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Every character (even the fairies) in this story is 18+. Be advised that fairy anatomy can be a bit weird and they don't appear to have a good time.
Angel parked in the little dying strip mall as close as possible to the entrance of the store she wanted to visit. She was there at least once a week but still couldn’t shake the anxiety of even a stranger seeing her open the door to “ex Fairies” (the S had burnt out years ago). Her face hidden under the visor of a baseball cap, the young woman speed-walked away from her car, her long jet-black hair flowing behind her. She only allowed herself to exhale on the second *dingaling* triggered by the door’s closing swing.

There were still some folks left in the world, old and disconnected, who did not know what fairies were used almost exclusively for. Most people knew you didn’t go to a Fairy shop for terrarium accessories.

Now inside, Angel’s head cleared up and she turned into her true self: a kid in a candy store. The fairies came to life in their glass houses as she skipped by them. Some cowered behind their friends, some observed with curiosity. Angel was of the opinion that fairies were the cutest things ever, but the ones she’d seen dozens of times eventually turned invisible; the prettiest ones had already been picked out for her collection.

“Hey Angel, if you keep showing up earlier on Thursdays, you’ll get here before the delivery truck.”

Meg didn’t own the store but she was the only person Angel had ever seen working there. She was also the only one Angel was comfortable discussing fairies with, which made Meg her best friend. They could pass for sisters but Meg, with her piercings and black lipstick, was definitely the cool one.

“Did the Japanese Yosei come in yet?” Angel asked like every week this month.

“Sorry, no dice,” Meg said to a pouting Angel. “But I have something new that might interest you.”

Angel’s smile flashbanged the dark, drab store upon hearing one of her favorite words: “new”

In the back store, on a pile of cardboard boxes waiting to be unpacked, was a glass dome with a slender fairy inside. The world outside the cloche disappeared from Angel’s vision. This was the best day of her life.

“She still has her wings!” she exclaimed.

Meg gave her a weird look. “You know a normal person would have noticed her big 30cm cock first. But yeah, they didn’t need to clip her wings because she can't fly anyway. You know… because of the 30cm cock.” She proved her point by lifting the cover. The 20cm-tall fairy fluttered her wings at hummingbird speeds but only managed to lift her butt off the ground, her massive handicap remained anchored by its own weight to the base of the display case.

The wings were big, majestic and jade green. Her pastel pink hair looked freshly styled and multilayered. Angel was in love. She waited for Meg’s nod before touching her then went straight to lightly pinching the squishy breasts between her fingers. They were tiny little bumps, of course, but proportionally one of the largest racks she’d seen in a fairy.

“Is it really a girl?” Angel asked.

“Yup, girl parts are underneath, see?” Meg pinched the shaft’s skin in two places to raise it and reveal a typical little fairy hairless slit. “Hey, I’m warning you, by the way, I’ve seen a video of someone getting one excited; that little thing can cum buckets.”

“They come in a bucket?” Angel asked.

“They cum, ejaculate, Jesus, how can a fairy freak like you be so innocent?”

Angel was always telling Meg not to call her a freak but today she got a pass.

"It’s a genetic anomaly they found in some fairy tribe of the Amazon. A death sentence for them in the wild normally but they rescued a few and started breeding them like crazy. This girl is part of the first released batch."

“I want her. I don’t care how much it costs,” Angel said, with eyes that had never been wider.

“We’ve talked about this, baby girl. You can’t say things like that in a store. In any case, this is a promotional sample. I can only start selling them next year.”

“I see…”

“Angel,” Meg said, raising her favorite customer’s chin, “I’m kidding. And I’ll give you a fair price.”

Angel swiped a pile of Fairy Fun magazines off her desk to make room for the display case of the new star of her collection. She had terrariums full of beautiful specimens on every other surface. They were going to be neglected for a while in favor of this new hotness. She picked up Blossom (she had just decided on a name) while kicking off the legs of her pants.

Angel jumped in bed and finished getting naked under the covers. Her roommate knew better than to come in unannounced, but she still preferred the intimacy of sheets. Face up on the bed, her perky breasts were loosely covered by a thin layer of soft satin that copied their shape. Blossom was above her head, being held like a new teddy bear. Her big, thick dick dangling close to her owner's face.

