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Family fun

Daddy daughter mom son

Diana dove in tongue first and began to slurp and slap that little lapper into Holly's hot cunt and against her swollen clit. She flailed and churned in the gooey pussy and burrowed up the fuckhole.

Holly threw her ass and hips about wildly as she found out that having her cunt sucked was even better than she had imagined it would be, the physical sensations increased by the dark thrill that it was her own sexy mom who was munching her cunt – and, too, by the knowledge that she would soon be returning the oral favor.

Diana's head jerked from side to side like a terrier with a wet rat in its jaws, and Holly ground her cunt around on the woman's mouth, giving Diana a fuckhole facial, mopping Mom's mouth with her pussy.

Slurp-in sank Diana's lapper.

She was spooning out cunt nectar by the mouthful. Her tongue came out, curled up at the edges, with pools of pearly pussy juice in the pink cup and dripping from the edges, as if her tongue were an overfilled soupspoon.

She savored it in her mouth, swallowed it down, then shot her tongue in to gather some more, like a hummingbird drinking nectar from a fleshy blossom.

She fucked and fluttered on Holly's vibrant clit for a few moments, then began working on her cunt again, lapping the goo out and gulping it down.

Relishing that fuckhole feast, Diana was prolonging the pleasure by switching from cunt to cunt, not concentrating on the steady rhythm that would bring Holly to the peak. The best moment of all, for both of them, would be when Holly's cunt melted in Diana's mouth, but neither was in any hurry for the end of the eating to arrive.

Holly closed her trembling thighs around her mother's face, clamping her tight. But then she opened her legs wide again, not wanting to interfere with the free movement of that lovely tongue in her pussy.

Then Diana began to use her mouth as well as her tongue. She clamped her parted lips on her little girl's cunt like a suction cup on a drain and began to suck hungrily, drawing the juice out faster than she had been able to do by just using her tongue on its own.

Her tongue stirred and snaked and slithered up the cunt as her lips sucked greedily on the outer rim, French-kissing that foaming pussy worshipfully.

Holly undulated, bowing and bridging, squirming and wriggling in rapture. Her cunt had never known such sweet sensations, such ardent attention. Her mother must be the best pussy sucker in the whole wide world!

Diana cupped Holly by the firm, round cheeks of her ass and tilted her cunt higher, as if it were a goblet she was quaffing to the dregs. Her daughter's juice was nectar and ambrosia to the bi-sexual lady. It was getting hotter and thicker and richer as the cunt cream turned to cum.

"Ummmmmm-ummmmm!" the mother sighed.

"Ahhhhhh! Ooooooooh!" the daughter moaned, spilling off her girl goo lavishly.

Holly's cunt was by far the most delicious that Diana had ever savored, the succulence of her cunt rivaling that of Jimmy's cock and jizz.

"Cum, baby-cream for Mommy!" she gurgled, her pleas muted on that wet cunt.

"Ohhhhh – drink me, Mom!" Holly cried. Her clit exploded in Diana's lips and on her lapper. Her cunt melted and the sweet sauce came pouring out in a tropical torrent, filling Diana's mouth to the brim. Her little girl was creaming her damned near as heavily as her son had topped her up with his fuckjuice.

She sucked and swallowed ecstatically.

Holly wailed, her whole body jerking spasmodically. It felt as if her mother's mouth was sucking her loins inside out, tugging at her tendons and nerves, turning her to one total erogenous zone. Her fingertips were tingling, her toes were curling up, her asshole was sparking. Her morn seemed to be sucking her very brains out, melting the girl's mind in the inferno of her orgasm.

Holly surged to the highest crest and held there, wave after wave rushing across her slim belly and shooting up her quivering thighs.

Her cunt kept going off, and, each time it did, it had a blasting cap effect, setting off another explosion in the very heart of her cunthole.

She foamed off in floods and Diana drank it all, filling her belly with her daughter's joyjuice.

After a long time, Holly began to come down through the ebbing spirals. Her trembling lessened and the flow from her pussy slackened off.

Diana kept mouthing merrily away, sucking the teenager down from the heights as eagerly as she had sucked her up to that dynamic peak.

When Holly slumped back, drained, Diana used her tongue again, to spoon up the last drops and to dip down into the girl's asscrack and gather up the seepage.

The woman rested her brow on the bushy shelf of Holly's blonde vee, sighing with well fed fulfillment. Holly's cunt cum had been such a treat that even the flavorsome taste of her tits and asshole paled by comparison.

