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Please be patient as the story unfolds. There will be plenty of sex, I promise.

I had just come home from putting in several more applications when my mother told me Ms. Gardener had passed away. The ambulance had just been there and removed her body. I would miss Mrs. Gardener and her wisdom which she shared with me many times. I had gotten a call back from one of the auto dealerships and they wanted to interview me for a parts clerk. It wasn’t a great job, but it was a start.

I went to the interview and think I did well, but they told me they would call me back later. I had just arrived back home when the mailman pulled up to my mailbox. I walked over to him, and he handed me a stack of mail and I went into the house setting the mail on the table.

I took a shower and was watching television when my mother arrived from work. Even though it sometimes still seemed weird my relationship with my mother was never better. We barely went two days without one of our marathon sex sessions. My mother came from the back and started going through the mail. She walked into the living room handing me an envelope.

“Here this is for you.”, she stated, still fanning the rest out.

I took the envelope from her and looked at the return address. It was from a law firm in town called Miller, Miller, and Talbot. I opened the envelope and pulled out the single one-page letter and started reading it. I finished the letter and it basically stated that Mrs. Gardener had included me in her will. This was something I never expected and was very kind of her to think of me. I handed the letter to my mother which she read quickly.

“See baby, thoughtful actions don’t go unnoticed.”, she said, smiling at me.

Several weeks later, I took the bus downtown to the law office of Miller, Miller, and Talbot for the reading of the will. I arrived a few minutes early and a very pretty receptionist led me to the conference room where the will would be read.

About twenty minutes later, a catholic priest and a man in a suit walked in and sat across from me. Several minutes later, another man and a woman came in and sat at the head of the table. The man started in immediately.

“As you all know, we are here for the reading of Margaret Gardener’s last will and testament. I assuming you are Father McClendon from the Holy Spirit Church of Christ?”, he asked, looking at the priest.

“Yes, I am, and this is Bill King our lay administrator.”, he replied.

“Good and you must be Chris Williams, correct?”, he asked, looking over his glasses.

“Yes sir, I am”, I replied.

“How did you know Mrs. Gardener?”, he asked.

“She was my next-door neighbor for as long as I can remember. When her husband died, I started cutting her grass and going to the market for her several times a week. Whatever she needed either my mother or I tried to help.”, I answered.

“Fair enough.”, he replied.

He explained that this will was irrefutable and ironclad there for he would read it explaining anything that we did not understand. I had never heard a will being read before, so it was kind of odd to me. The will explained that Mrs. Gardener was leaving her house, the contents and five hundred thousand dollars to the church that Father McClendon represented. I was shocked to find out that Mrs. Gardener had five hundred thousand dollars in the bank. She lived a very simple life at least from what I saw.

He continued reading several small amounts she had donated to the SPCA, the American Legion and the American Cancer Society in memory of her only daughter.

“The remainder of my estate, I bequeath to Chris Anthony Williams, my next-door neighbor of many years. Chris, as this is read to you, I cannot begin to thank you enough for everything that you did for me for so many years. Your mother should be proud because she raised a fine young man. I was just an old lady who had no one and you made me feel like family. Oh, by the way, I hope you saved your quarters. I love you.”, he finished.

“Save your quarters?”, he chuckled.

I told him that I wouldn’t take any money for helping her out, but she refused. So, I told him we compromised of four quarters for cutting the grass and two quarters for a trip to the market. He nodded his head saying that sounded like Mrs. Gardener.

He handed Father McClendon a packet of papers he had to fill out to get the house transferred into the church’s name. He could then sell the house and use to money to help his church. He also handed him a promissory note for half a million dollars. I couldn’t even fathom that much money.

He finished up with Father McClendon and the two left thanking him for his help. As they exited, he then turned to me.

“Mr. Williams do you have bank accounts anywhere?”, he asked, smiling.

“Yes sir, my mother works at the First Bank and Trust on Jefferson Street.”, I replied.

“Good, then this packet is for you. My advice would be for your mother to get someone at the bank to advise you on this matter.”, he said, handing me the packet.

“Yes sir, I will give this to mother.”, I replied.

“Don’t you want to know what she left you?”, he asked.

“Oh, yes I guess so.”, I replied.

“When it’s not set in stone yet because of a few slight tax issues we have to settle but…… when it’s all said and done it should be a little over seven million dollars.”, he advised.

I sat there stunned, I mean a lawyer would not joke about something like this, or would he? How in the hell had Mrs. Gardener accumulated that much money? This could not be for real, no way.

“Seven million dollars?”, I asked.

“Give or take a few thousand.”, he replied.

I walked out of the office in a daze and walked to the corner bus stop. I rode the bus home with my head spinning a hundred miles an hour. I was just over nineteen years of age and I had seven million dollars. This had to be a dream that I was going to wake up from any minute. Since the bank was on the route that took me home, I decided to get off and explain this to my mother. I got off the bus a half block from the bank and walked to the front door. I went in and immediately began to draw stares form the women inside the bank. My upper body was big, and my arms were my best feature. Most of my clothes looked like I was poured into them, but I still had a twenty-eight-inch waist which made me look even bigger than I was.

I noticed my mother at the last window near the back of the bank and she had four people in line. I took a seat in the middle of the bank and would wait until she was free. A minute later, a young woman walked up to and asked if she could help me.

“No ma’am, I am waiting until my mother is free.”, I replied.

“Your mother?”, she asked, confused.

I suddenly realized that this was my first time inside this bank, and no one had ever met me before.

“Oh, I’m sorry…… Stacey Williams is my mother.”, I replied.

“No way, Stacey is your mother.”, she laughed.

“Yes ma’am, she is.”, I answered.

The woman appeared dumbfounded but turned and headed in my mother’s direction. When she got there, she switched spots with my mother. My mother headed my way and soon sat down on the chair next to me.

“What’s the matter, Chris?”, she asked.

I handed her the package that I was given at the law firm, and she opened it up and pulled out the papers. She scanned through the pages one at a time and stopped on the last paper. Her eyes got wide, and she put her hand over her mouth.

“Oh my God… is this for real?”, she asked, excited.

“Mom, she left us seven million dollars.”, I replied quietly.

“No son, she left you seven million dollars.”, she said, correcting me.

“No mom….us”, I answered, grabbing her hand.

My mother broke down in tears and grabbed me hugging me tightly. Everyone in the bank was looking at us and a man in a business suit came walking towards us.

“Stacey is everything ok?”, he asked.

“Yes Tony, everything is wonderful.”, she smiled back.

Both my mom and I were completely stunned by Mrs. Gardener’s gift to us. My mother consulted the executive board at the bank where she worked about how to manage this amount of money. The put her in touch with one of the bank’s financial advisors who told her he would walk her through all the investments needed.

We discussed everything for close to a month on how we wanted to move forward. We found a house across town that had come on the market recently that was nice. It was only two years old and had about three thousand square feet under roof. It had a large patio and inground pool in the back along with a twelve hundred square foot guest house that had not been finished.

