Sean realizes he has feelings for Neil than just a friend. He finds himself checking him out and wondering would it would feel like to fuck him.
This is my first attempt at writing gay erotica. Please let me know what you think. I don't think you need to be gay to enjoy this story of lust between two long-time friends discovering the love for one another.
Neil and Sean were hanging out watching TV on a Thursday night. It had been a long week and they were both looking forward to the weekend. They were roommates and had been living together for almost 2 years, having known each other since they first met in high school during their freshman year.
In high school, Sean was the 6' 2” athlete with the hot bod that all the girls were in love with. In contrast, Neil was 5'6”, slim, smart and happened to be gay. They first met in English class where they found themselves sitting next to each other. On one occasion, Sean was having trouble with the homework and asked Neil if he wouldn't mind coming over to his house to study together since he was doing so well. At first, Neil felt he was just another jock trying to use him as a tutor, but he could not resist the opportunity to spend some alone time with him.
The secret was that he had a major crush on him, but he would never dare tell anyone. He was afraid of the consequences. He loved his baby blue eyes with the long wavy hair he wore down to his shoulders. It would drive him crazy when Sean would wear tight jeans to show off his tight athletic ass and showed off his bulge. He had spent so many nights dreaming of being in his arms as they passionately kissed.
The more time they spent together the more he realized he was different. Over the fours years in high school they became really good friends. Neil once asked Sean if he knew he was gay and Sean told him he knew from day one, but that didn't matter to him. Sean had his jock friends that he would hang out with but everyone knew if you messed around with Neil, Sean would be paying you a visit. The biggest thing Sean despised was people getting bullied. In his mind, there was no reason to bully or tease anyone for what they could not control. 'He's gay, so what?' was his attitude.
It was now six years after high school graduation. They had run off to different Universities, but had always stayed in touch thanks to socila media. They now found themselves sharing a two bedrom apartment and working downtown. Sean was dating Stacey, and had been for almost six months. Neil was in-between boyfriends, after having broken up with his last boyfriend 3 months prior.
Onc thing Sean had always admired about Neil was the fact that he was real. In high school it could've been easier to hide the fact that he was gay, but he didn't. He chose to be himself. That was one of the many reasons they stayed such good friends. For Neil, the fact that Sean had never judged him and had always accepted him for who he was made him love him even more. The fact is that the crush he had for him had turned into platonic love, even though he was still physically attracted to him. He had always been able to seperate the two, although it was getting harder and harder now living as roommates and seeing Sean shirtless around the apartment. At times, he walked around only in this briefs, making it easy for Neil to admire his bulge.
There they were , watching TV, just hanging out on a Thursday night, when Sean asked Neil a question the would eventually change their entire relationship.
“Dude, can I ask you a question?”
“It's, uh, uh, kinda personal?” he asked nervously, not sure he should even be asking.
“Mmmm....well, how personal is it?” Neil was very interested now.
“Ok. Stacey asked me if I would be willing to shave myself. You know, down there.” he said as he looked down to his crotch to emphasize what he was talking about. Of course, Neil right away knew what he was talking about. There was no need to clarify his question.
“So what's the problem?”
“Do you do it? Don't most gay guys shave their nuts?”
“Are you asking if it makes you gay if you shave your cock?”
“Aren't there shaved guys fucking the girls in porn?” Neil asked. He never minded when Sean asked gay questions, but sometimes he could be so dumb.
“Ok, I get what you're saying.” He turned his head and went back to watching TV. He couldn't stop thinking about his conversation with Neil, so when the show was finally over he turned to Neil and just blurted it out.
“Can I see it?”
“Excuse me?”
“Can I see it? You know, your...uh...dick.”
“You wanna see my shaved dick?”
“Yeah.......just for research, of course.”
“Of course.” Neil was not sure how he felt. He felt both excited and confused. Excited that he would be showing his high school crush his cock, but confused that it wasn't for sex. In the past, when he undressed in front of another guy, it was leading to something special. Nonetheless, he got up and followed Sean.