But now Diana's pussy was flaming.

The woman had sadly neglected her cunt as she did so much mouth work on both of her kids, and by this time she was steaming for some attention between her own lush legs.

She hoped that Holly had not changed her mind about giving head, now that her own cumming was finished. Melted off so thoroughly, her mood might have changed.

Diana looked up hopefully.

Then she smiled when she saw that she didn't have to worry on that score.

Holly was licking her lips hungrily.

Now that the teenager's cunt was contented, her tongue was hornier than ever – just the reverse of the way that her mother felt, in fact – and most handily.

She gave Diana an enticing look and whispered, "Now it's my turn, Mom. Feed me!"

Diana dropped her head onto Holly's soaking cunt and kissed that delicacy lovingly, as if to say thanks for the feed it had provided.

Then she rose up and, knees on either side of Holly's slim body, began to move up towards her face. Her cunt rested on the girl's golden bush, matting the tresses with slime, then slid up her belly, spilling a pearly pool into the little indentation of her belly button.

She shuffled higher and brushed her creamy pussy on Holly's heaving tits, wriggling around, rubbing her clit on the teenager's nipples and juicing heavily down the spheres and into her cleavage.

Holly's head was tilted up, neck craned, eyes glowing, lips panting and drooling. Her tongue was whisking around in preparation, warming up for the action ahead.

A wake of cuntjuice glistened up her torso, beginning in her cunt bush and snaking on up to her tits, where a gooey pool was forming in the cleft.

"Sit on my face, Mom!" she wailed. "My fucking tongue is gonna melt!"

Obviously Diana, a proper parent, could not allow her little girl to go hungry.

She slid up higher, resting her ass on Holly's tits and tilting her groin up over her chin. Holly was licking the air, her lips already sucking in expectation.

Diana squatted on her daughter's eager face. Holly's tongue shot up into Diana's cunt sleeve and her lips plastered to her slot. A muffled murmur of bliss drifted from Diana's crotch as Holly discovered that cunt lapping was even better than she had expected. She adored the taste and the texture of cunt and the tantalizing fragrance made the flavor even more scrumptious.

Holly didn't know if it was true of any girl, or if she had inherited the knack from her mom, but she found that she needed no practice or training or previous experience – didn't even need to get warmed up to the tasty task. She knew just how to eat out a cunt by instinct.

Holding her mother by the ass, pulling her pussy down, Holly wallowed and frolicked in her ripe cunt, tongue fucking into the chute and sucking on the edges.

She seemed to be trying to bury her head to the cars in that steaming cunt caldron.

Diana rode on the sweet saddle of Holly's face, her ass swiveling, hips pumping, belly squirming. Her thighs tensed and rippled and her heavy tits swung out as if to balance the weight of her ass.

Her nipples poked out from her tits, echoing the way that her clit was expanding in Holly's lips. She shook with a sudden spasm. Just as her daughter's cunt had been the most succulent that Diana had ever sampled, so, too, was the teenager's mouth the best she had ever juiced into.

Diana began to cream off at once.

Her cunt cum poured out so lavishly that Holly felt as if she were standing under a warm shower, her face tilted up to the spray, mouth wide open.

She gasped and gulped, swallowing it down and sucking more out from the smoldering source. Diana rubbed her cunt lip and down on Holly's face, then dragged it back and forth across her mouth.

Her cunt was burning like a fuse, setting off a cask of explosive cunt cum in the core of her pussy, her cunt going off like an atomic bomb.

Pussy paste came out, as thick as melted plastic, turning Holly's mouth to a morass. Her lovely face was coated with cream from forehead to chin. The stuff was even bubbling up her nose as she inhaled, and running down her chin onto the upper slopes of her tits.

She drank her mommy dry.

Diana slowed down, breaking from a gallop to a canter to a trot, then squatted still in the saddle as Holly tongued out the last of her cunt juice.

After a few moments she dismounted and stretched out beside the girl. They were both smiling blissfully, mutually pleasured and enraptured, both loving to suck as much as they loved to be sucked.

They embraced fondly, kissing, sharing the flavor of cunt cum between their lips.

Belly to belly and tit to tit, thighs entwining, they squirmed together. Both had been well contented at both mouth and cunt, but both were insatiable sorts and now they began to get hot and hungry yet again.