We purchased the home and bought all new furniture moving in about two months later. My mom picked out some really nice things for the home. We also bought an eighty-inch flat screen tv which was bolted to the wall. We bought some patio furniture and did a few repairs on the pool. My mom suggested I finished the guest house off and use it as a man cave so to speak. So, we hired a contractor who installed a small kitchen and bathroom in the guest house. Then I left one large room that would house a bed, small dresser, IMAC computer and large flat screen tv with two lounge chairs. About forty-five days later the guest room was finished completely and ready to use.

My mom decided to keep working at the bank because she enjoyed seeing people every day. Even though I had put in several applications, I decided to spend the rest of the year training at the gym.

I was working out early in the morning with weights then going home around ten thirty or eleven in the morning then go home, eat, and take a nap. I would then go back at two o’clock in the afternoon and work with Master Garcia for three hours straight then help him for two more hours with the classes. Master Garcia was a no-nonsense man. He spoke, you listened. There was only one way to train, his way. I would work with him one on one for hours and he would never take it easy on me. I can’t count the number of times I would tap out to him daily. I had advanced rapidly and was now a blue belt, but I had so far to go.

As I arrived home one day and got out of the car, I noticed a young girl next door that I did not recognize. I had met the Wilkerson couple that lived there but they had never mentioned any children. I had on my blue scrub pants and a tight-fitting t-shirt. I walked around the car to the back, opened the trunk and took out my bag. As I started to walk towards the house, she called out to me.

“You live there?”, she asked.

“Yes, I do. I’m Chris…”, I replied.

“Yea, I know. The muscle head…”, she laughed.

“Not sure what you mean but it was nice to meet you.”, I answered, turning around.

“Aw, did I hurt your little bitty feelings?”, she giggled.

I turned around just in time to see Mrs. Wilkerson come out of the front door. I thought for a moment but said fuck it.

“Is there a problem? I have no clue who you are but trust me you can’t hurt my feelings or anything else for that matter.”, I said, calmly.

“So, I see you met Cassie.”, Mrs. Wilkerson stated.

“Yes ma’am, in more ways than one.”, answered.

“Cassie is my daughter home from school for a while. She can be quite overbearing.”, her mother advised.

“No mom not overbearing…. Just truthful. Sorry most people can’t handle it.”, she replied.

“Well, I let you two sort that out. Nice to meet you, Cassie.”, I waved and turned walking inside.

Several weeks later, Master Garcia brought in someone from out of town to go head-to-head with me. We were both told to go all out and never stopped until an injury or a tap out. My opponent was taller than me but only weighed maybe one hundred seventy-five pounds.

For the next hour, we pounded on each other with no mercy. At the end of the hour, we were both bleeding and bruised. But I had made him tap out three times and had not succumbed myself. After getting ready to leave, Master Garcia approached me with a brown belt in his hand.

“You go against me every day, so I really had to see where you were with other competition. He is a brown belt and you made him tap three times. Here Chris, you earned this.”, Master Garcia remarked.

I graciously accepted the belt and thanked my Master for everything he had done for me. I drove home thinking of what I had accomplished in so short of a time. I pulled into the driveway to see Cassie sitting on her father’s truck tailgate. I got out and walked to the trunk as usual.

“Whoa, someone got their ass kicked.”, she laughed.

“No actually I won.” I replied, not looking over.

“You won in what?”, she giggled.

“It’s called Krav Maga…. Israeli Self-defense.”, I answered, pulling my bag out of the trunk.

“Fucking Israeli’s are nuts.”, she commented.

“Your opinion.”, I replied, walking away.

I went inside and took a shower then drove to the sandwich shop a few miles away. I had ordered two roast beef sandwiches on po-boy bread, extra gravy and a large order of onion rings. This was a tradition for my mom and I on a Friday night. It was the one night that I would eat unhealthy so to speak. I picked up the order and drove straight back home. My mother arrived several minutes later while I was setting everything up.

She walked up to me and put her lips on mine firmly sliding her tongue into my mouth. That was my clue that she was extremely horny. We kissed for several minutes before she pulled away.

“Looks like your training was a little brutal today.”, she stated, rubbing my swollen eye.

“Went head-to-head with a brown belt today.”, I replied, smiling.

“I hope you won.”, she giggled, sitting down at the table.

During dinner, my mother happened to mention that she had been asked out by the owner of the Nissan dealership in town. He was in the bank quite a bit and apparently finally asked her to dinner. Now this could be a very complicated situation. I guess it never occurred to me that this might happen. I knew I could not overreact in this situation, but I was instantly jealous.

“Wow mom, a date. Good for you.”, I said, smiling.

“So that uh…. Doesn’t bother you?’, she asked, looking down at her food.

“God mom, I don’t know. I mean I’m not even sure what we are doing. I think that’s up to you.”, I answered.

“So, if I accept would that change anything between us?”, she asked, nervously.

“I would think if you two hit it off it would change everything. But I want you to be happy so it’s up to you.”, I explained.

Later that night when my mom was watching a movie on tv, I snuck down the hallway into my room and got into bed. I was really confused about our conversation and did not want to have sex tonight. I was not sure what I thought, but as bizarre as my situation was, I was not going to share her with another man. About an hour later, she stuck her head in the door and asked me to come to bed. I pretended to be asleep and after walking around my bed and leaning down, I guess I fooled her. She went out of my room and closed the door quietly. I had a hard time falling asleep that night and slept until ten o’clock the next morning.

When I got up, my mom had left a note on the kitchen table that she had ran to the market for groceries. I decided to cut the grass and clean the pool since it was a nice day. I had just picked up the lawn equipment and closed the garage door when I noticed Cassie sitting on the steps by her front door.

“Hey, what are you doing?”, she asked.

“I’m going to clean the pool now, just finished the grass.” I replied.

“Want some company?”, she asked.

This was the first time that Cassie had ever spoken to me in a civil tone. She came across as angry and frustrated, but I had no idea why.

“Sure, come on…”, I answered, waving her over.

She leaned in the front door and shouted to her mother she would be in my backyard. She then ran across her lawn and followed me into the rear yard.

“Nice pool…”, she stated.

She sat in one of the large chaise loungers and leaned back as I took the long-handled skimmer from the rack. I started to fish out the leaves slowly while she started at me intently.

“How long have you been working out?”, she asked.

“Several years with the weights but only a little over a year with Master Garcia.”, I replied.

“Why?”, she asked.

“Because I was tired of being bullied in school.”, I answered.

“So now you go around kicking ass?”, she inquired.

“No, not at all.”, I answered.

“Sorry, I just don’t get it.”, she laughed.

“Sometimes in life there are things you will never understand. It’s easier to just let those things go.”, I replied.

“Damn, that’s deep.”, she quickly shot back.

At that point I had to get in the pool and clean the steps and ladder rungs. I took off my shirt and set in on the table close to where Cassie was sitting.

“God damn boy, the girls must be throwing themselves at you.”, she giggled.

