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I've bartended for 10 years at various bars. Being a bartender, you flirt with everyone that enters the place to make tips. Sometimes things get wild. The story is true. Specific conversations are often artistic license when I can't remember, but the events happened....
It was a Tuesday, and the usual early evening crowd sat around. We were discussing the latest news in town. Now, this bar was in a small town halfway between Philly and AC. I worked here a couple of nights and every Friday. The town was not big but it was the only bar for around ten miles or so. The locals came in and kept the place busy. I kept them entertained. I made good money and had very few problems. During Happy Hour, I held Town Talk. Being that I lived 30 minutes away, I wanted to know what was going on. Tell me what is going on in the little corner of paradise. The whole bar would gossip and BS about town events. It was always humorous, never mean. I made sure of that. People used to come in, especially for the few hours we did it. This time, one of my regulars mentioned a new bartender at a bar down the road. He was talking about her being cute. Another guy mentioned she was young. Then another talked about her bubbly personality. I commented that she was new and that with customers like them, the bubbly personality would go away soon.

“Sounds like someone is jealous,” someone said.

“I just hope you talk about me to the other bartenders,” I joked. “I’m not sure I appreciate youse talking about another bartender in front of me. I don’t talk about my other customers in front of you.”

We all laughed. “I feel like they you’re cheating on me.” I made a pouty face and jokingly stomped to the other side of the bar.

“We are cheating on you,” one said.

“I knew I smelled beer on your breath when you walked in,” I challenged.

“This is actually our break-up speech,” another joked. “It’s not us, It’s you,” he said.

“That’s what all the customers say when they leave me…” I said

“She knows how to treat me right,” a third kidded.

“ Is putting your bottle down at your seat before your butt hits the stool not enough for you?” I ask

“Feel free to head on down there, I’m sure I can keep your wives and girlfriends comfy and warm here while you're gone,” I told them.

“I don’t know Sko, she is kinda sexy,” one of the ladies at the bar said.

“Et Tu?,” I said all dramatically. I grabbed my chest, “I can feel my heart breaking. You, ladies, were my last hope.“

“Maybe if you showed some skin”, another girl said.

“I am appalled that you would suggest that,” I acted all offended then turned, “I’ll talk to the owner about muscle shirts and shorts do you think that would help?”

“How about shirtless and boxers,” one woman suggests.

“Or a g-string.” another shouted.

“Yeah, one we’d lose the liquor license, and two that would definitely drive the guys out. I am trying to keep you all. Besides that bar is a clear ten miles further down the road. We all know that is just too far. This place is just closer to home and convenient. I have no worries. In the end the best bartender,” I point to myself, “will prevail. Besides, she’s got a whole town of regulars to herself. She doesn't have room for youse. Just in case though,” I unbuttoned my shirt a few buttons and rolled my sleeves way up. I walked around flexing for a few minutes. I also managed to pick something up off the floor in front of every girl at the bar. In other words, I bent over and stuck my butt in the air in front of all the ladies at the bar. There were hoots and hollers. Everyone laughed. We traded jabs back and forth for a while. Then moved on to the next topic. They were talking about building a Wal-Mart 20 miles away. Nobody was quite sure what a Wal-Mart was but it can’t be good. The afternoon turned into the evening which faded into night. Slowly the crowd died off. I was cleaning up and figured since I hadn’t had a customer in half an hour, I’d shut down. I decided to check out my competition. Do some leg work and see what all the hubbub was. I drove down the road.

The bar down the road had a handful of people in it. I took a seat at the corner and nodded to a few familiar faces. After a minute or so, the new bartender sauntered up, “Hi I’m Emma, What can I get for you?”

“I’ll have a Yuengling lager.”

