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Continuation of Comforting Mom series. Christmas Cruise Day 4+5. Christmas Cruise completion.
Someone’s phone starts playing, “Wake me up before you go-go, don’t leave me hanging on like a yo-yo...” I hear moans and groans as someone silences the phone. One by one the ladies get up and head for their rooms. Each one kisses me before they leave. Before long it’s just Bea and I lying in bed. I feel her hand on my cock, but it’s not rubbing. She looks up to me, “Good morning Handsome.” It’s only been a few hours since I came four times and fell asleep with eight women. I kiss her forehead and say...

“Merry Christmas. How do you feel?” She yawns and stretches but replaces her hand on my cock.

“Like I drank all night and had a lot of sex with a room full of women.”

“Oh, me too!” She busts up laughing. “I’m not sure how any of that happened, but I’m sure if I live to be a hundred it will never happen again.”

“I thought you were in college?” My turn to laugh. “It reminded me of the free love days back in the early seventies.”

“I’m glad you could relive another memory.” More laughter. “That reminds me, we have a date tonight. Dress casual if you know what I mean.”

“And what are we going to do on this date tonight?” she starts to stroke my cock now. It begins to come to life.

“That’s a surprise. Don’t worry, you’ll love it.” She strokes a little faster.

“Well, here is your first Christmas present.” She removes her teeth again and puts my cock in her mouth. “MMMmmm...” I can only imagine what that must taste like. She sucks hard. Her gums squeeze my cock and her head bobs slowly at first... I watch her mastery. She must have blown her late husband every day to get this good. She stops and I watch as she puts one testicle in her mouth then the other. She sucks on each. Then I feel her tongue go south. She starts to lick my asshole as she strokes my cock.

“Oh, damn... that feels... Oh!” she sticks her tongue up inside and my ass spasms. I’ve never felt this. A finger yes but a tongue. She tongue fucks my ass for a few strokes then licks back up to the head of my cock and drops her head down to her throat. “Spin your ass around here.” I say, she just moans, “unt-un.” and sucks harder and faster. Her gums clamp at the base. She grabs my balls and squeezes and pulls on them as her throat slides down my cock. She hums and I shoot. She swallows it all, even milks my cock with her gums. She slides her teeth back in and stands.

“Let’s shower.” She says as she heads to the bathroom. I follow her inside and we actually fit. We could barely move but we made it inside. I kiss her and squeeze her ass as she soaps my back. I turn and she soaps my front paying particular attention to my cock. We spin around and I do her back, when she turns, I soap her breasts. I work my way down and soap her pussy. Her clit is swollen, and I spend a few moments sliding it between my fingers. She cums hard and falls back against me. We kiss until the water turns cold. I shave while she fusses with her hair. Then we both get dressed. I find my pants and remember there is a note inside that Ashley slipped to me in the restaurant.

“I know that I asked you to meet me in my room tonight, but I know you can tell I’m in love with Gretchen. Brooke”

“What’s in the note?” Bea asks.

“Nothing. It's just a note from the chef last night. Breakfast?”

“Sure... Give me twenty minutes to change. I’ll meet you at The Breakfast Bar.” She kisses me then leaves. I start to straighten my room a little. I find seven pairs of panties. I smell each one. Heaven!

I walk into The Breakfast Bar and grab two plates with a little bit of everything. I sit down to wait. Brooke walks out and heads to my table.

“Thank You! I have had a crush on her for so long... and she never had... the self-esteem to um, I...” I stop her.

“She is an unbelievable woman, so are you. Of course, you two would be attracted to each other. All I did was give her a little bit of confidence. My friend Bea and her friends did all the rest. I’m happy you have finally...” she stopped me.

“We spent the night together, mostly talking about how much we have wanted to... then we did and oh, my god was it great. She left my room this morning singing and laughing. I owe you.” Bea walks up. Brooke kisses her on her cheek, hugs her, and then walks back to the kitchen. Bea looks at me, puzzled!

“That’s the chef, Brooke. She just found out yesterday she is in love.”

“Not with you?” She looks a little jealous.

“With Gretchen. They have had an unrequited affair for some time. The little bit of confidence we... YOU! Gave Gretchen yesterday was enough for them to see their love for each other. That’s what the note was this morning. And the reason the ladies were in my room last night. Except for you. Why were you there?”