“Nope, no girlfriend. Not even dating anyone.”, I responded.

She did not respond for a while, so I got in the pool and began to scrub the steps. She got up and walked closer to me leaning over and sticking her hand in the water. She got up and looked in my direction.

“Hey, would it be ok if I got in the pool while you’re cleaning.”, she asked, softly.

“Sure, not a problem…. anytime you want.”, I replied.

“I’ll be right back….”, she laughed, running to her house.

This would be different to see Cassie in the swimming pool. All she ever wore were loose black pants, black t-shirts and a black hoodie. Most times she had the hood pulled up over her head. She had a pretty face with golden blonde hair but the rest of her was a mystery under the loose clothing. Then again, I had no idea what she was changing into.

About ten minutes later she came back with a white terry cloth bath robe on and some flip flops. She took the towel from around her neck and set it on the table as I went back to the last ladder. Several minutes later, she walked around the pool to the steps slowly. I knew I was staring but I couldn’t help it.

She had on a red bikini that set all her assets on display. She had nice breasts, a very small waist, flat stomach and a great tight ass. Finally, I looked away, but I knew she had caught me looking. The strange thing was with a body like Cassie had why wear the black loose clothing. Made no sense but I’m sure she had her reason. I finished the last ladder and count out turning both pumps back on to return the pool to crystal clear.

I put my t-shirt back on and asked Cassie if she wanted something to drink. She said a coke would be fine, so I went back into the house and grabbed two. Just about that time my mother entered the house carrying a bag of groceries.

“Hey baby, can you give me a hand?”, she asked.

“Sure mom.”, I replied.

I pulled all the bags out of my mom’s SUV and brought them in a few at a time. I set them on the kitchen table then picked up the cokes and headed back outside.

“Mom, just so you know…. Cassie from next door is in the pool.”, I stated.

“You invited her over?”, my mother asked, very surprised.

“No not really. I was picking up the lawn equipment and she was sitting on the stairs at her house and saw me. She asked what I was doing, and I told her I was going to clean the pool. She asked if she could come with me.”, I replied.

“Oh, ok then.”, she replied.

I went back outside and spent the next hour or so talking to Cassie before she went home. I went inside and showered then watched some television until dinner time. While sitting at the dinner table my mom informed me that my Aunt Lynda, her sister was having a rough time at home with her husband. Linda had mentioned possibly coming to stay with us for a while to give them both a break. Since we had four bedrooms and three bathrooms it would not be a problem for an extra person staying with us.

I was sitting on the sofa watching the end of a movie noticing it was almost nine o’clock. I figured to watch the end of the movie and go to bed after it ended. I was just about to get up when my mother came into the room and walked around the sofa in front of me. She was wearing a white t-shirt and black lace panties. She straddled my lap her face just inches from mine.

“You have been avoiding me.”, she said, softly.

“No mom, I haven’t. I’ve been training long hours and I was giving you some time to figure out if you wanted to go out on a date.”, I replied, looking her straight in the eyes.

“So, it does bother you?”, she responded.

“Actually mom, it doesn’t really. But what if you like this guy a lot. Wouldn’t it be awkward sleeping with the both of us?”,

“Yes, that would be awkward. But….”, she started.

“But what?”, I answered.

“Well Chris, you’re almost nineteen and I’m thirty-four. Right now, we are both in our sexual prime. But lately I have been thinking in fifteen years you are thirty-four and I’m knocking on fifty years of age. We have to think about that.”, she said with a sigh.

“Makes sense mom. Look why don’t you think this over and do what’s best for you. It won’t change the way I feel about you.”, I replied.

“I know baby…. but God I love fucking you. But you’re right…. I need to think this over.”, she stated, getting up off my lap.

As I watched her beautiful ass walk away from me, I was thinking how stupid I can be. I should have taken her to bed then brought the subject up. I mean after all it had been several weeks since we went to bed together.

Not much was said during the following week, and I spent a lot of time at the gym. I was working hard toward my black belt, but I knew it was going to take some time. Master Garcia also wanted me to train with knives and handguns to be well rounded in any type of situation I might encounter. But since you had to be twenty-one years of age to purchase a handgun, I knew I had quite a bit of time.

On a Thursday night, I got home to find my mother cooking in the kitchen. She greeted me with a hug and promised that dinner would be ready shortly. I took a quick shower and met my mom at the dining room table. She handed me a plate of tuna casserole and poured me a glass of iced tea.

“Chris, just so you know Lynda will be here tomorrow sometime after two o’clock. I took the day off and will pick her up from the airport. So, when you get home tomorrow night she will be here.”, she stated.

“Ok mom.”, I replied.

“Look, your Aunt Lynda and I are very close although it has been a while since I have seen her. She can be quite flirty at times and I’m sure she is going to go nuts over you. Just so you know when the both of us were home we experimented quite a bit, if you know what I mean.”, she said, shyly.

“I get it mom……I’ll be careful around her. She doesn’t know about us though, does she?”, I asked.

“No…. not at all.”, laughed my mom.


I got home from the gym around seven that night and walked in through the side door. I could hear my mom and Lynda talking in the living room. I went straight to the back and took a shower; I was a mess. I finished my shower, out some shorts and a t-shirt on and headed to the front room. As soon as Lynda saw me, she did a double take.

“This is little Chris?”, she asked, holding one hand over her mouth.

“That’s him sister.”, my mom replied.

She got up and ran around the sofa and hugged me tightly pressing her body firmly against mine. Both my mother and Lynda were very similar both beautiful women with amazing figures. She finally let me go and stepped back giving me the once over.

“How long have you been in the gym?”, she asked.

“Several years now. I work with weights in the morning and martial arts at night.”, I answered.

“My god nephew, you are some kind of fine.”, Lynda giggled.

We all sat together in the living room for several hours talking and catching up. Apparently, Lynda and her husband Jack were arguing all the time, so she decided to come and visit Stacey. They both felt that perhaps some time away from each other was what they needed. We were also informed that Jack was not exactly getting it done in the bedroom anymore.

I finally got up and went into my bedroom at eleven that night falling asleep immediately. All during the weekend I kept getting looks from Lynda that honestly made me feel a little uncomfortable. I went outside on Saturday and cut the grass then picked everything up. Just as I was about to go inside, I heard Cassie’s voice.

“Hey Chris…. what’s up?”, she shouted from next door.

“Not much Cassie, just finished the yard.”, I replied, as she walked over to me.

“Uh, any chance I can go swimming again?”, she asked.

“Sure, go ahead. No problem.”, I answered.

“Will you come with me?”, she asked.

“No sorry, I have a class in about forty-five minutes. I’ll be back around four though if you want to go then.”, I offered.

“Sure, that will work.”, she responded.

I left shortly thereafter for my class when I spent two hours with Master Garcia. We were beginning to work with training knives that were hard rubber. I would attempt to stab him with the knife, and he would disable me rapidly. Then we would reverse roles and I would attempt to do the same. I found it very interesting and something that may come in useless today.