They made their way to Sean's room, where Sean sat on the edge of bed and Neil stood in front of him. He started by removing his shirt before he lowered his shorts and his boxers. He just stood there as Sean looked at his cock for about 10 seconds before he told him he could pull his shorts back up.
“You know Sean, you don't have to shave it all off. You can also just trim it. That might keep Stacey happy. If you don't mind me asking, does she shave her....”
“Yeah, I thought of that too, but I really don't know how to do it and yes, she keeps it as smooth as the day she was born.” They both stayed quiet for a moment, as if thinking of a solution to his problem.
“Hey, don't...uh...suppose you me out, could you?” Sean was so nervous and Neil could barely hear him. His voice was barely a decibel above a whisper.
“What? You want me to help you manscape?”
“Nevermind, it was a dumb idea,”
“No, it wasn't and I would be happy to help.” Neil's heart was racing at 1,000 beats per minute as he told him he would help, trying his best to contain his excitement.
“Yeah. Just stay here and I'll be right back.” Neil ran off, excited at the thought of finally being able to see him naked or a least partially. The feelings of the secret crush he had for him were starting to surface as he grabbed his shaving kit along with a towel before heading back to Sean rooms. He looked at Sean as he entered the room and thought he looked so cute with a lost look on his face, not sure what he was getting himself into.
“It's probably best if you lay on the floor, we can always vacuum it up. Lay out on the towel and then you can remove your shorts and lay in your back.” he was so excited that he tried saying it as calmly as possible. Despite his excitement, he knew he needed to stay calm and not let him know how much he was enjoying this.
“Ok.” Sean said as he nervously pulled off his shirt before pulling down his shorts. It was more than Neil could ever have imagined and he could feel his own cock getting hard. Sean had continued exercising after gettng out of school and still had a well-defined physique with a muscular chest, tight abs and toned legs. What Neil saw in front of him was a Roman god with blue eyes, dirty blond hair and a beautifully hanging flacid dick between his legs.
Sean layed down on the towel and looked over to Neil, who could feel his heart beating faster than normal.
“Ok, Neil. All yours.” Neil sat on the floor next to him and only wished that his words were true. He would love it to be his, he would take it into his mouth and enjoy the feel of his friend's stiff cock. He would take his time to make love to it every single night.
“Ok, Sean. The most important thing to remember is not to move. If you do, a part of you might go missing and Stacey might not like that.”
“Ha, ha....just do what you gotta do.”
For the next half hour, Neil took the clippers and started shaving his pubes, taking every opportunity to touch his friend's cock, apologizing and telling him it was necessary, even when it wasn't. He made up any excuse to hold it in his hand and he loved feeling it getting hard. From the very first time Sean felt him hold his cock, he couldn't help his reaction. He was just hoping that Neil wouldn't notice. Not a chance.
When it was obvious and his dick was completely hard, swelled with the maximum amount of blood in it, and pointing up, he finally acknowledged it.
“I'm sorry, man. I thnk it got like that with you moving it back and forth. If you want, we can stop.” Secretly, he was hoping he would say no. He wasn't gay, but he was enjoying the stimulation Neil was giving his cock as he moved it back and forth while shaving him. Stacey had been working late most of the week and they had not had a chance to see each other. Neil's hand was a welcomed substitute.
“Don't worry about it. It's not the first stiff cock I've seen.” He joked trying to put his friend at ease. It may have worked too well. He took a risk and grabbed Sean's cock in his hand, softly wrapping his fingers around his friend's beautiful fat cock with pronounced veins and a perfect helmet-shaped cockhead. He moved it out of place as ran the clippers over the same spot over and over. He had been done a long time ago, but he could not let go. For Sean, it felt so good that he did not question him.
Neil was going to take advantage of this one-time opportunity. He gripped his friend's cock tighter and slowly started running his fist up and down his shaft as he pretended to shave him. Although, there was no need for the pretense. Sean's attention was on Neil's hand. It felt so good that there could've been an earthquake and he would not want him to stop.
Neil looked down and saw the look on Sean'sface. It was obvious he was enjoying what he was doing. His head was tilted back and his lips were parted. Neil dropped his clippers and brought his free hand up to Sean's fat cock. He loved dating guys with big dicks. He had small hands and loved to double-fist them while he masturbated them.
