Holly had been looking out her bedroom window when her father drove off. Then she went back to bed and lay down, playing with her pussy a bit, still not making any concerted effort to make herself cream. She was listening carefully, hoping that her mother would go back to bed – without taking a shower. It seemed a reasonable assumption, since it was much earlier in the day than the woman usually got up. Holly, naughty teenager that she was, wanted to spy on her mom. She hoped the woman would lie naked on her bed, legs parted – and fall asleep like that, so that Holly could sneak in and get a good, close-up look at her tits and cunt. Ever since the girl had started fooling round with her friend, Linda Blake, she had been fascinated by female bodies.
Even slim teenaged bodies turned her on, making her tongue as stiff as a lesbian with a hard-on. And her mother's voluptuous figure was enough to drive the girl wild with passion. And, since Holly wasn't a lesbian, it would be even more thrilling to get a look at her mother, naked, with her daddy's jizz dribbling from her pussy. She waited for a while. She didn't hear the shower running, which was good, because it meant that Diana would still be all spunk slathered from fucking. Presently, naked and nubile with bouncy tits and an adorably rounded ass, Holly got up from the bed and tiptoed down the hallway to the master bedroom. Looking in, she was disappointed. The room was unoccupied and, apparently, her mother had decided to stay downstairs. Still, she had a chance to sample the residue, which was better than nothing.
She went into the room and lay down on her parents' bed, belly down. Sure enough, the sheet was all coated with a gooey pool, where her mother's cunt had overflowed and spilled the slime down under her churning, bucking ass. Holly stirred a fingertip through the congealing cream. She held her hand up to her face and sniffed at the tantalizing stuff, then slid her tongue out and tasted it. "Oooooh!" she whimpered. It was a combination of cunt cum and jizz and it was absolutely scrumptious! If her parent's juice was so yummy even licked up second hand, the girl could just imagine what it would be like to suck her daddy's cock right after he had been fucking her mother – and to suck her mother's cunt just after her father had squirted his fuckjuice into it. Of course, she never expected it to happen. Squirming on the bed, she rubbed her belly and tits in the cummy coating. She whisked up some more on her fingertips and began to fingerfuck herself, working the jizz into her hot cunthole and rubbing it into her cunt. Then she lowered her honey-blonde head and began to lick all the seepage up from the sheets.
She didn't know which tasted better, the pussy nectar or the cock spume, but sampled in the same mingled sauce, the flavor drove her wild. She tongued up every slimy drop, replacing it with her own frothy saliva. She was sorry that there wasn't any more. And, by this time, the teenager was so horny that she knew she couldn't bear to wait until it was time to go over to her girlfriend's house for some female fun and games. She still had every intention of visiting Linda, certainly and thought that today would be a good time to suggest that they let things get out of hand literally and give each other some thorough tongue fucking, like the big girls did. But she just had to get her rocks off first. She considered frigging herself off right there in her parents' bed, but she knew that she wouldn't be able to really concentrate, nervous that her mother might walk in at any moment and, besides, she had already licked up all the cream, so that it was the same as any damp bed. So she headed back to her own room, intending to fingerfuck herself to jelly. But she got sidetracked. Going down the hallway, she distinctly heard panting and grunting sounds coming from her brother's bedroom. She paused, cocking her head and listening. Then she grinned impishly. Jimmy must be beating his meat! And that was well worth a peek, she figured. She sneaked up to his door and listened, her ear pressed to the panels. The sound was louder and most definitely that of a frenzied fist fucking. Very carefully, not wanting to disturb him and embarrass her masturbating brother – and certainly not wanting to interrupt the action. Holly turned the doorknob and pushed the door open just enough to look in.
She almost fainted. Jimmy was jacking off, sure enough – but there was a whole lot more to it than that. He was kneeling over their mother, pumping his prick up and down as the woman cupped his balls in her hand and squirmed before him, ready to get soaked. Holly stared at her brother's magnificent prick, then at her mother's sexy body, gasping and gulping, stifling the urge to cry out in her astonished arousal. But they were too engrossed in what they were doing to hear her or notice that the door had opened slightly, as the crest surged in Jimmy's loins. "Cum, Jimmy! Spunk on Mommy!" Diana wailed. He drove his cock through his fist, the cockknob flaring out like the head of a hooded cobra about to strike. His balls went off in Diana's palm and his cock rippled as the thick slime sped up through the hollow core. Then great creamy clouds of cum were bursting from Jimmy's throbbing cockhead and cascading onto his mother.