I left the gym and stopped at the deli to grab a sandwich since I had eaten yet today. I ordered my sandwich and as I waited my high school nightmare walked in together. It was Darren Miller who was now again dating Haley which I couldn’t figure out. Then Mark Boudreaux who dated Chrissy Hanes, Destin Thibodaux who dated Jen Smith and the biggest asshole of all Josh Klein.

Josh played defensive line and was the biggest of the group at about two hundred seventy pounds, Mark Boudreaux was the quarterback who was in love with himself, and Destin Thibodaux was a wide receiver. None of them received any offers to play in college so for some of them their glory years were behind them. Of course, they noticed me right away.

“Hey Roid Boy is here.”, Josh laughed.

I ignored him and looked out of the window as I waited for my order. Josh came up and blocked me from leaving the booth and Mark and Destin slid in the booth across from me.

“Hey Chris, how’s it hanging?”, Mark asked.

“Just fine Mark, how have you been?”, I replied, courteously.

“I’m dating the hottest chick in town, my life is great.”, he laughed.

“Glad you’re doing well, Mark.”, I answered, once again.

“Hey, we hear you’re some kind of black belt in some bullshit Israeli crap.”, Josh laughed.

“No, that’s not true.”, I answered.

“That’s what everybody says.”, he laughed.

“It’s just something at the gym I do to keep in shape.”, I replied, just as my number was called.

I tried to stand but Josh had me blocked in the booth. So, I leaned forward slightly and stood up using my shoulder to push Josh backwards a bit. I was ready for him, but his buddy spoke up quickly.

“Not here Josh, we’ll catch him on the street.’, Mark suggested.

Josh stepped aside and I walked to the counter and paid for my order. I turned to walk out when of course they had to speak up.

“Be seeing you soon Williams”, Josh laughed.

“Looking forward to it.”, I replied, walking out of the store.

I knew before everything played out between us, I was going to have to fight one or maybe all of them. I wasn’t afraid of them, but I felt it was just silly that they couldn’t let it go. Here they were high schools graduates still hanging out together playing the same stupid games.

I went home and ate my sandwich then dressed for the pool. Cassie saw me come out through her bedroom window and waved indicating she would be over shortly. My mom and Lynda were not home so we had the place to ourselves.

Cassie came over in an orange bikini this time looking drop dead gorgeous. I still could not figure out why she dressed in all black with loose fitting clothing and hoodies. She set her towel down on the table and jumped into the pool. She popped up in the middle and swam towards me.

“So, what have you been up to?”, she asked, brushing the wet hair off her face.

“Not much really. How about you? I replied.

“Just listening to my parents about how I am throwing my life away.”, she sighed.

“I’m sure they just want what’s best for you.’, I answered.

“Fuck, I don’t know what’s best for me right now.”, she said, raising her voice.

Cassie could go from normal to excited very quickly. She seemed as though she was out of her element, and she resented someone or something.

“I’m always willing to listen Cassie, if that’s what you need.”, I offered.

“Oh Chris, you don’t want to be around me if I get started.”, she said.

“Just offering….”, I responded.

“Chris, my parents don’t understand because I have not told them what really happened at school.”, she said softly, looking over her shoulder.

She hesitated for several seconds then it was like somebody opened the flood gates to a dam. She started telling me about her freshman year in college and how she met what she thought was the love of her life. This past holiday season, she and her boyfriend went to a New Year’s Eve party. After some hesitation, she came clean.

Sometime during the party someone put Rohypnol in Cassie’s drink. About an hour later she started feeling weird and asked her boyfriend to take her home. Sometime later she must have passed out. She woke up the following morning on a bench outside in the quad. She staggered back to her room and noticed that her clothing was astray. She tried to contact her boyfriend, but he wouldn’t answer the phone.

Several days later still not able to reach her boyfriend she contacted several people that were at the party. When they began to act strange too, Cassie knew something had happened. The following day she received an email with a video attached.

She opened the attached and began to watch the video on her laptop. It started with Cassie and her boyfriend in bed having sex. Obviously, someone was recording the event. As Cassie admitted, she had sex with her boyfriend before the party in question so that was not a big issue. But as she noticed in the recording, she seemed dazed and very out of it.

After her boyfriend finished the recording stopped momentarily but started up and few seconds later. Now the room was full of people all shouting and laughing. Several young men took turns having sex with her. Several men also stuck their dicks in her mouth and finished off by masturbating and cumming on her.

Cassie stated that she remembered none of that night happening and still to this day cannot recall a thing. Once she finally cornered her boyfriend, he admitted that he allowed his friend to tape their encounter. He admitted things got out of hand later and regretted not stopping it. According to Cassie, she punched him in the face and walked out on him.

She tried to resume school, but the tape made its way all over campus and she was ridiculed daily. She got into several fights on campus and finally decided to come home. She had not revealed to her parents about the tape so they really could not understand what was going on. She admitted that she had been humiliated in front of her friends and could not let the anger inside of her go. She admitted that she loved her boyfriend and they planned to get married after graduating school. How could he have done something so vile to her. By the time she got it all out she was sobbing.

I felt bad for Cassie and put one arm around her trying to console her. She wrapped her arms around me and cried with her head on my shoulder for several minutes before pulling away.

“I’m sorry Chris, I shouldn’t have told you all of that…. It’s really my problem.”, she admitted.

“Cassie, you did nothing wrong, and I don’t blame you for being upset.”, I replied.

“Then my biggest problem is my boyfriend keeps calling me and wanting to get back together. In a way, I do love him, but I am not sure I can ever forgive him.,”, she said, softly.

“I can’t help you with that, Cassie. That is a huge decision to make, and you must make it alone.”, I answered.

“I know…. I’m still trying to get up the nerve to tell my parents what happened.”, she responded.

“Yes, that has to be tough.”, I said, trying to console her.

“Well, I cried enough today…. If you don’t mind, I’m going home.”, she said, swimming away.

She dried off and wrapped the towel around her body and walked away disappearing through the gate. I finished up, dried off and went inside to take a shower. By the time I came out of the bathroom both my mother and Lynda had returned.

“Hey what do you want to eat tonight. It’s just me and you. Your mother has a date.”, Lynda stated.

“It doesn’t matter to me. Tell me what you would like, and I’ll go get it.”, I answered.

So, my mother had decided to go out on the date after all. If things were not already fucked up between us, well this should make it worse. While I knew my mother had a point about the age difference why did she approach me several months ago at all. Especially now, when she is possibly going to start a relationship with someone. I made a conscious decision immediately to stay out of my mom’s bed.

I made it a point to wait until my mother’s date was about to arrive to go get dinner for Lynda and myself. I went to a local diner who made excellent hamburgers, fries and onion rings. I pulled up in front and went in to make my order. I placed the order and sat at the counter while I waited, drinking a large coke. Not five minutes later, Chrissy Hines and Maggie Miller came in and sat at the counter several stools away.