“Oh my god! That feel's so fucking good. Don't stop. Don't fuckingstop.”
This let Neil know he was okay with what he was doing and it encouraged him to continue. Neil loved how Sean's voice was so authorative, telling him not to stop. They both knew what he was doing and they were both okay with it. It encouraged him to go even faster as pre-cum started leaking out, giving Neil the lube he needed to start going faster. He was fascinated with holding his friends cock in his hands and wanted to make him cum as he sat there uncomfortably with his stiff cock in his short.
“Does this feel good? You like my hand's on your hard cock, baby?” he heard himself and thought he had gone too far with that last word. This was his friend, not his boyfriend. But all Sean could do was concentrate on not coming too fast. The word 'baby' did not register in his mind.
“Oh fuck. That feels so fucking good. Your doing it better than Stacey. If you keep it up, I'm gonna cum!”
“Do it Sean!” he said as he continued pumping his shaft as hard and fast as he could with both hands. He was a guy with a dick and knew exactly how hard to squeeze as he continued to furiously jack him off.
“I wanna see you cum! I want your cum on my hands!” he continued masturbating him, with his hands stroking his shaft harder and harder until Sean couldn't hold back any longer and released it all. His cum came shooting out with a vengance, exploding out of his cock and high into the air before landing on his stomach, floor, and on Neil's hands Neil never stopped until he was sure his balls were completely drained. He knew his cock was sensitive, so he let it go and quickly brought one of his hands up to his mouth, getting a taste of his friend's cum.
Sean just laid there, struggling with labored breathing, in the afterglow of the handjob he had just received from his long-time friend. It was something he had never done before and he loved it. As he came back to earth, all kinds of questions popped in his head, with the big one being 'does that make me gay'?
He finally opened his eyes feelimg a bit embarrassed. He told Neil he was going to the bathroom to clean up and not to worry about the mess, he would clean it upJ He avoided making eye contact with Neil. He felt confused and wanted to be alone. Neil did not want to upset him, so he got up and walked out.
Laying in bed, sleep did not come easy to Neil. He tossed and turned, worried that he had ruined their friendship, worried that Sean would blame him for everthing and not want to have anything to do with him. On the other side of their shared wall, Sean felt the same way. He was more upset with himself. If he had never asked Neil to see his cock, none of this would've ever happened.
The morning finally came. The both were able to catch a few hours before their alarms went off, indicating it was time to go to work. When they met in the kitchen to grab their morning coffee, it was exactly how Neil had predicted. Sean wished him a good moring, but did not say much after that. It felt very awkward. On any other morning, they would be talking about their day and maybe even walk out together. That was not the case today.
Sean was avoiding him, but for different reasons. He felt embarrassed and confused and did not know how to talk to Neil about it. He felt he had taken advantage of Neil sexuality by allowing him to masturbat him. Just because he was gay did not mean he could take advantage of him. In the past, whenever he had a 'gay' questions, he would turn to Neil for answers. Now the question involved him, who was he supposed to ask. A man had jacked him off and he enjoyed it so much that he came. Being honest with himself, he knew that if the opportunity presented itself again, he would most likely let it happen again.
He came home Friday after work and packed a bag. He had already planned on spending the weekend with Stacey. They had not seen much of each other and planned to hang out the entire weekend. However, his absence only made things worse for Neil. 'He must really hate me now' he thought to himself when Sunday morning rolled around and Sean was still not home.
By Sunday morning, Stacey's pussy was sore. Sean had never been as aggressive as he was that weekend. It was as though he was trying to prove his heterosexuality by fucking her every chance he got. It wasn't love making, it was raw, aggressive fucking. She attributed it to them not seeing each other as of recent, but still, it wore her out. By Saturday night, her pussy was sore that she asked him to fuck her in the ass. It was something they only did on special occasion. It's not that she didn't like it, but it always took time for her to start enjoying it. He had a fat cock that it took her ass time to get adjusted to it.
