Morning comes and Yvonne wakes me by putting her tits in my face. I only wish they sold alarm clocks that could wake you up like that. “Good morning sleepy head.”
“Good morning... what time is it? It's almost seven o’clock on day three of your cruise. I have to go to work. You can sleep here some more or go to your own room four doors down. Either way I have to go. The whole time she is talking she is getting dressed. I sit up and she kisses me goodbye.
“You were as good as the girls said you were. I’d love to do it again... when it’s my turn again.” She walks out the door and I listen. I hear hair dryers running, giggling from the passageway, and singing. Beautiful singing from the room across the passageway. She is obviously singing to music from her phone.
“You sound great!” she stops.
“So did you last night. Yvonne was a lucky girl. You must be the guy Julie was telling us about.”
“I think I am. Do you sing somewhere on the ship?”
“Yes, I sing here in this room. Do you fuck somewhere other than this passageway?”
“I can... but I’m not sure what Julie has planned for me next.”
“She should have charged everybody to fuck you. She could retire at the pace you have been keeping.” She starts to sing again then stops to leave.
“No! Don’t stop you sound beautiful!” She starts again. I lay there listening until I hear her go down the passageway and gone. I get up and dress. I go to my room. It’s spotless. The bed is made. And laying in the middle of the bed is two pairs of panties and a note. “We really enjoyed cleaning your... Room. Here are two rags for you to use when you need to... clean. Please leave them for us filthy. A/B” I need a shower, but I can use a good cleaning. I hear a knock at the door, then I see a note slide under the door. I pick it up and read it.
“You were just what I needed last night. I feel so much better, especially knowing that you will be at William and Mary all year. I want you to know that I think you are a very special person. If we don’t see each other for the rest of the cruise, I’ll see you at the WM Varsity Bar. Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. I LOVE YOU more than you will ever know. Bea.”
I lay down on my bed and start to stroke my cock. My mind wanders to Julie then Veronica. I think of that first meeting with Bea then Marcia. I sniff the panties and smell cinnamon and Amelia’s tangy smell then I smell Benita’s musky scent with a hint of lemon cleaner. I think about last night with Yvonne’s tits wrapped around my cock, I feel my load building. I think about Bea and how happy she was when I told her about college. Lastly, I think about Bea’s gums milking my cock and I cum hard. I put both panties over my cock and make sure they each get filled. I set them on the dresser with a note. “I enjoyed both of you yesterday too. Here are the filthy panties you asked for. Use them often. 716.” I hop in the shower and get ready to meet Julie.
I walk into The Breakfast Bar and look around for Julie. She isn’t here yet, so I grab a breakfast burrito and some juice. I find a table near the middle of the room and wait. I watch as couple after couple walk in and sit together. For a singles cruise, people paired up rather quickly. The bus boy gives me a nod and a thumbs up. I’m not sure what that is about but I give him a nod back. A vision walks out from the kitchen dressed in a chef’s coat and a scarf. She stops by a few tables, then spots me. She gives me a pleasant smile and then walks up to my table.
“How’s your meal, are you enjoying everything?” she asks while eyeing me up and down. “I’m Brooke, the chef de cuisine here onboard.” She looks like a Brooke. Dirty blonde hair up in a ponytail, blue eyes, and flawless skin without any makeup on. Her smile lights up her face, giving you a comfortable feeling about her. Her chef’s coat covers her figure, but it still shows she has curves. She is average height around five foot six.
“It’s great. In fact, I’ve enjoyed everything I’ve eaten onboard. You are amazing in the kitchen.”
“Thank you. You should see me out of the kitchen. I’m in room 720. Knock any time after eleven.” Julie walks up to the table and Brooke excuses herself as Julie sits down.
“Brooke... wow, I’m impressed. She is great in the kitchen, I here even better out of it. But look out for... well, you’ll find out. So, you needed to talk?”
“Yes, I need some answers. First off, how did I end up down in the women’s crew berthing?”