Diana moaned as the boiling incest oil splashed on her fat tits and poured over her belly, so hot that she thought it might raise blisters on her tits, like bubbling bacon fat spilled from a skillet. "Ahhhhh!" she moaned in rapture, wriggling joyfully about as her son sprayed her with his spunk and showered her with his slime, soaking her in the bubble bath that was spurting from his bloated balls. He kept squirting off, shooting as his fist jerked back, then shooting again on the upstroke. His hips slowly turned and he played with his prick up and down her torso. A jizz jet splashed in the hollow of her throat and a creamy cascade slimed into her deep cleavage. A pearly ribbon ran down her gently rounded belly and trickled into the thicket of her hairy vee. Her face tilted up and she willingly took a steaming stream onto her parted lips. It ran back along her cheeks on both sides of her mouth. Her tongue slipped across her lips, tasting some of the sweet nectar. He kept dosing her with foam, like a fire extinguisher on her fiery flesh.
Diana groveled under him as if in some primitive, pagan ritual, worshiping the prick that was soaking her so thoroughly. As he kept on pumping his spunk on her, Jimmy stared down in awe, his hooded eyes glowing behind the lids, thrilled to the depths by their depravity. He was jerking off on his mother! His joy was boundless – and his juice seemed to be boiling out boundlessly, as well, his sexual stamina magnified by the breaking of the incest taboo. He just kept cumming endlessly. Holly was so shaken by the scene that the girl went weak at the knees. She sank down to the floor on trembling thighs, her eyes glued to the action. She looked at the jizz jetting from her sibling's flaring cockhead, then her gaze turned, following the stream, watching as it slathered her mother's body. Diana was so coated with white fuckjuice that she looked like her torso had been smeared with icing. Her face was frosted and her groin glazed. Her blonde vee looked like a cream bun topped by syrup. Holly cupped both hands over her cunt and, shuddering, played audience to this passion play, enraptured by the randy drama. The girl thought that her eyeballs must be steaming as they registered the sordid sight. But, although she was holding her pussy fondly in both hands, Holly wasn't frigging herself off. Before, she had been saving her cumming for later, when she was fooling around with her girlfriend. But now the saucy teenager was holding back, hoping to spy on more incestuous family frolic. And Holly was to get her wish. At long last, Jimmy began to flag. "Don't stop – more, darling! Mommy wants more! Keep cumming, Jimmy!" Diana babbled in her greed. The voluptuous woman bridged up, shoving her tits out towards his prick. His cock-knob nudged a fat tit, smearing it.
She twisted from side to side, swiping her swollen nipples against the head of his cock, nudging the stiff, rosy peaks into Jimmy's juicing pisshole. He dribbled cum onto each nipple and spilled more into her cleavage as she turned. His ebbing vigor was recharged as his cockhead played on her tits and Jimmy began spurting savagely again. Spunk flooded up her breastbone and pooled up in the fluttering hollow of his mother's throat. He slid his cock into her tit cleft and frigged it up and down. Her face turned down, mouth open, chin trembling, eyes gleaming as she stared at his cock-knob, watching that greasy slab vanish in her clit tunnel, then come squeezing back out, laying a foaming trail out of her cleavage. She was so coated with cum that it looked as if slugs had been crawling up her tummy, snails leaving tracks on her tits. Still she kept begging for more. Jimmy shot one last jet out, then sank back, hunkering down, squatting on his heels. His cock loomed up before him, still stiff, the knob towering high up over his belly. His eyes were as glazed by glee as his mom's tits were glazed by his goo as he gazed down at her, sighting across his cockhead as if it were some surveyor's tool. His prick was no longer hosing off, but the dregs were still oozing out and trickling down his cock, flowing like some arcane marble fountain at a Roman orgy. His balls sank in, then expanded, as if they were panting in echo of his lungs. Jimmy wondered what would happen next. So did Holly. But Diana knew – because she had planned it.
Was picturing your baby spewing his hot cum all over you and you getting so excited about it but now dying to hear what your little girl is going to do
Waay over the top...
I'd never touch cooled spooge from anybody...
To lick it seems disgusting to me...
This story is, well, just depraved.
I prefer a more believable scenerio.
Trib FanReport
I'd never touch cooled spooge from anybody...
To lick it seems disgusting to me...
This story is, well, just depraved.
I prefer a more believable scenerio.
Details are phenomenal
Makes you excited
Details are phenomenal
Makes you excited