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Two robbers plan to rob a house when the father goes away on a business trip. When they arrive, they find both the daughter and the wife helpless, and both of them are super attractive. Tensions arise from both men over the women.
Warning: This story has themes of nonconsent/rape. If you do not enjoy those kinds of themes, do not read the story. All characters are 18 or older.

“I think I found one,” muttered Rick, scrolling through his computer.

“Yeah? Better not be another one of your mistakes,” mused Dwayne as he took a hit from his joint.

“Hey chill homie I thought we were over that.”

“Not until you make it up, homie.” Dwayne stood from his chair and walked over to Rick, his big frame shaking the floor. Rick looked up at Dwayne’s towering gaze and showed the screen.

“Look, this rich cunt Mark is going on a business trip, he posted it on facebook. Look at his house bro! Imagine all the goods. He says he’s leaving tomorrow night.” Rick showed Dwayne a picture of the house, almost big enough to be a mansion. Rick shook his head at the foolishness of the man.

“Hehe, I guess you are trying to redeem yourself. If this goes right, I’ll drop the other stuff, deal? Keep scrolling through his profile though, I wanna see more.” Rick quickly scrolled through and landed on a picture of Mark’s family. He had a daughter and wife, and both of them were gorgeous. The daughter looked around 18 and had a slim figure with nice tits. Her brown hair surrounded her beautiful face. Standing next to her was an absolute milf. She smiled widely, her perfect teeth showing. She stood a couple inches taller than the daughter and had a complete rack and an ass to match it. Dwayne started to laugh aloud, and Rick stared at him.

“Hahaha, you found a good one Rick!” said Dwayne as he walked away and took one last hit before putting out his joint. “I’ll see you tomorrow then homie,” showing one last grin to Rick before leaving the room. Rick nodded goodbye as he turned to look back at his computer. His eyes fixated at the daughter, and before long he was fully erect.

“I’m gonna have you tomorrow my beautiful,” he muttered lustily.

The next day Dwayne arrived at Rick’s place as the sun was starting to fall. Rick was already waiting outside and walked over to jump in.

“Alright, here’s the plan. I’m gonna go in first while you circle the neighborhood. If anyone is home, I’ll subdue them first and then open the garage for you,” explained Rick. It was the usual plan, Rick would stealthily go in first to make sure no one was home before Dwayne brought the car in.

“Sounds good homes,” said Dwayne with a devious smile. He knew that Rick wanted to have fun with the girls, and so did he. However if they were to do so it would be with him calling the shots.

They arrived at the house when it was completely dark outside, and Rick hopped out of the car and quickly ran to the side of the house while Dwayne drove off. The neighborhood was beautiful. Thick, tall trees acting as natural barriers between the houses, not to mention the huge properties. Rick approached the house and saw some lights on and knew there might be people there. As he got behind the house into the backyard he pulled out his crowbar and carefully moved toward a window. Slipping on his ski mask he expertly jammed his crowbar into the window and used his strength to break the lock and pop the window open. He jumped in with ease, practiced from the many times he had done this, and landed in a room that looked like the office of the dad.

Putting down the crowbar and backpack, he drew his gun and a flashlight. He needed to clear the house of any people before he could open the garage for Dwayne to come in. He also needed to do this fast, as Dwayne driving around the neighborhood was a risk. Leaving the office Rick went room to room on the first floor, not seeing anyone. He marveled at the size of the house. The kitchen, living room, and dining room were each big enough to be their own studio apartment. Fucking snobs, he thought.