“I’m in charge of assigning rooms to passengers. Your Grandma requested, hell, paid for three staterooms. I had the three of you next to each other. Then Linda put in for vacation to spend Christmas with her family. Usually, the crew onboard sleep with one or two of the passengers each cruise, however, this is a senior's cruise. I saw your age and devised a plan. I asked Linda if I could use her room; she was more than happy to loan you, her room. She did regret that she couldn’t stick around and share it with you, if you know what I mean. I talked to the ladies on the floor, and they were all in. I just asked them to compliment you a little if they saw you. I upgraded your grandma to our deluxe stateroom to compensate her for the difference in your room. I’ve also been comping you for every meal and drink that I can. The fact that all of these women are sleeping with you, is purely coincidental. Of course, I did start a rumor that you are... um, well endowed. Then I found out it wasn’t a rumor. I’m sorry about your accommodations but I didn't think you’d complain about the location.
“Hell, I love the fact that there are all of these hot horny women nearby. Um, speaking of women nearby. Who has the room across from Yvonne, 711? She has a great singing voice.”
“That’s Gretchen. She’s from Kenya. She works in Security. We call her Fetchin Gretchen.”
“Because she is beautiful?”
“No... I’m a little embarrassed but, it’s because she is a dog. Fetch. She is about six foot five. Three hundred fifty pounds or so. She always has oily hair, and not the best complexion. She looks like she is about to kick your ass at any moment, but she is actually very sweet, as long as you don’t piss her off. I saw her deck two guys at once one time. I don’t think she will be interested in... um, you know.”
“Where can I find her?” I sound a little desperate but getting laid again is the last thing, well, let's just say not at the top of my list. I just want to meet the person behind that beautiful voice.
“She is usually in the central alarm station. She watches the cameras and dispatches teams if there is trouble. But right now, I think she is checking Id’s at the casino. Do you want me to introduce you?
“No, I think she already knows who I am. She heard Yvonne and I last night.”
“Who didn’t. Yvonne is always so loud. So, what is going on with you and Beatrice Sparks.”
“Sparks? I didn’t know her last name. She is just a nice lady that flirted with me by the pool. She lost her husband recently, like my grandma and my mom. I’m just trying to help her work things out. Talking about her husband. Reliving a few memories. She has been very sweet. That reminds me. Is there any chance that you could get me into the Captain’s stateroom for a couple of hours? That’s one of the memories she wants to relive.”
“Do I want to know what that memory entails?” She looks at me to see if I’m serious. “You do know who Beatrice Sparks is, right? She is...” I stop her.
“I only know the lady I met. I don’t need to know anything else. Can you make it happen?”
“Give me a few hours to ask around and come up with a plan. I think I can make it happen, but you’ll owe me. BIG!” She pats me on my groin. She gets up and walks away. I watch that ass swing as she leaves.
“DAMN! What an ass on that one.” Grandma says as she sits down.
“Did you get lucky with her?” Mom asks as she sits down. I look but don’t see Bill or Tim.
“Anybody who hooks up with her would be lucky. Where’s Bill and Tim?”
“Bill is sleeping in; we were up quite late last night. He wants to spend as much time together with me as he can, before he goes back to Iowa. He’s a High School principal. He tells me all these stories about how naughty his students are.”
“Tim got a little too much sun yesterday and burned his... um, private parts.” We all laugh, even though it's not funny. “He told me we were just having fun and I was free to go find someone else if I wanted. I wasn’t sure about it but hell it had only been a day, so I went to the Disco last night. I met a man, Ken, and we danced for hours. He offered to take me down to his sixth deck room, but I offered my stateroom instead. He was up most of the night... not all of it in a good way. This morning I tried to get a little morning wood, but he couldn’t rise to the occasion.” She looked at me, smiled. “What have you been up to? No good I bet.”
“Actually, I’ve been helping a lady get over the loss of her husband. Like I did with both of you.”
“If it was the lady at the pool yesterday, it looked like you were helping her with a little more than that. We all could use a little of that help.” Grandma pats me on my groin. “Is there any way we can help?”
“Is there any place you can get your hands on a suit. Like one guys would have worn in the seventies. And some black birth control glasses. Whatever those are. Maybe a pocket protector.”