“Let’s leave that until tonight. Okay?” I shake my head yes. We both eat like we hadn’t for a week. Cumming five times in eight hours can build up an appetite. She tells me of her plans with Suzy and Carol. They want to hang out by the pool and people watch, or more like cock watch. Then they want to have a massage together. And finally, they made a new friend, my grandma. They asked her to join them.

“Sounds like fun. I’ll pick you up around five thirty. Remember, something casual.” She agrees, says, “Merry Christmas!”, kisses me goodbye and heads off for a day of fun. I start to get up when Julie sits down. She tells me the plan. Gives me the times, hands me Amelia’s master key. Ensures me that Gretchen would be at the cameras and alarm station, and she personally would make sure the Captain would be gone. She says, “Merry Christmas!” Kisses me and says, “Goodbye.” I watch her shake her ass as she walks away.

“Damn she has a nice ass huh?” I’m almost afraid to look. “What no Merry Christmas for your mom.”

“Merry Christmas. You were the last person I was expecting.” I give her a kiss and she sits down with a plate of food.

“Did you hear, Mom and I were invited to the Captain’s table tonight. I’m so excited. Bill and his buddies are doing some Christmas ritual tonight, so I was going to be alone. He got you a suit by the way, and glasses. He even found a pocket protector. Nobody had a slide rule, sorry.”

“No, that’s great. I love you. So, tonight when you and grandma are at the Captain’s table, I need you two to ask him a bunch of questions. Stretch it out for at least two hours if you can.”

“Why do I feel like we are part of a plan. What are you up to?”

“Don’t worry. It’s just something for Bea. A memory she needs to relive.”

“Okay, but if you get into a jam, just ask and I’ll go all MOM on them.” we both chuckle. “I’ll do it!” we laugh more.

“Bea said that they asked Grandma to join them today. They live by the college. If things work out, maybe Grandma will have a few new friends close by. That would be good.”

“I love my mom, but honestly, I could use a break a few days a week. Especially if I start dating.”

“You want to start dating. That’s terrific. What's going to happen with Bill?”

“We’ve been talking, long distance relationships don’t work.”

“Mom, it’s 2022. Every phone has a camera. He’s single. And he gets a bunch of holidays and three months off every summer. Spring Break is right around the corner. Not to mention, you don’t work... you can go to him. If you want to make it work, you’ll find a way.”

“I never really thought about it that way. You’re right. I... I have to go. Love you. Merry Christmas.” She kisses me and nearly runs people over on her way out. I start to get up.

“You just hold it right there. Don’t move!” I raise my hands as if I'm being arrested. A very large person hugs me from behind. “Merry Christmas! You wonderful man.” I turn around to see Gretchen. “Thank you for... um, just thank you. I know I was coming on to you a little strong, but Brooke... She is so wonderful. Our night was the best. I had never been with a woman before. A man either, as a matter of fact. I didn’t know just how great it could be. And the band last night. They asked me to join them on stage anytime I can get a night off. I owe you a big one.”

“You don’t owe me one. But I hear you are going to help me surprise Bea tonight.”

“I’ll cover for you on the camera and alarms. But... I won’t be able to stop the Captain if he shows up.”

“Julie has that covered. I’m not sure how, but she personally guaranteed it.”

“Good. I also heard I missed one hell of a party last night in 716. You stud you.”

“It was a fun night. Reminded me of Junior High. We even played spin the bottle.”

“Oh, sorry I missed that. I would have loved to kiss you.” She leans over and kisses my cheek. “I gotta go. Good luck tonight. Tell Bea I said hi and thank you. Her, Carol, and Suzy are all unbelievably nice people.” She hugs me again and walks off. I watch her dance herself out of the room.

“You’re not leaving without kissing me, are you?” I know this voice. It’s Marcia. She hugs me, kisses me, and wishes me a Merry Christmas before rushing over to a table of men. Bill’s friends, but I don’t see Bill with them. I look around to make sure there is nobody else. I stand and make my way out. I stop at the pool on my way to Mom’s room. I wish Veronica a Merry Christmas and she hands me a cup of spiced eggnog. I give her a kiss and I’m on my way. Yvonne stops me for a kiss and to wish me a Merry Christmas. I still picture her tits naked every time I see her. I knock on Mom’s door, and I hear her run across the floor. The door flies open.

