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She may not want to get ‘involved’ with, nor spend time with other people, she may even be a Loner, but she still has a lot of fun.
Sandra is Different

by Vanessa Evans

Part 2

It was Saturday the next day and my first full day as a working girl. Not the type of working girl that you are thinking of, although being one of those girls had crossed my mind and would suit my ‘condition’, no, I was starting work at the clothes shop. I quickly showered and got myself ready and set off for the 10 minute walk, stopping to get a coffee and a pastry on the way. I just made it as Lisa was rolling up the shutters.

“Morning Sandra.” Lisa said, “bright and early, most of the girls are usually 5 or 10 minutes late, not that it really matters, it will be a while before the customers start rolling in.”

We went in and went to Lisa’s office where I put my bag on the side and went back out to shop floor. I saw the wonky mirror and went to have a closer look. It was fastened to the wall with the bottom part at an angle. On closer inspection I saw that it was actually 2 mirrors. I stood in front of it and looked down but I couldn’t see up my skirt. I was just moving around to see if different positions made a difference but I still couldn’t see my pussy.

“It’s people standing beside the mirror that can see up your skirt.” I heard Lisa say as she came and stood where she had just described.

“I can see your bald pussy Sandra, you weren’t wearing knickers the other 2 times that you were here, don’t you bother with them at all or are you deliberately hoping that men can look up your skirts and find out?”

I blushed a little and then Lisa answered for me,

“You do don’t you, you’re a little show-off aren’t you?”

“Yes.” I quietly answered.

“Well you’re going to get plenty of opportunities here, why do you think I have been putting head office off refurbishing the changing rooms?”

Again Lisa answered her own question,

“Because when the do they will make the place more like fort knox and there will be no chance of anyone seeing in or having partners in there whilst you are changing.”

“So do you get lots of couples going in there?”

“Enough to know what goes on in there.”

And do you get a lot of men standing outside looking through the gaps at the sides of the curtains?”

“Enough, we chase away any pervs who come in on their own but I’m quite happy for boyfriends and husbands to watch any of the girls in there.”

“Isn’t it illegal?”

“Only if someone complains and who in their right mind would complain? The uptight girls don’t shop here anyway, they go to Top Girl. We get the girls that don’t mind showing some skin. I can tell that you are one of those girls, just like Bella and all the other girls that I hire, you can go and try on anything you like during your breaks and quiet times, just so long as the racks and shelves are full and tidy.”

“Thanks Lisa, I might just do that.”

“I hope so, that’s why I hired you, show the male partners a lot of skin and they’ll bring their girls back here and spend more money, that’s the principle I work on.”

“Sounds like good business sense to me.” I replied.

I noticed that Lisa was still looking up my skirt and seconds later I heard a girl say,

“Morning Lisa, is this the new girl then?”

“Charlotte, this is Sandra, Sandra Charlotte.” Lisa said.

Before I could say hello Charlotte she said,

“I see that you are one of us Sandra.”

“Hi Charlotte,” I said, then, “one of what?”

“No knickers,” Charlotte replied, “and I see that you aren’t wearing a bra too Sandra, nice tits, from what I can see of them behind that top.”

It took me a couple of seconds to see that neither Lisa nor me had moved from the mirror and Charlotte was standing on the other side in the same position. I resisted the urge to step back.

“Yeah,” I replied, “when I moved to uni I decided that it was less washing.”

“Sure, keep telling everyone that Sandra, someone might believe you but you’re like me and the others here, you like flashing your goods don’t you?”

I smiled and said,

“Yes I do.”

“Okay girls,”Lisa said, “plenty of time for flashing your bits later, get things ready and Sandra, Amelia and Bella will be here in a couple of hours, you know what to do but if you have any questions Charlotte and I won’t be far away. Just remember, the customer is always right and that includes the male partners.”

I wasn’t sure what Lisa meant by that but I went with Charlotte to see how to get the till ready then went round the racks checking that everything looked okay. When I got to a mannequin that was wearing a tank top with a pair of shorts I looked at what was on top of the tank top. It was a sort of vest with a rolled neck. No one would ever see anything trying to look down that top but 2 things caught my eye, firstly the arm holes were so big that they went nearly down to the waist and the front part was so narrow that it only just covered the mannequin’s nipples. The other thing was that it was so long that you could only just see the bottom of the shorts.

As I stood looking at it Lisa came over to me and said,

“I know what you’re thinking, could I wear just that vest as a dress? Am I right?”

“You are Lisa.”

“With your tits it will just rest on your nipps, unless of course you keep turning your body.”

“I could never do that Lisa, it’s not right walking about with my nipples hanging out.”

“You nipples wouldn’t be HANGING out, I bet that your tits never even wobble when you’re running.”

“Maybe just a little bit.” I replied.

“Come on Sandra, there’s a girl over there who looks like she’s looking for something, go and see if you can help her.”

I did, forgetting about the vest top.

I was kept busy for quite a while then I found myself with nothing to do standing next to the mannequin wearing a white mesh leotard. Well that’s what I called it but the label said it was a sleeveless, backless bodysuit. It was cut high on the hips and had a scoop neck. When I looked at the back I saw that it had a low-cut thong back.

Bella came up behind me and said,

“You’re supposed to wear something over it but we show it like that so that everyone can see what would normally covered. You’re not thinking of wearing it without a covering are you Sandra?”

“I’m thinking of going to the gym at the university but I haven’t got anything to wear.”

“Well if you go wearing just that the guys won’t get much of a workout, unless you let them get between your legs.”

“That depends on how cute they are.” I replied

“Those things are quite cheap, mind you they should be, there’s bugger all to them.” Bella said.

Lisa caught our eye and we went back to work.

Soon I was stopped by a girl asking where the changing rooms were. I led her to them and saw that we were being followed by a man. Amelia was standing there and when the girl asked if her boyfriend could go into the cubicle with her Amelia said that he could.