Holly rubbed her cunt on her mother's thigh and licked her mother's lips, wondering which end of her body was getting hornier now.

She decided that her tongue was just a little bit hotter than her cunt, and gently breaking from Diana's arms, she shifted onto her knees, ready to dine again.

Diana rolled onto her back and parted her thighs in an automatic response. Holly dove on her pussy again, beginning a slower, more leisurely licking.

Diana stroked her daughter's blonde head and jerked her cunt up and down on her face. But Diana was thinking that some more variety would be pleasant now. She had planned it all very carefully, step by step – but now her little girl's ardent enthusiasm was changing all of Diana's plans, setting everything into motion faster than she had intended.

The action was welcome, but Diana had just creamed in Holly's mouth and it seemed silly to do the same thing all over again, twice in a row, when there were so many options.

"Darling?" she whispered.

Holly looked up, raising her dripping jaws out of Diana's vee, frowning slightly. She was afraid that maybe now she had cum, her mother was having second thoughts about oral sex with her little girl – misgivings and regrets.

But those were the furthest emotions from Diana's fevered mind, as she showed with a smile.

"I thought that maybe we should go down to Jimmy's room now, baby," she suggested.

"Oooooooh! Yeah!" Holly enthused, thinking that some sibling prick would be more than welcome now.

But they didn't have to go to Jimmy's room. The boy walked right on in, behind his cock.


Jimmy was still confused about why his mom and sis would act like lesbians, but he sure as shit wasn't going to look a gift horse in the mouth. If they wanted to play around together it was fine with him, as long as he got his share.

Confident now, all of his inhibitions long gone and aware that they wanted him every bit as he lusted for them, the boy walked up to the bed and stood beside it, making his cock jump and pulse.

Spread out on her back, Diana grinned and said, "I do believe that your brother needs a fuck, Holly."

Holly, still on her knees, swung her head around to look and blinked when she saw that gigantic prick looming up like some medieval warclub.

"You gonna fuck him, Mom?" she chirped.

Diana hesitated.

She most certainly intended to fuck the boy, in the fullness of time. But she could see by the way his cock was jolting and juicing at the tip that Jimmy was going to get his rocks off as soon as he began to slide his prick in and out of a cunthole.

How frustrating that would be!

So it was not totally without self-interest, nor through selflessness, that she shook her head. Jimmy gasped, about to squawk a protest, thinking that his mother was going back on her word and breaking her promise.

But Diana said, "I think that you should fuck him, first, darling, if you want to."

Holly wanted nothing more, at the moment. The girl thought that their mother was being very generous to give her the first crack at his magnificent prick, not realizing that Diana was acting for her own ultimate benefit, knowing that he would last longer the second time – and, too, that she would be even hotter for it, after she had enjoyed the dark pleasure of watching her teenaged children fucking.

"Yeah – throw the beef to me, brother!" Holly cried, shifting her haunches around toward Jimmy. Her head sank down to the bed and her ass hiked up higher, thighs parted, pussyjuice streaming down her crotch.

"Fuck me like a dog, Jimmy!" she urged. Jimmy glanced at Diana, who gave him a nod of approval and encouragement.

Jeez – we're a funny family, the boy thought quite happily as he knelt down behind his sibling's trim little ass, girding his loins for the game.

Holding his prick by the hilt, he levered it into the right angle and nudged the tip into his sister's cunt from under her quivering ass.

He paused there, savoring the final instants before they well and truly shattered the incest taboo. Diana slid down level with their loins, ready to watch as she waited for her own turn on that sweet cock.

Holly's cunt was sucking on her brother's cockhead, tugging gently, pulling it in. Half of the fat purple slab was embedded in her and the boy hadn't humped or thrust at all. Her greedy pussy was swallowing his cock on its own initiative, like some ravening maw.

Diana leaned in and whipped her tongue around on cockhead and cuntslot in conjunction, just for the horny hell of it – for it was evident that no further lubrication was required at that sodden coupling.

Holly's haunches spiraled.

"C'mon, Jimmy! Stuff me!" she moaned.

"Ummmmm! Shove your huge prick up your sister's tight little cunt, darling!" Diana coaxed, giving advice the way that a parent tends to do.

"Don't nag, Mom!" Jimmy grunted.

And then he grunted again as he shoveled his enormous prick all the way up Holly's cunthole, his cumbags swinging in and slapping her bush.

He held his cock buried to the hilt, grasping Holly by the love handles of her hipbones, his back arching as he ground his cock around inside her.