As he made his way home Sunday night, he had come to the conclusion that he definitely loved pussy. He wrote off the incident with Neil as a one time thing. He told himself that his cock got hard because of the stimulation from Neil moving it back and forth while he shaved him. It could've happened to anyone. By the time he went to bed, things seemed to be back to normal between the two life-long friends. When he got home earlier in the evening, they ended up hanging out and watching TV like normal.
A few weeks later, Sean and Neil found themselves home on a Friday night. Normally, Sean would be hanging out with Tracey at either her place or his, however, it was a girls weekend that she had planned with some friends from work, which was perfect for Sean. It had been a long week and he wasn't much in the mood to go out and so the guys decided to stay in.
They were playing with the PlayStation when Neil could not hold back any longer. Things were fine between them, but they had never discussed what happened between them. It was killing him not knowing how Sean felt about it.
“Hey Sean?”
“Uh...the other night when we, you know, we shaved your penis.”
“Yeah?” Sean was hoping the subject would never come up again, but knew he owed him to talk about it if they were going to continue being friends and more importantly, roommates.
“Were you mad at me afterwards? Because if you were, I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to take advantage of you. It's just that you were enjoying it and you were asking me not to stop and....”
“Wait, wait, wait. If anything, it's me that should be apologizing. I shouldn't have asked you to help me shave. Just because you're gay doesn't mean I should've expected you to help.”
“I didn't mind. Besides, what are gay friends for?” they both laughed at his silly comment.
“So are we good? Everything cool with us?” Neil asked.
“Yeah, of course.” Sean told him as he extended his hand out to fist pump his friend. Neil extended his hand to fist pump him in return. Just like that, a weight was lifted off Neil's back. They were back to things being back to normal, at least for a while.
They continued playing before deciding to go out and get something to eat. They decided on pizza and walked over two blocks to the pizza joint to grab a couple of slices before making their way back home. On the way back, they passed a bar and decided to go in for a beer that turned into several beers before heading for the exit.
When they got home, they'd had enough of the PlayStation and decided to watch some TV. Sean was sitting on the sofa and still and still enjoying his buzz from the alcohol he had consumed.
“Hey Neil?”
“Did you really mean it when you said you didn't mind?”
“Mind what?” Neil was sure he knew what he meant, but wanted to be clear. He could also feel his dick starting to get hard at the possibility of getting another chance to have to his friend big beautiful cock in his hands once again.
“You me a...... handjob.” He too was excited at the thought of getting another handjob from Neil. Was he really asking another man to masturbate him, again, he asked himself. His cock was also getting excited.
“No, I don't mind” Neil tried sounding as calm as possible with his heart rate at a million beats a minutes “Did you want me to?”
“If you don't mind.”
Neil was sitting on the floor next to Sean, with his back up against the couch. He looked over and made eye contact with Sean. There was lust in his eyes and it made his cock jerk at the thought of holding his high school crush's cock once again. He got up on his knees and positioned himself between Sean's knees. They were both silent, with the TV serving as background noise. It got Sean excited as Neil reached up for the hem of his shirt before pulling it up and over his head and throwing it aside. He knew it wasn't necessary, but loved the thought of being completely naked as Neil played with his cock.
It got Sean's cock even harder as Neil traced his hands down his muscular chest, making sure to caress his nipples as he moved his hands down to his short's waistband. He was a beautiful man and Neil was going to enjoy it as much as possible. He dug in his fingers and started pulling his shorts down. It excited Sean as he lifted his butt off the sofa, making it easier for Neil to pull down his shorts, along with with briefs. His hard cock sprang up as Neil pulled his shorts off the rest of the way, also throwing them aside. Looking lustfully into his eyes, he grabbed Sean's hard cock with both hands.
“Does this feel good?” he asked as he gripped the most beautiful and perfect cock he had seen his whole life. It was long and fat with a perfect mushroom head. His shaft was nice and thick, but still his mushroom cockhead was bigger than the rest of his penis.