“Come back in 2 minutes Sandra.” Amelia quietly said.

I went off and did go back a couple of minutes later and I saw the bottom of the man’s legs between the girl’s legs in a position where they could easily be fucking. I smiled and looked through the gap in the curtain and in the mirror I could see the girl’s bare back and butt and from the way they kept going forward I knew that they definitely were fucking. I turned and left with a smile on my face.

The shop started to get busy and more girls wanted to try something on. When I led them to the changing rooms I saw a couple of men standing at the entrance looking in. When I looked at what they were looking at, through the gap in the curtains I saw the naked side of a girl just as she was starting to put a dress on.

“Maybe I should try something on when I have my lunch break.” I thought.

The shop got more busy and I couldn’t help notice that there were quite a few men with girls, more than I had experienced whenever I’d ever gone clothes shopping.

Lisa ask me to go and check the changing rooms to see if anything had been left in there that didn’t want to be there. As I walked passed the entrance I saw a man standing there and looking towards the first cubicle. I glanced over so it and saw that the curtain was closed as much as it could be and an arm moving around through the gap.

I went to the far end of the row of cubicles to start checking back to the entrance. Three cubicles were okay and as I stood between cubicles 2 and 3 I poked the closed curtain on cubicle 2 which had been pulled to the end near cubicle 3.

“Anyone in there?” I asked.

There was no response so I guessed that someone had just left the curtain closed so I pulled it open and heard a girl scream. I looked in and saw Bella standing there with one arm out and holding a dress. She was facing the curtain and was totally naked.

My jaw dropped and I froze for a couple of seconds then stepped in front of the frozen Bella, closed the curtain and offered my sincere apologies. I turned to leave and saw the man still looking where Bella was, but now covered by the curtain. He had a big grin on his face and I knew that I had just exposed the totally naked Bella to him.

I started to feel sorry for Bella and intended to apologise to her again when she came out, but then I wondered if it had been a setup, had Lisa sent me in there knowing that Bella would be naked behind a curtain.

I got on with other things but when Bella did come out and over to me she was ginning like a Cheshire cat.

“Lisa set me up didn’t she?” I asked.

“Yep, we do it to each other quite a bit. It’s an added perk of the job. I’m sure that it won’t be long before it’s you behind that curtain Sandra.”

“I’ll look forward to that.”

Lunchtime came and I went and got a sandwich and I had finished eating by the time I got back to the shop so I decided to try on one of those tank tops, the long one with giant arm holes. Of course I was going to try it without the shorts that were on the mannequin or anything under the top.

In the first changing cubicle I got naked then checked the gaps at either side of the curtain. I was a little disappointed that there were no men looking but it didn’t bother me because I was there to try on the top, not flash anyone.

As it slivered down my body I realised that it was too big for me but then I remembered that I wanted it to be big on me. The narrow front went right up to my neck but the sides only just covered my tits before they scooped down to where they joined the back part at my hips. My sides were bare right down to my hips.

I looked over my shoulder into the mirror and saw that nearly all of my back was also bare but my butt was covered. Then I faced the mirror and saw that the bottom hem was about 7 or 8 cm below my pussy. I shook my shoulders and turned quickly from side to side and watched the material go over my nipples and not go back when I turned the other way.

I giggled to myself as I saw both my hard nipples in the mirror with all the material between them

I stood there looking at myself wondering if I dare wear that top as a dress, a dress that could easily leave my nipples exposed like they were right then. I straightened the top and thought about below my tits. In the mirror I could see that my pussy was easily covered but from my chest down I felt like I was naked, I couldn’t feel any material at all.

I again checked that my pussy was covered and felt round to my butt and confirmed that it too was covered. Then I turned my side to the mirror. With my arms straight down I could see nearly all of the side of my tit. It was like looking at a miniature traffic cone on my ribs. I moved my arm around a bit and saw the material disappear over my nipple.

I took the top off and was looking at the price tag. It was more than I had budgeted for clothing for that month but I had just decided that I was going to buy it when the curtain went flying back.

I screamed a little then saw Amelia, Bella and 2 men behind them.

“Gotcha.” Amelia said then turned and left, and Bella closed the curtain, well half closed it. I could still see the men and they could see me as I started to put my clothes back on.

“You’ll look good in that top Sandra.” Bella said.

“I was thinking of wearing it as a dress.” I replied.

“Even better, that will keep the guys looking at you.”

By then I had got my own top and skirt on and the show was over for the men. I took the top back out and to Lisa and asked her what the staff discount was.

“Put it in my office and come and see me at the end of your shift Sandra, I’m sure that we can work something out within your budget.”

I thanked her then did as she had said.

For the next 10 minutes or so, until I needed to speak to a customer, all I could think about was going out in public in the middle of the day wearing just that top. I even planned where I would go.

Most of the rest of the day was all work with no flashing although I did see 1 girl who was changing and had either forgotten to close the curtain or had deliberately left it only half closed. I had just passed a man waiting and I wondered if she was with him or was just flashing him. Obviously I didn’t ask and just got on with my work.

At the end of my shift I went to see Lisa and she told me to sit on the chair where I’d had my interview. I was more relaxed this time that I was sat there and Lisa finished some paperwork then looked up to me. I was watching her eyes and they lingered, for a second, on my bare legs and I was 100% sure that she saw my slit and bald pubis.

“Well Sandra, the end of your first full day, how was it for you?”

“Good, better than I expected, I’m not very good with people but you and the other girls have been so easy to get on with.”

“I’m pleased to hear that, and I heard about your little incident in the changing rooms, did that upset you at all, the girls can be a bit, shall we say revealing at times.”

“Upset, no chance, you may have already guessed but I get a bit of a kick about people seeing me without any clothes on and I got a bit, err, aroused when those 2 men saw me naked.”