If there were people still in the house, they’d be upstairs or in the basement, he thought. Deciding to check the second floor first, he started to walk up the stairs when he heard voices. It sounded like it was coming from a T.V., which was not a sure sign of someone in the house. Still cautious however, he tiptoed up the stairs and finally came to the second floor where he saw a closed bedroom with light emanating from it. The sound from the T.V. was also coming from the door, so Rick carefully advanced and opened it, stepping into the room quietly. He instantly recognized the room as the master bedroom with a huge T.V. on the opposite side of the room blaring some show. In front of the television was a bed, and to his shock the wife was on it. She didn’t hear anything through the noise of the T.V. and was facing away from the door. She laid on the bed with emerald lingerie and a purple silk robe, contently watching the T.V. Rick felt his cock harden as he kept looking. Yeah, this bitch is definitely a trophy wife for that rich fucker, he thought. The smooth, tan skin exposed by the lingerie with a pair of gorgeous breasts distracted Rick for a couple seconds before he regained his senses, shaking his head in disappointment, and continued to move with the plan.

Experienced from previous robberies and situations like this, he knew he had to prevent the wife from making any sound once she saw him as that could alert someone else in the house. Walking as quietly as possible, he approached the bed, ready to jump at a moment’s notice. As he was two steps away, he saw the wife, who must’ve felt something, turn in his direction. Immediately he charged towards the bed and covered her mouth before she could scream. The wife instantly tried to fight back, but Rick expertly wrestled himself into a position where he was behind her with one hand on her mouth and one arm around her throat in a chokehold.

“Stop fighting, I’m not gonna hurt you,” he said in her ear. “If you keep fighting I’m gonna kill you. I’m just here to rob the house.” Instantly, he felt less resistance, and he smiled to himself that his trick worked. “Listen bitch, listen real closely. I’m gonna make this simple for you. I’m going to release you. If you make any noise I’m going to fucking kill you and anyone else in this house. If you follow my directions everyone will be unharmed. Sound good?” He felt the nod and slowly took his hand away. She followed through and made no noise. Reaching into his pocket he grabbed some rope.

“Put your hands behind your back,” ordered Rick. She quickly put them behind her as Rick released the choke hold to bind her hands together. Once he did that he breathed a sigh of relief, the hard part was done. Getting slightly more comfortable, he laid in the bed with her, feeling her sexually. “What’s your name sexy?” Her eyes instantly got panged with fear at his language and body movement.

“Pa…Pa...Patricia,” she stuttered, her beautiful face shocked with panic.

“Patricia, what a sexy name.” Rick looked at her, marveling at her body. “Now Patricia, is there anyone else in the house? Don’t lie to me. If I find out you are lying there will be very serious consequences,” said Rick as he ran his hand down her pretty face. He saw Patricia think for a moment before opening her mouth.

“Yes, my daughter Alison is here, in her room I think,” she muttered.

“Good…good,” said Rick with a nasty smile that made Patricia paralyze with fear. “Listen, I’m gonna gag you and bind your legs and then go to Alison’s room to do the same. Remember, if you do anything to escape or make noise both of you will die tonight.” Patricia whimpered in fear. Rick stood up from the bed and rummaged in the closet for a gag.

“Please, don’t hurt Alison. She’s my only daughter,” pleaded Patricia.

“I said I wouldn’t, you dumb bitch. Do you listen? I’m here to rob you, and that’s all.” Rick knew this was not true, and the fact that he was lying made him more excited. After rummaging for a bit he found a beautiful piece of underwear and walked back to the bed. “Open your mouth,” he barked as Patricia reluctantly opened her hot mouth. Rick hesitated for a bit, staring at the gorgeous wife before stuffing the underwear deep in her mouth. Patricia noticed an obvious bulge in Rick’s pants but by then it was too late, and Rick shoved her to the ground on her stomach to bind her legs.

Once he was done with that, he checked his phone. Eight minutes had already passed since he left the car. Fuck, this is taking too long, he thought. Leaving the master bedroom, he entered back in the hallway, coming face to face with the daughter. She must’ve heard a disturbance and came out to check what was going on. She stood around five foot two, with a petite build. Rick, after a moment of hesitation that Alison also shared, sprinted towards her. She turned around to run away, but Rick had already got the head start and tackled her to the ground.