“Hey Chris, heard you ran into the guys a few days ago.”, Chrissy giggled.

“Is that what you call them…guys?”, I replied.

“They said they scared the shit out of you.”, Chrissy snapped.

I thought carefully about how I wanted to respond before I said anything. The last thing I needed was trouble from a bunch of high school rejects.

“Yes, I was scared Chrissy….”, I replied.

“Damn right you were. Next time you won’t be so lucky.”, she laughed.

“I’ll try to keep away from them….” I responded.

They both laughed and giggled to each other. Thankfully, the waitress brought my order over and I left. As I drove home, I knew somewhere soon something was going to happen. One on one would not be a problem but if they came after me six or seven to one no matter what, I was going to get hurt.

I went home and ate with Lynda, watched a little television and went to bed early. I had no idea what time my mother came home because I was fast asleep. I got up early the next morning and went straight to the gym. I noticed Master Garcia in his office unusually early, so I went across the floor and knocked on his door. He waved me in right away.

I sat down with him and explained the whole situation between myself and the football team going back to the altercation at Haley Mills’ home. He listened intently nodding his head as if he understood.

He responded to me that perhaps the best way to handle this situation was to inform the police about the encounters I kept having. That way if something did occur, they could be aware of it. Then on the other hand if I did report it and they found out it might get worse. He promised to think about it and get back to me.

I went home that evening to find my mother and Lynda on the sofa together watching television. I cleaned up and joined them in the living room. As soon as I sat down, I could tell something was up with the both of them. Every time I looked at them one or both was looking back.

“Ok, what’s up?”, I asked.

“Uh, nothing …. why?”, my mother replied.

“I don’t know, you two are acting strange.”, I responded.

“Aw, honey. Would I ever act strange around you?”, Lynda giggled.

The next evening around four o’clock, I was in the backyard cleaning out the pool when I heard voices in the front of the house. At first, I paid no mind to them, but they kept getting louder and louder. Suddenly, I recognized one of the voices as Cassie. I set the large leaf net down and walked to the gate by the driveway. I opened the gate and walked down the driveway to see Cassie in a heated confrontation with two boys about her age. I turned and walked in her direction only to see her mother standing in the doorway.

“Cassie, everything ok?”, I asked.

“No Chris, everything is not ok. Will and Tommy won’t leave.”, she answered.

I walked over until I was standing next to Cassie and facing the two men who were arguing with her, one of them, the closer one said something about not leaving until they worked things out.

“Maybe it’s better if you do what Cassie wants and leave now.”, I stated.

“Who the fuck are you and why should we care?”, the closer one said.

“Oh, I’m Chris. I lived next door.”, I responded, pointing to my house.

“Well, why the fuck don’t you go back to your house then.”, the second man responded.

“Is that what you want Cassie?”, I asked.

“Nope….”, she quickly answered.

“Who are these guys exactly?”, I asked.

“This one here used to be my boyfriend, he’s Will. The one behind him is the camera man I told you about. He’s Tommy.”, Cassie explained.

“Wait Cass, you told him?”, Will asked in shocked.

“Yes, I did.”, Cassie responded.

“Look dude, this doesn’t concern you so please just go home.”, Will turned facing me.

“I tell you one thing Willy. You two have some nerve coming here.”, I replied.

“Willy?”, he shouted.

Cassie started laughing hysterically as the second boy started moving toward me slowly. By that time, I noticed that Mrs. Wilkerson had stepped out from behind the glass door and was on the porch behind Cassie.

“I’m going to tell your muscled bound ass to leave one more time. If not, we’re going to make you leave.”, Will threatened.

I stepped forward one step and used my left arm to pull Cassie behind me. I felt one of her hands on my back, so I knew she was safe.

“Look Willy, please go back home. Cassie does not want to be around you.” I asked.

I no sooner finished the remark, and he threw a right-handed punch towards the left side of my face. Now, I had been training for a long time, but it was amazing how slow he seemed to be. I lifted my left arm and wrapped it quickly around his right drawing him towards me. I placed my left foot behind his right and pulled him down to his back.

I then noticed the second guy moving in my direction quickly, so I released the first guy. He came at me fast and I had no choice but to sidestep him. He tripped over my right leg and fell to the grass. Will had gotten up and once again threw a punch that grazed the side of my head. I stepped in and threw a short punch to his face connecting immediately. He fell backwards immediately both hands covering his face. You could see the blood coming through his hands.

By now Tommy realized that continuing this was maybe not the right idea. He walked over to Will and tried to help him up. Will removed his hands from his face it was obvious, he had a broken nose.

Tommy helped his friend back to his car all the while looking over his shoulder at me. Mrs. Wilkerson came down off the front steps and began to question Cassie about what just happened. I walked over to Cassie and made sure she was alright.

“Yes Chris, thanks. I think my mother and I need to have a long talk.”, she admitted.

“Ok, if you need anything, let me know.”, I replied, walking away.

From the small talk I had heard between my mother and Lynda it seems that mother enjoyed the two dates she had with the guy from the bank. Supposedly, they were going out again Friday and Saturday night. I really didn’t know what to make of it but in a way I somewhat felt relieved. Even though the sex was incredible immediately afterwards, I would always feel a sense of guilt.

I had been avoiding being alone with my mom. I would wait until Lynda was around then join the two of them. It made things a lot easier. I noticed that Friday night my mother really went all out with a new dress and shoes. She looked beautiful and I was sure she was going to turn some heads tonight.

I went to bed early that night and left Lynda watching television alone. I got up early before either of them woke up and went to the gym to work out. When I got home after one o’clock that afternoon, they were both sitting at the dining room table eating lunch.

“Hey honey, we got a bucket of chicken in here.”, my mom called out.

“Ok mom, just going to take a shower.”, I replied.

I took a quick shower and joined then at the table. I mostly listened to them talk about Lynda’s situation at home and how she was feeling. Apparently, being away from my Uncle Jack had really lifted her spirits and she seemed hesitant about going home. It really didn’t matter to us; we had a huge house and more than enough room.

I stayed late with Master Garcia on Saturday afternoon, so I did not see my mother leave on her date Saturday night. I stayed up with Lynda late and she mentioned quite a few times about my mother really admiring this guy she was dating. I was positive that my mother never told Lynda anything about us, so I knew she was genuine about what she was telling me. I guess sooner or later I was going to have to meet this guy.

Sunday morning was the only day that I slept late and tried to catchup with Lynda. I asked where my mom was.

“I really don’t know Chris…. I don’t think she came home last night.”, she replied with a devilish smile.

“Oh….”, I stuttered.

As the day went on, I became anxious that my mom had not returned or even called. I finally called her cell phone, but it went to voice mail. I sent her a text just asking her to reply that everything was fine. An hour later, Lynda did the same and again we got no response. This was not like my mom at all. Even though, I was hesitant I finally called the police.