“Well that’s brave of you to confide in me, but rest assured, just so long as you don’t go upsetting any customers you can wear as much or as little as you want in my store. Talking about wearing very little, this top (Lisa got it out of a drawer) are you really planning on going outside wearing just that?”

“I was thinking about it?”

“You are braver than me Sandra, good luck to you but please be careful, I don’t want to hear that you have been raped or arrested.”

“I’ll be careful, but just so that you know, I’m a Karate Black Belt.”

“Good for you. I’ve also seen you staring at those mesh leotards, you do know that they are designed to be worn under something don’t you?”

“Yes but.”

“So where are you thinking of wearing it on its own Sandra?”

“The university gym, I was thinking of wearing it to workout.”

“Interesting, if you get all sweaty it will go transparent.”

“I was hoping that it would.” I replied.

Lisa smiled then asked,

“So you’re planning on working out, anything else, maybe you could teach Karate?”

“”No, I don’t fancy that, but I might take up swimming or track, I can do those without much contact with others.”

“I can understand that, my cats are my only regular friends. Have you got any track clothes or a swimming costume?”

“Not that I would be seen dead in. What I have got may have been okay for school or when my parents were around but I’m a different girl now.”

“I can believe that Sandra, I can’t see you going to school dressed like you are right now.”

“Definitely not, I would have got suspended.”

“Stay there a minute.” Lisa said and she got up and left her office.

Three minutes later Lisa was back holding some garments.

“Right Sandra, here is one of those leotards and a lingerie bra and knickers set that could easily be mistaken for a bikini, they’ll both fit you.”

“I can’t afford the top never mind those.”

“Because you seem to be a girl after my own heart I’m going to let you have the lot for £20, can you afford that?”

“Yes, really, you’d do that for me?”

“Yes Sandra, just you make sure that you are back here every Thursday and Saturday.”

“Oh I will, I really will, I’ve had a great time today.”

“Good, I’ll take the £20 out of your wages, Just don’t get arrested.”

“I won’t, I can run fast as well.”

“Even when you’re naked?”

“Especially when I’m naked.”

“Okay Sandra, see you on Thursday, that’s if you are not in jail.”

“Bye Lisa.”

I left, and to say that I was over the moon would be an understatement. As I walked back to my room my nipples and clit were tingling in anticipation of the fun I intended to have.

I had an early night wanting to be full of energy for the next day but I just had to rub one out to try to relax and go to sleep.


Sunday started early, probably because I was excited about what I was planning to do. As I was rubbing one out I decided to stop just before I orgasmed, I wanted to be aroused when I started my adventure.

The city that I was in has a Tram system that is great for getting around. I’d already noticed that it was busy early on a Sunday as people went to the centre to do their shopping, then it went much quieter before people started heading for home.

After my full bathroom routine, during which I edged again, and getting myself some breakfast, I put on the top, a necklace and some shoes. I took my little shoulder bag with me but I did not intend to wear it across my chest as that would affect the way that my tits got exposed, then with by bag over my shoulder and a paperback in one hand, I set off.

It felt like I was naked as I went out onto the street only to find that it was still a little chilly. I looked up and saw blue sky and knew that it would warm up soon. So I walked to the nearby park, every minute or so looking down to my chest to make sure that one of my nipples hadn’t escaped.

Satisfied that just straight, normal walking wouldn’t cause my nipples to escape, I slowed my walking pace, got my sunglasses out of my bag, put them on and started looking around. I saw a few people who looked like they were walking through the park to their work or the shops, most of them walking towards me. I knew that I had to walk and act with confidence, if I acted like I was deliberately trying to show my body or I was ashamed by my lack of coverage, I would give people the impression that I was doing something wrong and one of them might call the police.

Technically I wasn’t doing anything wrong because my goodies were covered and technically, even if they were on display, it would only be against the law if I was acting in a lewd manor or trying to upset people and it was not my intention to do either. Unless, of course, my arousal got the better of me and I started frigging, but I intended to keep myself under control.

On I walked trying to look as confident as I could and it was working, okay, people were looking at me but no one really stared or said anything. After about 15 minutes I decided to stop and sit on one of the benches for a while so I ***********ed one that was beside a main path and sat on the middle of it, with my butt near the front edge, and got my book out of my bag.

I didn’t cross my legs but kept my knees together. I looked down at the hem of the top and saw that it was tight across my hips. I couldn’t see my slit but I knew that anyone who looked would be able to see it unless I put one of my hands at the top of my legs, which I didn’t.

I opened my book and pretended to read whilst looking sideways out of my sunglasses. I would say that there were people walking along that path, passed me, on average every 2 minutes and I watched every one of them approaching. If they were anything other than a middle-aged or elderly woman I would open my knees a little and watch them as the passed.

I got quite a few double takes and if any of them really stared I opened my knees some more.

As time went on I was getting more and more aroused and when one guy about my age actually stopped and really stared I was on the edge. If he had stared at my pussy any longer I’m sure that I would have orgasmed. How I kept my hands on my book I will never know.

After that guy had gone I got up and walked. I needed to let my arousal subside.

On I walked and I came to a raised flower garden with a wall round it. That wall must have been nearly a metre high and quite deep. As I got closer I decided that I needed to show my pussy some more and I thought that sitting on the wall, sideways, would be a good opportunity to do just that. I’d never really sat on anything like that and thought about what I would be showing if I were wearing a skirt so this was a first for me. I thought that if it didn’t work I could just move on and find another bench.

Anyway, I jumped up then swung my legs round and sat with bent knees, facing the way that the most people were coming from. I put my hand under my thighs and was pleased easily find my pussy, my butt not even sitting on the fabric of the top.

I pushed my feet as far away from me as I could without obstructing the view of my pussy, then I leant back on one hand whist holding the book against my knees with my other hand. I checked my chest and felt that one nipple was in real danger of escaping, the rest of the arm side of the tit clearly on display.