Holly gurgled gleefully. She groped back between her kneeling thighs and fondled his balls, feeling how solid they were and longing for the moment when he began to empty them into the core of her cunt.

Then Jimmy began to haul his cock out and stuff it back in with long, steady strokes. He twisted her by the hips as he screwed in balls deep. Her cunt squished and his cock hissed. Her cuntlips pulled out, clinging to his prick on the backstroke, then her fuckhole enveloped him like a squeeze box as he fed it all up into her again.

Her ass heaved up and shoved back, matching her brother's vigorous tempo, fucking herself on his prick as he pumped it to her with gusto, filling her fuckhole full.

Jimmy pounded straight in and out and his sister screwed her cunt onto his prick – and when the boy didn't shoot off instantly, Diana began to regret her decision to let him fuck Holly first, envying the girl that big, hammering cuntful of potent prick.

He shoveled in with an upthrust lunge that heaved Holly's ass up, bouncing her on her knees, tits swaying beneath her. Then he jerked his own ass up and drove down into her, his flat belly hitting the round curve of her ass as his cock vanished up her pussy.

Diana slipped around behind the boy and shoved her face in between his thighs, her forehead on his ass. She began to lap at his balls as they swung in and out, then slid up and slurped through the crack of his ass and stabbed her lapper into his shithole.

Jimmy yelped and powered in even harder with the added stimulation of having his mom rimming out his asshole, rattling his sister's pelvis with frantic jolts.

Diana lowered her face to lick his balls some more, but as her tongue flashed over them she could feel that they were over inflated and ready to blow off.

Eager to watch him squirt into his sister, she shifted up beside their hips again, just as Jimmy started in on the crescendo strokes.

His cumbags surged and he began to hose her fuckhole plentifully.

As his fat prick stuffed in, he was forcing cunt cum and jizz out of her slot, giving their fascinated mother a chance to see what was pouring into her daughter's pussy from out of her son's cock.

Diana was dizzy with desire as she breathed in the heady fumes of melting cunt and creaming cock and the aroma of girl and boy cum combined.

It didn't last very long. Jimmy was so worked up from watching that although, he was pumping plenty of jism into Holly, it was all cumming out at once, ropes of juice and coils of cream spurting from his pisshole in a steady stream, as he sank in and as he pulled out.

He yanked her back by the hips, hauling her onto his cock, then held her ass steady as he dragged his prick back, gasping and groaning as his balls drained off.

Now, once again, his mother was happy that she had bided her time and still had the pleasure of a fuck – and a longer one – still ahead of her.

Jimmy wound down slowly and stopped humping.

Holly kept on shoving her cunt up and down on his cock for a while as she worked off the dregs of her own cumming. Then she dropped forward, belly down, and his slippery prick came pulling from her pussy.

It stuck straight out, then jolted on up and stood angled before his belly again, running with cream, like some gooey drink on a stick.

Holly's cunt was still wide open, flooding over with cum as thick as condensed milk.

Although she was really keen to get her cunt stuffed now, Diana just couldn't pass up that taste treat. As Holly lay face down, her mother swooped on her pussy from behind, cupping her mouth to the sodden slot and beginning to voraciously suck all the juice from her cunt.

Diana loved her daughter's cunt cum and cherished her son's spunk – and swallowing both of those nectars, blended into one creamy confection, was heavenly.

She gulped away in Holly's cunt until she had it all, then twisted around toward Jimmy. He was still kneeling, his cock jerking around before his loins, his balls filling up again, drop by precious drop.

Diana dropped her head down and took his rampant cock into her mouth. She nursed on the knob, then pushed on down, deep-throating him to the balls. She held his prick buried in her gullet, gulping and gagging, then pulled her mouth back up, inch by slow inch, sucking every blessed bit of the mingled cum juices from his cock.

When she pulled away, his prick was still glistening, but with saliva now, not a drop of cum lingering in the wake of her wanton mouth.

She swallowed slowly, ingesting the last mouthful mixed with saliva. Then she gently pushed Jimmy down onto the bed, face up, his cock towering tall.

It was time for the next step in the double seduction of her kids – time to break the ultimate taboo and make her son a motherfucker.

She threw a leg across, straddling him as she had before – but ready for more than just the tip of his cock now, wanting every inch followed by every foaming drop.

Holly twisted around to watch.

How happy they all were that Daddy had gone hunting.
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