She smiled and walked over to the cooler. I noticed her hot ass in tight jeans as she bent over to grab my beer from the cooler. On previous occasions, I had sat in the same exact seat when visiting this bar. I had never noticed before that it was the perfect spot. I could watch the barmaid bend over to grab beers from the cooler. I got a great view of all her assets, Course none of the other bartenders had an ass like that to watch. Probably why I did not notice previously.

She walked back over and I put a twenty on the bar. She grabbed it and walked to the register. She was young. You only had to be 18 to tend bar in NJ, but most places would not hire you till you were at least 20. Of course, they made exceptions for hot girls and Emma qualified. She was 5’4” and probably weighed 100 pounds. Emma had her red hair pulled up in a ponytail tied with a ribbon. Her face was freckled and she had bright blue eyes. She was wearing a blue blouse that was unbuttoned enough to show just the right amount of cleavage from her breasts to tease anyone looking. She put my change on the bar, smiled, and walked over to refresh the drinks of some others at the bar. I watched her bounce around the bar interacting with the others. She was all smiles and flirty. She was giggling and joking. She looked like a little girl having fun. She came skipping back over to me. Her breasts bounced with each step.

“So what brings you in tonight?”

“Just got done work. Figured I’d grab a beer or two and relax.”

“It’s past one am, what work keeps you this late?”

“I’m your competition.”

“My what?”

“I’m the bartender from the place down the road. We were slow and I heard there was a new bartender. I closed early and figured I’d come and say hi. So… uh… Hi… I’m…”

“Sko,“ she interrupted, “I’ve heard of you.” Her eyes went thin and a scowl came across her face. “Some of the customers have talked about you.”

Ut Oh, I thought. “Wow, I didn’t know I had a reputation. I wouldn’t believe everything you hear. Sometimes jealous individuals spread lies and innuendos. Lots of exaggerations and rumors.” I smiled, winking. Comedy was my default defensive demeanor. I started to go through my mind and see if I could remember meeting her before. I’m good with faces, especially pretty girls, but I did not recognize her. “I apologize if I offended you in some way, that was not my intention.”

“You come in here claiming you are my competition. You are no competition to me. I don’t even think you are on the same level.”

Wow, snotty bitch. That’s strike one. I thought. “Ok, wow. Just an expression. I meant no trouble.I come in here often, I’m used to joking around with the other bartenders.” I smiled and put my hands up.

“Put your hands down. Look, you think just cause you work down the road, you're my competition. You come in here acting all high and mighty.” Her voice rose, “You want competition, let’s do a challenge,” Now she had the attention of the bar. I swear I heard the music stop.

“Uh, ok, what kinda challenge who can become more psycho?” What the fuck is going on here? Went through my mind.

“You're a real bartender right.” The bar was quiet. Now everyone was staring at us.

“Ahh… yeah. I bartend.” I was getting a little pissed at this pretentious bitch. I kept my smile and swigged my beer. I shook my head.

“I challenge you to shots of Jose.”

“Oooooh the bar,” roared

“Look what the hell would that prove? Doing shots of…” My mind froze. I stopped mid-sentence.

A little background is necessary here. Jose Cuervo and I used to be really good friends. We hung out often. One night a few years back, Jose and I had a battle. I didn’t realize I was fighting this battle. Jose did and he kicked my ass. Over the next few days, I recovered from Jose’s ass-whooping. It was not easy. Jose and I don’t hang out anymore. Never. This is a well-known fact by several people that I have gone drinking with. One of those people was Jackie, the manager of this bar.

“What’s the matter? Cat got your tongue or is ya scared?” She taunted me. The bar started clucking. A half dozen or so people clucking.

“Alright peanut gallery, knock it off. You got me, where’s Jackie?”

Emma smiled. Jackie walked out of the kitchen. The bar started laughing.

“I’m sorry,” Emma said laughingly, “It was Jackie’s idea.”

“I was thinking what the fuck, psycho, right up until you said Jose.” I laughed, “Then it all hit and I started looking for Jackie.“

Jackie put a marker in front of me indicating my next drink was paid for. “I was outside when you pulled in. I ran inside and told everybody at the bar what to do. Then I hid.”