It wasn’t long before my sunglasses covered eyes were following people who walked towards and passed me and more people looked towards me. I saw a group of half a dozen men in overalls walking towards me and when they got real close I heard one of them say,

“Fucking hell, look at that?”

They stopped walking and just stared at me for ages, me just pretending to read and ignoring them. However, my pussy wasn’t ignoring them and I wondered if they could see my juices leaking out of me. Once they had gone and were out of sight I put my book down then looked at the wall under my pussy and saw a little puddle. Then I realised that I had been showing them all of the side of one of my tits and the nipple, the fabric of the top was just resting on the end of the nipple. I smiled to myself then decided to stay there for a little longer before going to a coffee shop to replace some of the fluids that were now on the wall.

After a few more people saw my pussy and a lot of side boob, well a lot of the side of my little boob, I got off the wall and headed to where I knew there was a coffee shop. This is in a more built-up area and I guessed that there would be more people walking around.

As I walked there I remembered to act with confidence, trying not to attract one kind of attention but definitely attract the kind of attention that I wanted.

I saw a few people looking and I didn’t get any of the type of attention that I didn’t want.

As I walked into the coffee shop a girl that is on the same course as me was coming out.

“Wow Sandra, that’s an amazing outfit, so daring.”

“Hi Jennifer, yes, I guess that it a bit daring, but it’s not like I’ve got much for anyone to see or complain about anyway.”

“Well I think that you look great Sandra. Sorry, gotta go or I’ll be late for work.”

“Seeya Jennifer.” I replied and continued to the counter

The Barista did a double take when he saw me and as I got my money out of my purse I noticed that 1 of my nipples had escaped, I looked at the Barista and saw that he had spotted it too so I let him have a good look for a few seconds then said,

“Oops, maybe wearing this dress today wasn’t such a good idea.”

“You look great in it to me.”

The Batista replied, but by then I had adjusted the ‘dress’ so that both my nipples were covered. I smiled at him and passed a £5 note to him then waited for my change. As I reached to put the coins in the charity box on the counter I felt the other nipple escape but I ignored it, picked up my coffee, turned and looked for a table.

There were half dozen couples in there and I could see 2 of the men looking at me but I chose to go and sit at one of the tables outside. I chose one where I could sit and look at the people walking along the footpath towards me and sat on the front edge of the chair leaning back and didn’t cross my legs. Instead I left my knees slightly apart.

This meant that although my slit appeared to be covered when I looked down, anyone approaching me would, if they looked, be able to see it with my clit sticking out between my lips. I put my sunglasses back on and got my book out of my bag.

Pretending to read, I could look over my book and watch the people approaching me and see if they looked my way and gave some indication that they’d seen my pussy.

The last sip of my coffee was cold by the time I took it because I’d been sat there for at least 30 minutes and noticed 7 men and 1 girl who had probably seen my slit. The girl just smiled but the men had a variety of reactions from just a double take and a short stare, to 1 guy who stopped, knelt down and re-tied a shoelace, all whilst staring at my pussy and maybe the side on 1 tit, its areola and nipple that was uncovered because I’d discreetly adjusted the top so that the edge of the fabric rested on the end of my nipple.

I was quite aroused and pleased with myself when I got up to leave. I think that I flashed my bare butt a little when I stood up because when I sat down the back hem of the top was half way up my butt, and I’d got a bit sweaty sitting there so when I stood up the fabric was sticking to me for a few seconds before I pulled it down.

My next place that I intended to expose my pussy was the trams and I set off walking to where I could get on one. This was going to cost me money but I had decided that it could well be rewarding in feeding what had rapidly become a fetish to me.

As I walked I kept noticing the odd person, mainly men, looking at me. I knew that the top was covering my pussy and butt, and for most of the time my nipples but some of the stares made me move a hand to check that I was covered.

I chose the tram line that has the longest route, going right across town and out into the suburbs, and as the tram approached I was pleased to see that it was only about half full. I chose a seat near the middle doors so that people would have to walk passed me to get on or off. The seats were in groups of 4, 2 sets of 2 facing each other. This meant that I could sit on a group of 4 and there would be a big space in front of me giving people passing plenty of space to look at my bare legs and pussy.

When I sat I did so lazily, my butt near the front edge of the seat then lay back and moved my leg that was nearest the aisle slightly into the aisle. Then I pulled the hem of the top down as far as it would go and I couldn’t see my pussy, but the hem was still very close to my pussy so it would be visible to people approaching me.

Of course I didn’t cross my legs, instead I spread my knees a little then took my foot that was nearest the window out of its shoe and put the foot on the seat opposite (not something that I would normally do). That opened up the gap between the top and my thighs and my pubis so there was plenty of skin, all around my pubis and pussy, on display.

Finally, I adjusted the fabric over my little tits so that the end of my nipple nearest the aisle was only just covered. My voyeurs would be able to see half of my little, conical tit.

My body and ‘dress’ was ready so I stared out of the window but at the same time looking at the reflection of what was going on inside the carriage, and waited.

That tram route has lots of stops and people were frequently getting on and off and walking passed me to do so. My face looked like I was daydreaming, which I was, and I could only see the reflections of people’s faces but that was good enough for me to tell when someone had spotted my exposed slit with my clit sticking out between the lips and I was pleased with the number of people that I thought had seen me.

I’d previously worked out that going on for 90% of people are way too unobservant for their own good but the percentage that saw my slit was way above average.

It was the younger men that gave me the biggest thrill, especially those who stopped and stared for a few seconds before hurrying on.

I was sat like that for going on for 45 minutes and my slit must have been seen by around 20 people. When the tram got back to my stop I was well pleased with the results and decided that I would do it again before the weather got too cold.