Even in the debatably fresher air outside her glass dome, the futa fairy didn’t return her owner’s smiles. “That’s OK, you’ll come around,” Angel told her. She prided herself in treating her fairies well, but it was hard to reconcile that they would likely prefer frolicking around in the leaves than getting stuffed in human orifices with vibrators inside their own holes. With Blossom, there was no need for mental gymnastics; Meg said she would not have been happy in nature.

She didn’t know what to do with her first. When she stopped overthinking it, Angel opened her mouth and touched the tip of the dangling cock to her tongue. “Fairy cum, it must be delicious and magical.”

The cock twitched at first contact, which made Angel giggle with delight. Before continuing, she picked up a remote control by her bed and pressed the + button repeatedly until a muffled buzzing under the covers became audible. Angel’s eyes rolled under twitching eyelids. This was the secret reason for her fairy love: the debilitating orgasm from fairies having their own climax while stuffed inside her pussy and ass, and the propagated vibrations of the Bluetooth egg vibrators lodged in their pea-sized fairy wombs. She always had at least one vibrator-equipped fairy inside her, even on store runs.

Now she was ready to go down (or up) on her new friend and promised herself to keep sucking through the rolling climaxes.

Angel should have watched that video Meg talked about. She would have still been too curious to resist but would have at least brought the trashcan closer to the bed. With just the cutest squeal of glee, Blossom began unloading swill after swill of her rich prostatic fluid into Angel’s mouth, who had to choose between swallowing it all or ruining her bedsheets. Running to the bathroom was not an option when you’ve had the kind of leg-numbing orgasms her fairy dildos provided.

Fairy cum didn’t taste any different than human cum, but Angel didn’t know and didn’t care; it tasted like liquid heaven to her. She sucked out the last drop like Blossom’s penis was a thick straw in a thick milkshake.

Angel still wanted more (the story of her life). There wasn’t anything in the world that could compete with a fairy’s libido except a little Angel from British Columbia. Surprisingly, the new specimen didn’t respond to the second round of suckles. The cock and its wielder were limp in Angel’s hands even after a few good shakes.

“Oh, I know.” She reached into her nightstand for the opened mega-pack of egg vibrators. They were not manufactured with fairies in mind otherwise they would have been smaller than their heads, but Angel liked that brand, and oversized eggs never popped out of her fairies at climactic moments. With a hand wrapped around the fairy’s dick for leverage, the human girl pushed the pink ball against the miniature pussy below. Blossom was crying out for help in her weird fairy language, but Angel felt the cock harden in her hand as she pushed. “You can’t fool me, little one.”

The egg breached the vulva to a sigh of relief from Blossom. “Just a little further. You won’t want it to ever come out, trust me,” Angel said to her toy. The kicking, twisting and wing flapping resumed until the egg broke through the second barrier, a virgin fairy cervix. As soon as the Bluetooth device paired, it came to life at the same intensity setting as the others she had triggered before inside her human body and Blossom’s cock quickly expanded to its full glory. This time, Angel slid the erect, convulsing, fantastical being under her sheets.

Angel wished she could have seen the look on Nixie’s face when the first cock she’d ever seen rubbed against her torso to share the crowded space of Angel’s vaginal canal. Blossom, being held like a corkscrew, popped her champagne before Angel could push her all the way to the hilt. Poor Nixie must have almost drowned from the torrent of cum. Fairies could hold their breath for a long time, though, long enough for Angel not to waste a thought away from her mind-shattering frenzy. Her tensed legs pushed up her navel to make a tent of the sheet for a minute before collapsing back down on the bed. She rode the aftermath shockwaves while absentmindedly fucking herself with Blossom’s gift.

The morning alarm woke Angel up but it’s the continuation of the orgasm she passed out on that kept her from falling right back asleep. She might have gone a bit overboard last night when she realized she could combine her four favorite fairies into one ultimate sex toy.

Carefully and with sharp moans, Angel pulled Blossom’s cock out of her bum. Nixie plopped out along with it, impaled all the way through from ass to mouth on the cock of her people. A second fairy was right behind her; she took a desperate breath when she cleared the rim of Angel’s asshole. A third one, wrapped around Blossom’s cockhead required a few finger flicks on her tits to get her moving again.

Angel looked at the time; she was already late for work… She looked at her pants on the floor; they were so far away… "Oh well." She pushed the vibrating super dildo back in her ass where it belonged and cranked the eggs to maximum power. "Three-day weekend!"


2023-01-25 15:46:53
Ha as always your writing is so weird and fun! Love the concept

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