“Yeah, you got me good,” I said.

“Sorry Sko had to get ya.” Jackie gave me a hug and walked back toward the office. “ I gotta finish up some paperwork. Be back out in a bit.”

“No worries, a good joke is worth it. Just remember, payback is a bitch,” I winked at her and she smiled and went back

Emma strolled back over “Really, I am sorry,” she repeated. “It was fun acting mad. I was trying to figure out how to work Tequila into the whole thing.”

“No, you were convincing. You do a good psycho, which is disconcerting but good acting I hope.” I replied.

“No, I'm innocent and cheerful, I promise.” she raised her right hand like she was swearing an oath in court. “So you are the infamous Sko. It seems everybody is talking about Sko.”

“People have been talking about me? What have they been saying?”

“They were joking that I was a female version of this guy down the street called Sko. They said you are always happy, joking, and flirting with everyone. I guess they feel I do the same.”

”Well at least it’s good things they are saying.”

“My mother goes to your place all the time and she talks about you too. She says you are a fun and happy-go-lucky person.”

“Who’s your mother?

“Rosy. She goes in there a couple of times a week.”

“Oh yes, I know Rosy well. Beer during the week and madras on the weekend or girls’ nights. She talks about her daughter a lot, but I thought you were younger.”

“I’m nineteen, will be twenty next week. Mom had me when she was young. So, you are my competition huh?” She eyed me up and down. “None of the other customers mentioned you were handsome and muscular. Mom said you were cute but I’d say she underestimated you.” She eyed me up and down. I felt like a horse being checked out.

“Should I stand up and turn around for you?”

“No, I got a good look when you walked in.”

“I got good teeth if you wanna feel.” Wow is this what girls felt like when I ogled them? “Thanks for the handsome part. I’m pretty sure the male customers don’t exactly see me as cute or handsome.”

“No, it was the ladies that mentioned that. I think they downplayed it because they didn’t want me going down there. I also pictured you older. I guessed more about my mom's age and the way she talks about you.”

“No one would mention my age. I am only 23. But I’ve been working there for 3 years now, so I’m kind of a fixture. Only the day bartender has been working there longer. Plus I’m an old soul so I fit in with the older crowd. As far as competition goes, we are both town bartenders,” I rolled my eyes, “and no matter the changes the regulars keep coming in and the faces remain the same. Course, I may lose some guys to a pretty girl like you.”

She smiled, “And I may lose some girls to a hot devil like you. Be right back.” She made a trip around the bar, refilled drinks, flirted here, joked there, she was the hostess with the mostest. She moved like she was dancing. And my eyes could not leave her body. Each time she bent over to grab a bottle for someone, I got to see her hot ass. It was awesome. We flirted and joked all night till last call. I was getting up to leave when she walked over and asked me to hang out for a little while she cleaned up. She walked over to the cooler and bent over to grab my beer. She ran her hand up and rubbed her ass as she turned back and smiled at me. With an invitation like that I couldn’t resist and I sat back down.

Jackie came over and sat down next to me. The restaurant business is small and you get to know all the other workers in the area. Especially the good ones. I’ve known Jackie for years. We were old pals.

“So what do ya think of Emma?” she asked.

“Good bartender seems to know how to handle a room.”

“I hired her because she reminded me of a female version of you. I figured I can’t tease you to come work for me so I have to get someone just like ya.”

“Yeah, I’m happy in my little paradise. I keep hearing she’s just like me. I guess that makes her a great bartender.” I smiled and we laughed.

“You going out for a cold one after this?”

“No, I gotta get home. Sister is watching the kids. Husbands outta town,” she sighed. Her husband was in the military. He was deployed off and on. Real good guy. Treated her right.

“Well next time, If ya need help watching the kids, let me know.”