“Come in, come in. Come have a look.” Bill is sitting on the balcony, clothed this time. I look down to the pool. “Over there, by the fake palm tree. Mom is sitting with three ladies. They keep whistling at the guys as they walk by. Mom has flashed three of them. They seem to be having a good time.” That’s Bea, Carol, and Suzy. The one with platinum blonde hair with the enormous rack is Bea. Hi Bill. I hear you have a ritual tonight.”

“Yes, we try to get together every Christmas Day and we watch the football bowl game we played in in college.”

“Which college? What bowl?” I’m not that into football but I know he is, and it will give him a chance to brag in front of Mom. “Iowa. We went to the Rose Bowl, January 1st, 1982. We lost but we watch it anyway.”

“Cool, that’s one of the big bowls. You guy’s must have been good to at least make it there.”

“None of us played much. We watch it and bitch about the couch not playing us. It gives us a reason to get drunk. Like we need a reason. Did you ever play?”

“No, I didn’t really play sports. I was more of a nerd slash bookworm type. Dad and I would throw the pigskin around every once in a while, but that’s about it.”

“That’s cool. The suit I got may be a little big, but I think it will work. It is really ugly though. Just like they wore in the late sixties and early seventies. Chuck had it with him as a joke. Sort of a play on the ugly Christmas sweater. The glasses are Tim’s. They are his backup pair. Don’t ask where the pocket protector came from.” Mom points at Bill and laughs.

“Sounds perfect. Um, I should be going.” Mom hands me a garment bag and kisses my cheek. I whisper in Mom’s ear, “Don’t forget to keep the Captain talking.”

I walk into my room to catch Amelia and Benita cleaning. They come running and Wham, Wham! I’m hit by two bodies. “Merry Christmas!” Amelia says as she showers me with kisses. “Feliz Navidad!” Benita says as her hands roam to my ass and groin.

“Merry Christmas you two. Miss me?” They both laugh. “Do you two want to help me get ready?”

“We’d love too. What can we do? To you... um for you?” I hold my arms up and Amelia lifts my shirt. Benita goes for my pants as I slide off my shoes. She lowers them while licking her lips. I step out of them, and she grabs my briefs. Amelia hugs me from behind and gets on her tiptoes to kiss my neck. I turn to kiss her deeply. Benita lowers my briefs and takes my cock in her mouth. Soon Amelia joins her, and they both look up at me while licking my cock. I check the clock... I don’t have a lot of time...

“Why don’t you two help me shower. I don’t have much time.” Amelia gets the water going and adjusts the temp. Benita gets naked. We enter the shower and I grab her ass and pull her up then lower her onto my cock. There isn’t much room, but we make do. I raise and lower her over and over, her arms around my neck and her tongue tied to mine. I feel a hand washing my back as my cock thrusts repeatedly into Benitas moist pussy. It isn’t long before she is shouting obscenities in Spanish. She gushes over my cock then she slips down onto her feet. She washes my hair as Amelia washes my legs and feet. When done the two change places. Benita dries as Amelia climbs up my body and I lower her to my cock. She tries to put it in her ass, but I stop her. There is only one ass for tonight. She slides down my cock and we lock lips as her arms lock around my shoulders.

“You have such a nice cock. I’m going to miss it when you leave tomorrow. All of the ladies are. Please, OH... MMMmmm Damn that’s big! Come back and visit us. YES! YES! YES!” She gushes over my cock now. We kiss again then she slides off. She washes from my chest down. When she soaps up my cock she says, “Close your eyes.” I do and I feel four hands roaming over my body. Twenty fingers stroking my cock. I picture the ladies last night. Then I picture HER!, and I cum... “Julie? What? Why? When?” Everything up to now flashes through my mind.

