never wanted to hurt Kate, and revealing our relationship this way was so far off our plan that we never even considered it a possibility. As I said earlier, best laid plans and all that.

Em eventually calmed and we decided the best approach was total honesty and letting the chips fall where they would. I could be banned from the family or even arrested by the local police depending on how angry Kate was. But I loved them both and was willing to accept the consequences.

We got dressed slowly, wanting to give Kate some space before the inevitable confrontation. Twenty minutes later, we found her in the kitchen with a bottle of scotch next to a half-full tumbler of the smokey, amber liquid. As soon as she saw us, she grabbed the glass and downed the contents, hand visibly shaking.

“Mom, I’m so, so sorry,” Em began. “We never wanted you to find out this way.”

Kate didn’t reply, instead, she tipped the bottle, pouring another half-glass of scotch.

“Kate,” I tried, “this is not Emma’s fault. I was supposed to be the adult, but I gave in to temptation. I know nothing I can say will excuse this, but please understand that I’ll do anything to make it better.”

Kate turned her head and stared at me with fury in her eyes. “Does that include rotting in jail after I call the cops?”

“Mom, no! Please, you can’t do that. I love him,” Emma pleaded.

I saw Kate blink, and then the fury in her dissipated. She hung her head, tears beginning to wet her eyes. “So that’s it then,” she said, a slight slur in her speech. “The brother I’ve always wanted for myself, I’ve now lost to my very own daughter. How very Shakespearean.”

Now it was my turn to blink. What did she mean, the brother she’s always wanted? I was already her brother, why would she say that?

Emma was much more astute than me at that moment. She knew exactly what her mother meant.

“Mom, no, really? You wanted a sexual relationship with your brother?”

I was about to protest when Kate looked at me and said, “You didn’t tell her, did you? While you were fucking your niece, letting her think she was being dirty, you never thought to tell her about us?”

“Tell me what?” Emma demanded. “What the fuck are you talking about?”

“I wasn’t keeping it a secret,” I protested, ignoring Em’s question. “It just didn’t seem like my story to tell. I just assumed if you wanted her to know, you would have told her at some point. Or never told her, as it wasn’t relevant to her life.”

Kate’s anger flared up briefly as she spat, “Well, it became relevant the moment you shoved your fat cock into my daughter’s virgin cunt!”

“I don’t know what you two are talking about,” Em shouted, “but stop saying that Uncle Steve took my virginity. I lost my virginity months before I even went to Aruba.”

What normally would have been a bombshell statement now seemed like a minor detail in our unfolding story.

“Mom, it was the night of my sixteenth birthday. I had the sleepover, remember? Well, after you went to bed, some boys from school stopped by and several of my girlfriends had sex with them. I was curious, so I let Jimmy Parks take my virginity. It was a lousy experience because he just shoved it in, and while I was still in pain, he ejaculated and then pulled his dick out. Then I spent the rest of the night with blood and semen leaking out of me while my insides felt like they were on fire. It would have been so much better if I had let Uncle Steve be my first!”

And with that statement, the air leaked out of the entire conversation. Kate sighed wearily, dried her eyes, and we all moved to the living room for a family history lecture. It was interesting to watch the dynamics now between Kate and Emma. Kate sat on one sofa and I sat on the other, facing her. Emma looked at both of us and decided to sit next to me, almost like she was marking her territory. The action didn’t go unnoticed by my sister.

“So,” I began, “do you want to tell our tale or should I?”

“Well, lord knows you’re the renowned writer and would probably use better words than me. But as the female in the story, I want to tell it.”

“Emma, honey,” Kate began softly, “it’s not that complicated. As you know, I’m about eighteen months older than your uncle, which made him the baby of the family. When we were teens, Steve was a skinny guy, tall and lanky, who got picked on a lot at school.”

I saw Em’s eyes widen as she looked at the muscular, confident man I was now and tried to imagine me as a skinny wimp.

Kate saw the look and said, “Yeah, I know, hard to believe. But you can thank his military experience for the muscled, champion swimmer you know. But as a teenager, he couldn’t get a girl to even look at him.”