On my walk back to my accommodation I had to pass a very old building that is built on a bit of a hill and has lots of steps up to the entrance. I don’t know what is in there as there are no signs and I haven’t bothered to go and look but the interesting thing was that there were quite a few people sitting all over the steps. Some were drinking coffee, some reading, some just looking around and some just talking. As I approached the building I started to get an idea and when I got to the steps I decided that I too would do some ‘reading’ there so I climbed about half way up the steps, turned and sat on a step.

The cold of the stone steps soon cooled my bare butt, but that wasn’t what I was there for, I looked back down to the footpath and saw that my butt was about head height of the people walking by, just what I wanted. My feet were a couple of steps down so I spread them so that they were about shoulder width apart then I put my knees together, got my book out of my bag and started to pretend to read but was actually looking down through my sunglasses at the people waking by to see if they looked up at me and saw my pussy which was starting to get very wet at the thought of people seeing it.

I hadn’t realised just how busy that footpath was but when I thought about it, it was one of the main routes from the centre of town to the area with lots of blocks of student accommodation and most of the people walking by did look like students.

It didn’t take long before I saw a guy do a double take as he looked up towards me then he turned and walked up to me.

“That is you behind those sunglasses isn’t it Suzie? I’d recognise that pussy anywhere.” I heard the young man say.

I looked up at him and replied,

“Excuse me, are you talking to me? Do I know you?”

“Suzie, it is you isn’t it? Dean, we hit it off at that party just over a week ago and we went back to my place. I have to say that I like your outfit Suzie, even more revealing than what you wore to the party.”

It was one of the guys that I’d picked-up at a party and gone back to his place for a good fuck before I’d sneaked out while he was asleep. What’s more, I couldn’t even remember his name.

“Oh shit.” I thought then said, “Oh yes, Dean, the one with the untidiest room I’ve ever seen.”

“That’s me, it didn’t seem to bother you that night Suzie.”

“That’s because I was looking for a cock to give me a good fucking but you fell asleep on me before we could start round 2, and what do you mean ‘recognise that pussy anywhere’?”

“I could see your pussy from the footpath, why do you think that I came up here?”

I pretended to look shocked that he had seen my pussy and I moved my feet down a step and closed the gap between my feet and said,

“Well that shouldn’t have happened and it won’t happen again, and you still haven’t said how you recognised my pussy.”

“I haven’t seen many pussies that are just a slit with a clit sticking out, most have some flaps and don’t look as good as yours, so do you fancy coming back for round 2 now?”

“No, I’m not in the mood.” I lied I did fancy getting fucked but not by him.

“Are you sure, round 2 will be better that round 1, I haven’t had drink since yesterday.”

“Not going to happen Dean, is that what you said your name was?”

“Yes it is, shame, I’m sure that I could give you a really memorable fuck.”

“Not going to happen.”

“Okay, your loss Suzie.”

“That’s a matter of opinion.” I replied as he gave up and left.

I waited until he was out of sight then put my legs back where they had been before that guy had spoilt my fun. At least he’d got a good look at my pussy when he had been sober.

I stayed there pretending to read my book and watching more people walk by. Although quite a few people looked up and saw me I was disappointed that it wasn’t a higher number. As I watched them I tried to think of places where I could be naked with lots of people around to see me, but apart from beaches in Europe I couldn’t think of any.

By the time I finished my journey back to my room I didn’t need to try to act confidently because I was confident, I’d been outside wearing just that top and not had even 1 problem, well apart from that idiot Dean. I was so confident that about half a mile from my accommodation I did a quick turn of my shoulders to the left then the right, knowing that the fabric would bunch between my tits, and walked the rest of the way with both nipples exposed.

I was amused when 1 of 2 youths walking towards me got passed me and loudly said,

“Did you see her nipples?”

My right hand got very busy just as soon as I got to my room and I rubbed 2 out before having a nap then getting on with other things.


On the Monday afternoon I decided to go and have a session at the university’s gym and maybe a swim so I got out the leotard and put it on. I was a little disappointed that it had a little patch of cotton fabric in the crotch but that was easily taken care of with some small scissors.

The leotard was very much like a one-piece swimsuit and the coverage was that of a swimsuit for a middle-aged woman but I bet that not may middle-aged women would wear a swimsuit made of that fabric, I had to be careful putting on so that my nails didn’t damage any of it.

Looking in the mirror I first saw how it moulded itself to every contour of my body and how I could see the darker colour of the skin of my areolae and nipples. Although it stretched across my little tits the neck was so high that people wouldn’t be looking down the top, not that they would need to because it showed the exact shape of my little cones from the sides and top and bottom. I was so proud that they stuck straight out without even a hint of sag.

Looking further down my body I thought that if the fabric had been more see-through and flesh coloured, instead of white, people would have had to look closely to realise that I was actually wearing something.

The camel toe was amazing and I could even see the darker coloured skin of my clitoris.

As I stood and admired myself I thought,

“Well no one can say that I’m not covered, it’s just that the fabric was hiding next to nothing.”

Then I had a twinge of nerves, could I really wear just that in the workout room? All the other students that I’d seen there were wearing shorts and a T-shirt. Then I remembered that the only staff person that I’d seen there was the girl on reception, no instructors or anything else

“Sod it,” I thought, “It’s Monday afternoon and there may not even be anyone else there.”

I didn’t try on the bra and thong set that Lisa had given me because I had seen one on a mannequin at the shop and anyway, it was fully adjustable so I left it in the little plastic bag.

I took the leotard off, put everything that I thought that I would need into a bag, put my hair into a ponytail, slipped a very old summer dress and some shoes on, and left my room. As I walked to the sports centre a gentle breeze reminded me of just how short I was when I first wore that thin, cotton summer dress. Either the dress had shrunk or I had grown. Either way the breeze on my pussy was ‘pleasant’.