Sean leaned his head back the moment he felt Neil's soft hands on his cock. He couldn't believe how much it excited him having Neil's warm hands on his cock. His handjob was perfect. He knew exactly how tight to grip his dick and would jerk him off at just the right speed; not too fast and not too slow. He couldn't say the same for Stacey.
“Mmmmmm, that perfect. Please....please don't stop.”
Neil was enjoying himself too much to even consider stopping anytime soon. He never thought he would get a second chance, yet there he was. He did his best, hoping he might want to come back for more. He took a chance and quickly excused himself. He ran to his room and came back in a flash with some lube. He applied some to his hand and started slowly stroking Sean's cock, fighting the urge to take him into his mouth. He slowly moved both his hands up and down Sean's stiff cock, enjoying the feel of holding his dick in his hands.
He could hear Sean breathing harder and harder as he picked up speed. Sean had gotten comfortable as Neil stroked his cock and was now sitting on the edge of the sofa. He couldn't get enough of Neil's wonderful handjob and started wishing that Neil was a girl when he suddenly felt the urge to fuck him. The thought of fucking his best friend if he was a girl morphed into realizing that he could fuck him, even if he wasn't a girl.
Neil could sense that his friend was close to cumming, he was breathing faster and faster and he could see his balls tighting up, ready to explode. He threw caution to the wind and lowered his head to lick the perfect cock he held in his hands.
“Oh fuck! Oh, fuck. That feel's so fucking good!” Sean exclaimed. All kinds of crazy thoughts were going through Sean's head for the next ten seconds before he came, shooting what felt like gallons of cum on Neil's face. Neil had taken it a step further and had been rewarded with hot cum all over his face from the one man he desired most in his life. The whole thing was beyond belief for Neil as he
opened his mouth, trying to take in as much cum as possible.
When it was all over, he got up and showered, once again in turmoil with what he had allowed to happen. What bothered Sean the most was the thought he was having at the moment of climax. He no longer wished that Neil was a girl, he started wondering what would it feel like to fuck him. That erotic thought was what had pushed him over edge. 'How could a thought like that make me cum?' he asked himself. I don't fuck guys, I fuck girls. I love pussy. What the fuck was that about?!?
He put the thought out of his head and justified it to himself that it was just a handjob. Of course it's going to feel good. It's not like his cock knew who the hand belonged to. His hand was warm and he's been with a few guys, of course he's going to be good at it. The fact was that deep down inside, part of what aroused him was that fact that it was Neil holding his cock. In the past, he'd been curious about Neil's life and had wondered what it would be like to be with a man. During these thoughts, it was always Neil that he pictured naked. It as something he never shared with anyone.
He accepted the explantiion of it just being a warm hand with tons of experiece as to why he had loved it so much. Over the next several months, handjobs become a thing between the two roommates, especially when Stacey worked long hours and she and Sean would go for days without seeing each other. Sean was a young virile man that had found a substitute for his girlfriends. Besides, it always felt better when it was someone else's warm hand on your cock.
At first, it was maybe once a week, maybe in the middle of the week, but soon the frequency increased from 1-2 times a week to 3-4 times. There were times that Sean would unconsciously cut his weekends short with Stacey just to come home to let Neil jack him off. He loved the adrenaline it gave him knowing it was a man who was making him cum.
Over time, there was a change in their relationship. In the past, Sean had always talked to Neil like he would with any other guy, referring to him by his name or dude or maybe even fucker at tiimes. However, as time progressed, he starting using more and more cute pet names for him, such as babe, honey, sweetie. He also got more comfortable lettng Neil know when he needed a handjob, it was no longer something he felt he needed to whisper.
“Sweetheart, can you come here, please? I've got something hard between my legs just for you.”
Neil loved when Sean used the different names for him. He knew he was only joking, but it allowed him to fantasize what it would be like if they were in a real relationship. In his fantasies, he was the loving and obedient boyfriend coming to the living room to give his big, muscular boyfriend some pleasure. He also allowed himself to fantasize how Sean's big burly body would feel like on top of him as he overtook him from behind.
Neil took on the role a girfriend would play around the apartment. He would race home to make dinner for both of them, always takng into consideration what Sean would like to have. When he did his laundry, he would insist on doing Sean's, telling him it was no bother.