“Well, I wouldn’t say…,” I began to object.

“Hush, just shut up. This is my story to tell,” Kate said, not too unkindly. “You’re on my shit list, remember?”

“Yes ma'am.”

“On the other hand,” Kate continued, “I had boys lining up at my door from the moment my boobs popped. It’s no surprise, Em, that your body resembles mine when I was your age.”

Em looked down at her chest and then at Kate’s and said, “You mean my boobs will get as big as yours? Neat!”

“Anyway, plenty of boys tried to get into my pants but other than some hand jobs and blow jobs, I never let any boy get close to my virginity. That is, until the night of the lunar eclipse. It was August, and Steve and I were on the roof watching the eclipse, a location our parents specifically forbade. But we were on our own for two weeks because Mom and Dad had just left for a vacation cruise. Even though we were both teenagers, they figured I was old enough to take care of things.”

“How old were you?” Em asked.

“Well, in retrospect, we were probably too young, but I think for now I prefer not to talk about our ages. Anyway, once the eclipse got boring, we started to crawl back through my bedroom window when my foot slipped on the damp shingles and I slid off the roof. Luckily, I fell into a cluster of evergreen bushes, which cushioned me. But I was wearing only a nightshirt and it offered little protection against the sharp needles and branches. I was quite scratched up, and my ankle was all twisted and sprained.”

“Yeah,” I laughed. “Your mom looked like she’d been in a fight with a dozen cats. But seriously, I was scared to death.”

“Your uncle managed to carry me into the house and lay me on my bed, and then together we tried to clean up the wounds. My nightshirt was in tatters and we finally just cut it off so that we could daub all the cuts with peroxide. We didn’t have nearly enough bandages to cover every injury.”

“Uh, Mom? If you cut your shirt off, what clothes were you wearing?”

“Well, honey, that’s kind of where this story is going,” Kate replied. “Other than my underpants, I had nothing else on. And I couldn’t put another shirt on because I was still bleeding from dozens of little cuts. It took about an hour for the bleeding to stop and then we realized that my body was sticky with smears of pine sap.”

“Wait, so you were naked in front of your brother and this didn’t bother either of you?”

“Em, there was nothing erotic about what we were doing. Your uncle was scared shitless and I was in pain. So if he was looking at my naked boobs, then he never said anything.”

Both women looked at me and all I could squeak out was, “I plead the fifth.”

Kate kicked off her shoes and curled her legs underneath her before continuing. “We used alcohol to clean off the sap, but then that left me with dirty smears of green. I wanted to take a hot shower, so Steve taped up my ankle and supported me while I limped to the bathroom. Once there, I had him close his eyes while he helped me remove my panties. He was quite the gentleman.”

Em looked at me with an unbelieving smirk and I said, "Yeah, okay. You got me. I did peek a little bit.”

“Nice,” Kate said with a sad laugh. “So I’m in the shower and realize I can’t support my weight enough to wash my body. Steve then offered to get in the shower with me to hold me up as I washed. He started to get in with his clothes on, but I insisted that he get naked too. It was only fair and it eliminated a pile of soggy clothes.”

Em rolled her eyes and said, “Is this the part where the bad porn music starts?”

Kate smiled, looked at me, and said, “No, not at all. Like I said, your uncle was a gentleman. He supported me while I soaped up and rinsed off, then we got out and he helped dry me with a big towel. Then he dried himself and we limped back to my bedroom.”

“As porn movies go, this one is pretty boring,” Em said, yawning.

“Hold on to your undies, things heat up from here,” I interjected.

“Yes, well,” Kate continued, “as I was sitting on the edge of my bed, Steve was rummaging through my dresser to get me some clothes to wear. He grabbed a pair of my panties and when he turned to face me, I realized he had a raging erection. I hadn’t seen his penis since we used to take baths together and I gasped when I saw how long and thick it was. None of the boys I had been with had anything close to what your uncle was packing.”

“Yeah…,” Em sighed dreamily. “You can say that again.”

“Hey,” I said, “I’m right here, guys.”