“Are you trying to dress like a geek from the seventies?” Mom asks. “I bet Bill or Tim could get hold of that stuff. The group of guys they hang around with look like geeks from the seventies.” Mom and Grandma laugh. Must be an inside joke. “Meet me in my room this afternoon.” I give Mom a kiss, then turn to give Grandma a kiss. She hugs me tight and grabs my ass as she drives her tongue into my mouth. I hold on tight and give her ass a slap. She moans in my mouth then let's go. I look around and find every elderly woman looking. Most with lust in their eyes. I walk out feeling eyes on my ass as I leave.
I walk to the casino and see Gretchen standing out front. I can hear her singing as I approach. She looks over to me and smiles like I just busted her doing something wrong. Her smile is infectious. She is a very large woman, a couple of inches taller than me. Sure enough, her hair is oily, but it looks to be on purpose. Her complexion is no worse than your average teenager's. I walk up to her...
“Found you.” She giggles. I don’t see mean in her. “Do I get a prize?” She laughs... Her personality is so friendly.
“What makes you think you deserve a prize for that?” She waves a couple of guys inside. “Besides, what do you want?”
“How about dinner, with me. No strings attached.” I hold my hands up like I’m being robbed to show her I mean her no harm. Like I could harm her. “Then maybe the Disco for drinks. They have a band.”
“I don’t know. I really don’t date passengers. And I don’t have anything to wear... I don’t think so.”
“When are you free today? You know I’m not going to take no for an answer.”
“My shift ends at noon, but I’m still not sure...”
“Noon it is... I’ll have some friends show up and... well, they will help.” I turn and run... literally run away.
I head to Bea’s room and knock. Shave and a haircut... two bits. She opens the door laughing. When she sees me, she throws her body against mine and squeezes tight. I lean down and kiss her.
“Come in... Come meet my friends. This is Suzy... and this is Carol.” They both stand and I give them each a quick hug. “So, what’s up?” Bea asks. Both of her friends glance at my groin. “I was wondering if all of you would do me a favor.” I can see her friends' minds going straight to the gutter. I fill them in about Gretchen and convince them to try and get her to meet me for dinner tonight. They offered to try but made no promises. I thanked them and left them to scheme and plan. The last thing I heard them say was makeover. I head down to the pool to kill some time. Veronica whistles at me and I wander over to her to say hi...
“Hi sexy, how’s heaven you angel.” She blushes... hands me a drink... then leans in...
“Julie said, if I see you, I’m supposed to tell you she has a plan. It’s all a go for tomorrow night while the Captain is at Christmas dinner. Your mom and grandma have been invited to dine with him, their job is to keep him busy talking... to give you the time you need.” I lean over like I’m going to whisper in her ear and at the last second, I kiss her. “You cheeky devil.” I see Mom and Bill lounging by the pool, and there in the water is Grandma, with a crowd of men around her. They all appear to be naked. Yvonne walks up. She is fully dressed, but all I see are her naked breasts swaying from side to side. She places a bar order with Veronica.
“Hey sleepyhead. How’s your day going?” She pats me on my butt. “You were great last night. Who is next on your list of conquests?”
“I don’t have a list. Julie might though.” The ladies laugh. “I heard Gretchen this morning singing across the hall. Her voice is so good. I asked her for dinner and dancing, but she turned me down. I have a couple of women trying to get her to meet me at The Captain’s Galley. I hope she does.”
“Good luck with that. I’ve known her for two years. She has never dated. Not once.” Yvonne grabs the drinks and goes. I say goodbye to Veronica and leave. I stop by the disco; Marcia greets me with a hug and a smile.
“How may I help you?” she asks, seductively. “Anything you want... It’s yours.” I can’t help but smile.
“I don’t suppose you know the band?” I ask as I kiss her. “I have a favor to ask them.”
“Actually, I’m close with the guitarist... and the drummer... and the keyboard player...” she giggles. “Well, all of them. What’s the favor?”
“I’m trying to get Gretchen to come here with me tonight. I heard her sing this morning and she has an amazing voice. I was hoping... The band might let her sing with them.”
“No problem. I can arrange that. They do it all the time. Good luck though, Gretchen doesn’t date. I think she is a little self-conscious. She comes from a very poor area of Mombasa, Kenya. She sends most of her paycheck home every month to help out her family. She really is a truly wonderful person, in a very scary body.”