Amelia shuts off the water and they both dry me. I’m lost in thought. Why did Julie pop in my head. I step to the mirror and slick my hair back with gel. It’s not a flat top but it’s the closest thing to it. I unzip the garment bag. There is a suit. Plaid Pants, (Red, Green, and white) and a matching sports coat. Amelia and Benita laugh. I try on the pants; they are a little big around the waist, but they are the right length. I put on a white belt and white shoes. They are a size too big. Amelia grabs her’s and Benita’s panties and stuffs them in the toes. “You know how to return them.” Amelia says as she slides the shoes on. Perfect fit. I put on a tee shirt, then the dress shirt. I slide the pocket protector in with a couple pens from the drawer. I try on the coat. The sleeves are just right, but the waist is big. It will have to do. Last thing, the glasses. I can’t tell how they look because I can’t see through them. Both Amelia and Benita are laughing so they must be perfect. I feel like Herb Tarlek from WKRP in Cincinnati. “Bea is going to like this?” Benita asks.

“I hope so. It’s supposed to remind her of her late husband. Speaking of late... Thanks ladies. I’ve got to go. Merry Christmas. See you both soon.” I kiss them both on my way out.

I put on the glasses and knock on Bea’s door. Suzy answers. Her mouth drops open. “Oh my god!” She pushes me out in the passageway. “We spent the afternoon with your grandma. She is so much fun. No wonder you are so special. Julie filled us in on your plan. Here is a tube of lube. Bea has no idea what you have planned. Carol and Grandma poke their heads out. “What in the world.” Grandma says. “Now that I know what the suit is for, you look perfect.” She gives me a hug. “You look just like Tom.” Carol says. “Tom? But that’s” I kiss Grandma to shut her up. I whisper in her ear... “No names yet.”

I walk into Bea’s stateroom. Bea grabs her mouth. Tears start to fall down her cheek. My pants start to drop so I pull them up by the belt. Bea starts to laugh. “Tom always did that. His pants were always falling down. Usually I didn’t mind, I wanted to take them off anyway.” She holds her arms out and I walk into them. “Oh, Tom. I’ve missed you so much.” She kisses me. The ladies watching in the room start to sniffle and blow their noses.

“Now come on woman. We’ve got things to do. Let's get going now.” I swat her on the butt, and she hops to and grabs her purse on the way out. “Don’t wait up ladies.” I say it loud so Bea can hear, then I whisper. “Wait here If this doesn’t go well, she may need you.” I hightail it on out of there. We should have just enough time for dinner before your surprise. I put the glasses in the Jacket pocket so I can see.

Ashley is waiting at The Captain’s Galley. “Merry Christmas! Right this way.” We follow her to that corner booth. Ashley chuckles a little, as we slide in. I’ll be back with your meals. Ashley returns with Brooke. “I just wanted to thank the both of you again. Please enjoy your meal.” Ashley sets down salads (Red and Green leaves) and just fills the wine glasses. She pops out. “So, what kind of meal did you eat on that first cruise?”

“We ate the cheapest thing on the menu. Hamburgers and Fries. We lived on them.” Ashley brings out two plates with covers, takes the salad plates, and uncovers our meal. Hamburgers and fries. I didn’t know about this.

“How, Oh, Tom... um... Handsome...” She takes a bite. “Wow, that’s the best burger ever. She dunks a couple fries in ketchup and takes a few bites. “Oh, my god! You have to try the fries.” Ashley sets down two Vanilla shakes. Then she asks, “Everything okay?”

“Oh, my god it’s good. What did she do?” Bea asks.

“These are Gretchen approved Wagyu Beef Burgers with Brooke’s secret seasonings and cheddar. Also, duck fat fries with sea salt. The Vanilla Milk Shakes are made from real vanilla beans from orchids in Japan. This is what was requested.” Ashley smiles with that devilish grin again. She knows something I don’t.

“Eat... They’re good. Tom would have loved these. This was always his favorite meal. Even after... Um.” I kiss her then try the burger. Man! It's good. The fries were crave-able. “The WM Varsity Bar should sell these.” Ashley shows up to keep us on schedule. She sets down two Santa Cookies. Bea starts to laugh. “How did you know?” She holds up her cookie and bites off Santa’s head. “MMMmmm... Tasty.” Brooke shows up. “Brooke! Wow! We’re not worthy!” Bea starts to bow to her. I join in.