The sheriff’s deputy arrived about forty minutes after I had called. He came in and sat down on the sofa and listened to what I had to say. He made notes in his small pad and then asked a series of questions. I described my mother’s car and found the license plate number in the strong box with our important papers.

I told him that she started dating the owner of the Nissan dealership in town, but I have never met him. I told him of the date she had with him the night before. He admitted he knew the man and would reach out and contact him immediately. Even though it had only been a little over twenty hours since Lynda had saw my mom the officer said they would start an investigation. I gave him a photo of my mother although it was a few years old. As he left, he promised to relay any information he would obtain and for us to notify him if my mother showed up back at home.

I had trouble sleeping that night because there was no doubt in my mind something had happened to her. The other thing that seemed strange was why did she take her own car? I was laying on the sofa watching television when my cell phone rang. It was the police officer who was at my house the night before.

“Mr. Williams, I interviewed Roland Langston, the owner of Langston Nissan first thing this morning. He told me that your mother came to his home last night and they had dinner. They had a drink after dinner, and he told me your mother left his home close to two in the morning. He actually had tried to call as her well several times and got no answer.”, he started.

“We issued a BOLO on your mother’s vehicle and her de***********ion. Your mother’s photo has been uploaded to the computer in all our road vehicles. We are also monitoring her credit cards and cell phone. As soon as we know more, we will contact you. “, he ended.

This made absolutely no sense at all. My mother would never just not come home or notify me of where she was. Something had happened and I couldn’t help but fear the worst.


Two days later, I received the call that I had been dreading. Lynda and I were asked to go down to the precinct and meet with a homicide detective. We drove down to the precinct right away although neither of us wanted to hear the news. We were directed to the third floor and brought to Detective James Wilson’s office. He stood up from behind his desk and shook both of our hands with a stoic look on his face.

“I regret to inform the both of you that Stacey Williams’ body was found a few hours ago in mid-town. We have the area secured and our crime scene unit is there now collecting evidence. So far, we have not found her vehicle or any other personal belongings.”, he stated.

“Where exactly was she found?”, Lynda asked, with tears running down her cheek.

“There’s a mini mart called Mary Jo’s off on the expressway about three miles from your home. She was found on the side driveway to the store.”, he answered.

“She was just lying on the driveway?”, I asked.

“No…., I’m sorry to say she was found in the dumpster on the side of building.”, he said, softly.

Lynda burst into tears sobbing hysterically clutching my hand like she was drowning. At that time, I was sure if I felt more sorrow or anger. How could someone kill my mother and toss her into the dumpster.

He then led us to the medical examiner’s office and had us positively identify my mother’s body. Lynda couldn’t go in, so I went alone. They opened a large stainless-steel door and pulled a rack out that was covered in a white sheet. The medical examiner removed the top half of the sheet exposing my mother’s face. Never in my life had I seen life’s cruel reality up close and personal. I nodded to the examiner, and he quickly covered her up again. I helped Lynda back up to Detective Wilson’s office where we both sat back down.

He of course, expressed his condolences for our loss then asked us a few more questions. He also asked that we not say anything to anyone about any detail of the case. He said that other than a few standard details, the press was not going to be told much. Over the years, they had solved many cases by suspects revealing something that had never been put in the newspaper.

We left several minutes later and drove straight home. Lynda went right to bed and slept for days. I walked around the house aimlessly even skipping the gym for several days. Four days later we were called and told we could make funeral arrangements due to the completed autopsy.

Five days later, we had my mother’s funeral at the Davis Mortuary in town where probably sixty people in attendance including Roland Langston who I met for the first time. He seemed like a nice guy and appeared devastated by the death of my mother. Even my Uncle Jack showed up much to Lynda’s dismay. After wrapping up at the cemetery, I notice Jack and Lynda in a slightly heated argument. I walked over and asked if everything was ok.

“Chris, I would like to stay in town a few days, but she refuses to let me stay at your home.”, he said, slightly annoyed.

“Well, that’s up to Aunt Lynda.”, I answered.

“Why it’s your house…. why should she make the rules? I am your uncle after all.”, he replied.

“It’s up to Aunt Lynda. If she says no…… its no.”, I responded, walking away.

About a week later, the police found my mother’s car in the parking lot of Treasure Cove Casino. Since it was opened twenty hours a day, a car left unattended would easily blend in with the other cars that were in the lot. The car had been brought to the impound lot and was being checked for fingerprints, blood, or DNA. They always informed me that they were sure my mother had been killed on the side of the store where she was found. She had died of a head injury which we knew but her blood had been found on the corner on the dumpster. Almost like she may have been struggling with someone and pushed then striking the back of her head.

They were still going over surveillance video of the nearby stores but so far had nothing. The cameras at Mary Jo’s were down and waiting to be fixed. The camera across the street at the pawn shop were down as well. They promised to call back if they had any new developments.

About a month later, a store about half a block down had some security footage that was discovered. There were eight to nine people in front of the store with all but one having hoodies on. You could see my mother’s car pulled up and park. She got out but before she could go into the store she was surrounded by this group of people. She kept retreating down the sideway to her vehicle before two people grabbed her and drug her into the alley out of sight.

Then about ten minutes later, two people come out and get in her car. They made a sharp U-turn and took off away from the cameras. The rest never came out the alley, so it was figured they went around the back and exited on the side street. Other than the number of people involved the tape really did not show much.

Aunt Lynda went back home about a month later to try and give her marriage one last chance. When she left, I told her she was welcome back any time to stay with me if she wanted to. I then turned back to a life of working out and training with Master Garcia. Only know, I was angry…. very angry. I would spar with people now and would attack with a vengeance I never knew I possessed.

About a week later, on a Saturday night I felt like getting a pizza, so I went to Moe’s Pizza which had the best pizza in town. It was a popular hangout for young people with a bar, pool tables and pinball machines.

I went in and they seat me at the last booth in the back which was the darkest area. Thankfully, I didn’t see anyone I knew so I relaxed and made my order. Just before my order arrived Mark Boudreaux and Chrissy Haynes came in but took a seat in front in the first booth. The last thing I needed tonight was to deal with Mark Boudreaux. Thankfully, for some reason they left moments before I did, so I did not have to deal with them.

A few days later, I was pulling into my driveway when I noticed Cassie sitting on her front porch steps. She got up and started walking towards me.

“Hey Cassie, how are you?”, I inquired.

“I’m better, thanks. How are you holding up?”, she asked.

“Day by day, Cassie.”, I responded.

“Hey, any chance we can talk later tonight?”, she asked.

“Sure, any time…. kind of tired of being alone.”, I answered.

“Ok, let’s say seven o’clock or so.”, he suggested.

“Sounds good.”, I replied.

I got cleaned up, made a pitcher of iced tea and straightened up the house a bit. I had no sooner finished when I heard a knock at the side door. I walked through the kitchen and let Cassie in. As she entered and walked past me, I got a scent of baby powder and soap. She had on black spandex shorts and a pink t-shirt which was a change from her normal attire.