They both giggled as Kate went on, “I don’t know what came over me. As he stepped closer, face red with shame, I reached out and took his cock in my hand and just had to stroke it. Steve just froze, but I could see from his expression that he was enjoying what I was doing. The more I stroked, the more precum he dribbled until my hand was coated and was slipping easily over his shaft. Much too soon, I heard him groan and a blast of semen shot out and sprayed my face and boobs. It was sticky and warm and I kept stroking until he became too sensitive and pushed my hand away.”

“My God, Mom, you slut,” Em said, giggling. “I mean, I understand and all, but wow.”

“Yeah, wow indeed,” I replied. “I’d never even seen a real girl naked before, and suddenly, my gorgeous sister was giving me a handjob and letting me cum on her. And I was determined to return the favor.”

“Before we go any further,” Kate said, “are we giving Emma too many details? Does she need to hear about every squirt and drop of semen?”

Before I could reply, Em spoke up and said, “Mom, really? You just witnessed your brother’s cock sliding out of your own daughter’s vagina and you’re worried about details? If there’s a family history of this behavior, then I want to know everything.”

“Okay, if you insist,” Kate sighed. “Your uncle tried his best, but even with coaching, his tongue skills on my pussy were not good. But I was horny and needed some relief, so I had him get into bed with me and we kissed. It started slowly, but within minutes we were tongue deep in each other’s mouth and I made my decision.”

“I think I can guess,” Em said.

“Yep, your uncle had gotten hard again, so I opened my legs and begged him to take my virginity. He was reluctant at first, but as soon as the tip of his cock made contact with my sopping wet pussy, he changed his mind. He pushed inside me with little effort for the first inch or two, but then things got tight. He didn’t want to hurt me and hesitated too long, so I lifted my hips and felt him slip in further, right up against my hymen.”

“Yeah, I know that feeling,” Em said and grimaced.

“Your uncle paused again, still not wanting to hurt me, so I wrapped my legs around his skinny ass and yanked. Of course, this caused a blast of pain to rip through me, but at the same time, it felt oddly pleasurable. I pulled on his butt again and felt him bottom out in my vagina. I don’t think your uncle had any idea what was happening, but from the grin on his face, it seemed he was enjoying the experience.”

“I knew what was happening, but it felt so good it was hard to process the flood of pleasure signals,” I groused. “I wasn’t completely clueless.”

“Anyway, to end what has gotten to be much too long and detailed of a story, we fucked and I had two incredible orgasms before your Uncle Steve filled me with a load of semen. It was stupidly reckless, as I was in the middle of my menstrual cycle and could easily have gotten pregnant. But fate smiled upon us and let us get away with our idiotic behavior.”

Emma sat back, looking a little shocked by the confession just revealed to her. I could see her thinking as to what this all meant for the future, but she chose to wait to see what we had to say. I had to admit that hearing the tale from years ago had gotten me a bit excited and I moved my leg to help relieve pressure on my cock. Even Kate had become aroused, with hard nipples poking against her blouse.

“Was that the only time you two had sex together?” Em asked.

There was a long pause before Kate said, “No, that was just the beginning. The very next day I borrowed condoms from my girlfriend and your uncle and I had protected sex every day until I went to the free clinic and started birth control pills. It was more difficult to find privacy with our parents around, but they both worked and we always had time after school to fuck. Both of us eventually went back to dating and had sex with others, but we always found time for each other, even while I was in college. Then your uncle graduated from high school and joined the service, and things stopped. And that about covers it.”

With the last of the story told, silence filled the room as each of us pondered what this all meant for our family. I still didn’t have a read on what Kate would decide regarding Emma’s and my fate. It seemed unlikely she would just agree to let us keep fucking. And I suspected my Aruba summer vacation was going to be very lonely this year.

With no one speaking, I decided to ask the million-dollar question. “So, with everything out in the open now, where do we go from here?”

At first, no one replied, but then I felt Emma snuggle a bit closer to me as she put her head on my shoulder.

Kate saw Emma’s move and sighed, “I don’t know Steven, what do you expect me to say? It’s clear I have to stay home until you leave. I know the moment you two are alone again, you’ll be back in bed together. And I’m not ready for that… yet.”