Instantly muffling her with his hand as he did with the wife, he said, “Listen to me girl, I’m gonna tell you the same thing I told your mom. Do not yell or try to escape, and I’ll leave you unharmed after I rob the place.” Alison still tried to fight back, so Rick started to choke her. After a couple seconds she gave up the fight, and Rick eased his hold. “Do that again and you and your mom are dead, understand?” She nodded. “Good, remember what I said. I’m going to bind you now. Walk me to your room now.” Rick picked her up and followed her to her bedroom where he binded her hands and feet and gagged her with a piece of underwear from her own drawer, just like he did with the wife. As she laid there tied up, Rick admired the behind of her gorgeous body. Her ass was so round and big for the size of her body. Rick played with the thought of fucking her right then and there but realized there would be time for that later, and he knew Dwayne would be furious. Rick pulled out his phone to text Dwayne and saw another five minutes had passed. Damn, hopefully he’s not too upset, thought Rick. He then hurriedly went downstairs to the garage, waiting for Dwayne to arrive. A minute later, Rick saw Dwayne’s car and opened up the garage as he pulled in very fast with Rick instantly shutting it to minimize the time anyone could look in.

“The fuck took so long?” questioned Dwayne as he jumped out of the car, looking suspiciously at Rick.

“Sorry, both the wife and daughter are here, I had to subdue them,” explained Rick. As he said this he saw Dwayne’s eyes light up with lust. They both wanted the girls, and they both knew that the other person wanted them as well.

“Oh? Is that right? Any problems with them?” asked Dwayne.

“Nope, everything was cool, just took a little bit longer than usual.”

“Alright, you know the deal, let’s tear this motherfucker down,” Dwayne said excitedly as he put on his ski mask.

“What about the girls?” asked Rick.

“What about them? We’re here to get money homie. I don’t want any trouble with shit. And neither should you,” Dwayne lied. Rick was instantly suspicious and stared at Dwayne. Rick, however, did not want to start a fight and let it go. “Where are the girls by the way?” asked Dwayne.

“The daughter is in her room, and the wife is in the masters.”

“Okay, here’s the plan. I’ll start on the second floor and you start in the basement. We’ll meet up on the first floor,” explained Dwayne. Rick was now extremely suspicious but like before he didn’t want to start a fight. Dwayne was much bigger than him, and the only way Rick would win was to outsmart him. Rick decided to let it go for now and nodded confirmation.

They both left the garage and went to their respective floors. Rick went to the basement, and like usual grabbed everything of value. Speakers, golf clubs, electronics, anything that wasn’t nailed down to the ground and had value was taken. After loading up a bag he returned to the garage to empty it and noticed that Dwayne hadn’t finished his first run. A little bit worried, he shrugged it off on the explanation that upstairs usually contained smaller valuables and a bag was harder to fill. After emptying the valuables into the trunk, Rick returned to the basement for another trip.

Meanwhile, Dwayne had gone upstairs to check on the girls. He knew that he had not fooled Rick with his intentions but frankly, he didn’t care. He knew Rick would never confront him openly. Dropping the empty bag in the hallway, he peered into both bedrooms, seeing the bound girls on the floor. Damn, both these girls are smoking hot in their own way, he thought. He decided to check on the daughter first, entering her room and closing the door behind him. Moving her to the bed, he looked at her face. Jesus this girl really is pretty, he thought. Her beautiful brown eyes looked back at him through his mask. Wanting to see more, Dwayne used his strength to tear her shirt off, revealing a beautiful rack held in a bright blue bra. Alison whimpered in fright. Overcome with lust, Dwayne tore off the bra as well, exposing the most beautiful tits he had ever seen. They weren’t the biggest, but they were perfectly shaped and were super perky. He started to fondle them and squeeze them, but Alison started to wriggle uncontrollably. Dwayne, having zero patience, grabbed his gun and put it to her head.