When it was time to jack him off, he would often apply some make up, trying to make himself look pretty for his “boyfriend.” He was a submissive at heart and loved dressing up for his boyfriends in the past. He had plenty of outfits he was dying to wear for him, but afraid to scare him away by givng him too much too quickly. At times, however, he would even wear sexy silk shorts that came right above the bottom of his ass, allowing the bottom part of his tight ass to hang out, very similar to what Stacey would wear when she came over to visit, if she wasn't walking around in her panties.
What came along with that was Sean also started treating him like a girlfriend. Sean would do it playfully, not recognizing the feelings he started developing for Neil. He would come home and hug his “girlfriend” from behind as he playfully kissed him on the cheek, asking him wha was for dinner. It excited him feeling Sean's strong arms pull him against big strong body.
Over time, things moved from the sofa to the bedroom. Neil had suggested it, claiming Sean would be more comfortable laying down. It went from Sean undressing himself before getting into bed to Neil undressing him. The first time it happened, it caught Sean by surprise, but he very quickly realized how arousing it felt. Once again, dismissing it as normal reaction.
“Stop! Let me do that for you. You just relax and let me take care of my baby.”
“Oh, okay.” Sean could feel his cock getting hard when he heard Neil call him 'my baby'. WTF? Why is that getting me hard, he wondered, but still he allowed him to continue.
Neil would always take his time as he stroked his new “boyfriend's” cock. It was relaxing for them both. Stacey was never as patient as Neil. She did it for him to get off. When Neil did it, it was to help him relax and get rid of all the stress from the day. His approach was very similar to a spa treatment for his cock. When Sean was totally relaxed, his thoughts would wander off. He would look over at Neil and feel the urge to kiss him as he closed his eyes and imagined it happening. The moment their lips met, he would snap out of it. What the fuck? But he would never stop himself. This was a reoccuring daydream.
With Neil walking around the apartment in a tight tank top and the sexy shorts that showed off a glimpse of his asscheeks at the bottom, Sean would find himself sneaking peaks when Neil had his back to him. He could feel his cock getting hard and excused it as feeling horny, not having seen Stacey in a while. But, he could only lie to himself for so long.
Neil started recognizing that he felt jealosy when Stacey would come over. They would start settling into a routine, where almost on a nightly basis he had his hands wrapped around Sean cock until Stacey would come over and distrupt everything. The moaning and groaning he heard from the other side of the shared wall only made it worse. He knew Sean would never really be his, but that did not keep him from wishing it was him that Sean was making love to. It was him that was lovingly sucking on Sean fat cock.
A change that happened over time, that perhaps Stacey did not really pick up on was the relationship between the two long-time friends. Sean and Neil certaintly did not. Sean acted like more than just a good friend and roommate, they were sweeter to each other than they had normally been. One time when Stacey caught Sean using the word sweetheart when speaking with Neil, he right aways started laughing, asking why he would call him that.
“Wow! Ha, ha, ha. Did you just call him 'sweetheart'? You guys have benn living together too long. You guy are starting to act like an old married couple.”
Both guys just laughed it off and played along with her comment, agreeing they probably did sound like a married couple. From then on, Stacey referred to Neil as Sean's girlfriend and encouraged Sean to use terms like sweetie, honey, or babe towards Neil.
They might be going to bed and Stacey would say something like “Aren't you gonna say good-night to your girlfriend?” They would be in bed,naked as they were starting to make love and Stacey would ask him “Are you sure it's ok with your girlfriend if you fuck me tonight? Did you get her permission?” Sean would only laugh off her comments, trying hard not to sound nervous since she was so close to the truth. In turn, she would jokingly refer to Sean as Neil's boyfriend.
She was up early on a Saturday morning and walked into the kitchen to find Neil alread getting the coffee started.
“Oh, hi Neil. Good morning!”
“Good moring.”
“How are you today?”
“In need of coffee, ha ha ha!”
“Oh, I know what you mean. I don't know how your boyfriend does it. He jumps in and out of the shower and he is wide awake. Not me, I definitely need my coffee in the morning.”