At the sports centre I signed in and got a pleasant smile from the girl receptionist then I went to the changing rooms and discovered that no one else was there. I quickly changed into my leotard and trainers then looked in the mirror and was pleased that my camel toe complete with bulge where my clit protrudes looked great, and that my little ice cream cones were perfectly covered in the white mesh, and I could see the darker colour skin of my areole and nipples.

I took a deep breath and left the changing room. Seconds later I was opening the door into the workout room and I have to say that I was disappointed. There were only 2 guys and 1 girl in there and they were engrossed in their own workouts. I also saw something that I hadn’t see before, a sign saying that firstly there were no instructors and secondly, that the university accepted no responsibility for any accidents or injuries.

I looked around trying to decide where to start. Because I intended to go back there every week I wanted to establish a routine of varied exercises that would help to keep me fit. Thankfully, I saw an instructions sheet on the wall behind each machine so I decided to start at one end and work my way around the machines to see how I got on.

It was when I got to the second machine that I saw the girl who was in there looking at me. I smiled at her and she smiled back then said,

“What’s an impressive workout outfit, I’ve never seen anyone wearing a leotard in here, cute.”

“This is all I’ve got at the moment, I need to get a job so that I can afford some proper clothes.”

The girl smiled and got onto the machine she was stood by.

Shortly after that one of the guys saw me and he did a double take before saying ‘Hi’.

I said ‘Hi’ back and we continued using the machine that we were on.

I was starting to get the hang of it all and moved on to the next few machines then came to an exercise bike. Wow, it was so different sitting on that saddle with just the thin leotard covering my pussy than riding my bike back home where I’d always have at least 2 layers of usually thick clothes between my pussy and the saddle. The pressure on my clit was very pleasant.

Okay, I wasn’t pushing myself to my limits but I was doing enough to make me get a sweat on so when I got off the bike I went and got a drink of water from the big bottle’s dispenser. As I was stood sipping the water and watching the other people there another guy came in, did a double take of me, smiled and went to one of the machines.

The next machine for me was a Steps one and I watched myself in the huge wall mirror I climbed on and looked at myself in the mirror. I quickly realised that my sweat had made the leotard more see-through. The other thing was that the crotch of the leotard had decided to creep into my camel toe and from being about 6 or 7 cm wide, it had compressed to less that 1 cm wide and was partially hidden in my vulva apart from where it still covered my clit which now looked a bit white.

I wondered if I could lift the fabric off my clit and put it all on one side clit so that my bare clit was on display. At that stage I didn’t make any adjustments, just continued on that machine then moved on to the next one.

When I got to the final machine I smiled when I saw the diagrams of how to use it, it was a machine called a hip abductor, designed to exercise you thigh muscles by you forcing your legs either wide apart or pulling them together.

As I sat on the machine I looked over to see what the 2 guys in the room were doing and I saw that they kept looking over towards me. As I forced my legs wide apart I looked again and saw that both of them were looking at me. My pussy immediately started tingling and getting a bit wetter.

I knew that I had to act as though I was wearing a perfectly acceptable, thick fabric outfit so I did my best to do just that, ignoring the guys and acting like nothing was on display.

Apart and together, apart and together my legs went, then I got off the machine and adjusted the weights so that it was harder for me to do, then got back on and did it again, and again, and again.

When my legs really started aching I decided that the show was over and I got off the machine then looked around and at the 2 guys and saw that they were both staring at me. I smiled at them then decided that I’d done enough on the machines and should do some floor exercises. As I walked over to the big posters that were stuck to the mirrors on the wall I looked at myself, the leotard was even more see-through because of more sweat and I could see both my shiny labia lips. My vagina lubricated some more as I moved over to in front of the posters.

After a quick look at the exercises that I could do I turned my head and looked to see if anyone was looking at me. Another guy had come in but none of them were looking my way so my right hand went to my pussy and lifted the fabric of the leotard off my clit then made sure that it all went down one side of my clit and both my lips were still showing. Then I looked at the posters and decided which ones that I’d try.

I got stuck in to doing quite a few of the exercises, ignoring what I knew I was showing, especially when some of the exercises involved spreading my legs a lot. I also ignored the other people in there other than taking a quick look to see if any of them were watching me. I was pleased that the guys were.

When I’d completed the last one that I intended to do I was no longer short of breath but I was still hot and sweaty. I just stood there for a few seconds deciding if I wanted to do more of something, or stop there. Then I had an idea, my brain went back to my Karate days and the Katas that we used to do. I looked around and saw that there was enough open space and there was no one exercising there so I moved the middle and assumed the position.

Now if any of the readers know anything about Karate, and the Katas, then you will know that they involve a lot of high kicking, and I was frequently praised for how high I could kick. The difference between back then and now was what I was wearing, certainly not the thick, canvas, white Karate Gi that I wore when I had the lessons, although my Gi wasn’t restrictive it was totally different to the next to nothing leotard that I was wearing right then and I found that I could easily kick just a high which meant that my body was bending more therefore exposing my spread pussy to the other people in the room.

The other guys in there had spotted my short, spread pussy displays and they were watching me but I ignored them and kept on going through my Katas.

When I finished them I was done in and just wanted to relax so I walked back to the changing room, passing another guy who was waking towards me and staring at my tits and pussy. I felt good but knackered.

Looking in the mirror I saw just how see-through the leotard had become. I smiled to myself as I thought that because no one had said anything I could come back and wear just the leotard again. Hopefully, the next time with more guys there to see me.

The warm shower revived me and as I was drying myself I decided that I was going to the pool. I hadn’t been swimming since I had dropped out of the classes and I’d missed it and wanted to go right then. It would be good to dive in and race to the other end of the pool.

I got dressed and headed for the pool. Again there was only a girl on reception and I saw signs saying that there was no lifeguards and words to the effect that if I drowned it was my fault and not theirs.