“Shut up, your worthy, your worthy.” We all laugh “The Captain’s Meal starts in ten. You guys have fun.” Brooke rushes back to the kitchen. Ashley blows us a kiss. I grab my cookie and we leave. We pop into an elevator, and I hit first deck. Bea gives me a quizzical look, then has a shit eating grin. We step out of the elevator and walk towards the Captain’s stateroom. I pause at the door and turn to the camera. I wave to Gretchen, then slide Amelia’s master key. I open the door to a smaller room than I thought. There is a kitchenette and a small living area, and a raised bedroom area that overlooks the whole room. Bea holds me tight...

“Tom, how did you?” She looks in my eyes... “I... The last time we were in the captain’s room you... and I... Oh, Tom. Let’s do it again.” She kisses me deeply. I wrap my arms around her and hold her tight. I know I have two hours and I want to use all of it. She reaches into my suit jacket and slides one arm out, pausing to laugh at the pocket protector. I slide my other arm out and set the jacket on the back of the couch. She spins me around and pushes me back on the bed. “Do you remember the last time, when we...” She starts to strip, sexually. She struts a little while she unbuttons her top. She lets it drop to the floor. She turns and shakes her ass as she slowly lowers her skirt down over her ass. Her suspenders appear, then her cheeks slowly, then her tight puckered asshole, followed by her swollen lips glistening in the lights. Her stockings are dark tan with seems going straight up her legs to the top of her thighs. Like arrows pointing to heaven. She turns and she leans back on the couch as she lowers her hands from her chest, down her stomach, until they reach her lips. She rubs them quickly, then parts them. She struts up in front of me, reaching behind her as she sways her hips side to side, then leans over and her bra drops to the floor. She shoves her tits in my face and shakes them. I do a motorboat sound as I move my face side to side. She laughs.

“Oh, Tom you do remember.” She says as she presses my face tight between her massive, surgically enhanced breasts. She straightens up as she presses my head lower, down her stomach, abdomen, then to her heaven. She grinds her pussy against my mouth as I stick out my tongue and taste her nectar. “Oh, yes. Yes... Yes!” Her juices flood out as her hips shake. She falls down on top of me as we both fall back on the bed. She drives her tongue in my mouth as she struggles to unbutton my shirt. I reach for my belt, but she slaps my hands away. “I’ll take care of that. Like the last time. She gets my shirt open and grabs my hand. She sticks my finger in her mouth and sucks on it as she unbuttons the cuff. When done she pulls the shirt off my arm and places my hand between her legs. I rub my wet finger over her clit as she sticks a finger from my other hand in her mouth. “MMMmmm...” she moans on my finger as she opens my other cuff. She pulls on my shirt, and I lean up as my shirt comes off in her hand just as her pussy cums in my hand. Her eyes roll to the ceiling and her massive breasts shake as her climax hits again. She takes a moment, then throws my shirt on the floor, pulls my t-shirt over my head, kisses me long and hard.

“Oh, Tom! I want your cock so bad. I want you to put it here.” She turns and swings her leg over my body straddling my face. “First here.” She lowers her pussy to my mouth and rubs it all over my face. “Then here.” She sits up, pulling my hands to her breasts as she buries my mouth with her asshole. I drive my tongue up and press it against her puckered tight hole. She squeezes my hands tight on her breasts as she squirms. My tongue enters and she screams, “Oh, Tom eat me. Eat my ass.” Her hands drop as my hands squeeze, pinch, and pull on her nipples. My tongue is now trying to go deeper. Her hands unbuckling my large white belt, unzipping my pants and pushing them down. I kick off both shoes and slide my white dress socks off with my toes. I lift my hips and my pants drop off on the floor. I feel Bea remove her teeth and then her mouth drops on my cock. She slides those gums all the way to the base, taking me all the way into her throat. “MMMmmm... MMMMmmmmmmmm” She moans on my cock and squeezes it tight with her gums as she gushes out all over my neck and chest. My cock is throbbing in her throat. She lifts her head up to take a deep breath.

“Oh, fuck me, Tom. Give me this giant cock. I want you so bad.” She turns around and kisses me as she lowers her wet pussy down over my cock. It squeezes me tight and she cums again. “Oh, God... Damn this thing is so big.” She pauses only a few seconds then starts to bounce hard and fast. She sits up and places my hands on her breasts again. Her pussy pounds down hard smacking against my pelvis. Faster and faster. Her eyes roll to the ceiling again, she stops, her pussy squeezes so tight, and she cums. Her whole-body shakes and then, she collapses onto the bed falling off my cock. She lays there moaning and shaking. I’m a little frightened. I sit up and her body goes limp.