“I’m going to let you watch my kids.” Jackie walked behind the bar and grabbed me a beer from the cooler. Don’t get me wrong Jackie is attractive and has a good body but, the view just wasn’t the same.

“Heck, I’ll give them each a roll of quarters so they can sit at the corner of the bar near the pinball machine all night. My bar is nice and friendly.” I laughed.“I’ll teach them. They’ll be mixing perfect cocktails after an hour or so. They’ll go home with a good skill.”

“Yeah, that’ll go over well.” She laughed. “Listen, I’m rolling out. I’m trusting you with Emma. Don’t you scare her outta here or anything.”

“Not a chance, Jackie.” I crossed my heart. “I’ll be a perfect gentleman. Seriously, if you need help with the kids let me know. I can babysit.”

“Thanks, Sko.” She smiled and gave me a hug. “Gentleman Sko, that’s a concept. See ya later, next time a drink,” she yelled good night to Emma and walked out the door.

“So you know Jackie well?” Emma asked.

“We go back a bit. She used to work with me at another bar when her husband and her first married.”

“She must trust you 'cause she has never left me here alone.”

“She knows me very well.”

“Really, very well huh?”

“No, not like that. Her husband is a really nice guy and I would never do that to him. ”

“You’d never do that to him? But you would do her?”

“Maybe years ago but she’s more like my older sister. Don’t get me wrong, Cute, funny, and nice are all traits that matter. However, too close friends, known too long, and most importantly married to a nice guy. That’s a no go for me.”

“So you have morals. That’s good to know.”

“Yes, contrary to the rumors you have heard about me, I am a stand-up guy.”

“What if he wasn’t a nice guy?”

“If he didn’t treat her right, it might be a different story. I would suggest she leave him first. But you women have powers that are pretty persuasive.”

“So I’m done cleaning, what do we do now?”

“Do? It’s 245am, we go home and sleep.”

“I’m wide awake. I always go home and go to bed. You’re up all the time at this hour, don't you know anywhere to go?”

“It’s Tuesday, I can't think of anything going on at this time. We could hit a diner or head to AC if ya want.…”

“I don’t mean a bar or anything. Just somewhere we can sit and talk and be alone.”

“Oh ok. Hop in my truck and we’ll head to the airport.”

“The airport?”

“Just hop in, I'll explain.” She got in the passenger seat of my pickup. We drove about 10 minutes to a local airport. It was a private airport for smaller planes. They closed from sundown to sunrise. At night the place was empty. I drove out to the end of the runway and into a field to the side. There were a few hangars out there but no one was ever out there at this time of the morning. It was a little over a quarter-mile from any light source. You could get a great view of the stars back there. I had a blanket and some pillows in the truck and laid them in the bed of the truck and on the tailgate. We sat and talked for a bit. I had a cooler and grabbed a couple of beers. We looked at the sky. I pointed out the constellations. Saw a couple of shooting stars. We talked about a couple of regulars we had in common.

“So my mom and some girls said that you are quite the ladies’ man?”

“I don’t know what you mean.” I said, pretending to be insulted, “I declare, I’m a good and proper gentleman.”

“My info is that you like to have fun with the various girls that come into your bar.”

“Once again, lies and innuendos…My good name is being slandered,” I protested, smiling. “Who has been spreading these falsehoods?”

“Well, I haven’t heard bad things. I was told to try you out for myself by some of the girls.”

“Ah well… I am a gentleman, so I don’t kiss and tell.” I smiled again, “So is that what this is all about?”