“I just want her to have one memorable night. It’s Christmas Eve. No better night for it. Tell the band I said thanks, and Marcia... you are a truly wonderful person too.” I give her a hug and a quick kiss and leave. I head to the restaurant to make a reservation. Ashley meets me at the desk.
“How may I help you!” she asks as she pulls herself in tight against me. “Anything you want... I promise.” She squeezes me tight and kisses me. Her hands go to my ass, and she squeezes tight.
“I... I... I’m just here to make a reservation for tonight. I’m hoping to bring Gretchen. She said no, but I have some people working on her to change her mind.” I try to pull back from her grip.
“Gretchen. I’ll alert the chef. Brooke loves to spoil Gretchen. She always tries to make something that she knows Gretchen hasn’t tried. Gretchen is sort of her taste tester; she is always brutally honest. I’m sure Brooke will give it a Christmas theme. She’ll be so excited. I’ll pencil you in for that corner booth again, at six.”
“Great! Hopefully we’ll be here.” I kiss her goodbye and head to my room to get ready, just in case. A note is waiting for me under my door.
“We got her to say yes. She will be in my room when you are ready. I really like her a lot. I hope your night is as special as ours was. Please be gentle with her though. She may look like she is tough, but she is very fragile and nervous. Bea”
I find the dress pants, shirt, and tie I packed and start to get ready. I step into the shower and soap up...
“Knock, knock... housekeeping!” In walk Amelia and Benita. “Oh, look at that. Do you need someone to scrub your back?” Amelia asks. “Yes, and your front too?” Benita follows. They laugh as they stare. I pretend they aren’t there and finish up quickly. I step out, greeted with two towels. “What’s the tie for?” Benita asks as she makes sure my ass and cock are truly thoroughly dry. Amelia dries my hair and chest and gives me a kiss.
“I’m meeting Gretchen for dinner.” They both stop for a moment. “Then I hope to get her to sing at the disco.”
“Oh, she has a wonderful voice. I listen to her every morning. She always chats to me through the wall.” I noticed that about all the women here. “She always asks about my day. Gives me tips about the guys I’m interested in. She is so nice. I didn’t think she dated though. I’ve never heard her talk about a guy once.” Benita says as she watches me shave.
“I just want to give her a special night out. I want her to be able to let go and have fun. It’s Christmas Eve.” Amelia has my pants and shirt pressed when I step out of the bathroom. “Where in the world did you find an Iron in this closet?” They both chuckle. Amelia helps me dress as Benita cleans the bathroom. I tie my tie and sit to slide on my dress shoes. Amelia drops on her knees between my legs and smiles up at me as she puts my shoes on. I start to get hard.
“No, no, no. You don’t have time for that. We will lock up when we’re done. You go and have a beautiful night with Gretchen.” She pushes me out the door. When it closes, I hear both of them giggle, and I swear I heard them kiss. I check the time and realize I need to hurry. I hop on the elevator and take it to the fourth deck. In front of Bea’s door, I take a deep breath and knock. Shave and a haircut... the door opens and Bea pushes me out to the middle of the passageway.
“Wow. You look good enough to eat... again.” She gives me a quick peck. “We took her to the spa and gave her a makeover. We bought her a beautiful dress. We even found shoes that match. She fought us the whole time. She is very nervous... honestly, I think you might be her very first date. I don’t know if you have thought this out fully... from her side. Please go slow.”
“I know exactly how to thank you. Tomorrow night. You and me. Don’t make any plans.”
“You don’t need to thank us. We had so much fun with Gretchen. She made us laugh all day. Besides, you know tomorrow is Christmas, right?”
“I know, it will be your present. Now I should get going, we have reservations.” Bea knocks twice and opens the door. Gretchen walks out in a full-length blue sequin gown. Her hair is up in the back with matching blue sequin barrettes. Her shoes are shiny blue flats. She has makeup tastefully done. Her nails and toes are a silky blue. My jaw drops.