“Are you okay? Do you need help or something?” I shake her.

“All I need is your giant cock in my ass Tom. A deal is a deal.” I get up and reach in my pocket for the lube. There is a piece of paper... What is this. I glance at it quickly. Dry Cleaning receipt for... Grandma?” I grab the tube of lube then hear a commotion in the hall.

“Captain... you are so naughty. I’m so turned on. I can’t wait to see your stateroom.” Julie is almost yelling so we can hear her. Bea jumps off the bed, grabs as many clothes as she can, and runs for the closet. I grab my suit jacket, shoes, and socks, and dart inside with her. She closes the sliding shutter doors just as the door opens.

“Julie, I’ve been following your career here for several years. I’ve watched you go from waitress, to bartender, to Percer. I think it’s time for you to earn a promotion.”

“Oh, Captain. I’m not sleeping with you to get a promotion.” Whew, I didn’t think Julie was that kind of person. “I’m sleeping with you because I want this fat cock.” She opens his pants and drops to her knees pulling them down with her. His large fat cock pops out and Julie goes for it. Her hands wrap around it and start to stroke. The Captain leans back as he removes his jacket. Julie starts to suck on his cock as he unbuttons his shirt and removes it.

“Oh, Tom. It’s just like the last time.” She reaches for my cock and starts to stroke. “I want this in my ass so bad. Please! Fuck my ass. Please!” I reach down and lube up two fingers and press them against her ass as we stare out the shudders. Julie stops blowing the now naked Captain. She guides him over to the bed and sits him down. Bea covers her mouth and moans into it as she cums again. I have both fingers inside as deep as they can go. I start to make it three as Julie begins to strip. She slowly unbuttons her Percer’s jacket and drops it on the floor. She shakes her hips and dances to music in her head as she slowly unbuttons her top. It drops to the floor as she spins around. She sticks her ass out and slowly lowers her Navy Blue skirt. Her ass appears with a Navy-blue thong running up between her cheeks. She turns and unclasps her bra in the front and rips it open to reveal her firm breasts. Her nipples stiff. She drops the bra on the floor, sticks her fingers in the waistband of the thong and starts to walk towards the Captain as she lowers her thong.

“Now Tom... Fuck me now.” Bea whispers. I get behind her as Julie climbs on the bed. Bea reaches back and grabs my aching cock. Julie straddles the Captain. Bea lines up the head of my cock as Julie lowers her hips down... Bea pushes her ass back onto my cock as Julie squats down on the Captain’s big fat cock. They both go, “Oh, damn that feels good!” together. Julie rocks her hips up and down. Bea reaches back to my ass and pulls my cock deeper and deeper. I can feel her hips shaking as she is cumming over and over. Julie grabs and pulls on her tits. The Captain spanks her ass. Bea picks up the pace driving her ass on my cock. I’m watching Julie as she turns her head towards the closet and smiles. Whap! The Captain slaps her ass again and she looks down at him.

“Thank You sir, may I have another.” Whap! He slaps her ass again. “Oh, Captain... give it to me. Give me my big fat promotion!” Bea opens her mouth and sucks in a large breath of air. Julie looks over at the closet, her mouth opens wide as her hips start to shake. The Captain grunts as he thrusts his hips up tight against Julie’s. Bea’s ass squeezes and pulls on my cock and I cum hard. Jets of cum fill Bea’s ass. “OH, Fuck! Tom!” she shouts, as she falls forward sliding the shutter doors open. We fall on the floor. Julie and the Captain both jump up off the bed. Julie rushes over to Bea.

“Are you alright? Do you need help?” The Captain starts yelling,

“What the hell... are you doing in my closet. Julie... Did you have something to do with this?” I get up as Julie helps Bea up. Bea kind of hides behind Julie.

“Yes sir. I... I...” Julie tries to think of something to say.

“It was all me sir. I put her up to it.” I step in front of Julie to protect her.

“I should fire you. I... I... I should...” I cut him off.

“You can’t fire her. First of all, you just had sex with her, and she has two witnesses.”

“So! It’s your word against mine and I’m the Captain.”