In the women’s changing room I got naked then got the ‘bikini’ out of my bag. I looked at the picture on the plastic bag that it was still sealed in and got the impression that it might cover a lot more than my little tits and pussy, but ‘what the hell’, and I ripped the bag open.

It was then that I started to think that something wasn’t like what I expected. As I opened the little bundle of fabric I quickly discovered that Lisa had given me one of the ‘strings only’ bra and knickers sets. I cursed and swore then started to wonder if I could get away with going swimming in that. After all, from the back it would look no different to any other thong, string bikini. I put it on, looked in the mirror and liked what I saw, my tits and pussy were nicely framed by the white strings.

I wasn’t sure that I dare go out to the pool in that ‘bikini’ so I went to the door, looked out and saw just a handful of people all swimming lengths. I waited until most of them were swimming away from me then ran and dived in.

Wow, that was the first time that I’d ever swum with my pussy and tits not covered by a thick suit and it was nice, the water rushing over my bits made me feel good and a bit aroused.

I started doing lengths like everyone else and it felt good. When I stopped for a rest it was at the shallow end and without thinking I stood up, the water only coming up to my waist. I turned and leant back against the side getting my breath back and saw a slow swimmer get near and when I looked at his face I saw his wide open eyes looking at me. I suddenly realised why, I was, in effect, topless. I ducked down, looked away and the young man continued his swimming.

I did a few more lengths then stopped for another rest but this time I didn’t stand up in the shallow end I just stayed with my shoulders in the water.

After another few lengths I decided to leave but I had to get out of the water and back to the changing room. Then I remembered that from behind I looked like any other girl wearing a thong bikini so I swam to the steps near the changing rooms and climbed out.

Unfortunately, or fortunately, just as I got my feet on the side of the pool a couple of young men came out of the men’s changing room straight in front of me.

There was no way that I was going to act like it was wrong to have my tits and slit on display so I just smiled, said hello and walked passed them and into the ladies changing room, all while registering their surprised faces. I think that they walked into each other just as I was passing them but I wasn’t sure and didn’t turn to look back to see.

Again there was no other females in the changing room so I took the bikini off, showered, got dressed and left. During my walk back to my room I reflected on my afternoon and was quite satisfied for a first time wearing the leotard and then the bikini and decided to make it a weekly event, although I did decide to start a little later each time so that there was a better chance of there being more students at both venues.

The excitement of being seen in the workout room was slightly different to that of being with my tits and pussy blatantly uncovered, but both were very rewarding and I just had to rub out a couple of orgasms as soon as I got to my room.


The next couple of days were relatively uneventful and it was soon Thursday afternoon and I was walking to the shop. Lisa and Bella greeted me, Lisa with a bit of a grin on her face.

When I got the chance to talk to Lisa I thanked her for the clothes and told her that I’d gone to the university to swim in the mesh bra and thong set that she let me have.

“Did you let some guys see you through the mesh then?” Lisa asked.

“No I didn’t, the set you gave me were strings only underwear so there was no mesh to cover me.”

“Oops, I must have picked up the wrong package, sorry about that, so you didn’t go for a swim then.”

“Oh I went for a swim, have you ever gone skinny dipping Lisa? The water rushing over my bits was delicious.”

“You went skinny dipping Sandra? Do they let students swim in the nude at the university pool?”

“I don’t know, I wore the strings only underwear set and at least 3 men got a look at my front.”

“You naughty girl Sandra, and yes I have been skinny dipping and yes, it is a great feeling.”

We left it at that because a customer came over and asked for a particular type of skirt so I took her over to them.

The rest of the afternoon was quite busy, there had been a delivery that morning and Lisa wanted the new stock out on display as soon as possible. I had been hoping to have a bit of fun in the changing rooms but it wasn’t to be.


On the Friday night I went to another party that I had heard about but this one turned out a bit different to the others that I’d been to. Although I was only looking for a guy to fuck me at his place, I got asked to join a game of truth and dare. My initial response was that I didn’t want to get involved but then I thought that I didn’t have to tell the truth about anything, I could just make up anything that I wanted, I didn’t know anyone there so no one could prove that I was lying, so I said that I would play.

It was passed midnight when I got there and everyone looked as though they had started drinking in the early evening. Of course I was very sober but by then had developed the art of looking and acting as though I was half pissed.

There was only a dozen people there, 8 guys and 4 girls and they all wanted to sit on the floor to play. Somehow it ended up that the 4 girls were sat in one third of the circle and the guys on the other two thirds so I was facing the guys and I knew that the girls would pick on a guy for the dares and the guys would pick on the girls. Being sober I realised that the girls would get picked on twice as much as the girls with the potential of 4 naked girls and possibly 8 only partially clothed guys. That sounded good to me although I was hoping to see all 8 cocks.

I was wearing a very short skirt and when we all sat crossed-legged in the circle I knew that most of the guys would be able to see my pussy.

One guy there, Damien, sort of took charge and said that we would go round the circle and that person could challenge anyone. But no one could be challenged twice in a row.

The first challenge was to another of the girls and when she replied ‘truth’ Damien asked her how many guys had fucked her.

“This is a good start.” I thought, “maybe I won’t need to go back to the room of one of the guys.”

Everyone seemed to be going for truths at first with me being asked when I first got fucked. I lied and said I was half the age I was right then which made a few eyes open wide for a second or two.

Then one of the girls got dared to take her top off and it soon became a game of just dares. Before long all the girls, including me, were topless and when my top came off everyone stared at my little, pointy tits for a good minute before one of the guys said that he bet that they tasted nice. That prompted a short discussion about the taste of skin as opposed to what you can do to tits to make the girl feel good.

By then 4 of the guys were topless as well but none of them were embarrassed and 2 of the girls wore hand bras as much as they could. The other girl and me were not at all embarrassed and I’m sure that she was sticking her chest out as much as I was.