“Absolutely, I need to check out my competition.” With that, she stood up and started stripping off her clothes. ”I had fun teasing you all night, bending over in front of you. Knowing you were staring at my ass. It got me excited.” She explained as she unbuttoned her blouse. “You couldn’t take your eyes off of it. You enjoyed the show. Now I’m ready to reap the benefits of my efforts.” She was moving slowly as she pulled off her top. My cock stiffened as she tossed it aside. Then she reached back and unclasped her bra. She moved her arms and shook a bit letting it fall to the grass and her breasts bounced free. They were perky about c-cups. Her nipples were like little strawberries on top. She cupped them, lifted them together, and up. “What do you think?” I nodded with approval and clapped my hands. She unbuttoned her pants, lowered the zipper, and turned around. She pulled them down as she bent over exposing her hot tight ass and blue g-string. I was mesmerized. She stood up and looked over her shoulder at me. She wiggled her ass. “Do you like what you see?”

“‘Like’ is an understatement. You're amazing.”

“I’m glad to hear I meet your standards. Now I wanna experience what all the girls in town are talking about.” She turned towards me. As she did she pulled her panties down. She stepped slowly toward me. As she walked, the panties fell away and she stepped out of them. She strutted forward, her breasts bouncing with each step. Her bush was trimmed neatly in a vee shape puffing out above her snatch. I sat on the tailgate blinking my eyes making sure this was actually happening. She walked up and kissed me on the lips. I stared at this hot redhead standing in front of me bare-naked. Even the crickets seemed to be applauding at the sight.

“So am I underdressed or are you overdressed?” She asked.

“Definitely, I’m overdressed.” Her hands undid my belt and unbuttoned my pants. I felt the zipper go down then her hand reached in and grabbed my expanding cock. I lifted my butt and pulled my pants past it. She massaged my cock with her hand and leaned in to kiss me. Her tongue moved around my mouth exploring. Her other hand unbuttoned my shirt. She worked the buttons with one hand, an impressive talent. I put both hands on her ass and pulled her into me. I squeezed tightly as I pushed my tongue into her mouth. My mind was focusing and I sat forward, moving one hand to the back of her head and pulling her mouth tighter to mine as I kissed deeper. My other hand was still holding and squeezing her ass cheek. I separated my mouth from her and began to lick and suck on her neck. I got to her earlobe and nibbled. I tickled her ear with my tongue and sucked, causing cold air to rush across. I felt her nipples harden against my chest. “I’ve been staring at your hot ass all night, it looked awesome. Now with my hands on it and it feels amazing.” I whispered in her ear.

“My pussy was soaked knowing you were staring at me” she whispered back. “Let’s get these off you.” She grabbed either side of my pants and slid back and down pulling them off. She ended up with her face even with my cock.

Pre-cum covered the tip, She licked at it and then started sucking and teasing my cock with her tongue. She worked my balls with her hand and stroked my taint. Her mouth bobbed up and down. It felt amazing. I leaned back on my arms and stared up at the star-filled sky. I saw Orion and the Ursa Major. The dark sky never looked so beautiful. Her finger slid down and started teasing my asshole. I leaned further back to give her more access. I lay in the bed of my pick-up on my back with my feet flat on the tailgate. She slid down and tongued my asshole. Her hand moved up and down on my shaft. My eyes couldn’t focus on any constellations. I could barely see that there were stars in the sky. It felt amazing. “Holy shit that feels incredible,” I said aloud. “But I want to be inside you.” I didn’t want to cum like this so I sat up slowly which forced her mouth to move back to my cock.

I pulled her up so she was standing in between my legs. I grabbed her and started sucking on her nipples. I alternated between sucking on her breast while my hands squeezed and massaged the other. My tongue danced back and forth around her nipples. I moved my hands down to her ass. They squeezed and pulled her tight against me. My mouth continued to suck and lick each breast alternating back and forth. Reluctantly I pulled my mouth away from those beautiful orbs. I could have sucked and licked all night but, my lust wanted more. I slowly turned her around and pulled her against me. I reached down and maneuvered my cock between her legs. It pressed against her wet snatch. I reached up and pulled her body against mine. I kissed the back of her neck. I pushed her back slightly while pulling her chest toward me. Her body arched and I slowly thrust forward. My cock rubbed against her mound. Sliding among her lips and occasionally against her clit. That wetness lubed up my shaft. My one arm around her hips, the other pushed her back bending her over more. I positioned my cock right at her opening. I put both hands on her hips and pulled her back onto me. Slowly, I penetrated her wet opening. I slid a hand to her shoulder to keep her slightly bent over. I bounced her up and down on my cock. I was seated with my tailbone on the edge of the tailgate. I moved her body up and down and matched the motion with my hips. They were short quick thrusts. She moaned with pleasure. I kept my hands on her hips and bounced and moved her body up and down.