“Kate, I can promise you…”

“Save it, Steven. I know what you’re going to say. But right now, I can’t trust either one of you and I know damned well that even if you tell me you’ll abstain, Emma’s raging hormones will find a way to change your mind.”

“Mom,” Emma began, “I…”

“No, hush, don’t speak. It’s late and I want you to go to bed now. Alone. Your uncle and I have lots to discuss and I expect we’ll be up most of the night. Just leave us and we will talk again tomorrow.”

Emma kissed my cheek and then hugged and kissed her mom before heading upstairs to her room. I decided that if Kate and I were going to have a serious talk, some wine was mandatory. I went to the kitchen and returned with a freshly opened bottle and two glasses. This time I chose to sit on the same sofa as Kate, albeit it at the opposite end. I poured us each a glass and we both took big gulps before making ourselves comfortable.

“Kate, I had no idea that you still had sexual feelings for me. Why didn’t you say anything?”

“You mean other than the obvious that I shouldn’t be lusting after my brother? Seriously though, I was in college when you graduated from high school and went right into the service. Then Stan knocked me up and we got married and Emma was born. So, anything I felt for you had to take a back seat. Then Stan died and I was alone and all the old feelings came rushing back.”

“But that was all years ago,” I said. “Why didn’t you tell me then?”

“Because you were still in the military being transferred all around the globe and writing your books in your spare time while I was a single mom trying to build a career in Utah. When would have been a good time to drop the bomb that I wanted you again?”

“Yeah, okay, I can see that. But I’ve been a civilian for several years now, so?”

“Look, let’s just focus on the here and now, okay? No need to rehash the past. How did you end up in bed with my daughter? I assume it started in Aruba?”

I shifted uncomfortably before saying, “Part of the story is Em’s to tell. So, you’ll need to ask her about why things started. Regardless, as an adult, I should have kept my emotions under control. But the truth is that she reminded me so much of you, that I let my desires override my common sense.”

“Are you saying that making love to my daughter was a substitute for making love to me?”

“No, yes, maybe,” I said, struggling to find the right words. “For certain, it wasn’t a conscious decision to let Emma replace you. But I can’t guarantee that subconsciously there wasn’t some interaction with the memories of what you and I experienced as teens.”

For the next hour, I filled Kate in on what Emma and I did during our holiday in Aruba. I didn’t go into graphic detail, there had been far too much of that already this evening, but I gave her a sense of the pure joy we both experienced as lovers in paradise. I also explained my plan, crappy as it was, for us to possibly be together after Em graduated from college. She seemed to take it all in stride, though I did note that certain portions of my tale caused her to gulp her wine a little more quickly. I suspected she was a bit tipsy now, which probably was a good thing. Maybe it would help her sleep.

“And that pretty much brings us up to today,” I said, concluding my confession.

“I have to admit,” Kate began, slurring her words just a bit, “that if Emma wasn’t part of the conversation, I would say that what you described was wonderfully romantic and the stuff some girls’ dreams are made of. A rich, successful, handsome man falls madly in love with the beautiful maiden and despite all odds, they live happily ever after. But, put Emma in the picture and it just makes me confused.”

“Yes, I understand. But the simple fact is that I love Emma dearly, and I love you just as much. In a perfect world, I could have you both. But in the real world, I really can’t have either one of you. So yes, confusion seems the proper response to all this.”

Kate stood, visibly wobbling on her feet, and said, “I’m tired and going to bed now. We can pick this up tomorrow.”

She started to tilt too far, so I jumped up and grabbed her. Together, we managed to stumble our way up the stairs and into Kate’s bedroom. Like that long ago night, I helped her undress and as I eased her into bed, she grabbed me and pulled me close. She kissed my lips and for a brief moment, I was that skinny, scared teen again. I kissed her back and before I could stop myself, I squeezed her bra-covered breast, feeling her nipple harden.

Coming to my senses, I removed my hand and covered her with the blanket and comforter. I kissed her forehead, said goodnight, and scurried out of the room. Then I stumbled to my room, fell into bed, and slept like the dead.