I invited her to the living room where I had set out the pitcher of tea, two glasses and a container of ice. I poured two glasses, handing one to Cassie then sat back on the sofa. She seemed like she wanted to say something, but she was very hesitant.

“You ok, Cassie?”, I asked.

“Oh, yes… I’m fine. I told my mother everything that happened and even showed her a copy of the film. She was so angry at first that Will allowed that to happen. We talked for hours and as of now my mother thinks it is not a good idea to tell my father. My dad and Will’s dad know each other, and it could get real nasty.”, she explained.

“I understand.”, I replied.

“Oh, and by the way….my mother loves you for kicking Will’s ass”, she giggled.

“He deserved it…. How long did you and Will date?”, I asked.

We had been together since the eighth grade…. went to Columbus High same as you. Although I was two years ahead of you.”, she stated.

“Oh, I bet Will played on the football team huh?”, I asked.

“Yes, he did. How did you know?”, she asked, amazed.

“Because I have a running feud with Destin Thibodaux, Marl Boudreaux, Ted Savoie , Darren Miller and Josh Klein.”, I responded.

“Nice group of assholes you just mentioned.”, she laughed.

“You know them?”, I asked.

“Oh yea…you know those Coyotes run in packs. How did you get on the shit list with them?”, she asked.

I recalled the story at Haley’s pool party that night and what I did to Darren Miller. I explained ever since then whenever they see me, they try get me to fight.”, I answered.

“Well, unless I’m mistaken, you just added Will and Tommy to that group as well. They played together with that group for two years.”, she warned.

“It doesn’t matter……sooner or later it’s going happen and it’s not going to be nice.”, I replied.

“Hey how about we go to the Burger Barn and hang out for a while?”, she asked.

“Sure, I guess so….”, I stated.

Cassie went back to her house to change, and I did the same. I just threw some jeans and a Nike t-shirt on with a pair of tennis shoes. Cassie knocked on the door about thirty minutes later. She had on a short blue jean skirt and a sleeveless white pull over shirt. She looked good and much different from the black ensembles she wore regularly.

We arrived at the Burger Barn a little before seven o’clock and it was packed. We sat outside and waited for a booth for close to a half hour or so. We finally got seated close to the right wall and started looking at the menus. We ordered from the waitress and were waiting for our food when Will, Tommy and two girls came in. I nodded to Cassie to look by the front door. She turned and her face immediately became red with anger when she saw them.

“You want to leave?”, I asked, leaning over.

“Fuck‘em, …… I’m not running from them.”, she answered.

“Good enough for me.”, I replied.

They sat on the other side of the restaurant, and I was not even sure if they noticed us yet. Will’s two eyes and nose were still bruised severely but he seemed fine. Apparently, he had a new girlfriend since he was holding her hand and leaning all over her.

Our order arrived and we started eating and just talking about everything and anything. Cassie, as I was beginning to learn was quite different than the young lady, I met the first time. When she let her guard down, she was funny, smart, and sexy. We were really having a good time and I had forgotten all about Will and Tommy even being there until I heard a voice over my shoulder.

“Cassie, you better watch hanging around this guy. He’s a marked man….”, Tommy laughed.

Before Cassie said a word, I stood up turned and faced Tommy ready for any nonsense he might try. He took a step back as everyone around got deathly silent.

“I’m a marked man Tommy…… by who…. you?”, I asked.

He took another step back looking over at the table where Will was still seated. And out of the corner of my eye Will was making no attempt to get up at this moment.

“Tommy, when you threaten someone, you better be able to follow through. This is getting old with ex-football players trying to intimidate people. Now move along or we go outside, your choice.”, I said, calmly.

Tommy turned around and went back to his table and I sat back down with Cassie. One of the girls sitting at the table across from us leaned over and told Cassie that she hated that group. They had been bullying dozens of the students at the high school for years.

We left without any more incidents and drove straight back to my house. We both went in and sat on the sofa where I switched on the television. Cassie asked for a glass of tea, so I got up and poured two large glasses and returned to the sofa. I noticed while I was gone, she had moved over to the center of the sofa closer to where I was sitting. I handed her the glass of tea and sat down next to her.

We talked for a while, and it seemed like she was starting to open up a little bit. She was smiling more and laughing more. Maybe getting what really happened off her chest was a good thing. Then Cassie broke the silence that was looming.

“What do you think of me?”, she asked.

“Where did that come from?”, I laughed.

“Oh geez…. I mean about what happened and all.”, she inquired softly.

“Cassie, you did nothing wrong…. It was not your fault. And it does not affect how I feel about you.”, I responded.

My last remark seemed to reassure her because she leaned over and rested her head on my shoulder. I was not prepared for the gesture because we had never talked about any possibility of a relationship. But I also thought that right now she needed support after what she had just been through. I don’t know why I thought I had to say something funny.

“So, does this mean you like me?”, I asked.

“Maybe……. But I can tell you one thing. This time, I’m going to be more ***********ive.”, she giggled.

“I can understand that.”, I replied.

“So, what about you….no girlfriend or anything?”, she asked.

“Nope……. Never had one. I was considered an outcast in school until the last year. That’s when I went to Haley Mills’ party and I told you what happened there.”, I answered.

“Hmmmmmm…. So, I am guessing you have a lot to learn.”, Cassie giggled.

“I guess so…”, I replied, thinking if she only knew.

“Well, let’s start with the basics.”, she suggested.

She raised her head and leaned in pressing her lips to mine very softly. Within seconds, she opened her lips slightly and I felt the tip of her tongue against my upper lip. In just a few minutes, we were making out like we had been together for years. She finally broke free from my lips and leaned back.

“Whoa, give me a minute….’, she panted.

“No problem, you’re the teacher.”, I laughed.

“You’re full of shit Chris Williams. I’m not the first girl you ever kissed.”, she panted.

“Yes, you are, unless you count my mom.”, I replied.

“Sorry buddy, I’m not buying it.”, she responded.

“That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.”, I laughed.

“Well, let’s just skip lesson two and go right to three.”, she smiled, turning and straddling my lap.

She moved forward until her face was only inches from mine and I could feel her pussy pressing against my hardening cock. She wrapped her arms around my neck and looked into my eyes.

“There is more to you than meets the eye, Chris Williams”, she said softly, smiling at me.

“Why do you say that?”, I asked.

“I don’t know…. I just have a gut feeling.”, she replied.

“And what does your gut feeling tell you?”, I inquired.

She looked me deep in the eyes for close to a minute then leaned in and quickly kissed me then pulled away. She once again looked directly at me.

“Maybe I’m wrong but I am willing to bet you’re a great fuck. But I am not sure you could keep up with me.”, she giggled.

“You’re right, I’m sure I could not keep up with you.”, I sighed.

She reached between us with her left hand and took my right in hers. She pushed up her denim skirt with her right and pushed my hand between her legs. She didn’t stop until I felt the soft cool fabric of her panties. I started to gently rub up and down the center of the fabric softly causing her to shudder once. I moved the crotch of her panties to the side and slipped one finger inside her very wet entrance. She leaned forward resting her head on my shoulder as I fingered her slowly. She got extremely wet, and I moved up her pussy and started slowly rubbing her clit.