“What do you think? Gorgeous huh? I can’t wait to show everybody. What’s the plan? Can we walk there? I want as many people to see me as possible...” She talks as we walk. I can’t get a word in. “I’m from Mombasa, that’s in Kenya. I’m the oldest of five children...” People stare as we walk by, but not at me. I hear Veronica’s usual whistle and Julie applauding. Amelia and Benita are peeking around a corner waving. Yvonne walks up and hands Gretchen a flower and compliments her on how beautiful she looks. At the restaurant Ashley meets us at the door and escorts us to our table. Brooke walks out of the kitchen with a bottle of wine.
“Hi sweetheart. You look so amazing. This is a special bottle of wine. Schulze Ruby Sweet. It will pair with the special dinner I have prepared for you. Please enjoy.” Brooke turns and winks at me so Gretchen wouldn’t see. Ashley brings us a nice mixed green salad with a red wine vinaigrette dressing. She also sets down a basket of fresh baked rolls and a red and green butter spread. She opens the bottle of wine for us, and we go through the traditional taste test before poor. After the first bites of the salad, she excuses herself and disappears to the kitchen.
“What do you think? I hear you are the expert.”
“The wine is fabulous. It goes so well with the vinaigrette. The butter spread is a nice holiday touch. Can’t wait to see what’s next.” She finishes the four-bite salad and sets the plate and fork off to the side. Ashley appears with small bowls of soup.
“A consommé of beef broth from your next course. The toast points are rye, with a Gruyere cheese melted over them.” Ashley watches as we take our first bites. With smiles on our faces, she disappears back to the kitchen.
“I think she is reporting back to Brooke. You must be important.” Gretchen smiles, giggles a little, then continues to devour the consommé. “This has a slight taste of the wine. Eat the toast with a little bit of the soup and pow!” Gretchen tries it and moans, placing a hand on my thigh. I watch her finish and slide the bowl to the side. Her hand remained.
Ashley sets the plates down. “Red wine braised beef rib meat over mushroom risotto, with a side of steamed asparagus with melted smokey Gouda cheese. Enjoy!” Gretchen takes a bite and squeezes my thigh hard.
“Oh damn! That’s good!” She takes a taste of the risotto and then, she nibbles on the asparagus. Her hand starts to move north. I look up at Ashley and she is smiling as if she just won the lottery. She winked at me, then scurried away.
“My god Gretchen. Brooke must be trying to blow your socks off.” She grabs my groin hard as she takes a few more bites. She turns to me, swallows, and leans over to whisper in my ear.
“The jokes on her. I’m not wearing socks... or panties.” She places her head on my shoulder and starts to rub my cock through my pants. “I sit at a desk and watch all of the ship’s cameras. You would be surprised as to what I’ve seen the last few days.” We go back to eating, but her hand never stops rubbing. “This smokey Gouda compliments the beef so well, and the risotto... the risotto has me so wet.” we finish just as Ashley shows up with a small version of a Buche de Noel with two forks. Behind her is Brooke. Gretchen grabs my cock and squeezes.
“So, I’m anxious to know what you think. I’ve been worried all day.” Brooke asks nervously. Gretchen squeezes tighter. I just wish she had grabbed my arm or my leg. I’m sure I have a painful look on my face.
“The wine was present throughout the whole meal. Even in the consommé. The toast points accentuated the savory within the soup as well as the rye bread. The rib meat melted in my mouth, and with the mushrooms in the risotto... Oh, I couldn’t help myself. The smokey Gouda was Divine, I don’t think I’ve had that before. You, as always, were masterful.” Gretchen finally let go. I let out a sigh of relief. Brooke was watching every word out of Gretchen’s mouth. Her smile is off the charts. Ashley is standing behind her laughing on the inside at my pain. I finally bite into the dessert, my god it is good. The sweet wine is even mixed into the crème between the chocolate layers. The chocolate heightens the wine’s flavor. If my cock didn’t hurt so much I probably would cum.
“When you guys are done tonight. I will be in my room after eleven. Please stop by, I would love to talk some more.” Brooke squeezes Gretchen's arm, then excuses herself. Ashley clears our dinner plates and leaves another note. I slide it into my pocket and wait for Gretchen to finish.
“What’s next?” Gretchen asks. “After this I’m up for anything.” Gretchen seems so pleased.