“Fuck me from behind,” she said.

“Ok enough teasing.” I picked her up off her feet, and still inside her pulled her against me. I turned and bent her over the tailgate. I now had better leverage and started pounding her faster. I picked up the pace. She positioned her head on a pillow and my hand kept her belly pushed down. This arched her back just right. I thrust deeper. My shaft rammed into her hard and fast.

“Oh god yes. Oh yess fuck me god that feels good.”

I smacked her ass and fucked harder. I pushed against her knees so that her feet bent which caused her to slide back off the tailgate slightly. Then I grabbed her ass and spread her cheeks wider. I drove deeper into her pussy.

“Oh fuck god that feels good… keep doing that….holy shit… yess fuck me fuck me.”

I could feel her body tighten. She tensed up and I pumped away.

“Oh fuck your good. Your pussy is so feels great.”

I reached between her legs and fingered her clit. My hand smacked her ass again. She yelped and moaned. The tension built. Her muscles tightened. Smack. Deep thrust. Smack. Deep thrust. My finger rubbed and teased her button. She inhaled deeply. Smack. Deep thrust. I felt the fluids gush inside her. Her body shook. My fingers continued to stroke her. She exhaled deeply, moaning with pleasure. Her hands moved onto the tailgate and helped steady her body. Quivers shook across her. I grabbed her shoulders and pulled her back toward me. She stood which drove her down on top of my cock more. My cock pressed against her insides. Her pussy clamped down on my stiff member. It was overwhelming. She shook and shuddered. I held her hips against me. My shaft pistoned in and out of her.

She let out a yell. “Fuck me. fuck me hard….” I picked up the pace and thrust harder. My balls were slapping against her. She was shaking. The trembles slowed. I could feel her body relax. I slowed the pace. I pushed deep in and held it then pulled slowly out. Then back in. I repeated this then slid out of her.

“I want to watch your tits bounce as you ride me.”

I climbed into the bed and lay back on the pillows. She kneeled on either side of me and positioned herself above my cock. I pushed a little and teased her. She lowered herself on me. She slid all the way down. She started riding me like a horse. I thrust up as she pushed down. We worked into a great rhythm. Her beautiful tits bounced as she rode. The pace quickened and I watched them shaking in front of my eyes. Her nipples sticking straight out. I could see the starlit sky behind her. She looked amazing. I could hear the shocks of the truck squeaking as she bounced. I reached up and grabbed her breasts. Squeezing and massaging them. I sat up slightly and sucked on each nipple. “You are like an angel backlit by the stars. You are so fucking hot.”

“I want to see the stars too,” she said. With that, she pulled off and turned around quickly then she lowered herself back down onto my cock and rode me reverse cowboy. She barely missed a beat. We were both facing the sky looking at the galaxy. She was squatting and moving up and down. I sat up and grabbed a hold of her breasts pulling her back. She slid back onto my chest. One arm wrapped around her waist and kept her from falling off. My other hand squeezed her breasts. We stared at the sky as I pumped away. She matched every move with an opposite thrust. My hand holding her waist started teasing her clit. I felt her pick up the pace. I rubbed her button. I squeezed her breast. I was rapidly thrusting. She slid up and down the length of my cock. We were in sequence as I went up and she pushed down.