She lifted her head from my shoulder and opened her eyes looking directly at me. She had a smile on her face, and I figured I was just about to find out why.

“You sure do know your way around a wet pussy.”, she giggled.

“You do have a very wet pussy, Cassie.”, I agreed.

“Oh, you have no idea, Chris. Once I get started, I can’t stop.”, she replied.

“Maybe I should stop what I am doing then.”, I suggested.

“Don’t you fucking dare until you make me cum.”, she said, sternly.

“Oh, I have to make you cum?”, I asked.

“Yes, you fucking do. Let’s go to bed….”, she suggested, getting up off my lap.

I got up and took her down the hallway to my mother’s room which had the king size bed in it. I pulled back the covers then turned to see Cassie taking off her clothes. She slid her skirt down and peeled off her top quickly. She was out of her bra and panties in less than a minute climbing into bed. Cassie’s pussy was completely shaved, and the moisture was glistening between the folds. I took off my shirt and jeans tossing them to the floor. I then slid my boxer shorts down my legs and stepped out of them. I climbed in bed next to her and took her in my arms.

She immediately took my dick in her hands and began to stroke me up and down slowly. She gave me that look that I knew she had something to say.

“This is the biggest dick I have ever touched…… can’t wait to feel this inside of me.”, she stated.

I was already hard enough to penetrate her and growing by the second. I climbed over her and got between her legs. I reached down and guided my dick to her wet opening pushed forward slightly until the entire head was inside if her. She gasped with pleasure as I slowly stretched her out. Maybe a minute or so later, I was deep inside of Cassie stroking her pussy slowly.

“Fuck, that feels so good.”, she panted.

“So, do you think I can make you cum?”, I laughed.

“Oh, I can cum. the question is how many times can you make me cum?”, she giggled.

“As many times as, you want….”, I quickly responded.

“Yea, all guys say that but after they get off…there done.”, she sighed.

I leaned forward as I had been taught to do making sure my hard dick was stroking her clit. I put my lips on hers softly pushing my tongue into her mouth for the first time. Cassie’s hungry tongue found mine quickly as she wrapped her arms around my back.

Several minutes later, Cassie lost control in an orgasm that I was sure she had stop breathing for a few seconds. Cassie’s orgasm flooded the bed, and her entire body shook undermine. She pulled my head down and forced her tongue into my mouth panting heavily as she kissed me with a passion I had never experienced. I rolled over and pulled Cassie on top of me my hard dick still inside of her. She brushed the hair of her face and began to quickly ride my dick in a back-and-forth motion. I reached up and took her small breast in my hands and began to softly rub her hard nipples.

Cassie lasted a bit longer this time, but her orgasm was just as intense once again flooding the bed with her orgasm. She stopped her movement and sat up on me looking down into my eyes. She reached down between her legs with her right hand and began to rub her clit slowly.

“Not bad so far…… that’s two. I’m almost impressed.”, she laughed.

“Just for clarification, how many times do you think you can cum?”, I asked.

“Don’t know with someone…. but watching porn I have cum at least six times in an hour.”, she replied.

“Why don’t you just rub one out right now while I watch you.”, I suggested.

“Would you like that?”, Cassie answered.

“Fuck yea….”, I replied.

Cassie leaned back away from me so I could see her finger sliding over her wet clit. There was no doubt she enjoyed talking and the fact that I was watching her play with herself.

“Cassie, you’re a very naughty girl.”, I laughed.

“Would you consider dating a naughty slut like me?”, she asked, rubbing herself faster.

She was looking me dead in the eye with a very serious look on her face. Somehow in the last forty minutes or so, Cassie was completely exposing herself to me. Maybe she felt vulnerable after what had just happened to her, but she was really putting herself out there.

“If we do, maybe I won’t let you go.”, I responded.

“Maybe, I won’t ask you to.”, she answered, her finger flying over her clit.

She bent over so that her face was close to mind and had her third orgasm of the night. Only this time I could see the pleasure in her eyes and on the soft features of her face. Once she removed her hand from her pussy, she leaned over and gave me the softest kiss I had ever experienced in my life. It was passionate and it was genuine.

She raised up and lifted herself off me and laid down beside me on my right. I turned to her and brushed the hair out of her face. The look in her eyes was amazing, I did not know if it was love or lust, but I liked it. Cassie laid there a few minutes just looking at me and holding me. Just about that time her cell phone rang. She jumped up and grabbed her skirt pulling the phone from her pocket.

“Oh, hey mom, no I’m fine. I ‘m hanging out with Chris from next door.”, Cassie stated.

She listened for a while with a smile on her face while she would glance at me every now and then.

“Yes, I’m at his house next door watching a movie. We went out to eat earlier. I’ll be home later.”, she promised, hanging up.

“I’m pushing twenty years of age and my mom still worries about me.”, Cassie laughed.

She laid the phone back down and climbed over me getting back into bed. She leaned over and kissed me softly once again looking deep into my eyes.

“So, since I have already had three it’s time you start catching up.”, she giggled, moving down my body.

She grabbed my hard dick and pushed it into her wet, warm mouth. She used her tongue extremely well as she moved her mouth up and down on me. She was softly caressing my balls with her hand as she licked and sucked me with unbridled lust. After maybe two minutes, I was about to lose control.

“Cassie, you’re going to me make cum.”, I said, softly.

“Well, I certainly hope so….”, she giggled.

“No, I mean …. I uh was trying to warn you.”, I replied.

“You can cum in my mouth Chris, I love it.”, she said with riveting eyes.

She put me inside of her mouth again only this time moving up and down my erect shaft with reckless abandon. I did not last thirty seconds before the first spurt of cum splattered against the roof of her mouth. After four or five more eruptions, Cassie opened her mouth and my cum began to just pour out. She used her tongue on the head of my cock as cum kept oozing out and running down my shaft. She softly stroked me up and down squeezing the head milking the last few drops of my orgasm from inside of me.

When she was finished, she moved up my body and laid her head on my shoulder staring into my eyes. I leaned down and softly kissed her on the lips which took her by surprise. When I released her from the kiss her eyes were wide open.

“Oh, you have potential.”, she giggled.

“Come on Cassie.”, I said, getting out of bed.

I led Cassie to the master bathroom where I turned on both shower heads in the master bathroom shower. It was made for two people as I already knew from previous experience. We both got in and started to wash up with our hands roaming all over each other ‘s body. I helped Cassie wash her hair slowly running my fingers over her scalp. She leaned back against me with her ass pressing against my dick. I reached around her and began to rub her clit once more as I kissed her neck softly.

She reached back behind me and started to softly knead my dick in her small hand. She turned her head toward mine and looked at me.

“Chris, maybe I am jumping the gun, but I could get used to this really quickly.”, she said softly.
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