Other times, the three of them might be making plans for lunch. Neil would ask Stacey if there was anywhere in particular she might want to go, and she would answer “I really don't care. Whereever you and your boyfriend wanna go is fine by me,” not knowing what her comments did to Neil. It would drive him crazy knowing Sean was only his when she wasn't around.
A few months later, Sean was still enjoying handjobs from Neil whenever Stacey was not around and he started realizing that at the end of the day, he was actually looking forward to getting home. It wasn't particularly to get dinner over with so he could get a handjob, he was looking forward to being with Neil.
That truth came out of nowhere one day and he realized he was developing feelings for Neil. When the truth slapped him in the face, it hit him hard. How, he wondered, how was this even possible. I'm a straight guy with a beautiful girlfriend. The truth drove him deep into denial.
After dinner that evening, Neil turned to him and asked him if he was ready to go to bed. That was code for 'are you ready for your handjob?' Sean told him that he was feeling tired, he was going to call Stacey and go straight to bed. Neil laid in bed wondering what was wrong. He had been acting strange from the moment he got home earlier in the eveing. He dismissed it as him probably dealing with a lot of stress at work and went to sleep.
For the following two weeks, the same scenario played out. Sean would come home and not do a lot talking. He seemed to always be in a pensive mood and he turned down any of Neil's offers to help him relax. The worst part was when he would leave for the whole weekend to be at Stacey. Neil felt so alone in the apartment with no one to talk to. He felt like he was losing his friend. For Sean, he was afraid to give in to his offers, afraid to admit the truth, even to himself.
After the third week, when Sean came home late on a Sunday night, after having spent the entire weekend with Stacey, Neil decided to confront him. He knew he did not have a right to have any expectations from Sean in regards to any romantic loyalty, but he still felt he deserved answers.
“Sean, do you have a minute? There's something I wanted to discuss with you.” Neil had walked into Sean's room and stood at the doorway.
“Hey, sorry. I know I owe you for my half of the groceries. I'll send you the money in a second.”
“No, it's not that.”
“Oh. What's up?”
“Can you sit down?”
“Sure.” Sean sat on the edge of his bed and Neil sat on the floor facing him indian style
“I'm not sure how to start, so I'll just ask. Did I do something wrong? There was recently a big change in our relationship and then all of a sudden we stopped. I can't lie, I was obviously enjoying it and I thought you were too. But, then things just stopped. Not only that, there are times that I feel like you just don't wanna talk to me. We can stop if you want, we obviousl already did, but your friendship is too important to me. I wanna apologize if I did anything to ruin it. I'm sorry.” his last two words were hardly louder than a whisper and Sean felt horrible when he saw his friends eyes getting watery. He felt like such a jerk being the cause of his best friend's pain.
When he saw him on the verge of crying, he felt he owed him the truth. As hard as it was, it was the least he could do. He explained to Neil that he never meant to mislead him. The first handjob was the greatest he had ever felt, it was better than what any of his past girlfriends could ever have done. As time went on, he explained, he knew it was wrong, but it felt too good to stop. Soon, he started realizing that it felt so special because it was Neil that was doing it. It was no longer just about the handjob.
“Neil, I got scared when I realized I had feelings for you that you were becoming more than just a friend. I'm supposed to be a straight heterosexual man with a girlfriend that I love dearly. I'm not supposed to have desires for anyone else, especially not a man. Yet, here I am. Even right now as we speak I wanna feel your hands on my cock as you make me cum.”
Neil stayed quiet for a moment as he processed the bomb that Sean had just dropped on his lap. It cofirmed the way he was starting to feel for Sean was mutual. It was more than just a handjob. Feelings towards each other had started developing on his nightly visits to Sean bedroom. He loved what Sean had just told him. He was practically telling him that he loved him more than just a friend. He may not have used the word love, but that did not stop him from interpreting it as such.