“I thought we could stroll along the rail on our way to the Disco.” I down the rest of my wine. I only had a glass; Gretchen drank the rest.
“Let’s go!” She shouts. I get up and help her out of the booth. She reaches over and squeezes my ass as she gets up. We walk out with all eyes following us. I spy Bea and her friends sitting by the door. We almost skip out to the rail. We swing our hands as Gretchen chats “Brooke is so wonderful... I just love her. She is always asking me to try her food. She waits for me to get off of the late shift and then we sneak into the kitchen. She always hugs me when I like her food. It’s always good...” We walk into the Disco and the band is playing Christmas Music. We find a place to sit, and Marcia brings us a couple of fruity rum drinks.
“Gretchen... Is that you? You look so hot! Oh, my god that dress looks so wonderful on you!”
“He’s hoping to see it off of me...” She laughs. “If he plays his cards right, I might just let him.” Gretchen chugs her drink and starts on mine. I suggest we dance to keep her from getting drunk. The band starts playing Little Saint Nick and we hop on the dance floor. A few songs later the band stops. Marcia gets on the mic.
“Ladies and gentlemen, there is a special person in the audience, and we want you to convince her to come up and sing for us. Gretchen... Please!” The crowd starts clapping... Gretchen looks over at me.
“Only if you sing with me... I... I get stage fright if I’m alone.” She grabs my hand and squeezes. It hurts so much. She pulls me up on stage. The band starts playing “Walking in a Winter Wonderland”. Gretchen squeezes tighter, she looks at me and shakes her head towards the mic. I start... “Sleigh Bells ring are you listenin, in the lane snow is glistenin'” She joins in “A beautiful sight we're happy tonight” The crowd joins in. “Walkin' in a Winter Wonderland.” Gretchen takes the next verse. “Gone away is the blue bird, here to stay is the new bird. He sings a love song, as we go along.” The crowd joins again. “Walkin in a winter wonderland.” She loosens her grip, and we sing the rest of the song. When finished the crowd shouts “ENCORE! ENCORE!” The band starts playing again and Gretchen sings “Santa Baby” The audience is dancing and singing along. When she finishes, they start to go crazy. The Band starts another, and I step down off the stage and watch. I see Bea and her friends. I see Mom and Grandma with Bill and some new guy. I sit back down at our table and Marcia brings me four drinks.
“This one is from Bea, this one is from Brooke, this one is from your grandma, and this one... it’s from Julie.” I look around and see Julie sitting at the bar with Veronica. Next to them is Amelia and Benita. Yvonne is on the other side of the room serving drinks. And at the doorway is Brooke and Ashley. Brooke is clapping and cheering. When the band finally takes a break, Gretchen comes over and gives me a really big hug.
“Thank You! I... I...” She takes a large drink. “I’ve always wanted to do that. And the band... They asked me to go back up and sing more. I’ve been singing these songs my whole life but...” she drinks some more. “I’m having a wonderful time. Thank You for the push. I know this is all your doing.” I smile at her. She takes one last drink and heads back up on stage. She sang the rest of the night. Some alone, some as a duet. She even took requests from the audience. Brooke requests “All I Want for Christmas is YOU!” After last call, we walk outside in the moonlight. Gretchen is euphoric. The moonlight is glistening off of her sequin dress and her shoes. Her eyes are all lit up with joy. I hold her tight, and we kiss. She just gives me a peck, then she suggests, “Why don’t we go down to your room.” I hold her hand and she sings the whole way down to the seventh deck. We turn the corner to our passageway, and I stop her. I knock on the door marked 720. Brooke answers. I kiss Gretchen goodnight. She walks into Brookes room, and Brooke mouths, “Thank You” to me as she closes the door. I hear them kissing and I say, “Merry Christmas” and walk away. I walk to my door and it opens.
Julie is standing at the door in her nightgown, holding a bottle of rum. I look inside and there sits Veronica, Marcia, Ashley, Yvonne, Amelia, Benita, and Bea. What is Bea doing down here. Everyone except Bea is in some form of lingerie. She hands me the bottle and I take a big swig as I step in.