I didn’t wake until after ten o’clock, and as I listened, the house seemed strangely quiet. I showered and dressed and did a quick check on my phone to see what flights home were available. I had a feeling my visit was going to end early.

Downstairs I found the house empty with a note saying that my breakfast was in the warming oven and that they would be back in the afternoon. After I ate, I puttered around straightening up and then grabbed a book and headed for the deck to enjoy the mild weather. Around one o’clock I heard Kate’s car pull into her garage and my anxiety level jumped. A few minutes later they found me on the deck and, from what I could see, both seemed to be in decent spirits.

“So, what have you girls been up to?” I asked, testing the waters. “Do anything fun?”

A look passed between them and Em giggled as Kate said, “Oh, this and that. We did some shopping and had lunch and talked about the elephant in the room.”

“And I guess I’m the elephant?” I replied.

This time they both giggled as Em said in a cheeky voice, “Well, part of you resembles an elephant, that’s for sure.”

I didn’t know what was going on, so I just let things unroll. I could sense some kind of decision had been made.

“Emma and I had a long, serious, mother-daughter conversation and we worked out some things and still have a few more decisions to hash out. I’ve agreed that you can leave on Sunday as planned, no need to exit early. And in return, Emma has agreed to have limited interactions with you for the remainder of your stay.”

“Limited interactions?” I asked. “What does that mean exactly? Not that I’m complaining!”

“It means,” Kate began, “that I recognize that you two have developed a serious, loving relationship. And as much as that makes me crazy, part of me understands that Emma couldn’t have picked a better man. But she’s far too young to be making romantic life decisions, and I suspect this will all break down eventually.”

“True, I was very honest with Em about how unlikely it was that our relationship would survive the years of absence and all the societal taboos.”

“Regardless, you’re only here a few more days, and Emma and I came to an agreement we both feel is fair, given the situation. I will permit the two of you to spend one night together in her bed. In return, Emma will permit you and me to spend one night together in my bed.”

I heard Kate’s words but was having difficulty processing their meaning. She couldn’t have just said that I’d be making love to both women before I left.

“I can see by your expression that this news is unexpected,” Kate said with a trace of humor. “It’s simple really. Emma understands that I’ve been very lonely these years and that given my past sexual relationship with you, she’s okay with us reconnecting. And I realize that with Emma’s raging teenage hormones, trying to suppress a relationship with you is likely to do more harm than good.”

I was stunned. No scenario I’d imagined came anywhere close to what I was hearing.

“Emma, honey, are you okay with what your mom is offering?” I managed to say.

Emma smiled and said, “I’ll admit it feels a little weird. But she knew you long before I did and I love my mom and want her to feel as happy as I do with you. So yeah, I’m okay with this.”

“There is one last thing,” Kate said. “I’ve decided to take a leave of absence from work this summer and join you two in Aruba for vacation. I can use a long break and it will give me a chance to see the two of you interact over many months. This part is non-negotiable, understood?”

In response, I stood and hugged and kissed Kate, whispering thank you into her ear. Then I hugged Emma and kissed her too. I suddenly felt like the luckiest man alive.

“I do have one question,” I said. “I have three nights left and only two beautiful women. What do I do on the third night?”

Kate punched my arm and said, “After sleeping with Emma and me, I think you’ll need that last night to rest and recover your strength.”

“Or,” Emma said, lowering her voice. “Maybe on night three you get to have both of us at the same time!”

“Emma Jean Sanders!” Kate said, trying to sound mad but failing miserably. “Let’s not get too crazy, okay? At least not yet.”

As we walked back into the house, Kate’s words ‘at least not yet’ bounced crazily around my brain. What the fuck?


It was decided that my first night would be with Kate. Emma and I’d just had sex the day before and it ensured that my visit would end with her. Kate and I were nervous as we got ready for bed, so she set the mood with scented candles and a bottle of wine in her bedroom.

Kate wore a sheer lavender nightgown that was clingy and just transparent enough to hint at the treasures within. At first, we just talked, sipping wine and trying to overcome the tension. Even though we had done this before, it seemed a lifetime ago and much had changed over the years.