“Sean, we have been friends for a very long time. Whatever this is between us, we don't have to label it. I love doing this for you and by your own admission, you were also enjoying yourself. Nobody has to know what we do in the privacy of our own apartment. It'll be our little secret. I promise never to tell anyone, especialy Stacey. I promise never to get between you two. Do you understand”
Sean keep looking down, ashamed of how he had treated Neil for the past several weeks and yet there he was by his side, being the most understanding friend in world.
“Can we go back to the way things were? Would you like that?”
Finally lifting his head, Sean looked at Neil. “Yeah, I would like that.”
“What exactly would you like?” Neil asked in a low flirtatious tone. His demeanor was changing and Sean was liking it. He could feel his cock getting hard.
“I want your hands on my hard cock. I want you to make me cum.” Something in him just clicked, allowing him to let go of any reservatios he had. Gay, hetero or bi, it didn't matter. He felt good when he was with Neil and chose just to live in the moment.
“I can do that for you, sweetie.” Neil said as he stood on his front of Sean and grabbed the hem of his shirt and brought it up over his head to reveal his gorgeous, muscular chest that always got Neil excited. He then reached for Sean's belt and undid it before helping him step out of his jeans. The bulge in his briefs made it quite clear that his cock was getting hard. He was aware that his cock was also starting to feel quite uncomfortable.
Neil reached out without removing Sean's briefs and started squeezing his cock, feeling it getting harder and harder in his hands.
“Is this what you want? Does it get you hard when I grab your fat cock?” he asked in a seductively low voice as he looked Sean in the eyes, never breaking eye contact.
“Yeah” Sean answered, barely whispering his words.
Neil continued groping and squeezing his cock, asking him if he liked it and had he missed him for the last few weeks. After several minutes, when it was completely obvious that he was fully erect, Neil pulled down his briefs to reveal the most beautiful cock in the world. He told Sean to move back and lay down, he was going to make him feel good.
While Sean turned around to lay his head on the bed, Neil decided to turn it up a notch. He quickly undressed himself and only left his underwear on, not sure how Sean would react to a naked man next to him in bed. He got on the bed and laid down next to Sean as he reached out for his cock and started stroking him. With a firm grip on his cock, Neil whispered into his ear, “Is this what you wanted, baby? Do you like it? Does it make you feel good?”
Sean could only nod. Having Neil in bed half-naked with him had him very aroused. He felt like if he spoke a word he might explode. Neil took another chance and leaned in closer to Sean. As he continued strokin him, he pressed his lips up against his neck and started kissing him. Sean said nothing, he loved the way it felt. Neil took his time licking, sucking and kissing his neck for awhile. He was slowly testing the waters and Sean was not protesting. Sean was moaning and loving everything too much to stop him.
Very slowly, Neil started making his way down as he kissed Sean's shoulders before he made his way to his chest. He took his time before finally getting to his nipples. As he moved from one part of his body to the other, he never loosened his grip on Sean's cock. When he heard him take a deep breath through his teeth, he knew he had him. After spending some time playing with his nipples, he ever so slowly found his head next to Sean's cock. They were both aware of what was next. Even if Sean wanted to stop him, he wouldn't have the strength. He just couldn't. Everything felt too fucking good.
The two roommates looked into each other's eyes as Neil firmly gripped Sean's cock as he opened his mouth and wrapped his lips around his cockhead. It drove Sean crazy as he felt the warmth of Neil's mouth as his cock slid more and more into into his mouth. He was at 8 inches with a thick shaft, but that did not stop Neil until his nose was making contact with his pubes.
This was the first time Sean experienced someone deepthroating him and it felt great! Even Stacey had never been able to. She had tried but always ended up gagging. Sean couldn't believe what was happening to him. He was totally aroused seeing his cock in and out of his friend's mouth as he started bobbing his head. Neil was doing what Stacey has not been able to do – he was taking his entire cock down his throat. The whole thing was too much for Sean. It only took five minutes before he was cumming down Neil's throat.
The relatonship between them had changed and they both knew it.
After swallowing his cum, Neil looked up at Sean with a smile. “You know what this means, don't you?”
Sean had no answer for him, he just gave him a puzzled look.
“You have to marry me.” he told him with a naughty smile on his face. They both bursted out laughing.