“Listen slut, you do that again, and I’m gonna blow your head off. Same with your mom. Let me have my way with you, and you’ll escape this night alive,” said Dwayne. Alison could tell this man was much different than the other one. More sadistic, more cruel. As Dwayne continued with her tits, sucking and pinching them with Alison groaning in pain, his cock grew erect. Alison stared at the huge bulge in Dwayne’s pants in dread. Dwayne noticed Alison staring at it and chuckled, “You like what you see? Haha, I bet this is the biggest you’ll ever see. A girl like you might get big dick boyfriends, but they ain’t got nothing on me.”

Dwayne gave her tits one last pinch and a smack, leaving a streak of red across her chest, before standing up and stripping down. He took off his shirt first, revealing a shredded body underneath. Alison marveled at it. She had dated jocks and the best athletes at her school but had never seen a body with that much muscle on it. All six abs were bulging, and his chest was massive. Dwayne continued to take off his clothes, revealing his massive black cock. Alison couldn’t help but stare. She realized he wasn’t lying about his size, even her biggest boyfriend was still noticeably smaller. His cock had the same width as her forearm, and if she were to guess its length it would be at least nine inches. Dwayne noticed Alison in awe and smiled sadistically.

“I told you I wasn’t lying, bitch. I’m gonna take that gag out now, remember the rules. I don’t even need a gun to kill you. I could choke the life out of you in a couple seconds. Anyways, when I take that gag out you’re gonna suck my cock. Yeah, you’re gonna suck it real good,” Dwayne ordered. Alison started to shake her head repeatedly, but Dwayne ignored it and pulled out the gag.

“Please don’t do this. I’ll give you anything you want. Just take our stuff. Please,” begged Alison.

Dwayne smiled, and said, “Okay, have it your way,” and reached over and put both hands on her throat and started squeezing. Alison instantly felt her airways being crushed and tried to scream but to no avail. After a couple seconds Dwayne let go, and Alison heaved for air. “You see how this works slut?” questioned Dwayne. Alison nodded. Dwayne laid down on the bed with Alison and moved her between his legs with her face next to his giant cock. Dwayne first wanted to see how much she would do on her own. “Okay bitch, start sucking,” said Dwayne while grabbing his gun and rubbing it against her head for extra encouragement. Alison, realizing she had no choice, put her lips on his cock and started to suck the tip. Her cute little mouth barely fit on Dwayne’s monstrous cock. Tears started to flow down her face.

“Go deeper bitch,” ordered Dwayne, putting his gun on her head for encouragement. Alison started to go down further, her whole mouth filled with Dwayne’s cock. “Oh fuck, there you go,” moaned Dwayne. “Look at me while you do it slut,” slapping her across the face. Alison flinched in pain and moved her eyes up to meet Dwayne’s. He smiled evilly at her. His view was immaculate. A teen pretty enough to be a model was sucking his dick while staring at him with her gorgeous tits hanging out. He reached underneath and gave one a good squeeze. The sound of sucking soon filled the room, with the occasional slap of Alison’s face.

After a few minutes, Dwayne pulled Alison off his cock. “That was good bitch, that was good. I want more though,” he said. He smirked at her. Her beautiful face was gasping for breath. “You didn’t think that was all did you? No no no, maybe for your bitch boys but now you have real dick and a real man. Your mother would be proud. I’m gonna fuck your face now. Open your mouth and breathe through your nose, and if you do a good job I’ll even give you a couple of breaks. Give me a kiss first though.” He grabbed her neck and pulled her towards him. Pushing her head to his, he gave her a sloppy kiss while staring into her eyes, enjoying the obvious repulsion.