The game went on and all the girls dared the guys to take off their jeans whilst the guy dared the girls to let one of the guys kiss their mouths or their tits. It was when this started that Damien decided that their should be a time limit for mouth or tit kissing of 2 minutes. I smiled and noted that he didn’t include pussy or cock kissing.

Anyway, 2 of the guys got dared to kiss my tits (separately) and I quite enjoyed it because they didn’t just stick to kissing.

Then one girl got dared to take her jeans off so she was just left in her knickers. The next 3 dares were for the remaining girls to take their jeans or skirts off. The other 2 girls were left just wearing thongs and me totally naked. I’d stood up to drop my skirt and it was only the girls who where surprised to see that I was knickerless and now totally naked, all the guys having already seen up my skirt.

When it came to the girls turns to dare the guys 4 of them were left down to just their underwear.

The guys part of the circle soon had the knickers off the other 3 girls but when I was dared it was to take the boxers off one of the guys and give him a blowjob for 2 minutes. There was a deadly silence as the dare sunk in with the others but I stood up and went over to the guy who I thought was the cutest.

“Stand.” I ordered and when he did I quickly pulled his boxers down causing a couple of the girls to gasp quite loudly. His cock was big and as hard as it probably could be. I knelt down and got to work starting with a bit of licking the tip, tasting his pre-cum, then, not wanting to waste any of the 2 minutes I went down on him trying to take as much of his cock as I could into my mouth.

My head bobbed up and down for what I was sure was more than 2 minutes but it was only after he’d cum and I’d swallowed the lot that I heard Damien shout “time”.

I stood up, turned to face the rest of the circle and gave a little curtsy before going back to my place in the circle to some clapping and cheering from both the guys and the girls.

“Wow, Suzie,” Damien said, “I didn’t think that you would do that.”

“I said that I’d do all the dares so I did.” I replied.

I could see all the guys smiling, I guessed that they were all wondering what else they could get me to do, and the girls looked to be just as bad. I wondered if they’d all be like that if they were sober.

It was the girls turn next and the first 2 dared 2 of the boys to eat other girl’s pussy for 2 minutes. Neither of them orgasmed but they certainly looked like they enjoyed it. The third girl wasn’t so brave and she dared one of the guys to wank for 2 minutes. For some reason the other guys didn’t seem too interested in that but all 4 of us girls certainly enjoyed it.

Then it was my turn to dare a guy. I looked along the line of guys and picked the guy with the largest bulge and said,

“I dare you to take those undies off, lay back and let me ride your cock for 2 minutes.”

Again there were a couple of jaws that dropped and a couple of eyes going wide open before some cheering. The ‘victim’ also looked a little surprised but soon his undies were coming off and he was laying back. All 4 of us girls were staring at his cock which, I would say, was bigger than the average of the ones that I’ve seen, and it certainly looked hard enough.

“Who’s got a condom?” I asked.

One of the guys got one from his jeans pocket and passed it to me. Then I knelt and slowly slid the condom down his cock, giving him a quick wank as I did so. I felt his cock jerk a little and I hoped that he wasn’t going to shoot his load before he got inside me.

The I stood up and stood either side of his hips. I looked down at his face and saw that he was looking up at my smooth, coin slot pussy with my hard clit slicking out from between my slightly spread lips.

“You ready big boy?” I asked.

He wasn’t in a frame of mind to answer me so I started bending my knees and lowering my pussy towards his cock. Reaching down with my right hand I guided his cock to my descending pussy and I sighed as it made contact and went inside as I kept lowering myself.

I kept going until I bottomed out and was thinking that it was the biggest cock that I’d had inside me. I just sat there for a few seconds then looked around. Just about everyone there was sat staring at us, Damien not even looking at his watch which was good because I didn’t want the 2 minutes to be up before I’d rode that cock to an orgasm, and I started doing just that.

Slowly at first then I picked up speed as I continued to watch the faces of the people around me. For some reason, them watching me fuck that cock was really increasing my arousal level and I orgasmed before the cock did but I managed to keep going as the waves of first orgasm hit me then subsided. The little waves started to get bigger again and I felt another orgasm building then the waves turned into a tsunami as I felt the cock jerk then start filling the tip of the condom and the tsunami of the orgasm exploded out of me with me again shouting that I was cumming.

As the waves receded and the cock softened my hips stopped moving around and I just sat there, still impaled on the softening cock. By the time I pushed up on my legs and stood above him his cock looked quite small inside the condom with the load of his cum threatening to seep out of the bottom of it.

I lifted my left leg over to be next to my right leg, turned to look at Damien and said,

“That wasn’t longer than 2 minutes was it?”

“Who the fuck cares.” Another of the guys said.

I went and sat in my original place in the circle and waited for the game to continue.

It was the guys turns to start daring and they all picked on a girl and by the time each of the guys had had their turn, all 3 of the other girls had been fucked twice and me 3 times. By that time interest in more dares had started to wane, one guy even looking like he’d gone to sleep, or passed out, and one of the guys started getting more beers. The funny thing was that no one seemed interested in getting dressed.

As I was still very sober, but pretending not to be, I said, to no one in particular,

“Who’s next?”

No one seemed interested and one of the girls said,

“I’m going home.” and started looking for her clothes.

“Yeah, good idea.” I added and got to my feet, pretending to be unsteady on my feet for a few seconds before staggering to where I knew I’d thrown my clothes.

Soon, me and the other girl were heading out and down to the street.

“Which way are you going?” I asked.

The girl looked all around, put an arm up pointing in one direction and replied,

“That a way.”

Then she staggered away.

I took a few deep breaths the headed back to my building with a smile on my face.



2022-10-05 18:28:19
Dear Vanessa,
I just love your stories. I can’t wait till the movie comes out for your stories. Thanks ?

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