“You know,” Kate began, “when you helped me to bed last night, I felt you squeeze my breast. It felt so good that I wished you had gone further. But I understood the conflict you faced.”

“I wanted to do more,” I admitted. “After telling Emma about our time as horny teenagers, I was ready to pick up where we left off. And now, through some miracle, I have the chance.”

Those simple words broke the tension as we melted into each other's arms, hugging and kissing like long-lost lovers. I ran my hands over her body and gently squeezed both of her breasts as she moaned into my mouth. Her hand traveled to my cock, pulling it from the confines of my underwear. A frenzy of tugs and pulls and within seconds we were both naked, pressed together, reveling in the warmth of each other’s bodies.

I was astounded at how much more beautiful the mature Kate was. As a teen, she was all angles, knees, and elbows, and other than her breasts, her body had been devoid of extra padding. Now in her thirties, she was curvy with a firm round ass and flat stomach that belied having given birth nearly two decades before. And her breasts were full and round, topped with the most gorgeous nipples imaginable.

As we kissed and caressed each other, I moved between her legs as she grasped my cock and guided me into position. She rubbed my cockhead through her wet folds and as I pushed forward my glans was enveloped by her warmth. With gentle pushes and pulls, I was able to sink my entire length into my sister as she sighed with pleasure. The sensations were so intense, that I had to pause and fight down the urge to ejaculate.

Using a slow, steady rhythm, I made love to my sexy sister as she filled my ears with moans and gasps of ecstasy. Her body trembled underneath me as a small orgasm washed over her, and I decided to pick up the pace. As I pumped faster, she wrapped her legs around me and pulled me in deeper as I felt my climax begin to build. The steady slap of my balls on her ass and our groans of pleasure filled the room.

“Steven, I’m about to cum. Can you cum with me?”

“Yes,” I grunted and pushed into her over and over.

It took only a few more fast strokes before I felt Kate’s vagina spasm around my cock. Her body stiffened, and her legs squeezed me tight. This was enough to push me over the edge as my climax overwhelmed me. As I came, I pushed as deeply as I could into her and spilled an immense load of semen. Even though I was holding my cock steady, her vagina continued to pulsate around my shaft and squeeze me dry.

Our climaxes seemed to go on forever, but eventually, our bodies relaxed and the grip on my cock lessened. In the calm, I could now hear that we both were gasping for breath as our hearts continued to pound.

“Jesus Christ,” Kate rasped. “Now I can see why Emma fought so hard to stay with you.”

“Frankly, you’re both spectacular and any man would be lucky to make love to you gals.”

As my cock softened, I rolled off her and we spent some time kissing and cuddling in the afterglow. I eventually fell asleep and knew nothing more until the next morning, when Emma woke us up for breakfast.

The next day we all went out sightseeing and hit some of the local farm markets. I fretted the entire time, wondering if my night with Kate would cause any ripples or stresses with Emma. Outwardly she seemed fine, happy and bubbly as ever. But it did appear that she was a tad clingier than usual, always holding my hand or giving me random kisses.

Kate saw all this but only looked amused. She understood that Emma’s romance with me was still in its immature phase and that she was acting like a lovesick teenager, which she essentially was.

That night in bed with Emma, there were no signs of awkwardness or competition. She acted her usual, sensual self, and our lovemaking was as spectacular as it was athletic. Sexual experience and maturity are wonderful, but there is something magical about youth, vitality, and flexibility.

On Saturday, my last full day with them, we again wore ourselves out having fun and eating unhealthy meals. By the time bedtime rolled around, the teased threesome never materialized, and that was okay. I was exhausted, happy, and already thinking about Aruba.

On Sunday, Em and Kate drove me to the airport, and after several rounds of hugs and kisses, I walked through the doors and headed for security. Aruba was only two months away and I had much to do to get ready. Since my new book would require extensive research, I wanted to have most of it finished before our vacation.

As the plane arced into the sky, leaving Utah in its wake, I settled into my first-class seat and dreamed of what lay ahead for me and my family.


Dear Reader, in part five, we will pick things up in Aruba where Steve, Emma, and Kate will have to navigate a tricky path.
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