“We thought you could use some company.” Julie says as I take off my tie. I untuck my shirt and unbutton it halfway. Veronica starts to hum stripper music and I start to shake my ass. They all lay back on the bed and I start to put on a show. Julie passes the bottle, and everyone takes turns taking a swig. Yvonne takes out her phone and starts taking pictures. I remove my shirt and Benita screams. I toss it to her. I remove my belt and wrap it around Ashley’s neck and pull her in for a kiss with it. I stick my hips in Bea’s face and she opens my fly and slowly lowers my pants. Each one takes a shot afterwards. Bea takes two. I hold my foot up to Amelia and she slips off a shoe and a pants leg. Yvonne drops to the floor and removes my other one. Her beautiful tits shaking the whole time. Lastly, I press my briefs in Julie’s face. Julie tries to take a bite out of my cock. I throw my hips back, then push them forward again. Julie bites the waistband and slides them down with her teeth. All the ladies cheer when my cock springs free. Bea is just one of the ladies. When I’m fully naked, the bottle is empty. Marcia shouts, “Empty bottle.” and Yvonne yells, “Let’s play spin the bottle.” Veronica says wait and runs next door to get a new one. While Veronica is gone Bea gets more comfortable stripping down to her panties. Julie follows suit, then the rest of the ladies do too. When Veronica returns, she has plastic cups and mixers. She makes everyone a drink and strips down to her panties too.
“Okay, here are the rules. We take turns spinning the bottle. Whomever it points to, takes a drink, then they kiss the person who spun wherever they want.” Veronica spins first and the bottle points towards Benita. They meet in the middle of the bed and Veronica tongue kisses Benita. Their tits just barely touching. I look over to Bea, she is next. Her eyes have a hard time leaving Yvonne’s tits. Bea spins and it lands on Yvonne. Yvonne scoots to the middle of the bed and Bea kisses and licks both of her nipples. Bea’s nipples are always erect, but I swear I saw them stiffen more. Ashley spins and it points towards me. I scoot to the middle and Ashley lowers her head down and kisses the head of my cock. She looks up with those beautiful blue eyes as she does. I’m a little drunk by now but my cock goes stiff. Yvonne spins and it points to Julie. They meet in the middle and a crowbar couldn’t separate them. A few moments later, Amelia spins and it lands on me again. Amelia locks her lips on mine as her hand reaches lower and strokes my cock. Benita spins and it lands on Bea. Bea scoots to the middle and Benita lowers down and pulls her panties to the side and tongue kisses Bea on her pussy. Bea moans loud and cums. Benita cleans what she can. I spin and it splits Julie and Veronica. They both scoot to the middle and we do a three-way kiss. Our tongues sticking out swirling together. I feel a hand on my cock, and one on my ass. Julie spins and it points to Ashley. They meet in the middle and they both lay down and kiss each other's pussies. I’m so hard. My cock hasn’t came since I jacked off this morning. I watch the show and before long Bea and Benita start making out. Amelia and Veronica start making out. Yvonne and Marcia... I’m laying here alone watching four sets of women kissing and fingering, licking and sucking. I lay back and start to stroke.
I hear moans and groans. I hear the words shit damn and fuck a lot. I see asses moving and breasts bouncing. Soon I feel a hand on my thigh. Then another one and two on my ankles pulling me to the middle of the bed. I have a pussy on my face and one on my cock. One on each hand. I’m rubbing clits and they are all kissing. I see Bea and she is in ecstasy. Amelia is sitting on her face and Benita is eating her out. Veronica is cuming on my right hand and Yvonne is cuming on my left. Marcia is hovering over my face, and Ashley is riding my cock. Julie... well she is holding a phone recording as much of this as she can. I yell, “I’m about to cum” and they sort of all line up. I feel a mouth on my cock, and I shoot my first load, then another takes her place. When finished It all starts over. I cum four times before everyone is passed out. I have Bea to my left and Julie to my right. Yvonne is between my legs using my thigh as a pillow. Amelia and Benita are curled up together against the wall. Veronica is snuggled up to Julie, and Marcia is next to Bea. Ashley is laying above our heads. I say, “Merry Christmas to me” and closed my eyes.
Continued on: Comforting Mom pt 6 Christmas Cruise Day 4+5
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