“Second, she’s your granddaughter, and I think I love her.” Julie steps to the side to look at me. Bea’s mouth drops open. The Captain just gives me a look, then a smile comes across his face as he laughs.

“You knew?” Bea asks. “How did you find out?”

“You think you love me.” Julie wraps her arms around me. “I... I...” I kiss her. “I think I love you too!”

“Mom... Grandma! You both can come out now.” The bathroom door opens, and they step out. Grandma walks over and grabs Bea’s hand.

“Honey, how did you figure us out?” Grandma looks disappointed yet she has a huge smile on her face. Mom walks over and gives Julie a big hug. Bea grabs mine and gives it a squeeze. Half the people in the room are still naked.

“First, when I boarded, the ticket and signs just said senior cruise. Which explained why all the coupling up so quick. Next, Beatrice Sparks is one of Grandma’s favorite authors. She used to talk about her all the time. Then, Bea’s late husband was named Tom. My name. Just in case she slipped. The hamburger and fries, how would Julie know about that. And the suit, Grandpa Dave’s ugly Christmas suit. There’s a dry-cleaning receipt inside with Grandma’s name on it. Dated December 15th, 2022. Grandpa Dave used to tell me stories about you guys swinging. I’m guessing Phyllis and Ken McCoy. And Julie. Julie is a senior at William and Mary. You don’t think a nerdy freshman wouldn’t know one of the hottest seniors on campus. When I saw her as Percer... I almost lost it.”

“But I am the Percer. This is my fourth year. I work summers, when the tourist season picks up, and on the holidays when they need people to cover for vacation.”

“I just don’t know how Gretchen and Brooke fit in. Oh, and all the ladies down in the berthing.”

“Gretchen was all you. She wasn’t part of this. We all knew she had a crush on Brooke though. And the ladies in berthing, I clued in everyone who was needed. Amelia and Benita though, they are just...”

“The biggest sluts on the ship.” We both laugh.

“Your Grandma and Grandpa Dave used to swing with My Grammy Phyllis and Grammpy Ken. They met on a cruise several years ago.”

“Grandma, you told me he wouldn’t... Oh, you played me.”

“Your Mom and Dad even joined a couple of times. He was such a nice guy. I really miss him. He always said I needed to meet you. He even wanted me to de-virginize you. When your grandma called my grammy to see if this was possible, they called me, and I set this all up. Even the berthing. After all, they hang out together three times a week on campus, at Carol and Suzy’s bar. Tim is Carol’s husband and Suzy is single...”

“And ready to mingle.” Grandma says. “Not to rush you two love birds, but there’s a Christmas party going on back in my room.” We all start to get dressed. Phyllis helps me with my jacket.

“I told you that you’d find out tonight. Um, you can always join us at our swingers' parties. I think I’ve become attached to this.” She reaches down and gives my groin a squeeze.

“And this is the Captain’s suite?” I ask as we head out.

“Yes. He is on vacation with his family. Amelia and Benita promised to clean up. They said something about you paying them back for it.” Julie turns off the lights on the way out.

Julie and I hold back and take a separate elevator. On the way down to the fourth deck, we kiss and tell.

“So, tell the truth... when did you realize that you love me?” Julie asks while snuggling up to me.

“Honestly, while I was getting ready today. I was in the shower, Amelia and Benita were helping me... um...” Julie cuts me off. She grabs me by my groin and squeezes.

“Prepare. Let's just say they were helping you get ready. I know what they were probably doing.” She releases, thankfully.

“All I could think of was you. With everything that has happened on this cruise, it was you! Not Yvonne’s tits, Ashley’s eyes, Veronica's ass, Marcia’s smile, Amelia and Benita’s double team, or and believe me this is a big one, your Grammy’s toothless blow job. It was you! When did you know you love me?”