“Oh fuck yes fuck that’s it…” she screamed. I felt her body tense. My cock slid deep then almost all the way out. Then quickly I pushed back in deep again. Her muscles clenched down on my shaft. I pulled back and could feel her insides gripping me refusing to let me out. I felt the orgasm flow through her body. The fluids leaked out each time I pulled back down. They lubricated the piston as I pushed back in. The pace increased as her insides flooded.

“God, you feel so good. Your pussy is grabbing my cock so tight. I’m gonna explode.”

“Cum inside me…Fuck me. Fuck me hard… I want to feel your cum in me. Fill my pussy.” Her body was shaking. I felt the spark begin inside me as I pulled downward. I slammed back up inside. She pulled me in tight. With each thrust, the muscles grabbed at my cock. My body spasmed. I spewed cum deep inside her pussy. She pushed back against my thrusts as my cock discharged load after load of hot jism into her. I grabbed her and pulled her up. Leaning against her and squeezing her breasts. The electricity flowed across my body. I kept pumping as her pussy muscles milked my cock dry of cum.

“Ohhhh, your pussy is amazing,” I shouted. My hand was still working her clit. I could feel her shaking as the orgasm rippled across her body. The truck squeaked as our motion shook it. Her insides rubbed my cock repeatedly. It felt so good. I didn’t want it to end. The ecstatic pleasure danced along with each thrust. Our rhythm slowed as the energy faded.

Our bodies relaxed. I dropped my hand away from her clit and our rhythm slowed. She turned her head slightly and I kissed her, still holding her down on my cock. Pulling her body against mine. I stopped and just held her with my cock buried inside her. I felt her tremors subside and I pumped a couple more times. I stayed in her as long as I could. Slowly I pulled out of her and moved her to my side. I grabbed her and kissed her deeply on the lips. My hands held onto her head. Then I dropped my hands around her waist and continued to kiss her. I held her next to me. The two of us caught our breaths. I could feel my heart pounding. Our bodies were covered in sweat, semen, and juices. I pulled the blanket over us. I lay there with her in my arms. I held her in my arms for a while. Both of us lay naked staring at the stars. The crickets entertained us with the chorus.

After a while, I sat up. She rested her head on my stomach, I reached over and grabbed a water bottle out of the cooler. I handed it to her.

“It’s important to hydrate,” I said smiling. She took a swig. Then passed it back to me.

“Wow, that was amazing. I see why the girls talk about you.”

“I don’t know about them but you were incredible. Our bodies just flowed together. I love how you told me what you wanted. You didn’t hold back.”

“Neither did you. I guess we are a lot alike. Maybe I am the female version of you. Just a girl who knows what she wants and likes to fuck.”

“Yeah, I guess I’m a guy who likes to fuck. We are very similar. Good time easy going laid back fucking couple.”

“Couple?” She said

“I meant… umm… like there are two of us,” I corrected.

“Not that I’m against couples, but I’m not looking for a relationship. I’ve been in too many of them and I’m too young for serious shit. I just want to be able to have sex with someone when I’m horny. I heard you were good. Now I know you are good. So what do you say?”

“Let me get this straight. You just wanna fuck every now and then. No relationship. No BS, just great sex like we just had. They are right, you are a female version of me. How in the world could I say no to a deal like that? I feel like I just won the lottery. “

“And if you fuck some girl or I fuck some guy, it’s all good. “

“I didn’t think this deal could get any better. Sounds good.”

“How about if I come to your bar alone. Or you come into my bar alone that’s the signal. We drop anything else we have going and just focus on us. That way if we have a rough night we can just head on over and know that a good fucking is coming our way.”

“Sounds like a deal.” We shook on it.

Of course, then we kissed on it… then we fucked on it for good measure. We lay in the bed of my pick-up naked on the blanket for another hour or so. I drove her back to her bar and then I headed home. I decided to get some cushions for the bed of the truck. This was the start of a great relationship. Emma and I were competitors with benefits for long while.
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