“Oh your lips are so nice baby. Perfect for kissing and sucking cock,” Dwayne remarked as he yanked her hair pulling her face backwards. Dwayne then started to hock his throat to spit. PTOO, Dwayne’s nasty spit went all over Alison’s pretty face. She looked so disgusted. “Haha, there you go slut,” laughed Dwayne as he rubbed it all over her face. “Okay, time for the real fun!” exclaimed Dwayne as he shoved Alison back down to his cock stuffing it deep in her throat. Dwayne groaned in pleasure as he repeatedly shoved Alison’s face into his cock with one hand in her beautiful brown hair and the other on her head. The sound of gagging and moaning filled the room.

While Dwayne was relentlessly fucking Alison’s cute mouth with his huge cock, Rick was still robbing the basement. Finishing his second run, Rick climbed the stairs to the garage to dump the load. As soon as he saw that Dwayne had not finished even one, he knew there was something wrong. Dropping his bag, he rushed upstairs. As he came to the top stair, he became aware of a gagging and groaning noise and noticed Dwayne’s empty bag on the floor. He instantly had a feeling of dread in his stomach. He quickly ran to the source of the sound, Alison’s room, and opened the door.

There lying on Alison’s bed was Dwayne, fully naked with Alison by his crotch. His muscles were bulging as he expertly held Alison’s hair and head while repeatedly shoving it up and down his cock as Alison constantly gagged and struggled to breath. Rick stared at Alison being used as a human fucktoy for a few seconds before Dwayne noticed his entrance. Yanking Alison’s hair, Dwayne pulled her off his cock and positioned her, so she laid down on top of him. He reached his big hands into her pants and started to stroke her clit. To his surprise, Alison was super wet.

“Like what you see?” Dwayne asked Rick, obviously not caring that Rick discovered him. Rick struggled to say something, his face seething in anger.

“I thought we weren’t doing anything with the girls. That’s what you said homie,” Rick finally said.

“Yeah, well, this slut was so hot I couldn’t resist. Besides she wanted me too, look how wet her pussy is.” Dwayne responded laughing as he started roughly groping Alison’s tits. “Hey homie, it’s no big deal. You can take the wife, and maybe after I’m done with this slut…” Dwayne said as he slapped Alison hard in the face causing her to yelp, “ can have your turn with her. I mean I can’t guarantee she’ll be in any condition to give you anything, but at least the body will still be warm!” said Dwayne as he started laughing uncontrollably. Alison looked terrified and gazed towards Rick as some kind of plea for help.

Dwayne noticed this and said, “I’m just kidding bitch. I ain’t gonna kill you. I’m gonna fucking hurt you, but I ain’t gonna kill you. And don’t think he’ll help you. He can’t do shit, can you Rick?” Dwayne and Rick locked eyes with Rick not saying anything, and Dwayne smiled in dominance. Having dealt with Rick, Dwayne moved his attention back to Alison, intent on having more fun with her.

“Maybe I can Dwayne,” uttered Rick with his best sense of confidence. Dwayne’s eyes shot back up to Rick, and stared at him for a couple seconds in almost disbelief before throwing Alison off and jumping from the bed. He landed on the floor with a huge thud, and started to walk Rick slowly. Each step made a creak as Dwayne’s huge frame made its way to the door where Rick stood. Every step closer made Rick’s confidence shake until Dwayne finally stood in front of him, staring down with the most sadistic eyes. While Rick was no average guy in terms of size, Dwayne dwarfed over him.

Dwayne put a hand on Rick’s shoulder and said, “Is this really what you wanna do?” Rick thought for a moment. In a fight there was no chance he’d win but maybe if he grabbed his gun… No, that would be foolish, he thought, the only way he would best Dwayne is using his wits, and now was not the time.

Rick gulped, “No Dwayne, you can have her.” Dwayne smiled and patted him on the shoulder.

“That’s what I thought. Leave my room now.” Dwayne demanded. Rick gave a nod and left the room as Dwayne closed the door. Dwayne then turned around, seeing the helpless Alison still tied up on the bed. He chuckled, “This is where the real fun begins my kitten,” as he approached the bed, stroking his massive cock with one hand. “But first, we’re gonna have to lose the restraints. Can’t fuck you with your legs bound, can I?” Dwayne laughed as he took out a knife and quickly cut Alison’s ropes on her hands and feet. Alison stretched out her limbs, feeling the freedom of movement again.