“Honestly, knowing your grandma and grandpa and your mom and dad, I knew you had to be special. Believe it or not, I’ve been watching you at college. Then when you offered to help your mom and grandma get over their losses, I knew you were. But when you were willing to help my grammy. My heart melted. It didn’t hurt that you have... and I’m not joking, the best cock I’ve ever seen, tasted, or fucked.” The elevator dings and we step out together, hand in hand. We use our master key and just let ourselves in. I make it three steps inside when... Wham! My grandma wraps her arms around Julie. Then, WHAM! Phyllis wraps her arms around me. We both get covered in kisses. Mom is standing behind Phyllis, and Bill is holding her hand. Ken is standing behind Grandma, and the line starts to form. Carol and Suzy with Tim between them. Bill’s friends are scattered throughout the room. Veronica is pouring drinks, while Ashley is playing music. Gretchen is in a corner with a microphone. Marcia is flirting with three guys. Yvonne has a guy hanging on her. Gretchen starts to sing, and the room joins her. “Should old acquaintance be forgot and never brought to mind? Should old acquaintance be forgot and old lang syne...” Arms wrap around shoulders and everyone begins to sway together. Gretchen has a huge smile on her face as she sings. When the song ends everyone holds up their drinks, then takes a big gulp. As the night goes on, couple after couple leave together. Eventually Julie and I bid our farewells and head down to the berthing. Oddly, it’s quiet. We stop at my room, and I fumble to open it. Julie asks, “Do you need some help?”

Julie wakes me in the morning by putting her tits in my face.

“Good morning sleepyhead, get up, get up, but don’t get out of bed.” She laughs at her own joke. It’s early, so it’s not funny to me. She reaches for my cock, because the two hours of sex last night just wasn’t enough. “This was all I wanted for Christmas, and Santa didn’t disappoint.” I pull her close and kiss her. “I don’t have time for this unfortunately. The ship docks around ten. I left you a present in your grandma’s room. Please don’t open it until you get home. I have to disembark the passengers so; this is goodbye until you leave. I love you.” She kisses me and walks out of the room.

“I love you too!” comes from Veronica. “I love you too!” comes from Ashley. I hear “We love you too!” from Amelia and Benita. Then I hear showers and blow-dryers. I hear Gretchen singing. There are heels clumping down the passageway, giggling, then “Love ya too! Me too!” from Yvonne and Gretchen. Julie got my morning wood up. I find my shoes and grab the panties from the toes. One last present for Amelia and Benita.

I meet Mom at Grandma’s room with the bags. Grandma hands me my present from Julie. I stuff it inside my bag. We walk to the elevator and make our way to the ramp to leave. I see Julie shaking hands and giving hugs as people file off the ship. Julie hugs Mom and Mom kisses her cheek. Then, Grandma hugs her tight. She kisses her on the lips, tongue and all. Julie just goes along with it. Lastly, Julie hugs me. Kisses me. Then, whispers in my ear, “I’ll see you on campus. I can’t wait to introduce you to my sorority sisters. You think these ladies are sluts.” I laugh as I follow Mom and Grandma off the ship. It’s a long drive home, but only a few miles. We are all quiet. We get home and I start to unpack. I find Julie’s present and open it up. It’s a flash drive, panties, with a note.

“I put my number in your phone. Please use it soon. I love you.” I put the flash drive in my computer and open the file. A slide show begins, pictures of Me and Mom and Grandma. Followed by security footage of her letting me into my room. Then footage of her leaving my room. A picture of her naked lying in my bed. The same footage with me and Veronica followed by a picture of Veronica naked in my bed. Then the same with Marcia. It flashes end of day one. Security footage of the pool and Yvonne massaging lotion on my back. Phyllis/Bea laying naked with my hand on her crotch... her mouth is open wide. A few pics of her naked on my bed, on the Captain’s bed, and in the engine room naked. I laugh. Marcia was next. Us entering her room. Then her naked on all fours, her ass sticking out, on my bed. I see footage of Amelia and Benita entering my room followed by pictures of them naked on my bed holding their panties. Me leaving alone before they leave naked and cross the passageway to their rooms. Yvonne and I entering her room and a video of her crawling on the bed towards the camera, her tits swaying, nipples hard. End of day two. A surprising picture of Brooke and Gretchen naked together on my bed. Brooke has a whip and Gretchen is wearing handcuffs. Then videos from the orgy in my room start to play. End of day three. Pictures of Phyllis/Bea Suzy and Carol naked on my bed. Security footage of Phyllis and I entering the Captains stateroom. Security footage of Julie and Ken/The Captain entering. Finally, a video of Julie naked outside her door. She blows a kiss and steps inside.
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