“Better?” Dwayne asked. Alison nodded in silence. Dwayne shook his head and slapped her. “Bitch, when I ask you a question, you answer with your words, got it? Call me Dwayne.”

“Yes Dwayne,” Alison replied in a cute little voice. Dwayne smiled.

“Good. I’m gonna fuck you now. You’re gonna take every inch of my cock inside that tight pussy, you understand?” Dwayne said as he stroked his cock to full erection.

“Yes Dwayne.”

“Get on your hands and knees slut, I’m gonna fuck you from behind,” Dwayne commanded. Alison quickly followed his orders and got into doggystyle position, her perfect teenage ass in the air. “Beautiful,” Dwayne muttered as he marveled at Alison’s ass, smacking both cheeks. Dwayne moved his cock towards her entrance, rubbing the tip against her clit. Alison moaned. “You like it bitch?” Dwayne questioned.

“Yes Dwayne,” Alison obediently replied. Dwayne spat on his hand and rubbed it on the head of his cock before pushing the tip into her tight pussy. Alison gasped. It’s so big, she thought. Dwayne slowly pushed more into her snatch as Alison groaned in pain.

“Fuck, you’re tight slut,” said Dwayne as he kept going deeper. “I’m gonna fill you all the way up.”

7 inches of Dwayne’s thick cock had gone in before Alison screamed out, “Please, no more!” Her pussy was so stretched already, and Dwayne’s cock wasn’t even fully in.

“Nah slut, you have it in you. I believe it,” Dwayne sneered as he thrusted his last two inches in, moaning in pleasure as Alison’s teenage pussy gripped his dick. Alison fell forward, and screamed in pain as Dwayne buried his cock from tip to base in her snatch. “Fuck, you’re such a slut for taking my whole dick,” Dwayne moaned as he pulled out, leaving Alison’s pussy quivering. “Now it’s time for the real fun,” Dwayne excitedly exclaimed as he started to hammer Alison’s pussy.

Alison groaned loudly as Dwayne fucked her, often slamming his whole shaft in her. Her tight pussy soon coated Dwayne’s entire shaft in juice, letting him fuck her even faster. The sound of Alison’s ass smacking against Dwayne’s hips filled the entire house as Dwayne moaned loudly. Eventually Alison’s groans turned into moans as her pussy got used to Dwayne’s cock, and waves of pleasure radiated through her body.

“You enjoying it bitch?” Dwayne asked, squeezing both of Alison’s perfect round cheeks and using them for grip to keep fucking her.

“Yes Dwayne,” Alison responded automatically. It was only a second later when she realized she was partially telling the truth. Although this man forced his way inside her pussy, it still felt good.

“Haha there you go slut, I knew you were a sucker for big cocks,” Dwayne said as he kept fucking her perfect pussy.

While Dwayne was having the time of his life, Rick entered the masters, furious but powerless as well. He had stood outside Alison’s room while Dwayne fucked her, listening to her screams of pain. He contemplated kicking down the door and just shooting Dwayne, but he knew it would alert the whole neighborhood. It was simply not worth it, he thought. Sure, he might get to fuck Alison for a couple minutes before the cops show up, but no matter how sexy and perfect she was, a life in prison was not worth it. He decided to take a small loss now and have patience for the next opportunity. Besides, it’s not a total loss, he thought as he opened the master’s door to find Patricia’s sexy body bound on the floor. Thinking of all the things he was gonna do to her, he closed the bedroom door, his cock fully hardened.

Part 2 coming soon!

If you enjoyed and want more, feel free to dm me. I am open to commissions as well!

jack simpsonReport 

2023-01-28 12:36:56
Loved this one!

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